864 2007 Budget CITY OF YElM ORDINANCE NO. 864 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE CITY' OF YElM MUNICIPAL BUDGET AND EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2007, . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF YElM, THURSTON COUNTY, STATE OF VYASHINGTON, AS FOllOWS: Section 1, The monies in the funds of the City Tr~asury ~s identified in Appendix I A, I B, and I C annexed hereto and by this reference incorporated as though fully set forth, or so much thereof as 'shall be found necessary, are hereby budgeted and appropriated for the calendar year 2007 to be used for the purposes for which said funds have been established and maintained, Section 2, The 2007 salaries and hourly salary rates for otticersand employees o(the City of Yelm shall be, and the same are hereby fixed and established as set forth in the "2007 Classification Salary Schedule", annexed hereto as Appendix, II, and by this reference incorporated as though fully set fu~, . Section 3, Sick leave, bereavement leave, vacation, holidays, medical and dental benefits shall in calendar year 2007 be accumulated and provided to officers and employees of the City of Yelm in the manner set forth in the "2007 Benefit Schedule", annexed hereto as Appendix III, and by this reference incorporated as though fully set forth. ' Section 4, Copies of this ordinance shall be sent to the State Auditor, Thurston County Auditor, and Municipal Research and Services, Section 5, Effective Date, This Ordinance, shall take effect five days following publication. Authenticated: r;l,/Im / v1'.JAM,,;t Agn p, Bennick, City Clerk-Treasurer PASSED and APPROVED: December 12, 2006 PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, December 22, 2006 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 864 ab~egaV05/864 2007 BUDGET 'j " CITY,-. YELM 2007 BUDGET SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 864 FUND I 2007 REVENUE I BEGINNING REVENUE TRANSFER I TRANSFER 2007 NUMBER FUND DESCRIPTION I NET CASHIINVEST. APPROPRIATION TYPE AMOUNT TOTALS I . 001 Currenl.Expense Fund $ .2,100,000 $ 4,913,658 $ 7,013,658 101 ICity Street Fund $ . 34,400 $ 77,500 1 $ 290,945 $ 402,845 102 Arterial Street Fund $ 198,686 $ 35,180 $ 233,866 104 Cumulative Reserve/Urban Development $ 493,500 $ 8,000 3 $ 75,000 $ 576,500 105 Park Reserve $ 8,010 $ . 400 $ 8,410 106 Emergency/Disaster $ 18,280 $ 700 $ 18,980 107 Tourism Promotion $ 60,000 $ 9,750 $ 69,750 108 Contingency Fund $ 250,000 . $ 250,000 109 YPD School Resource Officer Program $ 23,700 $ 20,000 1 $ 38,816 $ 82,516 114 507/510 Loop Project $ 30,789 $. 30,789 116 Tree (City) Fund $ 4,000 $ 150 1 $ 18,705 $ 22,855 118 Park Fee-In-Lieu Of $ 66,885 $ 66,885 119 Deposits/Surety/Retainage I $ - 120 . Transportation Facilities Charges $ 389,610 $ 250,000 $ 639,610 197 Community Development Block Grant $ 15,400 $ 1,200 $ 16,600 200 L TGO Bond Redemption Fund $ - . 2 $ 405,999 $ 405,999 202 Killion Rd LID #2 Repayments $ 190,485 $ 190,485 203 Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans $ 473 2 $ 266,281 $ 266,754 204 Sewer Bond/Loan Reserves $ 215,226 $ 1,040 2 $ 50,015 $ 266,281 302 Municipal Building Fund $ 4,530,867 $ 50,000 1,3 $ 150,000 $ 4,730,867 310 Killion Road LID #2 Improvements $ 3,427,066 $ 4,450,000 $ 7,877,066 312 Yelr'n Creek Project . $ 1,342 $ 19,400 $ 20,742 . 314 Longmire Community Park Construction $ 500 3 $ 150,000 $ 150,500 316 Road/Street Construction $ 270,700 $ 1,089,500 3 $ 395,000 $ .1,755,200 400 Stormwate(Utility $ 51,209 $ 49,000 $ 100,209 401 Municipal Water $ 800,000 $ 1,274,200 $ 2,074,200 402 Utility Consumer Deposits $ . 