1969 Minutes I I .1 January 8, 1969 ,1~'8'~< Tl}.e regu,lar meeting of: the" Town Council vias called to order by, , Mayor Eide with' Councilwoman Coates and Councilmen Koeppen and Henerson present. I, ,The minutes of the previ,ous meeting were read and approve~. 'The following bills were read and ordered paid as follows; Curren t:: Mobil Sheriff Van Allen Mosman Agency, ~elm Telephone Co. Thurston Co. Auditor Milton Eo Johnson Wash. state Retirement Rosanos 'vJolf',sShop-Ri te , Ellzabeth M. Jones Puget Power, Gallagher Heating Oils N.W. Ind. L~undry 0.. Young Pickett Drug Klssoc. of 'Wash. Cities Wash. State Retirement , ,Cppi tal Business Machines' Wash. State Retirement Elizabeth M. Jones C .M. . McFaul Wash. state Retirement 'Water :; Nisqual1y Valiey News Shell Oil Co. N.W. Ind. Laundry , Yelm Lumber & Hdw~ . PugetPower Tax Commission Mosman Ins. Agency Yelm Ga:rage Ye1m Telephone' Co. Hash. State'Retirement Thurston Co. Auditor Mil ton E. Johnson' '" Robert M. Johnson Eli za beth M. Jones Wash. State Retirement, Ye1m Hi'.. Thurs. Co. .dank Street: Puget Power Mosman Agency Ye1m Lbr~ & Hdw. Mobil Wash. State Retirement , -Woodworth & Co. - Thurs. Co. Auditor Milton E.Johnson _ Robert M. Johnson, Dan 1'1aslowski Wash. State Retirement , Gar 1:age :, Mosman Agency' _ I10bil .n tili ty Tax Shell Oil Co. D & H Mobil Yelm Garage Wash. State Retirement Thursont Co. Auditor "Robert 'M. John~'on Elizabeth M. Jones' . Wash. 'Sta te Retirement,' $ 5.50', 750.00 155.00 11.30' 1.60 1 79. 87 10.'00 13.30 - 17.23 12.00 39'..47' 26031 4.18 18.80 5.60 55..54 7.50 203.05 44.89 126.28 61.88 7.00, '$ 40.55 5.52 8.36 9.38 53.6~ 121.93 150.00 1}. 7 9 8.80 23.40 1.60 , 124.58 83.39 88.33 28.25 140.50 $103.40 " 131.00 3.29 1~.3S 11'.10 622.82, 1.60 56.27 89..67 ' 33.12 8.25 $150.00 '12.07 13.86 5.45' 8~46 6.52 21.00 1.60 179.. 57 90.. 20 15.00 1"'84.' Darrell 'Rochester from the 1elm' Bowling Alley was' present and re- quested permission to put in gameS of skill. P~rm~ssion was granted. A letterfr9ffi the Gamp Fire Girls was read requesting permissi0n to sell candy in Ye1m . 'Permission was granted. A bill from Frigang Contruction Co. for the street work done on Third Street was discussed. No action was taken. Meeting adjourned~ > 'Jl ~L~ ROger~, Mayor. o f?tf ~ . '1 - (0 I-<A cLud -//1 ~ Eliza th M. Jone~, o. . " o o ,I I I February 12, 1969 1'85,~ .Ji. , The regular me'eti.ng of the Town ,Council was called' to oreier by Mayor Eide with Councilwoman Coates and Councilmen Koeppen,Vandiver and Henderson present. The' minutes of the previous meeting, were' read. and app~o ved. Th The following bills were read and ordered paid as follows: 'Current :: Wash. State Retirement Shell'Oil Co. Thurston Co. ,Sheriff Nisqually Valley,News YelmTelephoneCo. Milton E.Johnson Wash. State Retirement W'ash. Stwte Retir~ment N . W'. Ind. Laundry Rosano 'Electric Gallagher Heating Oils YelmTelephone Co. L9rnita Tag Co. 01~npia Air Pollution Puget Power Wolf's Shop-Rite A.O. Young Elizabeth M. Jones C. M. McFaul Elizabeth H. Jones Wash. State Retirement $ 12.00 10.12+ 7~~..OO 60.61 11.00 179.84 10.00 7.50 6.27 3.h5 88.82 'II .50 7.70 49.96 48.32 : 2.68 18.80 1.57 61.88 126.i8 7.00 , Water: Wash. state Retirement puget Power Yelm Garage' Mobil Oil Co. Fl oyd ' s , 'Elizabeth M.J one s Robert M. Johnson Milton E. Johnson Yelm Br. Thurs. Co. Bank Wash. state Retirement , , Ann Zembas , ~Jlobil $'56.29 82.46 8.88 3.66 5.49 89.5:8 ' 84.64 125.83 ' 140...~0, 24~50 9.04 3.66 Street: T~coma Auto Freight Wash. State Hetirement Puget Power A & I Builders Yelm Lumber &. Hdw. Dan lVIas10wski Robert M. Johnson Milton E~ Johnson Wash. State 'Hetirement Del Chemical Corp. , Garbage: , Wash. State,Retirement Mobil N.W. Ind. Laundry Shell Oil Co 1 ' Elizabeth H. Jones Robert M. Johnson Wash. State Retirement $ 10.20 . 11.10 l03~40 68 . 97 27.94 . 33.12 89.67 56.27 8~25 217.86 $ 21.00 12..01 16.72 23.45 90..20 179 . 