03-22-16 Minutes2. 16-033 3. 16-034 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 MINUTES Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Russ Hendrickson. Tad Stillwell was available by via conference/speaker phone. MOTION BY JW FOSTER EXCUSING AND BOB ISOM FROM THE MEETING. Agenda Approval COUNCILMEMBERS MOLLY CARMODY CARRIED. MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - 2015 Reserve Officer of the Year, Officer Mike Baker Todd Stancil, Yelm Police Chief stated that in 2015 Mike Baker volunteered more than 260 hours of his time to the Department and the Yelm Community and more than 2500 hours since he started volunteering in 2003. Mike is a Level 3 Reserve Officer that allows him to work solo, assist patrol Officers and respond to calls of service. Mike is always willing to assist the Department in any capacity needed in very short notice situations. He is currently the longest serving Reserve Officer for the City of Yelm and is highly respected amongst his peers in the law enforcement community. Mike has a positive attitude and a great work ethic. This is the second time that Mike Baker has been recognized as Reserve Officer of the Year. Mayor Harding presented Mike Baker with a plaque and thanked him for all his service and dedication to the community. 2015 Officer of the Year, Officer Jared Geray Todd Stancil, Yelm Police Chief stated that Jared Geray began his career with the Yelm Police Department in November of 1999. Prior to Yelm, Jared was an Officer in the cities of Roy, Spokane County and Rainier. In addition to serving in a patrol capacity, Jared was a department Detective for 6 years. During his service as Detective, Jared continuously exhibited a tenacity to solve crimes and hold criminals accountable and continues to seek out additional responsibility and training that will assist him in his career goals. Jared serves as the lead firearm instructor for the department since January 2002 and has played a major role in making our firearms training program one of the most respected in the law enforcement community. Jared is a professional with a high degree of competency and integrity and an excellent example of a true honest hard working Officer that represents the brotherhood to the highest degree. It was unanimous amongst the supervisory staff to recognize Jared as 2015 Officer of the Year. Jared represents a great combination of old school work ethic along with a youthful energy and drive. Mayor Harding presented Jared Geray with a plaque and thanked him for his service to the Yelm community. Mayor Harding also thanked Jared for his role as Detective and stated he has a natural personality that people can communicate with and he really excelled in that position. 5. Public Comment - no comment 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting March 8, 2016 3/22/16 Payables - Checks #66450 - #66526 Totaling $403,093.04. 16-035 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Public Hearing - none scheduled 8. New Business - a. Parametrix Professional Services Agreement, Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan Ryan Johnstone explained that on May 13, 2014, the City of Yelm entered into a contract with Parametrix, Inc. to complete a 15 year Facility Plan for the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). Due to the treatment process challenges, it has become necessary for the City to begin planning for needed improvements to the WRF that will ensure we continue to meet requirements stipulated in the WRF's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Additional tasks that have been or are being completed that were not included in the original scope include sand filter denitrification pilot testing, implementation of the sand filter denitrification improvements, and additional meetings, communication and project management activities to accommodated these additional tasks. With the successful completion of the sand filter denitrification pilot study in the winter of 2015, the decision was made to move forward with implementation on the WRF sand filters. The required update to the WRF O&M manual that encompasses these improvements was recently completed and installation of the required equipment is currently underway and anticipated to be complete in early April. This contract amendment will be followed by a budget amendment to the Sewer/Reuse Capital Improvement Fund (413). This amendment will increase the budgetary spending authority for this effort to a total of $381,452.99. Councilmember DePinto asked if this project was previously budgeted. Ryan stated it was not budgeted but realized as we started down the planned path that there were some items that needed a pilot study to make sure it would be viable with our facility. Councilmember DePinto asked where the money would come from. Ryan explained Fund 413, which is the Sewer/Reuse Capital Improvement Fund. Mayor Harding asked Councilmember Stillwell if he had any questions. Connection with Councilmember Stillwell was lost at this time. Councilmember Foster stated it makes it easier to approve budget amendments when we have had constant updating through staff at study sessions. The connection with Councilmember Stillwell was reestablished and he had no questions regarding this matter. 16-036 MOTION BY JW FOSTER AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $83,621.38 WITH PARAMETRIX INC. FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES COMPLETED AS PART OF THE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY -FACILITY PLAN PROJECT. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 1012, Budget Amendment Noah Crocker, Finance Director explained that Ordinance No. 1012, would amend the adopted 2016 Budget to increase the expenditure/revenue authority and close Fund 110, Fund 407, Fund 416 to provide funding for additional services completed as part of the Water Reclamation Facility -Facility Plan project for Fund 413. Fund 110 was originally established to accept donations for the library construction and acquisition project. The fund has been spent to a low level and this action will transfer the remaining monies to fund 200 to be used for future debt services payments of the library as well as close Fund 110. Fund 407 and 416 were established to provide a reserve for the sewer LID #1 as well as a bond redemption fund to pay debt service and administrative costs of the LID #1. The bonds have 3/22/16 been retired for LID #1 and in 2015, the final assessment payments were received. There are no longer any LID #1 assessment outstanding, thus, the remaining cash in these funds can be moved and used for operations and capital of sewer activities. This amendment will move those funds from 407 and 416 to 413 and close funds 407 and 416. In May 2014, the City of Yelm entered into a contract with Parametrix, Inc. to complete a 15 year Facility Plan for the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). There