1954 Minutes I ... ' - I I . , 12'5l' ' J~ack Loutzenhis'er 5~conded this motion a.nd it carriedo \ ' 'Th~ rJlayor 'relateg"a request :from 'Wa,rren Simon~' for a pro ject for his _ 'J+""'H po-ys' tha.t ,would be worth~..,hile im'Prov~ment for the commun"i,ty. ' CoUncil"': men discussed thi\s at length ,and it seemed feasible -that the boys cO,uld aid much :on' the park si tee ,0 Loutzenhi:ser offered a motion to requesot Attorney to draw, an ordlnanc~ " to free the pawn of abandoned 100 boxes. Pickett seconded thia motion andlt carr-ieldo [1~li:hquent water and garbag-e bills were' sf!3rio'usly invers,tiga.ted wi th B- mo tion from Pickett tha t all garbage customers -,_out, s idl8 .of Town limi ts pay' :for gar,bag@ service six months in a dvance if' they so d~Bired the ' dlsposa1ing courteHIJY. ,S't~11ing8seconded this mot~on and i,t carried., The clerk was ordered to notify a11 customers of this r~ling. , , _. iI' Motionwa-s duly made---ancf carried' to s ~nd di s continuancl) notic@)s to. -Erva.nPottEf~, B0ckendorf " Joe's pla.ce, Bob. Sh~rman and Connie Hals t~ad to obtain'payment on their d~linquent biils by Dec~rob0r l7thc Discussion of purchasing-a new police car was then tak~n up' and Loutzenhiser offered a motion to advertise for bids for a n~w sedan d@livory for "'US~> for policing andambula.nce serviceo Pickett seconded '\ thi's ;moti'on and i t carri~d._" ~he meeting:adjourn~d. , . 7(~~~ Mayor, E.A. Trim l<e --;;- J,e.D uary 13, 1954 On hand for the reglJ.lar counell meeting were :!\1ayor Trimble, 'and ,Counc,il':'" men Stillings, Pickett, Swanson, Loutzenhiserrand Pollard. Interested visitors were J~dge Miller, George Brown, Don Miller and Mro Westman. Attorney Fristoe was pres-ent for legal' adviceo " ." Minutes of the previous meeting_ were re~d and approved. The treasurer's_ repor t was pres e"tlted and accepted. , - The'following bill~ were read. On mo~ion by Swanson~ Pollard and a unanimous vote they were ordered paid: Current Expense ' , Dept. of L~bor & Indo------------~$'17G73 Nisqually-Valley News--~-----~---~ 6.86 Trimble's Hardware---~-----------~ 1.94 stand Oil ofCalif.--------------- 79.31 Field'S Moto~ Co.----------------- 25010 Employment See . Dep t. --- -- ---- ---- 38.70 Diroof Int. R~v.---------~----~-- 96~50 Ray N or,otn--,- ---....---'-;--- -- ---- ---- l\e 55 Blake'S Cafe----~---~----~-------- '30.80 Yelm Tel,. Co. -------------'-------- 1.5.. 75 Rosan~1s~-----------~------------- 3.50- w61f's-~---------------~---------- 3.91 Wolf's Shoprite------------------- 3.16 P.s~ Power & Light---------------- 22.68 Park ' ) PeSo Power & Light---...;------------ WBter _ Tax C.ommi{ssion of Wno ------------- Dept. of Labor & INd.---~--------- Emplo~. Sed.,. Dept .,-- --:- - -- - -------- . N~P~ R~ilway--~------------------- FloydCummihgs-----~~~------------ P~S.Power & Light~---------~----- Frances E. Drogseth~~-----------~- Street Trimble"s HardH8.re.:..--------------- 23.26 - 'P.E? P01,ver & Light....----~---------- 4Pe58 Garbage. , Mosman Agency-------------------~-' a second by 'l. 1.00 258.22' 24.15 310 30 1. SO .140,97 ~.6. 77 18..00 4.20 r---------, l'2l)) Bids on a ne111T polic^e and ambulancie car. for, Town Of Yelm 'we:Fe then open'ed.,. and. read. Compani~'s submitting bids were' Fleming-Harvey ,Van Eaton Chevrolet, South Tacoma ~1otor, Company, 'Brovm Bl"others Garagej)' lrJalker Chevrolet.,. Capitol .. Qh,evrolet~ Co", and Ilallon Hotors, Inc!.' 'Offe'rs were~ carefully studies frQm . . a1.1 'a,ngles intq;the late hours of the: night...!AS no ,d'eci-s ion cpuld be ,reached without furth;ep:.'discllssion and study" Councilmar SvJ'anson of.fered a moti'Qn .to recess; until lrJednesday, January 20th, at 8 P.M." . Pickett seconded this 'motion 8.nd the vote was unanimous 0 : \ \ ,J " .. i . Judge Milhr was present to app~al for aid in controlling .jay-walkers. in Yelm. . The judge declared the Washington Partrol st~ted Yelm was one of' the worst .,towns in the state 'for this offense" As 'Judge Hiller suggested pleading wi th, the public of Yelm to cooperate in. this, matter would be pe~haps.affective~ the Mayor and Council 'enlished ~fue aid of Nisqually 0',' . Val~ey News inmfl.k.ing this plea through its papero "If this falled the. laws ,wo~ld . b~e enforced and fines pald',,' " ~ <it,:t Ordinance 73. had its first readingo Pickett offer~da motion to pass thi~ ordInan.ce to its' .second readingo^ poJ.lard se'conde.d this mottoon and, it. . carriedo . O~dinance 73 was secondly'read and on motion by Loutzenhiser, a second by vSvJanson and a tID811irrl.o1is vote was passed to i.ts third reading.. c.orl'espqndence included a letter from Thurs ton CountY' Defense giv-ing the budget for the yeGar1954, wi th Yelm's . share being $78.00.. ' Mr. O.K. Edwards relayed a request to the council to ,consider pushing up the marshal's hOURS of duty two hours--lO P.H. to 6 A..M. Hhich would perhaps, eliminate much te'mptations for burglarYe " J1uc,h dis'cussion- and' consideration followed buy decision w as that traffic 11\}'aS so heavy in the 8 to'lO hours that the hours should remain the same~ ,. Mr. ~im Rogers requested through Mayor Trimble that the Town draw up an ordlhance to compel owners of buildings to install'corre.ct dY?~_inage~s c and clean up their buildings"o As Yelm is part' of Thurston County Health District~ the Council decided this W8.q .~ Co~ty problemo Tl1e .meeting r~cessed4 Ja~uary 20, 1954. O. Mayor Trimble and all councilmenwere back to complete the meeting of January 13th. Agf{in bids were studied to suit Y~lmf s budget and still" handle the duties of a town" Loutzenh~ser offered a motion to accept Fleming-Harveyts bid for a 1954 Ford with 130 horse power, with fresh air heater and wi th dire_ctional signals. Also "that the town would purchase ext,ra........tpe right ij.and jump-;up, S eat. Swanson seconded this motion and it carried, unanimously.. '" Councilman stillings offered a motion that the to~n of Ye'lm d~,n'ot take a census in 1954. Councilman Pq~_lard sec.onded .this.motion' and ,it earried~ I T~e meetingadjournede ~ .Frances . .o;7td ~-J&" H" Ao .Trim .le, Naf'or c. o . o o . t February 9,19'54 ) , 1.2.71 The. Citizens' Party held a: caucus 1.0 .the.. Town Hall., ..February 9th, i954 at 8 P.M. ,Ar,t Trimble was'dnomina~e>d .cqairmanand Kathy Pickett was nominate,d. .secre;tary . .The followingregis.tered voters were on han~: " Ja'ck,'Lo~tzenhiser,' 'O."Ce Swanson.. Lyle ..Tracy, .. Brun0 Brunetti, Chas.. Ward" Marlin Stillings" Kathy Plcke.tt,.Ed. Picke.tt, Frances .Drogseth, snd Art Trimble'; '. . 'The chairman .asked tor nominati.ons ,for..councilman ..to' serv.e at.erm of two years..: . Oscar Swanson nomina.t.ed Jack . Loutzenhiser, Lyle Tracy . seconded. thi.s motion and it. c..arrl.ed. unani.~eusly. Mr~Ch'lrman.asked i"ornomlnatl~ons for asecondcouncl:llman to.. s.erve for two year's. Ma.rlin Stillings naminated Earl: .pollard. . Ed Pickett. seconded this moti.on. and it' carried. - I ,t, $~I .( Mati'on was d.uly made and second.ad to adjourn. a/~ ??;~~7Z7 -se~e~aw February 10, 1954 '. . r-1ayor 'Trimble pr~sided a tthe regular Council meeting with Councilmen 'Pickett, Pollard, Loutz.enhiser, Swanson and Stillings on hand. . Visi ting cl.tizens present were. R.B. Patterson, Archie Ferguson and. Arnold Drogseth. " "*~""::., 'I II.""f" c' ~t1~~JA Cha. rman .. .' . .' . .' I ,l ,Minutes of the previous meeting and Town caucus were read and approved'~', , . ( . , . . On motion by Swanson, a. second by. Pickett; and a unanimous,. vote the following. bills were. ordered paid: i Curr ep..t . Exp ens e ' ". Yelril Lumber Co. -.----------------$ Stand. 011 of.d8.lif..----~------- Trimble .Hardware-~-------------- I Wolfts---~~~-~~-~--~~~~~~~~~-~~~ .' D &. H Mobil Servic.e------------- . John w. Cullens--~-~--~--------- Bl~ke,~ Mofflt & T.owne~------;...--- Yelm Tel. .00..---..:...,;.,.------------- Mosman Agency------------------- P~S. Power & Light-~------------ Park' . P.S. Power.' Light-------------- w~te~ I N..P. ~al1road Co.