1970 Minutes January 14, 1970 ,201"~ The'regular'meeting of the eity CoUncil was called to order by:!\1ayor eoates ,.- with Council1nen Drogseth, Koeppen, Nelson and Gallagher present. The minutes of ,the previous meeting were read, and ,approved. ,Mrs. Barr of the City of Roy Council w~s present 'as ~n observer. The following bills were read and onaa m?tion by Nelson and seconded by'Drog- seth were ordered paid: Motion carried. I. ,CURRENT EXPF1JSE Thurston Co~ Auditor Nisqually Vall~y News Yelm Garage puget'power' Northwest Ind. Laundry;,i -- Gallagher Heating Oils , IJ[osman Agency 'Assn.. of Washington Cities 'Wolf's Shopri te- YelmTelephone Co. Ao O. Young' Pickett Drug' store Thur ston Co'- Audi tor Yelm Telephone Co. 'Lomita Tag Co. ' ,WA'JeER, Pioneer- Business Forms :puget Power' Nisqually Valley 'News Mosman Agency , Dept. of Labor & Ind: Wester Utilities Co. STREET Thurston Co. Auditor Mosman Agency, Yelm Garage Dept.-: of Labor & Ind. Buget Power' Pacific Sand & Gravel Co. OARBAGE pept. of Labor & Ind. Mobil Oil Corporation Nisqually Vallry News Northwest Ind. Lauiidry Hosman Egency Thurston Co: Auditor ' 'I $ 4.00 56'~59 . 2.,30 41.74: 4.18 32.55 . 100'.00 55..83 . 5/:25 10,,10 18 . 00 6/. 82 1.60 11.70 6064 40.39 , 60.53 53-;'95 178'.00 11 . 97 242.25 3.20 178.00 49.15 11.97 i03.40 12:.75 11,,97 12.21 , 33060 8'036 178.00 '1.60 lliscussion was held.onchanging meeting time for the Council; Drogseth made a motion 'to convene meetings at !if :30 P. M. instead of 8 :00 P.. M. 'This was seconded by Koeppen and, the. motion carried unanimously. . , c A request wasrec'etved by owners of rental property that consumer deposits be raised to insure'better payment of water billso Nelson made' a motion that the deposi t be raised from $10(\.00 to $15.00.. This was seconed by Koeppen and the moti on carried. ' , The Clerk was instructed to contact the Health Dept. to check on garbage,con- ditions at Harding Greensand Gordon's Market. 1 " What ,to do ab0ut chronic delinquent water and garbage bills W~S brought up. Councilman Nelson volunteered to see these customers and collect. pa.st dne accounts. It was also established any accounts in arrears of three months or more be t:urned off. It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adj ourned.. ~ //) ~.~...~~~. Bora B. Coates, Mayor 2,02 ,Febru'ary 11, 1970 The regular meeting.of,the Council was called to order by Mayor Coates. Hembers . present were Vandiver, Nelson, Drogseth and Koeppen. Present also were Deputies Dunaway and Stilton and Supt.. Robert Johnson. The minutes. of the previous meetingwerer~ad and approved.. The 'following bills were read and ordered paid on a motion by, Drogseth and seconded by Koeppen: CURRENT EXP~SE' Olympia Air Pollution eontrol Thurston Co. Civil Defense Northwest,Ind~ Laundry Co.. Puget Power , , Gallagher Heating Oils Elvera K. Johnson ,Yelm Telephone Coo Yelm releph~ne Coo WATER W.. ' .S. Daley &: Co. Yelm Lumber & Hardware Puget Power A to Z Rental~Center STREET Puget, Pow'er Pacific Sand & Gravel Co. Shell Oil Company GAR.BAGE Northwest Indo' Laundry Coo' Mobil Oil Copponation, $ 39.97 80~00 4.18 38.46 61 03 S 12.00 11.70 , 9.10 o 8117 1'0)2 76. L~2 10.45 103040 , r3 .32 31..28 10.45 25009 Mr. Nelson mad~ a report 'on the delinquent water bills stating that results are being obtained and that most of them are now up' to date. Jack Dunaway stated that he was leaving for F.B.I. School for the next six weeks, 'and Deputy Stilton would be taking' his place. Deputy Clyde Da'nce will be rellef deputy. Robert L. Loyd '.s application for re1ief man( on garbage hauling was' approved arid' is to begin February 24th. The rate of pay oeing three dollars an hour averaging between six ,so, eight, hours tW0cdays a week. o It was moved by Mr. Koeppen and seconded by l\1r" Drogseth that a t'elephone, be installed for use 'by the vvater Supt. at his home. Mrs. Halstead made .a request for permissi'on to place a "Lutheran Church" sign on the corner. of Thi;rd. and Yelm Avenues. Request was tabled until the size of the sign , was established as not to' 'obstruct the view of the motorist. The Clerk was instructed to find out from