1952 Minutes .~I ,I :1 I . , 8F!' . .; .Q.- ..... 4 _ . :~4. '. , J . . The Mayol~ and. Council' agreed to leave the amhlJ.lahce keys in safe ke~ping.ffu the, fiiehallfor easier acce~s. . Milt Johnsonm gg'ested the TOV{l1. $t.1.0111d :;;,.urchase sever~al meters. as the pr.j.ces would ,rise and 8. .shortage seemed apparent'.. Co'uncilman l)ickett ,IDotionedto permit Milt Johnson to purchase 1 dozen.meters to be ~elivel")ed in 1952,.- . Councilman Tr:.tmble seconded' tl}ip motion and it '/ carried unanimously. Mayor hendep8o:p. requested. that a :Stl">eet Light be ins.falled on .the corner of MpKenzie, and Second, as it was q dire necessity. Council-, , man Swanson motioned to request one place at the cornel'"' of J'v1cKenzie and' 2ncL" . Cou.ncil:man Bro'wnseconded this motion and the vote WElS unanimOtlS . P-arallel parking and continu.ed parking arose again for' discussion. After'.lm~lchconsideration it was decided to consult . the merchants of, the ToviTnto secure. thel;P' opinions and wIshes. '~ehe mee~lng adjourned. ~.2u.,~ . than W. Henderson, T'I1ayor January 9, 1952 P~esent at . the regular January Council. Meeting were Councilmen Brown, P'lckett, Swanson, Pollard' and Mayor Henderson. Councilman Trimble. was' ~bsent~ H.E. Wolf was also ~t this meeting. The mi~utes for the December were read ~nd approved. The. following bills were ordered .paid on a motion by' Pi.ckett B.\nd a second by Pollard. Vote was unanimous: CURRENT EXPENSE D & H Mobil Service---------------------~$ Puget ~ound Poaer& Light .Co.-~---------- Joe's Place-~~--------------------------- - Blake t~ s Cafe"",,'--... - ---=........ ....-- --------- ;...---....- Association of Wash. Cities~-....----------- Y elm Telephone .Co.-....-----:--------------....' Rosano t s'--.-----~----------......:.-------=-,-,--- Field's. Motor Company--...~......--=--=--,""--,,,--' . { Dep,t.. of Labor & Industriers.-cD---==----~-.....- Standard Oil. of, Calif. _~_CD:"_D___""__""__""C:>'" p'ark Puget Sound Power & Llght------------.=-.....- WJater ' . . Puget Sound Power & .Light Co........---..............=-- . Tax' Commis's ion-- _.:..... ---------........ ---..,..,:............-""'.... Collector oe' Internal Revenue------=---....- Nisqu~llyValley News---~-.--~------------ 'C.W. Hughe~------------~~------~-~------~ Street \' D & H Mobil Serviee---------~--~--------- 4.47 .P~get.~orind'power & Light Co.-~~---------" j3.00' Kneip'S Trucking Service~---------...--~--- 160.00 Sundown 'E_cggfng ~Company...--=-...=--........._-~--- 1440,00 Dept. of Labor & Industries------~------- 29.97' Nisqual1y Valley Ne.,s'--=---=--~---..,,---~-~ lIe ~5 Me J.. Schne ider=....... =.-"'''' -=-_....- -.... -= -_....." "''t.....,........ - 60.00 GarbaM D& H Mobil Service----.......-------.......----.---- 11..10. 9..19 18.08 6.66' 3.50 35.00 .49.85 2002" 35.20 15.42 88.87 \. 1..00' 3ge87 220.41 . 22.00 11..7 3 7.21 t . ' Th~. tr~asurer ,~s report was read' and approved. '_H arold E. Wolf and Helen M. Wolf petitioned for 'vacating that por- t-i:on'of Jefferson Street lying northwesterly of First Street to the Te,wn" of Yelm,' Washington, . and lying. between ],."ot 1 of 'Block 18 of Me- . :I<tenzie t s First Addition fa the Town of Yelm; and Lots' 1 and 2,: of Block . '1. :&f McKen~i.e t s 'First Addi tion to .the Town of Yelm, all a according. to' the 'plat thereof on' .file . in the records of the Auditor of Thurston County, State of Washington. 8~8e~ ..., .) i ... . A\fter much discus's lon. Resolution 68 was pas sed, on: a motion by Swanson~' a second by Pickett. .' The ayes'" were unanimous., The hear'lng WRS set for Janua.ry 30th, ,,8:00 P..M,. .at the .Town Hall.' The .cl:er'k .'was ordered to post notices of the same. RESOLUTION. 68. WHEREA&~ the owners of more than 2/3 of the~property abutting 'upon the hereinafter described real property have' ,p'eti tioned the Council of th.e Town of 1elm for(the vacation of the~following described 'property,. . to-wi t: That portion of Jefferson S'treet lying northwesterly of First S't.reet to the Town of Yelm, W:ashington, and lying between Lot 1 of Block 18 of McKenziets First ~ddition to the Town of Y e 1m, and E,ots 1 and 2 of Block 1 of. McKenzi e is First A:ddi tion to the Town of Yelm, all acco.rdj,ng- to the', . plat thereof on file in the records of the Auditor of Thurston County, State of Wa~hington, and, WHEREAS J the Ma:yorJ and the Council of the Town of Yelm;~ have determined tha t the ~~a.id property has never been open,ed as a street in the Town of YYelm and"has determined to act favoral:)ly upon the said petition, now, th~refore, be it resolved, o ,. , ... '\ Q That Wfednesday, "the ~th day of January~ 1952; at 8:00 P.M. I be" and the same is hereby fixed as the dat~ for a hearing upon the consider- ation of the vacati,on of the said property by ordinance, and be it further resa Ived r That the Cler~ of the Tow:r: of Yelm is hereby authort~ed ~n9- directed to. pest notice as required by law of the time and place"of the hearing upon th~ petition for. the vacation of the said property. .' Passed this 9th' day of JTanuary, :JL952.. '.~H/' ~/~ , MAYOR . : .:~tt~~o~'/ t:~~ ~TTEST-:..: __..."....~...._CLERK.... "-".q..' ........... '0 . 7'.' On .ri!ro~t'ton duly made and car~ied E.. Rober,t .Fri,~toe eas .appointed. attorney for the year' 1952... . ... ...... .....'. The matter ef e'le'ctien. then :arose.. .The..Caucus..for..no.minating. would :be held in the Town Hall Febru~ry 12th". at 8. P..M..Twm Councilmen and the . Mayer's terms would expire ~n June.. ",.' ., ........."..__ ......d. .':~ As Olympia Novelty had not ':Raid its...tax fo.r..195l, the Council turned the matter over to Attorney Fristoe to fIle a lien. against the property. or i-tO JDck up the machines. '. . J. . ) ... 4 '_ .... _, .~. . 4 . ~ ~ . - .' Paul Truex relayed a c~mpla~nt to_the Council concerning a dangerous spot in the Street down by l}is plac.e.. o..f .bus.ines.s., ._Mil ~ Johnson was asked to inve s tiga te and remedy tl1e trQUQ.l.e...if, the. ~.r.es.pons i biltt,y .be.came "th~ .'. Town's. Otherwise, Johnson would report the matter to the Highway D.ept. , . The Clerk was' ordered' to ma~l' L01~is-~Bat~s!: ~c'cllmul~ t~d Water & Garbage bill' t'o the .owner of the ~partment.,..L.ou, Cochr.ane,. as the .consumer had moved in wi thout the owner r}otify.:ing. t.he.,wat.er de.partment, ~r making the re:quir~d deposit. ._. .,...t. ... , O~ The Council requested Mi1"t ~ohnso.n. to.. ~plac.e.- a, ho.od ..o.n ..the...v.alves to loc~ r the. furnace as a safeguard toward.tampering. The meeting adjourned~ .~.'l'l~ .~. : . /' ~') /A',~' 1/.(;j~4"-(",;"n", yor ~A/~ffr ,'lark._.. . ~-:: " , 8~9~" Januar.y 30, 1952 . , . ~resent, at the hea~ing slated fQr this time were M~yor Hende~son, "Councilmen Pickett, Swanson, Po1:.lard "and Trimble. I:.. t: :" . G No protests were voiced upon the petition fO"r th~ vacation of that portiol of Jefferson Street .lying northwester,ly of 'First Street --to the Town of Y~lin, Washington, and .lying between Lot 1 of Block ;1.8 of' McK 8n~.ie t s First Addi t,ion .to .the Town .of Yelm, and Lots 1 and 2 of Block.l of McKenzie f s First Addi tl,on to the .Town of Yelm, all according to ,the pIa t thereof on file i:q the. records of the Auai tor of Thurston County" State of.Washington. Ordinance 65 re'ferring to the v..8cation of the above p,roperty had its flrst 'and second readings. Councilman Pollard motioned 'to adopt Ordinance. 65,. Councilman Pickett seconded this motion 8.nd it carried unanimously. "'. Councilman Pickettmo.ti:oned "Ato~-plac.e..<a. Stop.' S.ign on ,.co-rner of First " and' Jefferson....;"on Jefferson. Counctlri1an Tr.imble .sed.onded this motion an d it' car r i e d ..' ~ ..p- _. .. -. . "., .... - - ...'. . As severaJ- stop signs 1N.ere d,amaged .or absen.to from locations wl1e:r.e they were badly needed,o the Gouncil.req.uested Milt.'J,ohnson to replace the sameo \ .. . )" "'""':" ... -.. ...- ~ ..- -.. - - ..,.. -- --.-; - - -... c;- ,: 4 Nou:o~he!J:18'1fio:Jrma11:ebtlsfuti~ssnermco~nt'ered the Mayor and ClDuncil' but the following' letters. were'.~reques.ted,sen.t .to p.e~sons.: ~ a Mr. Roberts of Gray~ar Ei.e'c'~~ric :.C;;: in';i t.ing .hiIll and Mr.' Fulton to the n(;3xt regular ,meeting, . to. .d.l-scuss . street. 11ghting with them. Mr'. Cl'aypool J of Stat"e~ Highway department. to. enli-st the depart... . . ment t s aid in financ,ing s.ome of. the street _l.ig:Q.ts placed on junc tion at 5H & 5 Io,.; .. . --.. d_ I Mr. . Kane of N'.,P.. Rai"lways to inform him of "the, dire need of im.... proving the crossipg on S~e.c.onda~y. Highwa:y: 5....1. The ~eetingadjourned. , c, " .- ~ ".~ ./l. <.,.:l~} ~ . t"~" ',' .' . ....' ..'/. .~, ...., "",-"'''' . / i __.:j:~.: ~"",,~_,"'" ;>' ,;7,; .,' . . ", z '-1/0./........ 1'." 'yor, Nathan W. Hendersqn IL . . . .~,,&-' ~~o r/ '~es E.