1948 Minutes ,I~'" , .. 'I J"I-"~v- . ~ '1~:5:. " "-. January Ill-, 19480 /' . 'Regul-ar 'meet1ng of the Town C;.ouncj.l of ,t~e<To\vn of' . \Yelm with l\1ayor Henderson presiding. Qounoilm.en 'J'ri1n.bl.e, ~l Bro"V"r.n." :Pol1ard and SVJanson l)rE;se:r~':t. Eide absent. The minutes of' the December 19l-l-7meeting were read and approved. Ourrent m6nt.B113t bil1c~ Viere read ,and,. on 'motion by Brovn1 with second by Pollard were oraered paid as read witb the excentians of. The YeDli Lurriller Co's in- voice and tl~e '~taternent froin A.K. StillrD.ai1 for the final amount due him. These were to be checked by the Clerk roI' accuracy. The motion carried unanimously. - . COTIlll1Unications' Viere readt "and the Clerk was, instruct- ,ed to inquire into the matter of obtaining Railroad cross- ing ",.r\iarnj~l1g signs as per notice by the Dept" .of' Highway~. Bids for the garbage hauling contract were' open~d, . and read there being only one bid and, that submitted by Clifford :Hewitt in the cUl10unt of' ~$1800. 00 per annum. Acceptance or rejection not brought t? a vote. Mayor Henderson brought up the subject of 'the Forbes Street Contract arid their offer to reduce the a.1110unt. novY owing him by the sUm of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in lieu of 'tl1eir com.pleting 'the work judged.' previously by the Council to have beqn left undone. ,On motion by Trimble w1th second, by Brovm Council voted unanimously to accept offer. On motion by Pollard with' seqorid by BrOV~l Council. voterl unanili'lousl v to uurchase suitable window blinds for To~~ Hall. u ~ \ 'c' There was a fu:rther discussion of' the subJect of buy- ing uniforms for the Marshals. It!.[arshal Carew entered at this time "and offered to pay half for his l1ni.forrri. The 'Ivlayor countered with a proposa:L that 'the Tov\,T)1 buy the. uniform anc1Carew', if he should le::tve , give the To\\rn the' desk which he had purchased for his police work. No act- ion taken. - ) There was a discussion on the advisability of creat- :Lng an official :parlcing space in' front of' the Town HaJJ.._ There being no f'urther business the meeting "1/'[8.8 ad- journed {? ?;po. 7?~a.e (C. M. McFaul, Tovm Clerk I.t-~(. ' , .Ja.. ~, \, February IIp 1948 Regular meeting of Town Council. of the' '1:'.owri c;>r' Yelm with Maypr henuer'son and all councilmen present. Minutes of the January meeting read and approved on motion by Polllrd and seconded by Swanson and were ordered paid with the exception of the Badger,Meter Company, where, one third was ordered paid. ' Three represen'tatives f"rom the Thurst'on County Library Servi~eJwere present and, presented the Council with plans for Library in Ci ty Hall\)' The ci ty to rurnish lights" heat t and shelves, and the Library Service tOfurnish,Librarian and books. F'avorable reaction by councilmen, but no act:lon taken ant i1 plans !'or shelves are received,e "Communications were read and clerk was request'ed, to, , complete and send in form for filing water right claims with Department of COBservation and Development., T,otal cost to be approximately $15.00 or $16.00. / :,' 'Clerk requested to write the Northern Paciric Railway Coml~any to se,ek means for removing present raiiroad signals 'on Yelm Ayenue a.nd replacing with overhead signal. Clerk requested to write state Hi'ghway'De);lartment to, get requirements 'on type of advance railroad warning signs necessary in city ,and order same from state Fen. Discus,sian of D. R.. liughe~( moving water meter f'rom, alley to bou~e, but was contrary to city ordinance. ~o actiontaken. .. !' Authorization grailted by Council to purchase t'or City Hall