57 '15.00 'A letter. from Yelm Schools was read. They requested a railroad cross':" ing',atWes,tern Farmers. Councilwoman Coates made a: motion seconded by Councilman Henderson that the crossing be,investigated. Motion carri€d. . . Garbage at' Gordonts Market came up for disc~ssion. Amotion was . . m~dethat he must p~y $25.00 a month if Town hauls his garbage or $13.00 'if he hauls his own. It was also agreed that he should not bUrn anything. A motion was made that Go~donfs Market r~ove all signs from the side- ' walk as they were a traffic hazarad when leaving the parking lot and also at Third Street. . '1:;'8'6 I The Clerk suggest'ed that $1,000.00 in water, flmd be transfered to the Bond Reserve' -Fund. Permis$ion 'granted. Resolution 115 was read and adopted. Meeting Adj ourned . ' ~e~. Roer Ei Mayor .. . t: o c :RESOLUTION 'NO 115 It is pereby resolved by the CounciL of the Town 'of Ye1m, Washington as ,follows: ., .1" All,ocation of funds to the 'cities and towns in the state of ' Washington for relief of their present'financial crisis should be,: Op a pe'r capita ba!si s, thea ting ci ti zens equally, and, Without discrinination. PASSED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL AND AFPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 12th DAY OF' FEBRUARY 1969 ' ~. . , ',~C~o: 'R6ger ,ide Mayor &ttest :. (~~~. Town' erk v " , o r-. o " ' I I I 187i , JVlarch 12 ,1969 111eregular meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor EisB 'with Councilwoman Coates and Councilmen Koeppen and Henderson present. The minutes of the previous ~eeting were rea~ and approved. The fo:J.-lowing bills were read, and ordered paid as follmlTS: Current ;' ' Wolf ' ~ W~sh. State Retirement Gallagher Heating Oils Lake Lawrence Consrt Co. , Puget' Power N.W. Ind. Laundry Co. A.O. Young C. M. l1cFaul Etizabeth I-i. Jones ,Wash. State Retirement ,Wash. State Hetirement Tl}.urs. County Civil Defense , Y~lm Telephone Co. Thurston Co. Sheriff P~lmer Chemical Co,., Mi1eon E. Johnson WStsh. State Hetirement Water :, Yelm Lumber, & Hdw. Shell Oil Co. Ye1m Garage, Pioneer B~siness Forms Puget Power W~sh., state Retirement Badger f1eter' Co. Pennsalt Chern Corp. E~izabeth r1. 'Jones .Robert i-Y. J OMSOn }lilton E. Johnson Wash. State Hetirement , Street: Brown's Garage Wash. State .R~tirement ,P acifi c Sand & Q-ra vel P'Ll:get Power Da.n Iv1aslowski, Robert'M. Johnson Milton E. Johnson Wash. State ~Retiremerit Garbage: Shell 'Oil .Qo. N .W.Ind. 'aundry Ye1m relephone C9. ~1obil O~ l. Corp. Wa?h. State Retirement, F~izabeth M~ Jones Robert H. Johnson.. . Wash. State Retirement $ 9.64 h1.29' 28.79 ' 2 97 ~ 86 . 36,.18 4.18 18,,80 61.88 126.28 7.00 ' 12.00 97 .00 11.00, 775'-00 14. i5 , 17 9 . 84 10.00 $ 17 . 97 13.51 '16 .1 7 92.10 , 64.16 29. )-1-0 438..27 23.50 89.58 84-.64 125.83 24.50 $ 10.03 9.90 33 . :Bill. 103.60 .33.12 89.67 56 .. 27 8.25 $ 11.52 12.54 8.75 28;38 18.00 ~9qJ :~2 91 ,'- 179.57 , 15.00 . Don Austin asked to prune the Hawthorne trees on Ye1m Ave. The Council agreed The cl~rk was ask to,contact th~ attorney about insurance while he was working for the Town. . Bob Landon was pres~nt and wanted to know how the Council felt about'annexing s'C~me land on Cham oors road and Ye1m A i.e'. Discussion followed. Meeting adjourned. ~ ) Jones, Clerk 0- ~ . /.i .' , .~ / e-- ~-? MA ': ROW"R ErnE" . ~ ..... ,~.. , 1'88 A:pril 9, 1969. . ThEf-,'rgggy.lar meeting of' the Town Council was called to ordur. oy ~layor Eide r with'.Councilwoman Coates, Councilmen Koeppe,l Henderson and Vandi vet' present., The"'JZlinutes of the previ DUB meeting were read an .approved. -~ . ,The following bills were read and ordered paid' as follows: Current: WaL sh State. Retirement YelmTelephpne Co. E. Robert Fristoe . Yelm Lumber~& Hardware Hosman A.~{ency WoIf' sShop~R.i te Pickettt Drugs ,Yelm Garage. Gallagher Heatihg Oils Puget Power. Thurs. County Fire Dist No. 2 , Thurs. . County Library, Elizaooth H! tTones Nisqually Valley News N.. W.. Ind. Lq.undr;yr A. O. Young " Emp. Security Dept. 'Wash. .State Retirement C.M. HcFaul, Elizabeth M. Jones Wash., state Retire. Thurs. County; Sheriff Ye1m, Telephone Co. . , ,l'hurston County Sheriff . Thurston :Hason Health Thurston County Humane Mobil .. Dept. of. Laqor &. . Ind.. Employnlent S,ecurity . Wash. state Retirement Mil ton E.. Johnson ' $ 41.29 14.15 , 150..00 23.20 36.. 