403 Garbage/Recycling $ 7,081 $ 2,075 $ 9,156 404 Water Capital Improvement .. $ 800,000 $ 8,000 2,3 $ 500,000 $ 1,308,000 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption $ 1,000 . 2 $ 261,112 $ 262,112 City of Yelm 2007 Budget Ordinance No. 864 Ord. 864, Appendix 1 A Page 1 of 4 CITY l.. YELM 2007 BUDGET SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 864 '. . FUND 2007 REVENUE BEGINNING REVENUE . TRANSFER TRANSFER 2007 NUMBER FUND DESCRIPTION NET CASH/INVEST. APPROPRIATION. TYPE AMOUNT TOTALS 406 Water Revenue Debt Reserve $ 218,123 $ 9,000.00 2 $ 9,031 $ 236,154 407 (Swr) LID #1 Bond Redemption $ 5,000 $ 130,000 $ 135,000 412 Sewer/Reuse Operations/Maintenance $ 950,000 $ 2,032,000 $ 2,982,000 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve $ 760,600 $ 30,000 $ 750,000 $ 1,540,600 415 SRL0300031 '94 Swr Bond Refi PymVRsv $ 77,680 2 $ 116,521 $ 194,201 416 (Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Guaranty/Rsv $ 122,700 $ 8,000 $ 130,700 430 Shortline Railroad $ 44 $ 105,000 1 $ 10,000 $ 115,044 431 Water Construction Fund $ 636,015 $ 38,000 . $ 674,015 $ - . $ 34,858,549 2007 REVENUE APPROPRIATION 16,759,371 14,611,753 3,487,425 $ 34,858,549 . Transfer types: 1 Operating Transfers, 2 Debt Service Transfers, 3 Equity, Reserve, or Capital Transfers Transfers are received into funds to pay for fund' and/or speciai project operations, for debt service payments or meet a lender's reserve requirements, or as equity transfers to open/close funds or build. capital for projects/reserves. 07 Current/General Fund (001) Revenue Source Tax Revenue 54% . Carryover/Reserves 30% , Licenses & Permits 6% Fees .lor Services 6% Fines/Court Receipts 2% Intergovernmental 1% . Miscellaneous Revenue 1% -' I . . . City of Yelm 2007 Budget Ordinance No. 864 Ord. 864, Appendix 1 A. Page 2 of 4 ~. " CITY \... YELM 2007 BUDGET SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 864 . . FUND . 2007 EXPENDITURE 2007 CAPITAL PURPOSES TRANSFER TRANSFER I 2007 NUMBER FUND DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATION & RESERVES TYPE AMOUNT I TOTAL . 001 Current Expense Fund $ 4,420,380 $ 1,490,313 1,2,3 $ 1,102,965 $ 7,013,658 101 City Street Fund $ 397,845 I $ 5,000 . $ 402,845 .' 102 Arterial Street Fund $ 3,296 $ 230,570 $ 233,866 104 Cumulative Reserve/Urban Development $ 566,500 1 $ 10,000 $ 576,500 105 Park Reserve $ 8,410 $ 8,410 106 Emergency/Disaster $ 18,980 $ 18,980 107 Tourism Promotion $ 69,750 $ 69,750 108 Contingency Fund . . $ 250,000 $ 250,000 109 YPD School Resource Officer Program $ 60,516 $ 22,000 . $ 82,516. 114 507/510 Loop Project $ 30,789 , $ 30,789 116 . Tree City Fund $ 22,855 $ 22,855 118 Park Fee-In-Lieu Of $ 66,885 $ 66,885 119 Deposits/S urety/Retainage $ - 120 Transportation Facilities Charges $ 244,610 3 $ . 395,000 $ 639,610 197 Community Development Block Grant $ 16,600 . $ 16,600 200 L TGO Bond Redemption Fund $ 405,999 I $ 405,999 202 Killion Road LID #2 Repayments $ 190,485 $ 190,485 203 Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans $ . 266,754 $ 266,754 204 Sewer Revenue Bond/Loan Reserves $ 266,281 $ 266,281 302 Municipal Building Fund . $ 3,895,074 $ 835,793 $ 4,730,867 -310 Killion Road Improvements $ 7,877,066 I $ 7,877,066 312 Yelm Creek Project $ 20,742 I $ 20,742 314 Longmire Community Park Construction $ 150,500 $ 150,500 316 Road/Street Construction $ 1,755,200 I $ 1,755,200 400 Storm water Utility $ 52,096 $ 48,113 $ 100,209 401 Municipal Water Fund $ 847,754 I $ 456,303 2,3 $ 770,143 $ 2,074,200 402 Utility Consumer Deposits - $ - 403 Garbage/Recycling $ 1,610 $ 7,546 $ . 9,156 404 Water Capital Improvement $ 716,712 $ 564,788 2 $ 26,500 $ 1,308,000 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemotion $ 262,112 $ 262,112 City of Yelm 2007 Budget Ordinance No. 864 Ord: 864, Appendix 1 A Page 3 of 4 CITY \,.,' YELM . 