1958 Minutes 'I 'I 1 \' '\ , OJ ' .201t Jar1:uary 8, 1958 . Th~;egular meeting of the Council was c.alled to ord;er by Mayor .Brown wi th Councilmen Norton, S1rlanSOn, Stillings ahd Tracy pr~sent.' Counciima'n Curry was absent. Attorney Fristoe was"also present. , , The mirn;ttes ,o~ the previous meeting w~re reJid and approv~d., The: monthly financial statement was. presented. ' ' . ' The following bills were r~ad. Swanson made a motion that. they be paid and this was seconded by Tracy. Motion carriea. CURRENT EXPENSE ,.' . "','Mosman Agancy' --~--- ------------------$225.81 ' Yelm Garage -------------------------- 95.44 Brown Bros. Garage -------~----------- 48.57 Yelm Lumber & Hardware --~------------ 1.36 Mom~s Caf~ ~-----~-------------------- 1.96 , Wolf's Shopri te ---------------------- .6.61 . Yelm Telephone Company --------------- 21.70 Association ot Washington Citie~ ._~--- 30.00 Yelm High School ----~---------------- 1.00 Trimble's Hard'\rlare -------------------, 3.95 Mosman Agency------------------------ 2.10 Standard Oil- Company ------...---------- 79.63 Book Publishing ComPany -------------- 17~57 HewItt A Henry,. Pros. Attorney ----:---- 2.00 Rosano.ts \Elec.tric Center ------------..... 19.56 , D & H 'Mobil Service ------------------ 540 '26 p ~ Pow~r & Light Co; ------------,----82.03 WATER . P S Power & Light Co. -~---- --------- 46.26 Pioneer, Inc. -~-----------~---------- 19.88 STREET'. \ ' D & H MObil Service ~-----------~----- 8~37 Yelm Lumber & Ha.rdware ------------.--- 35.91 'Trimblefs~Hardware ---~------~-------- 4.82 GARBAGE Yelm Lumber & Hardware --------------- Mosman Agency ------------------------ 3.10 2.10 The monthly repor't was given by Marshal files as the' following: tota.l miles traveled a~ ,898, total !'lumber of arrests as 17, ,fines . and forfeitures amounting' to $4.30.00; w.ith no ambula,nce calls. The first item discussed was the need for a Civil Defense Ordinance giving the Office o,f Director certain .powers and also, defining the duties os such office. It was decided that Attorney.Fristoe draw, up an. ordinance to me'et these requirements. 0 Discussion was also held on the large iricrease in our liability' insurance . premium and since our budget does not. cover this amount, our Attorney aqvised us to pay half of the premium now and pass an ~mergency appropriation ordinance later. -, The next topic ~iscussed was the need for a nuisance, ordinance to protect the safety of the residents of theJtownj which ordinance would give the, town council power ,to eliminate anything' th,at might prove a safety hazard to others. Attorney Fristoe was ~sked to secure such an ordinance for consideration at our next me,eting. Several complaints have been received that mhere are no reflector- ized 'markers on the bridge over the Yelm Creek and with the bridge narrower than the roadway it makes it a traffic hazard. The Council moved to refer this to the County Commissioners as the bridge is ,situated on county roads. Fristoe again said he would notify the .,: Commissioners. that this bridge was on county property. . Marshal Piles asked for a relay light to be hooked to his telephone; so :he w,ou1d know when he is .being ,called. This light would be ,.in- stalled' on the outside of the Town Hall and would bremain lighted until s'w'itched off manually. Tracy ma.de '8 motion to install such a'relay light, which was seconded by Swanson and the motion 'carriede , \ 'Discussed also was the problem of broken furniture as the result \ "2!02~, of person~ using the town hall bui~ding as a'meeting place. It was decided a warning would be issued first and if it was not heeded the hall would ,be locked up during the 'evening hours. The jani tor problem also "ar'ose and up till nOTtI no OrtS is I provided,with the responsibility 0f keeping the hall clean. No imm,edia~e action was taken on, this problem. 1'he last' item on the agenda was again th~, new,':':g;-H highway problem and the possibility of reaching some agreement with the state on sollving some of our differences. No definite conclusion w.as reached. The motion was made and seconded that the meeting be adjo~p~d. ~ ~~,' ", ' ." .' 1) NAY R.. GEO~. {;;dWN ~<<~~ CLERK, ELVERA _e JOHNSON' RESOLUTION NO.. 82' WHEREAS, the Council and'Mayor of the Town of Yelm is in regular session, and WHEREAS; there now r exists a surplus in the \vater Fund of the Town of Yelm in approximately $1,000.00, and wHEREAS, the Current Expense Fund of the/Town of "%e#% has by' reason of recent expenditures dropped to a point where it is necessary to asquire additional ~urrent assests to . maintain said fund in a' solvent condition; o \,- NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Ye~m that $1,000.00 of the surplus in the Water .Fund of the Town of Yelm be transferred as. a loan to , the Current Expense Fund of the Town Of Yelm and that I the ,s~me sum be repaid by the end of 1958 without interest and .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Town of Yelm be and sh~ is hereby authorized to make said transfers. Dated this 12th day of February, 1958 ~~V1t ~ G~ GEe. BROWN, MAYOR ~/~,o~,/ VERA'K. J ON, CLERK o Introduced February 12, 1958 February 12, 1958 ( j Adopted ,I 'I 1 ", , " F~br~ary ~12, 1958 2'03" ~: ..... J.J " ;~ ,", (!.., '~'j , ," . J ,The, regular meeting of the TQwn Counci.l 'was called to order by Mayor Brown with Councilmen Cunry, Swanson, ~racy .and Norton present. Co,uncilman Stillings was absent.,_ ( The minutes of the .p-rev;i-ol.ls meetihg were, read.eand approved. The, 'monthly fin~ncial statement was present~d. \ The following bills were read and .on a motion made by Swanson and ,seconded by T,racy were ordered paid. The motion carried. '~ r , CURRENT EXPENSE Yelm Lumber & Hardw,are -.;..----:..-..;.-----...-.;..--$~ F I George . Cake Co. ,----------~------,-----.... Fitz Auto Parts ----~--~------------------ Pioneer~ In6.--------------------------~- Spen-c,er Aircraft IndusJtries, Inc. --~"':"---- Parts Center,} Inc., ---------- ------ - - ----,- Yelm Telephone Company ------------------- Standard Oil Company ~-------~------~----- PS Power & Light Company --~--~-----~----- WATER . Brown Bros.. 'Garage, ----------------,------- PS Power & Light Company ----------------- STREET Trimble', s Hardwarce ----....------------------ Elvera K.J.ohnson -----'... --- -"- --...----- ----- Frank Story ---------------------~------- GARBAGE Yelm Garage ------------ ----------------- Yelm Fixi t Shop, -------------------------- BrownBr6s.,Ga~age ----....--------~-------~- 6.57' 2.01 180083 4070 59.99 41.59 22.00 ,39.12 80 . 03 .1.91 47.53 7.06 11.,68 2..00 29.88 5.63 47.50 'Marshal Biles gave his monthly report stating the total miles ,.traveled as 1117,. 18 arrests and two ambulance, runs. Discusslon was held on the amount left in the'Current Expense Fund and that it would be inadequate to meet the Bills for the following, month. It was decided to borrow ~plOOO~ 00 from the Water F~nd until such time' that it' would again be self-sustaining.' Curry made a ' motion that ResolutinnNNo. 82 b6 pa~sed to transf~r $1000000 from the Water Fund to the Current Expense Fund. This was sec.onded by } Tracy, and, ~he, motio,n .,carrie~. J?iscussion was also held on possible ways to invest the amount of $2428.00 in the Bond Redemption Fund. Councilman Curry was select.... ed to investigate the'means that would ,bring, the best financial, results and to~repo~t his fin~ings ~~ the next meeting~ ) Mar'sha1.:Pilesasked fo:r. approval for the selecti on of Mis:s Mayble 'Story as Police Matron. ,This was graqted by the Co~ncil and ,the ,Clerk'was instructed to so notify Miss Story. Her salary is to be on an'hourly rate and only when called by the Marshal. - . 0 ~ ~ ,- ~. . ... " .. . . . ~.. - Supt. Johnson br,ought J}J:ithe need r'or 'the extension of water malns, ~specially for better fire protectiori for the sp.hool. buildings. This, I b:rought yIp the problem of financin"g' such a pro~ject;' wi th one solution being to raise the wate'r' rate. 