------~---~--~- C. W. Hughes....------------...------- Penn Salt. Co.--------,----:..-----~~ T,rimble" s Hardware--- ---""!------- Picketi,Drug, Store---~---------- P.S~ 'Power & Light~------------- g,treet Edward'.s Feed Co.------------~-- P.S. .~er & Light-------------- \Garbage '. . ; , . 'Nisqually Valley News-.;.....~------- Fieldts Motor--~~--------------- D;& H Mobil S~rvice------------- :1 ..81 41.,97 10.17 3.14 86 ~.84 8.,47 9..53 l$~, 7 0 5~00 '21..40 \. , 1...00 1~.50 . l~ 75 7~22 5.,64 3..47 50.~2- . 2.10 45.58. .,. 25,.60 19.66 10.90 Tl1:~, treasurer' s r~p.ort was re.ad approv'ed. }1r. Patterson. directed th.e council's attention ta, the park site and Qf his interest .in planting .some . trees very soon if .the Town Council would allow 50 to 100 dollars in aupp~ylng ~hem. Mr. Patterson would gla41y water the, trees and ai~ in' every way in assuring the gr0wth of any'thing. planted with the ~id of W.arren Simons boys and the Park Board. Pollard offered a mot1on to allow the sum of $75..00 to be spend' tor trees ,for the.' park site,; Loutzenhiser seconded this motion and it carried. 12,,8 .Archie Ferguson was pres'ent in:, the' inte~est of his land he was r-enting. to the town t)or a g,arvbage dump., As the condition of ~he dump was n'ot.. satisfactory, according to the health. department., Mr. Ferguson stated he would liKe. .to be informed of the regulations and des ired. to r'ent the property to the town if. satisfactory agreements could be negotiated. J The Town was' given 60 days' to find ~ new place for a Qdump,; providing his offer was not accepted. _ Milt Johnson was requested to contact the health/sani tarian, to secure. a date and meet with Mr. F'erg~soh. - ... ," Attention was brought to the 'Mayor that some grocery vans were 'parking extre~ely far into the 'main street whentlnloadlng. and thus ogusing a grav'e tra~,fic h8.zard.: The marshals were requested to do all they could in ,keeping the 'main thoroughfare open. . . f o Arnold Drogseth was present ,in the interest ,of the D & H Mobil Service to. make a ~equest of either leasing,. renting, or vacating that portion of, Washington street from First Street to Railroad ,property lying " between Lot r of Block 1 a;nd Lot.3 and'~ of' B~ock 2, of McKenzice's First Addition and of'McKenzie's Second'Addition to the Town of Yelrn.- No action was taken. M,arshal Cullens r~ported the. t damage had ..been ::tnflic.t::ed on pr i va te proper'tyan~ public property in Yelm .by the Orting High School boys. As the Orting coach. stated that the damage WOU:Ld be paid for, the marshal was' instructed to inform the coach of the costs. The clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Ted Miller again for nonpay- ment of damage inflicted to the police car and town property. As the marshal requested payment for overtime in, ambulance service, much dis,cuss,ionoccJ.l,rred as to the. policy. concerned wi th the budget 8.-ppropriations. Decision was that .the marshal. on. duty w,as ,to serve, in the ambulance capacity and John Cullens. stated.that overtime pay should be dropped "until budget time and.:allowance ther: ~ade. ~ . ~'. The marshal reported that the state Highway department wouldapprove of . .,placing a crosswalk sign from the Pcs:'; Office across to the Pug'et, Sound . Power & Light Company building. Much discussion resulted but no definite action was taken. - o rdlnanc e 73 had its third and final reading. Pollard Q.ffered a mo tion .to finally pass Ordinance 73;2 Stillings seconded this motion and it carried. The ordinance. was ordered pu~lish~d.. . .. ~ o The meeting adjo~ned. .';":~"7./a"i; ~ ..'f:\./ -t, "" " .. . e& ,/.- 1/ . ",-./~ ,. HeA. Trimb e, Mayor . ...". . . ~~~&.~~ Frances E. Drogseth, lerk March 9, 1954"' Town election was 'held for the purposeof'electing two councilmen for a term of two yea.rs. 7~. votes were cast. ~n~ the res~l ts are ~s follows: Councilmen fora term of 2-years:" Earl Pollard---~-----------~71 . Jack Lout~enhiser~----------56. Ray Norton------------------lO Me~le Curry-~----~---------- 1 Nate Hende'rson-------------- 2' · I ? o I Councilmen elected for a term of' 2 years and to t~ke office the first 'Monday of ~une were Earl Pollard and Jack Loutzenhiser. '[,AX Drogseth . I >'1 ' I >,1 1 c: o~ ..... ,2. ~. March 10, '1954- I On' hand for the regula'r council meeting w,ere. Mayor, Trimble" Councilm~n,' SJI'lanson, Stillings, and Picke.tt. Couhcilman. Loutz'.e;hhiser was, absent. ,Ed Pickettacted clerk. ' . . Minute,s' of the' previous' meeting were read and approved. A tentative treasurer's report was read. I The following bills were read and ordered paid on mot:i.on by PQ~lard', sec'onded by Stillings and followed 'by a Unanimous vote: Current Expense '. . . Capitol Ra4io Television---~--------~-$ 5~15 ' Brown; Bro~.'. Garage-------.........---------- 87.-71 ' Pioneer, Incs --.....--:--------------~----... 5.,68 Stand. Oil of Calif.ornia-------------- 77.-07 ,Thestation~:rs----~...------------------ 10.47 ':Nisqually Valley News-.;..----..;--.&------- 25.2:8 P _.-8.' pover & Light-----------,----:--~---28 .2.0.. Ye,lm 'Tel.'Co. ~~----~--,---..."":...---------- 19.,25 - Book Publishing Co~----------~-----..;.-..,. 1'7 _..51 John Cu1lens------~-----------~-...----~ 13.62 ' Automotive Equip.Co.-~--------------- 10..82 ,Park p.;8. Power. & Light Co.~--------------- ( 1.00 W:a. t e r, . " '. . , ~ Penn. Salt.', Co.,----------------------.;.. 8..61. P.S. power & Light Co.,---,------------- 44.PO N ",P'. ~,Railroad Co.-----------:---- ----- 1..50 street r' . 'P.,S.Power- &- .Light--~~-.;..--------~'---- 45.58 PacifJc S~.d & Gravel Co ..------------- 14.59' Garbage' '. . . ' Brown Bros. Garage------..;---------:---- 18.,58 Among communica.tions read were letters from the Thurston Health District concerning the sale of.public;lands that might be suitable for garbage 'dump . for the town of Yelrn. A note of" thanks from the I Lyche family to the Town officials was also~read. ,(> .More:di:scussion resulted on the property damage by the Orting High , School'pupils and the Mayor requested the Marshal to further investigate, the matt'er. ' ,Much' c'onsideration was given the purcha~e of sta'te game land ,'fof a 'garbage site. ' SW.a.nson offered a motion to request' Att,onney Fristoe to investigate into these game lands for the town garbage dump. Stillings seconded this. motion and it carried. Mayor Trimble announced he might find it necessary to. call a special meeting when prices were available. Sw~son then offered' a motion to spend the 's urn of not over $600..00. for 'the garbage si te near ~he puget Soun4 substa.tion if obtainable, pro- . viding the town might pur,cliase it on a to-year installment plan, and . that no objections a.rose from ~the property owners near this'location. Pollard seconded this motion and it carried. ~ \ ,The Mayor called on the' street committee to check on a' crosswalk sign. from the Post Office to the Power office.' ,Cons'iderable time was: spent on,dlscussion of the police car's attendance to fir,es. Following this the "parking wh :tle unloa.dingttl proplem was aga.i:n talked over but no action resulted. \ '~ ../(f1,' ; MaY0r,_ _ ~.A. Imble , ~e ~ing 510~lrned~ ."~C;btni' ,eien~jsE:;"}E. DP'i;2:ketb" <4: c /" ) '1130.:, . f.f o,l;I< ."''' 'M~Gh..,16, -1.9$4... . Mayer Trimble' presided at' a special meeting of the Council of' . To.wn of' Yelm wi t?- Councilmen _ Stillings, Pollar<i, Swan~on,) Loutzenh~s.er: and. Picke.ttpresent'. Resolution no. . 73 drawn, up b~e the town attorney was r.ead.. Councilman Sti~lings of'fered -8. motion to pass resolutlon 73" Pickett- seconded this motion and it carries unanimously. . ~. The meeting adjourned. RESOLUTION NO.,73 o WHEREAS, the Council and Ma.yor"'of Town' of'Yelrn' 1s in special session" and WHEREAS, there now 'exists: C a, sUrplus .,In ti:1:e 'Water FWlg of the Town' of Yelm in approximately _$:LOOO.OO,)" ~n~...._ (:. I ) WHEREAS, the Current Expense ,Fund of tp,e' rrown of" Ye.1m,_ h~s by reason of' ,recent expenditure:s droppeq to a point where i e ""is necessary to acquire ad9.itiona~~ curre:r1~ assests to ma1:l!:~a1n-:said fund in a solvent condition \ . THEREFORE~BE IT RESOLVED the Mayor,a~d ~he Council of the Town of Yelm that $1000.00 of the surplus in "the Water Fund of'tne . Town of' Yelm be tran~ferred as a loa~ to ~he Current Experise Fund of the Town~of Yelm and that the same sum be repaid by the end of 1954 with9ut inter~gt and~ 7BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Town of Yelm be and'she 1s hereby authorized '-to' maJ:re said trarisfe~rs NOW, ~8th day of March,: 1954 ff ~~J~r&. .. If.- A. TRIMBLE, ~YOR ~C.~ Frances E. Drogseth Cle~k o Dated th:&-s Introduced March 18th, 1954 March 18th, 1954. Adopted' ,April 14; 1954 \ .."}t', On hand,~for -the regular council meeting were' Nay-or Trimble presiding a.nd Councilmen Sw,anson, Polla.rd and,LoutRenhiser. stillings - and Pickett were ab~ent~ .Roger Eide was ilso ,present. ::;, . '. . -0 . Minutes ~f the' preBious meetings ~ere read and~pproved. . The treasurer's report was' re~~and approvedo- !he following bills were read and ordered paid on motion by Loutzenhiser, .a secondpy Swanson and a unanimous vote: Current Expense , ~ YelYelm Telephone~Company-----~---------$ Cole &,.. Redmayne Co. ------------------ Pickett Drug St6re---.z----I------------ Fields Motor Co.--7------------------ D & H Mobil Service--~--~------------ Fleming Harvey Motors~--------~------ P.S. Power & Light Co.-------------~- ,Prairi& Cafe-----------------~------- Thurs. Co. Civil Defense-------------\ Thurs. Mason Health Dist.,-----~----~- E~Robert Fristoe----------------~---- Regional Publis Library-------------- Standard Oil of Ca~if.---~----------- Trimble's Hardware--------------~---- " I , o 18..,55 10." 30 10.76 S8~, 26 31,~ 29 h~69 13.50 1.91 19.,.52 73.20 75.00 164.,8], 38 . 99 11.10 ~ .~ I I "I I t , ' .',' ~ !~"", 'j' .r; 'O:l\" ,:., 13~1J'.'.),; ~ :- .~ ,". ~- , ".....:1:. . ~ . ~ ." l' .... . 'J .; : )! . I a ~ ... M ~ .. ~ . -.. , ,",ie'", -".I.......... ...~ - ....~\"'". ..~" I , " . _j< J..J "j . r J." ; ,_ ~ \ 1-' 1J-' ~.. .. ~. If. . >4- . : " , ' ~~pt. 6~~~a~o~&~~nd~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ 17:95 Frances .E. Dr<?gsetn----------------' 3~59 Emp. ,Security ,Dept.----~-_;-------,-- '42.64 Par k . < , , P.,S,-,'Powe'r &. Light....---...-------.;..---- 1..bo puget &ound Nursery~.----.:..-----~---- 73.13 (. 'W ",8. ter tii~t. ~ir. of Int. ,Rev.,------------ P.~. Power & Light------~--------- Emp. ,Sec. ,Dept. ------.:..~- -- ---....-...--- Sitree t, P.&. Power'& Light------~-----=-~~- Trimble's Hardwa~e----------------~ Dept. of Labor &'Ind~---':"-------~-- Thurs~ Co. Road Dist. ,No. 1-....--.-_.:.- Garbage , Mosman 'Agency~--.;.",:,-;;"----:--------~-- D & H'Mobil Ser~1ee--------~-----~~ 1"1 ( ,', Roger 'E1de requested sis t'ing~',of materials Lout~enhiser offered seconded this motion '" 69$050 45.,5'8 56,..58; , 45858 7038 24.15 .45.80 . 43~40 8..85 a building permit to add o~e room on his house con- to match the same in the existing building., a motion tb perrott this.addition, Swanson" and it carried. ' .The crosswa.lk sign from the ,post o.ffice to, the puget Sound, Building' was ~gain dis:cussed without any definite action resulting. : Seri'ous disc~s.s ion. took place' on Frank, Willard's laclk of response to', payment Qf admiss'iontax. The Mayor ,and Councilmen unanimously voted to visit r1r. .Willard at the next available date and discuss: matters wi th him. ' \ ' The r.ailroJfd cr,?ssing gr~nting ,permission. to use a fav9rit~ site o.for garbage di'spqsal came intol,ight..again wi tha decision to contact the right party for 'expense of :l.iabili ty insuranc~ on this 'partibt;J:)..ar . crossing. Mayor Trimble a1$0 took upon~ the appointment ofhimse:J,.f to contact Mre Neely on a certain garbage si te..:-'-- J..' ",'.., 0 ",' -.- he possibility of wideping tl:+estreet past the M.E.' Church came' into view again with.a decisidn that the Street Committee contact Mro 'Pflugmaker about his views and permissions. Milt Johnson reported the; bridge.- by Lyle Tracy' s wa~ in dire need, of r~p'air. ~ -:; .. The Mayor report~d' the, cost.of cQllision insurance on the new P91~ce car and Po~lard offered a motion that the town take $50.,00 deductible' col- lision insurance and comprebensive fire and theft on th~'new police 'car. Loutzenhiser seconded this motion and it carried. TJ,;l~'!' q.:q~C;~"~.:q.~.p.~,re"q.l,,,~p.t-off notices sent:to Me,lvin Kinn'ey, Ervan Potts, l..L~...# .;;...... ..,: t.- _..I .I",,~....,l.t-) . 'i:........'\-"'.,,)....... ..A...t 1.4.. \.. ...' ~l C. . ..' Jarries Sqkol'ik, Doris McCann, Joe t s Place', Joe Alqngi, ,Geo. Brown, _Hezzy , Orchard 'and Yelm Theatre. Btll.s tol?e, paid in f}~;~}"_.P".".~..,.",~:p'.!:,!~,~...~,,g?:,!!g..,.~,~~_~_._~_<?9n., !'.'~,!' ,'~n"~ . g ".' " .. " P,... q:" ,,_' ":} .' ,', r. ',--~/1' .~~~. :'.-~7;;',.' . !li:A. Tr mble, Mayor ' l\1ay 12, 1954 M5tyor Trimble ,'presided at the regular Council meeting wi th Councilmen 'Follard,,;' Loutzenhiser, Swanson, Pi~kett, md Attorney Fristoe on hand. , g;t~lling'sw~.s absent. Mi~utes of th~ pre~iou$ meeting were read and approved. Thrg probabili ty of e. cro~5walk sign was\..) again discussed. The mayor reported ,puget S,oundgranted its permission to use the light pole,~' on whi'ch to place the the cros swalk, s ignbetween' Second a.nd Third on ~Yelm Avenue" Pickett seconded th18 .motion and it carried.. Ther garbage dump s1 tuat}on then arose to serious discussion. Swanson motione~to authorize Attorney Fristoe to sub~it~a bid fbr a piece of land in McKenna.' Irri'gated TractsJ Lot 1" Block 2", 'Loutzenhiser' \ \' 1,:.3.2,. ., ~J " . V" .- -" ~, s ec'ondeGl~. thlI:s . mo-t.ion"., .and. ! t,..c a.rp ied. ;-, The' trea.surer' s report wa.s read ~a.~d -a.cc.eptedo , 0 Mayor 'Trimble rel~ted a request from Mrso Orianna Stancil to enlist the, aid of the town fathers in c,'ontrolling the hobby,:of ':B.lying iair"'t pIQues on the s:chool grounds as ~the"nots.e affected her daughter. The Council decided the issue was one of the school and school borard's, responsibilit~e~. ' ' The treasurer t 8 report was read "and'accepted.. The prairie Cafe' cont~.cted Ha.yor Trimble to seek the Council t s s.id in corr'ecting the pos i tion of ,'the stove "f'ipe 'connection, in its cafe. 0'" '.' 'As there was no town ordinanc,~ b9Ildling the situe.tien$\ no action' resulted at the present meeting. ' " Pic~et~ offered a motion to place Q wooden railing on the east wall of the town hall parlors to mRtch the rest of -the ,finish~ngs. Pollard / seconded this motion and it car~iedo - As greQt damages had resulted to the water system on the school, , grolmdf/, Loutz;enhlser offered 8.' motion to send the respective contractor& hills for the amount of repairs. Swanson seconded this motion snd it carried. ) , ~ Pickett 'offered a motion to authorize Milt 'Johnson to conta.ct Wilbur Goo,dwin to fill in ditches at Solberg and ,~ongmire for tit reasonable priceo Pollard seconded this motion and it carried. 'The following bills were Slp.thorized paid on mGtion by PollRrd" a trecond by Swa.nson and a unanimous vote: Current Expense St. Peter Hospital-----------------$ 20000 yelm Tel. COo-----------...:----'------ 1~~ 15 Mosman Agency-----~~-;..--------~---...;,,' 22~ oS S.tandard Oil of Califo-------------, 60.6)', Wo.lf" 8--- --- ---.----..;.- ---- _:..-- - - ---- 3~ 12 P.S. Power & Light--~-----...-------- 14~70 Pioneer$ Inc.---------------------- 22.33 Park P. $. Power & Light----------~-.-----1600 11'1 a. ter PIl,S. ,Power & Light-------,---------- 46037 N.P. Railway COo""---,;",---~----~-:_.;..-- ' 1&50 stree.t Pacific Sand & Gravel Co.------------- 2'8.l~8 '. P.s. Power & Light--------~-------~ 45.,58 Garbage Field'sMotor C6mpany---..;.-...---~---- 14487 Correspondence consisted'mostly of inv~tations 'and informations on conventions,to be h~ld at Spokane this year~ ti~cision! were not final :-but s e'v;eral '.oi'the town ,fathers, wou~d. attend if' pos~si bIe. The meetingadjo~nedo ) o ~...