Puget Power why the street light has .not been replace,d on corner of lst and McKenzie Street. Also to check if approval had. been granted to ha\Te a new.street lamp placed on the corner of Mosman & Longmire. , ' The Qlerk TIlade a report that the Health Officer inspedtedsanitation conditions at Harding Greens and Gordonfs'Market and had them correct8d. Th\9 meeting adj ourned at 10: 00 P. }1 0 ~ .. .......L{/~~ . ...Iora 130 Coates, Mayor o ,0 ~~. , Elvera K. 0 on, Clerk . .. I I I 2" 03'" . \..., t.,,...:'" March II, 1970 The Council met in. regular session on ~-vednesday, March 11, 1970 at 7:30 p.m.' Present were ~ayor Coates, 'Cluncilmen Koeppen, Drogseth, 'Gallagher and Nelson~ . Present aiso 'were Supt. Johnson, Deputy Stilton and George Brown., Deputy Stilton 'gave a short resume of his activities for the past month. Councilman Vandiver stated his resignation would be effective when someDne was found to replacehis position. .Richard Sokolik kindly accepted the position for the unexpired term and was duly' S1.-Jorn in as' councilman. The minutes of the February 11, 1970 meeting were app!rl~ved as distributed. The currep.t.monthly bills wereopresented and a motion made by Nelson and seco nd- ,ed by 'Gallagher were ordered paid. CURRENT EXPENSE Nisqually Valley News ~lunicipal Revolving :Fund, E. Robert Fristoe Puget Power ' Wolf's Dept. Store Thurston Co. Fire Dist. No. 2 Young's , Timberland Regional Library Northwest Ind. Laundry Co. Thurston Co Regional Planning Council Gallagher Heating Oils 'Thurston-Mason Health'District Thurston Co, Humane Socity Yelm Telephone Company TiJATER, ' Ye1m L~ber & Hardware Western Utilities Supply Co. Yelm Telephone' Company Puget Pmr1er .. North~Jest Industrial Laundry STREET '0. K. Klotzner Shell Oil Company Puget Power l'1aylon Construction -Co.. Pacific Sand & Gravel 'Co. Mobil 'Cil Corporation Paul E;. Turner GARBAGE' Robert L.. Loyd Yelm Garage Nisqua11y ValleY-News Pioneer Business Forms 60..70 325.65 1604>00 ' 33..90 4.85 955.25 18..00 477..50 4.18 43.25 49.20 83..80 , 65..00 12.40 .14..22 29.09 27.20 53.72 8'.36 70..00 ' 18..33 103.40 250.80 ,18.03 39.62 216.00 32.72 27.33 3 9 ~ 01 16 .78 ' Mayor following committee appointments: Water & Garbage Koeppen Drog$eth Nelson Finance Nelson Drogseth Gallagher Coa.tes'made the Street Gallagher Koeppen' , Sokolik 'Gallagher moved that a ,street light be installed at, the corner of Mosman and Solberg ~ Second - by D.rogsetl1::.and carried. Mayor Coates reported that a sign (stop) had been requested for the corner of '. Second and Mosman streets,. Koeppen moved that ,this be':gran.ted.. ' Second by Gall-, agher and carried.. The llLutheran Church" sign met the-requirements and app~oval was granted for its pIa'cement on Yelm Avenue.' Discussion was held on the taking of the annual census; whether to estimate or take an actual count. It was determined that an,'actual count be taken and the Clerk to-be the enumerator. Census tOOlbe'taken between March 13 thru 16.. A " deputy clerk to work in the office.. . Garbage, situation was again broug(lt under discussio'n'and it was emphasj_zed that the ordinance would be strictly -adhered to.. No garbage to, be picked up when cans are ,on private property. 204: .Whether to imnose the sales tax was discussed and it was decided not to adopt the tax for this quarter. Further discussion was tabled until the next meet- ing. The meeting adjourneo at 10:15 porn. 7 ~' /~.~.. ..~ ~a K. Johhso .Clerk : ...... .. . . ~ ? ". [j o o I I I '2,0,5'-.': April 8; 1970' 'The ,Council met in regular session on Wednesday, April 8, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Hayor Coates"Councilmen Gallagher, Nelson, Sokolik and Koeppen. C;thers present "liVere Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hurd, Paul Irwin, Chet Kazmierski and. Deputy Stilton. The meeting 'was called to order by Mayor Coates. ,Ond a motion made by 'Koeppen and seconded by Gallagher the minutes of the Harch 11 meeting were approved asdist~ibuted. The current monthly bills were 'presented by Sokolik were ord'ered. paid: CURRENT EXPENSE Puget Po'wer Yelm Hardware Wolf's Shoprite Young's McKenna Oil Co.. Gallagher Hesting IDils Eivera K. Johnson. Northw~st Ind. Laundry Co. Yelm Garage Mil ton' E. " J ahnson Elvera K. Johnson Thurston County Sheriff, Thl1rston Co. Civil Defense Mo Slrlan Agency WAT'ER ,Moslilan Agency Buget Power Yelm Telephone Co. Pennsalt Chemicals Gorp.. Shell Oil Company' Dept. of Labor'&: Ind. STREET Thurston Co. Road Dist. No. 2 Puget PQt\[er GARBAGE ' Dept. of Labor & Ind. No.rthwest Ind Lalllldry Co. DB Mobil Service and on a motion by Gallagher and second $ 33.65 26.31 9.45 18.00 4.16 32.84 12.00 4.18 20.36 '23.75 47 .50 4.00' 17.00 ,15..00 " 90.00 63,,56 14.20 24.00 18,,48 '15.23 92..85 103..46 15.22 8..36 .36 .10 Under oldbusiriess, the Cierk gave a report on the census and that the actual count was 632" Also that an ordinance be drafted to impose a sales tax on which action will be, taken at the next meeting. The 'garbage problem pretaining to the High School Gym was brought ,up again, 'tvith the Council taking the same postion that it is to be placed at the curb in order to be picked up. ' Clerk and Supt. to inform the school officillal:s of this decision.. 'Brought under discussion was digging a new'pit" for the garbage dump. The Council ,gave approval to a reimbursable work agreement with the County Road'Departmento Amotion ma.qe by Koeppen- that IVril ton J ohn'son be allowed twerity":'fi ve dollars for labor on the furnace, second by Sokolik and carrieq. .' On a motion, made' by, ~oeppen and seconded by ,Nelson that the census enumerator be allowed fifty dollarso Notion carried. Mr. Hurd preseIlted his proposal for a'televlsion cable franchise. Mr.,,"K~zri1ier$ki . stated some of the clraHbacksofhaving cabletelevisione After much discussion, the stated that a study would be made, and a decision given at a later date. ' lJIr; Irwin of Puget P.ower brought contracts covering Munici'(lal Water Pumping, S,treet Lighting, and Mercur;)' Vapor Street Lighting. These ,contracts are to be ~ffe:cti ve for a period of ten years. Koeppen made a motion that the provisions therein'be accepted and. the contracts signed, ,s9cond by Sokolik and ca;ried. The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m. ~~ Elvera K. Johnson, Clerk 206,' l'1ay'1J, 1970 The regular session of the City Council "Jas called to order by lVLayor Coates at 7 =30 P. M~-Present were Councilmen Nelson) K~p})enJ Drogseth and Sokolik. Also present was Supt.. Johnson. Counci1nlan Koeppen moved, Nelson seconded, to approve the minutes of 'April 8th as mailed to each 'member. Motion carried. :f . .~ , , The current bills ,were presented and on a. motion made by Councilman Sokolik and seconded by, Drogse~h that they be ordered paid:, mR~NTE~E~E . Pioneer BUslness Forms $42.65 Northwest Industrial Laundry Co. 4018 Pioneer Business Forms 117.89 Elvera K. Johnson 12.00 ,PlckettDrug Store 3077 A . () 0 Young , 18 . 00 Yelm Garage 8.36 North P c:tcifi c Bank Note Co. 13.49 Yelm Telephone Company, 20.45 Puget Power 35017 Gallagher Beating Oil s 3 3 ~ 34 Rosano's Electric Center 3.58 WATER , Sheli Oil Company 22.08 Nothwest Industrial Laundry Co.'' 12.54 Pacific WaterWorks St\pplsr CO."Inc. '75.38. Puget Power, 550B8 Yelm T-e1ephone, Company 15..90 Yelm Garage 27019 We stern Utili tie s Sup~)ly Co'.' 2.00 Mobil Oil ijorporation 18.88 1e1m Lu.niber &. Hardware 48.38 Nisqu.ally Valley News 33.67 STREET Puget POliller 109000 Pacific Sand & Gravel Co. 22.45 Yelm Garage ll.99 GARBAGE Nisqually Valley News 33..68 o An Ordinance to enact a sales tax'was read.~ After, some discussion... Councilman Drogseth made a motion ,that the Ordinance No. 122 be adopted, effective July 1, '19700 Seconded by Sokolik and the motion carried. o A letter of variance ii7aS sent to the Air Pollution Control Authority to permit, garbage burning for another year.; Councilman Drogseth was named to at tend th-e;hr next meeting on June 3rd. The heating'system of the City Hall' came under discussion; the present furnace has ceased func'tioning~ The issue was whether to keep our, present system or to ,make a charige. The dectsion was to a:sk several heating companies for ane estimation of the cost of replacement. How to maintain the City Park was brought to the Councii's attention. The dual- ownership agreement of the Yelm School' District has with the Town regarding a lawn mower ,was di.