'No satisfactory anS1iler was obtained a~! members of the nCouncil we're' divided on, rais'ing tbe rate. The Clerk was instruct'ed to wii'te to the Association of 1rJ::l'shington Ci ties forinformatioJ;1 on what"other 'towns' charge for their water service. This in turn lead <agairi' 'to the' need (fc)r another we'll' and pump and without increasing the Pr'evenue Pnofunds are, available 'for such an undertaking~ ' . qouncilman C~rry made a' :p?epor~t "'following his inspection of the wager tank, stating it ~as in need ~f ~aint both ori the inside and outside. The Clerk was instructed td writ~ ~~Chi6ag6 B~idge and Iron Co. , notifying them th~t we'~6uld like to have ftlis job undertiken in the m.ear future. The meet-ing was recessed until Februa,ry 20th~ February,20, 195a " The meeting was resumed,with Mayor Brow~, Councilmen Curry, Norton 20~4 Stillings arid'Tracj present. 'Councilman Swanson ~as absent~ Discuss~on was continued on the new well project wi th Mayor" Brown ,reporting the estimates of cost involv~d; the approxiwate figure are, for pump i,nsta:lled at $1489.75'~' $25.00.00 for drill- ing the weIll the ~ngineer's fee as $300.00, the geologist, survey as $180.00 and about $700.00 for the pUmP'house, pipe, aQd valves ,with ~he total b~ing $5180.00. ' , '" Curry recomrneded the p'ossibili ty of a complete engineering J'ob of the Town's ;water system. The estimated cost of the extensions proRosed at the last mee~ing was around $10,000000 with no funds available for much of the needed impvovements., \~~\ A'long discussJon onw8,ter rates,~ was 'held, those of th~ pas't, ,0 of other towns, and our present one wi th the, idea of raising our present r8:te for needed income. Proposed was fifty cent increase of t~eminimum and a five cent increase" in theovera,ge. this would res,ult in an adq.i~tional income of about $1300.00' , a year. Since the ,Council could not agree;,' t'he Mayor requested the members of, the water committee with the responsibility of reaching a definite rate. A motion ,was made by Curry that we hire 'Robinson and Roberts to make a geological survey, Norton seconded and t.he. motion carried. The motion was, made and seconded to adjourn. ' cAJ) ~.~A~ GEORGE C. BROWN, MAY . \ . 4~ ~a~ ELVERA K. JOHNSON, CLERK o March 12, 1958 Mayor Brown presided at the regular ,meetin of tHe ,Council of Town of Yelril with COUl}.cilmen Stillings, TracY",Norton and Curry- present. Councilman Swanson 'was absent. In attendance also was the town aJ.ttorney.. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The monthly financfal statemen~ was presented and approved. On motion by Stillings, seconded by Tracy and passed the following bills were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE " Trim1:31e's Hardware---------------------' 10.84 &tandard Oil Company----~-------------... 69.07. P.S. Power & Light Co.----------------- 69.78" - Pickett Drug Store---------------~~---- 9.41 Brown Bros. Garage-------------~------- 49.21 ,Louise Po11ard-----------------~------- 12.00 Daisy D. Fristoe--------------~-------- 12.00 Claire Tracy-~------------------------- 12.00 Ye1m Garage--------~----~--------~----~ . 2.58 Nisqually Valley News--....~------------...- 12087 Nisqually Valley News-------~------~-:- 2.23 Thurston-Mason Health Dist.------------ 71~OO The Regional Public Ltprary-------~---- 156.95 Johnson's Jewelry---~------~-~~--~----- 6.20 Wolf's Shoprite---------------------~--ll.12 Yelm'Telephone Ca. -.:..-:-------':"'---'-------- '28.15 Elvera K. .Johnson----...;.....---...--'-------...-... 85.54 Outdoor Store-------------------------- 15.14 'WA TER 0 FUND PeS. Power ~&,Light Co.---------------- 40.28 St. Tax Commission------------------,~-- 52.12 Elvera K. Jo~son--~---------~--------- 63.93 STREET FlWD . -, -"1 o "I I' I , 2,0 'e:1 ~ ;.~-" .u:i STREET FUND Yelm'Lumber & Hardware--------......------... 4.1~. Pacifio Sand ,~ Gravel------------------ 10.85 " GARBAGE Thurston COe Treasurer----:...-~---------- 37.04 Correspondence was received fr-om the Nisqually Valley POB.t, V..F.W. 'requesting the Mayor and Cotmcil to remedy the public neye soren .on property of O.JK:.Edwards,' Yelin Thriftway Store.,. Mayor. Brown s'tated the owner of this- property had --aeencontacted and declared the premises would be cleaned and a building constructed this summerlt . The olerk was requested to so inform the Nisqually Valley Post, V.FeW. " . r Attorney Fristoe discussed. the- investment. of vJater Bond,. Reserve ,Fund monies. Resolution, 83 was read,. and. on motion by Merle CUr~y, a second by Stillings". ,was unanimo"usly, adopteg.. ' ~ 'CoUncilman Norton relayed the request of the school officials to make a transfer of the present light at junction of Jefferson and ,Edwards tOr the school property between the high schoQl and .,the gYLn~~\ Actlon v.Tas shelved till a, later date. ~ .:~'ii,.l(. ) Mayor Brown presented the topic of the crossing on the new proposed, highway. ,Upon r,ecommendation of Attorney .Fristoe, ,the Town Counc11 deoided to enltst the aid of a conspltant from the Association of WashiI?-gto~ Cities' Planning 'department regarding thE? entrance to the Town. . . . ' , , Marshal Piles report was read and acceptedG \ The clerk, Elvera Johnson presented her 'written resignation", \'ti,ont'i:r'[n.l 'be.come effective March 13,' 1958.: : 'Len~thy" discuss fan" occurred and. continueq. on the needed increase of waterrat'es., Attorney 'Fri$toe was requested' to draw 'an ordinance on the increased' ra tes the Cduncil and rJIayor decided necessary to conti~ue'ser~jng .the Town effeetivelYe~ ' The meetlng ,)?ecessedo ,..RESOLUTION, NO. 83 - '. -\ WHEREAS"" the. Town t)f Y.e,~m has in its Water Bond Reserve Fup.q.the sum of Tw6-Thqusand-Four.-Hundred-Twenty-Eight Doliars ($2428.00)" 'ail4" . . .' . ': WHEREAS, the 'Council of the Town ~of Yelm desire's that the said Two- Tho us and~F our- Hund:r. e d- Twenty-Eight ,Do ll'ar s'" (~;'2428 e; 0,0 ) be properly ,invespted' to provide' income thereon during the period which, the same is being held by the T6wn...o~ .Yelm, and ,~ I '~REAS~ .the Council of the Town of Yelm has.determined that th~ best and proper investment for the said sum of. Two~ , Thousand-Four-Hundred-Twenty-Eight Dollars, (2:428..00) is' ,Thurs,ton County Savings and Loan Company l:ocat~d i.n ) Olympta, Washington,. " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED :' 'That the Clerk of the Town of Yelm be$ and she is l];ereby authorized. and. directed to invest the Tw'o",,'Thousand;Four- , Hundred-Twenty-Eight Dollars ($2428'...00) now being/carried in the W'ater Bond. Reserve Fund-, in the Thurston C)punty. . Savings and Loan Company in OIYlFlpia, " Wa'shington, ~<(in ~he . name and a.ccount of Town of Yelm, Yelm, Washing.to~.~' PASSED . ' by the unanimous note of the Council of the Town of Yelm a t its regular meeting .on t:qe ~ day of March" 19.58. TO,,"JN OF YELM () , .. BY Jti)J701~ ~YO 4 '..~ J'lTTEST:'%/'~ AJ~ CLERK r7 ~ /7'1 '" I ~ :\ , " 2(}6 _2i'll.).~W/v] , e ',MAYOi, George C'. Brown #~4Y t;:-JY~~ C'lark, Pro Tem' ;) , ' ' 'MARCH 11,'1958 Election was held for the purpose of e1ecti~g tnr~e councilmen for a term of four years'. 'Ninety-awo (92) votes were cast and the results were as follows: George R. Cowles----~---------------- 84 Edwil E.. Pickett--------------------- 83 Marilla Curry-----~-~-----------~------, 64 ~Velma Uurry---------m---------------- 2 Nate Henderson------"...;:-..;.'-------:.------ -4 Marlin Stillings---------~~--.:.~~---':"'- 2' The three councilmen elec~ed for a term of 4 years and to take office "in June, 1958 litere :'. , .' ( George R.; C,owles . Edwil E. Pickett Merle, Curry n L~ ..~~.;(~ Clerk, Pro ~em . ') , '. ' April 1" 1958 . The meeting of. the Council of Town of Yelm was resumed with Mayor Brown presiding and COWlcilmen Curry, Tracy, Swanson and Stillings in places'e Councilman Norton was absent. '! The plans' of proposed improvement and grade elevations on Secondary" 0 Highway No. 5-H were studied and discussed.. Counci+m~n Curry off,ered a motion to adopt Resolution 84. Tracy seconded thi~.,"mtft;iQ.p and, the vote carried unanimously~ - '-'\ - , \ \, -\ Concerning the highwray access' to the town; Mayor Brown r,ela yed'\the progress -made .oI!, his co_ntact w~.th M:t:". Sawhil:l;" planning conS\11~ant from The Association of Washington Cities. Further contacts and pla~s were in view ere action re~ulted. - ., Ordinance :85 relating t6- the Townts Wafer System was,-given.its first reading.' Councilman Curry offered a. motion to pass the ordinance to its, second reading',. Councilman Stillings seconded this motion and it carried unanimously. The second reading of ,Ordinane:e 85 was given and Curry offered a motion to pass the ordinance to its thir~ reading;, Tracy -'sec'onded this moti on 'and it carried. . 0: - The- meeting adjourned. by motion duly made, secon~e~~: carried. )J K.(J -- JI ./ ~J.~' 1n1j51~ MAYOR - - ~EdY~ , i LERK~ Pro Tem' , o RESOLUTION 84 WHEREAS, the State Department. of Highways has presented 'to the Town' of Yelm a set of plans showing a proposed improvement and grade elevations on the route of.Secondary State Highway No. 5-H within the corporate limits of the Town of Yelm, and has requesteg approval. of said grades'and plans~ now, therefor BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE GRADES AND PlANS AS SH01tJN- ON Sheets 2; _and 3 of 3 sheets of the plans enti tled t1S'econdary State Highway No.5-II." ,\ . I I I' " .y,. 20' 7-'~"" . . ", . , , ':,l...~ :~ '. , Se.e'ond, St. to '.Clark Road in Yelmt1', and which bear the approval of the :Direetor ,of ~ighways dated March 6, 1958, 'are, hereby approved. DATED; at Yelm, Washington this I~dayof ~ f958. ' . ,c- o ' , '~, 9L u ,~t (j2j. 't (;h V\ -'\,', MAYOR ATTEST: ,~.fo.~~ ,,' CLERK" Pr't> eY>1,' . / April 9" 1958 Mayor Brown pr'es ided at the regular meeting' of the Town of Yelm C0uncil with councilmen Norton, Tracy, Stillings, Swans.on and Curry on hand. , , Minutes of the previous ~at1.:p.g were read and approved. The treasurer's report was presented and approved.' Marshal Piles' police report f~r the month was pres~nted and accepted., ,The following bills were ordered paid on motion' offered by Tracy, seconded by Swanson and carried unanimously: . CURRENT'EXPENSE , Depte of Lab'or & Industries------------------e. 19.42 Employment $ecuri ty Dept~.....-.._------------....--....- 66..00 Ye'lm Gar age--- ............ "'" ----...... .... --- "'''',- ---- - -- :..._- -...'... --66~, 95, Mom's Cafe------~--...-----------~-------------- 26~B6 Interna.l Revenue Service---------------....---...-- 97 ~'8o Trimble's Hardware.......-..--------....---....---..........----- 3~67 P.8. Power & Eight....--....----'...---------....--------- 71~73: Hewi tt A. Henry--..;...............-----....-------...-...-............---- '5~oo' Yelm Lumber & Hdwe--~~~~--------....-----------...- 26~36 Kerba ug~-Ka;is er ,Agency-- --- --- ....---- ...-...---~- --- 5~,oo Brown Bros. Garage----------~----------------- 33~14 D &,H MObil Service-----....--:..------...--....-...---...-- 68.46 Yelm Telephone Co.---------....--~-----...._-------~24~25 Capi tal Business Machines-------........---........--...--...- 7.;49 WATER ' Dept. o'f Labor & lfid'llstries--.......--....------... --....-- 3~6,O Employml?nt 8ecuri ty ,Dept.--------------------.... 39.)'2; Yelm Lumber &. Hardware~----....--....-....--...----~_\---- 3~16 / Trimble Hardware------:.-:..-....---------------....--- 7 ~,42 ' I' Internal Revenue Service-------....-~------........-~--120;OO Auto Freight Depot, Ine.--------------------....- 2.JJ..O Nisqua,11y Valley News---~---------":'"---,-----.--- 2~84 P.S. Power & Light Co.--------....---~-~-~------- 42~57 Pennsal t 'of Wash. Divi,sion...........-,---------------- 12..1~O STREET ' . Dept. of Laber &. Industries-------...--~------....""'-2D~,13 Employment Security Department----------------9~OO Trimble Ha,rdware:------ ---.... -- --....- - --- ----- -- --- 4~,.82 Yelm Lumber & Hardware--..;..--------------------- 55~:90 Pacific,' Sand.& Grave'l Co.---------..;--.:..,..._------ 13.16 .GARBAGE . Dept.', 'of Labor- &, Industries---------...-~------- 2,.88 Employment. Securi ty Dept .---------------------:,~.116~,92 Brown B~0S. Ga.rage-...--....--------------------....;:'--:.l6~,53 pc& H l\1Mbil S.ervice--------,--------- ----........---- T2-.54, <; , ' ..", , ' "'" . ,'" , . ' q.. Marsl}al PilJLes reminded the !v1ayor & C,o.Unci:L ,a,bo.ut .the Bas,e Radio Station, and ~ollowing much study oncost and neces,~ity, of the same; Cupry offe:r:ed a motion ,that the Town purchase..the, Radio Base Station i'or the P'oliqe Depa~tm~nt,. Tracy seconded this motion, aI?-d .t.t carrieds' . 208 De'an Sias appeared b:efore"the. Council- to a.ttempt:'t6:. secure: ~',-m0re,^f'air: tax 'otinf25~"'a hole"! punchb'oards'~, ~. StudY' res'ult'ed ih'motmoD.'by'Swa.nsbn to obtain an opinion from the Tewn attorney on the existing ordinance, Tracy seconded this ,motion and -it 'carried unanimously. , ') , ' - , . The Mayor presented theposs.i.bi-li ty of 'engaging the services 'of Mr. , Roy B. Sawhill ~or engineering a comprehensive plan for; the town's, access on the proposed state highway. ' Tracy offered a motion to engage Mr.' Roy B. Sawhill to draw up a comprehensive plan fer the town of Ye-lm, . Cupry seconde'd this motion and it qarried unanimously. The Mayor reported to the Councilmen that' the Odd Fellow Lodge and Yelm L.umber Company had given thei~ consent and permission to take~up D" . ~pproximately four feet of sidewalk in front of their establishments( r,or the purpose 'of widening the street.. ;~e Meeting Recessedl _~ 1 O~ h-t/YJ Mayor, Geo. c. 'BrownJ ~~&.k~ c 'erk; l~~O, Tem . '"f , April 22, 1958 /' , The 'meeting of the Council of Town of Yelm was resumed with Maymr B~o~n p:eesiding and Councilmen Stillings, Curry, Swan8~n, Tracy and ,Nortbn present~ . Ordinance No.85 ~as _giyen tn~. th~rd. ~n~ final reading. Mr. Swanson made the motion which was seconded ,by Mr., Stillings that: it be a~opted and pubIished'~' 'Th'€;' :mc)t fon" car;riecf unanimous 1y. ...'* '""'7': The motion was made "and ~fecdn:de'd .';-"to "ad'Jo'urn., po. \.-. n . .- /J 't --- ./tvu I J (]1,c'hAf\~ Mayor, Geo. C~. Brown J 0 ~A/Kd'a/ ~ ~.//h:;/' ' Wanda N. Nutter; Clerk' ,Ma.y:.~4,1958 G Mayor Brown presj.ded. .at the regular meeting of the Counci 1 of T'own of Yelm with, Coupcilmen "Tr.acy,.. Swans on and~Norton present'. Councilmen' abs~ntwere StilJ,.ings and c.ur.r,y,.- . ~ Minuters of the pr,evious .meeting. wer'e. read, and a,pproved. Th.e monthly financial statement Wj~ presented and approved. The ,following biils"~er~ ,r~:~'d '~~d~~~ "~~tion by Tracy and seco~ded by Swanson were ord~red..paid$" The .motion. ca;r:ried. ' ..-~ '. CURRENT EXPENSE" . . '" ... .......'~..,.~ . 0.... M.M.M,urray, Stat~ "Exam.iner~....-,----_..._-..;.---.~----=------------...$' 17 ~.25 Ye.11:m Telephone 00&---.;..--------,------------------------------ 33~ 95 E.Robert Fristoer-------~---------------------------~------- Q79~28 .Wolf f s Shop Hi te~~----------------------~1>"--------...-..:------- '4.35 . Pickett Drug St6re--------------------~-------------~--~---- 6~25 . Standard Oil Co. ~..;.,--_...-----------;.,.---,-.------ ---~~------....:...~~- 47.68 ~tandard Oil Co.---------~--~--------------.~~--------~---~~ 47~7l Brown Bros~ Gararye-----------~----~--------------------~~--~ 49.60 . b. I . ." '. N~squally Valley News---------------~~-.----~-~------------- 77~19 ,Puget Sound Power.& Light-----------~--..;.----------.;;,---------, 70~28 Trimble t s Hardware------~--...------.;..----------------~.:.-'-----'- l4~ 33 Nisqually Valley News---------~~--~--------------------~---~ 140~49 Yelm Lumber and Hardware-----------~--~---------------------, , 5.29 WATER FUNTf ' < ' . . , ' ,',,~, L'.R .Gaudio We:tl'Dri'iting Co..-~-~-----..._:,,~-~~_..._--_...._-----~~,~$224~ 23 ,.. Penns al t Chem:i.'cal s . .......:._;:.;,~....,.,.:.,.;;.--_.-- --- ---...----- ------ .....;,,-- ---- 12: 40 Puget Sound Power: &~Light c'o. .-..:.------~------...~~.---;..,-------- 42.21 YelmL~mber and Hardwar~----------~------------------------ 19.99 GARBAGE FUND \ Yelm Garage ------~~~-------~-~~--~-~-------------~--------- 9.79 Yelm Lumber and,Hardware------------------------------------ 7.95 209)" , ... -> ~~ .:. , ~. - ~,-., I Marshall Piles. monthly report' was read and accepted. OrdInance BA relating to dangerous and unsafe buildings :in the Town. of,Xeimw9.$ given i.ts'r:lr~t r;eaa.ing~ councilman Tr'acy'made"the"motibn to pa: the ordinance to its second readingr?"