07-14-04 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2004 1. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, and Pat Fetterly Excused: Bob Isom and Ron Harding 3. Agenda Approval 04-54 MOTION B Y DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations — None Scheduled 5. Public Comment - There was no response to the call for comments. 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes 1) Regular Meeting: June 9, 2004 2) Study Session: June 23, 2004 b. Payables: 1) 6/23/04 Manual Checks 22884 -22892 & 22934 totaling $580.85 6/23/04 Claims Checks 22893 — 22933 totaling $130,802.54 6/23/04 total: $131,383.39 2) 7/14/04 Manual Checks 22935 — 22979 totaling $12,122.07 7/14/04 Claims Checks 22980- 23078 totaling $387,635.74 7/14/04 total: $399,757.81 C. Payroll 1) Preliminary June 2004 2) Final June 2004, Checks 8253 — 3212, totaling $181,582.03 d. Park Use Requests YCP, 8/8/04, Pastor Bob Thomlinson Church Service, 8- 1, 50 +/- e. Financial Report: June 2004 End of Month and End of Quarter Reports 04-55 MOTION BY PAT FETTERL Y, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing(s) — None Scheduled Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 4 ab. /city council /2004/07 -14 -04 8. New Business a. Ordinance No. 808 Amending and Updating Title 15 related to the Building, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Fire, Plumbing, Energy, Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality and Gas Piping Codes. Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Gary Carlson reported that legislation updating State Building Codes to the 2003 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Fire and Plumbing Codes became effective on July 1. Ordinance 808 brings Yelm's Municipal Code into compliance and covers some minor house keeping items reflecting the relationship between Yelm and Fire District No. 2. 04-56 MOTION B Y DON MILLER, SECONDED BYPAT FETTERLY ADOPTING ORDINACE 808, MODIFYING TITLE 15 OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE TO BRING IT INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE BUILDING CODES. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 807 Clarifying the Comprehensive Plan Map by identifying areas within the SW Yelm Annexation Area as being Low - Density Residential (R -4). Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Grant Beck explained that the Master Planned Community (MPC) zoning designation in the Southwest Yelm Annexation Area doesn't allow development of any kind by landowners having less than 40 acres. This restriction applies even if the owners were not an integral part of Thurston Highlands Associates plan. Master Planned Community zoning was adopted into Yelm's Comprehensive Plan in the early 1990s under the Growth Management Act and readopted in 1996. Since that time the Thurston Highlands Association master site plan has expired leaving in place zoning requirements that limit development in that area by requiring approval of a new master site plan. This requirement remains an appropriate step for the owners of large properties, but not for owners of smaller property parcels. Ordinance No. 807 corrects this limitation by permitting owners of 34 properties ranging from less than one acre to 22 acres to develop as low density residential (R -4 zoning). The total property involved is approximately 170 acres. When asked by Councilmember Fetterly if this action had anything to do with the speedway, and if a decision could be tabled until a full council was present, Grant Beck and Shelly Badger responded that this was unrelated to the speedway. It was also noted that a full council wouldn't be available until August. When asked, Mr. Hoffman indicated that he Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 4 ab /city council /2004/07 -14 -04 had more than one party interested in the property. MOTION BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NUMBER 807, CLARIFYING THAT ZONING OF PARCELS OF LAND UNDER 40 ACRES WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST YELM ANNEXATION AREA AND NOT UNDER THE OWNERSHIP OF THURSTON HIGHLANDS ASSOCIATES OR HENRY DRAGT BE ZONED LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R -4). MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. 04 -57 MOTION BYJOE BAKER, SECONDED BYPAT FETTERLY TABLING ORDINANCE 807 TO THE NEXT MEETING. CARRIED. OPPOSED: DON MILLER C. Stevens Street NE Roadway Improvement Project Bid Award. Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Stephanie Ray reported that three bids were received and opened on June 29 ranging in price from $490,804.08 to $679,028.08. The engineer's construction cost estimate was $610,000. Bids have been reviewed for compliance. The low responsive bid was submitted by Wood & Son Construction in the amount of $490,804.08. Stephanie Ray was recognized her efforts in coordinating this project. 04 -58 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING STAFF TO AWARD THE STEVENS STREET ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO WOOD & SON CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $490,804.08. CARRIED. ABSTAINED: DON MILLER 04 -59 MOTION BY JOE BAKER, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE TIB SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO.2 FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES PAYABLE TO GRAY & OSBORN IN THE AMOUNT OF $72,000 NOT TO EXCEED OVERALL TOTAL ENGINEERING COSTS OF $167,450.00. CARRIED. ABSTAINED: DON MILLER d. Resolution No. 444 Authorizing Payment of Vouchers and Payroll Prepared for approval at the June 23, 2004 Regular (Cancelled) City Council Meeting. Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Agnes Bennick reported that this is a house keeping issue. All Councilmembers were contacted individually following the meeting cancellation and all approved payments. 04 -60 MOTION BYPAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING RESOLUTION 444 AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS AND PA YROLL SCHEDULED FOR THE JUNE 23, 2004 COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 3 of 4 ab /city council /2004/07 -14 -04 9. Old Business — None Scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business Councilmember Baker reported that the AWC Conference was very informative and he heard a lot of good things about Yelm. He also attended a SWAC meeting where discussion concerned the amount of used oil being recycled and they are struggling with how to dispose of treated wood, which can no longer be burned and is filling up the landfills. Councilmember Fetterly will be attending the Nisqually River Council meeting on Friday. 11. Executive Session — None Scheduled 12. Correspondence reviewed included a budgeting training session being offered by AWC and WFOA. 13. Adjourn: 7:10 p.m. Rivas, Mayor Attest: Agnes Bernick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Page 4 of 4 ab /city council /2004/07 -14 -04 z 0 H Q U O a a M C� x° cd Az o� Aa a 0 ao A z 0 H Q U O a a M C� Lr' V �a 0 A C � �o U q CC 6� � � w s� � W O A W O O A z H w W Q Ci w a a Z C U c: