1966 Minutes 1',10 Dec~m?er B, 1965 (, ,contInued) ~1 ~ f T J Slea-l- nl-l? A.~~..~o' (~~_8.t,).~,R. ~JA~." 1;' r .. 1'". err' s r 6 rn f.,'" ~. f -' <.d/ . .Ll' CJ. ..J, _, _' ~ ...... - - ,- . .:discussed pltlns. for' Future ltJater de~\lelopr~etlt. " 1'1ayor Bro1rin accepted the resignat5.on .o,fIVlarsh?l CroT;l.k.' S 811.t 8:nd. Th~ meetingrec~ssed subject to call by the Mayor..' January 12, 1966 , . Jl1ayor BrQ1rJ1:1 adJourne'd the meeting of December 8., ..'1965.., I. I\,la.yor Brown called tb.e. regular meeting to ordeJ:"'vd,:th. Councilmen' "Eide, Pick~~tt;~ Clarambeau and Hende,r's'on p:resen.t. , ' ,The minutes of the previous meeting'~ere r~ad' and apprbied... ' ';I . The .fol1owin~ bills'were reand and'6n'~ motion by Pickett and . seconded 'by Clarambeau '!dere ordered paid as follolr.J~; Current: , Yelm Telephone. Coo D & H MablIe Ser~ice Thu~s. Co. Proceutor Ye 1m G;:lrage . Hosman.Agency Puget Sound P L NOSn1EU1. Ap..'ency Nisquall~ Valley' News Assoc. o~ Was'ho'Cit&es Wol~ts Shop~Rite ' Gallaher Heating. Oils' C. l\i';T NlcF'" 1J.1 '"l\/1Pt'l J'''d '';'8 ..L... " .- ct , .l':l.._,I....... 0 t..~ -..t~) " ElizabethM. Jones Thomas 1"1.: },lfort on 'C.;.D. Street .Harold C. Schnieder rtt It; on Eo (Jobns on . YeIm Br. 'Thurston Ca.Bar-k Municipal Revoiving. Fund ~~ . Ie=:" 05. Lj.8 o. 29 5.00 7.52 1060' ,3B..20 139 ",ad 21.30 .41. t30 , 1.1-. .20 ...,./ f... ':7 ) \) . ~.' " it 7.,96 f)6. '22 11B..56 20e..94. 114. .. 21+ ~- 7 . 60 . 15" 6.0 176.29 ," I' Water: Street: Yelm rreIephone 'COo' Yelm Lbro& Hdw. Puget Sound Power &'Light Mo~man Inso A~ehcy '\1 'nJ- I nd La1'n' r=l ,...,.".,. ,. 1. CI 'Ii .. .,~ 0 ..t '__.J...... ,y . Ralph E.. Johns on' Elizabetb H. Jones Ilal~old. C. Schnleder Nilton' E" t.Tohnson Yelm 131"0 Thurston Co. l:janl~ q~ 2J.~,. 20 7012 63.29' :126.60 I},i. c;9 31.50 . 95..55' 92 ~ ,:;3 8 3. 72, 9.5..QO Pacific Sand-& Grav~l . r.'IosInqn Ins . Agency Dan Ivias IOldSlt.'i 1\.-' 1-1- 1'.1' J h ' . d:L l.1 on .CJ. (0 .!.ns;on 16 ~ 24. 81.60 .23.78 123.60 Ga.rbage: D H MoqileService Mos'man Agency , Elizabeth M~ Jones 'Harold C., Schnieder Milton E.. Johnson , 1 e. e 2' 121.60 67 0,06 ,2:0.61 . An '7. r' -'" '.' · . :J I, How~rd .Harstad of Harstad Associates Inc'. wasnresent to offer' his service on i'utu.r,8 1rJEtter problems'. Ordinan~e #'108 was given it~ third reading.. Councilman Eide mad.e arno'tion .it:be .adopted. andpl:.lblished Councilman Henderson seconded'anditcarried. .Ordlnan.ce .# 1'09, 'vacatil~g certaii1. alleys and stpeets 1'J8S ref).d COlul.ci,lman. Pickett made a motion seconded by Eide .tb.at it be adopted and published . Notion carried. I 'I I Jariuary'12, cohtinued 1,1-,1,;', The SlX year comprehensive Street pr'ogl?arn: l.Jas sttlc1ied and' it w~s decided to'make some ~hanges and add more stre~ts ~ci the - progrc:rnJ__ The Clerk 1rJ8.S - insti~lJ_cted to call fop a publIc heapIng February 9, 1966 T01rJn -Hall, ,8; PoH on the revised progranl. The Clerk stated that the ,dater Fund:V-1E.tS able to make. a pay- ment to-the Garbage Fund of ~500.00 ~spart payment on the loano, . Resolution 'No. lOd!-: t~C'ansferrlng a "Surplus of ~~500. OOint-;o the General Fund' 'was read _ and approved. Resolution lO;g:' NOir!, THEREFOHE BE IT RESOLVED BY 'THE. COUNCIL OF THE TOV:JN OF' YE:tr1'1I AS FO LL~OWS : rrh....t- t- 1--.01--.0 l" 0 a oqrnl"1Q OIn ~fur'oo -cIa J~ n -I-ho r.-al'>ba0'e- Fuv-.d an'.::! ..- c;;." j...L..J~ V ~~ ;;) L-.t L...o _ w. 1f;> ." . .. v..... V \....f c... . <:. (~') . ...l.l. _ ,.). the Clerk 6~ the Town of~Yelm is hereby instructed to transfer the' amo un t of ~~.5oo. 00 to the Gen.era 1 FuncL The foregoing resolution 'Has adopted by the Council of the Town of Yelm on the 12 day of January 1966. J Appro'ved: Tlle mee,ting :recessed subject to cail by the Mayor. January 26, 1966 1.'h0' .r0'cessyd nieeting 1,1l8.S called to order by Mayor Brov.in with COl.1.ncilm~n E~de,~,_ HendsI'son and Pickett present also present '"las J 01' "1 'R 01)"0 ,,, ,-., n. n--' P E ."U _n,' 3.:: 8.81:._0 "". ':# - . After much discus~ion Councilman.Henderson made a motiori seconded by Councilman Eide that John RoblBchon be appo-:i.nted .Engineer for the 1"01rfn of' Yelrno IJlotiori' carried. . ./ An ag~eement with MroRobischon wa~ ~igned by Mayor and Clerk Pro-teno - .. The meeting~ rece'ssed subject to call b~T the Mayor., ,1,12', February 9,' 1966 Ms.yo'r. Brown ad50l~rned'" t,he meeting of Janl!-ury 26, 1966. Hayor Brown call.ed. the .T'egul8.:t' meeting to "orde.r" iHt~l CounciJ,.;Qsn; l!,enderson" Pickett and :gide present'" ala 0 pres ant \rn~~.s Ci tlzen". hash, Enginee$, John Robischon and Il1arshal S:t;re t.. . The. ~inutes of the previ6us meeting were read and approved. The followin~ bills were r~ad and,'on a motion by Herlderson arid Seconded by Pickett we~e. ordered paid as fOllows: ~ Current: Yelm Fix-It Shop Yelm Mode~ene Cleaners Phil 'Bnodskv Uniforms D& H Mobil~ ~ervirie Ch~t Paul~on. Inco y 1 a- s . m ar a (l e ' "') t',' '. Brown.Bros. uara~e , Yel In Te l.ephone' LJ 0 o' Floyd Curn,m~ngs , . .[\... · I 1 'J J' l' "J l~lsqua.L" y a.~ ey 1" evIS Puget S.c)und POirIer' C'i:' Lif~l~.t. Hosman Agencv' . , POSQ11n ~l'-ec't~ic UO It,. (.;....., ,~. . .t -1- . Gallagher Heating Oils Clifford Street ' Harold C. .Schneider }'Ii'l t on E. J ohn8 on Yelm Br.. Thul"s-con Co~ Bank Elizabeth M. Jones n. . C .M'.. J cFaul trJater: Yel m G'arage Puget Sound'P &.wL Coo North't'Jest'IncL ,Ctundl'v F q dO" e j'", He t e Y'" Co",. '-' - t.,.... r:J -. ,~_, 0 Perinsalt Chemical-Corp.. 'Milton E. Johnson Haro Id C. . Schnieder El1lzabeth Mo ',Jones' Yelm Br. Thurston Coo Bank $ ,3023 0.99 56.89 11-l-.3[~ 26 co h8 ' 61. . f),Q' , ll." / "21.86, 12..hO 31.26 26.J3 L~ 1 .. 2L}. lS'.OO , '7~66 7'90' 74- 37 2 ~'20 lILt. 2L.1.' 1-1,.7 ~ 60 lO.S:6 r'\ 6' -')2 (;) " 0 c:_ L~ 7 0 90 o ~F 11.23 62..76 16.67 399.50 'r' 12.7:? 83..72 92.S'3 .9.:;~55 . , 950 00 o Street: Ye 1m Ltnnbel':' r0 Hc1w. J Brown Bros. arage Puget~Sound Power & Light Yelm Garap.'e '1'vT" 1 t .;c'E "J 1.., 1..\1_ on . or.",tlson TDan l'.'las 1 Ov,fSki $ LLo17 " ~.. 88 95~70 " C;.. hO 123;6h ') ~ '"7 f), r.:....). ( , Garbage: Erovin Bros. Garage Elizabeth M. Jon~s Ye im. liarao'e ,Yelm 'relebhone Co. -Nisouallv~ Valley News Milton 'E: Johns;n Harold c. Scihni~der Elizabeth M.. Jones ~~ 8 ~. 37 lL'~.. 00 20 ~ 71- 2'3.. OJ' 1~3. 91 . 80.. 75) 80:61 67 e,06 Public hearing 't-Jas scheduled for this tl,tfIG on tb.e re\T:l.se.d SlX. year street p~eot~ram., As there vlere no protest Resolutlon I'To"l"03 was~ead~nd adopted. o . Hr. Clipton Hash v.J8..S jJx'8sent to :cequeEi-t inforrnation' about annexinr;:~ hisprope:r'ty loeB-tad on t,he Clark Road to' .the'Po"tvn.D:l.scussion 'follo"t-J"e'c:l and it T.'\n;U3 decided to give it fttrther st,udy as to hOT:,! many acres to' inc Iuds.. ",.~ I' " '. t :1 "'JT 1 1 tJEH'J Y apuoln eo. IlarSl18, S tr e et VB 'his ,police report tor Januarj. . 