! Councilman. Swanson seconded this . motion and it, carried unanimou8:1y. lhe second'reading of e']rdinance 86 was" gitven at.fd' Tracy of'fered a motion, to pass the ordj_nance to its third reading; Swanson seconded thi,s motion and it carried. ' " ,!t was ,reported by Mayor Br:own that the, "Comprehensi v~ Plann, for the town being drawn up by Mr. Sawhill-, should be in the office iJithin the next ten days. ' .An ordina.nce relating to Civil '[)efenne was intlo:oduced 'and' dIscussion followed. 'It was decided to awai t paggage until the Town Attorney. "could be consulted as to the publication of the heading only of same. tAl 1(j1~~~ c."J1J.ayor," G~o. ._ Bro n -M<1?AAJ ~.~~) W~nda N. N~t er,Clerk June ll~ ~958 The regular meeting o~ the Council of the'Town of Yelm was called to ,j order by I'1ayor Brown v..ri th Councilmen Cowels, ~lorton, Pick~tt, Tr.acy and Cm~ry p~esent~ ' Minutes of the'-previ'ous meeting wets re(3.d and approyed. The ~reasurer f s report was pre'se'nted and ,approved. ' Marshalf?iles monthly r'eport was' read and' accepted. The following bills were read an on motion by Tracy' and seconded by Pickett weJ'-,e o'rd'ered paId. Motion Carried~ I , ' CURRE.NTEXPENSE-"~ . D, & H Mobil S'e~rvice-...-...:...;.--;...~~-----;.;.:...~--,;,~----~-----;...$ 68~07t Brown Bros. Gaf,.age-..;.------..:..-...-~;,.,--------------:;..;..-....-- ' 49~55 Yelm Telephone "Co'; ..;.---------~:.;,---'..;. ------;..---- --'-''';'';'-~ .. 26~ 55 Harry Livingstron~~---------~-~---~---------~-------- l24~58 George C,." Brown'; .. Mayor-----..:--........:...;.---------------.;....;...;.. 158~ 00 Wolf'.s Department ."Store-------------..;.--...;.----..:.------- 'J~~_l ' . Pickett Drug S.t'O're--..:.----....----...;.-..:.----...:......;.---;...----...;...;.;.;..-... ' 8~ 93 Mos,man Agency-'-~..;..---------_...-.;;;;;....---'..;....;.--'--..;,_:...----;...-..;..-...:.c 7 ~.50 'Puget So nnd P ow~ r &. Ligh t..;..;-;....; ;"';"'...;"';'; ;,.....;;...;..;... ---~.;.;... -;.; --....... "70 ~'.5'3 Standard Oil Co.----------------------,.;.------------- 7~37' Roy B. Sawhil1----...--------~---------~-------~------ 700.00 W~TER FUND ' , \ , J . 21~ATER FUND" " I :. ,$, 1(;e lm' :Guinther & Hardw-ar'e':"'-';"':':'~':":" _.~.....;..,.:.. - - ;........ -..:.. ~.~ ~ .:. ~ - ..;,:.. - -,~:'" Puget,,, Sound'. Poi-Jer ,& Light;:....;:..:..:...7":...:---:...~~~:--:...:.-:~-~.:...:..~.~; Auto Freight'Depot, Ins~;;'--:"'_"'----------..;,~-~------""- Pennsal t Chemi.cals, Corpora tion-ao:';-'-----:..~~--.-,":"----.-....- STREET FUND - . . .' , .,. , ' .', . "\.. ' ".. , Trimble's Hardwarew------------------------r~--~-~~~, GAR!BAGE FUND Commissioner of Public Lands--------------------,---- 4'1~,23 ' 46:38 - 2;10 12~~~. lleOl 27.20 The motion was maJie by Tracy and seconded by Curry for the expense~ of Mayor Brown's trip to the Association 6f,Wa13hington Cities.Conven-' tion in Spokan be paid by the Town. The motion carrie~ unanimously. lVIr. LeFaber and Uf3car Swanson appeared before the Council in' connection 01" with the recurbing of the wald in fro~t of the :t 0 0: F ,Hall~ An estimate . ~ of the cost is' to be pT'epared and pre'sented to the Council,. A~ application for the penewal of Liquor Licences for Bob & Dean1s Tavern was presented to the Counell. It was approved by all pres.ent., The, third and final reading of Ord~ 86 was held over~until further, cons~ltatioh'with Attorney Fristoe. The "Comprehensive Plan'" vIas the nest item for discussion. The point of crossings was the main topie~ The Council is to meet ~rlth Mr. Sawhill Thursday night, June 12, concerning the plan. ~ A motion was made by Curry and seconded by Tracy to construct a Resolution thanking Mr. Swanson and Mr. Stillings for their'years of service' on.- the Town' Council for the- Town of Yelm. After due Eltiscussion, it was decided this "Thank You" was to be published as a neirJS item. The motion carried unanimously._ '\ Moti on was made and caJ'riea. to adjorn. . )M/t(JL~n'OYJ Mayor, Geo e C. Browi1- o Jr.-an/.aJ /1 ~ J Clerk, Wanda . Nutter ./ July' 9, 1958 _ The regular ~eeting of the Town Council of the Town of Yelmwas called to order by Mayor'Geo. Brown. ouncilmen present were Cowles,. Curry, Pickett and Tracy.. Minutes of the previous meeting were, read and approved. , The monthly bills were read and on a motion by Curry and seconded by Cowle~ ~ere ordered paid as follows: Current Expenae: - , Jnternal Revenue Service----------~---------------------$' Employment Security IDepartment~-----~------------------- Depart. of Labor & Industreis , Ind~. Ins.---------------------------------- ", Med. Aia-~~~----~-~-~~-~-~~---~~~-~~~-~~~-~~ ~ewitt A. Henry----------------------------------------- D & H Mobil Service------------------------------------- Yellu Fixi t Shop--...---------.:----....---.-- ----------------- Civil ~efense------------------------------------------- Brown ~ros. Garage~~~~-~~-~-~~-~~--~~~-~-----~---~~----- puget ound P: & L Co'.~~,'":"----"';'------~-~----------~----~-, Public'- Library ---~----'":",-:-- ---:- ~-----"",'~~-~~--- --------...-- Thurs ton....Mas on Health Dts tr ic t-- -- - - -:"-:':- :-,~-,- -:'.-:" - --:- ---,~.~-'" Picket t Drug ~t ore---- --,-- --. -- ---- ~ -~.-: -:"",:,,-:.-:,'" -:'- ~ ---~-- ..._c..... Yelm Garage~-:-~--~~~:__:-:~~-------~-----~~--~~~~--------- Wanda Nutter :---~---------~-:--------------------------- Ye 1m T-e lephon~ C o~:~:",:,._:-- -,-.-:--:'--:.--,--:'-----:"~,-;~:--';..:-'-- ---~'--,--,-.-, Wolf's Shop-Rtte--~-~~~--~~~~~-_:--~--:--:--~--~----------- 97 .' 80 63.58 12.93 5.82: 4.00 12~35 l~OO 63~86 49~66 67.28 156.95 71.00 1.20 62.06 3.09 - 24. -95 8.33 o '", ,., ;' .;j: ~ ?'cl"l' >.! , ArirJ.. " '':I. , Water Fund .' , ' . , . Internal' Revenue Servic e';'~---'::'::";-:';'':'':'' _:...:.. ::..:..:..- :"-'':''':'-- ~ -~'.:..~ - -,':' ':"::":'$ mmp~?yment Securi ty'. ~epar'~m~~:t:-':"~~l~':"-~-.:"':-':":":"':":----'---~~'-~:-~'':' ' Med'ieal:- Aid---- ,;,.'.....----.-'----...-.-....--.-.....- ------.- - ""'- -- ---- -.--... - -_.- Puget S'ound P & L Go~ -...~-.;..-.....~--.-'-------~-----_...----------.-- Badger Meter-'"Mf g~ . 'Co. ----.... --~..:a:-....._...----~;"------..._----....-,~--- Yelm Lumber & Hardware----------------......~....--.--....---------.......- " STREET ~UND '-", .......... '" . Employment. Sectiri ty Departmen t -------.--------------------- l'nd. Ins e -.:..--~--'-----::'"---.:..---------------------.--.--------- Medical Aid -----~----------~----------~ ---~-------------- ,.Tri mble 1 s Hardware----...-...-...-""'---:...-----....---,-----~---~-'-----.... GARBAGE FuND . ' Social SecL1ri ty ~.--------------------------...----------'----"'\'" .Medical Aid ------------~---------------------------------- D & HMobil S~rvice------------~-----~-----r~--------------. 5i;70 '39:'36 , ):6'0 '48.76 91.98' 2.86 I, 9~OO 18~06 .96, ~ 40.90.. 16.92 2.8B ,?5.,{6 , T1}.e ~iIarshall f s monthly repoi-.t was read and 'accepted. A letter from Milone and. Wucci vas, read concerning damage to oiled streets during layinf of drain line. A discussion followed and s'ub ject wras referred to the Sta~te Highway Department. '1hey' in turn agreed to.:.....;' have their o'{~h maintenance crew repair the streets. Mayor Erown made a report 'on his _meetin~ at the Legislative Co.mmittee' ol'the Assn. of WashJil.ngton Cities for, the pU:fpose of getting w.aysand means 'for more, income for Towns and Gities. 1ihe Hayqr appointed Ed Pickett to head this committee with all members of Council to take part. The 'council approvedth'e renewal of Joe's Place Liquor License~ Motion was made and carr~ed for meeting to adjourn. )tJ 4 fJ-c O')mi .. Mayor,/ eo.. {]. Br wn I '~d~/A~~/ Clerk, anda,..' utter, . AUGUST 13, 1958- 'Havor Geoo Brown presided at the regular me;eting of the C~uncil of' the , Town o..f Yelm with Councilmen Pickett, Tracy and Cowles present. ThOBe absent were Norto~ and CurrYe ' , . The minutes or the previous meeting were read and approved. The monthlJ financial statement was presented and approved.' ~ . The' Marsha'll"s"monthly r'eport was re'ad and accepted.. # .. ,I The" rnont'ly"bll'ls.'were read and dna'moti'on by Tracy and seconded by Pickett w'er.eor'd'ered paid as" f'ollows': i";, I CURRENT EXPENSE- ......., ... Hosman 'Agenc'y ..