one riling ~abinet not to exceed $30.00 and one desk ndt ~o exceed $40.00. (. J Request clerk to check ordinance on1i:eal th and Sanitation , i'il' c'onnection with' outside toilets and requirements ~n septic tanks within city limits.' Also Write Ass. of Wash. Cities on ~tate laws. ,Motion by Pollard, seconded. by Trimble to purchase police uniform and shirts, 'for Marshal Carew. Un.nimously . carried. , tt 'Request clerk to send statement to Yelm I,rrigation Dist. for rental ot' pump.. 26 hrs II at $1.00 per hr. \ Clerkreques~ed ~to contact ex-clerk '0. M. McFaul in 'rega~ds to balance owin~ A. K. Stillman. 1," ]jfif/V:Xrig /ft~t<N~rt"rt, The ordinance creating a Yelm Planning Gomm. was~ read and passed 'by the councilman. Yn Meet ing . adJiourned. <:1:::-,> 'y ~ k ''"' 1\....",) 'll)~, . Mo w. ~rown, Town Clerk 1;) i'1>'~ . ., . , ~.~t :- .~.. ',[I"~~;" . . .i , .. . 'r'~~ ~ . ,.~'J" ~ .. , -," , . ' ~ ,_,,'f'. .. '!' :1 ,1.~7 March 10, 1948 Regular'meetingr.of the Town Council of the Town, of'i':'Yelm wi,th Mayor Henderson presiding and. councilmen>> ]?oll~rd \) Swanson. Trimble and :Eide present., Brown 'ab~ent.' , Minutes ~~ th~ February meeting were ~ead and approvedo( . - Current monthly bills wer~ read .and a motion;by Eide and 's~cond by'Trimble wete orderedp~id by u~animous ~oteo~f the . council. Bill f:rom Blumenthal Uniform C.o 0 was ordered to be held . until the MarShals unifor~ was received and approved. . Clerk was requested to write the state Highway lJept. regarding Northern P~cific Railway C'o. att.i t'ude on replacing . th~ cent.er of the street Raiihrbad Signals on Yelm Avenue wi th QVerhea~ or side signals. . . .. Motiqn by F'o11ard and secon,d. by Tr'imble' for the <.;1 ty . '.to purChase three City entrances and speed limit signs from . state Penitentiary. Unanimously carried. .Motion by lPollardand second by Eid.~ to purChase Supplement to Fierce's Code for Fo1ice.Judge's law book. Gost to be ap:proximate:1!y~i:.~16 e OOG Unanimously carried., Discussion 'by'council on commercial 'water rates and hook-up charges for Turner Packing' Co. Mayo~8Henderson will conta9t Turner to definately establish tpeir needs. ( . . . , lDfscussion~y council on partial failure or rust arrester in city water tank to function. Also high power bill to pp~rate the rust arrester. Decided to h~ve City Attorney, J.'T. TrUllinger contact Chicago ;Bridge and Iro~'Cot'to have . them reclean inside of tank and correct de-ficiencies in rust arrester according to contract. Meetin.g ad.j aurned. 7t1. UJ. 't2h.<J1.LJ).,) M,. w. jjrown"'(.Town Clerk l. . '. \ . \ \ 1,:8:. "} ./ April 6, 1948 ,':::;pecia:l meeting calle'dby Mayor Henderson with Mayor Henderson presiding, and all councilmen present. Purpose 'of meeting to fill vacancies created by resignation o~ George' Perrin from Water Dept. and breach of contract by Clifford Hewitt of Garbag~ Dept. Motion by Brown, seconded by Swanson for clerk.to notify .H'ewitt 'of breach of contract and subsequent cancellation 01' contract by Town Council as per .section 8 of said contra6t. Unanimously ca~ried. . ~uggestion by Mayor Henderson to combine Water, Dept. position and Garbag~ Dept. Josition into one job with a good ~alary. After discussfon a motion by Swanson, seconded by Eide to that I effect was proposed and unanimously carried. $250.00 per month was agreed upon a~ a sui table salary !'or said posi tione Jack Butler was present, and put in application for- ~ewly cr~ated position at above mentioned~salary. Council agreed to hire extra man temporarily to-help get all new and repaired meters installed.. Also agr~ed to contact' Charles Donaldson t'o get him to Marshal on Sunday nights unt~l said water meters are "installed. ) Council agreed to raise water rates of 0'. K. Edwards to ~::, conform with rates in city ordinance. Meeting adjou~ned. Vn. W /~~ ~ W. Brown, Town Clerk -0 .l..... . 0"""',' '. '----; 'I.... . , ~ ~', :~!.: .~I-. .' , '- ~I( 1--9 .n.pril.14>> 1948 . Regular meeting q:r the Town Council of Yelm with Mayor Henderson presiding and. all councilmen present. Regular order ofbusihess was suspended becau'se of H. D. Fowler who. was present representing, the Fowler ~ompany>> and WhO presented Town,Council with a one year warranty on Rusta Rester in City.wat~rtank. Said warranty s~Dject to Town Council approval and a~proyal ?r qhicago Bridge and Iron Co~ . J Mmtion by Brown, seconded Pi Trimble to postpone acyion on acceptance or :;e~ection of warranty until an impartial ex- pe~t could be cal1~a in to in~pect the water ~ank and determine the ~rfi6~ency of Rus~a Restor. City Attorney'J.T~ Trullinger te . handle this'. Minutes of'March meeting and minutes of"' a.pecial meeting April 6, 1948 were read and approved. I Hills were read and on motion by Swanson and seconded by , Pol~ard were ordered paid as read~ Motion unanimously ca~ried& ~otion b y Eid~, ~econded by Brown to raise hook-up Charges for water meters 1.rom $15..00 to $30.00..' Motion unaniIirQusly carrl~d. I , Meetin~ adjourned. M. -I;;- . 'April 27>> 1948 ~pereial .meeting called by Mayor Henderson with Mayor Hen~erson presiding and all co~cilmen-present. . There was lively ~iscussion on garbage pick-up rates tot extra cans or extra loads. . Rates finally decided onaOove the minimum were"25 cents for each.,extra can and $4.00 per hour ~or extra loads. On motion by Brown, seoonded by Swansdn, the .aOov~ rates were unanimously acceptede f , . Motion "by poll~rd, seconded by Trim-Ole, to extad garbage pick-up privileges to any water user outside city limits if they desire it. Unanimously carried. Disc~ssion on putting 1m Railroad.irossing and street tor . -- new oreamery as previously promised Enumclaw Cq-Op. Council.... man E~ Brown' ffgreed to contact N. -l? ~ Di vi'eional head to faci- litat~ construction of crossing. l '" Me~ting'adjourned. 'M'~- ',2:Q: I, II May 12, m948 , Regular meeting of" the TownCotmcil of Yelm wi tti Mayor ,Henderson presiding and 'Coungilmen FOllard, Trimble, Br9wn, and Swanson present. Eide absent. Minutes of the April~14 and 27 meeting read and approved. 1 r ~flls were read and on motion by Pollard, seconded by Trimble were ordered paid. Un~nimously carried. ,Correspondence waS read~ and letter. from city attorney J. T. Trullinger was given special consideration. 'Mr. Trullinger .hael contacted Chicago ..eridge and Iron Co. by telephone, and secured verbal promise by them to send us a'letter granting an extra 60 or 90 days for determing effi~iency of Rusta restor in the water tank. The Fowler Co. to scrape a place clean and. at the "end of the abo~e mentioned period theTown tif Yelm could call in any impartial expert it decided on'to determine er~ riciency of Rusta ~estor. The town would agree to pay balance due ,Chicago Bridge & Iroft Co.- if sarisracory at the end' of . this pe'{i.od and .chicago Bridge and Iron Co. wO,uld agree. to take down Rusta Restor UYli t ahd scrape and paint' the inside of tbe tank if Rusta Restor proves unsatisI'actory at the end of said, period. Mr. Trullinger advised acceptance of' these terms as soon as received from Ghicagb Bridge & Iron Co. . Motion by Swanson, seconded 'by Pollard for clirk to, con- tact Yelm Garden Club for the purpose of planting grass and shrubs in f~ont of ci~y hall. Permission was granted by council for different groups and organizations to promote ~gbuild playground l'acili ties on city property adjacent ot water tower. r1fw U ~)~ M 0 . Brown, Town Clerk o Meeting adjourned. May 25, 1948 ~pecial meeting" of the 110wn Council of Yelm wi th Mayor Henderson presiding and all councilmen present. , .JPurpose of the meeting to discuss guarantee fssued tOD Town of !elm by Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. on Husta Rester in water ,tank. ,Motion by Trimble, seconded by Pollard to accept guarantee and pay -Chic~go Hridg~ &'Iron ~o. balance due on tank as ' ,'speciti~d in ,guarantee. Motion unanimously carried. ~; Discussion arose on possi~i1ities of daylight savings time and was unanimously agreed that if the larger nearby ci~ies ad~pted it so would the Town' of Ye1m. Meeting adjol!rn~d. ',.0"" ~, .~ ) M.~erk 'I: .'1. AI' v". ......~ ., \./ .0 . ;' ',2.1 ( , June 9, 1948 . ,Regular meeting or the Town Council of Ye~m with Mayor Henderson presiding and Coundilmen Eide,Trimble~ & 'Pollard present. Brown .and Sw~nson absent. Minutes of the-May' 12 and 25 meetings rea~ and 'approved. Bills were'r~ad and on motion by Eide'~ Seconded byP611ard ,were ordered paid. Unanimously ca~ried. Representatives of the Ga~ltol No~elty Co. of Olympia were -present to request a 6 mo.pinl>all license ,t? operate i~ Yelm. _ .' J. T. Trullinger, City Attorney was contacted. to determ1ne lega11ty of issuing license for remainder. 'of this year.. Legali ty of such . issuance of license was established by Trullinger, and ~apitol l\J ovel ty Co. was' notIfied t.oa.pply for license' commencing July .~ . rand ending Dec 6 31 this year. Fee to be $250900", . Pro:po~ition was presented by ~ayor Henderson t~.ha~e gravelled . -part of Yelm Ave. between 2nd and 3rd streets prepared for oiling i, . immediately and have said street oiled by J~ E'. Forbes Co. in cOIl:-, junc.tionwith county road'oiling. Total cost to be approximately $250;00. Motion Dy.Eide, seconded by Pollard.to have this work -done. Motion unanimously carriede An emergency was declared by Mayor Henderson .to raise s,alary Q:f FoliceJud.ge immedi~t.e~y, trom $10.00' monthly to $25.00 mont,hly-- the extra $15.00 to,ve raid from the emergency fund. 'Motion was made by Trimble" seconded hy Pollar,d to do this. Motion unanimously carried. 1 \ Meeting adjourned. /1J'x ~. ___, \ flIJ~:4_W- U~, MID W.' Brown>> Town Clerk June 24, 1948 . Special meeting called by Mayor Henderson with'Mayor Henderson presiding and councilmen Pollard, Trimble, Eide and Swanson present. Brown absent. , Purpose of the meeting to discuss possibility of oombiningClerk 'and Treasm.rer's positions into one. A healthy discussion arose over, the merger, and a letter was read by Mayor Henderson from the 6tate Division of Municipal Corporations setting forth the procedure necessary_, Formal' resignation 01' Earl Johnson as Town Treasurer was r~ad and a coept ed by the Gotine,il. Eft'ecti ve July 1 ~ 1948. . A mot~on by Pollard, seconded by ~rimble to combine th~ two offices with unanimous ,consent of the Council. Motion by Swanson, , seconded by Pollard 'agreed that the salary s'houId _by $125..00 a month 'and-,;t;'h.e office to b epI;>en 5 days a week & 6 hrs. a day.; . Motion un~nim0usly carri ed. - 4' . ) ~pplication for pinball operators license frnm the vapitol N ovel1;;y. -Company was read and by una,nimo1fs consent of the Council was approved. ~icense to be issuedd. from July 1, 1948 to D,ec. 3111 1t48. An ordinance amending section 5 of ordinance 46 was read and ordered published with the second and third readings to be made at the, next regular council meet.ing. ' Meeting adjourned. w'.u). ~ M. W. Brown-, Town Clerk ,.;.,... !~.2~ '> July ll-l-, 1948 \ '<Regular meetiD-g. of the .Tovvn Council of Yelm was held with j\J1ayor Henderson pres,iding and Councilmen Pollard, Bro"ijm and' Swanson present~ Councilmen Eide and Trimble 'absent.' Minutes 'of the June 9th ~nd 24th, meetings. ilyre read and approved. The follQ~ing monthly bills were read and on motion by Pollard' and ,seconded. by Brovm.were ordered pai~: WATER. FUND Ye 1m Lumber 'Co. Bro'J'ffi Bros. Garage P.S~ Power & Li~ht P.S~ Power &. Light GARBAGE FUND D & H Mobile Service provm Bros. Garage CURRENT EXPENSE ' . P.S. Power & Light P.S. Power & Ligpt Ye1m Telephone Co. Pioneer, Inc. Standard Oil Go. BrO\1i/!1 Br,o s.~ Garage Western 'Union ':Mosman Agency 'D & H Mobile, Service Wolf's $ 22.52 .2.84 30.96 LI_. 52 . 37.38 4.74 7.36 27-.36. 29.30 59.01 32.96 28l~e,90 1 ",80 19.53 ' 12.52' 15.96 0_-"','," . . , ' A motion was made by Brovvn and seconded by Swanson to allow Clerk-Treasurer to purchase 'tyPewriter for the Tovrrl of Yelm. Outstanding warrant #2318 in the aTIlbuht of '$L~3 ;26 .held by Eide was ordered redeemed by a motion by Pollard and se~ond~dby Swanson. c.. . ... ' On mot:lon by Pollard with second by Broi:m,. O~dinance ,-/1.50 amend- ing Section.:5 of Ordinance;!fL~6 be passed. Council voted' unanil:.n.ousl-;r. " Ordinance 1~1::53 relating to. tovm offices and providing for combina.-' .tion of. offi~e of Treasur~r with office of Cle$k_was given its first . , and second reading. ~lotio.nqnade by Brawn and. seconded by Swanson tc? transfer -enough funds fl'lom Current :Expense Fund to. BuilCling Fund in' ord'ep: to close out,sa~d Fire statJ.on Building Fund. Meeting adjourned. . J1e~ tv. /~~ 1.(ATHAN W. H8NDE R{:3ON ,MAYOR 0:-- \ . :I'~ .. , , I' ,I ". ',"'. ,."J....... ... . I ' 23 ;.~...,' ':~"" '-,~ -' Aug~~ ~ 11." 1~4~ The regular niee.ting o:f the Council of the TOVffi of ;(elm was held with Co.uncilmen Eide~ Brovvn, Pollard, Swanson and Trimble, present. Tn ~he absence ,of Mayor Henderson, Councilman Eide presided. ' . . Minutes of the July 14th meeting were read and approved. Gorres.pondence read wa's Mr. Earnisse ~ s . report. of ,the. inspection' of'the Rusta-Restor protection, in the tam~; also~ Mr. Trullinger's. . lettert'o the' Chicago Bridge' and Iron Co. regarding: thi's same mattere> The monthly bills. were read and 'on motiop.by Trimble and seconded. ." by Pollard were ordered paid. with the exception of one bill. put in by t;he Nis,qu'all;y Valley News. This was to be che.cJ,red by the Clerk for what it was issued; if found all r~ght to go ah:ead and pay said bill. ' The following 'were the bills' presented.: ' WATER FUND Engineering Services . (Earnisse) , P. 'S. Power & Light Co. " Trimble's Hardware Yelm' Lumber Co. Brown Bros, Garage GARBAGE FUND . Trimble r s Hardware . Field's ,Motor Co. . STREET FUND Ben 'Noonan , Wi lliam McCarney . Trimble's Hard1Nare' . CURRENT EXPENSE , . Nisqually Valley News Lyla Eide ' Charles Donaldson r.S. Power & Light Co. - Dr. B. L. Phiilip's Yelm 'Telephone Co. Yelm Telephone Co. Trimble's Hardware $ 25.00 36.52 20.62 48~57 2..16 ,. , 2.25 93.84 2e>OO 2.50 2.60 221&17 . ;".".r;', ..'00 ,,< ~ e>. . . 3.5.00 27.29 .6.00 26.75 . 8.70 :14.72 The third and final reading on Ordinance #53 .regarding the combination of Clerk and Treasurers t offidec:was,: give~ {!nd was " passed by the Council. lVIee'ting adjourned;) x " Pro ELVEHA 24. , f Septe:nrbe~r 8, 1948 The regl!l~r meeting of the Courici1~ of.~ the Tovm of 'Yelm wa.s called to order.by Mayor Henderson wlth Councilmen Eide, Pollard, Brovm arid Trimble present. Co,uncilman Swan~on was absen_t". Minutes of. the August.. 11th me)eting were read and approved. PreSf3nt at the meeting were, ,R. A. Jackson of the Chicago Bridge & Iron ,Co., D. E. Fowler of the Johnson & Je~ings Rusta- Restor Co.,' J. Guy Eernisse, Enginee.r of Tacoma and J. T. TruI-" linger, Town Attorney to' qiscuss the ,condi.tion ,of the -Rusta- Restor in the Yelm' water tank. " I '0':"": ; , I On a motion made by. Eide and seconded by Brovm, Mr. Fowler 1'8 suggestion to increase the cathodic pr6tection of the Rusta- Restor hv :[lour ~more electrodes in the water' tank: f'or a trial period 'of. 120' )d~ys was accepted. The pe'viod of, 120 day's i~ to begin on the date when the additional electrodes are installed. At the end of this trial period, Mr,,'Jacksofi stated that his company would gua~antee Jto paint the fnside of' the ta'l1k if the above added protection fails .to s~op the corrosion of the tank. The following'monthly bills were'read ana. on motion by Trimble ana second~d ~y Pollard W61'"'8 ordered paid: \ CURRENT EXPENSE: Washington School Supply ----___ Lillian A. Johnston ----____~~~_ p ~S. Power & Light 'Co. ------___ 'P. S. Power & Light Co 111 ---:-____.... Wolf's -----------_~____~------- Yalra Telephone Co. --__'_________ Yelm Irrigation District ----___ ~~R~~ . P ~S. . Power & Light Co. __;...______ P.S. Power & Light Co. ...--____...._ ,. /' 6 $10.7 8.00 19.-27 \ '27.61 26.85 32.90 24.69 9.76 . 3 7 .L~8 The resignation:o.f George .W. Sickles i,AlaS accepted by the Town Council to be effe'ctive Octobe'r 1, 194a~. Milton Johnson. was appointed to rill the vacancy as the Water & Garbage Superintendent. ' o Meeting adjourned. :. _\ ~?;o.~~ . l'ifrHAN W . HENDERSON" MAYOR e ~~ ELVERA K. JOHNSON, "J,. D, "I' :: . "'J I "I 'i .. S-, 2-,5' September 22, 1948 A special meeting of the Tovm of Yelm was called to. \ order by 'Mayo~ Henderson wi th 'all Co.uncilmen pre sent lI/ ',to. the .' '. The fo.llowing tentative budget was ,presented ,Council by' the Clerk-Treasurer: , . ESTIMATED EXFENDITUR~S for 1949 ,CURRENT EXPENSE~ F1UND Clerk-Treasurerts Salary & Expense -~--------- $ Attorney's Sala~y & Expense, ------------------ .' ,Poli'ce Cour.t & Expense ""---;..--.-------:'---~--7-..;, Registrations ,& Expense ----------------~----- . Town ..Hall Expense. ------....--------------------- Warrant Redemntion ------.;..--------..:----~------ ~ .J... . . . . . Park Labor & Expens.e ....---:--------..;.------------- Publishing &'Advertising ---':'"-----------~"':"---- Bookma.bile . Lil;:>rary :-----------------:....-----...:---- ' Dues Assn. ,of Wash. Cities '-----'7-----------.-- Garbage Expens'e --------;.-~--------~---------- ~ . A d-t- ~ - . . . U 1. lng J:1iCpense -----------~--------;..------...- Emerge~cy Fund -:------------~----.;..-\------------ PROTECTION OF LIFE &PRQPERTY . . ! 1 4 ' & .' 'Marshall s ~ ~alary Expense ---....------------~- . J . 1 E 0 ln' 1 ., ( al~ xpense ~ ~e~ s ~----------~---~---~~---- Street Lights -,-----,-------..:...;.- - ----------- -:---- STREET,. FUND Labor .& Materials ---------------------------- Equ,ipment I,ient.al --------~--'---...,~------.-----.-- . . WA TER FUND Bond Redemption -----------------.------------- Power -----------~~------------.;..--.;..----------- Shpplie~, Labor, Repairs & l'tlaintai~ende, -.---.--. Industrial,Insul"ance & Me'dical Aid -.-----':";..--- Office _ Expense, ----...----...--.----------.---.-~---_. GRAND TOTAL l --------------------,-----~-------~ ESTIMATED INCOME Wa t e r Re venue - - - - - - - - ... - - - ...... - - - - - ... -... -... - ... - -'-... - - Taxes; 15.Mill Levy ---------------,-:---'------~- Pin. Ball Revenue -------...~------------~------- Admi s sj: on Taxe s - - - - - - -~. -~.- -: -,", u. - - - - - - - - - - - '-'- ,- --- State. Gas Tax Funds ----------------1---------- Motor Vehi'cle Excise, Tax -----------..;.--------- State Liquor Revenue---.;-----~------------.:--- Poli.ce. Court Fines ----------------:'----------- Garbage, Income ----------------------------':"'-- Estimated _ Ca.sh on Hand ---------..;..------"-.~----- GRAND TO TA L - - - - --:- ~ - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -,:" - - ~' - ~ - - - 1,800.00 lSO.OOr 450.00 150.00 450~OO 2,000.00 525.00 200..00 .300900 ?O.OO 2,34-~eOO . lbE .00 90 t.65 . . $ 9,464.65 3,OQO.OO 200.00 400.00 l, , 3,600.00 1,500.00 357.25 1,858.25 .1,800.06. . '456.00. 1,5.00.00 100eOO 100.00 ' - / 3,956.00 18,878.90 $ 4,80.0.00 3,107.25 1,360,,00 480.00 1,3-57.25 298.15 2,336.25 300.00 2,340.00 2,500.00 $lB,. 878. 90 ' After some discussion which resulted i~ a rew changes a motion' was made by Eide and secandeq. by Bro1Nn to, ~dopt the budget.. Motion carried. The date of hea:r'ing was set for October 13, 1948. Discussian was held on the passibility of an increase in the salary of the Night Marshall; the budget of 19l~8- allowed for a raise in wages~ sa theCauncil agreed to. in- 'cl"lease his wages from'$190.00 amanth to $250.00 a month effectiye September l, 1948. . The Council set the date for the'caucas on October 1., 1945'for the purpose or nominating a Mayor for ,a four~year term and three Councilmen for two-year terms1 Meeting adjourned. / ~dAA/D UJ. 4~~ .lMtrHAN'iN. HENDERSON, MAYOR . /~ \, CLERK-TREASURER 21,6,''- .. ", . October 13, 1948 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was held with Mayor Henderson presiding. With the exception of Bro\m, all, Counc iImen were pre sent. ,Minutes of the September 8th and 22nd mee,tings "yere read and approved. Motion by TrimtJle, seconded by Swanson that the Budget for 1949 be adopted with the 'followipg changes: Attorney's - salary reduced fr'om, $150.00 to *~lOO.QO . Park Labor' and Expense increased from $525.0.0 to $575.00. , Qna 'motion by Pollard and seconded by SV'ITanSOn the :foliow- ing bills be paid as ree.d: Motion ea..rr:ted.. CURRENT EXPENSE P. S.. Power & Light Co. ,--------------- 'K.S. Power & Light.q08.-------....--...-~-- Trifubles Hardware -------------------- Mosman Agency ------------------------ Fa tterson Drug -- --------------,:- ------ Joe's Place -----------------------~-- Pioneer, lne. -- ____________________i-~,.I.., Rosano's ------------------------~---- ' .Yelm Telephone Co. ------------------- Yelm 'Ilelephone Co. ----.:--------...----- Standard, Oil Co lll' -------..;.------------- WA TER FtJND Brown Bros. Garage ------------'------- P.S. Power & Light Co. --------------- . P.S~ Power & Light Co. --------------- STREgT FUND .J. F. FORBES ---------------~--------- , Trimb1es Hard\nlare ;----------:---------- Chas. F. Russell ---------------------. ,~,,"'\~~'Brown' Bros. Garage ------- ------------ "Yelm Lumber Co'. --------------------'--- GARBAGE FU;ND Brown Bros. Garage ------~------------ Yellil Lumber Co. ----------:..----------- :''\ ~t .28.44 10.16 31.31 .5 ;,.00 2.51 42.93 ,8.89 :::. :2.78 40.85 6.80 ,20.93 4.50 4.5'2 38 .-92 J..}.50 . 00 9.70 2'4. 00 . 8.54 4.68, 26.45 ' 84.99 ,Corresponde~ceread was a letter from Chicago Bridge & Irdn.Co. of September 23rd regarding the Rusta-Restor pro~ tection in the tank and the agreement the'Town of Yelm has with the same. ./ Meeting adjourned. CLERK-T:t:tEASURER, PRO TEM w. Jl~~' HENDERSON, MAYOR r- n"'.. "."tJ o .'.:", :i o ~~i> , 'i,'I-' - . I ,I '11'. .