1'.11 t . . d -' eel ngr e c e sse ".. I. I I Resolution 'No. 101- '113 WHEREAS .pufSBant tb the requirements 6r mhapter 19~' of the 1961 SessioriLaws 6f the State of Washih~ton, the To~~ of Yeim did' pr~~ar~ a comprehensIve street progr.arn, for the enslling six years, AND, 'j .1r-IHEREAS 'pursuant fttrth,er to said Iav!, the COlJncil of. the TO't-Jn of yelrn beinp; the lefs:L,sl'ati ve body of sald ~:own did ,hold a public hearin,~s 'on Sf;'1.id comprebensi ve plan at eight, o'clock , at the City. Hni1 'ln' Yelm Washington,'on the 9th day of February 1966. . . , . v\JHEREAS there '\pIer.s no 'H't:"itt;,~n or oral objeotions to the comprehensive plan as 'r~.)repared by +;be T014n of elm re1ati ve to the street 1T::op'rar;\ for . v \1 '. , the ensuing six,years'within the TOvill of ~elm 1'3O"V!, THEHEF ORE, BE rr 'RESOLVED by the TO'dn, Council of' the'Tolr-Jn of Yelrn, that. the . compl~ehens:t.ve plan as"pr'epared by the ,City Engineer f9r the .~Pov!n of Yelm ' ; e t't d' . 11. r1" . '(' 0 1 P t 1 m '"., "'\T 1.' b . d . 1 · . as suoml,'-;~, 'GO, 't .e ,J Oil\Hl Vannc]. o~. ~ne J.OlrJ11 OJ J.e.m e an , t 1e same lS hereby adopted, public' hearing being held, on ~.he sarne on the. 9th day of' O-P Tj1eb'p"lf'">"!''''\T '. 1961 gr." -I-1.,e 1., 01 "t::' of' 8\ ei")'ht 0' cIanI'" ;.1Y"l(J t:hev'A be'J.11.O' no , ,..,L' 0 r. ..' ~ '- 0;... v " , 0, ....., .J". : L.. L., .,J.. 0 .~. " - t:> '. ' U.>.. C.. J. J, ,.1. <J ...., .!.. ",' ._ .. ,;:::, J- J litjrltten or oral Ob.)8ctlons to saId compr'ehensJ..ve pla'n, BE Trr FURTHER PE':"OLiiED" that a copy of 8ai<,:1 con3p:r'ehensiv-e s'treet ,progI~arn for the ensuihg slx years \togetheJ~ Hi t'h. a copy of' thls reso"lut-ion .be'filed ,(;;l,ttb,. t~lJ.e Dir'ector of HiGhways of the State of. ~{Hshingtono ,Passed the Town ~ouncil'February 9,.1966. "4-,-1 y :,~. \: l~ '.~., '~.~." (2~' ::.' .~; ~ J.."'8j'J. . :_':~~r, r-t ; !.;''".c.~ "f'."'''''" . oJ-- '.. "~L '.Attest: ~ . ~. ElizalM9th. - February 24., 1966 O,'l,1r; I:1"rh~~neet:tng resumed 14ith ,Hayor Brait-In, Councilmen Pickett, Elde o ~.. ,len0.erS 01). pr eSGnt. . Public hearlng on .the pro~9osed annexation t"Jf1.S .tlme .. scheduled at' this i at There 1:.[eJ:'e no ,p.rot:;est on ResolutiOi1 lia. l::'"'~} d ... ,Ordinance No. 110. T~T-8",~ -_(>A,qd ""'Y" n-r'dlh f r J...h t . 'j d ..- ~h - -~. }J.,,".....\.~ _0 g _:.0 ,tJ e 'annexa ,J.:on. hen orson roade 8, nioti'on ,second.edby Eide. t~h8.t the O~~dlnance be adopted and ,publ~.. sh,ed. Notion. c al'>l~ied., .Meeting recessed~ c ~ 1~14 fJIilrca 10" '1966 The meeting of :Febr~ry 24,1' 1966. i,v~s.: adJoU:';l~d. 1\19:jror BroWn called tme"'regui"ar meeting to order with Councilmem. , Henderson;i Eide a~? C~~r~~beau prese~t. Tneminutes of t'~e, p~~v~'ou~, ~e~~tng. were read a.nd appr?v~.4., , The following bil"ls wer~'read' ab,d 'On a, motIOn byCounciluHln Eide ,'and seconded by Henderson wer'e ordered' paid.. as follows:' .' . '. ',:' '~":"" ..~. -to .' l Current':, Gariae" ~time '. 111.c'- Puget'Sound Pot-ter &'L,ight ,Gallagher Heatj.ng" Oils Eliz'abeth IVI. Jories" , Nisqually Valley News 1i.Jolf' a, Shop-Hi te" YelTtl Lumber & Hdw Yelm TelennoneCo.' , '''olf,'s,.\Shop....Ri te ' Brown bros. ' Garage C.M. 'McFaul - Elizabeth M. Jones C'~D. .s treat' Ra~61d C. Schneid~r Milton E. Johnson d~ . 8" , , ~w22....; 00 33;65 c' 1 7;).2+ 5;4.3 ~;9'2 ,ll~86 7~17 22i~, 90 'l~20 145~ 09' i~,? ~ 90 , 86 ~ 22 372:,20 114~,24 47 .. 60' o Water:: PugetSound Power & Light Co~ 62.50 John Robischon ' ,',..,;;I,~.:~r(f:;~1:};~250 ~OO Ralp~ E. Joh~son 82~50 Yelm'.Telephone Co~,19~,80:' Northw'est" In d.'Laundry 16;68 Elizabeth M. Jones 95.55 Sandra Street '8.62) Harold C. Solani,eder 92~53' M1ltonE. Johnson 83~72 S,treet,: ,Puget Sound Power & Light' Bro't'itl Bros. Gare.p;e Yelm Lumber' & Hdw. , Dan Maslowski Milton E. Johnson 95~70 16~55 3~17 . 23; 7B 123. be < o G8:rrb8.ge: . , Pickett Drug.Store Yelm Ga.rag'e Brown Bros. Gar~ge Eli zabeth r.-l. J one s Harold C. Schneider Milton E.Johnson 2~tM "'7~,69 67 ;,06. 80~61 80.. 7$ " ' Marsh.al Street gave his pollee report. ~~he T,reasurers report was als6 present&d. Discus~io~ was held on the purchase of radar noactibn was ,taken. MeetiRg recessed' .' o .. :;.. ,. .~.. I ' . . ~"1^ ~.'~') Jt '~'r - ~.pr.il 13,' .196,6. The 11lee.ting, of' March 10,:,: 1966, was 8.d.journed.. : IvIa.yorBrown call'ad ''the reghlar' rneetlng, to order wi ttl Pickett' snd Vandiver pre,semt .' C ounei lrrie.n ELtde' , , " The 'minutes' of the previous' meeting were., :r->ea~d, 'and a.1?Ppovec;io ~ehe 'following ~ hi lIs were"'read' 's.rid on' a motion by' Counc tIman Pickett '~nd seconded by ,vandiver were ordered paid as follows: I Current:: , Sheriff Van'Alleh' . Pickett Drug Store Y~lm ~el~p~~n~ Co.' Nig:qually Valley 'News Thurston,Mason Health' Thurston: Co~ Fire Dist, , D' &' H ~1obile -,' Bureau of Int'ernal.. ,Revenue Dept~ "'of Labor' &'Ind."': Employment"'Securi ty, Dept. Joan c~' Killoran ,'" , So. .Phget Sound' Library NiSijh.lly' V~ll~y News Mo~mari Ag~n~y. ' ,~p.rto~gn-~UPPIY: Co." " _uget ound P & .L Co.' Gal1~gh~~-He~tirig Oil Y~1~'~ixitSh0p -, . rvlosman Agecny Employme~t Security E. Rober Fristoe D' C.ean Strf}et ~1i1 ton E. Johnson ',Elizabeth !1. Jones, C. M." ~lcFa 'lll Lawrepce ,Crumley' Water:' Tax Commisssion , Puget Sound Poers: &~Ligl:1t North1iiJest'Ind.Laundry Yelm, Lumber & Hdw~ Bureau of Internal Revenue Employment Security Dept.' , <J .L' " , Dept. of abur & Ind. }1:tl ton E. JOMson' ,Elizabeth 1'1:. Jones "Stre~t: :, '~ Ralph E.' ,~0hnson Yelm Lgmb~,r & Hdw Puget .ound P,& L Pacific Sand & Gravel' D & HMobile ' Em~loym~nrSecu~itY Dept. .Dept.. of abor & Ind. nan 1"la s l0v.Ts ki Milton E. Johnson Garbage: Tax Commission . ,Yelrn Telenhone Co.' , D & H M6b~le Service : E'D1plbyment Securi tyDept. Dept. of abor E.~,:: Ind. " Elizabeth-M. Jones Milton 1. Johnson Richa.rd' D~ Br'own ... ~ ... . , I $ 12:00 1':3';20 ' '2'6:!1~O 6:"77 .. .- '.' . , , 79. ~o 527;-31' . 91: 70 It\~:;O ' '2S;35 l''3'~;' 80 47 :75, 263;-60 33;'18 42;00 6'8:29 .33;08 35~12 2.87 13.00 35~28 , 7~ ~ 00 374~28 L.?-~ 90 $6~22 47~90 60~ilO 10 3 ~ 95' 61.Il4- 16~'6$ 1~13 95~OO' 97~78 1680' . . 8L~; 6h ' 95~'55' 4.2;00' , 10.~ L1.6 . 9,5~ 70 15: J~I_8 ' "6~ 31 39~06 9~03 23~95 12LI:.54 ' lO~99 2J.l, ~ 6.5 '24~ L~8' 6 Q ~ t".8 '12~J8 ,67: 06 Bl~'J.L3 35. 72' I. , 'Ape,titian froni General Cable Co. to va,cate.a streePdn tmeir"proIH9rty ,wasra'ad. Pickett. made a motion. to a110vJ trie vacation thls 'was 'seconded by Eide' and carried.-, , Resolution,lOS pretaining to the vaiating at' the street was read and ,adopted. ',' . ,lv1r~ Bekeman requested information about awa.ter line. on Clark ,Road., E~g:ineel") ,Robinschon ansl.J'sred questions concerni,ng' the wa.ter' lineand IvJT. 