10-5-16 Study Session MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBERS, 2016 5:00 P.M. Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Present: Councilmembers: EJ Curry, Tad Stillwell, Joe DePinto and Russ Hendrickson. Absent: Molly Carmody. Tracey Wood arrived at 5:21 p.m. Staff: Sonia Ramirez, Grant Beck, Noah Crocker, Todd Stancil and Lori Mossman. 4 a. Council Retreat Recap Grant Beck, Community Development Director updated the Council and staff on the Visions, Strategies, Values and Goals that were discussed at the Council Retreat held on September 17, 2016. Grant provided a navigation chart that clearly outlines the future direction of the City of 'Yelm. The vision is to keep Yelm a safe, healthy, happy home for all citizens. The Mayor and Council strive to maintain the current feel of Yelm while providing for diverse, sustainable economic growth and transportation options that include walking and biking and promoting educational opportunities for our children. City Government, including staff, the Mayor, and Council, are committed to community outreach, transparency, and listening to all segments of the community. Strategies include developing a strategic 5 year plan based on the goals in the Comprehensive Plan and 5 year financial forecasts and a 5 year needs analysis. Council was very pleased with the Navigation Chart provided by Grant. 4 b. 2017 Budget Process Noah Crocker, Finance Director handed out the 2017 Budget Process and went over in detail the legal requirements for holding Public Hearings and the deadlines that need to be met. Noah proposed the Property Tax Levy to bring to Council for a Public Hearing and adoption. Also at that meeting would be the 2017 Preliminary Budget for a Public Hearing and review. The Budget Hearing would then continue until the November 22, 2016 Council meeting where it would be adopted. There will also be an added Study Session on November 16, 2016 to review the 2017 Budget before adoption on November 22. He will meet with the Finance Committee several times before the preliminary budget comes before Council for their review. 4 c. & d. Food Carts and Cannabis Retail Locations Grant Beck, Community Development Director explained the upcoming process and work plan to amend the Unified Development Code after adoption of the comprehensive plan. These two issues were brought forward from the Council Retreat as items to discuss. Currently both of these land uses are allowed with specific requirements. The Unified Development Code is an implementing tool for these issues, and clarifying code will be discussed as part of the update. Regulations need to be established for the Food Carts and their locations. Mayor Foster noted that the City of Yelm could potentially benefit from taxing a Cannabis retail store. There are a couple of options that could be done in Yelm. Chief Stancil addressed the possible increase in crime if a Cannabis store was located in Yelm. He does not anticipate any big changes in crime. The new industry has safety procedures and professional standards in place. The Council discussed holding a public forum where people could be heard regarding both issues. Mayor Foster would like to make Yelm "business friendly" for all legal businesses. S. Mayors Report Mayor Foster reported that the City is still searching for a City Administrator. He may be asking for additional funding for the Prothman process due to more expenses incurred. He hopes to have interview panels in November. Mayor Foster is thankful that Yelm was able to have Bill Brandon for the length of time that he stayed to help out. Union Negotiations are continuing for the unrepresented City Hall staff. Today was water shut off day at City Hall. Mayor Foster is 10-5-16 confident with the process for notifying the customers of their initial bill, late notice and shut off. He commended the front counter staff for their level of professionalism on a very stressful day. New city limits signs have been put up in place of the old ones. The signs also have "Great American Defense Community" and "Tree City" all on one post. Mayor Foster asked Chief Stancil to update Council on the pedestrian that was hit on Monday evening. Chief Stancil stated Yelm Avenue would be shut down for a short period tomorrow so that the State Patrol can collect more information from the scene. The gentleman was life flighted to Seattle with a broken arm and pelvis and head trauma. He was not in a crosswalk when he was struck. The State Patrol was a huge help in the investigation. Mayor Foster reminded everyone that the October 11, 2016 Council meeting is a busy one. 6. Council Initiatives Joe DePinto was contacted by a citizen regarding increasing the lighting in downtown, specifically where the gentleman had been hit by a truck on Monday evening. Grant stated that the current lighting meets the design standards for safety. The City spends approximately $140,000 on street lights currently and is proposing $170,000 in the 2017 Budget. Tracey Wood asked about the sidewalk on 103rd where the trees have pushed it up and made it uneven and a safety concern. Mayor Foster stated he is working on getting the sidewalks repaired. Adjourn 7:00 p.m. JW Foster, M yor TracQ►� W OU& — " cy 10-5-16 Attest: 9mk- fflk�F�� Lori Mossman, City Clerk