03-23-16 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23,2016,5:00 P.M. Mayor Pro -tem Tracey Wood called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Bob Isom, Tad Stillwell, Joe DePinto and Russ Hendrickson. Councilmember JW Foster arrived 5:05 p.m. Staff: Sonia Ramirez, Noah Crocker, Grant Beck, Ryan Johnstone and Todd Stancil. Grant Beck provided summary for minutes and attendance. Mayor Harding arrived at 5:25 p.m. 4. Department Presentations: Department Heads from each department presented a PowerPoint presentation describing their department duties, responsibilities, activities and including photo introductions of staff. Municipal Court: Sonia Ramirez, Court Administrator Admin/Finance: Noah Crocker, Finance Director (Janine Schnepf, City Clerk/HR Manager absent) Community Development, Grant Beck, Community Development Director Public Works: Water, Sewer, Streets, Parks, Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director Police, Todd Stancil, Police Chief 5. Budget 101, Noah Crocker, Finance Director Noah Crocker presented a Budget 101 training on governmental budgeting describing the purpose of the annual budget to reflect the City's priorities and polices and its legal authority to incur and pay expenses. Further explaining the system for allocation of funds including the different types of funds: Governmental: General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds, Capital Funds, Permanent Funds; and Proprietary Funds: Enterprise Funds (Utilities), Internal Service Funds; and Fiduciary Funds: Trust and Agency; and the State's uniform budgeting, accounting and reporting systems local governments must follow (BARS). 5. Mayor's Report. 6. Council Initiatives Adjourn: 7:55 p.m. �,, Attest Ron Hardin ayor Janine Schnelpf4tity Clerk 1 of 1 03/23/16