'Bekeman deeid~d tog~.ve it furtner st.udy.: ' lIli Engineer Robinsehon i")r~oposed that a ~tJ, inc,h Inatn be' layed to" Gem:eral ,Cable' c~. whichwoi:ild take care of any'furthur development in tl11at' area. . HotieR made and, seconded th.at the lCL inch }ine be, laye?- and 1 t car~,i.ed., It"was moved and' seconded that 'Terry Th6mpsonbeealled to inform ' tlue, COUlaeil as to how the new water construction eould, be financed." "Jeh.n, Boblnschon' presented a, copy of ~rhurts,on Connty platting Ordinan.ce. to the C ()ll~~i ~ f?!,_' s tU9-Y. ' The meeting'reoessed. Resolution 105 . ,\vHEREAS, the owner of more than two-thirds' (2!3) of the 'pr0perty abutting ~pon the nereinaft!r' described real property haspeti tion.ed the COUFlcil, of the Town ()f elm for the vacation of the following des~ribed'~r6pety~ to-w~t~ ['All of" that certain platted street or 'road lying be'tween , Lot I',in Block 8" and Lot 3 in Block 9 of Mckennia ,Irrigated Tracts as l:ecorded in Volurn,t79 of ,Plats, , Page 43~ records. of J.hwston County, .:Jtate' of 1tlashington , which "S~id $treet or road is commonly referred to as "Nortli Roa<i" ' o and" , , WHER~AS, the Mayor and the Corme! 1 of the ,T'own 'of .Yelm" h.ave, determined that t!e s,aid propertY,laas never be,en opened' as a' street in the Town of elm and have determined that a hear~ng upon sai~ petition' skould be held", NO\'J., fjnIEHB~ORE, BEI';r RES~LVEp., ' Tlnat Wddnes'day" the 11 day- of May, 1966, at the hour of 7':)0 o'~loek P.M" be" and the same is hereby ,fixed, 9.S the date and: lnour for a" he~ti:ng upon the considerati'on"of the vac,ation Qf said property' b;r ord~na.nce,:,a.nd be it furtner resolved., rrhat tne'Cierk of the, iI/own of Yelm 'is hei'~ebv' :authorized' and ":,0,' , dire'cted 1::'0 post notice as required by law Q,r the' t.ime 'and place' b'f tn the h~arin'g upon the peti tion' for the vac'ai:ion of the said property.' J;'., PJ\SSE.D' this', 13th day of April, 1966., "" " ' r :t,\ ':. .. [~t21mk~Adl .. <//1' '. ..' '-::iA'~/"~2 .' , . Atte:l!lt: o '';({r'kJ /11. ~<</ , ',' TOv~, LB. \. < , April 18, 1,966 fJIa;tor cBrQwn called tile special meetifug to .'ordEn"with'Couneil- "men Cla rambeau" Henderson and Pickett' present a.lso present was Engineer ,Robi.nscJn.on.: The purpose of the specIal meetinp~ 1-1aS to dis'cuss financIng of . . . water mains with Terry Tfl6n~son.:Mr. Thompson discussed'~he new , water pro jeet and suggested J~e be 'authorize'd to consult Jiimes Gay law office as to selling .Water "Bonds' for theTowh~ It vnas moved and 's'econded that Mr., Thompson consult James Gay as bond ~o'Uncel.' The Clerk was instructed'to gj.ve notie,e. to the press ,and radio that'a., spe'(~ial . Council meeting would be' held r;.1ay 24, '19(,6,.,' II1he me!eting recessed: o . .,', .~1ayll,1969,. Tlae. meeting6f, A):p~rt'~ IS;, ,: W~~ a~jou:r~'e?-~', . Mayor' Brown' c&lled tlae .regul~ meet~ng, ,~G Henderson,' P:i'cket t am,d Vtla,ndi ver. present. Ci tiz'en Bekeman. and ~l1gi~ee:r., '~obinschon. The minutes of the [previous. meetin~ were read a,nd apprc:nied. 1'11;':r~ order:with' Counetlmen Also' present was Tbie following hills vIer'e' re[{d, and on a motIon by Cotirlciltnan V@lf.I.diver and seconded by.Pickett were ordered. p)atd' as follovJs: 'I' Cur .:ren t :~" Ptlget SO'llr).d Power & Ligh.t Co. ~. '.. ..... ~$ 30.26 Pioneer Business Forms...........~...~ 16.03 .. GatllagJaer Heating Oil... '.... .'~.~ ~ ~ ~. .. ~ '7l~44 Nisqua11y V&11ey Netll}'s'.. ~.~ ~ .....-. ~.~,~ .0.. ~ 29~07 Ye 1m Gar~p-;e... '. '... '. . . ,~ . '. . ~. ~ ~~ '.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~. ~60 ~46 Proceut:lng Attorney.. .....~,~,~.~ ~ .... ~e'_'. ~ ~ 2.,50' Colson Communications ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ ~.,~: ~. ~ ~ ~ .21.76 '[) 8(~ H ~1obile Service. .~,_,_ ~.~ ~,~,~.~~ ~~~.~ ~; 37 ~82' ,Yelm Telep~0ne Co. ......,.~..~. ~.~ ~,. ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ..24.~20 '~r01f' s Dept ..Store. ,~.'~ .,~ ~~ ;,~ ..~ ~; ~,.; ~ ~.~ 1.23 Brown Bros. Garage ~ . . .~',..~ ~,~~,~ .,~ '. ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ; . 23~ 89 Pioneer Business Forms ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~. ~ ~ .~ ~.~ .,..56~ 68.' George F. Cake Co..~....,...~~,.~.~~~..~.~.215~19 . De am, S tj3e e t. _ .. . . . '. ,. . . .~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ .~ . ~. ~~ ~ ~. ; 3; 00 'Nisqually"\.T~, lley News... ~ .~ : .~..~,~ ~ ,~ . : ~ ~ 25~. 22 Tliaarston Co. -Civil 'Defense.. ~ ... _.e ~.~ it. ~ 76;80 Dave Hooper' .........~. ~ ~ : .~.~ .~:~,~ '. : : : : ~..: ,: 3~~~O Jolan C. Killoran' ..... ~. ~ ~:' ~.~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~~,~ ~'~ . ;e~~60 Cnarles C.. 'Doru~,ldson: ~.~ ~,~ ~..~.'~ ~ ~.~.~ ~ .~.,. l~O~$() 'C. Dean St!~eet.,~..~... '. ~ .. . ./.'~'; ~ ~.~ ~ ~.~ ~. '189~19 C'. J:.1. Me Fat ul . . .e . ..... .~~~ .'~.. ;' ~ ~'. :~ .~ ... ~ ~:".,~;.~~" IJ. 7~, 90 ' Elizabeth r.f. Jones...........'.............. .8.6.22 Mi 1 ton E. Joramson..'~ ~ ~:~ . ~'.~.~ ~ ,.'~ ~'.~.~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ 4 7~90 Lauren.ce Crumley..... ..,.. .,a.... ...... ...'.'.. .119.,27 ,// f~ ,. Water: . , Pt!lcific ~la ter ~;forks... ~.,~. ....~ . ;,~. ~.~ . ~,~ ;$ P eB:rlS a It Chemical C brp ~ ... ~ ; ~ .~ ~ ~ .~.~ ; . . ,;.. Yelm Lumber &; H8.rdware..~ ;.. ~. ~.~ ~~.~ .,~; y e 1m 1~ e 1 e p h 0 nee o. .. .. . . .. . . ; ._ .~. ~ ,~.~ ; ~ ~ . ,Puget Sound. Power &. Light Co. ~ ..~ .. ~'~'..~ .Milton E. Johnson. ...~.....~..~.. .:~-~. Elizabeth. r-1.t.Tones .... .'.. . .... .... . .. '.. . {, Street: Yelm Garage ... ... '........ ,e ..,.......... 21;62 puget SoulJ.1d Power & Light CO.,.'~.~'.'~.. ,. 95~.?O Br own Bros It Garage... .,.... .~ . ~ .~ . ~ ;~ ~ ~; ; 13 ~ ~,,6 YelmLumbep &,' Hardware C6~ ~ ~.~ ~.~ ~,~ ..~ ,. .,~ 40..55 . Dan T>1aslbwski... ...~'.~. ~.~ ~ .:~ .... ~ ....~ ~.. 23.95 Mtlton 'E~ .Johnson .. ..... ..~'. .'. ....... ..12~...~q~' 2~~t7:6 12.75. 84;00 '2t~. 95, '64~ 35.0 . 85 ~ 9r~ 97 .' 95 I Ga~bage: . Brown Bros. G~rap;e~ ~ ~..,~.. ~ ~..~ ..~ .~,~ ....~.~.. ~ $; Yelm Garage.... ...~.. . . ~ ~,.'~ ~ '. . '. ~ ~ '. ~ _"_ ~ . ~ : Beulah L. Phillips.. ~.~ ~ ~ ;,~ ~.~. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~. ~.~ Sandra L . Street. ~ .~ . . ...~ ~ ~ ~ ~'.~ . ~,~ .~' ~ "_ Milton E. Jomnson..~ e'~ ~. ~~,~ ~,~ ~. ~ ~..... . Eliz~beth' J'-1. J qries. ... . '. .,. . '.,. . ,e.. .. .. . .'. 9~.90 8~64 8~,62' 60.35 81~L~'3 . 67..06 I OrdiJ::1ance No,. III was read which vacated a r()~.d om Gel1eral Cable property~ Pi~kett m~de amotion.to adopt the Ordin~nce and Vandiver ~e0on4ed~nd,it carried. . '. . " , Ordinmnce No. 112 creating a new 'Hater construction fund was rea:d. Henderson moved it be adonte-d'Vandiver seconded. Councilmen', Pickett dedlinedto vote.as ~e ~nje~ted to thelineo~ Mos~aR street stati:ag'that he felt a Disel 'pump slnould be install.ed. . . Councilman Vandiver m&de a. motion seconded bvHenderso:r:l't11lat Town call for bids on the mew wate~ constru6tion.~May 25,' 1966 was the da.'Ce set for opening of the'bids. Em.gineer Robisclaon requested that Milt Johnson be authorized to purchase necessl1lry valves and cot,:lnectiom for cut is fitt1.ngs, 8.spart of th.enew revenue projeet.' . \ Il~ r'1ay 11" 1966 cO:r<1~i:nued , TJae Clerk w'as ins,trueted.to' request f^ran.chlse.:for: ,ill w2i1;er. line" 'on Higllway 507' from' ct ty limits to' ,Mi 11 Roa.d and" comti.mue. :from,' there d~t'\f1i1 507 for' an' addi,tional'" l;~OOO' feet:_. Th:ts would be approximately It,100_'feet outs,idethe City l.1mits., Amotion was, duly made a,nd it ' '6arried. ' OrdiJ:UlneeNo.l,L3 adopting the Washi:ngt0n St9.te Traffic Code was g~:venr~J~~rsp;)~n&eseco:md reading. The Ordinilrtce. 'Wti,S ,SJpproved an:d orde.red pub 1i shed. Meeting'reeessed: . a " " t. "!.- " .~ '0 '* o ~ , " " ' ~ . ~}'1ay ~25~ ~i966 . The ,special "meeti~g:~~$ :~~ii~d '-t~ .o~der by }1ayorBroWPl with Couneill'l1en cEide~ ..Iiendenson" ~Clatrambem;u and Pickett prese!1:d;'. Also 'presemtw_s Engineen"R@biRsehon. ,The purpose Df t~e.apeci~l meetimg, was eo open bids ...'on., th~ "mew :,'water" 0onstruotiola. . ' Tlf:l.e, b1:ds ~Tere ~opemed <:'by .Engineer Rob1~cnon; low bidders' were as follows: . '" .0 '" " '" 7. . ~ , ,. 6, :'7 c"'~ ....., \:,;....\li;;$~"'I:l\""'" '1~~~d oEv~~u~ti~g :C6'; ~YellP,~!.. ~. ... .$3!.~,.319. 35 , ,GamWell.Const., ,Co. Federal' Way 39,.931.,93 "Kimbel.Logging C0. 'Sheltpn L~o,083..22 Ro'bert Wood eorreeted, his, bid. to" read: ~ $;3 2 i 9 ;3 7 ~ 20. " ., .. ~ ' tax' ,.~,lr3B~.37~ ,. '4~ ~ ,", ~ (. (' ~ ,,#\ .(;:l co !a. - . T,0t~1 '~ ~ $3l+,,320..M:57e~: : ::: :,: : :. . .,.~ ..... ,.. ..., -.:r ';. 0 ,,,> <; '> (;. -"\ ." it ., :; .. . It1otlonw8.s, made by, Couneilm$1'L Hel:1de;rson. to accept bid from 'WoodsClar:lmbeau seeondedcand"it..c~r:rled. , JOM 'Dots OR: was 'preserlt~ to" discuss right of way aequist;ion on road tOrC&bl~-Plant site.... ' , , o ~lu'eh ,discu~~i~~. oft fio,~tlihg~ oppdi tiolts on Yelm, Creek .followed. The TO't\TD o~.fered" ~t,o, at,tempt at solution to the ,flooding :t}ijpft1;;.':~:1')t: Sttlte Divisi0:t1l, of Hydr.aulics. tflEI:J3 Mayor was l?eguested by Certificate of Re@'~a~trt,iota ~to, inv.est,i'gat.e... ,-[l.11.e Town in. exch:ange ,requested' a qlJ1ickCl'l.in 1)e!ed to rightwliljT taru the JonJl Dotson property. ..... ~ .. '::. .;; ~ ":)< ~ 9> .. '.'C- I~' ~... -.c /> ,\l ~ . . · ,., 'OER'l?IR!CATE OF RESOLT!T!:ON 1iJe,tJae"u~d~;s'i~~~d;,"b~i~g 'tne l\1ayor '~uld. C-ity Clerk o,r the 'I' ow n 0f~ 8,l~" ,'ft'~~.~l ngt on. t c ~o" he ~ ~ t?y ,. c, ~~ t if y; .,oIJ.... ~~tt -j ,~iI:'..,tJ.(j.. 'rkat at m. m.eet5.ng of the Commissioners ~of the Town of Yalm; neld. m.t tble Pity Hall of the Town of Ye 1m, vlasb.in~t0n, on t,ne 2,5ta day of iV1ay',. ~ 1966, ..wh,ich <;~e~ttm,g ~las,~ttel:1d.ed' by all of the Commi ssioners of -, the oTown "of ,:(ell11~ "~ .l11Q'tton t'lmsre'gu,larly mmde a,:rld seCGrlded,.~or tRt9 ,adr;;ption,of ~the "follov-ltng 1~esoluti6n; "'~"-.:", . ;-~-:'<"tQC, :: "BE, iT BE~SOL'\'lED 7,tb.~t, the llu1ayor of the Town' of Yelm,~be,a~dahe.is;hereby r~quested and auth~ orized to cOMtRct th~ State of Was~imgton; Division of Hydraulics, requ~st,ing 't~em tb.e.m to condact a Stilr\Tey and 'i:r.:'1vestigation. a~ to tlrt.e steps that are requ,ir~d fO,r, the .flood control of' the YelmCreek i1:1 tbie' vicinity of wblere it inter- ' ~eets ,Fir~t Avenue in t~~ Towri 'of Ye~m." The motion' for the adoptiBo of said resolution was carried by tm.e 1:uaanimous vote of all of' the commissioners in attendaace. -0 ,11" IN WITNESS 14HEREOF" we have hereunto' set OU):" ha'nds and' seals tk~s 25tk day of May, 1966 Meeting. races,sed.. <;""'-, I I I lir; . June- 8 1966" " , ", . " " " , 'May '"meeting' was adj.o'urned., ,The, ,me:~t,ihg--c~11ed-"toY'6rde,rpby Mayor' ;Browp with Counoi:l.merl.Hende~SOri,,,,Ei,de,,, Clarambeau and , Pick~tt present. " l,.l..g , , :Mlnutes, read.. and correcnt,ed then ~pproveCl.._ -. . n ' ..'T:hef,Qllowing 'bills' we.r,e, read'.. The,wa~rant,~t,o, tl1e' N. P. : Rail- , was'n-of; to be,issued until Johri Roblschonc...in.s,true_e<i.'~ th:<7:l Cle.rk too. Clar'am15eau. then :ma<le" a motion ,to pay.. the,..._f.6.11owing,bills"seconded ~y Eideand' carried: I Current: ' .."',, , , D &'H' ',Mobile S'e.r,vice ;' ,J."aweren,ce:~Crumley , F3:rownBro~:f. Garage Yelm'~elephone Co. Charles Do~aldson Dave ,Hoop,~r ,Yelm Lumb'er & Hardware ,Nisql,1al1yValley News Wolff's, Shop-Rite 'puget Sound 'P,,& L Go. D,& H Mobile Service Elizabeth M. Jones C.M.'McFa'ul " Da\ve Hooper' , " }111ton E. Johrison Lawr~nce Crumley Water" , N.W. Industrile. Laundry Badger Me-tar, Mfg. Co. puget Sound P '& L Co. Beulah L. Phi~llps~ 'Elizabeth'M. Jones Milton E.' Johnson New Water: , National Lithogra.ph Co., Wester Utilities Nisq~aily Valiey'News Pacific Water Works , Daily Journal of Commerce - Nortpern Paci.fiee Railway , N orman Manning 'Street: ,Brown Bros. 'Garage pugat Sound P &L Co. Yelm 'Lumber & Hdw.' WalT's .Lumbe.r MiltonE. Johnson , JDan Nas 10wski ': ,$ ,i9;~'53 ",' 23< 61 ; , '127.58 ,,?2.4~ 17.1(i} 202'~ 82 '12.62 , 11..22 1066 29.00 ~.30 86,.22' 47.90: 351.0~ 47,.,90': , 59.64 33.87 342.54 64. ,52' 25.87 , 97'.95 85.94 $150.91 ,,827.,,97, , 180.48 , 48.,25 43.50 45.00 22'. 8.9 ,$ 24.62'" 95.70 .10:.63 15.48 124.54- 23.95 Garbage: Elizabeth M. Jones YelmTelephone Co~ 'Brown 'Bros. Garage Milton E'. Johnson Elizabeth M. Jones , Norman Manning , lQ.80} " 17..65 47.,1.1 Bl.4J 67.,06 36.24 ' , , , , Rates,.for Grader were disc'Ussed; ',Eide ,ma.dee. motion seconded, by Hender,son that we charge $6.00pe'r hr, insifie a.nd, $7 -:50 per, ' .. , l10ur outsfie~he city limits.Th~ Street Superiu.tendent was 'instructed to, check with Street 'Committee 'on all jobs. ' A 'discussion was held on Building Pe~rnit for Mr. ,Fish to build a carport. The Council rec'eased to Fish residence to study proposal. ,Moved by E1de and second:,by ClarambeauthB:t we allow variance to build nea~thefront or lot ~ Moti6n carried. JOhn Robinschon read Change or,der })n Wats'v project 1966. , Moved and, seoned to adopt change order #1., , , , A discussion on Do'n Miller ea.sement a.cquf-s:l~t;;i1Qn"~was :heaa 'but, no action taken. < , Engineer recommeded that application for franchise 'on water ~ extension ,south on Yelm Ave. 1400,.ft be delayed ~til .further 1:20 June 1966C'on tinue d .' notice. . The: C'ouneilagreed unanimou"s~.~.. . .. Engineer"Robischon . pres.'ented comp.le,ted: water ~sys tem for Council~approval. Explanation followed. . ~eeti~g recessed. tL~jdlllt" ~..... . El:J.~eth M. J~ 5, C eJrk 'Aw,' ....l'~.............-... . . .<., , ." , '" . .' "',~ . Geo. G. Brown, ayor ... \ .0,/ 'or o o o ";f'~ . I Ju;1y ..13~. 1,966 June>meeting .was . adjourned.. Th~' regular. mee.ting.' was. ,cel,led . to"" to"'o.rCier by: Mayor.~roWn with Councilmep Hend.er,s.on,Varidiver and Elde present. Also: pre~\i was Cha-rles. Gray and._.Howard Alexander.. , ~~ . - ' .", The', minutes, of., 'th~e previ QUS me.eting,.~ were pr.ead an d app~oved. The':rol1owi~g bitls were read: Ctirrent: ' . Ye1l11,~ Lumber .,& hardware . it Puge,:t':.Soupd. P & L. Co. . Gal1agner Heatin~f" Oil .. Elizs.b.e'thM. --Jones" Employment Security Dept. YelmTelephone Co. 'D'&: H Mobile Servie'e ,Yelm Fix-rt~~hop Brown Bros.. .uarage C..M. McFaul . Dep.t. of Labor & Ind.. Charle$ s. Donalds'on Employment Security Bureau.of Internal Revenue C~M.. McFaul .Elizabeth M. J~nes David, G. Hooper 1,21:~ $ . 3. 56 ' . " 31.~ 81 39.10 11.09. 35.28 , 21..70 ' 80.,37 .4.17 12'5.59 . .6,.00 26.7Qi 164.36 . 151.32 79.40 . 47.90 B6. 22 351.04 I Water: , . ' N~W. Ind. ~aUndry .Pioneer Business Forms Pacific Water Works Wash. Finance Orficers Nisquaily Valley News , Yelm' Te.lephone Co. Pennsa1t Chemical Corp. Puget SOutld P & Leo.' Brown B~os. Garage 'D & H Mobile.' . Employment, Security Bureau of Internal Rev Dept. of. Labor & Ind. Elizabeth M. Jones M11tonE. Johnson New Water Fonstruction: John'Rovisehon .,Yelm'Lumber & Hardware WesternUtilitles Yelm Lumber & Hardwar,e Robert.Shefeman Lawrence Mooch & Gay .Wood Exeuvating Co. Employment S'ecurity Co." , , Dept.. of Labor & Industries , W~111am Merz Mi.lton Johnson 8.32' 21.51 i.,3~' 10.00 'JtO 3.38 18.40 12.,75 . 70.25 5..84 ,17..15 67 .28 . .. 184. ~Q .9,.3'9 97.95 133.17' 2450.00 49.32 '195.20 .14.95 390.QO 30,,580.78 2.02 .56 76.30 182'.05 I Street: Thurston Co. Road Dist D & H Mobile Yel'm Lumbe,r & Hdw. Puget, SQund P &: L Co. Brown~ros. Garage Employment Securi ty . D~pt. of Labor & Ind. Milton,E. cTohnson Dan. Mas lowski' ~929fl. 52' 12.76 3.11 . 95. 70 19.34 39.0:6 , 9.():2 124.08 2.3.86 Garb~ge: ._E~gels Office Equip William Me.rz' Wmploy~ent Security Bur.eau or Internal Ref.o Dept~ of Labor & Ind . E11zabethM~ Jones Milton.E. . Hb.onson Wil.liam Merz . 36.9h 93.46 . 58.26 2.]0' 8.76 67.06 81.09, 190.75 Mayor, Brownsuggest~'d Milton Johnson be payed$200.00 for the extra. hours he had worked on.: the new water line. Eide made a motiom ,1~2' . July 1966 Contfnued s edond'ed 1'.Y Vandiver tha.t ,th~pa'y ~eallowed.... Mot ioti ~arried~ . , . . Dlscussion'was'he'Cl.d on'buy'1ng ef.:.wfl...ne.w....or.used dlse1. 'No act~on -was.. taken. . ... -" . J . ." . ~ .' . Engineer Robischon rapor.tad 'that the COS.t. of':Woods CohstrU:ctiom . Co. for . the extra work on Crystal: Spri:t:lgs..r_oad..wQs a.pproximate~y, ' ,$250.00. Woods agreed that if Mit~Johns.on.nwoul.d.r.egracl..thesho~lder . he would. not charge. the Town.- f9r .the change....in. Water . lina.~wa.s . . mov~d an~.s~conded~to accept the orf~r. The meeting ~djourned. . . . .. .. _. J-~~: i~'~V\i .- Geo. c. Brown, Mayor . -&' ~~ 71;~. Eliza /th M.. Jo~,Clerk, . <> ,,' '.. o ( o o , , ' '. ". ,',August '10,. 1966' . ", _' . ~ --." - . -_. . Tbe res;rular- mee>ting 'we's.o'aIled pt> order ...by ~la.y'orBr'own with" CounclIment'1cKet't,JHend'erson .Eideandclaramne8!u present., -.,' . .. _.,' ~ :- : J ". . ,.' , . 1~23,:~ ' , " .', The minutes of the 'previous meeting .,w,~r.e" r,ead and approved., The'foliowing'bills were ,read. and on a motion 'by Eide and sec~~ded by Clarambeau were ordered paid as follows:' I Current: Wolf" s Thurston Co. Fire Dist. . E~ Robert Fristoe Thurst'on Co. Regional Library puget SoundP &'L Co.. Yelm Telephone Co. , L.M. Curtis &. Sons' , . Yelm Ga~age", 'Thurston Mason'Health _ Brown Bros., Garage Thurston, Co. P. Atto~ney D ~ H 'Mobile Service MlltonE. Johnson Dave Hoope'r Charles S. Donaldson Dave Hooper Elizabeth M. 'Jones C ..M. McFaul Thurston Co. Bank $ 405 527 .13 75.00 , 263~ 57 33.65 20.85 7.1~ 95~.65 79.50 ' 18.~3. 1'. 2~5' ' 13.68 3().62 38.20 .47.15 ' 3139.24 ,86..2'2 , 47..90 ' 40. 70' I Water: Badger Meter'Co. , Pickett 'Drug Store, Wester Utilities Pennsalt Chemic:al Corp Yelm ,Telephone. Nortpwest Ind. Laundry Nisqually Valle~ News ' Beulah L. Phillips puget Sound P & L Co.' Milton E. . Johnson . Elizabeth M. Jones Yelm Br. Thurston Co. Bank ,$,56.96 21.07 102.91 12. 75 10. 70) 10.40. 96..31' 8..62 69~63 , 132.71 , 97.9.5 60..40 New' Wat:,er: ,Yelm Lumber & Mdw., Western Utilities Wood Excavati~g Co. Milton E.' Johnson Yel m Br. Thurs'ton Co. Bank, Street': e. ,Dan Maslowski I , Puget Sound P & L Co. Brown Br os. ,Garage Yelm Lumber' & Hdw.. Yelm Garage Andrew Rieke Milton E. Johnson Dan' Maslowski $108..94, 95.18 581.21 55.,3:1' ,9.,le} , ,$; 15. 2'0 95.,70 5..49 1"7.92 14. 82' , 80.11 124.08 23.86- I Garbage;,: , Brown Bros . Garage . Ye 1m Gara.ge Aridrew Rieke Milton E. Johnson Elizabeth M. Jones , 1 , \ , Discus~ion was held'on the extBa , working. Motion was duly made that he mon~h ,from July to, ,December 1966.' , Milt Johnson 'he.c$ ,also spent extra. time last 'of' July and first of' Augllst., Motion was', made and seconded he be allowed $90..00 extra pay for the. months. ' $ 3.33 15.2'5, 32'.42' 81. 09 ~. ,67 .. 06 houlS'S Marshal Hooper, was, be allowed an extra $40.,00 'Mr~ Tinus from Statewide City Emplmyees Retir~ment 'system was present to discuss the retirement system w~ th the ,Council.. . 124 '. , . . August, cohtlnued. .~. ... :'.. - '. ' . ..'..' . $tt-f f"'e: 5[;f , Engineer' RObischq.ilf call for bids' on, a. used Dissl.Engine. (>h , Motion was made and:';seconded t,o ca.ll. for, bids... Motion carrie<:i.' Mayor Brown suggested we improve. the rOQ'd by the' school. ~h,e Memoria.l Clinic' asked that something be done about all 'day parking,infront of the Nlinic. Discussion was held on' the problems of" parking all day on main .street.. It 'was suggested Attorney Fristoe be contacted towr1t~and Ordinanpe. " Meeting adjour~ed. , . . ~ 2j1c)g Qk~~ . e:o. ec. .' rown, M):~fyor . . ' '~',~.;,.. e.' ... ' .' ~ . ' , ( _0 ~~~. , Elizabetb M. Jones, Clerk September 6, 1966 <> A special meeting was called to order by Mayor Brown with' Councilmen Elde' "and Henderson prese,nt.. , The purchase of the Disel engine ,was d'iscussed. It was decidedt:o wait .untl1 full Council was pre:sent to discuss it further. ' 'Also di,scussed was salary raises no action taken.. Meeting adjourned. , '. ..' ~ . .~7h~ . '. li.z'laet~ M. [Jones ,Clerk · 4.t'~ ", . eo. ~c. brown,.l\11ayor" '" o . ~ ' o o o , . I I I "1:.25:' ,Septemb,~r~,I.4, '1966 , ,,: ~'The ~reg,ular 'meetin~'~~s"'caIled to order','by- Mayor ,'Brown with '.C'oun~il,men'Pickett, Elde~ Henderson,and Vandiver present'. . ' Engineer !1.ob1~c~on:,.an~ Mr.. Goadat.' were,=a:Lsoc prese1?-t., ' ,'" -, : The minutes '(),f::" the ,previous. mee.t'ing..w.e.re'~e~d~nd ap~roved.' and The foll.owing" bflls were ,r~ad and:.;on a,. inotion by Ej;de seconded by .Olarainbeau' were ordered paid, asfo;Llows; , Current} ':." ' ~ . ',' , '. Yel'!l1: Telephone Co.. .'. ..... ... ... ...$ l7.l)O 'Brown',Bros. Garag~ ' .38.,03 Tom M. Johnson " 140~38' Charles- S. Donalda,on, . 40.,11' 'Ttl.urston..'Co~ Bank:., 40.:70 ' Wood', Exc'avatin'g. Co. ' " 15oo~,00 Yelrii Lumber &: H,ardwar.e. Co. 17.18 pugetr:SoUnd.Po'Wer. &;'Light, Co. . 34.91 , Nisqua11y Val.ley' New~..,,,. ,- , "',, ',6~ 59' Eli-zabeth M. Jones', ,-.",,' ';,.., . ; : ."~,, ' v '86. ~2 . C . M'. :M:cFaul '.. " ' , " 4 7 ~ 90 Tom~'Johns,on:<, (.,:. ~ '. , . " , . _ 238.75 Dave. E:ooper 389.' 24.. 'WATER.: <,'.' -. :.~.'" ,~ E1iz'abeth M. ~ ones' ";',.._ ~ . ~ ~ : <~--'~4: 00 YelmLumber.&~Hardw~r~~ 140.52 Pennsalt Chem~ca1 C9:rP.., ": .. ~ c , ~ " , . ?:p. 79 :>'~ : 'wood \E~cav~ting Co. " ".' ~ 1?5. 04 N .1p.r. Ind. Laundry, .' 8.32 Puget SoundPowar & Light Co. 83.36 'Thurston Co. Bank , ,,",. " . '" .. ' 60.40 Milton E. Johnson "',' .., ~.. ~ 133.17" c", a Elizabeth~. Jones.... ........ ,. ,97.95 New'Wate'r Fund: Western Utilities 261.63 Wood Excavating, '. ... , c . " '. ~, ,. 1,S08.07. , \, - c,' .r;;.. .... ,')' - .. ... ... OJ;,. -; ~ J. ~- ;:. ... ;. v ,~ S'treet . Y'elni' Lumber & HaedwareCo., Del Chemical Corp Brow:n Bros. Garage ." Puget'Sound P~&.L c>Ml1ton~~. ~Johnson s',.,'""".... J." 1. ' Dan aslowski , Garbage YelmGarage Yelm Telephone .Co. 'Brown Bros. Garage Milton E. Johnson Elizabeth M~ Jones 13.74 38.12 ,9.9.0 )'. ' '95.70 . ,~, 12.3.36, 2'3.96. ,6,.23 - .14. 35 ' '14.82 : 81.09 , 67.06 - .. ~ ~ '\-"; ~ Eng1nee; Robis~hon' ~per;,e'd bld~ "r~r Disei 'E~giti~ 'they. we.l?e as ' follows t , . , . . ., The Ins'trument L~borato~y,!nc~'~. ~ ~ ... $5,,621.59 Pacif~c Pi$el..;Vsed$4115.90,~lew~...4~979,.40 Star t:'ta,cb1n(:)ry ..~. ... .. .... ... . ........ $5:.:133.2.3 Mr. Hicks from The Ins,trument' Labore.tory Inc.' was, pres en't and discussed there engine with the Council. Engineer Roblschon . suggested that no action he taken until bidIs,w~re. given further , ,'s t udy:. The action of .the last legisl.ature in fr,eezing ourtsx~s was discussed., ,It"w8s moved' and seconded that Attorney Fristoe' ,Be contacted, to see if the Town 'could submit a'proposition to the people a.sking to' vote for the :r~the full 15 mills.. The Budge.t was discussed ,.f~w changes. were . made, rand it was ordered pub lished. ' .. ~ ;. . The meeting J?~~- ' . .' -, c. j ,(: ..'....' - ~~ li2H -,' ,',' " ')", ." h' ' '. . c. .J., ~,., .,~..{,J\~., ~ ~". C. Bnown, ,lVJ.a,:or :: " ." ~', r. , ~ n' ;. '; , ," 'b 126 Octoo':e:r 3, 1966-... '. ... A specIal meeting. for the hearing 'on. the--.'prposed. Budget was ealled' to order by Mayor: Brown.. Present we're Eide ,;Henderson and P1cket~.'" The. Town Employee's aSk.for.s; raise....After...disc.us,si.on motionm$;de' and, ear~1ed ;the MarshSlll$ Clerk:,' and.. M.... Johnson be.. gi.ven..8, $~O!.OO raise. and'Jud~e $15.00})~n 10.0~1J~J:' month.," '.. '.', .' "":,'. Councilmen Henderson moved .that as there.., w..er.e no..protest on the revi~ed Budget it be adopted. Bickett seeonde.d~_.Moti'oncarried' . unanimously. ' Meetirig adjourped. C.lerk'( t . d(d.)jl_~lM" .... .' Y. ~. Ur r'. , BUDGET 1967;1 . . , .. '-~/;~aJ\JL' 4-. Fund ,A,ceounts Total Total '0 , . REVENUE ' General ~ . . Business .License .... . .. . . . . .. .. .. . $1300.00 License & Permits.............~.. 700.00 Fines ~" Fort,. & Penalties....... ~. 3000.00 Rents (Fire Hall) . e . ~. e'.,.. e. .. ... 2076.00 Revenue from ~ther Agencies .' Liq~orTax..~...........~.....$2787.03 . M.V. Tax..................,..... '1640.04 Liquor Eccise ta.x.,........... ..,1058.76 , Taxes..........~.........~.,......8847.50.. " '. Ca~h on hand... .... ~ .. . .. . ... .. .... ;3815.23.., .'. . .$25,;;224.56 . .;;, \'lA TER 'FUND <! ,'~ Cohsumers Collections.... ..... ..... $12".000.00 Hook-up.,.. ....... ~... ~... .'.. ~.. ...., 1,,000.00.. . . . Front. Footage. ..:. .. . . ,';.,~. c~ . . . . . . . . '. 3.. 000.,00.. . .. $16, 50Q.. 00 ~ ~ '. , WATER BOND. 'REDEMPTION ", Trap.s,fer'frofu.we.ter.. ..... .. .'''~ ... .$24ef>.G9 '. . C a s':t;1a on, han d. . . .. . . '. . . . . . . ti . . .. . . . 9 afl' .65. . . . . . $ 3\. 337 . 65 , , S':'i'REET, (A\'RTER!AL) " <> Revenue. from other Agencies " . Gas: Ta.x........ ... ~ .. ... ... . ....$jf&65.7fl T'1r?8.nsferrrom,~Street.. . . .'.~ . . . . . .. 1000.00 Cash on. hand. . . . . . . ~ . ,e.. . . . . . . . . . .. 2367.80...... $5"~O 33:.,79' o S'TREET. 'Revenue from other Agenc les Gas Tax......................$2428.92 Justice Court Fines.......... 300.0Q, Charges .for' Current Ser-vfce.. 500.00 d' 1ransferfrom"Current............ 1256.40 . Cash on hand...................... 1452'.49.... '.. $5",937.81 GARBAGE FHND Consu.mers' Collection........... .'.$3900.00' . Cas.h on hand..................... 1077.8)" . -. Tra.nsfer (ref)a.y .loan "water) "". >500~oo.. ~... $5~477 .83 Grand Total $~1~511.64 FUnd . Es timanted Expend! tures Accounts. total Class Dept.., Total o General , , "'-." Salaries & Wage~ . Clerk. .... . ~ ~ .. .'. .. .. . .... $1320.00 Attorney.........~........ 600.00 " ,.' j . Polic'e Judge............. 780..00. . .... $2700.00 Ma1ntanc~ & Operation . Retirement .Fund..... ~ .. . . $ 66.00 s oc 1 a 1 See ur 1 t y.~ .. . '.. .. ... 75.00. . . . . . $ . 141.00 -/ Contrac'tual Service . . .. Town Hall........ . . . . .. . . . ,$1500.00" Bonds.....-.. '.. ..~~... .-..... " 5o~oo Elect & gdvt........~... 300.00 Sta. te Exam................ 300.00 Of fie e. . . . . .'. . . .'. . . . ~ .. . 200.00. . . . .'. $$ ,2350.00 ,.J ~- I ! I I I 1,27 Budget 1967: '.' Es.t'imantedc Expenditur~s" ~. 4. C "'r ... Co ~ .., >C" -: f. .. . -=r.... 4t . .Fund A,cc.6unts.c Total' . · >. . .' G.la s s " . Dept Total ~ . ,"~ ..~ . . ,.'. - . 'Gene~~'~0,etjn:b.fun.tied ~ '. . ~ . . e 0 ~P~ot~ction to person &' Property-..., ~.'" . . .Salaries & Wage~ . Marshal~. ... .. ........"... .$$5400.00 .. .' ; Deptit~~.'~~~i~~.~..~...i..i' 3600.00..~.~$9,OOO~OO . Maintance .& Operation .'. . . Retirement Fund.....,....., $ ~450.00'.(; . Insurance. .. ~_. .. . . . .. ... . .. . . .140.00', ; .. o . Socia)zSecuri ty.<k. Meg,.... . ~ ',4$Q.OO~< . Marshal"s' Expense... . .' . . .. 2000.00' 0 . Clothing Allowance........ .- G 125.00...... $3165.00 ",Contractual Service. . "t>" - '- "'K'" e 0 ",' . Health.. it........... .......' - 4$0.00 -'.' Cl vil Defense.... ... .. .. .. . 70.00 0 , . .;oF!re. Proi. taction. ~ . . . . _.... 2076.00... . .. $2596..00 . 00 . o Cap! tol -outla~........'....... 2176.00.. . ....... $'?176. 68. .. . $16, 937.68 General FUnd Total $25~224.56- 'vvlJ...JJo9 ... -t :; elQ" '- ...... - WATER . 0 ' 0 Salaries & Wages; .... o' 0 Supt. . . . . . . .- . . . ~ . . . .. .. '.. . . .. .' .. $1560..00 Clerk. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. . . . .... 1500.00 La.bor.......................~...lOOO.OO. . Clerk Reliet.~..~............ 100.00...~.~$4l60.00 . Maint.ance & Operation ~ Retirement' Fund. . .. . .0... . . .... 450.00 Social Sec. &. Mad.. .. .. . .. ...... 250.00; . 0 ~ 1 v . Laundry. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . 170.00. eo . .. . ctOer.oo Contractual Service 0 . ': 0 . . Pbwer......,..