2007 BUDGET SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 864 FUND 2007EXPENDITURE I 2007 CAPITAL PURPOSES TRANSFER TRANSFER 2007 NuMBER FUND DESCRIPTION . I APPROPRIATION & RESERVES. TYPE AMOUNT TOTALS I 406 Water ReVenue Debt Reserve $ 236,154 $ 236,154 407 (Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Redemption $ 135,000 . $ 135,000 412 Sewer/Reuse Operations/Maintenance $ 1,186,871 $ 612,312 2,3 $ 1,182,817 $ 2,982,000 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Improvements . $ 1,540,600 $ 1,540,600 415 SRL0300031 '94 Swr Bond Refi PymtlRsv. $ 97,101 $ 97,100 $ 194,201 416 (Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Guaranty/Rsv $ 130,700 $ 130,700 430 Shortline Railroad $ 115,044 I . $ 115,044 431. Water Construction Fund. .. $ 674,015 $ 674,015 $ 34,858,549 2004 PROJECTED EXPENSES $ 23,000,531 1$ 8,370,593 I $ 3,487,425 $ 34,858,549 Transfer types: 1 - Operating Transfers, 2 - Debt Service Transfers, 3 - Equity, Reserve, or Capital Transfers Fund 001, Current/General Fund - provides general government services including the following: General Gov!. Svcs: Legislative, Executive, Administrative & Financial Services, Legai: $1,019,981, a 37% increase .. Public Safety Law & Justice, Police, Court, Fire, Prisoner Support Costs, $2,254,056, a 12% increase Community Development Services, Buiiding, Engineering, Planning, Code Compiiance, Planning Commission: $762,859, a 16% increase Programs/Services: Parks, Streets, Library, Historic Preservation, Tree City, Community Support: $842,865, a 16% increase Debt Service and Reserves: $2,019,812, a 32% increase Miscellaneous: $114,085, Includes technology System Improvements: 6,213% increase , . Dedicated Funds - provide services, fund programs, fund capital expenditures and/or repay debt " DebtService Payments and/or Reserves: General/Current Fund Supported 102, 200, 202, 203, 204; Utility Fund Supported 405, 406, 407; Utility Assessment Debt (LID) 415,416 Transportation/Road/Street Maintenance and CapitalExpenditure Project Funds: 101, 102, 114, 120,310,312,314,316,430. Utility/Enterprise Operating Funds: 400, 401, 412; Utility Fund Capital Improvement Reserve/Project Funds: 404, 413, 431 Special/Dedicated Projects/Reserve Funds (may include capitai exp.): 104,105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 1,16, 118, 197,302,312,314,403,430 Funds 119 and 402 are Trust Accounts IMonev held for a period of time but not belonoino to the Citv.) . City of Ye.lm 2007 Budget Ordinance No. 864 Ord. 864, Appendix 1 A Page 4 of 4 - - 2007 BUDGET TRANSFERS TRANSFER TRANSFERRING FUND RECEIVING FUND , RECEIVING FUND AMOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION NUMBER $ 290,945 001 000 000 597 00 00 00, City Streets 101 000000397000000 $ 75,000 001000000597766301 Cumulative Reserve 104 000 000 397 76 63 01 $ 38,816 001 000 000 597 00 03 00 YPD School Resource Officer 109000000397210100 $ 18,705 001 000 000 597 00 05 00 Tree City (Program) Fund 116000000397000500 $ 25,858 001000000597196201 Public Works L TGO Bond 200000001 397196201 $ 353,641 001 000 002 59721 62 01 Public Safety Bldg LTGO Bon'd 20000000239721 6201 , $ 150,000 001000000597100000 . Municipal Building Fund 302 000 000 397 10 00 00 $ 150,000 001 000 000 597 76 63 00 Longmire Community Park 314000000397766300 $ 1,102,965 1 -, $ 10,0001104000198597470000 , -LShortline Railroad 1430 000 198 39747 00 00 .I. 395,uOO 1120 000 000 597 95 63 09 ..J'>.treeuRoa l ....onstruction, ....oates '" "tevens-"".,1316 OOu u04 ~ 95 6~ u" $ 500,000 401 000 000 597 34 63 01 Water Capital Improvement/Reserve, Fund 404 000 000 397 34 63 01 $ 198,360 401 000 000 597 80 72 00 Water Revenue