03-07-2017YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017 6:00 P.M. PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA Mayor Foster called .the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Present: Councilmember's: Russ Hendrickson, Tad Stillwell, Joe DePinto, Jennifer Littlefield, Tracey Wood,. Molly Carmody and EJ Curry. Staff present: Community Development Director Grant Beck, City Administrator Michael Grayum and City Clerk Lori Mossman. 3. 17-127 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY RUSS HENDRICKSON. MOTION CARRIED. 4 a. School Impact Fee- Grant Beck gave a brief power point on the way the fees had been collected and the proposed way of collecting the fees. 4 b. Food Truck discussion- Grant Beck stated that the Community Development staff has working on clarifying and formalizing food truck language which was accepted by the Planning Commission. It will now go out for public comment before coming to Council for approval. There will be an Open House on April 10, 2017 at the Yelm Community Center located at 301 Second St SE. 4 c. Water Tower on State Historic Register discussion- Mayor Foster stated this had been proposed by Steve Craig in order to possibly secure funding for upgrading and maintaining the old water tower. Council consensus is to move forward with research to see if the tower is structurally sound and do a cost analysis to make sure it is even feasible to move forward with the registry application. 4 d. Social Media Draft Policy- Michael Grayum and Grant Beck have researched 'best practices' and the law to come up with a draft Social Media Policy. This policy will be brought before Council for approval soon. 4 e. Arts Commission- Michael Grayum discussed with Council forming an Arts Commission Committee and the possible challenges with filling the committee seats. Council consensus is to move forward and meet with the Yelm Business Association for possible ways to staff that committee. 4 f. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Michael Grayum gave a brief background on the LTAC funds and the requirements for the committee. Proposed committee members will be brought to Council for the Mayor's confirmation. Road Map of upcoming items- Michael Grayum distributed what the Management Team has been working on for months. It breaks down the upcoming projects and when they will be addressed for all of 2017, by quarter. Michael also provided a draft'City of Yelm Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles' document and a draft 'Customer Service Standards' document. Michael announced that the Finance department has changed their hours to 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M -F 3-7-17 based on their customer needs and the Community Development department will keep the current hours of 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. M -F based on needs of their customer needs. S. Mayors Report - nothing to report 6. Council Initiatives Councilmember Tad Stillwell reminded everyone to be mindful and respectful of each other at the meetings. Councilmember 7ennifer Littlefield will not be at the March 28, 2017 Council meeting. Councilmember Littlefield cautioned Councilmember's to be careful of what they post on Facebook or the comments that they make on Facebook. Councilmember Molly Carmody would like an update on the budget from the first quarter to see if there is money available to possibly hire other police officers. Councilmember 3oe DePinto asked when the water and sewer rate increases will be coming before Council. Michael stated staff is working with consultants now and will update Council soon. Mayor Foster updated the Council on the bank robbery that took place at America's Credit Union on Monday, March 6 at approximately 2:00 pm. Adjourn 8:03 p.m. JW0511ster, May r Attest: Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us. 3-7-17