1972 Minutes I I I .' \...::. '248~ "January 12, 1972 The regular meeting of, the Council was called,to order,py ,Mayor C9ates , with' Cpync'illpen Sokolik, Nelson, Drogseth And Brown 'present. ,C01;mcilman Gallagh'e~ was absent., Others present were Mrs. Longmire, :Charles Dunn, Attorneys Schultz . and Stiltz, Engineer .Bryne and D. .Hiller'... . c;... . A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik. that, the minutes of the December 8~h meetingQe approved as distributed. Motion' ca~ried , ' unanimouslyo. "The. follo\:~ing ~ current bills were presented and on a 'motion made by Br'own and.seconded by, Drogseth that they be,paid with the exception of two; standa.rd oil Co,. and Rich 1 s Pacific Ence 0' The motfon carried. -cUHRENT EXPENSE , Assn.. : of Wash. Cities US Leasing Corp. w. S. DarLey; Co. Thurston Co.' Treas. Puget Power Elvera K., Johnson- Wash. Natural Gas Co. Hosman Agency Yelni Telephone Yelm National Auto Parts Nisqpally V~lley News Wash. ,Physicians Service Vern Bolinde~Co. D & H Mobil Service Chevron Automotive Yelm Tejephone'Co. Tacoma Rubber stamp Go.' Del Goff Mobil Oil 'Corp., WATER Puge.t Power Rosano's Electric , Pennwa1 t Corp. Yelm Hardware U. S. Darley' Co. Patrick J. Bryne & Associates Mosm~ Agency , STREET Atlantic Richfield Co. Puget Power Mosman Agency GARBAGE Yelm Natiorla+' Auto Parts Hosman Agency Yelm Garage Mobil Oil Corp. $ 71.72 24..3'2 13.90 65,.,62' 44..53 16;.00 65.51 J57~00 11.95 27 . 90.; 23.$8 36'.90 ' 10'0.00', 15;80 39.40 38.40 19.56 11) 0,42 " 25.91 96.85 4:2J, ,29.20 17.99 20.95 51.00 216.00, 8.98 112000 116.,00 18.40 116.00 78~92 330.06 ' Mr.: DUnn of Central Dispatch w~s present to discuss the workings o~ the lavl enforcement conunuriications system and the costs involved. He stated that t.hey would monitor the police telephone and the ,police car radios 0' It was estim~ted that the cost of this service would be approxfumately $4..00 per capita. Councilman Brown made a motion that,the Town accept the' proposal to join Central Dispatch~ No second was made and therefore the motio~ was not carried. biscussion is to be tap1ed until next meeting . after more study is madeo ' 'Engineer Br,yne stayed he would behere,on Janua~'19th to work with our \vaterSupt. to solve the problem of the clorinator.The Town has been ge'tting several negative ~eports and are to check 'to find out why. The Council gave their approval of ~~. Bryne making this check. Raising the rates for business licenses were discussed with no action taken. . 'Discussion was held art what to do' about the old police car, Brown made a , motion that the tires. are to be removed and replaced, with 1).on-police ones, iEfle one~ removed to be ,used, as spares 'for our present, police cars. The ,car then be: sold to the highest, bid offer. Sokolik seconded the motion anq it carried. Counc~lman Drogseth was appointed to have this accomplishedo Discussion was again held, on raising both water and garbage rates. Drogseth .244. made a motion that the rates. to be increased and the. e:,ffecti ve date to' 'be March 1, 1972... This wfls seconded by Brown and: the motion . carried. The rates were. established as follows:' basic Fate of 400 cubic feet from the present rate' of, $3.00 to $4.00 minimum fer inside city 'limits andf~om $3.50 to $4.50 for outside city limits. The summer rate would be 20~ per'hundred over, the minimum and winter' rate' 30~ a hundred. Commerica1 rate tiould be the ba'sic 800 cubic feet for $4050 plus 20~ea' hundred for the overage. Counci.1manBroWn made,?- motion that the garbage'rate per month would be,in- creased from th present rate of $1..50 for one can per week .to $3.00 and. each additional, can would be SO~ a.month more.. This rate,appiies to both inside. and outside city"limit cust6mers~ This motiOnv.las seconded byd\lelson and it carried. Mayor Coates announced her appointment of Robert Sherman to serve as Police Judge', Pro-Tern.. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.. M. '/'j ",'V. rJ , '--T" ", //j //?J ' , , / ' ,//'/ t/'" iJ ~.lJ.L~. , Lo a B. Coates, Mayor. .' '. r&~J c, ,Elvera K.. Jo4nso g~. Clerk ~' .) , ." ~ ~ ' o o ',,0, " , , I . i I I I February 9, 1972 The regular session of the Coun:cil'was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Coates with Councilmen Drogseth, Gallagher, Sokolik, Nelson, and Brown present. others present were ~ttorneys Schultz and Stiltz, Marshal McCluskey ~d Deputy Hastie, and Lavina. Phillips, Librarian. Sokolik made a motion that the minutes of ,the JanUary lith'meating'be approved as distributeq. Brown seconded the motion, and it carried. , , The 'current monthly bills werepresentedj and on a motion made by Sokolik and seconded by Gallagh~r that. t4e~ be. ordered paid. Motion carried. CU~T EXPENSE u. S. Lea$ing'Corp. Wol.:f:'.'s Shopri te Pioneer Business Forms; Inc. Nisqually Va1:ley News:'; Puget'power Yelm Telephone' Co'.. Wash. Na~uralGas 'bo'~ . Rentex S~rvices Corp. . Mosman Agency" standard Oil Co~ Vern H. Bolinder 'Co., Wash. Physicia~"s Ser~ce Mobil Oil'. 