~~. Februtalry 12, 1952 <> Citizens.Patlrty held a caucus in the Town Hall, February 12, at 8 P.M. Ed Pic;kett was appomrieed chairman and Jack Loutzenhiser, secr.etary.' .The following citize:ns were on hand: Chas.' Donaldson, Herold Smith, Jac~ L.outzenhis.er,. Ed Pickett, N~th~n Henderson,.Art Trimble, Chas'. 'VII B: rd , Frances Drogseth, Oscar Swanson, Earl Pollard. The' chairman called for nomimations fOT' MaY(()D .to serve a four-year .term~ '~arlPollard nominated 'Art Tri~ble, . the nomination was seconded by Neath{tn He~der8on. . . The Ayes were unan9imous. I :. Oscar: Swanson nominated Earl poilard for . Councilman to' se:rve a two-year te~m. . !!atthanHenderson seconded this nomination 'and the ayes carried the nomlnatioh. . ~I : " '" '. Ja~k Loutzenhiser was nominated by Ear~ Pollard for Counciiman to . serve a two-year termll: Harold Smith seconded this nomination and the 'ayes ,carried the nomination.. '.' / Motion was duly made and seconded to .adjour;).O "' // ....'. L~.~ tZ;~ Chairman . '. -'rk;R~ ~reta Y. .... "'90 February 13, 1952 \ ..) on: hand at the regli1ar Council meeting wer.e Councilmen, Swan.so~' Pollard, Pickett, Trimble and Brown. Mayor Nate, Henderson was absent s:o L~,rt Trimble acted' in his place. Mr. Roberts of Gr8,ybar' Elec trio Co.. Wfls.~present, . also Mr. Stanley of $:tanley ,~:musement Co., and Mr. Fra.nk W:lllard of Tacoma e' Ja.ck Loutzenhiser was also .9!1 interested visi tor. Minute's of the previous regular 'and s'peci.al meetings were,', read -a:nd ' approved. Minutes of the ,Caucus were read a,nd approved. The Tree,surer' s report .was re ad and approved'. '1 The following b~lls w~re ordered paid on a motion by Pickett arid 'a second by Swanson. ~yes were unanimous. . ',0"""', . . Current Expense S'tandard Oil of Ca,J.if. =_..._""...-.-..._",,_...--~$9&.81l.52 . D & H Mobil'Service-=-...-....-----=.... ----= ==-' 988,83. Art TrimbleF~------------------------= 7.00 Yelm Tel. Co.-~....--~--""-~---=...--~-----~ 29.50 Wolf's--~-----------------....---------=- 6~66 Trimble' s Hardware-....-~=""'--'------....",---..."" 6~ 60 P. s~. Power & Light Co.....----------....---.... 21Q 88 Mo sman .'A,gency................. "" ...... =-'=.... =................ "" --- ---... .5 9,00 JFa.rk --P:-s. Power & Li'ght Co. --~------'""=-_...-- W a.t e r Penn. S a.l t. Co e __'CD,___ -- -... -0= --- --...-.........- Tecome Re. ini~r - ,t:.Auto Frt. Co. ....:-=-----........ Ye 1m Lumber Co. ......- -- =- -......... --,-- -- ---... -.... Robert Huret--------=--...--....----....------ . L. ar r y J' 0 hn son... - ... ~ .... - ... ... .... ... ;.. ... ... 0= - - - ... ... - - - - - ... Gordon Crumley-------------...---------- Trimble's Hardware-....---=--...----------.... P~S. Power & Light Co.------~--...--..._-- H.D. Fowler Co. IncQ ...-----~-------~-- . .Street . P.S. Power & Light-Co.-----~--~---~--- 33000 Garbage . Field's Motor Co.------------------~-- 16.02 Tacom~ ~ffic~ Supp~y Co.--~---~-=----- 25.27 1,..00 8;52 5.03 33.37 34~5o 3~OO 13.00 7,.62 48.55 2790,21' o 'J ,. . , Mr'~ Rob'erts' oof 'Grayba.r Electric Co'. relf.tyed to the .Council' Mro Fu~ton'sreport on lighting the main street of Yelm with luminars to be installed AS monies would permit. ~ As the. cost of such in- sta.lls,tions, was not complete in the report, the Cou:tlci~l would at "e, , later'ds,te dis.cuss the PIOlssibility of placlng these lights. -' :: .... . Mike Stanley of Sta.nley;n.rnusement Co. requested information of c the. ava.:tlability of a piece of land the Civilian Defense Corps might have" ~,ccess to' for time~s of need. He also expres-sed his wish to pl~ce his phonos ib Yelm ffild ~tated he would be willing to pay the ,neeessarYcfee if it could be decreR.seci t6 fit the income derived fJrom 'the machines. . The 'Council left this matter until further information could be gathered to help in its decision.. 'Mr. Fre,nk Willard of T a.c om. 8, layout .his plMS 'for a new theater ~ in Ye.lm,' end requested the opini.on of the Council on its success. Mr. Willard also w'ished the Council to consider receiving a flat licen$e ' for one year instead of the usual admission tax required by Ordinance,! .as his' investments . in the new venture would be 'exceedingly higho' Hr. W'illerd was granted 8. building permi t by the Council end, building inspector, Ecll. Brown. The matter of draine,ge arose and Councilmen" Brown effered to contact the Heal th .department on its regulations.. The cIeri was ordered to' register ~ny deeds which previously had not gone th~ough the ~1,udi tor's office. . .0.":.... t; . (. . . Ordinance 65 had its third and finalre~ding a.nd was passeq. by unanimous vote.. It was ordered published. r I' The [4nnual Report for 1951 was fSrdefly .presented''l ~ The MeetIng adjourned. .~a,1n;~ . cl-f Tri.mble, Acting Mayor_ ~#~, Ii~" own Clerk ~I I .,1 9""',:1,' . l' . , Flehruary., 2'8., 1952, ..., ,,_... m...t '81,s.,pecta.1 meeting Hayor Henderson, Councimen-Pickett, pollartJ, Trimble,.Swe,nson end "~ttorney Fristoe were on handl)' Mike Stanley of Tecoma;"'!8s,:>. als6 pres.ent in the interest of a.musement taxeso, " . - . ~1ro St'anley'explained the oper?tions of amusements impartially and hoped the Town would-pass a new ordinance very soon that would. be fair .to both town and operators. ~,ttorney Fristoe declared after importen t, matters' were' dealt wi th -he would draw 'up an ordinance which should meet with the approval of all parties concerned. t 'a~dirijnb~ 66:~~lating ~o the sale ,ete.of intoxicating liquors had' its firs.t, n:e'lsdai:ng',)b Councilman" Trimble.. mot ioned to pass the ordinance toi ts' secondres.ding. 'Coune lJ,.men":'" Plck.,ett--$.ec.onded this" jnotion B.nd it carried' unanimously ~ The Ordipanc.e... thendl)13d' its" second reading. It was.' duly made ~nd passed to s~nd -the ordi.nan.ce .,on .to its third read... ing. . . .... ..... .. ~__ __ ..4':. ~ ,_ ... ~ , . .. . ..4 ..... The 'oJ-erk was granted the right. to. pur.che.se .~.15..0.o.- worth of stamps for the garbage department and" the- ne.cessar1! ..,v,o-ucher_w.8."s'executed. ' The meeting adjourned. ~c " A/' 111 " '-~ "~--'.,. ---c Zv~~ . ,N' {~NW; HENDERS'O'i{; MCAYOR / . I - ....... .... .. . ~ ~- March 12, 1952' Town Election Result:s for . Town' of Yelm . Me.yor :' Ho~~. Tprimble........----64" Earl Jobnson...--"';-,~ 1: ,Nate Henderson...-~- 1 , . . C01~lnc:rlmen:. E8r~ PollaTd------65 Ray Norton--~---~- 9 Me~le C1j.rry-'........7'- -- 2 Jack Loutzenhiser~"""'-""43 Roger Eiae------~-----J . < N~te Hende~son---~---- 2~ Mayor Elect~'d for term of 4-ye ars---H."~!;. Trimble .Councilmen' Elected -for 'term of 2-y~ars ------Earl Pollard . ------Jack Loutzenhiser - By~~.L!:,-~_~~J Town Clerk~ , " ' ~2,: Marl'ch 1.2, 1952 Mayor Henderson presided at the regular Council meeting with Co~ncil- men Pickett~ Pollard, Trimble, and Brown present. Councilman Swanson was abs'ent. Interested visitors were Jack Loutzenhiser, Eddie Blake, and IV".Lr. Ellingsen.' '.. Minutes of the previous meetings were read end approvedo 'The following bills were ordered paid op.a motion by Earl Pollard, a second by JA:rt Trimble and a unanimous vote. 'Current. Exnense, 0 . W61<<ts-:---_______________________$ ~~hh Brown Bros. Garage-~~----~------__ 54061 Royea Typewriter Co., Inco-------- 49~78 "Pickett Drug-~-------~----______~- co90 F . S. P ower & L i gh t Coo = ... - ....... ... .... ... - - .... ... 16., 51L Daisy Fristoe--------_-______~____ 12.00 Elvera Johnson---~-----------_____ 12000 Pl.oneer, . Inc..-.----=----------_=____ 1.,2'0 .Ev~ Norton--------______________~_ 13008 Standard Oil of Califo~------------26~64 The Stationers Inc.-------------__ 3.16 Park " -P. S" Power' & Light Co. -=----~... ...~-- IGOO Water Yelm Lumber Co.-----.......-.......--__...____ Badger Meter Mfg. C6.....-----...------ Royal Typewriter Co.~ Inc.-------- P.S. Power & Light Co..-=-...----=--.... Brown Bros. Co.=--~--------_--__-- . S'treet Brown Bros. ~er8ge~-------------- Who State Pen~tentiary------------ Robert Huret---=~---------=-----__ p .'S. Power & Light----------'-----_ :G8rbage ~oyal rr:ypewriter Co.,} Inco...=------ 49..79-. Brown Bra,s. Garage--------;..------...' 31..19 o 40.,03 ' 68098 49.78 36~93 13885 8.87 63030 6000 3.3 I) 0'0 . 1 ' 1 0,-, :1 " .. The treasurer's report was re8d and accepted" Correspondence included information o~ Social Security for the Town .' employees, prices from Grayba.r Electric on lumin~m.ts 'for street 11,ght- i.ng and no,tLces '.of region~3.1,meetings from-'the l~ssno of Wn" Cities. . - Milton Johnson' and. John, Cullens,. employees of Town of Yelm, requested the Town secure social security for themo Resolution 69 drawn up by t~'ttorney Fr:ts~tO€L<was rend and pa.ssed on a. motiQn..by Councilmen Brown a.nd regularly seconded by Councilman Pickett with the entire Council voting aye. RESOLUTION No..69 WHERE':~S,. the Blst Congress of th~- U~ited S'ta.