10-25-06 SS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2006, 5:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM, 2. Roll Call. Present were Don Miller, Bob lsom, and John Thompson.. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tami Merriman, and Jim Gibson. 3. Agenda Approval AGENDA APPROVED. CARRIED. 4. Presentations a. Department: Community Development - Grant Beck and Tami Merriman Topic: Peddlers License Grant Beck presented the staff report, indicating that the Community Development Department has historically treated mobile food businesses as a land use exempt from the Zoning Code and subject to a Peddler's license. The intent of the Peddler's license is to move from place to place serving food to people already at the location rather than setting up in a location and attracting people to the site. If the City Council wishes to update the Zoning Code to allow mobile food services businesses to locate on property in the City and attract traffic to that site, the Community Development Departnient could develop a code revision, however, issues would have to be addressed, including how long the stand could stay at each location, competition with existing brick and mortar establishments, and traffic flow and parking on each site the mobile business would locate. After discussion regarding how the Community Development Department has been regulating mobile food service establishments, the City Council concluded that it was not in the public interest to pursue a zoning code amendment at this time to address mobile food service establishments. 5. Mayor/Councillnitiatives Mayor Harding asked staff from the Community Development Department to update the City Council on the Planning Commissions review of the definition of sustainable development. Mr. -Beck reported that the Planning Commission had considered the definition at its last regular meeting and did endorse the definition after some debate and some testimony from members of the public. Mr. Beck indicated that the . .'~'C; ~ ;: Planning Commissions recommendation would be forwarded to the City Council at a regular meeting for further action. Tami Merriman reported to the City Council that she and Nisha Box, along with Planning Commissioner John Graver, had attended a forum on su"stainability hosted by the City of Olympia and Harlequin productions. The forum was focused on education and tips for sustainable living at an individual level rather than on development. Mr. Beck indicated that this highlights the reason for Yelm to endorse a definition of sustainability as it can have much different meanings to different people. 6. New Business - None scheduled 7.' Old Business - None scheduled 8. Adjourn: 7:05 PM f:iflt"1 ttest: Janine Schnepf, Deputy City Clerk