90:(1)'0:' .. , Olympic ~~. Poll1:lt.ion Control l10sman AgeiJ9Y , JohnL. Hastie $ 24.32 16.01 22' . 09 56.}~ 49059 '. 52.06 65003 24.75 , 30.00 20.37 '94~35 36.90 44~19 63.2'0 425.00 .35.20 WATER Patrick J.,B~e &. Assn. Yelm.Hardwa~e Puget p'ower Badger Me~er. STREET 261.50 11.89 .' 81.15 440.37 Puget 'Pm{rer MuniChem COl;'po. 'S:tandardOil COo GARBAGE .' 112.00' 44.80 132.00 Standard Oil Co. Chevron Automotive '95.23 23.90 '. Discussion was held whether to cancel the, collision coverage for the t~o police cars. . The reason for considering cancellation was the extremely high premium rate. Nelson made a motion that collision coverage be can- celled; this was seconded by .Brown.' Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Brown made a motion recommending to the Mayor that the Security , .Patrolman hours' be changed to be as follows ~ 12M. to~ 6 :00 a.m. four. , nights a week arid from 10:"00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m~ two nights a week. Nelson seconded the motion, and ,the motion carried. Marshal McCluskey was questioned on'the use of the police telephone for his own private calls. .He stated 'to the Council that all' calls made were . strictly business or1ented.' It was recommended that Councilman.Gallagher be appointed' to stud~' the telephone 51 tuation. " ' Discussion was held on increasi~g the l1ability insurance from3QO to 500 .thousand dollars~ Gallagher made a motion to make .this increase. which was seconded by Nelson. The motion carried. . . It wa~ brought to the attentio~'of the CoUncil the. exclusions in our present insurance policy and' to have the Town Carrier explEi.in the meanings,. of these exclusions.. ',945. :. ~ ''C'" I I ~ ~. 246 ',.. ';"~." . "E,' ' ~.. Ordinance No~ 130, establishing new water service rates, Was read; and on a mot~o~ by Brown and seconded by Sokolik, was passed'andordered published. Motion carried. . . Ordiqance No'-131, relating to garbage 'collections and rates, WaS read; and on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by'Gallagher, was passed and ordered published. The motion carried. With therE!bein~ no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ~ .,-fl /J /} . .' . / .//1 '-/L. C'.-/~&/Uv /~ L ti-tfi../L~ ~ora Bo Goates, Mayor' '0 . ,\ o o .0 .1 .1. I 247.' March 8" 1972 ,The r'egular session. of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Coates , at 7:45 p~m. . Councilmen Drogseth, Brown, Sokolik" Gallagher, and Nelson were , present. ' Others pr,esent were Robert Landon, D. Mi~ler, R" Lon~r~..9 K. stiltz, and To Schultz. ,'" , ' , On a motion made by'Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik, the minutes of the February 9th ,meeting were 'approved,as di~tributed., Motion carried. ,The folloWing bills were presented; and on ~,motion made by.Gallagher and, seconded by Sokolik'were ordened paid., Motion carried unanimously. ,CURRENT EXPENSE Wolfstone ~ Donley .... McNannama Sargent-Sowell, In~. ' , Vern H~' Bolinder Co.,' 'r.10sman Agency Washington Physician's Service, , Thurston Co. Sheriff, Rich's PacificEnco Mobil Oil Corp. Yelm Telephone Co. Yelm Garage Thurston Co~Civil Defense ,ThurJ1ton Co. Humane' Society Thurston-Mason Health Dist. Rentex Services Corp. Elvera 'K. Johnson Yelm Telephone Co. Pugetpower ; Nisqually Yalley News Pitney ,Bowes u. Sf}, Leasing Corp. \tTash. Natural Gas' Co. Theodore Schultz Pickett DrugStore Thurs. ,Co.. Fire Dist.. No. 2 , Regional' Library $277.80 23.25 50.00 34000 '36.90 32.00' , 25.20 ;: 87 .59 31.90. 47 .57 106.00 , 94..75 97.50, · 8082' 16.00 11094 , 50.09' 27058 21.)0 24032 66930 , 255.00 3.76 979.05 ' 575.00 'vlATER Puget Power , Erlich Stationers 'Nisq~llY~'Valley News YelM Hardware 80.21 23.94' 64~31 4..31 STREET Holro,yd Co., Inc. Puget Power , ,Atlantic.Richrield Co. Pacific Sand & Gravel Co.. 84.00 112.00 3.35 15.75 ' ; -, GARBAGE ' ., , l.. J ".:, , Standard Oil Co. .; f .' : '; 34..53" The closing of, the garbage dump was discussed ,and ways and means of hauling it ~o the Rainier'~relay station. Were notified that the days are to be Wednesday, Saturday, and SundaY., Since our. pickup 'of days are Tuesday and Friday, it was not working satisfactorilJt. The May;or is to contact Rainier' and Teilino to see what thet are doing~ ',Th~ Mayor and Councill members are to attend a mee~i:.ng of the Solid Waste Comisslon on Friday, ~1arch '17th;' to see if some problems can be resolved. The exclusions iri the. T~~ts insurance policy were ~iscussed arid foUnd, to be . satisfactorjr~ Marshal Wil~ia.m McClusk~j' had resigned his positi9~as of March 1st. '1,b~Mciyor a.nnounced t~e.2r ,app<?11i1tment of John Hastie as, Ma~sb.~l and Thomas D. Ma~cus ,,' as Deputy Marshal. . Discussion was 'held on.the .salaries for the replacements 'I .24.8..... of officers. Councilman Brown made a motion .that' the . salary of the. Marshal be .established at_$6'eo a mon:l~h; this motion was not. seconded~ Another motion was made by COurlcilman Sokolik that the l1arshal.'s salary is to start ate $700: :a . month, and after a six-month probationary period, it is to~~.ra.ised to~ $600 a month" This motipn was' .seconded by Drogseth, and the motion carried. The Deputy Marshal salary . was not debated, and a motion made by Brown and was seconded QY. Drbgseth that his salary is to be se~~at $300 a month. The motion. . carried unanimouslyo . A motion was made by Brown that the, "Council approve and authorize a'Public. ',.0:' Official's .Band for Marshall Hastiso Tlms was seconded by Gallagher, and the motion carriedo Councilman. Drogseth stated he had made a survey of the city streets with Mr. Vandiver and round all of them. needed resurfacing after.the severe weather conditions 'of the past winter ~onthB~ Nelson made a. motion that' the entire streets be resurfaced; and if funds are aVailable"f,ito also surface, the alley from First. street to Fourth str'eet between Yelm Avenue and, Jef'ferson Street. :This was seconded by Brown, and the motion carried Wlanimouslyo' Engineer Bryne requested that some acti'on be taken on changing. the plumbing and chlorinator before the heavy demand of summer water use, is here. Discussion. lias held, and the Council voted to. proceed with the fol'l.owing: to. construct a small addition to the well. house, to purchase a new chlorinator~ and .also a six-inch master. water metero", In order to cut 'costs" the Council :voted that the Oi ty do maj ority. of work. involved ~ . Mr. Landon was present to petition for annexation a portion approJdmately one' acre in size bordering Jones. street. BroWn made a motion that the City~accept the filing of the petition for annexation and that Apri1 12, 1972,' the date of the next Council.. meeting be set as the date for the public hearing e Sokoli~ seconded the motion, and the. motion.carriedo Mrs.tongmire was present to-ask w:hy the City did not turn the water ofr~after theb:illbecome delinquent, referring to tenants who do not pay their bills. Discussion followed with the, following conclusion reached that every sta~ement over $15, whether owner or renter, be' turned off without, prior notice.. . This would make the Clerk. solely responsible for delinquent bi~ls and none.for the land owner. . . A m.otion was .made by Gallagher and seconded by Brown that all expenses would . be paid .to David Dawson, Water Superintendent, for a.ttending the Ground Water Technology Short Course a.t the University of. Washington'. The motion carried unanimously. . '!he meeting. was adjourned at 10:30 p.me ^ /1 Q . " . / ~.",./ . "'.~ 'r~' .,~"j . ;" . A/-:! ;///. A . . ....-.-. ... C!' /.?/ " '<~~7/?/.L/ ,oJ / ~.,:t;;-?~. . Loral-Bo Coates;- Mayor I I I' Elvera"K. Johnson, . Clerk ,0. . . . o 249,., ;;t 3. (; April 12, 1972 The regUlar ses"sion o'f the city Council was' called to, order by May~.,r CQates.at 7 :30 P oMo ' Councilmen present were Brown, Nelson, ,Sokolik, Drggseth and Gallagher. Ot~~:s'present were attorneys Schultz and Sti1tz,Chie.f of Police Hastie, Mrs. Roberta Longnu.re, Joe Agosto,' VernLqyd,' Jack Laugh1~n, 'Don Miller and Mr. ~. ,Councilman Brown made a motion that the minutes, of the IJfarch 8th meeting be approved" Gallagher, seconded th~motion, and it c~rriede The tollowing current bills were presented, a motion was made- by Brown 'and seconded byGallaghe~,. that they be ordered paid. . 41 CURRENT EXPENSE Yelm Telephone COmpany 'Washington,Natural Gas U.S. Leasing Corp. Warren Vs Quick Print. Mobil Oil, Corp. Rentex Services Cqrpo Pickett Drugs Wdfstone .:. McMannama ,Puget Power . Wolf 's ' Rosano'g.Electrlccenter lofrs .El vera Johnson , $33010 50..02 24032 20.58 151070 8 fl 40 . 2.56 c26 i99 41.49 6.00 2&27 , 8.00" WATER Puget Power Yelm Telephone Co. Penpw.a1 t Corp. Wa.shington Dept. of Re'venue ~ ; 80 & 21 . 11036 28.30 i33.B4 -- ..--- ............~ ~ STREET. . I' Puget' Power Atlantic Richfield ,Coo Pacific Sand and Gravel Co. Yelm Hardware '- 112000 6'.11 11&81 15.84 GARBAGE, . Washington Dept. of Revenue 'Standa.rd Oil Co. Yelm Ga.rage 21029 30.81 48.,99 A motion made by Brown and seconc;ied by Sokolik that the city consider joining C'onnnunication System, as presented by Mr. Dunn, lithe federal grant comes through. The cost for the service with two radios and a bay station would be approximately $1,000.00 per yearo Mr. Brown will attend a ~eeting i~ Olympia City. Hall on y.l~dnesdar."'April 19th, at 2 :00 Pol-i. for fUrther de,tailed exp~anation. A motion to write off,the Robert Brown water bill now charged to Roberta Longmire . , was made by Gallagher and seconded by Sokolik.""Passed. .1 Mr. Agosto explained his present and future building plans due .for completion in 1975. They ine.1ude an enclosed .mall,' retirement housing for the retired.and additional apartment units. He presented an oral notice of intentiol1. to initi~te annexation proceedings by the, petition method for property lying east. of .the.Yelm city limits between the Yelm McKenna Highway and Creek Road. A meeting with the petitioners 'to discuss the proposed annexation was scheduled for }\1onday ,April 24th" ' 1972 at.7:30 P.M. to determine.whether or not the city shall require the ~ssumption oJ: existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. The Mayor ordered. that "the Chairman: of 'the Planning Commission be notified to have the Commission Members present . 'at said Dleeting. -', Councilman Brown was .asked to look into a request by Eugene Ames to build another residence on his 100' x 130. loto 250 Attorn:,ey Schultz read letters ,.from. William McCluskey and ~f.W'. Velesky stating the,ir intentions to fiie claims. totaling $4, 250.0.0 ~gainst the .Qi.typf' Yelm" The Council " ~wasaq.vised by 'Mr.' Sc.hul tz to table the matter pendi,ng further study. Chief of Police Hastie" reports that over $800.00 in. fines had been colle cted over the pa~t sixty dayper~odo -Discussion on the building of the new pump house and installation of a new chlorinator 'will be')continued at the next council meeting. At that time ~lr.. Pat ~yrne should have made his recommendation. '0" . \' Mayor Coates informed the Council that she would be out of the city April 19th,20th~ 21st, and 22nd. She instructed the'~ouncil to appoint a Mayor Protem in .her absence. if need pee 0 , .There being no fUrther business, the meeting was adjounnedat.ll:25 P.M. ona. inotion by Brown and seconded by Nelson eo . ' \ /")', .' ,"'j . ~~A{// . ~ -" ,~/. t7 C "', _. V}A;L/ /:) . . ~~ Lo~,1 B .Coa te s, Mayor~ . .....0."'.....;" .< ~) ii, < .,0 /~ o . '0' ;1... il"~' . ~ " : 'k"'!'f:,;,,~r " ' ~: <., ,.~;...cl<, , , fl.'~ ... . J ".. ' ~',' ,J \. , ,t:'<try:.(<4', ' . ~"I'''-'''~:'' ; I, ";'1 1 ~' ~; , , 1 ,,$ "~~Y 10,. 1972 '.Fhe regular-meQting.of the cfty COl.Ulcil was ,called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Hayor Coates, 'Councilmen present were Brown, Sokolik, Gallagher and Maisono CQuncilnian Drogseth was absento.,.o1;lbers present were Mrs. Roberta L?ugmire, RliyCh;p,istensen, Jerry Sprague, A;t~9rney Stiltz~ Don Miller, Chief of Police , , , Hs:.sti~'~~~~d David Dawson. ," ; <~: ."!" '.- The}1in~tes.or the April 12th ,meeting were approved as 'corrected on a motion by Brown andz:.~seconded by Sokolik :... carried e , , The,following bills'~ere presented, amotion Was made by Brown and seconded by Sokolik tha.t they be ordered paid" CURREN.T EXPENSES Vern' H. Bolinder Company Wa~hington Physicians Service Del Chemical Company Ye~' Telep~oneCompany N1squal1y Valley News MobiL Oil' Corporation "Uni,ted sta~tes Leasing Corporation'''" Washington Natural Gas" Mosm~n Agency 'Pioneer Business Forms Pickett Drug store puget Power Yelm Telephone Company Rentex Service Corporation Yelm Hardware Washington state Auditor O.J'et. Martyr' ...Postage- D& H Mob~l Service $1001>00 36~90 500,20 39.47 199080 881t69 24.32 50.70 8.00. 24.,60 .53 57 . W- ", 23.29 "12,.60 " ',. 12'.57 '. 3970-00 ' 8000 . '15.25 STREEr ' D & H Mobil,Service ,puget Power Pacific Sand & Gravel Go" Mobil Oil Company WATER, 2.35 112000 44096 21.64 puget Power 65.75 Oa pump house construction and chlorinator equipment .... motion wf!S made by ,Brown and seconded by Gallagher to accept the recommendation of Pat Bryne and,proceed under the, engineer's direction. .. , On the annexation of the Landon .. )!'..dwards property, a motion was made by Brown and seconded by SOkolik to carr.y this over to the next meeting'pend- ing advice from E:ngineer Byrne and Ted Schultz 0' Councilman Brown reported on Mr. Ames request to builq apother dwelling on ,'his present lot, and could see no objectiono Mre Ames is to furnish a. rough diagr'~'in the near future. ' Council Brown reported on the CENTRAL DISPATCH meeting of April 19th. It was , agreed that questions need to be~,;,~nswered regarding the equipment we would get~J:1ould we join the system. Mr. Ray Christensen explained details of the Thurston County Building Code. M'otion 'Was made .by Sokolik and seconded by' Brown to have our ,Attor.ney draw, up a:m..ordinance to conform to the Building, Plumbing and Mechanica.l Codes' o.f Thurston County, to be submitted for adoption at the next Council Meeting.: ,Motion wasi;[passed unanimously.."" " ' , AttoI"rley stiltz advised the Clerk to withhold the $20.00 compensation payme~t to ',the Ma.yor and Councilmen pending further interpreta.tion of the law in this regard Go ' },;T: 2 The clerk was instructed to determine how much vacation time is due Mrso E1 vera J ohIlson, and to pay same. There was a short discuSsion regarding the present single water meter servicing each five apartment Unit :at-Nisqually Plaza.. It was suggested there should be at least two cormnercial charges for each or a total of four to ma.ke it a paying basis 'for the Towno Brown, Nelson and Dawson were to look into the, situatio~ and repD~t at the. next. Council Meeting. .The clerk was instructed to pay Vincent Sandaval $20.00 for his past services on the water tank, '~d that a like amo~tbe paid for :my work in the future. Issuance of Peddlers Licenses to two employees of ~tF & BUSBY, INC. were held up pending confirma. tion' o~ their Bond~ . . It was moved by'Br-own and seconded by Nelson that two COlmcil Members be appointed to exercise authority over all rolling stock under the Council's jurisdiction and recommends that the Mayor adopt this policy with respect ,to all ~,olling stock under the Mayor' s j'\lD~fsdictionQ There being no further business, the meeting ,was adjourned at.ll:50 P.M& on a mo~ion by Gallagher and seconded by Nelson~ 0"1 i l' . ~ ~ o ..0 :.1- '..~' , , '""., :J, "1 I i,"l 3. June '~h.}l 197~ 'The regular meeting of th~ TO\in Council was called to order by Mayor Coates at 1 :30 P.M 0 ~ Councilmen present. were Brown, Sokolik and Drogse:tho, 01;,hers present were'Attorneys Schultz and Stiltz, Engineer Byrne, Marlin Stillings and David Dawsone, It,. "., .,.'~ .: . f;" 4,,-' 'I . ".. ............., ........# "lO ~ Minutes of the M~ tenth meeting were approved on a motion by Councilman Brown and seconded by Sokolik... carried" 1 ' ~ motion was made by Brown and secqnded by Sokolik that the following bills be 'paid as presentedo '\. United States Leasing Corporation Timberland Regional Library Thurston County Fire District # 2 Pacific Sand & Gravel COe. Young's Glass' Puget Power puget Power Yelm Telephone D &H Mobil Service Chet 's Locksmi th Shop Washington, Natural Gas Yelm Hardware Rentex Service Copp. Yelm High School ,Picke;tt Drug Vern He Bolinder Co. Atlantic Richfield Co 0 ; Atlantic Richfield COe Standard Oil Coo Standard Oi~ Co. Standard Oil Co. ~ .Sey"n.cc8tatioB Mobil Oil Corp. Enco Service' station (Ernest Teague)' Fristoe, Taylor & Schultz Thurston County Regional Planning Council Thurston County Humane Society Thurston~1ason Health District Patrick Byrne & Associates Washington P~sicians Service O.J. Martyr (Postage) Hunts Office Supply $ 24032 5900,00 979.. 05 35fl84 5026 IB7&72 37094 56 e ? 5 28098 36.75 26.26 33059 B040 3.00 5.30 82.90 16060 156'062 108.62 56062 54.43 ?oo 63098 . 9000 25$000 221.00 94.75 91 ,,50 224060 73080 21013 2.64 " On the subject of the Edwards anne~tion, a letter .from Engineer Byrne was read outlining the procedure that must be followedo It w~s moved by Brown and seconded by Drogseth and approved unanamously that until such time as we do draw up a platting ordinance, we adopt the recommendations in this letter, which s~tes that this plan must be complied with if the property to be annexed is to be sub-dividedo The Clerk was instructed to send a cop~ of this letter to Mr. . Edwards and to the Thurston CoUnty Regional Planning Council. . Both the street work for this year and the Six Year Arterial Plan were discussed at length. Councilman Brown & Drogseth are to make a final inspection of the . streets 'and determine which streets must have immediate attentiono It was ' .moved by Brown and seconded by Drogseth and passed unanamously that a special meeting be called for June 23rd at 1 :30 P .Mo in the Town Hall to consider the proposed Six Year Arterial Street Plan. The Clerk was instructed to publish' notice of this public meeting in the Nisqually Valley News. 4'" Because of the 'late hour, discussion @n the subject of rolling vehicles and second sto~ addition to the Town Hall were deferred until a later date and the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Drogseth, at 11:55 PoM<t ~, 23 June 1972 Special Meeting I.<fl., ll' """ ~ gr:~~ LaB... Coates, Mayor . Special Meeting" was ca.lled to order by Mayor Coates at~7 :30 P oM. Councilmen present. were Brown, Drogseth, Sokolik and Gallaghero Town attorney Schultz was also present. A'resolution # 119 establishing secondary arterial streets in the Town of Yelm, w~ read and approved on a motion py Brown and seconded by Drogsetho ~ Resolution # 1~0, adopting a comprehensive 6-year straet program for'Yelm was read and approved on a motion by Brown and seconded bY,Gallagher~ The special meeting was adjourned on a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Gallagher at 9 :00 P.M.. O.J. ;l~tt"J ~::. - ':) , .~ l! ,*f .,'\o..~ t.... ora B. coates, . ". , r.' .}' ..t " -'"'"'- 0' o o 5 July 10, 1972 The r~gular meeting of ,the Tpwn Council was called to order at 7 :30 P oMo by Mayor Coates~ Councilmen present were Nelson, Brown, Sokolik and Drog- seth9. ethers present. were Attorneys Schultz and stiltz, Roberta Lmngmire, Mro Beckman and Jerry Spragueo . On a motion by Drogseth and seconded by SOl{olik, the minutes of the June 14th meeting were approvedQ '.1: The following vouchers were read, approved and ordered paid on a motion by: B:rewn, seconded by Drogseth and were passedo. I Current O"J II Martyr Yelm Garage D & H Bobil Picket ts Drug "',. 'fl(:lt.~l?t1getwB!Dv.rer Yelm. Telephone Pi tney Bowe.s Rentex Services Corpo . Nisqu~llYoValley News Patrick Byrne & AssQciates U 08\, Leasing Corpf> Washington Natural Gas WashingtonState-Auqitor Wolfts White Front stores Colonial Ins~ance Stand~rd Oil Atlantic Richfield D & H Mobil. Vern 'Ho Bo1inder Y~lmTe1ephone Washington Physicians Thurston CoO" Sheriff' Mobil Oil Coo YeIm Hardt'lare streets Yelm Hardware. Standard Oil Atlantic Richfield . D & H Mobil Puga t Povler Patrick B.Yrne & Associates . George. Brown Pacific Sand & Gravel vvater State Dept.. of Revenue Yelm Garage viestern utility Supply Coo Pacific Wa tar \'lorks Supply Puget POtier Pennwa1t Corp. . A & I Lumber Nisqually Valley News Patrick Byrne & Associates W.S. Darley & Co. Badger Meter, Inc. (Jarbage state Dept. of Revenue Standard Oil Company Yelm Garage Atlantic Richfield Thurston Co. Land Fill $29053 100, 6Q63 3eOl h8f?73 35.66 21030 8040 3004 391" 81 240.32 20",87 632:.20 140.88 66~lO 18QOO 8e45 33035 6000 100.00 38021 36.90 124.00 1230,6 22051 I 27~o4 1110.72 14.33 6.95 126 c 7 G 731025 12.00 187064 182.82 16080 126007 107010 60.98 29050 3.02 27072 114..07 6075 440037 26.99 47 .,93 . 31..24 11024 110~50 6 A letter from 1-JoBo McClusky ahd MoW'. Voleskey'was read in reference to their claim against the Town of Ye1m.. ',. T9wn,,, ,Attorney Schul tzhh stated his reasearch shows'that by law the Town of Yelm cannot make this payment from public funds~ A motion was made by Br~ln~ seconded by Sokolik and passed un= animouily, that the claim tJeB rejected by action of the Town Council~ and the claimants so notifiedo A uniform Building Code, Plumbing Code and }1echanical Code, as pre= pared by the Yelm Town attorney was adapted onoa motion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth and carriedo A motion was made by Browucand seconded by Sokolik that Mrso To~ Leding= ton be named to the Library Board to fill the vacancy left by the resigna= ' tion of Mrs. Robert Wolf. It was moved by Sokolik, seconded by Brown and carried, that we enter' into an Interlocal Governmental Agreement with 'Ihnrston County so that they:; may provide .,administration of the Building, Plunibing and :t-1echani- cal Codes which have been adoptedo ' Motion was made by Sokolik and seconded by Drogseth that we permit the request of Jerr.y,Sprague to move in a mobil unit to use as their temporary office while, construction on their new building is under w~, if this m~~ts with the approval of the Planning CommissionG An application for a business license was submitted by Charles Agosto. It was agreed after discussion and on advice of ~tre Schultz, that a license be granted on the condition that he abide by Ordinance # 67, Section # 9 which states that an adult be in attendance at all times, and that no minor be all~wed to operate any coin machineo This busi= ness will operate under the name of ItCharlie Brown is Amusements"' 0 I , , Mro Bekeman expressed Bms intention to pperate a Western Auto store on h~s property at Yelm Ave and Clark Roade Construction of the 4200 sqo ft e building with 81n 8400 sq 0 ft 0 p~Tking area will commence at onee Co Attorney Schultz.,stated that the Town of Yalm should have a written contract with Thursib:on County for jail serviceso It was agreed that he draft such a contracto Authorization wa~ given the Town Attorney to write to the Book Publishing Co. asking that ~hey contact us 'regarding ~he codifi~ation of our ordinancese 1 The clerk was in~tructed to ask all emp~oyees to turn in copies of Credit . Card purcha~es 0 c The meeting was adjourned at 11:)0 PoMo on a motion by Nelson and seconded by Browne!> ~g~ Lora Bo Coates, Mayor , ' ,0 ,0 i' o 9 August 9, 1972 The ,'regular: . me e:t;ing of the Town of Yelm was called to order at 7 :45 PM by' Mayor LoraB. Coates. Councilmen present were Arnold Drogseth, Doyle Gallagher and George Brown. Others present were Mrs. Roberta Longmire, John Dotson, Engineer .Pat Byrne and Attorney Ted Schultz. On a motion by Brown, seconded by Drogseth, the minutes of the July 12" 1972 meeting ~were.approved as distributed. ll\ . Resoluti'on # 121, adopting the Uniform Build~ng Code, 1970 Bl:ii tion, Unifonn Hechanical Bode, 1970 Edition and the UniformPluirtbing Code, 1970 Editbn, Was read and approved by the Council. The current vouchers were examined and approved on a motion by Brown and secOnded by Drogseth. ~I Curret\1tr;' Washington Na. tural . Gas' Pioneer Business Forms Yelm Hardware Puget Power Y.1m Telephone Co.' . O.J .Martyr (Stamps & Postage for Pkgs.) Pitney Bowes Rosano's Electric Pfckett" Drug- Nisqua11y Valley News D & H .Mobil ~entex Services Corp. U.S. Leasing Corp. Yelm Fix! t Shop Yelm . National Auto Parts PPioneer Business Fo~s W~lfstone-Donley~CMannama,Inc. Kisor Tire Co. John Hastie Pacific Radio . . Smith Auto, Ince Washington Physicians ,Sv. Yelm Telephone Goo~ear Tire & Rubber Co. 'Thurston County Sheriff Atlantic Richfied Co. Standard Oil Co. Mobil Oil Co. Vern H. Bolinder Co. $ 15'~ 02 38.15 10.48 45.:2:9 32.19 !.25 42.60 1:26 1.41 31.29 1.33 8.40 24.32' , 8..40 49.12 47.04 1,5.00 89.24 1.57 23.44 4.73 55e35 35.42 140.37 108.00 74.99 26.46 119.98 50.00 Water. . Yelm Hardware Puget Power Western Utilities Supply Co. Garbage 11.,03 109.30 36.84 (I.: Smith Auto, Inc. Yelm Garage D & H Mobil Atlantic ~chfield Co. Standard Oil Co. Thurston Co. Land Fill street 80.7, 14.60 10.38 10.~3 31.08 136.00 Washington Asphalt Co. puget Power D & H Mobil Atlantic Richfield Co. Mobil Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. 15.00 126.70 10.9$ 4lt13 15.22 33.&6 Arterial streets Pacific Sand & Gravel Co. , , 94.90 10 Councilman Brown reported that a bid had been submitted by Tom Ferguson on the construction of the pUmp house in the amount of $474.000 It was agreed that no deci,sion be made until Jerry Sprague had submitted his; ,bid ,also. , . -~.' ill Mr. Dotson presented a petition. with sixty two signatures on behalf of property owners in and around-the NisquallyPines area, requesting that some immediate action be taken tp correct the road condition caused by the nooding of Yelm Creek, making RB.ilway Avenue 1mpassible. After discussion, motion ma.de ~ Gallagher, seconded by Drogseth, passed unaniJhously, that ..D~".' Engineer Byrne' be authorized and instructed to explore all.means of.!inancial assistance with state and County departments to arercome this long overdue condition. ' The Yelm Planning Commisssion recommended to the Town Council that a' ~ariance be aba:,owed in the' re quest by Jerry, Sprague to pull in a mobil hoole to ,'!