<cussed and since the Town has not had too much sucess in .using same ,i t was agreed to sever our' part of the agreemen,t. The Tm-Jn to sell ,i ts 'share of the O1rffiership 0, Mquiring a new la1Vil mower for thePark was discussed with Councilman Drogseth appointed' Chairman to purchase. same. l"lil ton Johnson l-Jas hired to maintafn the Park for this season as long as monies budgedted allowed. The ambula,nce problem was brought up Hi th the idea of it being a corrummi ty venture, wi th the small tmms of Thurston C01mty j oining~ forces, to establish such .a service,. No conclusion was reached. o The meeting:'adjourned at 9:30 P. M. ~' , , --- // /() - . ~ cV 0;;:;tz-~. , .' M " ora B. Coates, ...iayor " . Elvera K. JOh1.1SQ' lerk ' . I I I 20-1.:' JlUle~JDQ, 1970 The regular session was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7:30 P. Ro' Present were'Councilmen Nelson, Drogseth.and Sokolik. Others present were. Tom Holden, Ray Anderson, ~er~ Sprague, Ed Pickett, Milton Johnson, Ro~ert Johnson and Tom }"l.tzmorris4l Absent were Coupcilmen Gallagher and Koeppen. On a motion made by Drogseth and seconded by Nelson that the minutes of the Nay 15th meeting be approved as distributed.. bills were presented and on a motion made qy.'Nelson, were ordered paid. The current monthly 'seconded by Sokolik CURRENT EXPENSE A. c}. Young. . E. RObert Fristoe Timberland Regional Library Thurston Co. Fire Dist. No.2 ThurstonReg.Pl.anning Council j;Volf r S Northwest. Ind. Laundry Grange Supply Puget Power Yelm Garage Assn. of Wash. Cities Yelm .telephone Thurston ,Co. Humane Socmety Thurston-Mason Health Dist. . Nisqually Valley'News WATER Yelm Garage ,Wolf IS Ed Blake " fJ(obil (IiI Corporation Yelm Hardware Puget 'PovJer D &' H ,Mobil Service Marlin Stillings Yelffi Telephone Co. STREET Shell Oil Company Pacific Sand & Gravel Co. pugetPower GARBAGE Milton E. Johnson Morthwest Ind. Ins.Co. $ 18.00 160000 477050 955..25 43:.25 3.40 6.27 '1128.00 33.65 47.4h 40.00 13.60 65.00 83 . 80 12016 17.77 2.29 38.15 43.99 45.57 . 57 . 28 . 58.44 . 10..00 15.15 .22.23 29.54 109.00 68.28 6.27. Mr. ~ltzmorris of the Dept. of Highways explained the procedure to follow in determinirig the Town's Six-Year Co~prehensive Street Programo Thepub1ic hearing.was set for July 8, 1970 at 8:00 P. H., to prepare and adopt such a program.. Mr. Sprague, anderson and P~ckett of.the Yelm De~elopment Co. inquired if there would be any objection to building a "Drive-lri" on the corner of'Yelni Avenue and First Street.... There 'vias no objection by the Council and they could proceed in blulding same. Bids for a new'furnace for the City Hall were Western Furnaces, Inc., Oil Boiler Gas Boiler E.O. Plumbing and.Piping,Inc. Oil Burner Washington Natural Gas Co. . Gas Boiler opened from the following concerns: $1227000 1291.00 2195.00 , 852.90 ' Sokoiliik made a motion that the lowest bid from Washington Natural Gas COo . be accepted; 'secopded by Nelson. and the motion earriedo Clerk to notif:?Wash~ ington Natural Gas Co. of the acceptance of the bid. Mr. ij~lden was. present to ask about the fence he. placed across a city alley and had been asked to remove. In retaliation he served notice that. the,Town's gar- bage truck not use his driveway. Request was honored by the C01111Cil 'and Mr. Holden Was given a period 6f two weeks tb remove his fence~ Garbage service to Nisqua11y Pines wa~~ brought under discussion; no "action was taken since a representatj~ve was not present. '208'.' Mayor Coates is to represent the Town of YeLm at the annual convention of the Association of Washington Cit~es to.be.held in.Yakima. Discussion was held' on the mobile home moved in by' Mr.' Kime's an<l that he, had hooked up to'the Town's water system without permission. The Attorney. had notified ]VIr. Kimes that. he i~ in violation of the Ordinance and .that his mobile 'home be removed.' Fur;th~r action will be taken if complaince is not followed. The meeting adjourned at 10.00 P. 11., o ~~.. . .' )~ E vera K. Jo sf, ~ Clerk ' o n ,I I I 2'0 ~).