07-27-06 SS Minutes , , YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS THURSDAY, JULY 27,2006,5:00 P.M. 1, Call to Order, Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM, 2, Roll Call, Present were Don Miller, Joe Baker (arrived at 5:20 PM), Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly, John Thompson, and Russ Hendrickson, 3, Agenda Approval AGENDA APPROVED. CARRIED. 4, Presentations a, Department: Executive Topic: Stevens StreeUPublic Safety Building Updates Stephanie Ray reviewed the status of the Stevens Street project, which would improve Stevens from 1 sl Street to Edwards Street, with a new connection over the YelmlRoy Prairie Line tracks, Ms, Ray reported that during engineering and surveying of the project, it was found that an Asbestos Concrete water line was within the project boundaries and would have to be replaced in a new location along 1st Street with PVC pipe, This will require an additional allocation of approximately $9,000,00 for engineering services and would be a separate construction contract at the time Stevens Street is improved, Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funding is not available to help defer the costs, as TIB does not consider it to be part of the street project The City Council concurred that the AlC water line needed to be replaced, Ms, Ray also provided a status report to the Council on the Public Safety Building Project Ms, Ray and Agnes Bennick, Yelm City ClerkfTreasurer, met with the City's bond consultant and determined there are a number of options to secure funding for the Public Safety Building, Council concurred with the staff recommended option to bond for up to $4,7 million around October of 2006, This would likely result in a lower interest rate, but would accrue interest before building construction was started, If funds were not required for the Public Safety Building, which is currently estimated at $4,3 million, capital equipment could be purchased such as a backhoe or street sweeper, both of which are on the long term budget schedule, b, Department: Community Development Topic: Thurston Highlands Update Grant Beck provided a status report on the permitting process for the Thurston Highlands Master Planned Community, ML Beck noted that the Community Development Department had finished an expanded scoping process that went well beyond the minimum required pursuant to SEPA and included Open Houses and meetings with many State, Federal, and local agencies, The scope is final i City Council Study Session ab/City Council/2006/Minutes Page 1013 and consultants are in the process of preparing technical reports that will be used to write the Environmental Impact Statement. Mr. Beck noted that the Department is starting to prepare for the comment period on the Draft EIS, expected to be released in the 1st Quarter of 2007, and will be developing an expanded review process that will include an opportunity to comment on the Draft EIS as well as help shape the new Thurston Highlands community and make it a livable part of Yelm. This process will include up to 4 open houses and will help the developers understand the community's vision for the Thurston Highlands Master Planned Community. Finally, Mr. Beck provided information regarding Smart Growth and Sustainable Development to the Council, both of which are refinements of the policies of the Growth Management Act. The Yelm Comprehensive Plan includes these principles as goals and policies of Yelm which will be applied throughout the Thurston Highlands Master Planned Community c. Department: Community Development Topic: Comprehensive Plan Update Tami Merriman provided an update to the Council on the status of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan update. Ms. Merriman reported that the Comprehensive Plan is required to be updated periodically by the Growth Management Act (GMA), and the City had previously prepared a review of the plan which indicated certain elements needed to be updated in order to remain consistent with the GMA. The City contracted with the Thurston Regional Planning Council to prepare these required updates in 2006, and Kathy McCormick from Regional has been the primary staff person working on the update. The updates include new population projections, housing estimates, as well as many minor housekeeping matters. The update is not looking at major policy changes. Ms. Merriman further noted that the Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed updates in August, and the Thurston County Planning Commission will hold a hearing on the proposed updates in September. The Yelm Planning Commission will review any final changes and recommend action to the City Council, most likely in October or November of 2006. 5. Mayor/Councillnitiatives Mayor Harding raised the issue of moving City Council meetings to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month and the changes to study sessions and budget work sessions to accommodate such a change in regular meeting date. The Council concurred that moving the regular meeting date was appropriate, that the 2006 budget work sessions would remain as previously scheduled and that study sessions should be moved to the 4th Wednesday of the month. City Council Study Session ab/City Council/2006/Minutes Page 2 of 3 Mayor Harding reviewed updated Council Committee assignments after the addition of two Council positions. Changed committee assignments include: ,f Russ Hendrickson replaces Pat Fetterly as liaison to Yelm Community Services. ,f John Thompson will join the Yelm Transportation Committee. ,f Russ Hendrickson replaces Mike McGowan on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. ,f John Thompson replaces Joe Baker on the Thurston Regional Planning Council's Transportation Policy Board. ,f Russ Hendrickson replaces Mike McGowan as liaison to Thurston County Project Access. ,f Mike McGowan joins the Family Initiative Investment Committee. Mayor Harding announced that SE Thurston Fire/EMS is forming a committee to review the structure and provision of service of the Department, which currently is comprised of three Fire Districts and the City of Yelm, and requested the City appoint three Councilmembers to the Committee. Pat Fetterly, Don Miller, and Russ Hendrickson volunteered and were appointed by Mayor Harding to represent the City. 6. New Business - None scheduled 7. Old Business - None scheduled 8. Adjourn: 7:20 PM ~ , Ronald W,Harding, Mayor City Clerk City Council Study Session ab/City Councit/2006/Minutes Page 3 of 3