03-09-05 MINUTES. YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2005, 7:30P.M. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 1. Roll Call. Present: Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. 2. Excused: Don Miller Agenda Approval 3. 05-22 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH ITEM 8 b. RESOLUTION NO. 451 REMOVED. CARRIED. Special Presentations – None Scheduled 4. Public Comment – 5. Heidi Smith, Thurston County resident, expressed concern about the negative economic impact to the city of big box stores sighting loss studies conducted by the Downtown Shelton Association. She added that studies in Virginia reported an increase in crime with the additional of big box stores. Louise Oliverio, City of Yelm, provided a written report, for the record, addressing the Council to reconsider the previously proposed moratorium on construction of big box stores. Gregory May, Lake Lawrence, as representative of Yelm Commerce Group, sited four problem areas to consider with the addition of a big box store including; increasing traffic congestion, displacement of local businesses who can not compete, disproportionate use of resources and the concerns of flooding in the area. In conclusion, he asked to Council to consider our lasting legacy be the quality of life not the possible economic gains. Edward Wiltsie, Rainier resident representing local clients as an engineer, provided a revised letter of the one already delivered to council and a FEMA map of the area zoned Commercial showing the flood and shallow groundwater areas. His concerns addressed the GMA Consistency Review. Request to add moratorium and rescind the recent annexation in 5 Corners area. William Elledge, Thurston County, felt compelled to address the council regarding the current congested traffic and the impact of additional congestion on the quality of life in Yelm if a big box store was located here. ab/ccminutes/03-09-05/doc 1of3 Consent Agenda 6. a. Council Minutes - 1) February 23, 2005, Study Session Minutes 2) February 23, 2005, Regular Meeting Minutes b. Payables: Checks 24631 - 24710 totaling $264,329.23 1) Manual Checks:24587 – 24630 totaling $8,049.78 2) Claims Checks 24631 – 24710 totaling $256,279.45 c. Payroll Final Feb. 2005, Checks 8994-9096 totaling $195,660.51 d. Park Use Requests: e. Financial Report: February End of Month 05-23 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearings – None scheduled 7. New Business 8. Stephanie Ray began with an update of ongoing projects. Stevens Street project was completed $100,000 under budget. The ribbon cutting ceremony will be March 22 at 2 p.m. The new water tower is schedule to be disinfected Friday with plans to be on line next week. a. Well #1 Rehabilitation Project Bid Award. Stephanie Ray reported the lowest bid for the needed upgrade to Well 1 was $19,512 over the engineers estimate. However, contingency funds and interest from the 2003/2004 Construction Fund 431 will allow the project to proceed. Completion will provide needed redundancy and backup to as described as a necessary capital improvement in the Well 2 City’s Water Comprehensive Plan. 05-24 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING STAFF TO AWARD THE CONSTRUCTION BID FOR WELL 1A REHABILITATION PROJECT TO ARCADIA DRILLING IN THE AMOUNT OF $149,592.00. CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 451 – Yelm Comprehensive Plan/Growth Management Consistency Review was removed from the agenda. Item rescheduled no earlier than the May 11, 2005 Council meeting. Old Business 9. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission 10. Business- Councilmember Fetterly is scheduled to attend Nisqually River Retreat, 3/19/05 in Packwood and served on the Civil Service interview board. Councilmember Harding attended Transportation Policy Board meeting with nothing to report. Councilmember Isom reported attending TRPC meeting where bypass is high on the agenda. Concern is that it is seen only as a local issue not as a regional one. Thanked citizens for writing to local representatives as means to encourage the success of the bypass. Also participated in the Civil Service interview board. ab/ccminutes/03-09-05/doc 2of3 Councilmember Baker reported that Intercity Transit has purchased 4 new buses rather than the trolley previously considered. Mayor Rivas thanked Councilmembers for participating in the Civil Service interview process. He reported that Pacland submitted an application today for proposed WalMart Super Center which will begin the Site Plan Review process. Executive Session - None 11. 12. Correspondence was available. Adjourn: 7:55 p.m. 13. _____________________________________ Adam R. Rivas, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk/Treasurer Minutes: Janine A. Schnepf ab/ccminutes/03-09-05/doc 3of3