~!'" July 8, 1.970 Theregu~ar meeting of the City Council was ca1.1ed to order' by Mayor Coates at 7=30 Dom. Present were Councilmen Drogseth, Gallagher, Koeppen and Nelson. Others p~esent 1tIere Hr. Ledingtonj, Hr. Ellis, Mr.. & Mr$.. Jim Forester, Hal Wolf and Robert Johnson. On a motion made by,Drogseth and ,seconded by Koeppen that the 'minutes of the June 10th meeting be approved as distributed. The current monthly bills were presented and on a motion mad by Gallagher and a'" se,cond by Nelson were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE El vera It., ,J ohnson D & H Mobil Service Yelm'Garage Puget Power A. ,0. Young Yelm Telephone Co. WATER,' Western Utilities Supply Co. Dept. Of Labor & ~ndustries Rosano's Electric Center Yelm'Hardware Puget Pm-a-er' Badger lYleter Manuf. Co.. Western Utilties-Supply Co. Dept.. of Revenue Yelm Telephone Co. Pennwalt Corporation' , STHEET ' Dept. of Labor &. Industries Puget Power, Shell O'li Company Pacific Sand & Q'ravel Co. GARB AGE Mobil Oil Corporation North~est Ind. ,Laundry Co. Dept. of Revenne Dept-~. ':'~of.. Lat50r.:)&:';fntlustiries:..'~_;.: $ 12.00 7...c 44, .13.. 99 ' '32..14 18.00 14.35 98.52 11~74 73.06 11.89 73.27 469.00 27. 15 126.51 19.55 25.00 11 .74 109.00 14.57 14.18 29.38 10.54 26.27 11.75 touncilman Drogseth made a report of his meeting with the Air Pollution Control Authority and stated that a variance was granted ,for one year, fr.om July, 1970 through July, 1971. ,Mr. Ledington" representinr,the Lion's Club was present to request permission to use Yelm Avenue from Railroad Avem'..e to the 'City Park for a pet parade on July 30th. Approval was given by the City Counsil. Permission was also granted fora street dance to be held on J~ly 25th. II/[ayor Coates gave a,resume of' her activities and ideas gathered at the Essoci,ation of 'Washington Ci ties Conv~ntionf> The Council took under advisement a complaint brouglit by Mr. Ellis, 'Mr.. \rJolf and Mr. .& Mrs. Jim Forester regarding our Imv 'enforcement. They stated 'that our 'poli'cee protection for the business section was very inadequate" They offered no,suggestions that would improve the situation;, The COlillCil took no action as they felt not all of the criticism was justified. Atequest was-received ,from ,~Jestern Farmers for permission to build a 15,000 gallon LP-Gas bulk plant next to thB~:b property. The'CoUDci1 wished to confer 'with the Fire District before maki~a decision and' action ~as tabled until. the next meeting. ' ,', ' , The public hearing was held on the Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program. No citizen ';appeared for or against the street work proposed for the six years. Gallagher made a ITJ.otion'that Resolution No. 118 be adopted for the proposed street construction program. Seconded by Koeppen arid the motion carried. July lh, 1970 at 7=30 p. ffi. was the date set for a meeting of the Planning Commission,Ci.ty Counyil, Mr. & Mrs. 'Kimes, Attorney's Sutherland and Fristoe to settle a dispute regarding a mobile home parked within' the city limits., The meeting adjourned at 10:15 po ffi. + _~~~~-J .1 I I '2' '11" " .' " ,",' August 12, 1970 The regular meeting of the Council was called to order. at i:30 P. I'f.. by Mayor Coates. Present 'VJere Cbuncilmen Gallagher, Koeppen and Nelson., Absent were Dro~seth and Sokolik~ , ' , Others pre sen t 1>Jere 'Frank \'Ili t t, Di ck C~rne, Frank Fi sher, Robert Johnson, Ronald Mi-Iler and Don }1iller. ~_. On amotion made ,by Nelson, seconded by Gallagher' that ,the minutes of the, July 8th meeting be approved as distributed. The current monthly bills were pres~nted and on'a motion made by Koeppen and 'seconded by Nelson that they be o!fdered paid =, CURRENT. EXPENSg Northwest Industrial Laundry Coo D & H MObilService Wolf's ShoPFite Youngts Lora .8.. Coates Pltget; Pmv-er Washipgton Natural Gas Co. , Wolf's Department Store Ni squally Valley l~ews . Yelm' Telephone Company WATER Yelm Hardw~re '~\1estern Utili,. ties; Supply Co., Puget Power Lew Rents Yelm Telephone Company Mobil Oit, Cbrpqration Nisqu:ally Valley News 'STREET Shell Oil Company Puget Power GARBAGE: North~Jest Industrial Insurance Co 'Ni squally' Valley, News D &. H Nobil SerVi ce $ 10.48 6.24 4.'50 18.00 23.00 , 26.80 891..28 18 . 