00' , = 3.. 36. o 2..86 '19...20 34. 7 9 : .38.96 . 872 . 00 390.. 2.5 16.20 24.35 , 4.18 18.80 ' 59..04 7..00 61.88 126.28 II:. 00 4.00 11.10 775..00 Bl ... 2:) 64. 92 22.55 8.21 , 57 .60 10.00 i79.B4 o o I ' Water: Wash. Stat~ Retirement Western Utilities Yelm 'Lumber & Hardlofare PacificWat,er 'vvork.s Shell Oil Cp.. J'1obil Oil Corp. Tax' Cornmiss:;Lon . Puget Power Bureau of Int. Re venue Dept. oiLabor I Ind. ~nployment S~curity Wash. state H?tirement Yelm Hr. Thurs. Go. Bank Milton E. J.ohnson Ro r;ert H. John son . Elizabeth 1"1.0 Jones $ 29040 26 069 29.62 29.05. 6..99 6.60' 115.98 62.76 140.'50 18.53 lh2.04 24. '50 140.50 1250~3 8)~.64 89.59 street: Wash. state Retirement 'Milton'E. Johsnon ,Pacific Sand & Gra vel Puget Power ,Dept. of 'Labor &. Ind. Employment Security Dep~. Wash. 'Stq.te Hetirement Milton E. Johnson Dan l\1a 51 ow ski . . Ro tBrt M.. Johnson 9.90 . . 13.62 25.08. 103.40 14.11 57-.59 8.2$' 61.39 33.12 89.67 0, Garbage: Shell Oil Co. Wash~ State .Retirement Tax Commission Yelm Garage N . 1j{. Ind:. Laundry Dept. of Labor I Ind. Employment Security Wash. state Retirement 16..03 18 ~OO 17 . 97 160.80 4.18 . 10.68 86 .40 15.00 April 9,1969 (c'ontinued) 1,8'9:.", Gar bage : Robert M.Johnson 'Elizabeth }1,. ,Jones Mobil: Oil GorI? '$179.57 90.20 6.92, ,It was brought to the attention of' the GOUnci~that two doors 'were needed om the' rest rooms in the park. Permission was gra~te~ for 'j ohnson to go ahead with ,the doors) " in the park. Permission was granted also to ~uy two 15 mile'speeoc zon$ tickets to go: i'n front of vJolf's store. . Parking by the park all,night was discussed. A motion was made that ~ll night parking tv the 'park not be permitted. Motion carri~d. 'I Trailer houses in the Town were discussed . . .Fri stoe on a OI'dinanc,e. ' It was decided to consult Attorney Vandi veI' ,moved Goates seconded meeting adj'otirne . Motion",' carried C'~ ,ErDE ~ .1 I .],,90 'May 14, 1969, . . . 1he regular meeting' of the Town Council was called, to order, by l\1ayor Eide ,with Councilwoman Coates, Councilmen Koeppen,Vandiver, and Henderson present~' ,Hilto' Johnson was present also our new Thurston County Deputy Jack ,Dunway. The minutes of ,the previous, meeting wer'e read and approved,. The following oillswere read and ordered paid as follows: . ;. , 'Current ,:' Wash. state Retire. N.W. Indo Laundry Youngs Ingle's Office Equip. ,Gallagher Heating' Oils Wolf's' Puget Power , Wash. State Retire. ' Elizabeth .M.,Jones C .H. HcFaul Wash. State Retire Shell Oil Co. Ye1m Telephone Co. Thurs. CQ. Sheriff IvIohil, . Wash. State ,Re~ire. Milton E. Johnson $ 8..40 4.18' ',18.80 3.14 41034 ' 3.09 . 43.; 26 7.00 126.28 61.88 4 4.89 5.14 11,,45 775.00 21.88 10.00 o Jj Wa tel:' :: Wash. State Retire: Nisqually Valley NevJ"s, Yelm Telephone Co. NellimlGarage N:obil Puget Power Yelm Lumber & Hdw.' Wash. state Retirement Yelm,Br Thurs. Co. Bank Elizabeth M. Jones , Iv1il ton E. J'ohnson Robert,M. JVhnson $ 29.40 7~.00 1;b. 77 8..67 8.01 . , 61.09 10.39 24.50 140.50 89.59 125.8], 84.64 o I street :' Wash. ,State Retire., Thursto~ County Pacific Sand & 'Gra ml Yelm Lumher & Hdw. Puget Power Roger Eide ' Ye1m Garage Wash. State Retirement. Dan Nas10w ski Milton E. Johnson ,Robert M. Johnson Garbage: Wash. State Retire. Nisqually Valley News N.W., Ind. Laundry Shell Oil Co. Mobil Wash., state Retire. Ann Zembas Robert M. Johnson Elizabeth M. Jones ~/ $ . 9. 90 111.29 10.15 24 · 35 103.20 19.60 9.38 '8.25 33.12 61.39 89.67 $ 18.00, 54.89 11 "50 ' 15.12 21~ ~ 42) 15.00 61.88 179.57 '90.20 o ,The ,Clerk was asked to .find out who tOQk care of'. speed limit signs at the R. Road Crossings. , Discussion was had on Trailers and it was, suggested we get material from Association of Wash. Ci tiesbe.fore making, an#.j'decision. . . Dave Piles 'was present and discussed the police protection we were receiving. He introduc~ed our n~wly appomnted DeputyJack Dunw?y. Meeting adjourned.. I ,f..' "', '," , 0~ ~~?~ Roger Eide Mayor I .1 I I , June 11,. 1969' The regularmeeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor' Etde with Councilwoman Coat~s, Councilmen Koeppen and Henderson present. The minutes of the previous lneeting were reqd and approved. The following bills, were read and ordered paid as follows; 191;.- . ,". , . ,ri ~ . J, . ,,+ '" Current: N ..W. Ind. Laundry Wash. State Retire A & I Builders Young's, Pickett Drug Store Puget Power Yelm Lumber & Hdw. Yelm Telephone Co. Gallagher Heating Oils Ye1m Garage Wolf's Wash. Sta te Retire. Elizabeth M. Jones C. ',M. IlJicFaul Wash. state Retire Ye1m Garage Ye1m Telephone Co. Mobil Thurston Co. Sheriff Shell Oil Co. Wash. State Retire Milton E. Johnson' , v-Ja ter: Ye1m Lwnber- & Hard'ware Nisqua1ly Valley News Shell ail Co. Badger ,Heter Co. Permsal t Wash.' State Retire. Puget Power Mil ton E.. Johnson Ro tert M. John son Elizabeth N. Jones Wa'sh. State Retire stret: Puget Power' Yelm Lmnber & Hdw. D,& H Mobil Yelm Fix-It Shop. Nisqua11y Val~ey News Wash. State Retire ,Mil ton E. Johnson Robert M. Johnson Dan IJIas10wski Wash. State Retire. Garbage: Nisqu~ly Valley News Ye1m Garage Shell Oil 'Co.,' Wash. State Retire , D &' H Mobil , N . 'W. Ind. Laundry Robert M. Johnson ,Elizabeth N. Jones' Wash. State Retire $ h.08 8",40 23.47 18.80 1.62 '34.15 15.5h 9.90 40.96 '20.90 ' 4.52 7.00 126.28 61.,88 12 . 00 ' 23..7q 11.30 12.. 93 '775.00 5.80 10.00 14..68' 24/38 9.50 237.63 24.00 62.29 77.89 125.83 ' 84.64 ' 89.59 24.5(1) $103.40 14.il 7.94 ,3.,55 23.00 9.90 58..27 89.67 33.J.2 8.25 $ 2311,00 6.01 21.10 18.00 ,213.18 8.46 179.57 90'.20 15..00 Truman Wilcox and Roberta Lon~~nire were present to inquire about annexing' the property where' the new Methodist Church was to be built. Discussion followed. Permission was granted to Ye1m High School to have a Street dance in woir" s ,parking lot Friday ni t~ June 13, 1969. -Nisqually Development representatives were present to explain their neM" project on the Nisqually River flats. Bob Landon was present and ask about 'water lines on his property on MalT'tin , Road.. He was assured there would be no problem after' the frqnt footage ,&.HH8K5tc up was paid. ' 192' , June 11, 1969 ( continued. Letter fro~ the school was read. They wanted the trees rffinoved on Edwards street. Councilwoman Coa,tes made a motion seconde<:i;by Henderson that the trees remain. A motion was made that Ordinanc'e No., 95 b~ strictly enforce4,as people were bec~ning carelesss with outside burning. Meetin~ adjourned., .~ - -l~ lirl~ J oue;;, Clerk o '" o o I. I 1 1!J3', July 9,) 1969 The regular me'eting of the Town Council was called to. order by Mayor Eide wi th, Councilmen Koeppen,Nate Hendersc)n and Les Vandi vel" presen~. The minutes of the previous me~ting were read, and ppproved~ The bills were read and all ordered.'paid but the boad bill.to the Thurston . County Sheriff's office. Current: Thurston County Humane Thurston County Sheriff's Office. Thurston Ma.son' Heal th Service Standard Oil Co. Yelm Telephone Co. Shell Oil Co. 'Wash. State ,Retirement ' Employment Security - Dept. of Labor & Ind. Thurs.' Co. Fire Dist~ict E. Robert Fristoe So. Puget Sound Regional Library Puget Power ' Elizabeth 1~1. Jones N . ",I. Ind'., Laundry' Young's Wash. State Retirement Emp. Security , C. N/ HbFaul . Eli za be'th M. Jones Water: Puget P'ower- Badger Meter c. Mobil Engel's Office Equip 'W'estern Utili ti~s Ye1m Telephone Co. Wash. State Retire. Bureau of Inteimal Revenue Employment Security Dept. of Labor 7 Ind. Elizabeth M. Jones, Robert M: Johnson Tax Commission $ 61.92 775.00 81.25 5.27 -~. . "~ . 11.00 12.10 12..00 57 .60 8.21 872 .00 ~50.00 390.25 32.45 6.00 4.18 , 18.80 8..40 59.04 '6i.88 J: 126~28 $ 77.48 93.06 18.21 : 46. L~l 13.62 . 11.]0 29.40 140. 50, ;,101.88 18.53 88.33 , 83.39 121 ",76 $ 103.40 7.05 6.12 42.79 96.48. 14.11 33.12 89.67 $' 23.00 9.31 6.72 8136 8..27 9.72. 18..,00 92.64 10.68 90 '. 20 179 · 57 12.38 13 . L~8 Street: .Puget Power Yelm Lumber & Hardware Ye1m Garage Wash. State Retirement ~nploymerit Security Dept. of Labor & Ind. Dan Maslowski Robert Johnson Garbage: Hob:i,l Shell Oil Co. Y8lm Lumber Co N . t^L Ind.' Laundry Co l'gpbil Brown's, Garage 'W'a sh. State Re ti re . Employment Security Dept. of Labor & Ind. Elizabeth M. Jones Robert:M. Johnson Ann Zembas Tax Commission , Mrs. . Kazmierski" of the Wilkerson Trailer Camp ask for, Garbage service. The committee adVised they would' :d).ook into the matter. The Cler:kwas instructed to investigate the speedlimi ts for Northern' .pacific lin.es thru Ye1m. The 'Clerk was "instpucted to contact Daily Olympia they; . were, putting uP' too ffia.~ paper boxes on the highway ~ streets.. Annexation papers were presented for approval. The new church and Mosman.~ EJiza ooth M,. Jones 'Clerk Ro,ger Eide Ma'.iTor '?t~Ju-<..--L. ~_~. I '1'94': August 13, 1969 , , :Theregular meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Eide with COilncilwoman Coates, Councilmen Koeppen,Henderson and Vandiver present. , .- 'The minutes of the pfevi O1is . meeting were read and approved. ' The following 'bills were read and ordered paid as follows: Current: Stamdard Oil Qo.' Yelm' Telephone Co. Thurston County Sheriff's Office Wash. ,State Retire, Yelm Lmn ber & Hdw. A.a. Young Wolf's Wash. State Retire , Puget Power Elizabeth M. Jones Wash. State Retire " Itl II: $ .l~:~~ " c:: 775.00 12.00 2~5 .,29 18..80 15.1+5 ' '7.00" 36.43 12.00 "8'..40 7.00 61.'88, 126.,28 6.27 o ~! G. M. McFaul Eli za 'beth M ~ J one s N.W. Ind. Laundry Water:' ' Yelm Garage Yelm' Lumber & Hdw Puget Power Wash. State Retire " " II Robert M. Johnson 'Elizabeth M. Jones Wash. State Retire $ 46.85 7.50 75.70' 29",40 ' ,14.50 84.64 88r~33 11100 street :: Shell Oil Co. Wash. State Retire II III ' m '''\ $ 10.81+ 9.90 , 5.00' , 5.00 89.69 33.12 103.40 6.11 o ,\ If' " '1'; Robert J,ohnson Dan Maslowski Puget Power Jl.1obil ,Garbage: Shell 'Oil Co. Mobil Yelm Telephone Co. N.W. Ind. Laundry RObert M. Johnson 'Elizabeth M. Jones Wash. State Retire II II " II II' $ 1$;. 90 13 . 96 ~o. 7-5 10.45 179.,57 90.20 50.89, ,,15. 00 15.00 ' II, , , ,Mrs. Morrison from Timberland Library was here to ask the Town for a bigger Li brary., Di scussion follOlived no action taken. Resolution No. 116 was read. Nate Henderson: made a motion seconded by,aoates it be pass'ed. Motion' carried. Robert M., Johnson was appointed Dog Catcher for Town of Yelm~ Gordon,' s,Market entered a complaint about all their garbage not being, picked up. o A motion was made that the Town pick up 'GarbaGe at Nisqually Hi ver Lands liJest Inc. . The charge to be $5.00 a month. A motion was made by Councilman Vandi ver that Bob Johnson be gi ven a. $15.00 :tfacLse per month for the rest of 1969. This motion was seconded by Koeppen and carrieq., Meeting adjourned. Elizabeth M.Jones, Clerk .1 1 _I Resolution 116 WHEREAS, notice has been given to the M,ayor and Councilmen of' the Town of Yem that certain parties oWIling more than Ten pefcen (10%) in value,- according to the assessed valuation for general taxation, of the following described real property located' in ,Thurston C01mty, State of Washington, to'-wi t:, ]'95" '. , - ' .-... __. . ,.'1, .A: portion of the SW 1/4 of the sw. ;/4 of Section 19, Township 17 North,Range 2' Jt~st, W ~M.. Described as follows; 'Beginning at the intersection of 'the South 'line of Section ,19 and the Easterly right of way line of Mill Road., thence N 89 07 1 E along said section line to a point llsp.lt.5, feet from the SW corner of Section 19;; thence N5226 'Wl.20 feet; thence North ,37 34' 'E 130.00 feet; thence N. 52 26 261 w 100.00 feet; thence n 37 '34 r E lL~5.00 feet to the center line of Mosman Street'; thence N 52 26 I 'West along center line of JltIosman Street; thence N'Q52~ 26' West along sam..d center line to the Southeasterly right 'of way line of S.S.H. No. 507: Thence Southwesterly -along 'said right of way line to its intersection with, the East right of way line of Mi~l Road,; thence Southerly along said right of way line to the' point of beginning. --.:, , . intend to commence proceedings for the annexation of said real prop'erty to the Town of Ye1m, and ~EREAS, following rece~p_oLs~ Ylotice and wi thin 'sixty (60) days thereafter 13th day,of August"1969,. 