--..;..-----...;.-;....-------.;..----~-~;..;,----.;,,----,;,;,--...----$ 7.50' '. Yelm Teleph():ne...ComlyanY.,;.,...--""-..;.-.~...:.--'.;....;.--~;.;....;..~'.;...~..;..-..;.----~----- 27..35' Motorola Communications &. Elec., Ince-------------------- 284.17 Wanda Nutter-;.;.-~~;..;,--~...;-;..,.-....---;.;-.;.;---..;.;.;,;,'..;.;..........;---;.;.------------- 6.30 Brown Br'cYs'. Gara.g.e----...;.-------...---~...----..;....;.~----..;.-----'.;..--- 46.65 Puget Sound Pow'er'& Light Co.;.;.----~.---------------------- 68..53 Pickett Dl"ug'" St6re-...--..:.--------.,;;-...;.--.---..;.-...;.--.~.;..----...;.-------' 4(1) 92: Trimble's Hardware--~------...;.-.;.;--~...;.-~-..;..;.;-----~------------- 3.90 . J. T. Spar,l(s----~...--..._---------...-~------...._--__________........_ WATER FUND' . . Robinso:q~ and" Rob'erts'...--- -~---...:.;.;-;.. ------;.,;~ -----:... ------ ----- Auto Freight D~'pot, lJnc..----.;..--..:.........-....--...;....;-- ---...;.--'..;.-------- Tax Commission ------------------------------------------ Puget So'Lthd' 'p'ower"&--- Li'ght U 6:....;.;.;.-'..:...:...;.----..;.....------:-~...------- G'etz tun Pi' od ue ts-..:.;..-.;;,..;.--~-._-- ---..;.--'..;..----:..;.,; 'w"';"_'___';';'_';;;:._ --...---" , Badger M'eter Mfg. Co. --...----......----------- --'------- -....--..-- Yel'm Luimber & Hardware-----....---------....--------------~-,--... Trimble t s Ha.rdware-----..;..--------~-----,----------...-----:-....'-- 231.50 2.10 55.,15 54..96 6.57 91.98 3h. 28 ) 4.52 - 2-:1/2: . S TREE.T FUND. . . . Br Ot'ln" Bras., : Garage-------..........-.-......--......-,--.----...._ ........---------..:.-$ 3 ~ 10 Jim We1ch'~~------------_-_~~_~-_---_--~------~~--~----~~. 18~QO Tr 1mble' s Ht:tra.ware--.- ---...:.---- --... - - ~ -- --.-- --- - -.":" -~...... - - - - ":"'--- 4.82 Yelm Lumbe'r - & Hardware-----,---.~----.-~.--~.-r'---.7..;.:- --,;----- 5.6,1 GARBAGE FUND Yelm Garage --------------....-----------~-----~------------ 29j8o Presept at this mee'ting wel~,e.members.-of the State Highway.CopLl11iss~ion, Mr. Ba:->uce-TI1.owbridge" J.,E., Champers,- Wm.,P. Albohn, Mr.... Swoboda and Mr. Bell. -They were .here as.,a.comrnitt.ee"to discuss the. NeTtT Hight..ray pro:aect which is to go thru Ye1m. After mnch discussi.on, they informed the ,Council that safty, lef.t -turn lane.s -would be' establised at Yelm Ave. Gross~fng with the -highw,ay...Also,--1ights would be .e:r.ected .for ',0'" , i 11 um.;ina ting the cr os sing.: . Se.p.t. . 18, ..1958 i,-Jas s e.t . as a ten ta t i ve da te for a public hearing on the highway subjeet~ and will be held at the Scout Cabin~ . The next item tCi come before the Counc-il was the New' contract with Puget Sount Power and Light. A~~~nt,~gr~~d with the new con- tr,,=l.ct, but .final approval l-Jill'. ~~--curry~~c~~ , < 'The subject o.f an emergffincy fund for Police Expence .for the final par~ of the year was brought forth. After due discussion, it. was laid aside until a later date. - 'The motion was made an~ carried for adjornment.. 9]wJ/il" U''" ~ '. , , '~/"\ GEO.C.BROWN,MAYOR . Jr'~4I'~it ~-<::/~) Wanda N~ Nu ter, Clerk September 10,_ 1958 o The regulan meeting og ~he Council of the Town o.f Ye1m w.as called to order by Mayor Brown with Councilmen Pickett, Norton, Tracy and Curry present. Council Cowels was absent. Minutes o.f the previous meeting were read and approved. Treasurers report WaS als0 read and approved. The ~onth1y bills were read and op motion by Thacy and seconded by Pickett, were ordered paid as follows: " . CURRENT EXPENSE , Pug~t Sound Power &~Li~ht CO.-------------_________-_______$ ~. · .. 0 . . r'- . ~ t 1Danlel's Communlcatlons Servlce-----...-----__________,~__...____ Thurston-Mason H~alth District--------~-~_____-_____________ The Regional Public Libr~ry------------------~--_~---_------ Pioneer Business Forms, Inc.-----------_~-----------_-----~- D & H Mobil Service-------~--------______________________~-- Wolf! s Shopr-1- t,e----------- -_____.... ________ _............_'________....__-:-,_~ Ye 1m T~lephone Co .-- --~-~_-.~-~~.-_.--..;,~~~:":'''':''":'-''':'-.~.'':''.-:'-- -:-__."":'- ....__..._ Nisqua~ly V a1l;e.:y News--'":"-:..--:.---~----.-~-- ";'._:-.~~.":'~-____ _~__...;;_...._ WATER. FuND. ..,. Auto Freight Depot, Inc. -."':' """---~ .:""'.........~:':"'-:----.-"':'-~-- ..."':''''':'7.....~---- Tax Co.mrnis s<ion~.--- -.~- --- --__... --._ __ _~,__ .~~.-:' '":'"_.":" _.__ _.-: ,~__ ________ Puget ~ound.Power& Light.Cb.--:-----~-~7-------------_---:-- Trimble 1 s H<ardware,--.---.--~--~-..;.-~ ____~_.:_ _~_____,~~_ ___..,._____ Yelm LUmber..a: Har.dw$.re----:'-:'-~~~.--------~~-- ______-'______-:-_..."", S TREET9. FUND . . .. __ .. , . . , . . .,.. '. _. Brown Bros.. Garage...----:----~-----------...----________ _________ . Ye 1m L!lffiber-.&. Hardware---~--------.~.i~-----...;----=:'-----....---...-~ .. Trimb-le' s Hardware---------- -----_______ ___________ ________ ,GARBAGE FUND.' _ _.. .' -. .. . ... _.. '.:: . '4 . <,',.. . Pioneer BusJness Forms, .rX1c:.~~:-----.-~"':',~------------~....-....----"'" 'Brown ~ros.. Garage------.-"":'~---~--.--..."':'._~~~~-------...;.--~":"-----~... 71&,28 - 24$18 71000 156(. 95 < . . 12.65 67.51 3.,93 . 27.10 5.04 2.10 67.16 60 . 62 J 7.25 12.50 4.62' '1..94 5.49 7.19 L~5. 37 o -c=.. . I ,- ,I Mr. Bob Aus.:tln~of puget qound ,Power' and ,L;ight was..p:eeSent for the.. discussion -:,of' 'th~ new ,Str~et Lighting 'Contract wi th Puget ,Sound Power and Light. . No decision of, approval was I'wched because of the' length of years 'of tJ~e, cC?~tract,,: ' ,21~ 3'~ "'- .'. ~:::- . , Counc~lrn:e:q.' Pickett, Curry and Nor'ton were named fqr the finance. ~'. . committee 'to work on the ,1959 Town of Yelm'Buget. 'J' Meeting was receS..s.ed. until 8 0' clbC1f~ Septemb~.r, '+,2, 1958. . . .J ~".... . . .'}.\ ~~S;, ~-r4i2 ,Clerk.".", Septemher 12, 1958. 'The m~eting 'o,~.the Council ,of the Town ,of' Yelm Vilas resumed. with Mayo~ ~. Brown'c presiding and Counei Imen Qurry, Pi<?kett, Traqy. '~d "Norton . present., ',.Councilman Cowels was .abSent. ~lso present"for the meeting ~as Mro Bob Fpist~e"TGwn attorney~ '" ~'1'~ H', ... . :COnce:r.ning Ordinance, ~6, Ci vilDefep.ce Ordinane.!$" the m.oti,on was made ,by CO'lJpcl1mart Curry and seconded by Co.unGilman" T;r>ady f'or the or&ihance to ga..to the third reading. Motion, carried.> Q . . ""~ , .~ . - ,.. . .' ..... . ' . . ........ A ciis'~us~iori cQncerning the paying to the Marshal :for 'ambulance' calls made duri.ng .his off' duty hours was brought rorth. According to'Mr. Fristge, this ~,,1~ permis~able.._ Plans will be set to take dare of thlis,. v ., , ". _. ....... , ,_ expense soon. . A motion'was made by Tracy ,and seconded by Pick'etttom8.ke an , ; emergency.appropriation of' $234.00 to the Current Expense flimd to cover. Insurance and the Police Expense fund. r1otion carried._ It was reporteEi-by Counci'lman' Tracy that the walJ&--<.by.,the Scho0.1 ,is ov~r,"7gr own wi th~rass and brush. This matter is fo be remi tted . to the '::>treet Superintendan to ' / ,,r /' ,// , )lllflret nmnOOfnd e.:rur.at:~ S:lk~ 1~e'.elt1~n:g (].faSl ~-@ eip)t <lfuil:lm:u SlsJ,ngl9;)'fe.bu.e.g e t for.. the ~oming yearo Work on l t was not completed s.o the meeting"--was recessed untIl ~eptember 19, 1958 at 8:00' P'.Me 0 e S e p t e mb e r 19, 19 585'~~'~Li~iE~ .,-"~-'~.._''"-'~._.,....__....,.'' "' "'~.......,--., .:-~ The- meeting resumed Hith Mayor Brown, Councilmen Nortori, Tracy and Picke.tt pr e'sen t. . Work ow'as resume,d on the pre,l.iminary. budget and it 'was completeq. Trac~ maqe a motion that ,this budget be pre.sented to the! tax- ' . payers, Norton seconded the motion and it carried. Date set for the h~.ar~ing,is'. MQpqay Octobep ,~.",1958 at 8:00 P.M.. Meeting adjorned. ) \ \ ".a~ . wJt. . . . Ai >// ... . ~ V1 . ay r. Geo~~n . .q C 9' 'j :i .' . ," 2~1;.4 ." -, \ , " OCTOBER. 