36 87!>03 14.10 .32.,50 43,089 125.26 2063 16.35 1.5. 76 60.,00 20.,43 109.00 8.4,0 60.00 ( 7 '.19 Frank' ll'isher was: present to ask 'for a remedy regarding a; street' dust prob-' lem in 'front of his business. The Council said they vJou1d find at solution to t4is pr.oble!ll ahd correct it Q The, garbage situation a:tGordon' sMarket was again discussed with the ,following a:ction to be taken; that r1r. Kampfer be notified that he build ~ suitable container ,and to have, wll ~f, his boxes broken down an4 every- thing asssmbled so that the garbage' can'be picked. up in a. few minutes rather than taking nearly an hour's time. A motion .was made, by Nelson , that this is to be accomplished within the next thirty days or the City 'will terminate service., ,Second by Koeppen and thE; 'motion ca:Rrfued. , , ' Since no obj ection could be found, Koeppen made a fllotion that the City gi ve approval to' ttle lit/estern Farmers Association for erecting a 15,600 gallon LP7Gas ,bulk plant. Gallagher seconded and the mo,tion carried. , {,' , , Honald Niller, iv-as present to ask permission to paint rJhe entire -cedar fence around the City Park in .order to earn his Uleri t bad~:se with, the ,City furnishing the paint., Nelson made ~ motionthat the City purchase the paint needed; thi s was seconded by Gallagher" ',The motion ,carried. , ' Dick Carne"Chief of Police for the City of Eatonville gave ~ short' .r8su1118 of his activities as a law-enforcement officer~ Some' helpful ideas were learned from his experiences., Mr., Wi ttJ an Attorney vollmteered to investigate VJhy arrests made in. our City were not being prosecuted. 'Numerous citizens requested that the traffic light on Ye'im Avenue and First Street intersection be changed, to a gI'een and red stop and go signal. No action can be taken on this as the Highway Department states that ~l'~;, there is insufficient traffic, to warrant one.. Councilman Koeppen was asked to inform Evelene r sCafe and C. Donaldron to refrain' from open burning during ,the summer months:.. ' The meeting was adjourned at 9:.30 p. m.. ~~~~ Elvera K oJ ohp. >:lon, Clerk' . " ' c~g~ Lora B. Coates, i'layor o 0; o -J Sept. ember 9,'1970 2.13~:' The regular'meeting of the Council was called to order by Mayor Coates. Councimen Sokolik, Koeppen, IGellagher, Nelson and ,Drogsethwere pr~sent. Ot.hers present were Frank Witt, Bob Johnson, Ed Pickett ~and Joe Agost.o. . On a mot.ion by Drogseth, seconded by Kqeppen'that the minutes" of the' August '~,t,. m'eeting be approved as distributed. ' I The' current monthly bills' were pre'sented and a 'motion by Koeppen and ,seconded by Sokolik were ordered paid: CURRENT. E:xJ'ENSE Timberland Regional Library Nisqually Valley News , Payma ster Corpo~ation .of Qa lifornia' Young's Elvera K~.Johnson . Wolff s 'Inc. Wash. Nafural Gas Company Del Chemical Corporation Pickett Drug , D &H Mobil' Service 'Lorraine V. Nyistray Thurston Courit,y Fire Dist. No. 2 Thurston County~egional Planning Council E. Robert Fristoe . Ye1m.School Dist. No. ~. Puget Power Ye1m Telephone Co. Thurst.on .Cou,nt.y HU!flane Society Thurston-Hason,Health Distri~t . WATER 'Pennwal t Corporation Yelm Telephone Company Yelm Hardware Del Chemical Corporation . Puget Power STREET Puget Power Pacific Sand & Gravel Co. . GARBAGE Shell 'Oil Company Northwest Indust.rial Laundry' Co. MonilOil. Corporation , $477.50 '.5.37 184.50 18~OO 6.85 5.16 3.88 159.62 5.63 9.30 7.50 955.55 43.25 150.00 , 13.60 .' 27.12 12:12:i25 71.B9 83.80 25.00 17.15 59.01 126.42 87.54 .1 109.00 15.36 23.94 12. 