1969, at 8;00 P.}1. at the Town Hall' of the Town ofYelm was'fixed as the time and place for a meeting. with said initiating parties to determine the matters co'\€red by RCW 35~13.125, and WHE.REAS, ,sa~d matters have been discussed and considered NOvJ', THEREFO~E, BE IT AND IT IT HEHEBY HESOL VED if. THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF YELM ,AS FOLL9WS: \ ' \ 1., That the, Town of y 'elm has no general obligation bonds outstanding, ,the liability for which should be extended to~ the area proposed for ,annexation, anq. nocomprehensi \e plan ext~nding over said' area . 2. Tha t the Town of Yelm will accept the proposed petition for arined- ation provided it compljl,es with the provi'sions of the statutes applicable thereto and after full hearing thereon. ADOPTED the 13th day of August 1969 ~. , C~ erk r the Town of Yelm .Approved ,: Mayor of the Town or Yelm .1.9.6 August 27, 1969 A special meeting was called to order My l'1ayor Eide with Council1rJOman Coates Councilmen Koeppen ,Henderson . and Vandiver pre.sent. Also ,preseht 'W'ere . ~1il t Jolmson and Joe Agostoe.. The purpo~e of the special meeting was to consider a water main ex~ tension~ The extensions was for Algier' s Inc.. the contract was read and discussed. Councilwoman Coates made a motion seconded by Councilman Henderson to . accep the 'Contract.,. '. Motion carried.. l'1otion made by Coates seconded b:)T Vandi ver to adj ourn,. ca:rried.. o ...~&k Rog Eide, Mayor _ . Clerk Pro-tem September 10, 1969 . , . , The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by HayorE~de ,. with C011ncil members' Coates, Henderson, Vandiver and Koeppen present: The minutes of ,the previous meeting were ,read and approved. The current monthly bills were read and ordered paid on a motion by ,Henderson and seconded by Koeppen. Rev. Stierwalt was present to ask- for a placement of a street lamp on cor:ner. of Mosman and Se.cond Street. Permission' was granted., 0: .l Public hearing was' held .on the annexation and no one was presenttto. object. First and secoNd reading of Ordinanc.e No. 119 'was given. It was moved.jby Vandiver and s&conded by Coates that Hal 'Wolf be granted permissinn to place a planter in' front of Wolf's De'partment store" The meeting was adjourned... .....--? /;~C~. Roger de, Mayor :. . o ---.. -", f 'I il 'I ./ October 6, 1~9 . ~, The"regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by },Iayorj~Eid.e with Council members Nelson, Koeppen and Coates present~ 1'(\7" -' "~lJ:': , The minutes of the previous meeting ~ere'not written,up and were presented,' by notes; the notes were reviewed, and the Mayor and Council 'members gave present clerk permission to type up same. The folloWing bills were read and ordered paid by a motioD2Y Coates and seconded by,Koeppen: CURRENT EXPENSE Gallagher Heating Oil 'Wolf IS, Dept. store Employment Security Dept. Puget Sound Regional Library . Thurston Co. Hwnane Society , Thurs'ton Cd.. Fire Dist. No.2 E. Robert Fristoe Thurston Co. Sheriff's Office Thurston-Mason Health Dept. NW.Ind. Laundrey,Co~ Puget Power $ 43.40 ,2..88 .98 ~;;.390.25 64.92 872000 150.00 775.00 81. 25 '1.~.18 38.96 W'ATER Yelm Telephqne Co. 'William, Cummings Yelm Lbr. & Hdw. Elvera K. Johnson Tax Commission Puget PQwer Dept.. of Labor an& Industri~ s' :10..05 175.32: 114.49 75.32 151.67 77 · 55, 14.04 . STREET Pacific Sand & Gravel ,Co.. Puget Power Mobil Oil Corp. 17.64 103.40 16.16 ' GARBAGE ( Nisqually Valley'News NW Ind. Lanndry Co. Shell Oil Coo Tax C ommi s si on Employment Security Dept".' Dept. 'of Labor & 'Industries 24.2h '8.36 . 