~........~......$lOOO.OO Insurance..~.~...~...~........ 130.00 ;. .' o Ivl Utlli ty Tax... ... .. . ~ . . . .. ... . 500..00.... .. $1630:.,00 . aterials & Supplies 0', S upp,l i e s. ~ 0 . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . 1700 .. 00 Truck... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . 300.00 .' 01'1'1ce. .. . ..... . . . .. ... ~.. .. ... . . . 500..00.. . ~ . -'. $2500.00 , other Expense . Repay loan to Garbage..... .:.... 0 seo.ooV' . Bond Redemption.............. 24o.0.00v' 1966 Principal & Int......... 1920~OO~ 1966 Reserve........... ......... 920..00.~.. .,.$5740.00 . Capital Outlay................... 1570.001]....$1570.00 (& ~ 10 .' Fund Total........ .. . . . . . . . . .. . 111 . . . . . . . ~ . . $,16,...500.00 STREET FUND Mai~tanee & Operation Physicial Maintance 0, Roa~ways. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . '.$ .,841.41 Sidewalks..~~....~........' 400.00. 0 .~ Storm Sewers....... ~........ 20~.OO..... $..1241.41 Traf.fic Service . Street lights............ 1256~40 StreetCleaning...~...... 856.00 . Traffice Control. ~.. . . .. .. .. 350.00 ~rafric Policing~........ 200.00~.~.~~$2662.40 . Departm~nt E~uipment &: Supplies '. . . o' 0 Truck & Grader & Misc..... 264.00...... 2;64/.00 Overheaa . Retirement.;Fund........ .....' 93.00' Social Security...;........ 95.00 11;1surarice... .. . . .. . .. .. ... 82.,00 Transfer Arterial Street.. 1000.00.......$1270.00 o Non-Street Cost...... ~".'...... .500.00-."..... 500.00 ' . . . . 'bI,I" . Fund Tot a 1. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 'co . . . . . . . .. ~ .. ..'... . $ $.,5', ~3 7 . 81 ARTERIAL, STREET FUND . . Construe ti on~ . ... . .. . . . .,. . . .. . . . .. $5033.,79. . . . .. . . .. .. ~ . . . .. . . $5,0:33. 79 . . ' - , I 1~>.:5 Garbage "Flirid; Salarles -& Wag.as............... ..$1' .' Slsp. ~ali~y..~........",.~..",..$1500.00 Reli~f Dii~........~..~",..~..",.. 1040.00 G 1 e r k. . . . . ~. ~ . ... . '" . . . . .. . . ". . . . .. 1080 . 00 . d :: R e lie f C 1e rk. .~ .~ ~ .. . . . . . . .. . . . 109 . 00 . . ",'. '" .'" . $ 3 J 720 ,. ~o Maintance--~ Uperati'on . . . Social 'sec... & Mad......- ~..... ... .. .205..00 Ret.irement ~~4-t}d.~.. .."'... ~ ~.; ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . 197.$9;.;. ... .~ont~ictual Service Ins ui"anc e. . . . '" . '" l!, . . . . . . . , lit, " , t ~ ! ~.. 1~5 '" 00 Office. . . .-... . . . ~ ! . '" · . . '" ! !, ! ~. . ~ ".., ,,?9Q!: 9Q . Utili ty Tax........'..... ~ .,.~ Ill, ~ , ~ ~.! ~;:J 40.00....... l-1a.terials .& Supplie,$ ". . . ~ . .. ~ .. Truck......~...............~.~!~.. .' Other Expense.. ~ .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Capital' Outlay..... ~ . . . . . .. '" . .. . .. . . . '402.59 365.00' 700.00 . '50 .00 . . . . '" . . ,?49.33..~.... '750.00 240.33 '" .. '" . '" . $5477 ..83 o . . Fund Tot~ ~ :: :: ~ : ; : ; : . . .. . . . . '" . .. . Grand Total $61,51i~6~~ {~ , 'V~ ~, \ \ '" <:. 'II ~ ,.l :::..'";Y .. .' <> tV ,t,o ('; l' -;. .. '0 '0 <> .,. .;.. :> ...J. f; ~ .. ) '" oi'J. ~'" ":,' 1, ~ 'tJ' .) t~. "',~ ~ .., ~ ., ~~ 'll qll> .:;t 4-, .e,'" ~ .. ... <t ~ .,. " r: :0, c ~ .'.O'tr$O ." " > o )" ;") 4 _'1 '" .. ::;, I*-' 'ii' .;.;, "" .;. {1 '~ ~ .". ~ " " .... .". " ~ .. ",: t,. c' (. t, .if ::). tr ,..- ;b Q." , ::, ~ :) C " e c o <> c , '" ~ "0- :-. .c. ~(l;.~.Qo.':I~O -" " " ,,~.' \") 'l'~~,~ \;1#"~~ I I I October 12, 1966- - , 'The"regular "meeting was calle:d' to order by Mayo.r Brown with Couricl.1me~' Pickett~, ~~~de and Henderson present,. " '129,' . " , , . 'J_'<~" , ' , ,The min:utes ',of', the previous me'eting. were read an~ approv~,d." The fOl16witJ;g bill~- were read" and on ,a. "motio~n, made by Picktt and seconded by Eide were, ordered, paid as follows: Current:' ,"- ,Gallagher Heating, Oil ;Puget:,Sound,.P-& L , Ni~q~ally V~11ey Newa~" Henry S. Jones Wolffs Y~~~Telephone Co. Mosman ,Ag~noy ..... ',' Th:urs ton !1I1as on .tie'al th Thurston Co., Reg. Library E. Robert' Fristoe' ~mpioyment Security Employment S,ecurity' Rosano Electric Center Yelm Telephone Co. Char'les r"1ontgomery Pickett Drugs 'D & H Mobile Thurs Co. Fire Dist.' Dept 'or Labor & lnt! " Bureau of Internal Revenue ,'Employment Security Dave Hooper Toni Johnson Ye1m Br. Thurston 0'0,. Bank ,['/ C ., ' M.. lcF a ul ' Elizabeth M. Jones $31.48 , .33.08 59.01, 5..00, 6.66 . 13.45 ' 15.00 . .7 9.50 ' , 2'63.57 ' 75.00 1.11 35.28 25.27' 21.45 15.28 5.65 - 87.,79 52~JJ31 28..87 40~70 171.,58 . 389.214: 200.85 78.60 4,7.90,' 86.22: , Wfa te:r: N.W. Ind. Laundry, D &H Mobile . Puget Sound P & L' , Pickett Drug,Store Dept. Labor & Ind. Bureau of Internal Revenue. Employment Security Wash State Tax Com. ,~lizabeth M. Joness, Milton E. Johnson Yelm Br. Thurston Co. Bank ,New Water Construction Dept. of Labor & Ind. i' Employm,ent Security ,,~. $ 8.32" 4.75 70.1el 7.26 11.14 ~O.40 77.62 124'.03 97.95 133.,17 60.40 , ~... 7.95 28.40 Street: Pacific Sand & Gravel Yelm Lumber & Hardware puget Sound Power & Light Co Employment Security Dept of Labor & Ind. D' &,H Mobile ~ervice Han Maslowski . Nilton E. 'Johnson 29., '84 3'1 ~ 62 ' 95.70 '46.12 . 10.95 ' 10.99 23.86 124.08 6.33 14. 35, 14~82 81.09 .67.06. ',' Discussion 'wa,s had on the purchase of' the Di'sel 'engine,. Engineer ' Rob1schon suggested we accept the low bid of Pacific 'D18e1. Motion,' duly ma.de we accept. The Clerk was instructed to 'not-ify the, Company_ Resolution N.O.' 105 which authorized. the Clerk to sell the U.s.. ~overment'Bond and purchase U.S. Treasury Bonds was read and' , .,approv.ed. IBU' OctpbE)r. continu~,d 'Res'olution No. 106 was' 'read and, adopted.' This.~_was,to submit to the' people 'of ,the Town of Ye,lma proposition. authorl.zing .and increase! . ~ ~~e in property .tax. Motion made and carried. . Meeting adjourned: t~#t~........ . Eli'zJabeth. ~.. i~nes, Clerk &':Lw .. . . ','" / /If: , .V 'JA~~~V1" . , , Geo., C. Bro~n., Mayor.: " Resolution ,No. 105 ~JHEREAS~ :the Town of Yelm' has by th.e prqvision. of its water revenue bonds is required to maintain a minium balance c.r Three Thousand' Dollars' ($3,QQQ'.OO) 'in its "Water bond reserve fund for 'the period during which. the sa! d bonds~ are being paid, and ' . . WHEREAS~ ~the' Three-Tpol1sand Dollar"s. ($3,OOO.OO)has. been held ,in U.S. Saving Bonds which will mature November 1, 1966. ' , " ' I WHEREAS ,: the Council o'r the; Town of' J.elrohas 'det'ermined. that the best and proper .investment for t~eThree Thousand'Dollars ( (3,000.00) held in United. States Saving Bonds be' invested ,in United States Tre~su~y Bonds which will mature August 1970. . , 'N6\tJ, .THEFiEFORE~BE IT RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Town of' Ye,lm be,. and she is hereby authorized and diredted, to invest Three Thousand Dollars ($3000~OO)' in Unit~d Stat,as Tre~sury Bonds in,the name of the TQwn of Ye1m. o . <- 'Passed, by the unanimous vote of the Council of the Town of Yelm at i t.s regular' ineetin on the 12 day of October 1966. 