\ /1 ' . E. ',/:,J ~~/A/ . ~~_ Frances E. Drogseth, lerk ( ;Y~y~ H.A. Trimble, M~yor o I.... 1': . ,I' I Ie i " 13'b'};: ,i).:. jlID:'e ,.,9, 1954. . " On hand .f'or' the regular council' meeting w~re' M'ayor Trimbl~, ,pr.~siding'~ ~ and Councilni&n Pbllard" Stillings and Pi~kett. Councilman Swanson was absent and ,Councilman Loutzenhiser was in attendance with the Town attorney at the Association of 'vlashington Oi,ties' . Convention in Spokan~.$ Minutes of .the p~evious meeting were read and a~proved. The treasurer's report was res.d and ,approved. ' ' \ The following bills wore r~~d and ordere'd paid, wi th a motion by Pickett, a second by Pollard and followed by a unanimous vote: Current Expense . Wolf,' s--....------------:------'-$ 2.,76 Yelm Ter~ Co.---------------.17.65 Yelm Lumber Co. .........---...----~-... 7..62' 'rhe Stationers, ,Inc.........--_...._.... 3.,20 Brown Bros. GarB.ge---------~_ 60.76 . P.S. Power & Light---------- 14.75 Pioneer, Inc$~------~~------ 6.00 w.~. Da~l~y & Co~-~---~-~--- 29~9~ D & H Mob~l Serv~c0---\----....- 71.9~" Park' . P.8. "Power &, Light---------- ~.,OO Wiater aud'Fore Meter R$p&ir------- Auto cFrt..Depot,.. Inc:.----.......- N.P.Railway Co.------------ P.s. P~wer & Light~--------- Brown BroS'; '.Garage---------- Westerri Utilities~--~------- Trimble's Hardwar8-~-------~ 'Str'eet P .8. .Power & .LJght---------.... 45.58 Garbage- . .... E. Robert Fristot!l------------ 2'2.00 Brown Bros. Garage---------- 9.71 .As' the Tow.nhad acquired the property for a ga.rbage dump" discussion occurned on ,preparing the spot for handling the dumpage. Milt Johnson was.-reqtiested to secure Mr. 'Goodwin to aid in setting up the dump for use. .,i' 68..60 a.. 10 1.~5o 4.9.54 ' 42.80 66.79 8.'20 The.Mayor transmitted a. d~sire from Miss Lilli~n Collins ,for a L1brary~ Bo~rd ,in Yelm~ ~ome discussion took place but n~ appointments wer~ ' . . mad e 's. tth is t D.lIbe . , ' ( The m.arsha~ requested an extension of his present police teleph,one place in his home for the, .convenience of all cone.n~uid in the Fesponsibility of that dc;partment~\ After much discussion sti,llings motioned to. permit installation of this extensi'on in, thtb marshal's home,> Polla.rd 'second~d this motion and i,tcarried unanimously.. The' question w a~ brought before the. Council of the amoun't of gas being consumed by , th~' Police Ca.r. Marshal Cullens, then reported to the " ^ Mayora.nd Council of the arreats" bails'" ,f,orfei tures, . ambulance sep- yices"official calls and al~o .the milea.ge of the carl> since the cer 'iF9JS purch&t~ted. . Th~ pump wa,s reported' by Milt JOhnson, to be in dire need of attention.. A\fter cons iderable di.scussion on the si tUB. tion the Town Fathers decided it wiser to corree,t defects1 of the pump at the present tlmeo rollard offered a moxion to repair theopump in good condition ,irmn-ediately.. 'Plcket,t seconded this motion and it carried~ ~ The mee.ting adjourned:. .J /fav~~ .' R.A. ,Trimble, Mayor June 2;2~ :1954 ,Mayor Trimble call~d Q special mee'ting of the" Town Fa,thers with Councilmen Pollard" 'Stillings,}' and Loutz,enhis'er pres6l1:t. 134. I ,"', ."i, . Resolution 74 was drawn up by the Town's attorney) and presented. Councilman \Pol1ard offered a motion to adopt R@solution 74" Councilman Stillings s~cond~d this motion and it carried unanimouslYQ The meeting adjourn:ed. A( ClU~A~ HoA. Trimble~ Mayor o ~ ~/~ .' V~0. ~~ . Frances E. Drogse' ,. Clerk . ~ . ( . o RES OLUTION" llt.. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COU1rC"IL OF.. THE TOWN OF~YELM that' Howard A. Trimble, the Ma:yor of the Towr! or ~ Ye'lm,..b.e,. ..and';l1' is ':hereby authortzed and directed to exec"ute onb.ahalr.of ethe . Town of 'telm the purchs.se con~ra.ct covering "the purchase from the St9.te of Wash... ington of the following describeqrea.l.propertylocated in Thurston County,' state of Washington, t&-wit: . <, ". 'Lot One .( 1.) in Block Two (2:Y ,McKen~a_=rrrig8.ted Tracts I; according' to th'e pIa t there6~ reco.rd~d in. VO,lume 9 of . Plats;, pa.ge 43,.. 'records of ~hurst.o.n Count.Y" "'located in Section 20,. Township 17 North, Range 2 East, ,W'. M.. . " . . i said contrac.t being ide~ti:rmed by the' following figures and numbers: "A\ppltcation No. 22901, 1981"", 39ftl and.:r~anc es.:g:. Drogseth,> the Clerk of the Town of Yelm" be" and she r, is hereby authorized and d:?:rec~ed on behalf of' the Town i:of Yelm :ko attt!~t. the signatu~e .of the ,said. Howard f);,. 'rrimble. - c PA;:;SF.n~. by the unanimous. vote of, the Councilor the Tow:n of' e' O' , Yelm at a special In!.ee~lng of, such council 'on the 22hd day' of June" ~954 ~ . 1 ~a~. HOWARD A,. TR MBLE, Hayor , ~ g~~ - . ~ANCES E,. DROGSE- " Clerk July 14, 1954 In the ~bsenc~ o~ 'Mayor Trimble, Earl Pollard called the r~gular meeting of the council toord~r with Counc'ilm@n SWtinson, Pickett, -. aJnd. Loutzenhis.er presento pouncil~an, S;tilllngs WitS absent. , I . . . Minutes of the previous m~etings. were read and appr~~~do The rollowing 'bills were pres~nted and on motion by Loutzenhiser, Q second by.Swanson,were ordered PQid: . . . 1> Cu~rent Expens(\l, . .' Employnrent :S~cu.ri ty j) epte ---.:.----~'!'"---$ 40. 8L~ Field '$ Motor Compan:y-----------_______ 67.76. Mosman ~gency-------------_____________ 5.00 --0". E. 'Robert Fristoe---------_____________ 46072 Wolf's------~---___________________~___ 6.80 Trimble's Hardwar~----------___________ 3.93 P.s. Power & Ligl:tt Compa.n.y--------_____ lo~80 Jack:Loutz~nhdser------------__________ 32~Ol Stand~l'~d 011 o.f Calif .---------~---~-- - 32'.11 Cl&ir Lewis------------________~__~~--: 10.53 Yelm Tel. Company--------______~-~----- 16.10 E.Robert Fristoe--------__~--------~--- 17.00 --1J 35" .: 1,~ ....~. I Thurston Mason "Health Dist. --_._--~:'-:'~;-':"::'~-:'" ,7 3~ 2.0' Thus 0 Co. Civil 'Dcfense~---------~~-~----- 19052 Regional Public 'Llbri-a.ry'-----..:.-:- --~.---:---~ -16'49>81; . Dept. of Labor & Industries-------,--------. 18..09 Park. ',. Pug~t Sound Pow~r & ~ight-~---:----:-~------- l.."OQ: Water . N1squa1ly Valley N ews~.-- - -,';'---~- --~----..:.- -- l.fu..07 P.s. . Pow~r & Light Company-~--.----:.:-.-:-.--.-:---- ,~1..20 ' NoP. . Ry Comoan:r--.-----------~----"'!...~.~":.-:".----:", 1.50.,'._ -Dist. Dir$ ~f Int. R.v.---~--~-- ~-------- 9L..70 . EmP. Securit'j< Dept.--~'=------_;,-,---:'..--------"'!' 57..78" Auto Fr~ight Depot". Inc.,------_--------.-~...:-- ~.3..11 . Empo S'ecurity Depto-----------:---------....-- 2.26 W"estern uti.lities' Supply....-----...--~_.---.---- 5.42. Bud Fore Meter Repair--------------------- 19.77 Trimbl~~s Hardware----------------J-~----- 7039 Penn S8..1t ,Mfg. Company-----~~-:--7"--------- .3.83. . s;tre~t . . Pug~t ~o~dPower &,Light----------------- 45.58 Trimbl~1s Hardware------~---~------------- 4.93 Dept. of Labor & Indo.---~~----------~----- ~3~65 Garbage ." . 'Pr~nces ,E. Drogs~th..;.....-------.-------------- 12000 ) ( '~ (I \ The t~e,asur~rf.s r<eport was reead and approved. ',' borrespondence consisied oi a letter from the St~t~ Census Board inf'orming of Yelm's popul~tion being Lf-85 for 1954;; alsoa. letter giving the ass6ss~d .valuation of Yelm for 195~ as 277~955. . , \ , I 'A-s' the census for Yelm for 1954 was different that the official census,' the Council request~d the clerk to co~tact the census board_concern~ng the .changlfJ 0 .' ~Act'ing'.Mayor Pollard' r&que'sted' information from-t.he Marshal about th~ p~.yment of ,damft\ge inflicted Ie.st fall to Yelm property: ;by the . Orting boys. MarshalCull@ns stated he would further contact .the Supt.' ofOrting on this m:a:~ter~ ' J . Activities of the polic~ department ,for the month of .Jun~ wer~ presented to. th0 coune'il by Marshal Cullens. The report w~~;s accepted.' " . CouncilI\lsn Loutzenhiser enlighteneq. the members ,of the conv~ntiori activities and ~av~ th~ council cseveral new trends of rev~nues other towns were following. The rri~;;ting. adjourned. .o~J P~CPt;:,,> .' . .~cting Mayor, 'Earl Pollard August 11, 1954 l1ayor Tr:J,.mhle presicied. at t~e regular 'meeting of the Council :with CouncIlmen Pickett, Pellard, Loutz~nhi,ser an<ii.Attorney FristGe on hantil.. Mrs. ~estenberc., an interests.'citizen, and Mr. Plymale of the State . Hfghway, Dept. were 'also, .pre'sento . -. . . I , . 'Minutes ef the previous meetln~ were raaa an~ appr9vecd.. report 'was read and accepted. .'. . The treasurer's p . The f'ollowing bi.lls' were read. Counc.iimanPiqkett motioned to pay all bills except Mr. Goodwin's. on the Garbage dump.. of $272.25.. Loutzenhiser flBconElea"thi.g motion and ,1 t car,rleEl. . , Curnent ~xpens'e. Me sman A,;ency-- - - -'- - -- -- - - - - - - -...$ D & H M0bll Service------------~- Yelm Tel~ Co~-~-~~--------------- 'Art Burnsiae & Co. -.------;;.,-----.-- P.S. Power & Light Co.~---~------ Pioneer, Inc.------------~------- 161.,20 50~44 17 ~ 35 .9~76 9.60 13.2:5 13.6~ YelmLumber & Haw.------~-----~. 8.00 Park . P.S. Power & LlghtCo.-:..;~':";;"....;..;-..;';': 1;00 Yelm Ltunber & .Haw. -~)-------'---;...-12!t.27 \Via ter Penn Salt' Mf&. 00.-------------- 8.61 . Yelm Lumber & 'Haw. -----..;.---~---- . '1.11' Ha.ymond:. Cook------;..------------- 10.00 N.P. Ry. Co.-------~;...~-..;~-----~~ 3~OO P.S. PQwer & Light Oo.~-------~- 52.42' Trimble's HGiw.----........------:...----- 35'.59 S'.t'reet Wi.A. Go6d.win------------...--.........;.--- ?6~40 . P.S. Pow'er & Light-~;-.--......-------- 45~5B' .--. c D & H Mobil Service-,------------ 1~.50 . Trimble HGlw. ----.:.~--.-- -------.--- 3.19 Gar oage . . .'. . :.. D & H Mobil. Service-.-:..-..;---;.....,;,-.....;..... 26.35 Field fa Motor Co.-...;.-,----~------~ '23.48 . , ) ~ " n U <\ Mrs.. Westenber,, reques~teQ -th'e counc1.1 to'r'emeGiy" if possible"" the' constanl presence .of .<tus,t on s tre'ets b.y. her 'jlD,eper.ty as .i t affectea the rental of her homes. 'After discussion, the, matter. was she];ved until' bU6.w;et time. / . . I I As'Milt Johnson was "present, discus'sion occurred on Mr. Gooawin's bill on the hew garbage site. ?Pickett motioned to. a.llow tl).e bi-ll as read,. L@uta~enh;~.ser .seconded this motion ana it carried. Mr. Plymale WB.S then ~o'ffered. to. tkke the lead. in dlscussion wi-th the plari for the ,,:new~highway. The Highway representative discussed the p.ls.n with a map and requested the town fathers to act on the resolutIon '.before them . which would aid .the' department' in pushing through\~thepla.ns for, the by-pass through the t~wn limits after the next legi~lature met. Serious stUQY ~'d dl,scussion o.ccurrea wi th Pollard. efrs'ring "8 motlon, to set a public hearing August ,23rd at 8 P..M. Pickett secon~ea this motion and it carried. The clerk was oraere~ to publish notice Immeaiately.' . Mayor Trimble' relayed a, r.eques'.t from' Mrs ~Slater for zB. bul1alng .permit to. .remodel the building:.on.Mr. 'Frisby's property...Loutz~.e~iser offered a moti'on to allo.w this, builain~ pe~mit, Pollard Seconae<i t~is mot 10n 'and. 01 tcarr1eti'. ' . Marshal c'ullens presented:'-his. monthj,. report on actions :"of the potice aepartmen't 'and the report was acceptecd. Councilman Pollard offere<i a moti.on to allow. retransfer of'the :$1,,,000.,00 from the Curren~ Expense Fund to Water Puna in repayment of the loan rna€ie by Resolution No. 7-3.. Pi.ckett seconaed this motion and it carriedo, The clerk' in:Corme'd theC'ouncil . that appro])riations for Marshal Expense had to da.te 8: balance of approximately $88..00., ' . Extension of the summer rates for w.ater conslimers was 'discussed..., :. Loutzenhiser offered.' a motion to extend. the'summer rates to Sept. 23." Pickett sec0ncied. thi~j':"motion and it carried. Work began" on the 19~5 buq.get but as all the data had not arrl vefl it The mee,tinl ad.journe~. .was table~ until the September meetin!:. ~.' ',-_' .'. '_A~ .. f:'. -(.....!J;T7A~ ."f . _ tK~J~ '~ (". j)~ _ H.A. Trimble, J'!e.ypr 'Frances E. Drogseth, Clerk o '. o ft,.\ugust 23, 1954 c ' t'. "..,OJ . Mayor Trimble presi..ed at the f.spe'cia"l meetin~ of the COUn9i.l of T0Wrl . ef Yelm wi th Councilmen Stillings" Swanson ana Pickett present.. 'Mr. Plymale .ef the St. Hil;hway Dept., was 'en.hand.:as we.ll as,"'"a.pproximately sixty interestea visl'tors from Yelm :F..peper ana. 0utsitie Tawn limi ts. . ). . . . '. J .1 I, 137;' , . Lengthy discussion occurred. on the 'l@cation .of the newly 'plannee. 'highway. .The res:!oluti0n presente~r 1:>1 th~ State., Hi~hway Department wr8:s'no-.t passe.., An informal' v@t'e 'of raising he.nas was requesteti with 20 ,~ersons' :voting f' for 0 tlae 10cation of the planned' highway' as t he Map d.1splayei. A~a.inst this' 'present planneEl locati0n for the new hl~hw8.Y were. 13 v0tes~ its, 1>re~lmfnary m~etingwas held. i1:1 the afternoon of this same elay ani mo.st all.business establishments in YE=ilm wene p.l'Jlresentec., . together wi thMayer Trimble; e.nc.i: Ceunc11men Stillings, Swanson ana Pickett.. . . <> . ,Bus:lness peeple of Ye'lm proper were aga.inst the present p'roposed ) . . r0ute. ef the new hi~hway anal resulting from this sentiment. George Brown,: citizen. 0f'Yelm, offere.. a. motion' that the 'business men go on recora opposing the proposed by.-.pass'. the maF gave, and that the rQad fellow the Railroati. .8 was' first surveye~ by the Sta.te Highway Department. Nate nene.er.sGtl.;. als 0 Yelm c.ittzen,.. secon6ieci this m6t'ion. This 1!1oti<?n. c arr:'i e<i unanimous ly. . , L0U .C@chr.ane ~Qffe~ed.' a motion that if a second survey was acieptefij1 that e: reques't 'bef mtade t.o.'construct Yelm by~pass lsst te'" allow . . reaijustmentG': ( . o. A. carom! ttee of the Mayor an<< Councilmen p~us Nate Hene.erson" Oe0rg'e Brown, alii :EIaroleL Wolf wa.s reques.teel to fo110w. up the interests or' thlsme,etin,go' ., The meeting .afiljourne<ie '0" ' E.E. ~ke8 Ae~ /{( r/J~~ MAyer, H.~. Trimble) ~September 8, 1954 :::....., d .' Mayor Trimble 'presid.ed at the regular councilmm.a.eting with Councilmen SWQl1'sqn, Loutzehhiser, Stillings arid 'Pickett pr.esent., Attorn.ey 'Fristoee: wlas also on hand. Counci1man..pollara was absent. ". ~in~tes.bf,the prev~ous meetin~s were r~Bd and approved~/ I' . The treas,urer' s report .was read and approved. \....-,., The following . bills were ,read. Swanson'offered., a motion t.opay all bills read.,. Pickett s~conded this .motion and it carried: Current Expense " . Mosman Agency~-----~----------$ 10.00 Capitol Radio Television~----- 7~73 Parker's Radio Service~------- 11.23 Pi 0ne'~rJ.;:Inco~pora ted-- ----... -- 8 ~.41 Br~wn Bros. 'Garage-~---------- 25.63 . Floyd. Cummings-----~------~---' 2e45 P.S. p.ower & Light--""'----...--~- . 10.63 Yelm Tel.' Compa.ny....------------ . 2:3. QO Nisqually Valley New~--------- 6.23 p ark . .... ~' Trip1ble.' s.. Hard.war~--':""~---.--.,.-.- P.S. Power & Light Co.-----~'!'",-_. VJlA TER ~, >>eiUl. Sal.tHB~mf).a~,.-~---~....--,-----;_ . P.S. Power & L1gh ~--:-...;.. - - --- -.-... Ye LVJf Lumber Co.... _-:__w-:_____ ~........ , Floyd Cumrnings----.-------..;..;.--.- ' The Fred W. Hands ~Co~------~-- , Barrett & yost~-~---------~~=~ ~street a puget Sound. Power" & Light-~...-- : 45..58 ~~ Brown Bros. G.arag~.--...~------:.,":.-..- '29.5.8 90 .. 85 li~L~5. S.:tcr" 5~'.~S~ 1&22 22).Oh 17 .,26 _.- 3.98 . 'J 1"'30 . '. ,.Q.." ,,' -; ">,,, p".c. t, - r. ., 'ii~:;' tJ,,,, ~1- ~r&' ~., ,t::,.~. " ~.j.~,,, :f'. !-'J "'" ." f .. J " "\ r~ \li~, rf,p.!&< ).~'~ f:"~ . ~\, j~ ~, ~~01i ;~ ,U~\ 17 f"i.? "it ~ .]$),llO",\ (I./k, ..; ,t.li\ ~ "',":J ,:;. ~~_ r~i ~.."~,,llit i!llAA ~'04'1 1}o11.'~ pI;." ... ~ illo- ~~. . tt..}~. _~" .,,~p. . ~\ J ~1l ~~'r...}. '~a1,,\H ~1 ~.'Il~ r>': l4. lit ....,"- tl\r.'t, tltll.' Ordinance 74 had .its first reading.,t Swanson of.fered. 's.' 'motion to' pass Or<iiriance 74 to its second .:readlng. Loutzenhlser ,sec,onded this emotion and it carriea. Motion was mad,e and passed to' pass .Orq.inence '74 to _' its third. and final' reading.-'. . ) ,,'4 ~~ -i~~-.. .. ,1:1 "I lI., ...l".. I . 'for .~; ~ '. Ip the correspondence ror the month, thanks'were read from the J.S. . Miller "family for the Tewn's expression of sympathy. The a:fl~itor' s,' report of' examination of the town's late judge was re~d. Mayor Trimble inrormed the members of the council~~s. Collins had again' requ~sted. the' mayor to name a library board. No appointments were made. Consideration arose conceI?ning water rates for custqmers outside town . .,0., ," 1imi ts,. Loutzenhiser offered a motion to request the town attorney to formulate a reso lution rai sing the .minimum for water. consumers' '. outs ide town 'limi ts to thf3' s}lm of $3..00. Swanson see ondeci. this' motion and 1 t carri ad unanimous'ly. ..: ~tt@rney Fristoe reported to t~ebNayor and Council ~hat ,the Town's 't~ :$3,000.00' Reserve Fund.. could not !nv~steQ in Savings & ~oan but in- vestment in Unitea States Government Bonds woula be, approved. Councilman Loutzenhiser offered a motion to request the town attorney, to Qr~w up a resolution.giving the clerk authority to invest the sum of $3,000.00 from the Reserve Funa in Government Bonds. Pic~ett seconded this motion f;ind it carried unanimously., ..:, .... . A tentative bu~get was labored on' way into the hours of the nlghp. but was not completed. . ~ ~ ~. ~ Motion was du1~ made and carr~Qdtunamimously to recess until tIle evening or September '15th at 8 P.M~, . ~ 0 , "$}eptember 15, 1954 Mayor' Trimble continued the meeting of the. CouncIl. with Cpuncilmen. Pickett,. ~ Loutzenhiser, Stillings, an'd. Pollard re~ppearing. Work was ,0"", ' completeS. on a. tentative budget to present to the c1 tiz,ens of the ' 'Town. Pickett 0ffered a motion to publish the budget Qnd se~ the date for the ,hearing on September 29, at 8 P.M. . Pollard' s:econdecil- this . mO,tion ana carried unanimously. v'. 'rhe meeting adjourneca. ..Jt~J~ H.A. Tr mble,',Mayor : (... , .- ~. g~~ . ~rOgSeth.uer - ~ .. . ':\ , Earl. POllars presided at the sp epi~,l meeting. f.or..the..he,aring on, the proposed'budget, with councilmen.Stillings~ Loutzenhiser, and Pickett . present,' L6u,tzenhiser moved. that as.. t.herce'-were no p~otests on -,the proposed) budg~,t that the. same be cadoptsa as 'ptlblished.' Piek~tt . s'econ<lied'.thlsjmotion and it carried 'unantmous'ly.-' The following. is the budget adopted for 1955: . ~-... ... Town or Yelm Buo.get for -1955.. September 29, 1954 G ".!. ' ,. c; / ! .CURRENTEVENSE ; Tax:es' 7 Mills---- ----~---------...,,- ---....'-- .-$... 2;:165.38 Llcenses-----:<:---- ------ -- --------~~.....---,-....'.' .... ~200. 00 Adrnis 8i on TaJj1jes------------_______._____~:. ,,' 360~ 00 Liquor Revenues-":':-----------__.(,~~....--...,....-", '" "1-, 944~-85 . Motor Vehicle Exc1.se Tax-------~..,----~--..., . 688.70. Police Court Fine$-~---------____--___~_ 2~400.o0 ft Ambulance .Fees------...---.--~_'___.!O*__------_ ' :. "'400'.JrOO H . Fire ~all Rental:--.,----------____~------...._,', ". --480'.00 Balance on HanQ.----------.-----~____~_;.;.~..;.. 8oo~"o.o- 9,43t3~ 93 ~H~,.;~-:~ ES TIM! TED oREVEN.UES~H~~~~r_ o r-'/ "', 'P~RK FlIND Balance on Ha'nd~---,:_~,-"'------~-------.;--";;"" '-'.' 7'5'.00 . ~'H 11l'4l ....... ,"J;''f,l~ .; t.'~ @,'''''1 ~ ,'" (i ~ ,"to 'Or ~ .{, ~~ ~ ~ .-__ ~t,t \, \ ,....." '~ ~ :I .; J .:.. ~ WATER" .FUND "f " -, . " . ' .. -, .' ,.' '" Consumer, bollections-- -----...;. ---- -...- ---...- ...~""!--- " .Hook:..ups---.... -- -f,. "':"':'-_...~ --''':__:'-...- ~...... ~- -- - -... - -...-- Ea.). an'cas on Hand~...--- --- ~-,------- --- -- ...-----~... . 'I):'otal .7,200.00 , 150 ~oo 2,500~,00 9,t3S0.00 '\ __ .........._1 . '* .'. S TREE.TFU'.t\JT}) Taxes-~-~-'-M'~ls~-~-----:::_~:~::~:~-~~~=~'--~1~856~06 . Motor Vehicle!iUn<i...---""-_:_"':':':'':''~'':':''_--_:''_----''';-",,, . 1~,613~ 854. Bale.nee on Hand--'; -- ----:-~.-- ....~- -~-:------... --:: ---::'. '1; 000. Q.Q . · ~otQl '. 4~469.91 {O: .,......,.. ........*~~- -~ ~ ~ '.,. ........- I ... . ;:~.... < GARBAGE FUND Consumer Colle c.ttons------- ---.-------.--~-..:.-~..:.-:' :"2,400.00 Balarice on Hand~-~--~~--~--------------...--~--- 150~00 . Tota~ . 3,150~po .,_ .....w"- __._ BOND REDEIVlP TI ON FtnID , He serve FunEi On .Hand......-..,....::~ ~:..::.:. -, ~ - ':"':':'::::':": -::'...::', Tra.nsfers from Wa,ter Pund.--....-------------~~...-- Total 3,000..00 2:, 61~9.. 00 5,,,640.00 \ NEt-r WA TER CONSTRUCTION FuND" ~.- - . '" '-.... . . .... 'H B-alance on Han(d."\"'----....---...--.--.... ------.- --------.... 379.60 GRA'fID 'TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS' 33,\.003.44 ':HHHHP~ ESTIHA TED EXPEND I TtJRES.~HH~.~H~"':~ ~I CURREN TEXPENSE Cle.~k ~~'alary~-~-- --:--:....-.-- ---:~----- -----------$ 30Do 00 .C1:erk Exp'ense....... __i - --.-''';'- --;. ...:.._- ----------- _.:......... 100 ~ do I C1 erk Relief....--.:..---- ----:---'----- --...;--- -- ------ 50.00 'Office Capi tB.l outlay-------------------------~, 315.75 Attorney Sa.lary & Expense...=---\----~--------~--.,' 375~OO ~1ayor & Councilmen Expense....------------------- ' 100..00 Surety Bona.s...----------------,---:----{-'~--.---...- 65.60 Police Juclge Salary......-....------------------~.--_.... 360~OO Police C0urt Expens_~..~--...-...--....-------.:.:.-~...------ , 40.,00 . Regis tr:a tions & ,:.EI-ections --"7'- ---- -...---- --- ---.. .' . 70:-. 00- Publishing .& .Advertising......,..... --..._~,-----:" --- --="-. 'l5~:Q0 . S~tate Aud.i t0r--....=---..;.-------"':" --------.----...,.----- 265;9'00 Associaflon of Wash. Cities----...~----~---~-~-- 30.00: }.1ea,ical'. Aid & Ind. Ins e ---------~--------..:.---.- 12'0.00 S:ocial Securl ty.........- -...-- --- - -- .:.-e------- -- ------- f)9~ 7.0 Town Hall.' Expense...----...---~ ---- -- ....-.,,""...---~---- 850.00 '. Health ~S;e'rvices.~..;..- -....---- -----.-- ---------...:----- 292080 L~brary-.:...~.~..:i~- -'':':~ ----~ ...-----.~-----~--- --- ------ 618 ~.68 Gi viI Def'eiis:e...--- -....-~-----_....--....-........~--...- ...-.------ 97-~ 00 Marshal Salary~ -- .......'""!....- ------......- --'-...~........;;.-;;..;..;-..;...;..-.;...-'.;.; - - 3; 600 ~ 00. Marshal E;x:pens e....... - -----...-- - -~-.:.:. -- -- --.;.....- ........-....... -' -1, 350 ~ 00 Deputy Mar'shal Salary-.........---...-----.;;--_...;;.-_.--.-........ - ~17'5~:00' Jail Expense and Meals ..----------:,;;--..;;~-.-..;.--...-.. . "'lOO~OO ... . '-'9.., 1+3(1. 93 'PARK _ -~ . ."" Maintena.nc~ ana o~utlay""'- -...........--... _..:.... .............. -....:'- ..................... . ._.___.::~,-\-~---~""t-...., 0 .-...,.. .'., . '. 75000 . WATER FUND . I "Supt. . Salary--- -- --::.. -- -...-- --..;,...: --':"--- -- ........;..........--- 1 :-600. '.00 '. . \ , ,. . Clerk's Salary--.....-- ~- ------- ...------~- -----...... -- "1,000.00 ...Office. Expense---------....----'---......--......:.--.........;.-.........--.-. ,.- ,,150;00 . W:a.ter. Parts & Supplies-----...;.------........-- -.-....-....~---. 300~.OO Labor & Repairs"",-- -- =--...- ---..,.- ----..............,. -..........---- 200.00 Power:& Li'ghts........--.......""...-...----------....-.---...--...-.-..........,:;. . 7:00~OO Capi,tal Outlay--,-~-----_....---------...-........:.......--.-.--...; 2,879.00 . Social, Security-""...-----...~--..."!'--....~-........._--...---.--- "'- . S6~OO . Mea. Ala & Ina. Ins.-------....--~--------------- 50~OO Utility Ta.xes.:..-~-...----...._--...;.-~-----................._........._..~.._......... '.- '2'7-5~OO Bond R,;dempti on Funcl T.ransf,e PS ---- ~-"--.- ----.."--"" - 2 i"6~0. 00 , ,. 9,)j o. 00 , . , ., -_.'....:. ' '.. . 'STREET FUND . , ~ ." .S\lpto Salary.",.-----....-------~....~-""----....----._-_.....-_.. .... .300~OO, I iLatior & Repai~s--------~----~-----~---~---~..._- .. "135~oo Materia~s -& Supplies-------....~-----....---..:.-~-....-.--. ...125~.OO..., Street Lights---;.,,-----------~---,-...--...---....;.._..._-.. t 650~ 00 . Offie,a EJq>ense....---...--...---...;......."!!'-~-....-......._-...----...._-.._... ...40~OO Capital Outlay------- ----...-....;~-..:.~- ------ ----......;-.: ,. 