1924 Incorporation !I"~ . ":';" ~ .~ ~ ' ,:1- "If' " ,';<{ . !i~ :~ '3 TOWN OF YELM, WASHINGTON " Special Election to Incorporate - December n, 1924. ) , Petition to incorporate filed November 24, 1924. Public hearing held, .before County Commissioners - November 24, 1924, and order directing special election made that date. Returns af election - 72 for incorporation and 45 against. R. B. Patterson was elected Mayor Chauncey Grayer, Treasurer Harold Wolf ~ Thea. Harstad P. J. Martin , Clarence Fox J. K. Hill ) ) ) Councilmen ) ) Beginning at the SE Corner of the swt of Section 19, 'Twp. 17 N., Range 2 E.W.M.; thence north on the line of said quarter to the N.E. Corner of said ffi~t of Sectio~ 19; thence west 'to N.W. Corner of NEtSwt of Section 19; th~nce 'north on the west line of the SEtNVij- of Section 19, 244.21 ft.; thence north I{. 520 04' W., 1603.32 ft.; thence 5370 56' W., 2100,ft.; thence south 520 26' E., 3711.39 ft.; thence north 370 34' E., 620 ft.; thence ,5.520 26' E., 675 ft. to the section line between Section 19, Twp. 17 N., Range 2 E. and Section 30, Twp. 17 N., Range 1 E.W.M.; thence east on said line to the point of beginning '150 feet. Incorporated as city of fourth class as Town'of Ye1m. , 1>/ Done by County Commissioners - December 8, 1924: M. J. Neylon Fred G.' Anderson M. F. Pugsley File No. 542 Secretary of Staters Office. Filed December,16, 1924, at 9:00 A.M. Entered on page 32 Book 3, Eegister of Incqrporated Cities and Towns.. .'