6)-1958 - (.... '1 ;~ .:.;. A specisl" meeting for" the ihe~ring of the propose~ 1959 1;>udget ~. . was callE;?d by May or Bro:wn. Counci1men;'Tracy, Norton,Co1,\J1,es and Curry were present. As there were no J)rotes ts on .the proposed budget, Tracy maie the motion' that the same be adopted as pub~ished. Curry seconded the motion and it carried unanimously., TOvffi OF YELM BUDGET FOR i959 ESTIJYIATED REVENUES .FOR 1959 CURRENT ,EXPENSE FUND 1 Taxes: 12 mills =--------------------~~-------------~-- $ 3,'23.36 Licenses --------------------~------------------------- 275~00 Admission Taxes -----~--------~---------------------~-- 340000 Liquor Revenues --~------------------------------------ 1,979.84 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax ------------------------------ 891048 Liquor Excise Tax--------------___~------------------- 494.96 Police Court Fines ::..-.,..------------------~-------------- 2,420.00 Ambulance Fees ---=--------------~-------______________ I 360.00 Fire Hall Rental0--------~______~___~_~________________ 1,000.00 Balance on Hand ---------------~----------------------- 1,04908~ TOTAL ... $12,b34.47 WATER FUND . Consumer Collections ------~-----------~--------------- $ 9,674~oo Hook-Up Charges ---------------=---------~-----------__ 100.00 /Balance on Hand ------~-------------------------------- 3,150.00 ~TOTAL $12,924.00 S"TREET FUND , . " , Motor Vehicle Fund -----....-------...---...---...-------------- $ 1,685.44 Balance on.Hand -------------'-------------------...----_... 2,250.00 'TOTAL $ 3,935.44 GARBAGE FUND .. Cons umer Co 11ec t ions' .:.... --'';' - - -- --;...-- -- -- - --'7._...''': _ ':':.:;;"':.._ ~_.... $' Balance on Han.d - ...-.... -----__ -_______ __ __ _'_______ ____ _...,........ TOTAL BOND REDEl\1'frON .PUI:\fD Trans. from Water Fund ------___...:":"':'"_______-___...~_______.:. Ga1ance on Hand ---------~-____________________________ , . TOTAL BOND RESERVE INVEST}ffiNT Fm~D Beserves on Hand -----------___________________________ TOTAL TOTAL ESTIJ.1E,TED REVENUE-.-;...----....--....-__ ________....__...______ ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR 1959 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ) ( Clerk Salary --------~-_~______...________________....______ $ Clerk Relief ---------_________________________________ Attorney Sal ary &, Expens'e .......~--...-...-----__ _...__________...._ Mayor & Counci~ Expense -______________~_______________ Surety Bonds -----~--________________________~_________ ( , Municipal Judge Salary --____~___~_____________...______~ Municipal Judge Expense =---________~__________________ Registrations & Elections ----____________________~-~-- Publishing & Advertising ---___________________________ State Auditor -------________~----------------_-_------ Assoc. of Wash. Cities ---____________________________ Med. ,Aid & Ind.lns. --_________________~_____________~__ Social Security --------_______________________~_______ Town Hal-l Expense ------__.;..____________________...:_______.... Town Ha-ll Cap i tal Outlay ,--- ---0::---------....-------- __ ______ Health Services -------________________________________ , L i br ary ....'- - -'.... ~ "- - ... -... _.... -.... _''';'' _ _....: ............ __.... _ .... .... _ _ _.... _ _.... _ _.... .... ~ _........ _.... Civil Defense -....--~-------~~--....----------~---------____ Park Expense ----~-_....-~___~____________________________ G'eneral Insurance -------'____...._______...______~-.--------- Marshal Salary --~------_________...._____________________ Marshal Expanse -------______....________...._______~________ '0 3,100.55., 2,517.00 $ 5,617.55 ) $ 2,640.00 625.05 $ 3,265905 $ '5,428.00 ' ~~ 5 ,428~ 00 ' $4.3',804.51 o 300.00 100.00 350.00 200.00 , 105.00 600.00 50.00 > 25.00 305.00 300000 33..00 ' 120.10 1~_2 .00 1,000.00 /1 920.~_O 2'76.00 627 . 80 '73.60 50.00 , 151.61 i 4,20'0.00 1,500 .-00 o Deputy Marshal Salaries __-__..,_____,..._-----------------_--- $ooo;gg:gg 215~ 'Jai 1. Expense & Meals --...-------,-----":"-----....-----.~---;..---....... :':1'00.00 . Street. Lights ....:"'-----,...-------~-----------...----..:.----------- ' 600~,9..6,.. Ambulance Driver Sal ary ':"'-:......--:.,-------......--------------:----- 104900 TOTAL $12"b34,.'47 $ I WATER. FUND Sup t .. " S acl'ary -- - :'" -'- -... ~ - - - -'- - ........ -....... -....... - .... - .... ... - - - - - - - - - .... - - - -.... ....... Clerk Sa lary ---------.-----:-----'-------------------------- Offic.e Exp ens e -- ----:..,--------------,-------- -- -----~------ Water Par'ts & Supplies ----~---------~--~-------....--------- Labor.& Repa~rs^-------~--------------------~----------~-~, Tr'uc'k Expens e -~- - - --,------- ------------------- --------.......... Power & L i gh t s ........... -....... ...... -........ ... - - - ... - - -... - - - - - -... - -... ... - - ~.... - - - - -............ ,'. , General Ins urance ~'... -- -_..:.- --... ...-,--=....--... _.._-~-_.:;",;-'... -.... ...--.......---- .- '-Gapi tal Out lay ....:... -,~-- --'';'' -... ....--.-----'....-...'--.,;,;....- ----- - ...-....-----... ~ Social See uri.ty -....'- -_....-.....'-....-.~-'--'- -------'.;.....----------------- .Med.. Aid & Ind. In.-s ~ ----'....-...-----.-.....--.-..........;....-;..,--............---------.... Utility TaX.es' ......-.;..,,------...;.;....:.---..........;..;..:...; .--........-...........---------;...----- Publishing & Adver.,tising --...;-...;...;-..;-...;-....~;,........--:...-------~------- Bond Redemption.Tr~nsfer '-....-...---------....---.......--........---...;------ TOTAL' S';REET. FTJ.ND " " Supt 0 " Salary, --- --;.. -----.;,--...:-..:~~;.;--'-- -- ...:---~---.:....::......::..------- Lahor, Repairs 8::. Iv1'at'1 ..:..~.:.._-'~...:...:.:...;..---...;-...:...:...:--_...:--...:_...:-------- , Rental ,of Equipmen~t -....- ....:..- --..:...--...--....-.:..--....------...:.:. ....;.:--_.-.:..--- Truck Exp ensa .-........ -':..----.:..--- ---...;----.:..- _...........'..,;---- ...:.......------ -........ Capital,O~tlay -~-~---~:-...---------~--...:-~..:-----.:.--~.:..---~-- Med.Aid & Ind. Ins~---~~.:...:.._~------~-----.-.:..-----~---:....:.'---~ Social Security ------------------------------~----------- "S treet' C leaning --~~ -- --.:...:..---- ------ ...;--,...---.....:...--- -~- -'--':"-':..-- . G ene'ra 1 Ins urance ~j._... -- ~:. .:.----.-- ~...--_.... tla --- ~~ ......--- -_.: ~,;..~.~~ - --.. .T.OTAL I '" GARBAGE FlmD , D1sposal Salary....-~ --- -.~~--- ---- ------.-r':"'-- ---:.----------...- $ Relief 'Disposal 'Sajary -------- --~----.~-.-- ,:",':'~-- - - ---...----- C le r k S al ary .... - - - - ~ - - "': -,~ .... - - - - -... - - -...... ~ - - - ~,-.':'" .... - - .... -... ... - -'-'- - - - -- Office Exp ense --"':----------- -----------:-----'-"':"----"- -----....- , Trucl{ Exp ense -.---....--,....:.."':".-.,.....----.- -.....-.----.------ ------------- Garbage ,Dump E~pen~e ---------.-------.-.-....--.-~-...-.:..-------~--. General Insurance ~----"':"~--------~--~----------"':"-....---"':"....-....- Capital Outlay ---:-~-~----------------------...---------~~~ Social See uri ty . -....;-'-=... -,...-- :"-.-.- ---~...-',,:, --- -- ------ ---....- --~-- Med. Aid & Ind. In_~.. -------....----.~---...--'------------------ TOTAL BOND. REJDEMPTrON FUND Current Bond Redemption ------------~...-------------------- . Ba~al1ce on' Hand ....- --- -----.:.---- -- -.---.----..---,------... -___i...._, TOTAL ~ 2., 200.,00 . 1,300.00 ' 350.00 . 500 eOO 300 GOO <' 75'.00, 600.00' 100.00 ~., 161. 2~. 8 7 ~ 50c '60.00 350.26 . 200.00 2,.640" 00 '$12, 92i~.. 00 ~~' 800 (is 00 1~200.00 1,000&00 200000 . 26L~. 99 4.14) 95 28.50 300$00 100.00 $ 3,935'.44 1, 200.00, 60.00- -500.00". 250.'00 300.00 500000 100'.00 2, $,27 . 8.5 . 45. 00 34.70 $ 5', 61 ~ .55 $ 2,640.00 625.05 $ 3,265e05 BOND RESERVE INVESTMENT FllliD Reserve for Bond Reaemptions~=-~------...---~--------------- $ 5,428~OO TOTAL $ 5,42e.OO TOTAL ES 'II lMATED EXPENDITURES ...--....------ -..;.--....-----------............ $L~3,804Cl51 0.' :) The meeting adjo,un~d8 ". tAl J~fUrrt 'rvI~yor I ';;-~5; ~,,/.-6~) rr'own C Ie ~ k " \ 2,1,6." ocrrOBER 8" 1958 'c \., T,he regular meeting of the Cqurtcil::'of the Town of Yelm was called to order 'by Mayor' Brown, with C'ouncilmen Curry, "Tracy, 'Norton and 'Cowles present". Absent was Councilman Picket,t. ' ~ The min,ptes of' the previous meeting, .