is sufficient cash in Fund 413 to pay for the increase in contract expenses. Councilmember DePinto asked how it was determined that the proceeds would go into Fund 413. Noah explained his reasoning for choosing Fund 413. Councilmember Foster asked Brent Dille, City Attorney whether or not the whole motion must be read if it is quite lengthy or a simple motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1012 would be acceptable. Brent stated a simple motion would be fine. 16-037 MOTION BY JW FOSTER TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1012, AMENDING THE ADOPTED 2016 BUDGET TO INCREASE THE EXPENDITURE/REVENUE AUTHORITY IN FUND 110 (LIBRARY BUILDING FUND), FUND 200 (LTGO BOND REDEMPTION FUND), FUND 407 (LID 1 REV BOND REDEMPTION FUND), FUND 416 (SEWER LID 1 REV BOND RESERVE FUND) AND FUND 413 (SEWER/REUSE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT) TO CLOSE OUT FUNDS 110, 407, 416 AND TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES COMPLETED AS PART OF THE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY -FACILITY PLAN PROJECT FOR UFND 413. CARRIED. C. SR 507 Mosman Ave to Washington St. Sidewalk Project, Professional Agreement, Gray and Osborne Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director stated the project is funded jointly by the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) via an 80% project grant and a 20% local funds match. On February 23, 2016, Yelm City Council approved the acceptance of the grant fund agreement and approved via Ordinance No. 1011, to transfer monies to fund 316 to fund the City's local match. The maximum amount payable to this consultant is $46,200, with $36,960 of it being fully reimbursable from the TIB. The SR 507 Sidewalk project is on the City's six-year transportation improvement plan. In November of 2015, the City was awarded funding from the TIB to construct the project. On February 23, 2016, City Council approved funding for this project including the dedication of matching funds from the City. On March 1, 2016, the City received authorization from TIB to proceed with the design phase and move toward bidding the project for construction. Public works staff evaluated three consultants Statements of Qualifications (SOQ's) from the Municipal Research Services Center (MRSC) Roster for consulting services. We determined that moving forward with selecting Gray and Osborne, Inc. was the best choice for this project. Councilmember Foster asked if we have used Gray and Osborne in the past. Ryan stated we have used them many times in the past and we have a very good track record with them. Councilmember Foster asked if anything substantially different is anticipated in the design element that might cause the project to overrun in cost estimate and if so, is there capacity in the grant funding to cover those overages. Ryan stated he doesn't anticipate anything from the construction of the sidewalks themselves but it was discussed to possible incorporate additional elements as part of this project, specifically accommodations to the future Veteran's Memorial part of the project but at this time we are just moving forward with the sidewalk project. 16-038 MOTION BY JW FOSTER AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO ENTER INTO A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH GRAY & OSBORNE, INC. TO DESIGN, ENGINEER, AND PROVIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE FOR THE 3/22/16 CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS ALONG SR 507 BETWEEN MOSMAN AVENUE SE AND WASHINGTON AVENUE SE. CARRIED. 9. Old Business - none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the reception for the new Interim City Administrator Bill Brandon, the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting and the Nisqually River Council meeting. Councilmember Foster also attended the Thurston County Emergency Management Executive Seminar along with Councilmember's Wood and Hendrickson, Chief Stancil and Public Works Director Ryan Johnstone. It was an overview of the planning process to mitigate disasters. We are engaged in more of a planning process for the mitigation of these emergencies now than just planning recovery. We need to engage more of our partners in the private sector. A suggestion would be to provide mitigation through the planning process. For example: building our Yelm Ordinances and codes to make more underground utilities. Grant Beck, Community Development Director stated for the record that when we put together our street tree list we did engage Puget Sound Energy and new trees are planted are selected so it is not an issue. Councilmember Wood attended the reception for the new Interim City Administrator Bill Brandon and the Thurston County Executive Seminar. Councilmember Wood attended the Transportation Policy Board (TRPC) meeting where a Regional Transportation Plan was approved for the public comment and learned that Thurston County has spent about 50 million dollars in public trails/bike paths since this project started. Councilmember DePinto expressed his deep sorrow and sympathy for those killed and injured in the terrorists attacks in Brussels this morning. Councilmember DePinto asked for a status update on hiring a full time City Administrator and how many applications had been received. Councilmember asked if the Interim City Administrator is working on an as needed basis or a full time basis and asked about the process for those who have applied for the position. Mayor Harding stated that this would be a better discussion for a study session. Councilmember DePinto spoke with Ridgeline 7th graders along with Councilmember's Wood and Hendrickson and gave them basic information on local government and also attended the STEDI meeting and discussed different upcoming community events and Thurston County Bountiful Byways. Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Medic One meeting and reported that Thurston County Medic One response time is at 98% of our goal. We are at 59% of our saving rate goal for heart attacks response and the national average is 24% so we are doing excellent. Mayor Harding attended the Thurston County Mayor's Forum. Mayor Harding along with Chief Stancil, Public Works Director Ryan Johnstone and Councilmember Foster met with Department of Transportation and discussed Yelm being the alternative route when I-5 is closed and the possible solutions to the traffic congestion. Reminded everyone of department head presentations and budgeting 101 tomorrow at the Study Session. 11. Executive Session - none scheduled 3/22/16 12. Correspondence included — 2016 AWC Board of Directors Recruitment Newsletter, March 4, 2016 Congressman Denny Heck Enewsletter, March 13, 2016 -National recognition for South Sound student artists 13. Adjourned at 6:41 pm. Ron Hardi g, Mayor 3/22/16 Attest: Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk