1950 Minutes I .~I I Ord:Lna.rice:::5e~;~~p'~0:vf.(&j;rig.;"~~.~~:h6mina.t.r,'oj{". of ,0' candld.a:B.e's'"".and::"p.fe"s~c~I:ilng,' th~~f~J> \ . manrier of 'h61ding ciJ8.rty<c8:u.cuses haELits. f)irst ,anq.. second, .read'i.ngs. ",,.'; ~ It "W~S' .ado.p~ed ,:unanimou:sl~~-.. ' , 'The', meeting adjourned. \,' .-' " ~. '~, '.. 'W. ,.' , ..... ~.HENDERSON, .MAYOR !J~f.b~',' .' FR4NCES E~ ,DROGSETW" CLERK-:TREAS. January 11, 1~50 " : : At the regular meeting, of the Council 'of the Town o.i' Yalm, C,o~cil1nel1. Eide, ' Trimble, Swanson, ana' Brown. we:re' present wi th..M8:YQ1'), Henderson pre,:" siding. . Abs,ent was' Councilman' Pollard~. ,', ' ' :Minutes o,f. th~ 'December 1l...l-th meeting were :read and' approved. , . The . follovling "bilI7f? ,were ordered. paid ?y a motion by, Swanson and a Se.c'ond ,by Trimble. we Motion carried., CURRENT EXPENSE. , . . , Bancrof:t~\f\JlJ.i tney .C6mpany------~---------~.~---~-~---$15~97. . DarIo . D. 'Dayton--'~------~--,----.---~_:----...-.~----,----- 15.~ 20, , Field'.! s Motor Compa.r~y-------'_..:.---:-----~--~":'--,----~- 83~.59 ,Wolf f s-:.;.~....---------:..::.---~-----------,---,---:..~------- 6~ 73 St'a;ndard . Oil of Calif'ornia---~~---~--------':"---...---, .58~'91 Yelm Telephoneqompany;" -':'" -,~ -- -:-- - ---- ---- -- -~ -:""~ - -:-~ 50 ~ 25 'p .s, Power 8~. Light Com.pany----------...-...-.----~--':'"---... 40.98 Ray Nor.t'on.:..:..~-'":'~----;;.----.---.--:---------":':---.::.------- 1;00" Pioneer Incorpo,ra:bed---------..;-----------,-~---.;.,-.;.-.-" 24.33. Mb sman. Agen cy - - - - - - ,- - - - - -- - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ - -.:. -' -... - - - - - 16 ~ 7.5 Trimble f,,~ Ha:~dware...:----..;,------.--------..:.~'7'-~---~---- 8~31 .WATER FUND' , , . O. iN.. Hug..lie s - - -.:. - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - ~ - - - - - - - -:- - 1. .5.5 Yelril LUmber, Co.-'~--..;.--------------""!----~-..:.--~-----'-.":" 19~G4 P. S. Power and' Light-----..;."--'7.---------";...-':"'-----:------ 41.93 STREET FCrND ..' . '.. ' '. .' Washingt9n State' Pe'ni tentiary~----~--..:....---~--~-~:...-~ 3.86 Thomsen Lumber Company--:-------:-------,----------...---- _ 78.3.0 , GARBAGE FLTtnj . , ' Roger Ei.de-::-----~---~---.----------,--~-----------'~-~-. 2..5.00' , .. "",'. . . . The tovvn 'ma.rshal repoi.,t'ed during th~' month of Decembe:p doors. were .found' ajar in".Demich 'Hardwa're and Fristoe',sL8.w o'ffice. Financial' report was' 'firi,es and forfei tur~s from July 1, to 'Jan. 1, amoun~ing ,to, $1,216.00.' ' oscar Swansonw8.s appointed to': attend the' meeting of Thu"rston-Mason- Olympi-a Health District. Meeting January 12th--the' pUrpose of" the'meetiNg to embark' oi'.ficially the nev~ .health district. ~ t..' .. A.G. !Loney x'equested the council to aSS'llre the Eriumclaw Creamery the . T01i.rnofYeL11l had no debt. or claim agains-t the property on which the', " Creat'''Uery of' Yelm. is located. It was decided before the sta teln~nt could be made the Counci'l would contact :Mr. ,Loney :about an easement or half' inter~est in the water line. 01). ,the O'J?efu"11ery land. . , . , . The, :elerk 'was. instructe'd to contact Attorney Trullinger about .the' '. .legali ty of p~n~alls op~ra ting after January 15th. >.: .' Ordi~anc'e No. 56 had its ,thfuf?d and final reading, was adopted unanimcrusl1:i . ~ndordered published. . 'Ordinance N0. 57 ha.d its third and final reading. .It' was adopted unani- mQu~'~iand ordered published. 'The c,lerk wps ordered 'to publish no"tlce of the nominating caucus to be . l;1eld Febrp.ary J1~.that 8'":00 PM in accordan(ce wi,t1;l ..the,:new election laws. It ,was. announced by the ~11ayor that tV/O Councilmen's 'terms of office' expired..,..- . Art Trimble" ~:nd'. Earl Pollard, and the clerk:-.treastJ~r:e~f,s' posttion open, to election as the ,'presenJe o.fficial was 'appo~nted. ,. '. . The 'treasurer ',s' report was ,read :appr~oved. '5,0, . , 'I S ;;,o...>~l,f" .. "....\'\'1-~~ ,,~'" <joI!" """'~'T>""I II', ~.~...."l.it;'''''''''''''1~~'''''':'' (",f ......... ':" .,"! - ~., "" -...,_......~ ,.,'':,\ ' .~ ' , . , ,," ' Januarj 11th'meeting concluded~~~- A'report Vv8.S req.uested on the ac1;flQn'taken to, collect the delinquent water bills in the ,'December meeting. The i report follo.ws: t I.... '/ 'Mrs~, ,Mal~shall~-paid ail but ,$6.0Q, A~ G. Loney--Paid in full' '. ~6 R.H. Ismay--Paid all but a balanc'e of ~>>l) .00 RO,bert Deford~~,NQ re~ponse Blakes t s Cafe-:-No'response. - Blake's Resfdence--No response. Martin .Cabill--Paid in full ,C~Lillts Cafe~-Baid ~n ~ull by David, Sampson 'Jones Shoe Shop--Plid in full Lloyd Ren~~r--No .response George Brovm~~No 'response' Virgil Moore--Paid 'all but $9~70 No further action resulteq. Counci.lman~ Ed Brown prought to'the Councilqthe request of ArehieFerguson for a street light at, the corner near ,his residence. The Council took no, definite', action as it decided to consult Jack Conn'er about the 'cost and possibili ty of mater'ializing the request. ' ',- o Milt Johnson reported the school officials ,were having.considerable trouble, with 'thB canine pbpulati61i"iri' .the"To'~vn. Ordinances 'and laws of ,11 nuisances p.nd dogs 'were' referred 'to"with "an 'intensive' discussion, r,esulting. NQ. mefinite act~on followed. ,/ ~,It ,"vas 'motioned and seconded' th8;t Milton Johnson be allowed, to pur,chase th$ p1?uning,' shears he. needed.' l'1Ieeting adjourned. 0. lV,~' I-IENDERSON-Ml~.YOR .~.' .. .. . .; . ., .~ ~G;~... .. " 1'.-:l "\ ..,.\.'1 rn- . . I - , -r:1 . " . , FRA~CES ~. DROG~~lH-CLEffi{ ~R~A0. o "': , '0, " " "'\ ...-":' ~~\ '"..'.... _lI.ilo JIl "I'.~ IC' 'M '" """ l B~l....;. , ~i~ . ..., " .1,J~ ) February 8, 1950' , \ ~~aY9r Henderson opene,d the regL.llarmeeting( of the i'Counc:11 of 'the .rrovrn. of Yelm wi th Councilmen Brovvn, Swanson, Pollard, and Trimble, .present. , Councill~~an, Eidewas apse'nt. ' I The"111inutes of )Janu~'rYllth meeting 'were read and approved.. I, , . it'D. '0iliadv~ucher and warrant o:f 19)-l-0"appeared in the bills 'present~'d 'for the ,month., ,This-was turned in b~r Mr. Elmer Fristoe, for payment. 1).s, it . was outlawed the clerk was ordered not to. pay i~. The, following bills , Vlere 'orde~ed Paid vvith a motion by Brown, and ~nsecond by Trimb;Le. "fhe, mot- ion carried. una..11i:in.ou,slY':~' ~ > 1', CURRENT'EXPENSE Standard Oil of ,California------------------$8o.47 , F;ickettwug Store-'-----;-'--~------.:..:_------:'--' 8.19 -, . D & H Mobil Service~;~-;H~--2-------....------------ 84.25 puget SOl..~nd' POT"ver'&'; tigpt co.---'-------~--.-- 42~46 Ray' Norton' Agency- ~---------7-.-------.:.------ 2.91 Wo1fts.:..--.;.----------~----------...._-------....-..:-' 5.38 ,Yelm Telephone Company-----'--:-,...-:----------:-' 19.15 , " WATER FD""ND P.S. P0V11er &, Light Co.---------.:.--....-...~--~--- 51.22 STREET FUND D &H Mobil Service-:...--~-------~----------'-- 2.38 I " GARBAGE FUND,...,~..-.,,:.....~~,-~-M..~ <- '"~ Fields Motor .Company-----------------~------ 10.00 D', & H Mob~le Service~---~-~...-,-----~------.:.---- 28.63 , , MS\rshal' John'Cullens rep~orted the month was very peaceful with just a few doors foun~ opene'.' \ Councilman SWanson reporting generously on his official visit at the' District Health; fi/Ieeting in. Olympia, January 12, stated the cost of' ", beiRg l! part of it seeined to be exopbi tant 'and' indefini tee The Health, Distrietwas anxious to enfo~d' ~~Dn in it~ group and informed its delegates the tOV'ffiS were benfuf:ttting m-g,chnoiJV by thi,sparticular' Health Distriet:. After probing into, the subject, Pollard motioned not to -join .the Thurston-Maso.n-Olympia He~lth D,istrict. Ed Brown seconded the motion and motion ViliS ullanimou~.. ' I , :.:. Mayor'Hender$on informed the Council he had appointed E.Robert Fristae for the.. Town's attorney this ye,a~. . There was some di'scussion on contacting Guy Myatt ~n Ol~~pia about well-digging' plans, but no definite actic)n resulted~ ' Mayor Hender,son. braught foreseen plans that the :Lio.ns Club' had its . eye an the vacant ',lot of .rv~. Willard" s for' a. parking plot. Tl1.e, Council agreed it'w0uld, be a good plan, hv.tas it would the Lions I 'proJect no. action was.t~ken. I Through the lVlayor, Bob lNright pleaded ':ror .a :spo:b 'neanithe' P'~O. to. aid him in pGstal' loading.. After much he,althy discussion Ordinance No.' 58 was drwvm aiHl had its first and second' readings~ It was adopted 'UhWlIDmou si'TI '. Mayor Henderson,brought to the 'attentian af'the'Council the streets were b>real(:J~ng and were in cx~i tica.l condl tion. Resolution l\Jo. 6Jwas' <formed re-r8f\d and passed' unanimously by all pr'esent. ' -It WRS ordered pti.blish~tl. \ ' , The clerk was instructed to cnntact authOri ti,es on parking meters--, , to obtain informa~ion on the good grades,' how financing ~ight be " handled', and any plans that might help the counc~l in 'working out the parking problem. . I , . , " , Jaok 'Co~ner. asslJ.red the Cotlnc,i-l any lights they iaight want installed , in the streets would be provided as soon as possibl~. Pollard motioned tQ allow,~street- lights at I,. ,corner of 4th 'and Van r:erump 2.Halfvlay betwwen Mossman and McKenzie on Edw~rd's street. 3. Corner or intersection of Ion'g1nire a:q.d Van ,Trump. Ed Brown seconded the motion and it carried ' unanimously. E'" 2 ' il :.., .- '-'~.'::.:f,i-}"itt.:.;. .;11<" ~ -.,,\ ""'", :"~\''''~''':'''''''''''''''"l'''''''~') The meeting ~djQurned. :r-(fTi'Ll\.ir-\I\f. HE:r{J)EH$~ON-Mayo.r---' LJ-..- ~ !l%~ ' , , <~ T :france s E. Drogseth 'lerk- re'as. RESOLUTION 'NO. 63 ." . . lNHEREAS, THE Council of Tovm of' YeI:rtl is in' regular session, o and v\~EREAS, it has become 'necessary to close, temporarily, all oiled streets 'in the Tovm o~'Yelm due'to weather conditions andit is hereby, :~ ' RESO,LVED BY the, Mayer and Couricil of' the Town of Yelm in regular' session ~that all stre'~t posted"snall be' prohibited from bei,ng driven.< All streets'not p6st~d must' have a.2-ton load limit and a .speed limit placeda at fifteen miles an hour. Violation of this resounition will 'resThjtt i~ a. !i1aximu...111 fine of fifty ($50.00) dollars. ... Dated this 8th day of February, 1950 ~w./~ 1 TIIAN iN. HENDERSON, Tv1A:{OR . .'..' ~ . I. c. .g~.? FHANCES E. DROGSETI1, INTRODUCED.~:Fe~ru~rx 8J~Q._. .t, ~; . ~ Adopted FebruaryC8, 19~O o c~ TOWN CAUCUS 'On 'Feoruary 14th, at 8 P.M., 1950 the 'Citizens 'Party 'of Town'of' yelm held a Tovm Caucus for the. purpose of nominating tiNQ councilmen for two-year terms and a clerk-treasurer for'a four-year term.' Pre$ent at thi s caucus' were A. G. Stinson, H. A. Trimble, Ed Bro\m, Jim Brown, W. H. George, Jacl{ Loutzenhiser, Chas. Ward, Archie Ferg;uso:t:l, Earl P~11ard, Oscar :liJwanson--all registered voters of the tOiJ'm. H. A. Trimble WaS ,appointe-do Chairman of the group and Ed Brown was < appointed Secretary. " , Archie 'Ferguson nominated R.A. Trimble for, a two-year term of . c9uneilman---O'scar 'Swanson seconded the nomination and the motion carried. Earl Pollard was nominated for a two-year term a~~own CounciLmro~ by Oscar SWarlSOrL, wi th a second by Jack wutzen.qiser. Tfle' motion carr1e4.' With a motion" by Ed &~o~n and a second by Earl Pollard, Frances'DPogsath ,was nOli1inated for. a fOl.lr-year term Or To\~n clerk and treas. Nominations , ceased--the motion carried. The meeting.,adjourned. 07 l.r ...... _" J ,," \ 5~i':3;\ . -'. ~~. : .."'I : .ol... .,:j.~f' , I MARCH 8', 1950 I ; At ,the regular meet~ng of the' Council of the T'oviffi of Yelm~. Mayo~ Henderson. presided with .Coyncilmen Brovrn., ,Eide, Pollard and Tr~'mble present., Councilman Swanson WaS absent. 'OrYcL11.c-S. , ' , j Pollard motioned to pay all bills read and Brovin seconded the motion. Th~ following"bills were allowed: ' ,. ~I 'CURRENT EXPENSE ?, Ye,lm Lumber Co. -~-"';---,,:,-";--------------,----$27. 89 Yelin Telephone Compariy-'-.:.:-----~-,---~.------- 24~ 15 " Brov,,'ll Bros~Garage-~-,~~,--~----------------- 4li-~J3 , Wolf '~S~~--io--~--,----------:...----,-----'- -.:.,----- 3; 37 P. S~ Po~verand Light----~---.----...:~--~----- 28~~50 Standard Oi I Co,. ----..; - --- - - - -- -- - -- - - -~ --- - 49 ~ 97' J.T.'Trul1inger---~--~-~-~----------~------ 19.00 Frances E. Drogseth--~---:"_--.----.~----.----- 5~,IO P,ioneer Inc.-------------.:.,. ---.-....---~-------- 35.3.1 WATER 'FUND P~:'I.' Power & Light------~:.----~...;.------------ 54~.G:3 Trimble's Hardware-------~----------------- IO~96 Brov"ffi Br0$. Garage-------:-----,-------.---":"--- 79-.31 STREET Br.ov;Tn Bra s. Garage----':""--~--..;~------.------..;.\ 4.12 \ GARBAGE., ". Archie Ferguson--...;---;...---:-,....--.-.~':"----,~-.----- .8,5.00 Brown Bros. Garage--------:...-.--------------- 4.93 \ .1; . . A'letter from Attqrney Trullinger. 'was reacl which_ expressed hi's . appreoiation for. the kindness and f.riendliness shovm.to him by the . Coune i 1 whi Ie het was. ther Tovm . Attorney. ,Go~re spondenc.e _from the . Ass.oeiation 0+ Washington. Cities arrived bearing extens.'tuue information 'on Parking Meters. . Ordinance No" 58 was read the third time and was passed unanimously by all present.'~ It wa's ordered published. This Ordinance covered' parking restrictions on the. main street. The clerk. vias. instr.ucted to malee applic?-1)idn to sta,te :for permission .to put railroad crossing on stevens street. A. mtionvr'as made by Pollard and seconded by Trimble to install the Honor Roll Plaque for the Navy Mothers. The motioned carried. . 'The' meeting.adjo~rned. 'lo..~ ~ YIENDERSON,h...MAYOR ; -'LO~,~i OSeAa-EIDE -SEC. ,PRO,TEM ,I TOVvN ELECTION---MARCH_'14th, 1950' 6FFICIAL TABULATJON'OF VOTES: CounoilmeJ;l: Earl Pollard--29 Art Trimble--- 31 Geo. Brovm~--- 2 Roger'Eide--~- 2 Clerk-TrE3asurer: Frances E. Drogseth-'-)3 Couricilrnen electl?d for 2-yeat terms--Earl polla:ed :3..YJ.d Art TpilI\.ble Clerk-Treasurer elected for 4-year term-- Frances D1~ogseth ....-'".,- " 5,4. ....,. .; AJPRIL. 12, 1950 Mayor Henderson opened the ~egular meeting of the Council of the Town 'of Yelm with all members of, the Council present. Minutes of the March 8th, meeting 'were ~ead and approvede The' current 'bills were presented. On r,d: motion by C.ouncilman Eide:'axid a second by Counci~nan Trimble the following bills were .ordered paid. CURRENT EXPErJSE, ., -.' ..' '. ,,- r~' ", , S?ymour Surplus--~----"'---'-.;"~,-,~:~~~~~-,-~-:-:..;~24~,6h. FreId t s ~.;Iotor Company' ---';..------------- 91.16 standard Oil of Calif.ornia--.;...-.;.....;.;.;...----;...- '"27~39 D & H Mobil Service--.....----.......-......-...-.;..---.;..-;.....-" '7 ~Jl Puget, $ou.nd Power 1& Light.:..'--.-'.;..;.;..-.-----.~~.'.:~.. '49~'74 . ,No~ton Agen0eY----L------..;...-.;...;.:.;....:...;..,;.:--~.--~:.;..'" '1'+'25 . \AT If t . i ~, ". .' - , . .. . 6 70 ',IVO s~-----~~-~-~~-~~-~~--~-~-------~- . Jo e 't s P la.ee - - - ~ - - - L - -,... -- -'-'~ ';"--",:.:';";':"'-' - - - - ,:'.:';';' 'J~45 Pickett Drug storet--'~'-----'-------:---- 5~41 Yelm Telephone Company--------~-------- 17.40, . Trimble f s Hard\~arel-j'--------';;"--'';''';''-'':'''':'';';''--'--'-,. 1~'i4' , , VIlA TER FUND V 'C ' .'" :.. . ' <'" -. . . TrinibletaHardware...:----'--";.,.;..'---..;.;.;.;..;...-.-.;...~.,~..;=;:. 5;'37 puget SO~Uld Power & Company~----------- 43~62 We stern utili ties---':"-~--y~,~.-:,7,-.-.~._--,~.-,~_-:c, ,_ .9.~,7!t: YelmLumber Co.------------------------, 2.16 o 9 " STREET FUND . D. & B Mobil Service--,-"':"--'-'.o'';;'''-';'''';'';;'''..:-'---'--'' 'l()'.'O~: GARBAGE 'FUND , ... -. p "., Mosman.Agency-------------------------- )0:.24, ~ & R Mobil Service-------------------- 41.15 A letter was read ~rom nr. B. Bueove requesting the city to sen~ a ' 'member to the~health 'distric't'meeting. As..the Council declined~~,{~iin- vita~ion to ~oin.the district, no representativ~ was appointed. . . " The treasurer_' s report was read and approved. In the important business coming be.fore-, the Counc.il of the' T01Nl'l of Yelm was the question of Yelm's water r~ght and to what extent the ~OV~ .was protected b:r the, presentpermi t. .The clerk was ins,tructe,~ to contact tJ;:e sta.te Depa,rtl1.l{~Itj( of Hydraulics ~o .bbtain ,all" the angles of ~ tswater r~ghts andl\.nyfdAbfg~~s to the t01fffiS water supply. , The seasoFlal. t'opic UDaylight S9-vipg Time n arose before the nights labor . and CouBcilman Eide TI1oti'oned that Yelm g.o on daylight Saving time If 1;).11 the tgllvns arid cities surrounding or affe"cJ;lfmg Yelm t.ook to turning' their cloc~s ahe8:d!jl;' Councilman Trimble seconded the motionan,d the ayes carried the I:' .'J motioTI;. . [j '1 I ;. t Superintendent' of Water Works, Milt Johnson consulted the advice of the Council and Mayor 1n regards to pipe line needed at the location of Demich's new building. Brcnvn motionedl to 'l;3.Y q. water. line dO',vnthe. alley ~rom . . Longmire to Solberg street, between Jefferson t'tnd Yelm Avenue. "ArtTrirnble s4conded the motion and it carried. The question arose before the mee'ting 'whether the police' car sho~l,d serve as an ambulance f'or the sick who were on welfare. Afte'r dis""; cussing all angles it was decided ~he clerk should contact. the 'Wel.fare 40".": ' r Department to disco ver iJyhetherthe department would enlist its: aid financially as it would prove to be too big 'a burden for the city-t0 withstand. The _ Tovms tat torriey was to be consulted' qn ;tb,.elegali ty of' obtaining partial expense on this service.' ' The Mayor and Council discussed in large the possibilities of ~icenslng amusements a."l'}d .free play games, ,music boxes etc. The members "q.isplayed their wish that the clerk sho1?_ld contact tovms or cities where these licenses ,. an.dta~es ~e. ,collect,~d and 'report at the .May;'m0e~ing. . .Delinquent water and garbage_ bills vvere requested and cut off notices we.re order,ed sent to the cu'stomers as the ordinp,nce requireso. . . Meet~tlg' 'adjourned. .' ' ~to~-" 1{ . v'. HE11DERSON, ~MAYOR. 4J ""{:' ~d() A. ~~. .,;I~ ,I f ~.." r ," . I I 5"'~h\ 'ii);,: MAY LQth" 1950 ~e, Mayor ,ope~ed the regular. mee.ting of th~ Counc~l vvit~~. Councilinen; Swanson, Bro'tvn, Pollard" and Tr~mble present~ COtJ.1lcl.lman E],.de was absent. Minutes. of the April meeting were read and (approved. 'The following bills were read and#ordered paid on a motion by Pollard and' a second by Brovfn. \ The moti'on carried. ClT..R-RENT EXPENSE " P. S. Power &' Light-------~---'-----..-.-...-~i37 .46 , Standard' Oil of California--,----------- 58.91' . Yelm TeIephene Company----------------- 21.,05 WATER' FUND P.S. Po\ver & Light--------~--------7'"-.-- 52.92 , Western utilities Su.pply--------------- .4.37 STREET FUND. . J.F. Forbes br.-..:.-------~-~--~--...------. L~6.35 W~.shington state Peni tentiary-..;.-------- '2.72 , GARBAGE FUND . Mosman Agency---------------.;..---------- 1.33 Field t.s MC?,tor 'Co'. -----...:---------------- 54.10 The treasurer's .report. wasnead and approv'ed. .Dates and Ii terature of ,the ~wC Convention at Walla Walla -were on hand,. and Mayor Henderson declared that held like to see some memberseof the . Council attend the meetings if ,possible. It seemed likely that a few. Councilmen might be 'able to go. l. The Ineeting of The Board of Health was announced 'to be held in Shelton May 17th. . ' . AIl.the information from the Thurston County Welfare Department on securing financlal asststance for Welfare patients was not on hand so ~furthGr decisions on the matter would rest until the WeIf.are Dept.. responded. , Resolution. No. 6L~ on Ambul-ance ,Service dravm up by the Tovm f s Attorney. was read. . Councilman Bro\vri motioned to pass Re.:.~.olution 64,. Swanson . sec'onded the motion and the resolution' earrie'u,,:tiiiiiiiam::ime1fs':ve'te. '-. It . was ordered published. . . Cd' The info~mation r~quested from Department of Conservation and DevelopmenT' was on hand to assure the' Tov'IJ'TI. its. present water rights vV'ould bE?' Pl#)O- tectedand that wells would be kept far enough away to avoid injurious interference to the tovm's supply. After an intensive discussionQn the am011nt of water available to the to~n, the'need for a new well seemed apparent and, .the clerk' was instructed' to malre an application to the 'State'Department of Hydraulics for a water right to allo'w 500 gallons pwnped pe~'minui?e. ' Ordinance 59 was dravvn up by Attorney Fristoe. TJj.is erdinance relates to and licenses amusemen~ devices and fixes fees to be charged. ,Ordfnance' 59 had its. .first and second readings' and was passed unanimous~ . ' .ly~by ,all Cf)UnoilrLl~Ja,--prese:Q.t.. . Council adjourned. ~ 7p.~.~ . 'JATHAN W.. HENDERSON, IVIAYOR . ' .~'M DROG-SET ... ". I I. I ." ... ~ ~....:... . 5~~'"; , ,,:. if,. ... "~~~: . ....... ,r 10.' June 14', 1950 The regular meeting of" the Council:of Town of Yebu was held with Mayor Henderse!l 'p'Uesidllifu.gg Councilmen Trimble, Swanson, ,Brovvn,Pollard were present., Cou.n.ci,lnian Eide WaS absent. Attorney Frfst'C?e \:vas on hand. to, advise, in legal matter~. . " Minutes of the 'May lOth meeting were read and approved., . Charles Demich viras present,..-~or the purpose' of deeding to the Tovm of:. Yelm ,tots '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11,12, --13, 14, 1.5, 16, aU9.17' il}. Block.3 'er ~McKenziets second'Addition of'Yelm and Lots 10,11,12, 13,. and J.4'ln / Block 40f McKenziets Second Addition toYelm. 1~. Demich, specified . defini t'ely the des~gnated land shoufd ~~ used ox:-1y for p~rk pur~oses'. If ever the To'lrV11. o.f 'Yelm Sa\1l1 a better use of the ,sarne land l.n tne J.nterest of the Yelmites, the change would be made only by majority vote of the neoule of Town of 'Yelm. Art Trimble moved that the Town of Ye~l .accept the sev~nteen lots mentioned above for park purposes only arid Earl Pollard seconcted the motion and i t:carrie'a:;\:n.1<:l,J~rl:;:nC/u~::;ly. ~. ~- , j Ordinance 59 h dits thirdand'~inal reading. It was adopted , ~. I unanimously and or~e~ed published. ~le following bi~ls were read and ordered paid on a motion by Earl Pollard and a second, by Ed Brown: A A , . CURRENT EXPENSE . ~ , , D &, H Mobil, gervice----------~--...----~--~*~58.,93 YeLil Telephone c.'---------":'"-----~--~-~--- 24.05 Pioneer Incorporatea---------~----------- 25~47 P 41,S. Power i& Light--------~---------~---- 36~ 70 .\,~J..:'rTErances Ei' ~ogseth-------~~------------- 4.80 Water VGTND ' P.S~' Power & Light..:'____--______~____J_____ 58.20 .Trimble f s HardVlrare----------------------.-' 7 ~16 ' Yelm Ltunber 00.-----.--------;...-----..;.------ 32.77' STREET FUND , Ta'coma Rainier Auto Freight-----'--------- 2.66 GARBAm.E , ' D & HHobil Service--------,----i-,--------- 4.18 Earl P<r;>llard an.d Art Trimble took the oath of office for Councilmen of the. To\rvn -o'f Yelm for the term of two yearse Frances Drogset~' VilaS, sworn in for the office of Clerk-Treasurer ,for the term of fouryears~ The ~reasu~er ':8 report was read and appr~ved. Dr., Bucove of the Health Dis'trl,ct 'announced, ithe organization wou.1d desire one representative to act, ex-officio from YeL'11 on their Health' Board~ The Jo:, int Fact-Finding CO:rrJ..-vni ttee announced a serle s' of . public h~arings in several cities and extended an invita~ion for any '.from 'Yelm to participate. The property owners on stevens street 'requested the alley vaGat~d'. The' clerk was requeste,4 to consult Attorney Fristoe on the procedure inyblved and the possible effects on the To'livn' in the event the' a.ll,ey needed to be reopened~ ' ,Several requests had been transmitted to the Mayor of oiling st'reets,~ The Tovm would .prolong the nece'ssary repairs until it had . ,a, definite answer fro1Tl the' $tate concerning the crossing over stevens street. 'Duke applied for permission-to stage public dances every 'Saturday-night in the Odd '?Fellows Hall. 'The permIssion was granted on grolJ.nds'" the ^dai1ces would not prove' to be !l"Llisances to the public. Much intensive discussion took p&ftce on the important matter oJ: a 'new well./ Several authorities on engineering and drilling were to be'con- tacted'an~ the situation would be further discussed. ~(~arshal JOM Cullens was "present and stated the'police car was in impe~ative need of complete over-hauling or spec'lal tlttention,'iB r,epair . \ , \" .~ ~. f:(8' . f).":.:,, oW;~" " , ' I work. No definite action was taken at this .1.... ulme. Tl'le Council gave permission to the Clerk ( to., purchase a regula~i0n size flag for street display. After thms' the meeting adjourned."",'; . trit,,_J:l~thal1.'.}v., liende.rson :MAYOR I I:' /J _ :--E~J '.~~l k ~. ogse 'or ~~..~~. June 21, ,1950 o At a Special meeting of the COuncil of the Town of'Yelm called by ~ Mayer,Henderson, all Councilmen' were present. Also on h~d at this special w~s ~~. John Robinson bf Ta~oma. The importan,t issue before th~ Council was the "New Well u. . I~ . i: Mr. Robinson, a ground water geolog~.st,presented his facts and suggestion~ as experienced in the many well constructions he had. supervised. To him ' l2-inch casing ~ $12 a foot would prove more' satisfactory. He maintained '~ guy should drilJ,.s.aIld test to obtain water at the earliest, safe, and satis- factory depth rather than drill for depth only. ,He recormnended screen tno\1gh,...i.t.Qost mere... Water should be tested tOl? ehem~cal reaction'" to s?pply the. correct type of screen to ward off corrosion. '. .." ~..' ,,- . , . " , J!'> ., \ Mr. Robinson charged ~~his. fee. as' ground watergeologist--olO%, ofth~ cost. 'of the 1111e11. He uvould 'draw up the specifications, form the' bid (wi th the attorney's double-.check), supervise the..testing,- the analysis of the . 'V~Jater for corro'si ve chemicals., and see that, . the' '\1l1ater was obtaiRed 'at the. :first ,possible, satisfacto:ry, .and..safe..level..to ..suppl'JT. the Tois'm of Yelin vli th the, amount i t appl~ed for. ',' Ed Brown moved that the 'ToVITl of YeLm drill a well, Art Trinillle seconded this motion and it carried <unanimo,llSlYe .. ,. . . A motion Wq.s made by Ed BrOii'll'1'that the rrown engage Mr. John W. Robin- son\as ground water geologist for the job of drilling the well. Oscar Swa~son seconded the motion 811d the vote was .'u.nanimous again. ' Mayor Henderson calledfQr ideas 0n ~in~ncing the new well. The Division of Municipalities informed the Council it could issue interest-bearing warrants. 'The Council a greed this .wasthe best plan. o , The clerk \IV;::; s instructed to seek info'rl11ation on. the addi tion of' fluorine , 'to ,the vlater as a safe-guard to tooth de.cay. CouneiLnan Brovm moved to raise the monthly' water minmmum'rate 50~ making the mimimum ~~2.5Q be'ginning August 1, 1950.. Gounci.lrnan Pollard seconded " thi$ Diotion and\barJ.:ied unanimously,., July 12th, 1950. at 8 P.M. wa.s the dqte s.et for the public hea,ting on the increase of water rates~proposed by the Coune i 1 of . Tovvn of Ye 1111;'1 \ . ~ ,~ .' Ordinance 60 dravffi up by At,torney Fristoe fu'11ending the 'Vlater o"rdinances 23 and 24, thus raising Nle minimlrra monthly charge to $2~50 a mon~1had i~s first and second rea:dings. The CO~lnci,1 passed on this ordinance unanimeus-. ly. It "livas shelved until the next meeting. The meeting adjour~ed. ~W:~,O Na than W.' Henderson, I\'layor:, ' I (,;,l . " '~l \ " I I r' 5;9';'''(:' .~ ~ ~"'j . <o:~, ,_ July 12, 1950 At the regtllar meeting tof the Council of' Town of 'yelm all members were pr.esent wi th lVlayor Henderson pr~siding,. , 'The minutes of the 'JUne meeting and the Special meeting of' June 2:l:.st, , . were read and approved. The Treasurer,'s report was read al1.d accepted. , '. ,) - ~1e following bills were ~rdered, paid witll a motion by Art. Trimble and a second by Pollarq..., Motion carl"Jied 1,u1.animously: CURRENT EXPIDfSE ' , ~ Yelm Telephone .Company-------------.~-----------,tP . ,2~_. 79 Field 1 s' Motor ~Co. _..___-_:......;__.____________._,____:-c"'~ .2200:..20 l.T1o If' t's--........... -:""...-... - --!'.......... -...... __....'.-a;~_.. C*I -=:t.CIICt ..:-... ----- - ea......,_ -....... . 9...72 Br01l'ffi Bros; Garage------"":-....--------:-------------. 26.96 standard Oil or Calif .------------------------.-- 35.~9' Mosman Agency.:.------------------~---------~---- 3.5.00 P.S. Power..& Light---------------.-------~------ 28.,~,50 . Pickett Drug store-------....----....---------,-,...----.... 88~~:8H WA TER' Ful\TD ' P. S. PovITer and Light-----------------,------..:--- "Yelln Lmnber Co. ....-.--'----.-----------.---------.-.-.-.- ~bvm Bros. .Gargge-----------'--...----------~---- . STREE:T FUND J3!?ovm Bros:. Garage- - - - ---- -- - --- --'....-,- ----- -- --- GARBAGE FU1~D 'I" Brown Bros.- Gara.Q'e-----..:.--.----------------.;..--...;;... o. . WA TER F1jl\fD~H:- 64~'62 c.34 ,~. 64 .77 : 9.25 . .' !.ollis Rota-.-----.--,--....--...;-.---.-.---.-....,--'----.--...---~ 23.00 The Department of Health informed the Council it did not encourage using' fluorine in' the water and \vould not consider approving its ipstal1- ation until the addition is more safely knovm. The Health Department ' had no object,i011 to the intended pump house building being used as a work house as 'long as~no ~sewers were located nearby. ~~. Co~t~ As~~ssor ,related the "Town of Yelmts assessed vs:lugt.ion :fGr 1951 lS 't~ 2311,150.00, , '~ A letter from the Pub Ii c Serlti ce Conrrni ss ion gave news the' Northel"ln Pacific h~d not answered on .Ye1m 1 s petition for ~ crossi'ng over stevens, st.~ Mr., Ellingsen of Olympia Novelty Co. was present and declared ,that as his company was the only' company so f'arholding a nlR$..ter "S license, in Yeln~ he fa like to see punch boards included in the games being ta...-.{ed--as an added "pro.tection. .' The Co~cil decided to seek the opinions of the mer-' cha.B.ts before malcing a decision ontms matter.. . ,-' , . , 1Y1r~ Terry Thol1ipson was at this meeting 'in his behalf' 'to 'offer pur- chasing the unpaid' wateI'> revenue bonds and add to them i:C' theTo'tl\T11. \ nee~ed t~ere~enue for. the new well fu~d r~pairl ~ork on thewatersyst~m. , . 1v1rl Henderson presented the information on the ,New Well dl~avm up by the T~'mts Ground water geologist, Ww. Robi~son. The specificatioNs. met the Councilt s approval and August 9th'~~v~s'Jt}the deadline s,et for accepting bids 'at the c1erk t s office. " . ' '. A delegation from the public was present in the intere~t of raising' 'the water 'monthly mihimmn rate.' Ordinance 60 was shelved until further notice., ' , I ''!he O:n.mcil voted to lease Lots 1, 2,3,~i5,6, 7, and 8 in Block 5 of McKenzie's Second Addition to Yelm to the Yelm Lions Club for the month of August, 1950. Meeting adjourned. (s) Nathan VV. Hend.erson,Ma-yo (\ Drogse th, '60 f {:"'1 . ,....J:'''' / I ) \ August 9, 1950 , The regular meeting of the CouncIl of the To~m Qf ):elm ~~iT.as called to order by Mayor Henderson~ with Councilmen, SYlJanson, Br01.m and Pollard present. Absent were Councilmen Eide and Tri:r:lble. -: frhe main business to take care of was the opening of the sealed bids for the drilling of the new well. Only two bids were received and ,these, were opened and read as follows: Richardson Well Drilling Co.: Drilling l211 hole ---....--:-~--~p 12.00 per fQot. Hour work ---------~------~- 8~oo per hour. , Test pump ---~---------~--~- 200.00 L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Co.: '_,D-~ill:Lng ,12 .!~~hple, -.-~,-.~.:-.:-,-~~~,12.50 per .foot. ,'Hour work.-----..:-..:;-.:-.-.:-.-.---.':'"~.~-,. 8.o0~ per' hour. ' ~ Test .pu"rnp -----.-:---.-r'-r:-.~.::-'-"-,~':'"':'".-, .175..00 .. 'H..~, .. '" . No action' whats.oeverwas taken on the .bi.ds .as all lll(embers of the c, council were n9tpre,sent.. o No furthu!, business was t.ake,n.'up .at~t.his meeting as the Mayor and all member.,s' of ~O:~ Counc:i.J J:1;ad,previ.o.us .engagements. It was therefore decided that a special meeting be held on August 15th to take 'care of a~~l rera.aining m8"tt.e.r.s,.. 'fhe Gl~rlt was a.~k-ed-t'o.'wr,:i:~e.':tQ JVtr.....cI. M. Robin~ori,~ Mr. H. T. Harstad, and I\'Ii". T. Thornpson to see if the they could be' pr'Gs'ent at the meeting 0n~ AugusJ 15th~.:t~o .dis.cJJ.s.s. the. pr.oposed \vater a. wOl"ks replacenlent project.. , ~. . The meeting aq.journed. n ,)~ HENDERSON, MAYOR }-~~~j --:-::: ELVERA K..' JOB};' Ll ,It ... . August 15, 1959 '\. A special meeting of the Council of the Tovm of Yelm was c$.11edr.J3y":IvIayor. Henderson ~vith all Councilmen pre sent. 'Minuetes of the July 12th meeting viTere, read and approved. PreS~3nt at the nleeting 'were If.. 'TI:loInpson of the' Fordyce and Cornpany and H. T. Harstad of H. 'I'. Harstad Be Ai3sociates. The main topic of, discussion 'Nas the Water Utilit-;t Bonds; Ml')Q Thompson made the- following proposition on our pres~~nt 'outstand- ing ponds and the n6\iV bonds to be added: Par value of ~f;lOO. ~p the1, outstanding bonds with interest rates of 2 3/l4-%on some ,and. 3% qn ' reinairtlng ones. straight. interest "rate oll."the nev,! bonds ~isto be 3 .l/~l;h, the par value being ~~;97. pel" each :iplOO. prillcipal. .' A, motion was rD.ade by Councilman Brown and second by rrrimble that Mr'. Tb.ompson be authorized to go ..ahead li'li th selling of ;)the Water utili t-y I?pnds. On a motion by Broii''}l1.' and second by1rrimb.le that. H. lr. ,. Harstad & Assoc,ia te,s be hIred ~as:' I1~1.gineers. f'orthe preserit.~. vvater extensions and 'replacements :wi th h1.s fee being 10%, of the 'to_tal 'c~,st of supervision and inspecti,on.. Motion carried unai1l1mously. \ ' -:-, o " The following monthly bi lIs vvere read, and on a :motion by . IJoll8,rd and, second by Swanson were ordered paid: CUHREl~T EXPENSE: f .'" ,Mosman Agen6y ---------------- Floyd CuJr~ings -~------------- p . S . Power &: Li gh t Co.' - - - - - - - . P. S. Power & IJight Co. ---- -..;.- Yelm Telephone Co.' ----------- YelmTelephone . Co. ----------- 'Wo If r s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ,;,!, ':.11:' '05'/ '"v } J. "',;i.ho 18.30 2E3.50 15'. 15 10.55 1.38 I; ", ' I- . i I 6~:;~l., ' . : :~~;" T'6R 'FU1JD: .', I)'.S.' F:OVfe'r' & Light COo ------- p'~o S. Power & Light Cb 0 --- ---- Xelm"Lmuber Co. ---i-----~---- Brown Bras Garage ----------- , .. ,::;, , I " . GARBAGE .PUND. ,'. 1 FieLd's Motor Co. ---~--~--~--' ) d;t.l'. ') 96 cw4._) . 9.92 . 28.45-, . \ 1. '.-J "Ll~;l'3 . t...~ .".., \ 1', 7 .17 _Ordinance No. 60 pert~ining to the 'raising, of the \vat~r rate's was ~iveniis bhird and final readihg and order~d published._ New billing of. the higher ~!ater rates to be effective on Augus~ I., ,1950. Discus,sion was held on the bids from ,the Riehardson Well Drill- ing',Co~. and the L. R. Gaudio :WellDrilling ,.Go. On 'a motion by, fJ'rirllble ,and second' by' pollard that-'uhe lower bid of Jiic,haI'>dson VV'ell Drilling \ Co. beace~pted. rn1e mot'ion e,ar'.ried unanimously. . ni'1, e" '-Tin'e e -'- i r.... CJ' J..l.... .~..~ ~ u_ :.1.0 rece~se,d un,til. WE.?_~n:-~s(lay, August. 25,' 195'0: '\VE1...S - . . ~ _ August '25, 1950 \. ,The meeting of~Aug~st' 15:~' 1956'c'on:tinued ~vi tho Mayor- Render-son' 8.'(.l.dCounc11menSwanson, .lrJ(i;rnple _.and ..Brown., pl;'e.sen,.t.... ,CoJJ.nci.lmen Eide and Pollard absent.' , Mr. Green of' the H.' T.. :Har.stad ,& Associates and WIr. Terry' Thompson of Pordyce~ & Co 0_ ~vvere. pr~ s.ent.". __ . ~ , Iv1.r'o Green pres~nte,d p.lans.,. .sp.6ocifications and reguirements need- ed for thE? proposed, water eX.'~.ens:Lon.and. rep.1acemep.t project. "After 'lepgthy discussion which led to some changes in the proposal, H. T. Harstad & ,'.Associates v!erea,utbor.i.z.ed .t.o go ahead and .call tor sealed bids the amount q:f Asbestos;-'Cemeht Water - Pipe that would bey needed.. . . , Mr. Thompson presented to the CotLl'lcil for FQrdyce & Go~ thier pla.ns for purchase of the ~~2~, 000, principal .amount OfOU1~,. pre'sent ' outstanding water revenue bonds and for ;!:?].8,.000 par value addi tional . "water' 'r-evenue bonds. On~': a motion by.' Trimble and S0 condby S~Jvanson 'that Fordyce and eompany T s offer of pUl"'chase of' wat~r reven1)e bond~ be accepted. The I\ilayol~ and Clerk are authorized to sign said water revenue bond.s. 'On'a moti.on by Swanson and eecond by, Trimble that Harold Shefel- m~n of \iVeter, Hoberts & Shefelman, Bond Attorneys be engaged to pre- P0re the p,roceedings descl"ibing and authorizing the issuance ,of said wa tOJ." . I)()Vepue 'bonds. ' The 'Council authorized the Clerk, to supply :Mr. Shei'elm.an wltl) . affida~it of publ~c~tioti. Meeting recessed. " Sept~mber ,13, .1950 ~nt1itnuing the August 25th;mee-ting "'wi th "r~I~or He,nderson presiding, all COuncilmen were present. ,Mr. Green of'tIarstad & Associates was on hand~'-also Mr~ Maddock oi." Johns-Ivla11villeand 'MrEt Patterson of H.D. Fowler 8/~ Co. " The two bids received on water main piping were opened and 'we~e as follows:'. 'H.D.. ,..Fowler Co. Inc.. 5500 ft~:------at ~;.83 --------'$4,565.00 150 I' ft.-----~at$1.30--------- . '195.00 ~ . , " '$4,700.00 3 % Sales, Tax 142.80 $4,902.8"c5 Johns-Manville ,S~les Corp.' ' '.' . 5590 :ft.------ at~~.85----~-~-,-$4,675.00 150 fto--~---at $1.32;"'--:"--t~-' 198.00 , " . ~$L~, 873.00 ('.... " "j '. '6,2. ~ .." .\J '~ j,,~ , ~ " ~ lli6; i9 " ~ d!'["" I -- ~P:'> , 0'19'. 19 \ After intensive discussion, ,Councilman Brown motioned to accept the lowerrbid o.f H.D. Fowler .Co.mc.' and Councilman Oscar Swanson'se'cORded the -motion. T11.e motion carried unanimously. 3% Sales Tax r1tfl'l. Green of Harstad &:. Associates declared he ~vould prepare bids or a' bid to. include replacing the old water mains, e.xcavati~n, and erection of a pump house." ,It was und~rstood that the Council might. or rn.ight not accept . any' or portions of the bids, as :1 t 'Saw necessary. Bills were then read' and the ~ollowing bills were erdere& paid~by a motion by CounciLman .Svranson and a second by Councitman Trimble..' The motion) carried unanimously. ' ' CURRE1PrEXP EN SE. , . P. S. Power & Light Co.~";'--------------~--$38.29 Pickett Drug stox'e--~---------~...;.'------~--,-' 6..52 Joe 1 S,., Place-;......;--------------------...,---....-- L~.12 B1"o VvTI Bra s . Ga, 1") age - - -... - -.- - - -- -...... _._.~.- ....- -.-:- - 9l.i.. 82 Standard Oil of' California--------------- 26.21 Yell'll Telephone Co.~-------------....-------- ,19..85 PARK'FUND '. , vVolf 's...~--.~---....-------....-------.--,-----.-........-150. 84 WATER FuND . P..S~ . Power & Light------------,----------- 51.12 Daily Journal Cbmmerce-'--- ----------...--- . 1.50 Bro'\vn Bros.' Garage---....,-----------....-.--..'.-o..--- 4.89 'STREET ,PUND '. . &O\11D:'1 &os. ,Garage---------....--.--...-------- Yelm, L1llube'r 'qo.-------:--,---..::---..:.....-------- GARBAGE. FOND BrOViIl Bras. Garag$----------------------- \ Oi",,:., , .; 1.99' . 10.~3 9.38 ~.J +11.8 treasurer's report was read and approved~ Resolution 65 ,was dra\m u.p, re-read. Councilman Brovm motioned that 'Resolution .6.5 be passed. m d CounciL~an Eide seconded this motion. lll'le motion carried unanimously. Several Yelmi tee expres-sed to. Mayor Henderson their desire to ~orm L. I. D. t s, to place c~bs 8~nd sidewalks around their property. Some' discussion ro*::e:e:::n:O r:::::::e t:::i::p::::::e:5:: ::i::::::C10Ck. .. .. . \~ter much caref'ul planning the 1951 'budget was adopted with ~ motion by,.:. It il;"t-j . Councilman Poll.ard an1\,l'~~dtn~T8% \?r~ Co~ilman B~ov;/n. The vote was U11.ai1J.lUouii: . 'The budget was ord<?red '. L-:-- _",-,A ... ~ publlRbed alld the dRte set fo'r~ ~ h~PiE~~~n . ~a~2.~AhaP ne~~%~to; been advance.d to the street Fund of the To'v'1ffi of Ye L-rn \ the s,um of > $1; 000.00 ,for the maJ;lagement, of the' street Impr0vement program and Pi ,WHEREAS, the Council ot: 'TO\Vl1 'of Yalm i.s' desirous of repaying to the . Cupr~nt . Expens~ Fund .the said ~pl, 000.,00 advanced from .the sflid' Current Expense Fund to the street FUnd, ,no~w and theref'or, ; " , . BE' IT RESOLVED that there be a~nd is hereby 'transf'erred from the surplus sum :In tp.e stre~t Fund of ~the' TovrIl .6f;> :Yel..11l to the Current Expense FLU.1.d of' ,:Tov1Tl'l, of Yelm the sum of ~;l, 000.00, aJ.'ld the Treasurer 0'.f, Town of Yelm is hereby directed and authorized to transfer the ,said S~~ on t~e records o.f TO~TI'of Yelm. 0- DATED this 13th day of September, 1950.. Introd1)"ced~t~$rp.oer .13,' '19.50 C) . . Q' . ~ r" ' ~dopt.ed September 13th, 1950 .. .~~:w./~ a han W. l~enderson, ,Mayor 9~~t,~~. , .l..' arice s .E. Drogset 'e:rk ...It '., I I '\ 6!'€)~iJ):. >;~~j ~ .....:~ - ~ September 15, 1950 ~fter' a recess of ~wo days ,the Mayor and Council continued the , meetin.g 'v!ith -Councilmen Pollard" Brovin, Trimble present. Council- , men ,Eide ~uid' Swanson 'were absent. ' ' . Ordinance No. 61 adopting" a plan .and syst4~m of improvement's toth~ ~, waver sJstel~ of Yelin:" and providing "fblV theu~,alling and :;efundipg o'r ~f-, ,,$24,000 of Water Revenue Bonds and for the lssuance of ~~2,OOO of, ' Wa tar, -Revenue Bonds and providing for- thEf sale :of said bonds to , Fordyce~ &'" Comp?-nyhad "its 'fi'rst and secondr eadings. After considerable discussion Counci lman Brovm made,' a mChtion to adopt Ordinan'ce No. 61' and Councilman Trimble seconded the motion. ,The vote was" unanimous. , l -I , ~Delinquent water bi"lls' '~Jfere asked for and reminders were orderedc sent -Co Iv'f:r:so Fe l\!Iarshall, to .Joe is Place; an.d .mo Sf) Waage. Chris ;' .Job.l1.'son ,was, ordered shut off, until furthel'? reimb1.u"sement was made. ~ DOlrglas Buchanan and Rober-t DeJ~ora t;S' bills we~be to" be turned over to'the TO\iTll Attorney for collection.' (, , ~e Clerk was ordered to contact Terry .~1.ompson about the int'e:res't pi1- the ,bonds that the to\iv.fl apparently had to pay until the new bonds came through. She was also to secure information:on Calling up the old bonds. ' ,\ 'n16 meeting, recessed until September 27th, another ,Special meetil?-g. \ \ \ . ~~w.t~~~ ...- . I,:> -athan W.' endersQ'n, Mayor , ' ') \ ' September 27" 1950 '~]Iayor" Henderson' and Councilmen Art, Trimble, 'Ed Bro\~m, and Earl' Pollard continued ,the unadjourned meeting., Councilmen Oscar ?Eide and Oscar Swan?on were absent. .... Howard Harsta.rl;l the ,consulting engineer was also on hand. ~ , J I _Five sealed bids were 'opene~d,~t.nead"and discussed on replacing water mains, moving and resetting exi~t.ing pump,' constructing 'pump hou:~e; and, blasting and painting ,interior of steel tank. Art 'Wrimble. motioned ,to accept the bid of E.F.. Pugsley "subj.ect to adiustment' of quantities to meet the' fund available. Ed Brown seconded this motion and motion carried unanimously. The following 'is~. F. 'PugsTeyts' / 'q.cc'epted' ,bid: ~tem ,Description' scrIEDULE A ' ,1., Trenc~ing and, Back~ill Unit Price .A.1M6'Ul).t *~ ,2,L~8. 00 / Quan ti ty \ . '6,:120 ft. $ .49, 2~ Installing 4n Asbestos Cement Pipe ' 1,,428.00 . =\. lSi; 00 r.n~ F 5,950 ft. '.24 ' 3., Installing 2 n Galv. Iron Pipe · '170 ft. , .70 " 4. FlJ.rnish and ;install 4,u Gate Valve and valve box 5.%rni sh and install .4" . Gate Valve 'and valve box , 57. 00 570.00 , 10 ea. 24.00 3 ea. ?2.00 ' 6. Recol1nect existing 2ft iron ,pipe, to. system " 7 . Qonnect new 4 tf AC' pipe to existing system 7 ea. "30-.00 210.00 ~ 40.00 400.00 10 ea. .41 <l!J4', 0, . ' ~.. :. ',. ~:t 1'" . 4 ',;':'f ,'I .,....Jr"." 8., Cast iron :fittings in place i,250 lbs.' ~~2' 9. COncrete, !}locking in. place , 10. F\u-anish and Install fire ' , Hy~rant as per Stand. Detail 4.:00 30 ea. 3 ea. 280.00 11. Bedding sand in place 12~ 'Provide material and re- connect service connections 20 cu.' Yd. 5.,00 65 ' ea. 23.00 13. Provide and install 314ft ser-vice pipe ( 14. Replacing gravel surfac'e >" 100 ft..90 50 cu. yd. 5.00 '15. Replacing bituminous sur~ "'facing (Per line ft. of trench): 100 .:f~. .90 .J 16r Maintaining wate~ service dUl')ing construqtion Lul'J?p Sum Sub-Total ,"'- 3% state Sales Tax on Items 2 to 16 only To t a1 4~ ., \, .., ,,. ." ...~ " .., .., " " ..' \; " \,. " ,,. ~, to! " .., 'I "/~"'4~"i';--j\-'-:-'\""? ~~\"~-:i,,"i..."*i~i\~r"'i;"'\~\4~-'''''''''I::--' .;""~\",,,, -; SCHEDULE B M6ve,'reset and reconnect Well Pump , " 3% Sales Tax Total Lump Sum SCHEDULE C Cbnstruct Well House 3% Sales Tax , Total, LtU11p sum \ SCHEDULE D Sandblast and paint interior of elevated tank L"l1111P SU111 '3% Sales Tax Total ~~~~~~~~?~~~~~~~~~ r $) '495.0Q .120.,00. 840'.00 100.,00 1,495.00 . 90..00 '250.00 90.00 20n.oo $ tr,927.00 120.00 ' ~~9~053 6\ 00 <'1>("1 076 00 .,l}....P , ... ..' . . 6.00 ~~ 1,0(32.00 $" 1,226.00 18..00 31.1', 1 2Ll /1 00 ," , tL+.., ' $ 510.,00 8.00 $ 518.00 Ordinance 61 had its third and final reading. Trimble motioned to acc~pt.Ordinance 61, Pollard seconded this motion and it, carried uilan- lmously. It was ordered pu~blished. The necessary ,steps were ordered. , cared for to complete the business to secure the water r~venue bonds~' The mee,ting adjourned'." '~: ....,. ' lv, /~ W. Henderson, Mayor '\ o -'0 o October 11" . . r-' ~9~O 1}!~ g,a, 'Mayor Henclers'on opened the Octoberl ~(legLt~.al"l COlJ.l1c11 m()e'~~Lng \vi'l~h 09ul1cilmen. A..rt Tl')i.mble, Eal?l Pollapd, Oscar Swanson - and' OSCELJ.'l. Bide pJ~eSelyt;o \:. O:n:i.ncilrn~~ Ed BJ~OVvIl was unable .to' be p:ees~eli-G~ \......1'1 Jte ()f' -l-~7!6 tJr(:::'..\T.-t('''i.'.l:::t 'Yl1(.::>..Q'i-!j.tF):;S - '~:L1ITUC!..t.. ?r.' }Ill ~J." ;-' S ,.., uJ>...\..,.J. ~ _ J _ ~J ..... J.....' J ,.-. ~'" ..:1.0 _I::> LJ _:;> , 15~ and. SeptC::fl'liber- 27tb., were, 1')8:)..d ..9~n.cl IJ.PP1"'oved~/ September 13, , {.)eptell1ber ,Oi1 a l11ottoll. 'by Q)unc.l1meI.11 Svvanson 8.tl<l:8. secoiJ.c1 by-Councilrnan Bide the fo 11ovf1ng bil18 VJore lJ..Dal'-LLmously al:>pl-ovec1: I '. . orJRRf~NT EXIJEN SE Ye 1m TE? lei)hone .Co........ ~.;.. - - --' -- - .;..-.-. -....:.-,.;..._-.....;.....- .......$ D &;, II N[o '011: ' 38r~-li 60-.... ~..~.;f. .:.. ..- -'--'~'''~ -.- -'- ~........,. ...._,-....... P~0nee!? F!l'anc e s Fi3Id1s Inc.;~.'~ ~--_... te:r.d.O'\lll _ ...'- ......._,.-:-'"'-:...;..., ----.. ...,..._ ~ ~~. (:;)I."'.~'" .....~ 1l:6..t',....-".f.""- ;~;.b ;:0 8~ ~ :~. ::::::=:= = = ==.== === : = = ==:: 1v10 SJ}lc~1 .[6811. C y...-4.... - - -.... "- ..:.... "'.... -,.;...., .-. -- -. ~,... .'.., ~~. ...'. ,....t. ...~.......'.... ""<'f ""'0. ~o:;' -... ....._...~1 -"', ~ . !~; ~,f i ;::~~ ~:-.~:.~:::.=~;:.=.::.:,,:=,:.:.:,~:.::=.~::::=:' ~~.~::.: . D0pt~ ; cf' T-J8.bor 0; IrJ.dust;::?ic8-,--....._..._-_.__.__._~~- , Collector of Internal. Reverrue-.;..---......-----........ Wil.~gH PTJFD '. , Y(~lm L1J.mber' Co.... -- -- ---.;...;.- -~ _0-...... --- - -..; _..:,--:--- . , , \ De...ily Jo.uJ:'nal o:f O:nYimerce-- - -.- .......-.w .<M.."'...... .,;.,,,.....,,~...,.,--, p'S'.: 1='oi!iie'r ~(~., liio'l').G-..;...-----...;...--,.;....;.......--P..,,-<...-.--...-...~-,. ,J.. 0 ~. "" ,".> ..., 'O~' . , Collector of. Internal Revenue----~----~---- , Dept~ of Cohservat:to:c.!. /y,: Development;----~--- STHEET . COllector of' Internal I-ievern:u3-------.-,~...,;..._.,~- Dept~ 'of' Labor &; Ind9 _________._.._.____~__.;...._z___. GARB.AGE ' D &.' H IvI0 bi l.:..~,....._...-.........._.;...-- -.-.- - .,."..... - .,,.... _.",. .;..'.......:.-. ....."~',... ..:. -.,.:.., r"\r ""0 . L. -:. .....) 1 ~ . I : Q' 1:; Lf-U~' ...l....t- 1'7.62 --. .- '7 '. 0.1 I.' .J- 78.25 .5~CO ')S'r"\' J 4 ':_-1.. c'~.13 J.4~ll 74.10 59~95 12~6o "6' c..a ..) '.. U ,; 7;'00 . 10~~'OO I)'f)"'" ..... .C>. i- ~ Ie ~ 16' 67.65 1 \ . . , . ,C0:el~8 spond.,-j}:lC8 :lne luded'8. note from Howard Ha1'S "Gad Vii th the cO..';".,...;,l..,I~..G'..lo-... '0'1.-:'> ..1-'".0 1--),4,.:.1..... ()'n .::::(c"1.~.or'-l]::\ S'C'. r1 Fe ,..,.J-".!-r-l .,.1--....-'. . L.i.l-' -.- ....U" '..- .111 ,... I.d.J.'':-;, I, ,..l..L;:;; _~... v IJ.<::; ~L t,.. (::, J....:: j .L-':J \J~ ....""1 / ,::, \:'.;.,. !./ d \.~~ L'.t..'. c,.. l/ .Iv&~ r:llgsley -vv:Ll.l,'be8:Lh..v'\!o:e].c 0:(1 t;ho \n!el~U."l()use El.'s "Si)(:l1 as -lc;ho ~V'e.l1 , screen Is ':i.nstalled and pilJelaylng soon i s tb,elJa18..l1c.e. of' the plpe 8.l~ri ves.~ 'F.o.e Ifv'easurer',s report ror Septer4.ber was read and' ap}>roved. Laying curbs 8J:1.c1 sidewo.lks, by fo::('nlJ.ng LoI.;Do '8 was uSEd,Xl d::1.8- CUS,'3f3d.o'Acd;1.o:n. was t8.1:~en t~)- pi1.rJJ~!.sh 8, r.otlce In tl'J.e; orJ'lc~!..<,:<L 1~9"J..in paper to dls.covE,H"l th.e nljrabeIl o:r- Yelm.i ~es interested. i'n cal>")rYlhg this project; thrbu.gh. Novembep 8,1950, was 'j;he 'd.8.t(~ set; ::c'op tab- ,'1 1 ~] .re, 1 y';. ()' (). T) -'hl'j. ('''1'-1 C! v....._,.Ao. -~..l.~~::.:::.J '.L- --- -- .....).... J....,) 0 De.linquent waber bills ,were reques-'cec1 biitno definite action . . ViJELS tal:en~' :" , IvID~yoT~ Heriderson tr"ansfG::C>PGcl' the 'IJirish of J08 'aDd Hose Alongi, -to secure a .G1a38 Ii LiquQr by the drInk Licensee ~r1e C01..L."'1.c,il ' lJ.nas."1).mou-sly.approve'd of the. recipients of :tl-:Lis L1.censG :LC ~1t WC).S gl"ailt;ed b:;T t13.e' V~'2~sh~ ,stc.te LlquoJ.:' Con.ta.:oJ. b.6feec1" . Earl Pol] "')rrl "0""'0' 0" J.. C n 1 .. '" ,'- ~~.., -';00"1" .. " ... , '/ ":'I '. , t. ,,:," ' --b",.. -'- ..J,; "li:.:/,1.1J OI,P, 8.ll'lI/$ J.l?Ol11 1.8-Jrl C~l"G~LZ8ns 'c:cu:t'c 0.08S l;"rt3pe:. ~i s eGl\;~~??~.~~,~~~ ~nru ~~~ sr~ e ~0 n~~ i ~: e ~J;~~l~~n~L' ~~~ ~-~~b ~lii. ~ t~~~ b ~,l~; ~;, at: e '['he in. c.,0r1"Jectll}g ~.t1is nU.l..sanCe and avoldlng fll):;)T :i'lI1")'cb.81" actlOYl to be '1 n 'fo-y;r. (~, d 0'"('1 11Do u q f? ; ......