33~55 '18..62 88..70 7.66 Regulations of sick' and annual leave for permanent city empl'oyees were dis- cussed and on a motion made by Coates and s'econded by Nelson, the following rules were estab+ished to obe effective as of January 1, 1970: 'Sick leave to be accumulated one (l-) day a month with a maximum of thirty (30) days allowed. This 'is not to be awplied.to annual or ' vacation leave. . Also after one(lryear' of employment , one(l) week of paid vacation is allowed; and thereafter two(2) weeks of paid vacation would be the established rule. ' ~ J:'urther discussion was held on the wage sca;Le pf city employees hired by the. hour. ,It was ruled that rCelief clerks w~reto be paid $1..50 an hour; labor force on streets, water an'd garbage to b,e paid $3.00 an !lour. Another item up for discussion was on th upkeep of the city park ~.d it was , decided that' .the responsibility of maintaining the par){ should be assumed by th Park Boarq... The cost of labor and equipment to be budgeted by the city with Park Board to present estimated cost. The high cost of fire protection came under discussion wi:th the result"that Council and Mayor are to meet wi th Fire, District members, 'to affect a compromise in lowering same. 19S On a' motion by, Coate~: and seconded byKgeppen that a call for S'ealed t3ids' be made f'or widenipg,' grading and paving ..06 miles of Third Street betwe~ Yelm Ave. and 'INashi~gton Stree.t.. Said bids to be opened on November 12, 1969.' The meeting was adjourned. .~~ HOger , de, Mayor, r. , o ~~~J Elvera K. John , C~erk , <> 'November 12, 1969 The regular meeting"of the Town Council, was called to order by Mayor Eide with Council members Koeppen, Hendersori, Vandiver, Goates and Nelson present. . Incoming, councilman(: Drogseth lrJas present as obse'rver.. ;; The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following monthly bills ,were read and on.a motion by Vandiver and seconded ,by "Henderson were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPEHSE Mosman Agency -------.;.-----------$ 20.00 Young's -----~-~----------------- 36.00' Puget Power --.:..---'--------------- '36..18 Gallagl).er;;Heating Oils ----~-..::--- .39..28 ,Pioneer Business Forms -:--.- ------ 5.58' Nisqually:Vai1ey News ----------- 2.00 , Pickett Drugs------------------- 6,.. 26 Wolf" s Dept.. Store-------------- 6026' Thurston Co~ Sheriff's Office ,--- 775.00 vJATER Pennsal t, Ohemicals Corp.. ----..,.--- 21+..,00 ' YelrnLumber &. Hdw. --------:------ lh.OO Puget Power ----------~------~--- 64.79 STREtT Puget Power ----~---------------- 103.40 ThLJ,r'ston County Engineer -------- 33" b.l-\. Thutston County Shop ---:---~-.;..---- 51~40 GARBAGE ~or~hwest Ind.. ~aundry Co~ ------ 14.63 Ann Zembas -:-----;...-----,-------"--- 34" 27 Mobil Oil Gorp~ ---.;..------------- 23.68 Ye1m Telephone Coo -------------- 8.90 Shell Oil Co. -----~------~------ 8..73 William Cummings -----~---------- 146..70 ARTERIAL STREET Yelm Telephone Co. --------..:..------ 3.00 Nisqua'lly Valley News, -'---------- 6,,54 o Dlscupsion was held on the' police protection provided to the Town by the County.. All p~Oblem$ relating to police protection were analyzed but ,no ac~ion was taken. o A lengthy 'discussion was also he1.d on the subjec,t of fire protection.' The Mayor, consulted with fire commissioners for an(; increase in the rental of the fire hall.. ,Vandiver made a motion that the Town increase the rental for ,1970 to ;\)2400.00 and this amount to be put in the ,budget. Motion was seconded. by Coates. ,r-I6tion .carried. ' The meeting was' adjourned. ../)~C~(]. Roger Ei .8, Mayor ~' .~ ~.,.t '.... : C'~. I :...I~- , I ' 'I '1'99, 'December 10, 1969 The regular meeting of the Town'Council'was called to order by Mayor Eide. Pre'sent Were Council members Koeppen and, Coates. Nunicipal Judge, Mer'aul wa~ present of administer the oath. of office to the repently elected .officials, with LoraBo Coates taking ,the oath of office as Mayor; Arnold Drogsethand Doyal' Gallagher as C01mcilmeno The meeting was then, turned over to Hrs. Coates by former Mayor .Eide. .' The minutes o~ the previous meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and on a motion by Drogseth and seconded b~y Gallagher were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE" Northwest Indust~ial'''Laundry --.---.:..----~-.::..