Bond Debt Redemption 405 000 003 397 80 72 00 $ 10,895 401 000 000 597 80 72 01 Water Revenue Bond Debt Redemption 405 000 004 397 80 72 00 $ 51,857 401 000 000 597 80 72 02 Water Revenue Bond Debt Redemption 405 000 005 397 80 72 00 $ 9,031 401 000 000 597 80 72 03 Water Revenue Bond Reserve Fund 406 000 005 397 80 72 02 $ 770,143 , $ 26,500.1404 000 000 597 19 62 02 L TGO Bond Redemption Fund 200 000 001 397 1962 02 $ 116,521 412000000597357001 $ 97,101.00 SRL Sewer Bond Ref! Payment/Reserve 415000000397357000 $ 19,420.00 SRL Sewer Bond Refi Payment/Reserve 415000000397357001 $ 266,281 412000000597807200 Sewer Bond/Loan Payments 203 000 000 397 00 00 00 $ 50,015 412000000597890000 Sewer Bond/Loan Reserve 204 000 000 397 00 00 00 $ 750,000 412000002597356300 Sewer Capital Improvement/Reserve Fund 413000000397346300 $ 1,182,817 " , $ 3,487,425 Operating Transfers are made to funds lacking sufficient funding to supp()rt activity. Debt Service Transfers pay bond or loan payments on existing'debt ' , Equity/Reserve/Capital Transfers open/close funds, meet reserve requirements or accumulate capital._ I' City of Yelm 2007 Budget Ordinance No.- 864 CITY OF YELM 2007 BUDGET OVERVIEW ORDINANCE NO. 864 APPENDIX 1 B . Page 1 of 1 CITY OF YELM 2007 BUDGET CURRENT/GENERAL FUND ALLOCATION $7,013,658 Reserves and Debt Service:. Cash Flow, Building Repairs, Equipment & Machinery Reserve $2,019,81200 29% Other Costs: Technology Enhancements/Support, Pollution Control, OWMB $114,085.00 2% Administrative: legislative, Executive, Financial, legal $1,019,981.00 15% Programs and Services: Streets, Parks, library, Tree City, Historic Preservation $842,865.00 12% Physical Environment: Planning, Building, Engineering, Code Compliance, Planning Commission $762,859.00 11% aw & Justice/Public Safety: Police, Court, Fire, Prisoner Support . $2,254,056.00 31% City of Yelm 2007 Budget Ordinance 864 Ord. 864, Appendix I C Page 1 of 4 2007 CITY OF YELM BUDGET CURRENT/GENERAL FUND DETAIL BUDGET APPROPRIATION APPROVED 2007 DEPARTh1ENT/PROJECT INCREASES CURRENDGENERALFUND 2005 2006 2007 'All departments reflect a salary adjustment . . . Administrative $ 554,668 $ 742,532 $ 1,019,981 Full year 2 council positions; Council Public Relations Increase, Legislative, Executive, Legal (Civil), Integrated Financial SoftwarePackage, Administrative and Administrative/Financial Services Financial Services. Dept. .reorganization. Legal Services, 07 Increase: $277,449 or 37% $ 4,568 $ 187,864 $ 277,449 Executive Dept. Community Relations Coordinator. Law & JusticelPublic Safety $ 1,606,081 $ 2,010,174 $ 2,254,056 1 additional Patrol OffiCer, 1 Crime Prevention Officer, Court, Police, Fire, Prisoner Support, additional Sergeant slot; 2 Patrol Cars and equipment. Legal (Criminal) I School Resource Officer, Video Surveillance Equipment 07 Increase: ; $243,882 or 12% $ 185,860 I $ 404,093 $ 243,882 4 bed jail contract, Fire Services contract, Animal Control Sves. Physical Environment - Community Dev. $ 442,723 I $ 658,675 $ 762,859 2 new vehicles and a large format scanner for .plan sized Planning, Engineering, Bui/ding, I documents. Code Compliance, Planning Commission I 07 Increase: $104,184 or 16% $ (17,496) I $ 215,952 $ 104,184 Programs and SerVices Support $ 345,975 $ 727,593 $ 842,865 Additional street maintenance and park maintenance positions. Streets, Parks, Library, Tree City, Expanded administrative support. Equipl}1ent including a mower Historic Preservation, Community Support and backhoe (113 share). Library service contract, Tree City . 