\. <:r-"'-I:'\. 'I}"~ ::;"" "t' \ . II ~~ '27- './ No.vember 10, 1948 'The regular' meeting of the COlfficil of the Town of Yelm was called to order py Mayor HE;:ndersou. Councilmen Bro\m, Trimble Pollard and SWan~on pre~ent. Councilmah Eideabsen~~ Mot'ion by Pollard ana seconded by Brovm that the following bills be paid: CURP.ENTI EXPENSE ~ Joets Place ---~-~------------- Trimble.s Hardware :------------- Blakes,Cafe --i----------~-----. Yelm Telenhone Co. ------------. Yelm Telephone Co. ------------ P.S. Power.& Light Co.. -------- P~S; Power & Light Co. -------- Wolf's -------------------~---- Yelm Lumber Co~ -----~--------- Mosman Ag~ncy ----------------- Mosman Agency ----------------- Elvera K,. Johnson ----------:--- Frances Smith ----------------- VvA1tER FUND _ 'Trimbles.Hardware ------------- 1.56 FoS. Power & Light 'Co. ....------- 38&92 .~ P.S. Pow!:3r & Light Co. ------,--' 7.16 l~' 9 93 ,it, · 'lLL.82 22.95 5.75 27.eo 27.36 , 8068 '2.82 ,8a 70 45.63, 3".56 , JlI~"L~l 60~oo A motion was ~ade by Bro~n and seconded by Trimble to buy., three garbage caps. for use on the streets or' Yelm. .S Clerk~ Wft$ reqp.ested "to write to D1':"11 O. B. Bu.tton endorsing Mr. Pete Gan.meltoft fo.,r Director of Agriculture of the state of, Washington and also to Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. telling them ,the additional units of the Rusta-Restor were in~talled on NQvembe~ 4, 1948. Discussi9p\Was held on the possibility of how and where a new well could 1?e dr.illed since the old v'lell does not give ad~" equate service" Np action taken& Resignation bf Elvera K. ,Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer".!, 'to be effective December 1, 1948 was read.~~c~~~~~~fle~~7e~ a~euu'fi-e-i-;-<l~.ne,Ja . M~eting adjourned. "1 f, ~ 28 I " De.CBmber' 8, 1948 The regular'meeting of the C~unci1 .of the Town of Yelm was callea to order by Mayor Henderson. Councilmen Eide" " Trimble, Pollard and Swanson were present~ Councilman Brovvn _ was absente 'IvIi,nutes of / the November 10th meeting were read and appoved. Correspondence-read was ah application put in by Glover. and Frost to place one National Shuffleboard in Yelm Tavern. Tnis application was accepted on a motion by Councilman Eide and seconded by' Councilman Trimble. The fee to be five ($5.00) dollars a month. Motion carried. :;01-- L, On a motion by Councilman Pollard and seconded by Council- man S~anson the following bills were ordered paid: I CURHENrr EXPENSE P.S. Power & Light Co." ------------- P.S. Power & Light Co. ------~------ Standard Oil Co~ -------~----------~. Pioneer, Inc. -----~---~------------ Yelm Telephone> Co. ~---------------- Yelrn Telephone Coo ----------------- WATER FUND P.S. Power & Light Co. ----------~~- p . S . Power & :Wi gh t Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ". Yelm Lumber Co. ------------....-----.--- H. D. F8wler Co., Inc. ----------~-- GARBAGE . ' Brovnl Bros. Garage ----------------- Fields Motor COe ------------------- I;]:: 28.25 'if' 10.12 28 .55 , 14.53 4.60 21.95 4.40 f6e72 ,9.53 109.45 .; , 11-.4.6 11.10 The Counci.1ordered the outstandin~ warrants numbers '~303, 2307 and 2317 in the amounts of ~\P396.50, ~p713.. 79 and $705.00 re$pectf~lly, to be called in and paid; and after this date the interest of four per cent ceases. The above three w~rrants are being' held by Oscar Eid~.. o The drainage problem of Jefferson Street was brought up for discussion by the Mayol~; but after a lengbhy debate, no definite solution was found. 'Meetin'g adjourned. ~E.~A'K -"I'TNSO'''''' GL"""R?- T~:)'~:1'NU"D--:;R . ~J ..JV [:J,n h 0 J \.., '1. \ .j, .D h-' h.l:~lL::S . nt~... o