-tes of :timerica en~cted into la,w" Public Law No. 734, - amending t.p'e_SQ~ial Security Act to permit polj_tiea,l sub-divisions of the several states in the Uniled States to voluntarily elect to bring certain of their employees under the coverage of the Federal Old ~,ge and S'urvivors Insurance.; and,] WHEREAS, the Legislature of the Sthteof Washington in its 1951 'session pa$sed into. law Chapter 184 of the Laws of 1951,. which was an enabling HCO'" ,~ authorizing the severel political sub:-divisions of the the said state of " Washington to elect to corne voluntarily within the provisions of the ~oci~ . S'ecuri ty~\ct so 88 to provide .coverage of their employees under the . L.- .Federal Old mge avd Survivors Insur81'l ce provisIons, and, . , ' '\ " . . vJHERE~~S" the Councilmen of the Town of Yelm desired to elect to bring the employees of the Town of' Yelm. wi thin 'the coverage provided by the 80cia.1 Security ~ct for Federe.l Old jg"ge and Survivors In~urance, NO\rJ,,'THEREFORE, . . BE IT RESOLVED BY 1]:lHE GOUNCIL OF THE TOltIN OF YEL.1VI in council a.ssembled 8.S follows: Thet the Town of 1elm does b~ these presents elect to bring all of its employees who are qualifie,Si to come irJithin the provisIons of the 30c18.1 S~curity mct in.accordanc~ with the provisions of Public Law Noo 734 of the . '..' ~. , " ~ ~ '93": . . 1 . J ,'~:.. . ' ~ . . ' \ - ~ ,. " 81st,',C6ngr,ess. o.r:"the:Uni..t~#:,. States of- L~merl'cir?/which amehded' the: said Bct" ' 8,nd Ch8p't.~r' J84, of theLg~:~~'~:qf 1951, eni9.:cted' by the.S:t8.t~' Legisla.ture of {h~ St0te of Wa,sh;irigton. ..~., ..'-:.... . . , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED iJ:H~T the Clerk-Treasurer' of the Town of Yelm , is hereby 'author1.zed'" .and' directetl t.o',withhold" from the wages' of all 'Of such employees the employee.~'s.,., share of the Federal Old :'A;geand Survlvors " Insurance payments, 8,rid<to, .make payment from the funds of the Town of Yelm other1",lsE3 eva,1~8,ble. fpr payment of wages the employer' s~ she.re ,of sucn~ t~x. pa.ymen t s. : .' 0 BE TTFlTRT.B:ER 'RESOLVED that the Clerk- of the Town of Yelm, by, and, she ,. '0 is t.l~~reby..;',~;:UJ~hQ'r.lzed and direc ted to make applic etlop to the. Federal . ',".:,'1':',' Securi ty :!~genpy of the' Socia.l. Securi ty ~dministra.tion of the Uni ted ,States ,Govermnenf"f'or 'coverage on such employees effective as of the 1st day \," '19f'anuary! 19520' , Passed by the Council'of the Town of Yelm.this 12Lth' t1JBY of Me.rchi 1952. ilIJf~ST: ~ -W,~~_ ~YOR "~'~ ,~ - :.' "' t. Mr. Ellingson of Olympia.<Nove~ty C9.._..disc~ss~d ~.~~c~ning certaJn amusement devices and gave the COUnc.il his suggestions as tb tl1.e' fair prices according to his estimate~~_Th~ bo~~cil would c~ni~ct the attorney and ihlssociation of cWash. Ci ties to gather. all. the sugges'tions needed in drawing up a 'ne,w/Ordin~n<?~e_~n license~_of 'this type.' .' . .' " e ; " ' _. ' , . . The necessi ty of a. pew garbage truch then; was the topic. The badly needed repairs it was decided would 81most pB,y for 8 new' dump truck. The specifications were dr,awn 'up~~.f~r 'a,_~e~ 'g~~b?-ge'. tfuck.Councilman . . Pollard motioned to purchas~ B new'garbage truck, Councilm~n TrimblA . 'seconded the motion md it ca-rriedo -'''The'" clerk was (ordered to publish, ) nCBll for Bids" with the pr6per ~pecificafions, tci~be.opened March 19th, at the Town H all at 4:- 00 P. M.. c. ' .~.. .. -, ... - . .- . - ~ _." . . I L.ighting the main avenue of Yelm arose 'and after muc'h discussion th~ . Councilde6ided to invite tlie Pu~~t"~6und-~e~~~sentativer'~lso Mr. Fulton 8.nd Mr. Roberts from General Electric to the regular ~lJ\pril meeting in hopes to furhher assist t~eili in ~'d~fI~li~-~l~ri r6~'placing some street lights.' & .=~~:'~,"."".. ", '" ~ " ~ Ordinance 67 had its first reading and was passed to the secon-d read..... ing on a. motion duly made, s-econd.e-d' and 'pcrssed'~> . . O'rdi'n8J."1ce 67 ha.d i ts ~ecGnd re-a~dirrg and' w'as : pa'ssed . to ~.t'he third read- .lng on ~, motion duly me.de, s,econd~e~d.'8:nd' pEfss'ed'." "-......-- The ~eeting adjourned. ~W,'~ Me or, Nathan W. Henderson ~~Lt. ~ ..__~I Frances E. Drogs~~ ,I, \ " . .. ",... ...-= ~'- -- ','" .~ ~4 ~ mpril 9, 19S'~ ~ Present ,at the' regular ~p:ril Council' meeting were Mayor Henderson, Councilmen Trimble, Swanson, Pollard and Pickett. Councilman Brown was 8.bsent... Visitors. included MroRoberts, Mr" Norton, Mr.. Star-ret't, Jack' Loutzenhiser, and Dr o Williams (> . ..' Mr~ Starrett, Hr~ Norton' of Puget Sound Power md L.ight, and Mr. RobertS3 \ of Graybar Electric Co" discuss'ed the further posslbllt ty of lighting the' Main streets of Yelm e~pecially Rsthe cost of installation and operation. 'puget S'oun<6J would furnish fixtures, bulbs, and normal mA.intainence on the inc8ndes.cent llght m.d the power for operation would be then increesedo ' Mr. Rober'ts of GrBybar Electrit? offered the Town two mercury V8.por lights for the badly needed corner at B. sale price" . After con$ider8,ble discussi.on the decision was dropped pending' iriformation whdrbh Mr. Sta.rrett suggested to obtain on .375' W'8tt and 4.05 watt bulbs and their respecti vec cos ts~, 0, --, " , 1; ,I : 'Minutes 6f the~previ~us meetings were read ~rid approvedQ The follow1ng bills were approved on 8 motion made by Counc.llm8n Swanson, seconded by @bJ~,nc.ilm8n." ~ickett Bnd carried: Current Expense D6rothy~Buck-------_..._--~--------~-----$ 7~88 PoSe Power & L:ight....--------~----------- 13085 ,De~t. of Labor & Inde---.-------------- 15~32 Collector of Int. Revo-----~----------- 69.00 Yelm Tel~Coo--------~---------~-~--~---- 60~45 Pioneer, Inc&---------------------~---- '5.09 Hosman l.~~gency- -_..:. --- -------- ---- -~---.:.':" ]LO ~.OO Field1s Motor Co.---------------------~ -7l~70 Standard Oil' of Calif" ..a....;_________=__-_ 2:90,40 Ray Norton Cleeners------------------'-- 3.,08 if.fa.ter e T r i fu b 1 e' s ' H er d W $r e... - ... .... - ... ... - ... - - - ..,. "" - ... - - "".... ,.,. .3 2 ~ 22 ) , P.S. Power & Light-------~=-----~---~-- 34.92 Western Utilities-----~~---~----------- 7~29 Tecom8 Rainier L~uto Frt. ---------------~-= 1'8.38 , Brown Bros. . Gar8.ge-""----~-------------- 600 ~,oo Yelm Lumber Co. ~-------------------------- 300-31. '0' ," .',' Park .Fund , M'e.rti.ri G:t1uber" Co. Treasc....-------:..----- 9.96 S~treet Fund D~pt. of Labor & Indo~-------~-~--.---- 22.81 P.S. Power & Light Coo---~------------~ 33.00 Brown Bros. Garage--------------~------ 304~79 Garib age Fund :,' Brown Bros. Geroge-.:..------ ---=-...----'-=-]DOO~,OO Collector of Internal Re~o------------- 58~40 ,,,Mosman "Agency.;.,----- -- ---...- --- -- -----~ -- 37 ~ 30 Brown Bros. G8rage-...-...--"":------=----...""'.... 62..95 The treasurer's report was read end accepted. Ordinance 67 ha.d its third reading and was passed on a motion by Councilman Swanson,,' a second hy Councilman" Pickett and followed by 8, unanimous vote 'of ayes., . It was, ordered puqlishea. Dr. O.K.. W,1l1ielUs requested the TO'IIH1 to b18ck-top or improve the stre'et of Ed1iVards to R.R. ..c~ve on J~fferson' by the ne",! clinic., No Betion resulted. Mtlt Johnson suggest~d the Water Hook-1hp ra.te of $30'(1000 be rafsed t'o meet the increase of cost of materials. No definite action wa.s taken. COl:tncilmen Pollarp, motioned to sell the old ga.rbege truck by ~,dvertising for ceBled bids to be opened at the May regular council meeting. Council.... man Trimble seconded this motion and the. ayes were unani.mous. o Councilm8n Pollard rela.yed the m€,?saa'ge from several Yelmites' of the ~ex- cessive speed in traffic on Yelm ~venue., Serious discussion occ~rred on controlling the speedsters through so short e dist8nce in Tpwn limits& fAs a result the clerkw8.s Bsked to enlist the Highway,tBepertmentt s a.sslst'ance in: placing' speed' limit signs e. further diste.nce from the TO'lrJne The clerk was also ordered to purchase 6 street signs for cRutioning moborists that children are at. play 9 (- .The meeting adjourned~ , . ~:,::c~~~~J:,_._ ayvr, N athan ~v. Henderson f '~bj~.W-~' _I)' _er-, - rances~r-~ I~ I ~I 9.5'" , A\pril. 23, 19520 A't I?- speci~l councll meeting to discuss' the,' change of tlme' forTown o~f' Yelm' Councilmen Trimble, ,Pickett, Pollard and.. Mayor Henderson were, pre~" . sent. 'Af'ter making many conta~tEt with other towhs and people COunc,il- ,man'Tf:wnp,le ,motioned that the Town of: Yelm' jso onpayligh~ \P.aving Ti~~'''' 'ApriQ~ ~t 2:'00 A.M. Councilman 'Pollard sec'onded thics motlon and:. all: c present votecl Aye. ,Motion carried. . "The meeting adJourned. lr/La-.., 2r/.~'~;~, Mayor 'Nathan W. Henderson , ~&, rogseth, ~y :114,- 1952 On: hand for the regular May" Co,uncil' meeting were Pollard, Trimble, Pickett,' and Swanson. Counrna.n B'rownwasa.bsent. ,.' Mayor Hendersqn pre.... si,ded.....J"ack Louzzenhis~r, Milt, and:' John were also on deck~, Minutes of the ,previous ,meetiqgs were read and approved. j The' fo11~wing bi1l:s were/pr'ese~ted and f:bo motion m~de ed by Pollard and: a un~ti:iniousvo.te were ordered paid: Current Expense ,'>>::,". , Tri,mble Hardware-~;'.~,~-~-_..."':-------$ 4.78 'Ye 1m Tel. Co. -~-~~~:~'~....-'...,-....=--=-_.....- 28.65 Wolf's ------~-~~~~~-~~~---------- 36.79 Standard' Oil <of,,:':~b~.i~:;';:~':"=~--~--~_<D"'''''- 50.90 p · S'. P owe r, & L-i;grrt'4:J -_......:....- -- ............... -- 15. 31 Frances E. Drogs;,~::th~------=..._----- 6.5.0 Capi ta'l Sta tioner:s--------=-------- 20. Bl Thurston H~i:ith:tjis tric,t----~~....--- 67.50 D & H Mobft,:~Service----..,.~--...----....- 59.98 Employmen:t.,' Secur! ty Dept. .......-..;.."'!'...--..., 30.08 Park ,t. : , ' .' P. S. Power: & Light Co. ------------ 1...00 t Water Trimble Hardware---~-----~-------- 17.85 Pe~n Salt Co.--~---------------~-- 9.94 Yelm LumberCo........----------------- 78.26 Tac'oma Rai'nier Auto Frt. ---...-----......-1.,38 P.s. Power & Light---~---_..._------ 40.59 Frane,as Drogseth-....------~-,..----'-=- 3.00 Employment Security Dept.-~------- 14.40 Street Wn. State Penltentiary---------~-- Pacific Sand & Gravel-----------~- P.S. Power & Light Co.--~--------- Trimble Hardware---------~-------- Employment Security/Dept.-------~- Garbage Trimble Hardware------------------ CSiarence Hughes-..;.--....---...--------"-- Fields, Motor Co.------=------~---- Employment Sec. Dept.----~------~~ by Trimble, seeond- 10,.80 r4~ .46~ 34~ 75 '2 ~.O'O 9.,"2tr 3..0l -3~ '0 9 .. 7-.96 13'~'44'" ,/ The ~reas~rer1s report was presented anoon motion duly made and carried was acce~ted. ., .. 0, The Highway Department, informed the Cou:Q.cj;l 'tj"ests were taken on the speed of' trafflcethrough Yelm and the ne-edfo-r'.'repla-cing speed 'signs was ~otnecessary at the present time. A letter from, Association of Wo. Cities was re~d requesting ext:~a copies .- of the: Town's Ordinances on more durable paper than newsprint. I.Carl ton Sear's 1 letter on C1 viI Defense concerning the red alert was next. An applica~tion for operating machines according to, Ordinance "67 from Olympia' Novel~y ,Oompany was pr'esented to the Council. The application was:. accepted ana motion by Pickett, a second by Pollard and followed by a unanimous 'yote. The application was' ordered plaped on f1hle. ' The, mayor and Councilmen requested the clerk to write a letter to T.J. ~~ec~~s~igg ~~~~W~HeCB!g~Wiy~ssing their, unanimous vote of thanks for the , I ' ( 96 qew crossing over the h~ghwaF~' Thec,le~k., W!~.s. reqg~sbed .'to make .the health payments quarterly as was 8_ugg.~sted';'bCy'the' 'Health Dist'rict.~ J"-- Bids for the old Model A. Truck he.longing to the Town' were opened'.' 9 Sidney C. Anthony'Jr. of Vail, Washington offered his bid of $38.68. Marvin M. Creech of Port Orchard, Washington offered a 'bfd of $50.00 cash..' Councilman Trimble motioned to accept' the bid of Marvfn Creech of $50.00 Councilman Pollard seconded the motion and it carried. After a request for the result of the state census in 'Yelm, the Council was 'infor~ed the offici-al State Census compiled in Ap ril was a number of 488. The clerk stated that a St. representative 'from ,the Census Board ~D" had been out and that after an investigatiop on the clerk's report he. . declared the nUl1!ber 'would be used for computing allocation of funds the . ,: coming year. Milt Johnson reported the pipes on Second'Street betwe'en Va,n Trump 'and Stevens should be replaced. As a new home was in construction at this loc.a tion the~ problem was a current one. Considerable discuss ion occured on':' size, and type of Jblpce,. Pdllard rnotio~ed to repJace and improve the main with plastic pipe on Second Street betwe~n Van Trump and Stevftns. 'Pickett seconded this motion and vote was unanimous. Mayor Henderson expressed his sincere thanks to the Councilmen ~.rl their ~ friends'hip and cooperation during the past six years ormore'of service .to the town. The ~eeting adjourned. ~.~....._'~i:~~~ ,~ '~ ...- . . .... - -. . ~. ....... -. .. .... ~<e4./ ... C' erk, 'Frances : 11,.":i95Z:,: ~:_"o"'" ' G..~~ .J:!;. Drogset, . JTJNE o. 1 ' I, I \ I ! [ f t I. ~ . r ). I ) ~ . 1" , t. " I' I r I l i r Present at the regular eTune !!leet5ng.we.re Co.up.cilmen Swanson, P.ol.lard, . Loutzenhiser, and Brown. . Mayor Trimble lias at the conventlon of Ass'c. of Wn. Cities and Counc iIman Picke~tt o.n~ a.. y.a.c.$..tio.ns.. ~arI Pollard filled the Mayor's station. ~ '" '" Minutes of the regular Maym~eti~g ~reT'e.:.r_e.adand approved. r, The following bills w~re presentJ;d:. ...S.w:~ns.on :m:9:tffi.9ned to pay a<lr- bills read, Brown seconded and a unan~mou,s vot~. ..:f.911owed:' CURRENT EXPENSE W ~ Snraaue Co.--~----------~_~_$'2.'~0 · · ,1; 0 .. ./. . P.S. Power/& Light Co.---------~- ~O.76 . Pickett Drug Store~------------:- ~J!t~9P.d... ..... .. .... ......_. Brown ,Bros. Garage--------...-...-....:.- 41_.JI.p_ ._~ Stand Oil of Calif. ....------...----:.- 18.72' PARK' _. "'. ..,. _', . .. P.S. power & Light Co.-....------""~- ~l-o:..O"O.dH,......_. ....._ WATER ~ _ _. _ '. ._, Brown Bross Garage------------....~-- ~3..6o. ',"'_ ........ P. S. Power & Light Co. -----....----- 38.72 . ,STREET ' p . s. Power' &. ,L i gh t 90. - - .... - - 0=" - ........ .... 34..50 Tacoma-Rainier Auto FrteCo.----- 4.32 GARBAGE Brown Bros. Garage-----~--~---~-- 8.82 .~ .; c : 1 o The treasurer&$ report for month of May was read approved. Applica'tiolis were read from t.T.'9 Doyle of Tacoma arid Mrs., Ethel, Baak~ of Yelm. J"Ir. .Doyle sought permission to operate his phonogr,aphs and free- ~lay am::usement devices in Yelm v-Ji-th the necessary license fees pai,s.. Mrs.. Blake r-equested permission to opera.te a juke box at Blake's Cafe. Counell- man Brown motioned ,to accept '(T.. 0., ,Doyle t s and ~1rs. Bla.ke' s applica tions to ope'r8.te in Yelm. as requeOsted.: Councilman Lou.tz,enhiser seconded this ,motion and itcarr1.ed uhaqimously~ The a~plications were 9rder~d filed. o "'. The. need' f()r raising the' charge for 1nIater hook-ups again ar'ose, and con- ' sj_de'r9.b+.e discussion 'Ccc'urred.. Ordinanceo 68 -amending Ordinance No. 23 had I I It -"..... \ . 9.7;'" , , lts first reading and was passed to' the second reading endm,0l~a0n 4i'uly made,' seconded and passed. Ordinance 68 had its second reading and W8.S , 8Jg~ln passed.- to the- third reading on motion made, seconded. and passed., , Extension of 'the w'ater main by Ma~,lin S'tillir;.gs new home was 'discussed from every angle., Mr.' S t i.lllIjgs wa s 'pre's en tat the me e t ing and s t a ted he would ' llke to see! 4...inch pfpe placed on this location. He also stated that he would contact the property owners on.this pprticular -location arid discover if ~ach would stand a portion of the expense.to install a fire hydrant. No definite action 'was taken at this time. .Re~111~sts were relayed for crosswalk~~_p~inted from the' "post office, to . EDward's Store. After much dis:cussion albae. Council dectded t.he cross.... walks. could on:Ly be. painted at )nte:r.sections. rv1ilt" 'Johnson w'as req.p.ested. to paint crosstngs at First, Sepond, and Third Stre.ets~--z...(..(?,.-~~.-:' 4~- ~. ... . -. . . .- ..0 : The :Lss\le .of improving Jeffersop s tre.et. .back- of"..th'e "clinic arose again and after much discunsion, Milt" Johnson waso asked to inquire of Forbes the cost of' Blarik~topping the same.. ' Resomution 70 drawn up b~T Attorp,ey Fris.toe' W8,S rea.d. €tnd <Dn motion duly . made and seconded was'unanimousjy passed. RESOLUTION" 70 ,WHEREAS, ther~ has heretofor be~nadvanced' to the Curr~nt Expense ~nd . of the Town of ~elm the sum of ~l, 00.0, .00 for general government, and,:! ~ WHEREAS, the Council of Town of: Yelm is di.sirous of repayi.ng to the Street Fund the 'said sum of $1, pOO. 00 advanced from ~the said Street Fund to the Current Expense Funfl" now_g ;and, ther.ef.or, BE ITRESOLVE'D " that there be ap.d i!i~her.eby tratlsf~rred from the surplus sum in the Current Expense Fund of the Town of Yelm to the Street Fund o'f: Town of -Yelm the s m of 1,OOQ.OO,..and the Treasurer of Town of Yelm is hereby directed and authoriz~d tO~Htransf.er the said' sum on tbe r~cords of -' Town. of Yelm. Dated this 11th day of June, 19$2 Introduced. June 11th, 1952 '. Adopted June 11, 1952 ,-'- '-r~""''',. ... ~ . . ' _'P~~'_'. ~, CP~ ~ J;., ~: 'OT~;j1lr.~~~p., -.~\r~. l?fayo, r ~ ...., "'. .. .L~M~. ". -..~, ' ~T""."o , . A I ~-- '''~~~/Q. ,G: ~ . '~ . Frances rDrOgSet~rk '" Improvement or Street on Ra~lroad Avenue between Jones and Yelm Ave., arose. After considerable study, COul;lc:i:+rnan Brown motIoned to improve the s'treet. on Railroad Ave. between Jones and Yelm'Aye;; Also t.O level the pile of dirt on Jeffer?on. MotJon 't.'lTas seconded by Councilman Loutzen= hiser and it carried uha.:mcnm0iJl:?ly. .I . . Mar~hal:,C1:l1;I;EH;1s~. a4ked the COl~ncil and ME.yor if the Town wou1d' purchase a.wire recorder from the school at the price of $40.00 in ,the event he couid not financially handle the deal himself. It would be used in the labor of the police Qand ju~tice sourt department. COlillcilman Brown motioned to purchase the wire recorder at the price of'$40.00 if Cullens did not buy it, Councllm~n Loutzenhiser seconded the motion and i.t ce.rri.ed unah.... imously. v ' The meeting adjournede ~, "iJ8 , ' -July 9, 1952 , . "r . M8,yor Trimble presided at the regular Council meeting w'ith Counc:i.lmen Loutzenhiser, Pickett, Pollard, Brown and Swanson present., , }'1i.nutes, of the June meeting were read a.nd approved. ~ T~e follo~ing bills were pre$ented: Councilman'P6llard'm6~~d to pay these ,baills" Councilman Pickett' seconded and a unanimous vote followed:' Ourrent E1Xpense Trimble's Hardware----~---------_$ Yelm Lumber Co.-------------___~_ ~ Pioneer, Ine.----~-------~~~_____ Y~lm Telephone 00.------_----____ Mosman Agericy-~--~---~----------- P.S. Power & Light 00.----------- Field's Motor Co.------------____ Collector of Internal Rev.------- Dept. . of 'Labor & Industries----- Employment Security Dept.------~- 'E.Robert Fristoe-------------____ Thurston-Mason 0 Distr. of ,Heal~h--- , Water Johns-Manville---------_______~_~ Yelm Lumber 00.--------------____ P.S. Power & Light~-----~-------- Rainier Atitor Freight Co.-------~ ~mployment Seeurfty Dept.-------- rrimble Hardware--------------___ Penn Salt Oo.----~-~---------~-~- Pa.rk P.S. Power & Light Oo.---------~--~= Street Trimble Hardware------------____-~-_, , Wa~h. St. Penitentiary-----------_-_ " 'J.F. Forbes--~-------~-----_________ ?s. Power'& Light Co.-------------- D e p't . 0 f ~ Lab 0 r & Ind. .." - - -.... - <= .... .... ....}_....... ~ Employment Security Dept.----------- Garbage ' Employ. See. ,Dept. -----=--_-:_____ NeW" Water Construction Trimble' s Hardware----------~-'--.... 32.36 Lary Johnson--.:......~...--,;,,-------_____.... 13.79 H.D. ~owler Co.' Inc.-e---------_.... 265e33 45.,07 9~u8 5~35 54~6e.. 8~00 13 ~ 51, 31.22 130.90 15.? 3 40.06 43.80 67 . 50 o 4.82 3.36 45. L~ 9 7~86 7~72 1.28 1&38 1.00 9.30- 14. ~.o 53.27' 34.50 21.86 5.10 ' 15.00 o The treasurer's report.~as,read and approved. Ordinance 68 had its third and final reading. Brown offered a"motlon to pass .ordinance 68 as read, Loutzenhiser. seconded ,this motion and a~' unanimous vote followed~ /' Ha.yor Trimble relayed a reque's t from Bol:9 Wright to aid in secur1ng a new parking sign for his bus by the post office. After due considera~ion Pickedlt moved to place a sign a tthe ne'cessary location directing" "1J6 Parking--Bus Loading cZ:onert! and to paint the curb the, standard Yellow. Swanson seconded this moti@n and a unanimous vote followed. 'Limiting parking long hOUES on main streets aaain arose and the decision 'ltr~as shelved pending opinmons of all the business people. -, o Surfacing badly needed streets was studied at length. Councilman ~ickett moved to advertise for bids to improve JefflersonAvenue between Railroad Avenue 'and Edwards Street;: Railroad Avenue f'rom the paving'line on Yelm Avenue south,foY' a distance of 280 feet;' Railroad Avenue from' a point 150 feet north of Yelm Avenue north for a distance of 200 feet. Bids to be. opened (July l6,th, 1952 at 2 P.M.. Councilm~n Brown seconded this motion and.it carried unanimously. Deld2n<ql,uent wa ter and g-arbage bills were requested sent to the folJ-owing property owners: Lou Cochrane, Mrs. Blake, Mr. Fornilli, Barney,Olark" George Soule, R.R. Coates, Shell Oil Co.~ O,K. Edwards,. A notice was ordered mailed to Joe's Place and JQe Alongi Residence of service dis- continued July 15th uhless payment received in full. -The unpaid hook-up 'bill at the Clinic waS: ordered sent to Manage:r of Clinic, O.K.. Williams. /f{d, 7~ R.A. Trimble, Mayor The meeting adjourned~& ~&~~--=t-4:' Clerk , I , , July JiB'" 1-9S2 ,99 ~. ,~... 'lO.'''' 1;1,1." \ii., ~~l..,: "*1,, . ~ su'ec'ial'-' m~eting ,_of\. Town of Y'~lin~,was".to ,e.xamine- ~aled bids for ,! ,stre,et'c improvement, plans., . On h~nd for this' meetlng' we.re' Mayor Trimble, ,'~qlJncilmen: Swanso~, poll&J'd, Loutzenhiser and -Pickett. . ; Onl~ 6ne bid was submi tted, it by J ..F'. . Forbes of Ol'ympia' to do the job at . $1'. 35 per square yard for piliaio.tgmix~ Loutzenhiser move~dJ to accept. 1 this bid' from Forbes, Swanson seconded this offer and', f't carrj:ed. . , ' " I A holee in,th'e sidewa:fk at the front. of Floyd f s Plumbing w8;s ,reported to have caused:an accident 'to a citizen. After discussion ,on where responsi- ~bility ~ay, the Council decided to cunsult'the attorney ,about legal com- ',I~\,p:)'iCa\iOriS' . .. , The meet~ng adjourned. ,~ " -- -. ' /?/t7~?-~ 66 ~_---...: ~ .H'9ri9~'I~ EiE. Pick~~t~ Actirtg sect. August. 13,. 1952 On- hand for the regular Council meeting were rJIay.or H.A. Trimble, Gouncilinen Pickett" Loutzenhiser {illd SW8.nson. Councilmen, Pollard and BrovJYi were absent. ' Minutes 'of' the regular July meeting ~nd special meeting wererea9- ?-pproved. The treasurer'~ report was read and' ~pproved. , ':' - the , 'Correspondence included announcement of Regional Meetings of the Association of Wa.shington C1 ties,;~ report of response on delinquent bills; als'b thanks' to' th~' Co'u~cil for the erection of special .cau,tion at play signs.' ' 1 l1he fo llowing bills were allowed on a motion a'second by Pickett and a, unanimous vote:' . . .. Current Expense . _ . . Trimble Ha'rdware- ---------- --....---- --$ Stationers, Inc.----~--------------- Pion~er, Inc.---------------~------~ Mosman Age~cy----------~------------ .. r ' P;s. Power &,~ight------------------. D & H ~obil Service-----~-~-~------- ehas. Donaldson--------------------- Park. p. S.- 'Power & Light-------------...-.:..-- irJa ter . Yelm Lumber---------------~--~------ , TacOma Rairtie~ Auto Frei~ht-----~-~- P,.S. Power & Liaht---~-~----~------- ..' 0 Perin S~lt. Coo~---~~----~--~-------- Trlmble ijard\~are~ ---~~-------..:--- --- Street Trimble Hardware-------------------- 21~16 Ol:ympia Foundry Go. -----....--...:-------~ '18.03 Chas. Donildson-----~-----~--------- 17~73 'Yelm Lumber Co. ...;--------------------. 7 ~67 P.S.PoweF & Light'------------------ ,.34~50 (ToF.' Fbrpes-.:..-----.:.----------------....2837 ~ 70 '1" ,D & H Mobil service--.... -------.......-----, 10.68 Garbage . Fields Motor Coo---~---------------~~ '10.91 . 'D)& H Mobil Service-------------...:--- 7.82 'New Water-G0rt~truction Fund J.L~ Brown-~--~--------------------- ~ . . "~ offered by Councilman Swanson, 3.61 8~45 22'~ 52 ~ 71~76 lO~ 94- 4,5 ~ 55 17.,73 '\ 1.00 10~ll 1.38 49;97 1 0 ~,8 3 20.36 69.00 Mr. Sta~ret~ Of' P .S. Power & Light Co. was again on hand to inte,rpret the new contrac.t ,for their services to Yelm. Further , possibility' of,light-, lng the s,tr~ets'was dfuscussed~ , I , " Resolution 71 pertaining to the contract v-~i th P\lget So~nt was read. prck~tt ,offered to adopt Resolut,ion 71 following the approval of Attorney Frist~~;ss and authoriz'ing Mayor Trimble to sign the same contract. 'Swanson secofif1.eE!. this motion and it -pa.ssed unanimously. :-"...' . ~ 1.0Q', ., . ill ~ :- "'\~ Mo~e inform~tion 6h. Loutzenhi,ser offe~ed suspension lightg on and it carried. The to the Sales Manager , \ ,..~ 0I'>! - ~...... ~- .............. ~>~.J. s~treet lighting- wa.s given by- Mr..:star~,e.t.t..:". ':eounc,i:,lma:mt~~~~<: a mOtIon place' 7 inc'andescent, 300~watt,,' dir'ectj_ anal ~' the ma'in avenue' of Yelm.'.' 'PIckett. sec'orid'ed"this mot:ion, clerk w'as ~l:H~e_~et1led to trs'n~m:tt th~ '~:request i'mmediately ~ P S · :11 '. . ' ?L .. In \.. ympla. As Lou"'Cochrane and R. H. , C9a t,es had' not rOesporided' to notices of delinqu"ent' w:adter and gaerbage on their pr'operty, Swanson motioned to' 'send discontinuance notiqes tothema~lc;:>w~ng the same ten d8:Ys to mak~ full paym~nt. Lcutzenhiser seconded this motion and it carriede .' r I _ ,.. n') '"I' "') . ~ ., ~ _'. ) ,The clerk reporte,d' th, a,t th, e Old,' r,egist::e:tion reco,rd~ 'we~e in" a, gra~d, 'mixup anD,,, """, that, as frequently requests Here recelved for certlfiC'ation, of births". . 'registrati,ons etc.,< something should be done a.bout them. The Councll ' and Mayor decided a permane~t file should be obtainea and the records' . placed in orq.er. Councilman' Pickett moved to make .a charge' of $l.'OO(one dollar) for ~hformatj_on from any registration record which was certified by the Town Clerka Lbutzenhi'ser<<: seconded this. motion and it carried. '.' Maior Trimble relayed a request from Dr. Williams for a UNO PARKING!! sign' to be located directly fn front of' the Yelm Glinic. After much dlscusslon on restricting more ofYelfu Avenue, the matter was shelved until further contact c6uld be made with the Doctoro' I Mayor, Trimble brought to,the attention of all that bi~ycles we~e seen f~e- ({uently on the sidewalk's. As the Sta te laws called for bikes .and similar vehicles obeying all. traffic ~ules as auto~obiles, a de~i~ion was mad~ to publish a notIce fro m the Chief of Police~ Cullens refreshing the minds of y?ung citizens of the law~ on bike riding. Councilman Swanson suggested the important fact that the Marshal should c~rry flares in the P6lice ~ar ~t all times. Loutzenhiser offered amotion autho~iz~~~ the Chief of Police to purchase a Cas~6f suit~ble flares fo~ the department. Pickett seconded this motion and it carried. As the Police car was showing its age Bnd wear, Councilman Pickettsuggested the Town investigate into the posslbility of renting a car suitable tor the department. Mr. Pickett stated he would obtain all the information 'he could pertaining to a deal of this kypee \ " o The' meeting adjourned. " , , . ... - -.. ....... I ' RESOLUTION c 71 " . WHEREA~, ,it 'is the desire orOthe b.Qim~.il' .of the T~111Tn of Yelm Yelm to enter into an ,agreement with the puget Sound Power & Light Comp~ny und~r the terms of w&ich the said company will, furnish to ' the Town of Yelm for a period of fi~e (5) years elec~rical energy for the maintenance of the municipa~ str~et..lighting system of the T~~n of Yelm and the municipal wate~ pumping system o.f the Tow~ ofY~lm, and . WHEREAS" the said puget Sound. 'Powe.:r...& Light Company.,has c offered to nurnishthe said electrical energy for a. periodHof ffive '(~) year~ upon terms and conditionsDset forth in three proposed agreements", one of which is enti tleq. flMunlcipal 'SttH"eyPLuiJ:gfulb!:ngo't'Jer Contractll',ene, of which is enti t,led "Munic.ipal'Water Pumping Power Contract"f, f3.nd the t~1.rd of which 'i~ enttt.Ied_.n.Transformer Re.ntal ContractU', and 0 " -'l WHEREA,S, Council of the Town "of YeJm...ha.s ,bee,n a.dvis~d. and, understands tha t .the uni t rates set Cforth_in.,th~..s,aj_d proposed. . agreement are ,the uniform rates fixed andallol,.,red by the State of WiJshington Department of Publie Ser,:ice, .N.OW, 'THEREFORE, ... - c o . . BE IT RESOLVED by the Counci! of the Town of Yel~ that those certain agreements entitled "Municipal Stre,e.tLighting ,Contra,c.tf~,__ HMunicipal Water Pumping Power Con-cract" and "Transformer Rental Contratfl\ be entered into by the Town o~ Yelm with the Puge~ Sound Power & Light Company for the furnishing of electrical energy for the municipal street lighting system and the m~nicipal water pump- i,ng sys tem of the Town 'of Yelm upon the terms and condi tlons set . 'fotth in the agreements so entitled proposed, by the Puget Sound 'Power & Light C6mpany, to which agreements reference i~s hereby specifically made and Hhich agreements" now on file wlth the. Clerk of the TOHn of Yelm, are by reference adop"ted heJ~ein as though .fully set forthhereino " 0 I \- ....11 {'1 i ' JL \j? - i:' r; . . ... BEl I'r., F~URTHER. RESOI~IVED the. t.. the.' May.O'r' of..the,'.Town", of,.Yeiim,: be, aria" he :i8 hereby authorized 'and' dire'cted', 'to' execi.lt'e 'and d'eliver the said' contracts for and on behalf of and in the name; of the \ Town 'dif Yelm, ~ and the 'Clerk of ,the TOv.Tn of Yelm;' by, and she is,' her'eby au:thorized~'and dir~cte~ to attest s11ch contr~cts., llfani-: . mOUS1~Y ,.assedb.Y. the Council of the Town of Yelm thls /3 . day or. __--~----- ,. 19520' ,. ., \- cf~ /f(~ ~ .~ MAYOR I ATTEST: ;9-~&. ff~ TORN CLERK . . ,\- Sept.ember. 10, 1952 .j> On han,d f:or the regu'lsr Councll meeting 'bf the Town of Ye1m were' C01J:ncil- men Pi'ckett, Loutzenhiser, Swanson, Brown and PollHrdwith Mayor Trimble presid:imgo . Attorney Fristoe was also. at thismeetingo , '. t. (.; ~ ~ Minutes of the previous me,eting were read and approved. ~he treasurer's report was read and apprpved. 'rhe following~ b'ilis "were" read and ordered paid on a motj,on py Brown, a 'second .by Pollard, and a unanimoys vote: Current Expense, " .' . Brown, Bros. Garage-----~--------~---~-~----$49.46 . Nisqually-Val~~y News------------~--~--~~-- 74~96 Yelm .Bumber Co.-------------~----...-----~--- 1.29 Standard Oil or Calif.----~--------~------- 36:26 , "Y~lm Tel. Coo----~--~--~-~-------:--------- 44~05 Motor Parts ,&, Equip. , 'Inc.'------..;.--------'-- 20~ 60 'P~S.' P9wer & Light COo-----~----------~--~-ll~14 Pickett Drug-------~----------------------- 8~13 Joe~s Place---~----~--~------------~------- 8.81 Blake's Cafe---~--~------------------------ 23096 Park _ PoSe Power & ~ight COo---------:-----:----- 16.95 Water. Fund: 'Uisqual;L,y Valley N ews-- --.;..- -------- -~'------ Trj,mble HardHare------ ~'---- ----- - -- - -- -- --- Brown ,~ros. G~rgge--------~--'-------------- P.S. Power & ~ight-~:---------------~--~--- Penn Salt Co.--------~-~---------~-----~--- street '~ ' ' Nisqually Valle,y N ews---- -- -------- --- ----- B~own Bros. Garage--~.~---~----------~------ P.S. Power & Light C~.-------~------------- Garbage Nisqually Vall~y New~------------------~--- Brown Bros. Garage--~-------------------~-- .. ........."') . .. New Construc.Water Fund. . D.W..Edwards------------------------------- 52.00 The correspondence included a letter from the Regtonal'Library 'any i,nformatlon concern~ng t,he library servi'ce in Yelm; a2hWeoa '. names of persons intere~ted in restricting parking on the 'main '1' fA request was read from Marshal Cullens for an increase in the , salary for 1953. " CounQilman Loutzenhiser relayed a request from the Method.ist Chufich for permission to improve tpe. street bt this location. Milt Johnson.was asked to inve~tigate before a~y action: would, result. O~K. Edwards 'requested permdlssion to grade the' alley back of Y~;lm Thrift- 'way;down,one fopt ,and st~t~d that he would in turn black top this same amount of the alley. Ma.y'o+? Trimb:4e appoin'ted' a 'Street and Alley committee to investigat~ the possibility of, granting this request to'Mr. Ed"iAJards 0 The Stre'et an~ Alley, Cornmi ttee appointed included, Ed Brown, cha~rman~ Earl Pollard and Jack Loutzenhisere 1 5a24 18058 8~24 59 .. 48 ' 1.5.82 , 4~12 1:48 34..,50 6e~J+ '-23.70 " offering list of, avenues.. Marshal's ',-- . tf~j;. '102 ~",t'"' (" \0.-.. ." v- '*... ~' Formulflting $. balanced budget fo.r .1953 tha.n began.:o ,: Aft,el') ,a.~ dIs cussion on: the number. of mills, to levy for 'the ,':Pown o{'Yelm,' 'CouncJlman f Pollard qffered a ,motion to relinquish:' l~' mills of the ,15 'mills to the Thurston County Fire Protectlon 'District # 2 for 1953;. Councilman Brown s~conded this~ motion and it carried unanimouslyo Counci'lman Picket-t offered a motion to purchase a set of 1rJ'ashington Revised Cod Laws for thmJustice Dep8.rtm'eht. Lbutzenhi'ser sec'onded P. this motion and it carriedo T~e purchase would be budgeted for in 1953e .." . '\ 'Much consideration resulted on the' increase of salary of the Marshal's 'positione Counctlnian Brown offered a m.otion. to consider a salary for the position ot $3,300.00 ayeero Loutzenhiser seconded this motion an~ it' carried unanimously. As the business peo})le' seemed' in favor of limi ting parking on the main avenues, further discussion on this plan led to a mbtioh off~red by Counc:i.lman Sv-Janson t,o plac'e a notice in Nisqually V?-lley News to' allow anyone objecting limiting parking on the 'main streets during the day should appe~r at the regular Council meeting on October Band voice hisopinion~ Pollard seconded the motion and it ~arriede ~Several hours w'ere spend in sincere concentration on a budget for 1953. A 'tenta ti ve budget was drai'lln up and ordered published. The hea~ing was slated fo.r September 24, at 8 P.Me in the -Town Halle The mee'ting, adjou:rh'ed0 o c ;> 214d~ ._~,.L:;Z?A_~- _J?rances ~~ Drogsgtll,cherk ~September'24, 1952 On h~nd for a ..S,pecial Meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelrn were Councilmen Sw:ahson, Pollard, Loutzenhiser, BroHn and Pickett" ,Mayor 'Trimble presid~~~ and appoi~~~d_ ~~?ke~t Acting .Cl~rk fb~-the meetf~ge' ,0 , . Firi~l hearing on the b't~dget"was the"purpose"of--this mee"tinge On motio'n .' by Ed Brown, second by ~ack Loutzenhiser the following.,Budget was adopt_ed for 1953:- Vote wa.s una:n5mous~" r . ~t-~~~~ ~~~~~~~~*";~;f-~~ ~*'..)}.* ~ q~ E$TIMAT~~ REVElnJES FOR '1953 CURRENT EXPENSE ~ Taxes: li~ Mil1s--~---~~-----~---~~----$3,504.66 Li8eDs,es,---------------;;.-~~-~-----;..---- 300.00' "-"-"'~-....Admis s ion Taxes.'.. -- - ---- -- --- --- ----'- - -- 70011 00 '''~'-Liquor RevenueEl- - - -- -:- --'- - -- -- --- --....- -- 2, 381. }~..~, ,,__.._.J\.1otor Vehicle txcise Fund--------------" , 634..Lj..0 oli6e Court Fines-----~-----...;------~-- 1,OOGo~0 ..-"..~Ambulance Fees------------------'------- 375.00 L . b' 11M. 1 1 . , --' . ,- , '1+5""7 l'~- J_ rarIfJ..-::t::::z.-, :r..':t.:t..s-------- -":'"------------- '. ,It_ ~ 5alanrie od.Hand~---.------~~-------~~~~ 300000 . - ~p 9, 6S 2 II 6]--:- ,B J;. RKL FUND \, j r ~ Taxes: i' Mill-~---------.:-------------- \ 152.'38 ~ Balance on Hand-----------------------~~250000 ",' o . ~p ~..02o 3b STREET FUND Motor Vehicie Fund-~------------------ Sa1ance on Hand~-------~-----~---~---- 1,717<>76 900,,00 $2,617076 ,,-lATER. FU1\TD' Consum,er ,Coilec tions- - - _..:~ --- - - -- -- --= Hook-Up~-----~----------------~------- Rala~c~ on a~hd-------~--------------- 7,000.00 ,5'0 Q QO 1,000.00 ~pC;, 050000 :', r;'E' \ ' GARBAGE'FtJND ' ' '. " .' ". , Consume~ Coliections--~--------------$2VIOO~OO 'B~lBnce on,Hand----~-~--~-------~~--- 800.00 I",ORi ",of, ._~ ,NEW ",lATER CONSrrRUCTION ' 0 BalAnce, on Hand--- ------- -- - --____.___~1 - ' I 500000 500,,00 $2,900.00 '\ ' (1" ~ ! GRJ\,ND TOTAL-~';~';':'--------------7-- $.24, 122. 7~' :ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 'FOR TOWN OFYELM FOR 1953 C1Tf{RENT EXPENSE C19rk. .' . c~e.,lrlf-R, ~ll.ef ,A tt1orney' ,~ Ma~or & Councilmen , Su1et! B'~nds- .' Asse Cl8"tlon ofWno Ci~ies Reglstrations& Elections Pub. &" Advo' State!Audi ting Town. Eta 11 Police-cJudge Ned. Aid & Ins.. Social Security Health,Services , Libra~y Marshal ],300.00 D~puty Marshal 250.00 Jail Exp. & Meals - '. \$4$e60.00 I I PARK. Park Expense {;i, GARBAGE Disposal Clerk Of,fice Dump Rental Truck .Exp. ,Labor Social 'Security & Tns 0 Supplies, I WATER 'FUND Supt. Clerk Labor & Repairs Supplie,s "Power ,&, Lights Office ~r8.xes Social Securlty BOD,d" Redemption Capital Outlay S7:REET . Supt. Med. .Ftid & Ins. Labo:r & Repairs S't. Lights" Ma.terials' 'Truck'Exp. 'So<:; ia1 Securi'ty Cap,i ta~ Out,lay SALA RY $600000' 50.00 300000 360.00" $1,600.00 600!OO 75.00 ~t~2 , 27 5. 00 $1,400.00 600.00 $2,000.00 600000 ' $,600.00 NE'Jll WATER CONTRUCTIOH C~pi tal Outl~y EXPENSE '$100.00 50.00 50000 75..00 2.5.00 50.00 100.00 27,S000 7 SO eo 00 75" OQ eo.oo 70.00 270 . 00 ~50000 1,000.00 OUT LA Y 27 2. 6.3 1,000.00 100.00 ~~3, 520. 00. $1,272'" 63 80.0 00 300.00' 150000 80'. 00 15000. $625000 17~.00 250.00, 700.00 100.00 , 300 gOo. 300QQ 1:554000 '- '\-. 1S0.00 75.00 ...,__;200.00 ' i'25.9G 35.00 15,.00 $900.00 $ 4.02038 3', 6 96 0 00 ~ ,800.00 4,496.00 1,117.76 1,1}.7.76 ,500.00 TOTAL m;9 ~ 652. 63' 402.30 , I .$2;900.00 $(3,050.00 $2,617.76 500.00 \ GRAND, TQTAL----.:. -- -, ------=---~-----$24, 122.77 ~~"~~-~i-~~~~~}-~~~~'~~{~~~~ ' 104. \ The~e was further discussi.on of the .problems. of 'bicycle parking but no action wesultedat thi~ tim~~ A dec.is.ion was una.1P.IJimous 'to pureh8.se a four-drawer . filIng caqinet fori Clerk's Office upprinth~ ~eturn of the clerk. \ ;;; .. I' ~.., ~ Tne School o.fficie.ls transmi tted atrequest for aid in controlling draIn- age on Y.elm Ave and rear entrance to the school grounds~ Serious discussion resulted. - . As complaints again ar~ived on the water etco runriing'ov~~'sidewalk and into the street by'Yelm Thhlftway, it was suggested to enlist the aid of Thurston-Tv18son Health Distri.ctJ The meeting adjourned. ~~.J~ H'2~r~1~~ . E.E. Pickett,. Acting' Clerk O'ctober ,,8, 1952 o '" . . The regular meeting of the. Council of' Town of Yelm was ca.lled to order by Mayor Trimble with the following present: Councilmen Loutzenhiser, Brown, Swanson, Pollard, and Pickett'. "Also Narsha'l Cullens, Supto- Johnson, and Citizen Earl Jobnson. Pickett was appointed acting Clerk forothis meeting. Minutes of the previou~i meeting:were" read and appnovedo Treasurer's 'unofficial report. for SeptemrJer was read and Loutzenhiser moved acceptance. ' , On m'otlon' by Brown a second ",by Swanson, and' a unanimous vote t-he following bills were approved and ordered paid: 1. Current Expense , , Mosman Agency--------------- $lO.OO P.S. Power & light----------- 11.84 Yelm Tel. OOQ------.-..:.-------- 35.00 Fields Motor Co.------------- 43.03 Pioneer,. Inc.--.....--:--:--.-------.. 5.73 Trimble Hardware------------- 5.06 , Wolf' s-----------------------8. 97 .PARK ;:) P. '. Power & Light-----~~---- 1.00 WATER Auto Freight qo.------------- PoS. Power' & ~ight----------- Penn Salt CoQ---------------- Sf}'REET -P.Bo Power & Light--------~-- Jack Butler------------------ o 2. LI-4. 56.05 13056 34.. .50, 8.50 Dis'c.1Cl.ssion on limitipg parking fleJ::ld.wedo'wi:th 'consideratlon given to all ci~iz'ens" Citizen Eatl Johnson requested that if any ordinance "vll"as drawn tha t, cons iderat10n by given the pb.l.JYislCf;libibwdhanicapped. No ae tion resulted as fnrther study was necessary. ~ Suggestion was made that IS minute ~arking be allowed ib the front of th~ Town Hall on the electiom.. day, Novemb~r 4tbD and' that-Po'lice cars be narked in back of the Hall on the same day. Voters would then be aided. t ( . t_ o Correspondence included a letter of promise to pay his waeer and garbage bill from Chris Johnson when his monies arriv~d; ari anonymous letter of ppinions qn enforcin~ parking ordinahces; and a letter. from Hankins of Division of Hunicipal Corporations stating that no monies could be used to support the Grq,und Observ'er Corps. '. The topic of a shooting range to b~ was discussed at. lengtho :Ho a.ctJon A request was relay~d from Mrs.. Eva on corner of Stevens and Third. po27rQovVting; be adj~urned-,..all Y",-rJ~ ... .'. .. Ei . E. .. k P1C eit,A~ting Clerk sponso'red by the Yelm Sportmen's Club resulted.. Vandlver for a streetlight 'to be placed agreed. ~du~ IF",. .. fl'rlmb e, ayor I I I " !~. l"O~5t October 22nd, 1952 On hand for a:' special ~~eting 'of the Council .of .Town of Yelm were r1ay:or Trimble, Counci.lrneh 'Loutzenhiser, Sit-ranson,. Bro.w'n, Pickett, and Pollard. Milt Johnson was also B't this meet.ing. .E,.E. .Fickett. acted as Clerk. . An'eme~gen~y. existed ~ue to the bre~~dow~ of.th~ bridge on Fir$t Street " across Yelm Creek, and immediate action was '.necessary." ., After a d.~s;... cussionCouncilman Brown offered a motion to-d,clare an emergency, to purchase th~ nec~ssary tile and request the County to install a culvert ~~ the above mentioned location. ." Pollard seconded this motion and it car'rled 'unanimouslyo ,.rrhe pr.ice of concrete tile for, this job was $6.75' a foot'o~,' ~~O.B.. OIY~P1a. " .Q. ~c 1 ,The meetinQ adJ"6urned. '-.." , , ~ . Mayor, H. A. .. Tri '{ \ " -f 9. November 12, 1952 " o~ l:1and for the reglklHr CouncIl meeting were Mayor rr:rimble, Counci;;b~~. men p'ollard Swapson; Brown, Pickett~.;.' and Loutzenhisero M~r" Bowers and Mro' Southworth were also present. Minufesof the previous'- mee.tings weJ2e read and approved. The, tree,surer'~sreport was read Bpd accepted. (' fJ.1he fol-Iowing ~bil.ls were approved on motion duly made and seconqed by Ed Pickett, and Ed Brown and m.otion carr'ied: Currren t 'E:x:pens e ~, . Yelm Tel Co~~----------------------$ 20025 P.S. Power' & .i..light______-:-____.__'----, 11:.12' Standard 0 il-':': --- - ------ ----;... - -- ---' 22061 D &; H' Mobil Service-------,---~..---~- 106.03 Frances ,E. Drogseth-----.-------....-:-- 7.. 23 We.ter " . Mun1c i pal Slipply Co 0"" -------- ------. 112.60 D &H Mobil Seryice-~-----------~-- 5073 Penn Salt Co.--...----~---------....--_.... 10,.41 La.rr:r' Johns on;..- -- --------- - ~-....-----. 8086 Auto Frt~Denot-----------~-;..--~--~~ 3.00 Po~. Power ~ Light CQ~---------~--- 12~o57 . Pe.rk . PoSe Power &. .Light Co..--:.---------..-- 1~.00 S.tre'e:t . P.S" Power & Light COo-------------. ,3~..50 ,Graystone Materials CO'o------------ 473~55 lrhurs. Coo Road District # 1...-........--- 273.56 Garbage' . _' ~. ' D & H Mobil Service---------------- 310291 Field's Hbtor Co.----.;..------------- 6.71 . . '") 't. 0 La,rry Johnson-- ..;.-------~-- -"------- - 330 l~9' Mro Bowers Bnd .Mr. Southwbrth stated a problem'had p.risen in ~choo1 discipline due to the fact a warehouse located between'Yelm. Avenue and Jefferson Street ~as easily accessible and that students were carrying away great amounts of peas stored. Host 'of these peas landed up on schopl :territory, so' the school officials requested the aid of the TOHn Council in .Q.ealing with this current problem. Serious discussion .followed ,and the clerk was requested to write a letter to the owner.' of the buildiDg requesting immediate a ttention to this building so " that it could not be entered by anyone. The Orthepedi6 Guild of Eatonville had transmitted a request to sell Christme,s stockings in Yelm. After carefu,l consideration for the active guild in Yelm, Councilman S1rJanson offered a rnotj_on that the Eatonvi.lle Guild be informed -to" contact the local guild and'seekits wi.shes on this canvassing matter. Counc11manBrown seconded'this mot'ion and :t t "car'ried4l .) 1_06 t.... ....' \. 