--$ 6" 26 Nisqually Valley News --------:..::..------------- ,5..20 ~1unicipal :Revolving' Fund --------'------------ 7 82 ~65 George M.Haskett, Co. Treas. ----,----------- 14,5.86 Yelm,Telephone Co. --~---------------------~ 9~10 'Yelm Fixi t Shop ---::.-----:-------------..:.---:--'-:---- 3.14 Puget Power ,----:---..:..-----------:..----~.-'..;.-.---- "37.95 ElveraKK. Johnson ------------------.:..------- 12'.00 Yelm, Lumber & Hardware ---------;...--:..--------' 12..47 Gallagher Heating Oils .:.--,.---------.----':"-~-" }..j.8.08 E. Robert Fristoe -------------:--------:-----..:.- 150.00 ,Puget Sound .Regional Library -'-----------:---~ 390.25 ,Thurston c. Regional Planning Council ~----- 160.00 , Thur.ston Co.' Fi-reDiatrict: No.. 2 ---;..------- 872.00 A. o. Young -----------------.-------.:..-------- 18.00 Yelm Telephone Company' -.,.;------------,---:...--- 18.50 Thurston-Hason H.ealth District ------------- 81.25 , Thurston-County Humane Soci'ety -------'---";"--' 64.82 Thurston Coun,ty Sheriff -------;..--'--------'"'!'- 775.00. WATER ' , Puget, Power ----------~.---------------------- '65,.05,- STREET Puget Power' -------------------------~------l03.40 ,Pacific Sand, and Gravel --------------'------ 9 I., . L.j...L GARBAGE Northwest Industrial Laundry Co.',-..:.---'----.:..- D & H Mobil Service -------~---------------- Shell ,Oil Comf>.'?-riy -..:.------------------------ 'Willitam C..' CUmmings -------------------~---- 1'0'..45 28.36 22.85 1?7.,4 Rev~ R911in' Steirwaltwas present to find out what procedure' to follow in[: _ order to obtain a street in front of the Methodist Church.Since'this lies ,::wi thin{::th~ ~roposed annexation, the street site has hot been platted as yet, 'so no def1.ill.teanswer could be given. The Clerk was instructed to find out 'the necessary steps to be taken to 'obtain a right of way for the, streeto The third and final reading, of Ordinance No" l19s~creating a Town Planning :e'omnrhttee, was given and on a motion made by Drogse1i-b and seconded by Gallagher that5..i t be adopted and published. Motion carried.. ' , The first 'and second reading of Ordinance No. 120, regarding the, annexation was gi ven. .l\Ar;short di scussuon was, held and no changes \vere made" The' third and final reading was given and on a motion made by Gallagher and seconded by Dr;'<?Kseth' that it -be adopted and published.' Motion carried. ,~hearingwas held for any taxpayer to be present in regard to 'the 1970 bugget. The first arid second reading' of Ordinance No. l~l was made and after discussion there were no changes made.. Then the third and final reading 'was held and on a. motion made by Koeppen that we 'adopt' the budget ini ts present form. Thi's,was,' seconded by Gallagher and' the motion carried.. Crditianc~ No. 121 is to be publi$hed. , ' Several. complaints were made' t'o the Mayor by citizens: the first one; that there, were deep hole's along the . street entering the alley between 'J effe'r son and Yelin Avenue. street Supt.. Robert Jormson to be notified to fix same. The second com- plairlt being able to use thetO'wn garbage dump. It Was the unanimous decision of' , the Council thatno one 'would be pemitted to use the garbage dump without the authori ty of either the' Councilor the ,Disp'osal Supt. The moti on ililas mad e and ..c~,J~ El vera R. Johnson" , 200 /) January .2, 1970 , . A sPGcial meeting was called in order to discuss.the police protection' contract between the 6i ty and the ThllXston. County' Sheriff r s office. PresidingOwas Mayor. Coates with Councilmen Gallagher, I~ogseth and Koeppen present. " . . Present from" the' Sheriff f s office tiere Sheriff Van Allen and Deputy Sexton~ " " Difference of some items in the contract were discussed and settled upon. Drogseth made a motion that the contract be renewed for another year which was seconded, by Gallagher.. The motion carried. ~ o After the motion was made , Sheriff Van Allen informed the COUl1cil that the .cost ofth~s service wo~ld be raised from $775.00 .to $~75.00 per momth. The meeting adjounned... a o . o o r;;