11AYOR ~k JtD~~~~' ATTE~T;f~1~ , i' . ' (~. .:.;. o i> . RES OLUTI ON .11.01,6 A RESOLUTION authorizing the submission to the voter of the Town Qf'Yelm of a proposition authorizing a~ increse of r~~venue .from property taxes as provided by!!. 5'1 . 'Chapter 174~ Laws of 1965 Extraordinary Session. WHEREAS, under. the provisions of Chapter 174,,' Laws of' " 1965 Extra'ordlnary Ses.sian the revenue to the Town of Ye1m from property taxes, is '1imi ted to the amounts provi~ed in said act, . a~ . . . . . WH~EAS~ S 5 of said act provides that the: property tax 're.venue' of' the." T,own of Yelm may be increased subject to the limitations co~ntained in the consti tuti'on and general laws of the S,tate of Washington by the' approval' of a proposi~ion 8.uth:Qrizing , . said incr~ase by.. .a majority of the voters of the "Town or Yelm an<:i, WHE]1EAS~. it is in th~ best i'nterests of' the Town of' Yelm that.. such aprooposition'authorizing an ~ncrease'or property tax, revenues be s~bmitted to the voters of 8aid'To~n at a geriera],' election to be" helQ: on November 8,. 1966 in the To}Vn of Yelm. .. NOW, .THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY C~OUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF YELM, as. follows:' . .' . Sectionl.That the,re be' placed up'on th,e b~al1ot in the general election to. be,held in the Town ofYe1mon November 8~ 1966, ^th~ following proposition to' be vot edupon by ,the peop.le of said City: o I I I... ftes.o.luti.on ,No. 1.06 Continued .ISlE PROPOSITION- NO~ 1 Fixing~ a .celllrigon.-tax' rev.anue for., Tawn of: ~elm . Current Exp ehs e.' . -". '. Sh.l1-ata~-'1~vt estlmatedtb be 15' mil1sper~, - .' rnissible. by law wi thin. the. constitutional 40 mill taxl limitati.on c.ontinue. to,.~be_made. by the' Town of Yelm on.,the basis of an ass,e.ss,ed: valuation not 'exceed twenty-five' pe.rcent. .of.. .the true and fair. value." of the taxab.l.e -property' wi thin said Town, notwithstanding. the. Iimi.ta;tion~...c.6ntained-in S S 2, . ,J and 4 o.f"Chap'ter. 174". Laws of 1965 Extra- ordinary-- sessi"on.. the' pr.oc.eeds to 1?e p laoed iii the TOw1'lTreasury Current.Expense Fund to .be used for Town administration as now provide_~ by law;l./ . . Attest: g , '.' -'. &- 'l:l~.'.""""l~." .' ." . ,CT n ~~.: ......Yto '1~ .~ . '. '. Mayor' .' ,~ T; E:lizabeth Jones, h~reby certify that this is a. true . - and correct copy of R,es.olution No.. 106 adopted at the',regular ,Town Council Meeting he'ld on October 3" 19666' ". . t:iL:~>7n ~ . Er1zabeth M.LJonesj Town Clerk .. -N - vember.9, 1966>. .. () -. - ..' The above.' Resolution ~/as yet.ed- on fauorabley in the elect~on held November 8, 1966 132 . November' 9, 1966 ~ , - . Mayor Brown presided at. the regula.r council'meetingwith Council- Vand:iver~ -Pic~ett ,Eide ,a.nd Hende~son.. pr~sent. J The minutes of. the previous meeting were.'.r.ead arid approved'. . . . --. e The following 'bills were read and approved. Current: Ye~~m Garage Yelm TelephoneCo. _,' Brown,Bros~ Gar. D..& H- "1'10b1 le' Elizabeth M. J~nes Wolf's Shop-Rite Yelm Lumber' & Hdw. Rosano's Electric Center . ..GQllagher Heating Oil' Puget SoundP &L ~1osman Agency C.M. McFaul Mun.Judge Elitabeth M~' Jones - Da.ve Hooper '., Yelm B. Thurs .'Co. .bank $101.JJt8 17.,85' 22.83 12. 2'8 . 15.00 2.13 19.65 .5.2:5' . 27.74 30.57 5.00 .47.90' 86.22 389.24 40..70 o Water Pennsalt Chem. Corp 'Brown Bros. Garage Puget Sound P &L Y.elm Telephone Co. Milton E.' Johnson Elizabeth M~. Jones . Tom Johnson 'Ye1W Br. Thurs. Co. Bank Garb,~ge .' Yelm Garmage. Brown Bros. Garage ~oe'.Longmire Milton E. Johnson . ,Elizabeth< ~4.".,Jones .1 J. 35 21 .. 88 63.0): . '15.30 133.17 . 97.95 200.,85 9 8~, 30 '43.h5 $.88. L. 9.60 ' 81.09 . 67..06 o . ,'; ',,'Er nst Drapelof Washington State Parks was pr'esent to meet 'the Mayor & Council. He offered his assistance. on .any planning. we plan .to do about Parks & Reerea ti on. .' '. ' Pickett made. a motion tha.t Hilt Johnson be appointed Gas Inspec~or ang. all time, spent on inspection be turned over to the Clerk Vand:i.ver secor1ded and it c.arried. .Mr. Rye;son .of ~Statl~.ltllde' Retirement was presenfto explain the ~ystem. or ret.irement-;,\ror employe,es. . . . The Clerk was' instructed two write to Puget Sound for two' more Street ligh~ one to.be in~talled back of Town Hall the 'other one by Yelm Gymanisum. . Meeting adjourned. 0).- ~ ~.lWV\. ~.~ Brown, Mayor ;1~v 'Joneb/Clerk o , \. . ~. 133:.;~ December 14, '1966 -, - Mayor ,Br0wn p.resided. at . the regular c_ouneil meetin wi th Counci-lmen Pickett,Henderson. 'and Vandiver present. The minutes of-- the previous meeting' w.ereread and approved. ,Th,e follo~ing bills. were read and approv'ed~ 'I C,urrent: , So. Puget., Sound Libra.ry Gordon's Marke t S-toker Land Co. Gallagher Heating Oil 'Henry Jones< puget Sound P & L Co. Yelm Telephone Co.' Kenneth Hansen Efjo Robert, Fris toe, Thurston Mason Health Yelm Te1~phorie Co. , D & H Mobile Service BTown Bros. Garafje . Thurs. C.o. Fire ist. . .Emp:loyment' Security Dept. c. ~1., t1cFaul Elizab~th'M.' Jones ' Employment Sec. Dept. ' BUreau of' Internal. Revenue ,Dept 'of Labor & Ind. T,om 'Johnson Dave Hooper 1rlate;r: ' Yelm Lumber & Hdw~ 'P~ennsalt Chemical Corp. ;Brown ,Bros.O'arage :puget Sound? & L. Co.. Pacific Disel , . . Beulah Phillips N.W. Ind. Laundry . Employment Security, Dept. of,~ tiibor, & Ind. , Bureau of Ind. Rev. ,Tax Comnnssion . Milton'E. Johnson Elizabeth ~. Jones Stre.et: Puget Sound P &L Co. Tony Cairane Employment, Security .Dept. " . De~t. of Labor & Ind. . Milton E. Johnson 'lOan IJias'lowski $263'.,57 3.23 39.42' 22~66 - 8.00 . 39. 72~ 11.45 2,2. 00 , 125.,00 79.50 . 19.05 5.0a: 6,.53 ' 5'27.31 r 35.28' 47..90 86.22 ' 155.40 ~ 7.8. 60 25..60 200.85 . 389.,24 8.69 13.35 24.90 64.61 601.01 52.69 18. 72' 10.2.48 16.' 24 60.40 120.99 . 133.17 97.95 I $ .95.70,; 52.10 39.06 7.80 124.08 23~86 .New lvater Construction;' , Howard N. Godat RosanQ Electric Center Pac-ific Disel $606.07 405.54 'I"'" r:',tt8 r:' !,!,!:)i+J:> 7.:;;2'. I Ga.rba,ge: Brown Bros. Garage, 'Joe Longmier Beulah Phillips Employment Security.Dept.. Dept.. of Labor & Ind. Milton E. Johnson ~ ~ Elizabeth ~. Jones 2'2'~. 49 72- 48 19~16 . 52'. 74 , 9.'42 81.09 50.?'7 ,,' , ..Dave Hooper'd re~ignation.was read' and accepted. He also ask that he receive pay allowance for uniforms as while he haa. worked for' the'Town he :had'used his own. Discussion fol:rowed.'but no action ~as takeri. ' A letter wa.s' read, from local citizen reques,ting tWiostreet lights. one at Jones: & Solberg a.nd the other one at Solberg & 'Ye.lm. It, ~as truned ov~r to the street commit~ee for ~urther study. ~eeting adjourned. ' tL~~~uv ,. ~11zab . . Jone '. . erk .. d;:f0J-uhWl Geo.. .~ B~~wn, Mayor. ,