-t.ras J.:'ead '.,and approved as.. readclt Th"e treasurftrts report was then 'giuen"and approvede " \ '. '. ~ , ~ .. . . .. . ~ ... ... .... The bi~).s ,were nead and on ,motion..by Curr.y., and seconded by Tracy and carr i ed" we reo nd,er e d p a i ~ as f 011 ows :' . .. ., '".. . I> CURRENT EXPENSE ~,.' " ..... ... . Mosman A&rency --- --- --.......-...------ ----'-----.----------$ C'l:::) ., , .. ",. ',....".... Depart~nt of, Labor & Industries..~,-.~----":".~,~.~':"',':"'----~ Dis t It Direc t or o:f.., Internal .Revenue.~,:",.~.~--... ~.~.':".~~.~-.---- Employ~ent Secur~ty Department ,~~~~~----~~~~~~-~--- Emplo~ent Security :lDepartment ~-~':='!~...-.......':"".-""':~'.":~--...-- Puget ,S",ound Powe.r & Light COe -...~;=>:-...----~_:~:-...:--,-':'"-- Brown Bras 0 Garage ----....-------~.,...-.....~-...;--~,~":".--.~,----.... Hewitt A.~~nry,Prosecuting Attorney --~...._---------- IDanie1sof Communications ,Service ....--:------...---------- Yelm Telephone Company ----~----------------------- E. Robert Fristoe ---~--------~-~~~-...---~~~~~~---~- , PickettO Drug Store' ...".-~---------~.:..:...:..:----.:..-.~:.:~~---.;..:.. Ni sq ual'ly Valley News ------- - -- --':':".;..- -- ':"':_::"':":':"':"- ---- Nisqually Vallei ~ews -------~-~~.:..:~~----~:~~-~----- Y-e1.m Garage ---- ------- ---- --- - --~ ~----- .:..-..-.-.:....:...----- WA~IER FUND.: ..,,'.... . ... . The Sta'tioners, ~nc 1>> ...'-------~- ...:-.:..:.:.:~:...---._...:.:.....:~-~----- Yel~ Lumber & Hardware --------~...::.:~...:----~.:.....::..~--~-.:..-~ Wanda ~. Nutter ----...:----------...:~~-~---~.:..-...::.:...:...:----- Pennsal~ Chermicals Corp. -~----------------------- Puget Sound Power & Li&rht COe -~----~-------------- 1._' \ I, Dist.Di~ector of Internal Revenue.--l..,..----....-------- Dept. of' Labor &' Industries ------.-.----...:......-.--,------ 'Employment .Securi ty Department --,---.----...-.......----.:..-.... STREET FUND Deuartment of Labor & ,Industries -..;,,-,---~-...........-.....----....' ,r ' . Employment Security '!Department -...-........-----...-'-'....----...... Trimble.,' s Hardware -----------------------------.--- GARBAGE" FUND '(l)epartment of Lt?-~hor '& Indus tries ....-...------.;..-...,----'-.... E!J1plo'yment Security Depa~tmen1;;, ....-.;..--.----.--..."".------- 7.50, 20.63 ' . 97 & 80 65.,88 ~ . 90 ,". . 76.28 49.91 2.00 20067 28.65 150.00 3.82' . 21.42 63.30' '- 60.19" o 2.39, 9~92 12~ 50 ~ 12. 40 " 4,8.48 37.80- 3'060 39.36 19..98 9.00 . 5.00 2.88 16.60 o ~ I NarshalDave Piles monthly report was shown 'and aceepted as presented. Ordi'nan~ce 87 was approved by a motion by Tracy and seconded by Cowle$, then carried unanimously. On a,motion by Curry and seconded by Tracy and carried, Ordinance.B8 was, approved as fa form and ordered'pEl.biis,be)d~ Next on the agenda for discuss ion was the. cail for bids on the new water'well construction. Councilman Tracly'made the motion the call for ,bids should be run three weeks. This motion was seconded by Councilman Norton. The motion carried. Bids will be accepted until 8:00 P.p1~, Nov~mber 7, 1958, at which time all bids will be opened. The sub ject of the Towns. General Insurance was brought forth by Mayor Brown. Throught certian inquires, it has been'discilifused that according to other districts premiums, the Town of Yelm is paying an extremely high insuranc.e premium. After much discuss ion, it was decietl:ed to con- tac(t Mr. Fristoe on the ma tter before' any further plans were made. . ~~-, ~Present at the meeting wa~ Mr. Nate Henderson, ~halrmGn of the Yelm Dist. 'Civil Defense, to discuss the possibility of sending out t,o e~ll 'Box Holders of Yelm District, Civil Defense"Literature. After due discussion, it was decided that for the~oot of the Community, this source of information should be given the peopleo However, funds for mailing this literature is short, therefore the matter of raising such funds must be taken care of beforefutther attention could be 'given the matter. Mr. Henders'on ,said that he iIlould try to take care. of the problem of raising the necessary funds. The new Contract '~ith JP'uget Sound Power & Light for future street .light;'" ing was br'eught forth. Ona motion by' Councilman Curry and' Sec onded by Councilman Tracy, and carriedunanamously, it was approved, and signed., o Motion was made and carried to adjorn. "Cle~k.~2?~~', M,J;~t~ff:~1btLN\ , .., . ,. , \.. . '. November 7," i958 2'lpj: , , {:. Aspec~al meetirtg:'of th~ bouncil of the Town of YS1m ~as ~~lled to ,ord~r ~y Ma'Y5or Brown. qounci.lmen present were Pickett, Cowles, NC?rton and Tracy. , 1\\lso ,p:rlesent for t,he meeting 'L-ITas }\1ro ~ohn Robinson of Rogerts and Robins,on$ Ground ,1tla ter Geologis ts jt , ' "- The purpose of this special meeting was the o~ening of the bids for the drilling, of the new Town \iater Well. Bids were sent in by ,Richardson Well Drilling Co~ ~nd L.IRoGaudio- Well Drilling Co_ The bids were -as follows:' , J' RICHARDSON WELL DRI LLING':.do __ , ITEM A ~or drilling hole to. Accommodate 16- ~nd 12~inch cas,ing., ~. 7 .~ 00 , ,.. .Per liI}.eal foo:tJ, :1 ITEM B :F[or supplu:i.ngand tnstalling ~ length of tempor~ry l6-inch casing 15 feet long. , 50 . .0 0 Lump'sum --' .. - Cr c ITEM C Ear suppl.y1ng an.d -installing--perm... .' anent 12-inch casing-including '- ~ q.ri:ve s,hoe., c 8 e 65 Peri lineal foot ITEM D Authori-zed hour work --on w-e1J ,,,~in- Gluding furnishing all equipment, labor and tools as outlined in the " detailed' Specifications. - .., -.' - -15.00 ,Per Hour L~Re GAUDIO WELL DRILLING CO. _ ,ITEM ,.A ,For drilling hole to accommodate 16- and 12-inih casingo 11..00 Per lineal fOOD .~I. ITEMBFor supplying and installing a length of temporary l6-inch cas- ing 15 feet long. No Charge Lhmp Sum ITEI~ CF6i>~supplying and installing perm- anent 12-inch casing including dri ve shoe. , ' 6.00 Per lineal fOOD . ITEM 'D, Authorized hour work anwell, in- cluding furnishing all equipment, labor and tools as outlined in the Detailed Specifications. 17&00 Per ,Hour 420.' 00 Per 60 fat -5041>00 Lump s l1-m '519000 p'er 60 fe'at 750 0 00 '. Per 50 hrs. 660000 Per 60 feet No Charge Lump Sum 360.00 Per:' 60 feet 850 I>> 00 Per 50 hrs. ,After extensive discussion cCMering all aspecs of th~ two bids, a motion was 'made by Cowles and seconded by Pickett to postpone- final dec'ission of a bid unti~ the next regul,ar meeting, November 12, 1958. J ./ Mo.tt.on was made ,and seconde,q. to adjorn. Motion Carried. I' ..JLAJt~~. ~yor, Geo. o Brown Clerk~-<A ",'c<' dA~';>>Vz.d6J Wanda N.' Nutte " . ~ 2rl~8' November- 12, 1958 '~,' ." . .l-;;\ <The regularmeetin~ of_the Council of the Town of Yelm was. called to .ord~r :wi tho Mayor BrovJn presiding and. Councilmen Cawels, Pickett, Norton, and Tracy present. Also present was Attorney. Rober:tFristoeo The monthly bills were read. and on motion by Tracy~ and seconded by Cowels" 'were ordered paid as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE '., D & H Mobil Service -------------------------------- Standard Oil Co.~------~---------------~------------ Brown Bros. Garage --------~-~---------------------- Davmd W.' Piles. ---':""--"""':-.:..--------:-----.--------------- ~Yelm Garage -----~-----~---------------~-------~---~ J . Yelm Lbr" & Hd~Jro ~---:-----------._-----.,..----------....- Yelm Telephone Coo --=------------------------------ Puget Sound Power & Light Coe' ---------------------.... WA TER .FUND - Department of Conservation -------~--~-....------------ . -Auto Freight Depot, IncQ --------------------------- Pickett Dru~ Store.------------------------~~------- ~? , ' - Wanda N.. Nut t er ... -....... -....... - -........ ... -............... .... - - .... - - - -.... ... - - -... - - -. -.... GTax Commission of0the St~. of Washo -....-------~-....~---- Puget Sou~d Power & Light COG ------------:--------- STREET FUND ,- D & H Mbbil Service -------------------------------- -y:;.e.1_ ~ .......... .... - ........ - .... - - - - _.... ... ... _.... .... ...... - - ....... - - - - _ft ........ .... - - _.... __ .GARABGE FUND - , cYelm Garage- ----~--------....--------~-------~------~=... 'D & H Mobil Service~-~-----------------------~-----= $ 49.51 37033 49.97 54055 l~ 73 t llG03 25.10 76.,28 0' 20000 2.21 2~79 8.00 7 O. 01 43.:59 " 8.30 ~ 20 .