07 Increase: $115,272 or 16% $ (92,040 $ 381,618 $ 115,272 program, local contributions. _Longmire Park development. Reserves and Debt Service . $ 962,624 $ 1,526,935 $ 2,019,812 Increases for cash flow and Current Fund reserves. Cash Flow, Building Repairs, Equipment Additional funding to the Machinery and Equipment ReserVe Line. and Machinery Reserve Municipal'Building Fund support and Long Term,General 07 Increase: $492,877 or 32% $ (59,240) $ 564,311 $ 492,877 Obligation Bond payments lor new Public SaleJi' Building. Other 1$ 1,675 1$ 1,807 I $ 114,085jTechnology Improvements/Support 07 Increase: $112,278 or 6,213% I I $ 112,278jPollution Control, OWMB TOTAL APPROPRIATION I $ 3,913,746 I $ 5,667,716 $ 7,013,658 I 2007 Overall Increase 24% ~$ 20,927J$ 1,753,970 $ 1,345,942 J . City 01 Yelm 2007 Budget Ordinance No. 864 Ord. 864, Appendix I C Page 2 of 4 , , CITY OF YELM 2007 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS FOR ALL FUNDS $34,858,549 Utility Operations & Maintenance, Projects, Debt $9,637,191.00 28% General Government Services & Programs $4,385,537.00 13% Reserves for Cash Flow, Projects, Debt $4,464,455.00 13% Road Maintenance & Street Construction $10,744,60200 30% " Special Projects $4,573,343.00 13% Debt Payments/Reserves $1,053,42100 3% City of Yelm 2007 Budget . Ordinanc.e 864 Ord 864, Appendix I C' Page 3 of 4 CITY. {ELM 2007B,UDGET ALLOCATIONS FOR ALL FUNDS " Purpose: Road Mice. -1 Reserves Utilities . General Street 1 Debl Special Cash Flow Operations, Mtce. Fund Fund _ NamelDescription Se-rviees Construction Costs . Projects Projects, Debt Debt & Reserves . . I . 1 . . 1 001 CutrenUGeneral Fund . $ 7,013,658 . 4,385,537 288,702 453,641 208,272 1,677,506 101 City Street Fund $ 402,845 397,8451 5,000 102 Arterial Street Fund 1$ 233,866 3,296 230,570 104 Cumulative Reserve/Urban Development $ 576,500 1 1 10,000 566,500 105 Park Reserve $ 8,410 8,4101 1061 Emergency/Disaster $ 18,980 1 18,980 107 Tourism Promotion $ 69,750 69,750 108 Continoency Fund $ 250,000 I 1 250,000 109 YPD Scnoof Resource Officer Program $ 82,516 60,516 . 22,000 114 SR 507/510 Loop Project $ 30,789 30,7891 I 116 Tree (City) Fund $ 22,855 I 22,855 1181 Park Fee-ln'Lieu Of $ 66,885 66,885 119 Deposits/Sur~/Retainage $ - 120 Transportation Facilities Charges $ 639,610 1 395,000 244,6101 197 Community Development Block Grant $ 16,600 1 16,600 200 L TGO Bond Redemption Fund $ 405,999 405,999 202 Killion RdLlD #2 Repayments $ 190,485 190,485 203 Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans' $ 266,754 1 . 266,754 204 Sewer Revenue Bond/Loan Reserves $ 266,281 266,2811 302 Municipal Building Fund $ 4;730,867 3,895,074 835,7931 310 KOHan Road LID #2 Improvements $ 7,877,066 7,877,066 312 Yelm Creek Pro'ect $ 20,742 1 20,7421 314 Longmire Community Park Construction $ 150,500 150,500 316 Road/Street Construction . $ 1,755,200 1,755,200 400 Stormwater Util~ $ 100,209 100,209 401 Municipal Water $ 2,074,200 2,074,200 402 U1i1i1y Consumer Deposits $ - 403 Garbage/Recycling $ 9,156 1,610 7,546 404 Water Capital Improvement $ 1,308,000 . 1,308,000 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption $ 262,112 262,112 406 Water Revenue Debt Reserve $ 236,154 236,154 407 (Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Redemption] $ 135,000 135,000 412 Sewer/Reuse Operations/Maintenance ~_ $ 2,982,000 2,982,000 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve _H._, 1,540,600 I 1 1,540,600 415 SRL0300031 '94 Swr Bond Refi PymUR~ $ 194,201 194,201 416 (Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Reserve $ 130,700 I 130,700 430 Shortline Railroad. $ 115,044 -'- 115,044 431 Water Construction,Fund $ 674,015 674,015 1 I $ 34,858,549.00 $ 4,385,537,00 $10,744,602.00 $ 1,053,421.00 $ 4,573,343,00 1 $ 4,464,455.00..l $ 9,637,191,00 City of Yelm 2007 Budget Ordinance No: 864 Ord. 864, Appendix 1C . Page 4 of 4 ,'" " '" ;,"::::", '" d, ,;',": ", ,,'" ~llpendiJtl!'