3i'186~.21 . , '1.39;, \. 1'40 ' . "'. l'\ 4,i\ . .', ? ' .".' :. "'. . ( '" ~.. "', ',r..KI'(."1..." ~I',.t~. >101"-1.1.1'.", f,t.;'/;4d If .~,' {l1,j'f j:l~. '"", ". Il'.":'~ ~~ ~~.~ It ,,' ",'j'.,< ,,~ i;'..t- . . . '..f(_FUND""'GON"mlNtJE:D~~...~..';" ..... " H<..." " f....;. :,'"',, ""~'~"'! . <<'.f . Irid.'Ins. &. Mecl. Aid-~---------~-----~-~---~-l Social Securi ty----;-~----------------------~- " : '."" ..~ \ ,. J . 1 -. .,." , . "~5..:QO .-: 8' 70 4;;469 :.91 GARBAGE FUND Disposs.l Salary-------....-----.------------.......--- 1, 700~ 00 Clerk's Sala~y-----------~----~-------------- 800.00 Office Expens~--------- -----.-:...~-- -_....-.;.-- ----- 90~ 09 . . Truck Expense---';' --- -~- -':':--- -~...~:..- _:...:~ -...::...~-:.;.:.. . ... 269~bo: Garbage Dump Expense--:--: .~-:......:-:..:...-- - --....:..---~:._~_...."' 110.~'bo Suppli.es-- -'---.- _.: -.;;.. -- --- :.::...:. -:..._:... - :....- :...:......:... _:.::.: -... --- ,.' 20,; 00 Capi tal out1ay.--;..---.;..------------------------' .......- 60..00 . Sac 1al Seeuri ty------------------------------ ,56..00 Mea. Aid & Ind. Ins.----~------------~------- ~5~OQ Total .. ~I. ~~O... ~~ BOND REDEHP1'ION ,FUND' . Reserve for Bond Redemption------------------ 3,000.00 Current Bond Redemptions--------------------- 2.6~O.OO " Total . ,. .. 5';,6 0.00 '.Dc t_ NE~J vJATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Capital Outlay----------------------~--------. 379~60 GRAND TOTAL o.p :ESTINATE'D~'EXPENDITURES $JJ,.nn'J~44 The meeting aclj ourneQ.~ ' . . . ~-,-friifl~"l~r .Fro-telfl .- ~ces Oc.t0b~r~ 13, 1954 Ea~l Polla'rd, aet~d mayor -t'or the - regular-cautle.!l ,meeting with 0' .,t.,.._ coUncilmen Loutz~nhiser" -StIllings, and Bieke.tt pr~s~nt. , Councilmen 'SwQl1son and Mayo:r: Trimble.. .-were absent... Ed ..Bnowp ana. Chester. 'Reichel were' als 0 on hand. .. . . .... .). "'.. ...... -. .. ~ - o . .Minutes of the p~evious me.e.tings..w~re l?ee.d .a.nd:':i\ppro'led. The treasurer's report'was read and..a.ccepted.. Q . . The following bi~ls were .orcrjLer.e.d. paid on motton by.Lo.ut.zenhiser, , s econaed by Plck~ tt and passed. unanirno~slYI:'"" '.. -..... ,-,'- Curr~nt Expense 0 ,-- ..'- " . .. .. '." ........ - y~llf1 1'elephol.Le. CqmpQny--";"-:-.~--~,-~-----$ . 28..90.. . , Pioneer, Incorpo~at~d---~~~~~-~----~ 31.29 St. P6ter Hospita1------~~~~~~~~---~ 10.00 W'olf r s Shopri te-~----- --~-":'"~.-:-":':-~---- . 2.,55. D & H Mobil Servtce-~--~~---.-----~-7 32.34 Standa.rd Oil of Ce.lifornita,~---...~---- 41.08 Field '8 Motor COUJ.pany-...-~----:_-.-.---- 69.,39 Dorothy Cull~ns....-------------~-----.... 30,92 Nisqually Valley News-~-----------~- 25.19, , Pickett Drug Sto:r:~--~---~---~.-."::"'''!".~'':'.-~~.. ,..13..39 ,.. -....-" ,.-.".- Dept. of Labor & <:Ind~~""-~--":-~--.~~.--.:..,-..- .18~2:6 ., Employment See. Qept.'----=.-----'!"'.~~-~-. _~4l.80 Thurston Co. Vivil Defens-e---.----":"..,.-~.... ,.,....19..52.. Thurston Mason H~alth Dis,t.-~-":"_~.....---. .. .73..20.. Regional publie I;,ibrary~,~'!"'''''-''!"~ ~,~,""~---.. 1640.81 puget .sound Powe:r: & Light--.--------.... .... 15.,00.. . Fleming-Harvey MQtars..--"!""!"~--'!"':"'---'!"'~ . .1:9..58 Park - - .. . .... -.. .... ~ . . - . 'P':"S: Power !}. Lif!tht---------.---.---,~--..... ..2.24.-- ( - '--'~ Trimble' s Hardw~re-""=---~~--..,..":",,,,,,~~."!""'~.-. 14..97. Water ,,',' Trimble'S Hdwo------~--------------- 11.01' Pickett Drug,Stor$---~~------------- 2046 Dept. of Labor &~Ind..-...-....."'!".--.-.-.----....-~...2;.3.-6.5.. _..... .. PeS. Power &. Ligl)t....-----~----"!".--'!"--'!". 69.12' ( N. P.. R~.ilway----"":.-----------.-.:..--.---- .. .1.,50. - " Dist. Dir. of In~. 'Revo-~~.--":"'----':"""-' '. :95020. Yelm Lumb~ & Hdw..-------':"'---":"'---.":"'.---.... ..65.,17. Fr.an-ces E.. br08s~th~~-----_.----.---.-.-- -'-' .50.97. --. - / . ..... -~ '- , . -" .. -..- o ) , I. " ,14,13,' ".t '\ ~ Ca.'scade .Mac.h. Co..':"_-- ------------,--- \. '~rQwrt.)~ros. Garage...--"",:,~--------,,;,,-'_:"'- ' . 1JbEe~t . Dept. . C?f ;a:lghways.-....-------.;.~-.-~----- Yelm TeI.1" CompQ..ny---....--,----------~...- Trimble! s HaJrdware---------',:..-------- PoS~ power ~ Light~---;..------------- , C "W~" Hughe.s~-...-...--'7--~~---,------:..--- Gar ba~e ,.... .,.. . . ' ',' n & H.Mobil Servlc@--~---~---------- Bro~ri.Bros. GQrage------~-~---~----- Empo Security Depto-~--------------- . 341,,51 322073 34. 78 190.,00 6.65 45.,58 '1.29 ' , 12 .00, 1JL0'O 3 57.,90 J / ., , ,1- " . , , After the reading of' a letter from KTNT-TV Informing the Council that Y<elm would. be saluted October 20th" StilliJ'lgs of~ered :a motion to , s"e)nd" a vote of thanks to this statiQn~ after the 20th,p' .:Pickett seconat)a.. this' motion and l.t C Rrried' unanimouslyo , . , ' A' le'tter, from Li,11ian Collins vna.s read explaining Yelm's share: of, the tax' r@quirements for library ser'v'iceo Also included was the budget for the library d~s1;;rict .:fOF' the Council's. enlightenment of expenai tur~s etc It ' --' ii, V,ot.8 of tha.nks' from ,the iXmerican Legion was r~B.€l conc~rning,-th$ pl~ c(@men t: of the, ~ewcro~sw:alk sign on Yelm A~$nu@!l. " ' Ordinance' 74 ha,d.: its 3rd r6}aCiing. Stillings offer~d a motion to. a.dopt this orclinance, Pickett seconded this rno~tion_ and carried. '.': It. 'was- ordered pU;~~i.shed'.' , , "Resolution 75 was read and on mo'tlon by Loutzenhiser, a se'c6nd, .from Councilman Pickett was u.rw.nimously adoptedo' TP~ council ordered Resolution 75 publish~d. Resolution 76 ~giving the town cl~rk tauthority to invest' the"$3Jl:OOO~OO ',in the, Reserve Frmd in United St,at,e's Sav1n.gs~Boncls was reBlo, Loutz:,enhiser motioned' to a~op.t Resoiution :t~o. 76,: Pickett seconded this motion' and carri~dunanimously. ' . '. , , . I Ma.rsh~_l Cullens ga.ve his policfa report' for. th~ month o:f Slbpt;embere , , "I . . MarshalCull~Hls' lnformed the TOl,'I]'nCouncil th~t the pr(~sent: ordina.nces. of Yelm were ineffici~nt for prose,cuting violations. .H& &rlso statecd that, th*' Police ca.r' n~eded' a 'n@w ",r,ed . spotlighto ' ( . , ... f~~'~ _ Ch$ster'Reichel was present to s~curElt 9. permit to mov~ tahollae on h;fs' lots in.Solb~rgt s Second Addi tion to Ye,l.rn:~ 'Lot 15" Block 5.. Much di s'cuss ion :followed. with E}uilding' Inspec,tor, Ed Brown advising the' groupe Loutz,enhis ~r offered a motion to allow MrQ'Red.bh"l to obte.in Q building permit' with the stipulQ,tion that he construct a compositiin roof on . th~ buildlngin six months. Pickett secDndecl. this motion and ,1 t ' ca.rriedo: 'r.Eh~' council f'tct~d on o'v~l'.du~ , Tn.e cOUllcil acted on overdue water and. garba.gebills and ord~red Joe ' ~longignd Ervan Pot~s sent cut o~r notices. .The~_m~e.ting_ adjo~ned0 - RES'OLUTION NO. II I " .'trLHEH W'HEREAS" the owners of property 16cat(!bd in thefrtnge a.reas . acIje:cent,t:o the Town of Yeulm have for some 'year's. beens(f)rveci'e wi th water from th$ city water system compos~d of the city w"lls B.nd th~, distribution syst~ms used in connection therewith, all of which wlr$ . alcquired with 'funds furnished 'by the, ci tizens, of the Town of Yelm$ and . ' . . - ( ,:,~~ 'WHEREAS~, the Council of the Town of Yelm has dterrnined.' that .::tthe 'water" users of' t:h~ Town of Yelm water s,ys'tem who are baing .s erveGi . outsid$ 'the corporate limi ts of the ,Town of Yelm should pay Elilach - month the sum o:f Fifty Cents (50~) above the present existing basic minimUm r~tes for water service to. th~ end that the wa.t'er us~rs lying / in' the ,frin.ge \Q.reas outsid6) the ,corporate lirni ts of the Town' o.f Yelm and adjacent 'thetreto may equalize the contribution to th$ wat'er system acquired and now owned by the' Town of Yelm, , ' , ' NOW, THEREF.OHE,. BE IT ,RES'OLVED BY THB COIDTCIL OF THE TOWN' OF YELM 'That t~e basic minimum rate far service to properties lying outside the c9rporate limits of the' TO"\t/n of Yelm for water $$rvic$s\ .f 1,4~2: ' \ " from the Town of Yelm pumping, and d:istri bution system be, and they are h$reby increased, Fifty' C~nts C50~)' ea.ch month. BE, IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the increase h@r$in provided. shall bGl' ef,fectiv* as or the 1st dacy of Jar11.;:ary," '1955, and -c'oI).tinuously'q thereafter~ .'