1~- The Street Committee reported that the,llght Mrs. Vandiver had re- quested was a neces'sary loc8.tion for more ligbto 'The Co'uncflshelved any action on this street light until the Street Fund was increased . sufJ'iciently t~ handle another li,ghto Councilman' Brown opened a disc'ussion on discontinuIng the old pump 'si~e at Fristoe's~'as the positioh was not used but'ii~hts were paid monthly on the loca tlonso No deflni te actlon. resulted:' Attention wa~ brought to the fact that~the Town should have access to the, wa~ter pump 8t the creamery, for emergencie's 0 , After' dis.cussion it 1/1JaS sugges'ted the clerk wri te to Mr" Jay Va.nPat~en in Enutl1claw~ and m.ake the above re~~esto " JY1ilt Johnson irJas directed to purchase a new s1t.Jitch for the Pump Houseo To assure safe traffic over the new brid~e over Yelm Cre~kJ the Council re~ue$ted Mro :JEihnson 'to place new posts at either side of the con- struction. The possibility of a ne1J-J ga.rbage dump was stud'.lied" . Pollard offer'ed a 'moti6n that the council should delve into the possibility of purchasing a tract of land suitable for garbage dump" Motion was' seconded by Br-Oi4n and it carr ied. Brush appa,rently piled on Rlce Stree.t caused a question of safety in. . traf-fic dIscussion... Mayor ~L'rimble "asked the street and Alley C.ommittee to investigate into this s~tuatibnQ The Mayor and several Councilmen had r~cej,ved complaints o~ bicycle . parking. \;ITays oof)"c,orrrecting difficulti€l;s were considered Rnd, Marshal ~ullens suggested painting a parking strip for.the bikes. Picket~ offered a motion that. the ,Street Supto paint adequ8.te park~,ng space for bicycles ,if the plan m~t with the satisfaction of the property OiNners" Loutzenhiser seconded thls m'otjo'n and it passed.. -.. . Mayor Trimble named the following Committees to take' charge'of the' re~pective'problemsD ,Street & Alley:- Chai~r:ma:r:,' Ed Bro1rJn _ ;iLack 1outzenhise-r . Earl Pollard "" Water. & Garbage Chairman, Oscar Swanson , , Ja-ck"-Lout'zehhi.ser Ed Brown" , Finance and Audi t Chai:U:"man,,-:E,Bd 'P'ick'ett "Ed' Brown - -Ea:-rl .Pol'le:rd.o ;~lt'e~natefS':"" 'Oscar Swanson & Jack Loutz.enhiBer Building Inspector: Ed Brown". . .. Motion was. duly made and s ec<onded- -t(5' $,dJourno ' .. 7f4:J~ . , ~-irimblle $ lvIayol} .. ~~a~~4.{C~ ranees :. Drogseth, tlerk " : : o o o . ".' ...... .l I 1~, '-: I I December 10, 1952 1ro~,.~ . , 1,,:: ~. . \. On:hand ',for the regular. me.eting'H'of~ the .C.ouncll-:of.. thep:. Town 0f.:: Yelmwere Mayor Trimble arid Counctlmea."..Brown., ~Sw.Qns.on,.. .f~o11ard, . Pickett, and. ,. Loutzenhiser. Milt, Jo hn.and'H' Cl.tiz,e.n'Ho. ..K.....Ed'tard~L.w.e ~ e .al s 0 present. r " 'Minutes .ofthe" previous meeting wer~ read and approved. ,The treasurer's report ending November 30th was pres~nted and accepted. The foilow~ng bills were ordered paid on motions made. by Councilmen Pol'lard,and 'Loutaenhiser and carried: CUrrent EJrpense ) n Pickett Drug Store..--..---------------~-...-$ 1.59 . Thurs.MasonOlympia Health DiBt..---------- 67.50 Assoc1&tion of Wn~ Citles---------~~----- 25.00 Regional Public Library-----------.-....--....-- ,520.55 Wolf1s---~~--------~---------------~---~~ 5.40 Trimble's Hardwa.re --...---------..-....---.....-- 5.04 . John w. Cul1ens------~---...._----------.-.:..-- 19,.12 Nisq~ally V~ll~y Bews--~~-------------~~-~~48.40 ~ P. s.o '-Power &: .lJight-----.--.---...:----.-------- 13.14' Brown Bros.Ga.rage=~--------------------- 47.01 E. Robert Frtstee-----..------------------ 128.98 Startdard Oil ofCalif~~---*--~--~----~--- 49.18 Yelm. Tel. Co..--...-----.:..~-----..;,------------ 26.75 Park .- P. S. Pow,er&,Light----------.----.;,;,----:----. Water" p 13 . Power. &L i gh t s -- - .... -.... - - - - -... - -'.- - ..... ~ - -..;.. Tac 0ma-Rainier A utoFre igh.t--- _~o_ -..:....... ~.--': Sparling Meter CO.----------~-----~-----$ Trimble's Hardware-------~--------------- 1.00 . ,Pion~er, Inc.----------------~----.--~--~ Brawn Bros. G-arage------..;---......:.:.:.-~-.;..-.~.:.:..;,;-'- ' , .Pe nn Salt. Co. .;.-- ------ _.....;- --_.:.:..;.-- -....-.---..... \ S tr e e t ' -. '. Trimble Hardware-- ----... .~----.;..;.,.. -- .:.._- .;.,'~-- Brown Bros. GArage----~-~---~~~------~-~~. P. S. Power & Light------..:---- ':':.."':':':'_-'-'-;...--' . Garbage. '" "~. . . . - - . Brown Bros. Garage~-----~---=~---~-~-~~-- . ~ . . 50.63 5.'25 24.46 16.21 2 8~.70 12.".88 . '1~' 39 - <; 2':.89 5.0'6 ;" 3' . . 50 .. . ~" -!.. . . "'" Ii' 13.82" .C'Orrespondenee was. 'read from Kelley ,FarqUhar '& Co. acknowledging ree~ipt of. information of pilfere.ge 'j,n tne-ir w8.rehou~re locB.ted <-in Yelm. . ~r.' Edwards, by Milt's request, was on hand to discuss grading't'he alley by his s,tere. Af,tel" much consideration 'Councilman Br@wn offered a motion to allow Mr. Edwards to grade down the' ailey appro. ximately'15 inche.s, to fill in 3 inches e!' bls.ek top -aFid'to - keep ".sur.face even. from'sfde to s;'de.- . Loutzenhiser seconded thls"'mcition and' "tt ,'carried. . Mr'. I Eciw.ards offered 8. suggestlon--that alleys of Ye1m ~sh0uld be widened.,,: ~ Town e>fficials agreed but stated they would consult the Town Attorney . before any action would take place. '. . ". ^ _ - " ,".,.: Mayor Trtmble -reported that the News Tribune would, graci,Gusly provide parking equ.ipment for bicyc~es f~~,~the news ,~~~js; Mr. Hugh Branson . expressed the" n~~d for black tapping along the pav"er-":9;' meI).t"on Ye1m Avenue. As the Mayor and ,some Councilmen had'a1reao.y.made contacts and ventures into this dire' necess:fty~ the.. Clerk 'was .asked" t,$ wrl te direct to Director Of Highways, Mr.C.laypool .t.o seek, advice and . a~sJstit.~C& in fmprev1.ng the Avenue. . After- a' discussion en the necessl.ty of power a~d Ifghts at LOc9.tion # l...P1.mlp.,'Heuse, P.lckett Gffered a motion to request. puget Sound' to die:;.. Icontlnue .:power.' and llghts service a t this. same locatIon.... Loutzenhiser seconded this metione Special attention was given the'above motion. As Councllme~' ~ickettt a.nd Loutzenhiser wi thdrew their metlons trre' actlo1'l '" was 'null. . The Wa.t.'r and Garbage eommi ttee would make flurther iilve.s'ti- gat:t0n'int~ th.e future nee(toof the' pump at Location # 1. '\ 1,.08: .' ~w ,. . I. ., . l ~ __ r. Mayor Trimble reported tlH!t'the County and 'Y.elni, might. ,work Gut, a. 10e8 tion for '9. Garbage Dump. Further contacts ~ st 11;1 had. t'b.'be ' made . It was suggested th.e neces.s ity was. greatf'er tending.to, the presel1t, ga:rbage , dump... ., , '. . '.. : , .': " " ~;, "~, . . .. . . Co~cilman. Pollard suggested tt{'e streets badiy rieed~<i grading at this, time. MaYDl' Trirn'i)le stated Mr~ Gallear would be contacted tQao, the necessary street :1mpr0v.e~en ts. The'meeting adjourned.. ,~ ~~~/~-. , . erk, r~nc'es ,'E. . rog,s ~""._... ,,, ;K~v~ M~or, R.A. Trimble o j,a,I)'\l.~ry' ~4,,:, ~ '~,953, '.:: On hand for the. first ~regu~~~, ro.,ee'~tng' ,of '-the. C'6~,cil 'in' 1953 were, Mayor Trimble, Councilmen Swanson, PQ,~,+arq., LO\lt,z~nl'!iser, -'Pickett ~nd Brown.' Ci tlzen Paul Truex ap~e~re<t uP,op, the .sce:q~ 19te~, in the ,evening. . " Mln.utesof" the previo~s mee,t:tpg were re,~d "and approved. . The tree.surer' s repor~ was read.. and' a.c'c'ept'e"d';' . I \' The bills were rea.d. Pickett offered a motion t.(). '.pa.y 'all bills except the bi,ll for street gradlng~' "Swansoii.' second.e'<i' this motion. and it., carried unanimously.. Contacts would be made concerning the bill from . Thurston County Road Distr~'ct N~. ~,..,rl:1e foliowing bIlls we:r:e then o~deredpaid: ' 'Current Expense ~ <>., ...". '-~""-"'''... Yelm Telephone QQ:~~-----~~~----~~$ 21.80 Dorothy' s Cafe--..:..:----.:.;-...;;:;-~..:.__'.- 6:'95" Fields Motor C.o.-~-...-.;....:.:..'_.--_.:.._-.;.--...-57 ~'04. No~ton Cleahe.rs------------...---~- 3.09 Mosman Agency--,- -..;' -,- -_..:.'....:....:..:..:.- ~_':'_-" 4. '00 Joe's Place------~----~~~~=~~;-~__ 5;32' . Blake' s C8.fe-----.;------.:~'-'..::....:..___ ';"'- '-2'4~lJ~1'-' ...... St,md Oil of Cal. ....--...--..--..---...---~ 54.72 :'-P. P.S.. Power & Light----.:..:-:.::.:-.:~-...;---,. 32;18 Dept. of Labor & Ind.------------_ 15.86 Employ. Sec. 'Dept. ------- --------- 27.92. Park ~ P.S. P0wer & Light Co.--------~---, 1.11 " Water . . ' , Ye1m Lumber Co. -~----'----______~__ . p.-S. Power & Light 'Co<.'~--,-~~--,----- Collector of Int. Rev. QQ:;;g~;t___..___ EmploymenteSee.Dept.-___~..;__::----- Sta,te 'TaxComm.isstciri...;-:..----~..----- Street .., P.S. Power & ~ight Cci.------------ Dept. of Labor & Ind.---------~-~ Garbage Employ. See. De'pt.----- .....------_-:-_ Collector of Int. =R~v.~-..~-:"_----- D & H Serv1ce---~----------------- , I Trimble's Hardware---------------- Frances E. D~6gseth~-~~~-~~-:-:-2- o 3.47, .5 3. 20 , 50. 20 25.32 ?48.23 , 39.67 21.86 13.80 28. ~,O 16.27 9.38 9.20 o ,~ . ,,~,..... J.. ...... ,.... ,.:., ""'.~ ."'" ': .....~. .;~ ~ ..... ,,"w...,'" #'..... _, "" '.. .,~ Paul Truex was on hand' in th.e"interests of' Yelrn Sportman's'Club. He rela.yed a reques t .from the local Club for permis s ion to operate "a, :fif'le range in the berry sha6k lopated just beyond the Irrigation Office with- in-the town 11mits~ Serkous descussion resulted with due consid.eration tor all parties or p~rsons that might be' affected by the specific .lo~.,. ca.tion. 'No definite action' was taken but the Council lncllls1vely thought the loeation an undesirable 'one for the" pro~ect in mine. 11he correspondence read. rrB.'s ,'a copy of the letter sent by the, Health D~pt~ requesting 'ground for a garbage dump. Securing a garbage dump was shelved for further. developments.. Deliaauent water and garbage bills were requested and cared for-in the ,usua.L "lnanner.