~, ',,:' :":', . , ,'," , .,', ,I,:, Clty,'6fYelm'-'2Q07, ' , " """,' ," ,'", ,,' ' , ,,' ElbcfedOffi{" 'I Joyee positloQ CI;iS~ifjcatio'QSaWYScheduie" Classification Classification Annual Minimum Annual Maximum Number 50 75 Accounting Clerk/Ofc. Asst. Administration & Finance Director , Assistant Planner Associate Planner Bailiff Buildine lnsoector , Buildine Official CA Administrative Assistant Certified Court Interpreter City Administrator (CA) City ClerkIHR Manager City ClerkITreasurer Civil Eneineerine Inspector Civil Service Secretary Code Enforcement Officer-plt Community Development - Director Community Development- Administrative Assistant, pit Councilmembers Court Administrator Court Clerk Deputy City Clerk Engineer . Government & Community Relations Coordinator Judge Judge Pro-Tern Mayor Office Assistant, pit Police Chief Police Dept. Admin. Ass!. Police Detective Police Officer , Police Records Clerk Police Sergeant ProW<lmlProiect Manager Provisional Officer Temp. ,Public Works (PW) .Administrative Assistant PW Animal Control Officer PW Director PW Field Sunervisor PW Maintenance Worker Equipment Ooerator PW Maintenance Worker Mechanic City ofYelrn 2007 Budget, Appendix II Ordinance No, 864 wordlbudgetl Appen~ixII2007 .' "':':.'11. ,,'~: ',...., ',.',1 ',',:" ,:.. $30,924 $62,820 $36,924 $75,024 , ]00 $45,840 $54,744 125 $50,424 $60,216 150 $16 per hour ' $16 per hour ]75 $42,012 $50,160 200 $47,976 $57,288 250 , $40,980 $48,936 300 $40-$55 per session $40-$55 ner session 350 - $103,880 375 , $49,800 $59,460 400 - $74,200 425 $42,012 $50,160 450 $14.85 oer hour , $14.85 oer hour 475 $35,328 $42,180 500 - $76,320 550 $31,992 $38,196 600 $2,100 $4,800 650 - $56,180 700 $33,048 $39,468 750 $37,860 ' $45,216 800 $53,472 , $63,852 825 $46,800 $55,896 850 $26,124 $26,124 900 $45 per hour $45 Der hour 950 . $15,000 1050 $28,512 $34,044 1100 - $76,320 1150 $36,036 $43,020 1200 Additional 3% over Officer pay step Additional 3% Over Officer pay step 1250 $45,528 $54,360 1300 $33,048 $39,468 1350 $57,900 . $61,428 1400 $51 720 $61,752 1450 , 1500 $36,036 $43,020 1550 $1,200 $1,200 1600 . $69,960 1625 $47,880 $57,180 1650 $37,344 $44,580 1700 $40,212 $48,036 'Page 1 I I I I ". '.' , , AppenillX U , , " r: ,..,'.,'..,.,.... ,,"T"', " .<;ity orYelm - ~007' ,,'. """, , " , Elect';d,O 'i~ia~tiIQ"eePQs.ti.onClllS~,iica4onS~\ad!;SCheil\lie :.' ;.:", '.:. , Classification Classification Annual Minimum AnRualMaximum , Number PW Maintenance Worker- 1750 $33,036 $39,456 StreetslParks Reserve Officer 1800 Senior Accounting Clerk 1850 $39,924 $47,676 Utility Clerk 1875 $36,096 $43,116 Water Plant Overator 1900 $41,652 . $49,728 Waste Water Treatment Plant - 2000 $50,988 $60,864 , . ,(WWTP) Reuse S~stem Manager . WWTPlReuse System Ooerator 2050 $41,652 $49,728 WWTPlReuse Operator 2075 $34,476 $41,160 , Assistant , City ofYelm 2007 ~udget. Appendix II Ordinance No. 864 . 'wordlbudgetl Appendixl12007' Pagel I , I APPENDIX III CITY OF YELM 2007 BENEFIT SCHEDULE All regular full-time and regular part-time employees are eligible to participate in the benefits listed below. Regular part-time employees receive benefits pro-rated according to hours worked. SICK LEAVE Sick leave accumulates at the rate of eight (8) hours per month for full-time employees or one (1) equivalent workday per month for part-time employees. Upon termination of employment for reasons other than dismissal for misfeasance or malfeasance, each employee will be paid for twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of accumulated sick leave days at the rate of pay applicable for such employee. However, the payment for accumulated sick leave shall not exceed an amount equal