. ~~ PASSED by the una., nimous '\TO te of'.th~' Coun tn''j( 't.he ,;I'own of Ye 1m ' '91,t 1 ts reg~lar meeting helcd on the' ta "day of ~.. L~ 1954. .~ . ~ ~ T01tJN' OF YELM"'- ~ " .r:~. r~cR :. '. . .~~' Mayor " U'd~~/C 1)~ Attes.t: , Clerk . o . o RESOLUTION NO. 'J.1!. . - ~..A--.f':}..../ WHEREAS,: the Town r;>f yclm b1y:the provisions of 'its water'rev'enutt bond's ls2 requirGld to maintain a minimum balance of. Three ThouS9.nd ',' Dollars ($38000<c~.,Q(:J) "in its water 'bond rese,.rve.fU!1d for th~ period' d.uring which tne said, bonds are b~ ing paiQ, a.na . WHEREAS" thsd-Council' of thet Town' of Yelm disires that th~ said. Thre.e ThousandQ Dollars ($.3\,.,000.00) b$ properly invested .to provide .income thereon during the p~riod'which the same is b~1ng hhld by the Town or Yelm, and ...., WHEREAS,] the Council of~ th@ Towri of Yelm has'dEflterminea that ." the bss't and proper investment for the s,aid sum of Three Thousailei (Dollars <.$3,,000.00) is ,Unitod StQ.tes Government S:avings. Bo.nds', . . NOvI, THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED. That the 'Clerk of. the' Town e! Yelm' be" and she is her~by authoriz:ed. and directed to invest th~ Three Thousand Dollars ($3~OOO.OO) now b$ing carri~d in th0 water benet reserve fund. in Unit~d S.tates Governm€tJnt Savings Bonds to be .. , is sue'd in the name of the Town of Yelm. ." PASSED 'by 'the tm, ll.llimous vote ofthe'2-p:m9 il,t1of 'the ,Town of yelm ~t its regular 'meeting on theQ lLday of ~~ ',., 19$4 o ~ . TOWN OF YEU1 ~cdY'rP~a-<'Y< , Mayor '.. Attest~f&~ BY . ~~~-(f~~;'. , .~~X..:.~aUrrlltird9' Acting Mayor Drogsetb., f1 ,U '-, I. ' I .1 I 1. 4' tn; '. . .~. ,31 November 19, 1954 'The 'Novem.ber regular meetinE; of the Council found Mayor rrrimb1e presiding with Councilmen 'Plekett, Swanson, Loutzenhise:r and Po1,lard pres~nt" C~uncilman Sti~lings. was absent. . - The minutes of. the previous . meeting 1t1ere read an.€l approved. The' treasurer's ,report was read and approved. ~ . '. , i The follbwlng. bills wer.e, rea.d.a.nd on. motion by Pollars,~, a secq:h4 by Loutzenhiser and a unanimous vote. ordered paia.: . :Current Expense.. '0 . Mosman Agency--------""'-----$ Prairie Cafe-------~-------. Trimb1e Hdw.=--------------~ Nisqually Valley News------. Yelm Tel. .Company---------- ~ Frances E. Drogseth---~----o P.S.Power & L.ight----..:.----~ Standard Oi1,-----------'----. . ) Yelm Boqy& Fender---~-----, The Stationers-------------, Park P.s. ~ower & Light---~-----. l~OO Trimble: s HdwCt.-~---.-.-----......: 10.44- \.Jater' , . P.8 Q Power &:. Light-----..;. -- -~. 45...81 No'P. ,Railway Co.----...:------ 3.00 Badger Heter Mfg. Co.,---~--"J01.09 Nisqually Valley News..-- -...:-~ 5..44 stre e t , . _ , I .Auto Freight Company--7""--'-"''' 3.,61 P~,S.. Power & Light....-------.... 1.~5~,'58--- Wn. St. j?enitentiary.........----, 12.96 Garbage Bield's Motor Company------~ 11.-26 20~00' 1.13 3~53 9..49 23.85' 7~J5 14~83 32.86 1~8. 00. 3. -71 . ) , . --_.~ '~J . _1._ ,.; Q In the town~s correspondence.a letter was read from Mrs. Collins, heaa librarian of the district, requesting aff-irmat.tbn. a.s. to "Yelm,f's desire for library service for 1955. The mayor req:uested. the .clerk to inform M;r$~ 'Col1lns', tha.t .Ye1l11 had again levied mills for library service for 1955. . The town fathers th~n discussed liability tnsurance for, the to~n cars. It was agree€l to further lib()k into the insurance until' <d.e'cision~was. mad e CI .I"Iayor Trimb'le brought up (,the possibiii ty of a' d..efective roof' on the town hall and it wa.s agreed that inspection was necessary ana improve- ments'made where needeQo .' The problem of outside privies came and after considerable discussion, ,it was .e3.ecid.ed to contact t'he town. attorney a.boutan ordinance to aia in the 'e~irnlnation of' outside. toilets in town limits. ,Mayor Trimble requested opinions on meeting with the~ State Highway D'epartment on the proposeCl new highvlay through Yelm. The cle.rk was asked to yvirite Mr~ Bugge, :roI' an appointment, at his earli,est conven- " fence. . ' Councilman Pickett suggested locating a. fire hyd.rant on. the' corner of Third. ana. McKenzie. In was decidecl. to look lnto rates of saving on insurance before a decision was reachede Loutzenhiser 'offerecl. a motion to. put up bids for sale. of the ,skid- mounte.d fire :trail'er. Swanson seconded. this motion -~nd it carried. Marshal Cullens gave his r~gular police r~port for the 'month of October' and it w~~ ~ccepted. ; . The rrleeting adjour-nedo a~:A~ ~E~ Frances Eo Drogse " er ~1"4'4 ~,... . ~" ~~ ~. ~~ - ; ~t. December~; 1954 r Mayor Trimble. presided. at. the_ regular council meeting with cOill1cflmen. . SWanson, Loutzenhiser" Pickett and S~tl).lings, on . hand., ,Eva Vandiver was also in attendanoe. \ . Minutes or the previous, meeting were re~d and ,acd:epted.., .The treasurer's r,eport was presented and. approved~ .' (" T~e 'following bills were read. On motion, by Loutzenhiser, a second by , Pickett'l' '~'d a tu;Umimou8 vote the ,same b 11ls were ordered paId:, Current Expense ~.. ~ Wolf'sIShoprlte---~-----__________~_$ 4w58 Yelm T~l. .Company--------------___...._. 18..80. Trimble' sHardware.~-....--------:...----__ Q 13~86 D & H 'Mobil Service--~----~---------. 74.83 Puget Sound Power & Light-----------~ 18.18 The Station.rs, In6.-----~----------. ,9.98 Fleming-Harvey~~-------~------------" 9.11, Standard Oil of,Cal.----~--------~-_" 65.27 Wolf's----~--------~~---------------;4.22 Assoc. of Wash. Cities---------~----G 30.0Q Thlilrs.Co. Civ11 Defens.e-......-------.--c '19.,52.' 1hurs. C6. Health Dlst~ict--------__ 73.20 Reglonal. Bubli8Ll.brEtry-~------._~-_-., 147.3.3' The. stationer' s" Inc.---....-------:...---~ 100.00. Park P.S. Power &.Light----------------__. 1.00 Vater , . Yelm Lumber & ,Hdw. ------------------D., 1.,56, P.S. Power & Light---....----------____~ 45.~6 Pioneer, ,Ince-----...---------------__ 21'. q3 Penn Salt. Co.~.------=--...:------;..--,-- ^ 8.61 The Stationers--~-------~-__________:' 32.56 Street Trimble Hardware...-~-- --..;------. -....- --- 24.44 P.S. Power &Llght--,---------~------" 45.,58- . Brown Bros. Garage--.--------__~---...- 1.71 G~rba.g~ , Br,own Bras'.. Ga.rage--~--------...______ 11.66 o ,/ \ o . . c Eva Vandi.ver was 'in!. attendance to request onbehal:f~.oi't.he,. c1 tl~ens< Co on her. stre'et for a stree.t light that was. much ne~ded. at this co~n~er. .No def1nl t~ action was. talc,en.. t.O . this. parti.cular.llght,.. as the officials had previously planned.. to p.lace, lights where dire need was seen. ,Eva Vandiver also requested the vacating. ,of the alley or street 'bepind Stevens and stated that all property owners were in favor, o:f.'.the. vacating. ,Action was postponed for further developments. Mayor 'rrimble stated. condition o~ the streets w~sba.d and, some spots ~ere in badly need of repair. t> ~ ." . . The Mayor and CoUncil :reque.sted. the, clerk! to write for .theResolutionon the new highway plans and to state that the townoffiqials. wquld sign the resolution with the s.tipulation added .that'.the .bi.-pass around Yelm is not built. .first. . The clerk .was' reques.ted to mail..the,? le,tter to Mr. Bugge. ~. ,The dog s1 tuation was reported t;.be on tl:1~d.loose again and troub).esoine. The to\vn fathers decided to request Editor Don Miller to, aid., them again' in: publishing a .notice appealing to. dog, owners t~~ ,aid. in the crisis. o ~ . -.t < The Railroa.d engine.er wanted pexamis s ion ,ita place a drain.fie14 by the depot for the new insta.llation. Loutzenhiser .offered amotion .to allow this drainfJeld. rpo.:viding .s oll.d pipe was, used. to .a, .distance of 100 feet awa~ from the well. Swanson.seconded, this motion ~nd,it carried. The meeting adjourned. 7Itf,Jn#n~ " / . . c::t~:;~~ ~ceSE.l'ogse ;" C eI'