~.... .~- ;oJ... .~.j'..,.I... -- . ~::.JU 0' :1 '1:h,-:~ M<:)(:i -bing adj 0"1')J."r18(10 . r ~.t._d%_ Ti'-..... 8 'Y) n '8 c< T;' Dl~O (]. s e -1-1.1 ';l ..l" ,- ;-.J,.... J ..! \.,); ..t.:J . __ (-::")..' . tJ.L, 'i' \ ' 2#. - / / '/] - - -- -=-~ Hendqrs01'l, M~F~"'or {~ (1. vU \ N~vember.8, 1950 Mayor Henderson opened the November regular-meeting with all Counoilmenin t~~ir places. . Theminutesof October~meeting were ~e~dand approved.. Th~ following bills were presented and or~ered paid on a motion by Councilma,n Brown and a second by Councilman Pollard.~' Motion carried unanimously. '\- ~ Current Expense Yelm 'relephone Qo.--~,-----~,:",.,:",~":,,----,,:,,.-~.-~...._-~-~,--:t~ 26.?O Standard Oil of ~alif~,,:,,--~~~~~-~--,,:,,-~~~-~--~---- 29.40 Pickett Drug---~-----~----":".":"-,,:_,,:,,~.~-------~~-~-,:,,,,,:,,,,:,,--~--~', ,.1.69 Pioneer Inc.---~----,,:,,-~~--~~~~~~,,:,,---~~~-~-~~----- ~~OO i) Brown Bros. Garage--~-.--~--.-~":,,-~---:-.....';'~.~,:,.,:,,,---~--- 15.75 Trimblef s HardwEi're--":"---.--.-_":".~.-.":,,-----.,,:,,.--,,:,,,,,:,,--;"-,,,:,---.- 7 "98 Nisqually Valley New~t-----,:",-.~.-.":",~,-,--~~":,,-,-,,:,,,--------132. 9l~ F'ran Ges E. 'Drog~ e:th-~,----_--:~-;;":"~-.";:"..,.7-:-~-~.~-~":".~~":",":"':"'~.":"-~-':"'~ ,.l.}...O,O"...-__ ~, o Wa'ter Fund ".' .,. ., Nisqually Valley News-----------------~--------- Tr imble Hardwar.e -----"':"- - -----:.. -- ;..._:-- ---- --0:-- ---- P.8. Power and ~i'ght r Co. ~_:_-,-_:_-.~":"---:----":"~~.~--------_ Yelm L urn.ber C 01~---------:--':"',~.-:-~.~,7.':"'---:~-:".---.;..------ Brovm Bras.. Gara:ge -- ~;"'-.--.- -'_:_'--"'-:"'"':"'-'.- - ":" --:--,-.~~-:- ~-- --- H ~D. F OiN1 er----~-----.---~...~.-:'.":",-:.-;-.-:--:,-.- -..:-.-- -------- Street Fund . . _ r' Trimble's Hardware--------.---------!.----,--------..:-- 29.48. Nisqually Valley News---_:_-~~_:_-~_:_--T-------------9.36 P.8. FovJer and Light _.col--_-:,-:,-:":"":"--"':"---.-:'.~,"':"-"':'------ 18.25:. Garbage, ~ ., ';~' Field's Motor Cq..---":",":",-.--...:.-:-_-:-,-.":"":"'-:,---"':"~'";""':'~_:'.-:",--:--.";:":'-:'-":". _ 15,~.90' New Water Construction Fund . Harold s. Shefe!man-~--------~------~----------- North Pa6ifi6 Bank Note Co.------------------~-- Bennetts Chemical Lab.-~--~~-~~-----':"'--------~-- Nisqually Valley News-------~---~------~-------- Pioneer Incorporated---------------------------- Brown Bros. Garage-----~--~---~----------------- H.T. Harstad---------------------------.-------- " 3.00 15.84, 30 . 2 O. ' 1.19 12.94 . 2.11 25 3 . J 7' , 162.'74 10.00 136-.33 5.97 ' 7.50 90G~OO if tJ Q , Richa~dson's'Well Drilling Company bill' was then presented and 6rder~d paid on a Plotion Oby Councilmcan ~'W~rfsonn~nd, @e$e(j.6n~y'b\YOuj,1cil.... @1.f)Und i!lib:ftinC~rirrlo:te !;rr.\: ,M~.t1f.~ndcf1iJ1It]}@'Q)Qtlfi~tIimously. ,: " ". ' '.' . . ,:~'.." . 'T,he"bill: .....$'1 947.41 . . ~ RlchRrdson's ~eli Robinson's bill of $194.74 for ground water service;' was present- ed and was allowed with a mntion by Councilm~an Brown and a:"second'. by . Councilman Pollard. lrhe m9tion carried unanirr~ously. ~ The Mayor requested any development in the desire of Yelmites to formL ...1. Df s for curbs and s~idewalks.' The .clerk reported three citizens had left their opinfuons at the office--one ~gainst, one in favor and tlie third W,88 interested if members in .his block were. The LID issue was dis'carded. . l The treasurer' s re'port was read and accepted. 1 -t'- ~ , , A nei/v dispo'sal location \I\Jas needed and the Clerk was instrunted ;...,-.'t.o contact the He'adq,uarters at Fort Lewis for leasing.. or using ar. ' , ,<:pbrtion of the reservation for Yelm's garbage department. - , n LJ~ .s:> Delinquent water users were ordered sent notices for a cut off. by November 20th, 1950 if not paid by then. 'Councilman Pollard brought to the Councilmen's attention the great nun'lber of cracks in str"8et that. should, .be cared for. No action vvas tal\:en. The clerk was ordered to. notify Mr. Harstad-work had ,been s'tabt~d."- on the purrtp building. The fueeting adjourned. l\,. . /'~ e. Ji~ -(!Ie~f I' .;{;-.' '.:: :"b,~~ Ff,':'" I . " ,. g ~tl ~.~ l ......._---;. -~--_..- December .13, 1950 .Mayor,Nate He~dersqnop~ned the Regula~Dec~mber m~eting of the . , C~ouncil with'Councilmen Trimble, Br'own -and Pollard,present..~':C'ouncil- '0: men Swanson and Eide were absent. . " .; i., . . '. '",', .~. '. ....; On a motion' by Councilman BrO\/lln and a second by Councilmen Trimble the following bills were ordered' paid: 1'. : Or ,; . .' Current Expense'. . . ~ :.' . . ~ E. Robert Frlstoe----~~----~---~----~---~-~.----~lOO.OO st~ndard Oil-~--~------~------~-------~-~----~--. 30.58, . ',I'" '. P.8" Power & Light~-----~-----------------...'.----- 29. 34 . Wolf's-~--------~-------~-----~-------~-~----~~~ 4.32 , Trimlbe' s Hardware----~----...;------------...-'---~--, 3.,78 pioneerlnc.-------------~---~------~---~--------~ 84.62 ". . Frances DrGgseth~~---------------------~------~- 4~21 Regional Public Lib~ary-----~--~--------~----~--437.53 Yelm Telephone Co.-----~--------~-~----~-~~-~--- 23..50 Ye1m Lumber Co. -7--...------~-----------------'...--- '6.60- Br~wn Broso,G~~age-------~-~----~--------~------ 77~15 Water Fund Brown Bros. G.arage---------....----.:...-------------....-. .p oS., Power & Light--------------------------~-...:- H:."D. Fovvl'er & Co. -...---.------------...-------------- Pione~r.lnc.-----~...-----~--------------------~----- Yelm Lumber C 0 ..~~--'-----------------,-----~---.~.-- '. .' .............. _ 4.69 :39.14 25.16 10..47 .77 Street J.F. Forber----~~----~-------------------~--~--- P.8 e' ,;P0wer & Co 41 ~-------------.----,-'7--~-...'------- Yelm Lumber Co.-~---~--~-------------=---...--~~~- , Brown ;Bros. Garage--------~--~--.----~--.:..------.:.~ 28&61 33.00 2.46 ~ 1}5 1 qarbage _ Brown Bros. Garage-------.-----------~----------- Nevv WaterConstructi"on Fund H.D.Fowie~ Co. Inc.~--~-----~------~-----------1538.35 Trimble' s Hardware------------~--.--------------"'" 4-065 E.F.Pugsley Construction Co.---------~--------- 600.0,0 , I . " 9.98 .\ A letter from E.F. Pugsley was read informing the Council that due .to delay of arrival of. pipe for his Water Main Contract Job the proj~ct might be further delayed depending on weather conditions~ Fort Levliis' Headquarters informed the Town Council tha t no si.e..e on the reservation could be used for garbag~ disposal because of. new restrictions. The. Treasurerf.s report was reed and accepted. ~ . lvrlayor Henderson appointed the 'follcbwing committees: , S ~e.et . &.' Alley: Ed Brow1;l,' Art Trimble; Oscar Swanson , \ Earl Pollard, Ed Brown, Art ,Trimble . Oscar Eide, Earl Pollard, Ed Brown Oscar Eide, Earl Pollard, Oscar Swanson " Water:" . Ii'inance: :1 Audi t.: , The' Council approved of theWat~r Supe~intendentts request to purchase a' mag~.e.-tie dipping cneedle wi th te'. handle and ,lee& detec tor. The meeting.a~journed. -~--tff~ r~'1(.1)rogset, . er . . , I'