to one month of gross salary or equivalent wage. PAID VACATION Each employee covered by this agreement shall be entitled to vacation with pay. Unless approved by the Mayor/City Administrator, new employees must satisfactorily complete their trial period to be entitled to use accrued vacation leave. Vacation leave accrues monthly. With the exception of employees covered under a union contract, each regular full-time employee is entitled to vacation leave as follows: Year of Employment First and Second Year Third and Fourth Year Fifth - Ninth Year Tenth - Fourteenth Year Fifteenth -Nineteenth Year Twenty or More Years Vacation Days Earned Per Year 80 hours per/year 104 hours per/year 120 hours per/year 160 hours per/year 176 hours per/year 200 hours per/year MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND VISION INSURANCE BENEFITS Regular full-time and regular part-time (20 hours per week) employees are eligible to participate in the City's medical insurance program on a pro-rata basis. Unless approved by the Mayor/City Administrator, benefit eligibility is limited to the employee only until completion of the trial period. Employee's families are also eligible to participate following successful completion of the employee's trial period. The current City contribution to this benefit is 100% for employees and 80% for eligible family members. Current insurance company policy requires 100% participation in dental and vision programs by all "Regular" full-time and/or part-time employees. This policy also permits a maximum of 25% of all "Regular" full-time and/or part-time employees to forego participation in the City sponsored medical plan. "Regular" full-time employees choosing not to participate receive a monthly payment of $150.00 instead of medical insurance. "Regular" part-time employees receive one half of the stipend amount. Dental and vision benefits for employees and eligible family members remain active when choosing this option. City of Yelm Ordinance No. 864 ab/budgeU07/864 Appendix III Page 1 of 2 APPENDIX III CITY OF YELM 2007 BENEFIT SCHEDULE RETIREMENT All employees participate in the Social Security program with the. city paying a matching contribution. Police officers are eligible for participation in the LEOFF II retirement program. Other employees participate in the state PERS I, II or III, program. The city's contribution is determined by the program and is subject to adjustments at various times throughout the year. Employees may elect to participate in a state sponsored deferred compensation program. The city does not contribute to this program. OTHER The city provides state worker's compensation and unemployment insurance for employees. Coverage costs are determined by the program. PAID HOLIDAYS The following eleven paid holidays are recognized by the city. Full-time employees receive eight hours of pay for each of the holidays; regular part-time employees receive a pro- rata share based upon the usual number of hours worked per month. New Years Day.............................January 1 Martin Luther King's Birthday........3rd Monday in January President's Day.............................3rd Monday in February Memorial Day................................Last Monday in May Independence Day........................July 4 Labor Day...................................1st Monday in September Veteran's Day...........................November 11 Thanksgiving Day.....................4th Thursday in November & Day after Thanksgiving........ Friday after Thanksgiving . Christmas Day............................December 25 One "Floating" Holiday................Date selected by Employee City of Yelm Ordinance No. 864 ab/budgetl07/864 Appendix III Page 2 of 2