-21 6,,62 Present at. this m.eet~ng vJas Bob f~~ of Bob and Deans Tavern.9 asking permission to allow dancing in their.place of businessQ' After .ex:bensive discus$ion, it was decided to a1,-rait a decesiqn until the' next meeting. -.' 0- The motIon was made by Cowles and seconded by Picikett to recess this .- meeting until I:riday Night,. Nobember 21, 1958 at 8:00 FeMe. Motion carried. I o ~4_L.u~-~.J Clerk, Wanda N. ~utter November 2~, 1958 The meeting resumed wi th Mayor Br9wn, Councilmen Tracy , Curry, 'P.ickett, Norton and Cowles present.:. ' Also present for this meeting was Attorney Robert Fristoe. . Minutes :5f the October me'eting wasread and 'ap})rovedJ., The Treas urer t s report was' read and approved... The Marshal's monthly re- port was p136sented and excepted.. - Bob Ellis and Dean Sias, representing Bob & Dean' sTavern, were present,' to resume the question bf allowing a:Cabaret in their place of business~ A letter from Reverands Leps, Hoyer and Hendricks was read, which , stated their opposition to the Cabaret in,the Town of Yel~. They 'asked that a final decision be pospqned unt1l a later date. A lengthy discus- sion followed, covering pros and con$ of a Cabarete Since there is no - ordinance covering Cabaret for the Town of Yelm, this had to be pass'ed 0' onrirst. Councilman Curry made the motion that an ordinance be drafted . .. L permi tting a Cabaret in the Town 'of Yelm. This motion was seconded by . . Councilman Cowels. Curry and Cowles voted for the Ordinance and Tracy voted against. Not. voting wasColJncilmen Norton ,and Picke'tt. The pn:o- /bl.em of the cost of Cabaret Licenses was then taken up. It'was suggested that the Association of Washington Cities be contacted to get a teri- tive price. The C1~rk w~s instructed to carry otlt this suggestione '. The next item brought 1Before' the Council 118.S the New Highway Plan. A I,etter from the State High~'\Tay Department, dated October 31, 1958, 1/IJas . .read. It stated that. the Town of Yelm was to have a final decision made to except or reject the IDepdrtments submitted plane Councilman .Curry'made a motion to reject the two princip~l crossings of the Highway. This motion W'8.S seconded by ,Councilan Pickett., Motion carried~ Due to this acton by the Council, ,the mntmre plan liIlill ;be taken before an arbitraiton ,board on a date set'by the depar~~ento 219l The bids for the water wBll was discussed thoroughly and a'final decision-was made as to whic-h bid was to be exceptep-. Councilman Tracy made the. motion that the Bid of Richa~dson well "T>rilling Co.' :~;f/< ,be excepted with the provi~i'on that the 50 hours for De}7J@'lopment be it.ri1" ,changed' to- read 25 hours. G6unci Iman Curry seconded th is .n~ot ion and it carried:'by unanim0us voteo Attorney Fristoe will contact IVlr. .BIahn Robinson be'fore the contract ds signed. The' subject of .suitable water' 'pumps was then discus-sed and folloltling a suggestion by Co'uncilman Curry , t:qe several pump' company's will be contac.ted to get a' price on pumps and alSo', 'to inquire if they have Water'Engineers to help in installing , the' pumps and plumbing PI' operly.' .' ~I The motion ,was made and seconded to adjorn. Motion carried.,' Meeting adjornedo <-YLd !/J~1j~}C(Y/ Mayor, Geo. C. B~own ,) , ~~~ Clerk, Wanda .. tter , \ December 10, 1958 The regular meeting of the Council of The Town of Yelm w,as called t00 order by Mayor Brown. Councilmen pr?sent were ',Curry, Pickett, Norton~ Cowles and Tracyo Present also for the meeting was Attorney Robert" Fri s~to e" . ." , . Mi,n'utes of the pr evious meeting were ~reaq."'and, with one correction, Vfere approve. ( Gorrection:subject,Cabaret. HCouncil decided to consider the' rm tter further at the r'esumpti on of the -recessed November 'meeting.. ~ ' The Harshal' s . report wa~sented ant' approved~ ~ - ~. . Bills for the month were read and ooh motion b y 'Councilman Curry end S~conded by Counc.ilrrian Pickett, were order'ed p'aid as follows:: CURRENT EXPENSE \ Pui:ret So'und Power & LiQ'ht Coo -"",~---------"';'...._-----_...._---(--- o 0" ' Yelm Garage -------~-~---------~------------~--------~---- J\os an. 0 J s ........-------...----'---.:..;.....;.---,-------;..~_:_----_:_----------..., The Regional Rublic Library~---...-----------..:----------~-.... Trmmble's'Hardware --------------------~------------------ Standard Oil Coo -----------------------~---------;...------- Thurs,ton-r1ason Heal th District -.--------------------...--~-... Yelm Telephone, Coo ---~----~-------------------~---~------ Brown Br'os. Garage ___...____________________....___.__l.._______... Nisqually Valley News ------------------------------------ Nisqnally Valley News ------------------------------------ Ni~qually Valley News ---------------~-----...---...---------- WATER FUND" " Wolf's Sh op R.i t e ... - ... - ... - - -... - ... - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - ~ ... -... -, - - - ... - -... - - -... ... Wolf t s Department Store ...--------~------...----.--..;----.:.----.... H. D. Fowl~r Cd.;Inco ....------~---~-~--~~----~--~~~-------- Puget Sound POitler & Light Co. / --...-----...------------------- Ye1m Telephone Coo -------------------------------------- - \ Yelm Lumber & Hardware ----,----------------------.:...-:-------- Pickett- :IDrug Store -----,---------------------------------- Pennsal t Chemicals Corp. --,-,---~--------,; ---------------~-- STREET FUND ,.' , , Ray A" Canning -- -""':-------~'-- ---.,-------'-...;------- ---------- ThuJ~ston Road Dist .Noo 1 J--...--------------------------....-... Trimble f s Hardware --------------------'----.;..-------------- Thurston Road Dist. No.1 --------~-----------~--~--------- GAHB-,~,GE Unit~d States Pencil Co..,Inc.. ----------~----------------- Yelm Garage-------------...;--------:---------~-~----------~- -I 0'1 '$ 79.,7H 28.30 .47 156.95 10. 84 36.99 71.00 13,,55 49.8y 18006 9.00 , 12.00 3tt98 .5 . 8t5 16.75 44.24 13085 ' 2059 " 1..40 12.40 ) \ ~,1'~"'''' . . .... 10000 81..44 . 8.26 26076 L~" 10 3.36' 2,20,' I ,,' ," T ;) _", An ordin.stnce 'allOlrJing' the~' permiss ion of Cabay'ets in the T01,vn of Yelm was presented to the Council and on a motion by Cur':ry". and seconded by / Cpfules, 'passed by unap.imous vote of the Council, had its first apd .s ec and :.rBadingCl . The next i tern on the ~genda for d:i scussion w~s ~he new vJater \'-Tello The contra~t ~for drilling will be in Clerks oft:ice within a few days, to be signed by Richardson Well DrJlling COG and Tqwn .,of Yelm. The' drilling of thelr/ell is to be started itnmediately. . The To'Wns Insu:R$llce Coverage was then taken up, mth the presentation bfonly one .new policy bid, this being p~esented by the Mosman A~encyw Councilman Curry made the motion for this policy to be exceptede 1~orton seconded this. motion and it carried unanimouslyo A letter rrom the State of Washingtnn IDepartment of Hea~th was read, concerning 'the Flouridat:l n of public 'tvater supplie,s. According to their files the .Town of Yelm's water supply contains nil parts per mil~ioh of fluol'>ide, whEZre as therecpmmended amount is 100 part pe'r million. Also contained in the letter was a copy of, the Resolution by the Washington State ,Board of Health, 'highly recommending and encourag"- ing the use of Fluoride. All councilmen present voiced their aDproval of 'such a move by the Town of Yelm, The .clerk was reques~ed to contact Mr. Harvey Neil,. :iDistri6t Sani tarian of the Thurs ton-IViason Health Dis to,' ,to acquire all needed information concerning the - use of. F1Buoride for the ,- Towns Water, supplYe " iO.. .. L '. Next 'for discussion was the-need of further revenue for the Town or Yelm_lJ:he first suggestion for funther revenue was the possibility of a building C.oae'. The Association of Irfashington Ci ties is to be contacted for a ,possible model code. The sugc-;estion of a Business PI' Occupational Ta~ WaS then consideFed. However, this was tabled until a later 'd?-te. 'Q\n a' motion by. Picke~t and seconded -by CurrY5 the meeting was adjornede \, ./' / ~~.~ o ~~~~~. ',Cle rk,."'Janda N G Nut ter Committmes for, the coming year~ AUDIT &:. ~FINANG,E . STREE~}S, & "ALLEYS '" - vvATER, & GARBAGE PARK BOARD ~ Curry ~, Pickett Norton Norton Tr.a c y Tracy COHles ) Beverly r1arr Velma Curry , Cathy Pickett (J " o