60 22.95 May'or Coates and Councilman Koeppen' g8:ve a reRo'rt on the gas tax meet.ing. It WeS learned that there would be a delay of four years before Towns under , 2000 populat,.ion w,ould be elimina.ted .from sharing of gas tax ,re.venue. }.ifr.' Agosto presented t.o. the Council a proposal that in exchange for meter hook-u.p charges ohe would install two fire hydrp.nts. Since clarifies.tion of the agreeMent was needed, Koepp~.n made a mot.ion tha~ it be tabled for furt,her study. It. was seconded by Gallagtl~:r .and the motion carried. Citizen:s on EdWards Street complained of carspa~king all day blocking themr driveways. The major.ity.. of this parking is being done by school E'}TlPlqye,es so the decision reached wa,s to notify school authorities for help " in' correctingt.lbmi3sIPP~bll{l:em. I Sokolik made a motion t.hat the buzzer on the police phone was no lopger needed' a"nd t.hat. it be removed. Seconded by Koeppen and t.he motion ca~ried. Whet.her or 'not t.o repair' police car was brought under discussion; Koeppen madea'mot.ion which was seconded by Nelson that it be repaired for future use. Discussion.on items for 1971 budget were discussed and various departments were instructed t.o. bring their estimates to the,' Clerk. One item was establish- , ing the. Marshall,t s salary at $700.00 a month for a six-month probationary period End then $800.00 a month as a final figur~. . .The ~eeting ~djourned at 9:30 p.m. ~''''. ) ~ ./ . ~:d r2:zt; < 'Lora B. ?oate s, M~~or 214' October 14, 1970 The r'egular ,meeting of the Town CounciL was called to ord,er ,by I-Iayor Coates, pres$nt 'were Councilmen Ne,lson, Gallagher, Koeppen "and Sokolik. Absent was Councilman Dr<;>gseth. No citiz~~s or visitors Were present. On a mot!h6n made by K:o~ppen,and seconded by Gallagher' that the minutes of the September m~eting be approved as distributed. The current monthly bills were presented and with the exception of a statement from 110bil Service were ordered paid. A motion was made by Sokolik and seconded by Koeppen to thi s' effect. . o QURRENT EXPENSE Puget Power Young I s Service Mosman Agency Nisqually Valley News Yelm Garage Wolf f sIne. . Wash. Natural. Gas Co. Yelm Telephone Co. WATER ~. Felm Hardw8,ire Cascade, Machinery & Electri-c Dept. of ~evenue West~rn utilities Supply Puget Power STREET Dept~ ,of Labor & Industries Standard Oil Co. Puget Power GARBAGE Dept. of Labor & Industries Yelm Telephone Co. Chevron Automotive Northwest Ind. Laundry Dept. ,of Hevenue . Mobil Oil Corporation $ 33.90 18~00 30.00 5.36 12.86 '10.88 19.93 11.65 26.45 Inc. 38.71 , lZ!:~: 999 170-.05 78.83 17.37 14.73 109.00, 17 .37 . 20.40 J2.1h 0 10.50 28.24 6.05 In regard to the proposal made by Mr~ Agosto at the last meeting; the Council did not approve the exchanging of water meter hook-ups for the' installation of two fire hydrants. Discussion was held regarding horse-back riding in the park and it was decided to post -several' sign,s. arounq. the park that no horses 'be allowed. Discussion wa~ held on raising water rates by fifty cents and this amount to. be held in a contingency ~und. No action was taken on this. Police protecton was brought under diseus~ion; and the decision reached was ' not to renewoour, present contract with the Sheri~ffs office. Several app1~c~tions for th~ Chief of Police 'job were reviewed; the' result was the appointment of 1villiarn B. McCluskey as' being the, most qUCi/lified. The Council gave themr approval of this appointment, which would become effective Decemder 1,1970. Notification is to be given the 'Sheriff f s of.fcice by November 1st to terminate.' our present contracto The .new appointee is to be at the next Council meeting.' Copies of the proposed budget of 1971'were presented to the Council for study. The Clerk to be notified o!fl any changes to. be' made'. 0: 0' ., ~~.. /Lora B . Coate s, Mayor. I I 'I November 10, 1970 The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Coates with Councilmen Koeppen, Drogseth, Gallagher -and Sokolik ,present. Councmlmann Nelson was absent'. - Others present were -William McCluskey; Robert Johnson and Jim and Frank Witt. ' ' , On a motion made by Gallagher, seconded by Koeppen that the minutes of the October meeting be approved as distributed. The current mont~ly bills were presented seconded Sokolik were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE ,Northwest lng, Laundry Co. Puget Power Ye1m Telepgone Company Wash. Natural Gas Co. Elvera K.- Johnson Capi tal Business Machines> ' Fred S'chut te Yelm'Telephone Co. D & H Mobil Co. WATER Ye1m Fixi t Shop Shell Oil Co. Puget Power Yelm Garage Yelm Hardware Hugh E. Blake Victor Nutter STREET Puget Power Standard Oil Co. GARBAGE Chevron Automotive D & H Mobil Service Thur ston Co. Road Di st,. .l~p.:. 2, arid a motio'n made by Gallagher and $ 14.70 32~45 ,16.25 33.37. 12.00 35.07 5.20 13.10 276.09 3.15 32'. h6 61.39 10.13 8.39 26.50' 28.25 109.00 25.08 12.60 6.46 '666.38 'The public ~udget hearing was set for Tuesday ,December 1, 1970., . An agent from the Guardian-Life Insurance Company is to be present ,at the next , meeting to explain the necessary details 'for coverage of our police officers. , " 21-5', Applications'for a deputy mar~hall were discussed with no appointment being made~ Regulatins set for the deputy were 'as fol10ws:. that he be under the jurisdiction of the City Marshall and his salary set at $200.00 a month for' a six-month probationary period. Some of the rules set down for the City Marshall were: to stagger his hours to the best advantage, that only emergency calls be handled outside 0 city l~ts, that he reside within the city limits and to cooperate with county; officers on an equal basis. Discussion was held regarding a replacement for Dan Maslowski,; who is unable~to d~ntinue as street cleaning mag. Mr. Koeppen was appointed to find- are- placement. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. ~,;f{!~ .Coates~ Mayor ~~ J?/J ,t /. . I ,~- . ~/t-/~o Elvera K. Johns ri, Clerk _- v , > - 216-, December 9, 1970 The regular meeting. of the Ci'ty Council was called to order by Hayor Coates with Councilmenprogseth, Gallagher, Sokolik, K,oeppen and Nelson present. Others present were Louise Morrison, Frank' Witt, Deputy Clfiief Halstie, Chief of Police McCluskey, Kathy Nelson and, G. E. Schmidt. · On a motion made by Sokolik, seconded by Koeppen that the minutes of the Novem- ber meeting be approved as read. ' , The currentmpnthly bills were presented and ,on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik were ordered paid:: CURRENT EXPE1'1SE Tim,berland Regional Library Thurston Co. Regional Planning E. Robert Fristoe Thurston Co. Fire Dist. No. 2 Yelm, Telephone Company Nisqually Valley News Wash. Natural Gas Co. ,Puget Power 'Wolf, Inc. , Young's Service Mosman Agency . Wash. Physician's Service Thurston Co. Humane Society Thurston-Mason Health Dist. ' 'Yelm Telephone Company WATER . Clai~ Stebbins Company Shell Oil 'Company Western Farmer's Assoc. Yelm Hardware Puget Power STREET ' Puget Power GARBAGE Mobil Oil Corporation ) , " Northwest Ind. Laundry Chevron Automotive o : $477 .50 43.25 150.00 , 955.00 ,19.35 5.42 46 .07 36.94 10.80 18.00 1~.~0 X$.Bp ~,)1. 8~, 83.80 13.25 52.50 24.32 4.98 32.47 70.38 . o 109.00 , 19.62 12.60 6.58 o G. 'E~ Schmidt was present, to request water' service outside the city limits. The Council made the recommendation that he conform to ~he 'ordinance by putting in a six-i~ch main. Permission to hook-up to city water was tabled for furt~er study. Deputy Hastie gave a report of police activities and Chief-of-Police McCluskey' ',reported on the course he attended at McChord on han~lingemergencies of air craft crashes. Ordinance No. 123 adopting the budget for 1971 'VIas read and on ~ motion made by Koeppen and, seconded by Gallagher that it be adopted and published. The motion carried. Mrs. Morrison of Timberland Regional Library'pres~nted a contract for l:\,.brary services for. approval by the Council. Drogseth made a motion ,which was seconded by Koeppen that,the City accept arid sign the c9ntr:act for the year of 1971. The 'motion carried. The r~port from 'Clair Stebbins Comp~y was discussed"regarding the float switch prob~em. .~t was decided to follow his advice and contact Reliable Welding for thei~. s,er-vices. Drogseth made a motion that the insurance contract with Mosman Agency for thee coming year be, accepted. This was seconded by Nelson and the motion carried~ o .~~~ . " E;l ver,a' K. , J 0 }1ein-,- - ~erk' , Koeppen asked permission from the Council,tohave all outstanding keys belonging to the City turned in. Permission was granted. . ,?).. ... The meeting adjourned at 9:00P. M. ... ."----7 . ;J /;J~ . . . , ,. 0( tU{fi-/ U L Uh~ , , "'ora B. Coates, Mayor , . . ~ ~()J ' ' , . ~~tJ1~tV,. V'" ... . -,1roIlIVt~Jpl ~~ \ ;r~at~. i'ul~' \ . . ..