>e used for an office while construction ofriew office is in progress. Said variance is to run no longer than ninety daysl granted on a motion by Brown and ..second- ed by Gallagher. . , \. After discussion, it was agreed that the proposed moving of the fire hydrant in front of the'new Western Auto building would be done only after a deposit of $500.00, andc under the sppervision of the Town of Yelm. Attorney Schultz reported that the basic cost, of codification of our'9rfiinances would be $3,900.,00 for three hundred pages, prepared by Book Publishing Company. He was asked to"request that a representative from this company be at the Seppember council meet~ng in order to p~ovide further details ..::' The c;lerk was instructed to prepare a Quarterly report of expenditures, relating to the~1972 budget.' Also" he kas asked to secure copies,of'stBeet Itghting contract., " ' Chief of Police.John Hastie gave a full activity report for the period. The budget and its preparation for the coming year was discussed ~t length. , , Engineer, Pat Byrne brought to the meeting a schedule of water rate~ charged by the near-by' Towns of Vader, Centralia, Shelton, Fircrest, Olympia' 8Jld - Chehalis. After comparing rates, it was generuly agreed that the Yelm rates were adequate. ," " o On a motion by Arnold Drogseth and seconded by Doyle Gallagher, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. - 0/1 /jJ ,~\' . ' v~g C;~ Lo a B. Coates, Mayor o , " . ->, 12 September 13, 1972 The regular meeting of the Town Council wasecalled to order at 7 :50 P.M. bj; Mayor Lara Be 'Coates. Councilmen present were Richard Sokolik, Roger Nelson, and George Brown. Others present were Attorney Ted Schultz, Mrs. 'Roberta. Longmire, Dallas Etlwards, Ralph Johnson and Lou Cochrane. ' On a motion by Brown, seeonded.:\1by Nelson, minutes of !ugust 9, 1972 were - approved as distributed.' , The following current vouchers were examined and approved on a motion by Nelson and seconded by Soko~ik: Current Patrick-arme & Associates Yelin Hardware D & H Mobil Pickett Drugs Rentex Ser'\.~ces corporation Grange Supply Charles Greenblatt Wolf's Washington Physicians Rich IS Pacific Enco Puget Power Ye1m Telephone Motorola, Inc. Smi th r s Auto Mobil Oil Co. O. J'.Martyr U .S .Leasing D & H Service Nisqually News Nisqually News Washington Natural Gas Vem He Bolinder Company Hosano Electric Yelm Telephone Co. o $ 99.00 1.45 2.47 7.87 . 8.,82 268.39 43.40 15.48 55.35 . 12.60 42.64 26 e 57 29.67 154&50 28..91 9.30 24.32 38.42 81.69 47.22 10;80 50.00 2.15' 34059 0,-. .. Garbage, D &. H Service 232.25 AeDerial'Streets Lakeside Industries Pacific Sand & Gravel Pat Byrne 111.U1 27.11 66 .1$.0 Water Yelm Hardware Puget Power Pennwalt Corporation Western utilities Pat~Byme 58836 107 .17 47 ..50 39.75 217.00 streets Yelm Hardware Puget Power Meitsler's Greenhouses D &H Mobil 19.95 126.70 395.24 17.59 A communication from Engineer arme was read recommending some changes and additions be made to the preliminary plat of West End Additon. o Councilman Brown reported progress was well under wa.y on the two buildings for second .water pump and chlorinatbr. Contractor Tan Ferguson is doing the work as recommended by-Engineer Byrne. The pump house is being constructed on the existing concrete slab at a cost or $497.10 and the building to house the chlorinator at cost of $411.97. Attorn". Schultz reported that the represenktive from Book Publishing Oompany indicated he was unable to attend the meeting tonight but would be in contact wi th the coUncil in the near future, and he had stated that perhaps codification of our'Ordina.nces might be substantially less than the previously quoted price of $3,900.00. l~ . .~n&regards to the request'for wat~r r~tes by Marlin stillings for bis propos~d mobile court, the results of tbe discussion wer~ that the Town ,of :Yelm does npt at this time, have a rate provision for just this ,cla.ss of, operation. It wa~ agreed that Mr. Stillings be asked to meet with our attorney and engineer and supply more details.' In this' connection the clerk was requested to notify Engineer Byrne that the Mayor and Council' recommend he'make a complete revision of Water Ordinances #85, #l08 and #130. \ I ',It ~as, generally agreed that Mil ton Johnson's services be retained during - the period of construction of the pump house and chlorinator -building., This"would extend through'tthe_ montb of October with compensation set at the rate~of $140.00 per month. . Councilman Brown ~e a motion, seconded by Nelson, that Chief of Police Hastie make a monthly report in writing containing the following information for the preceeding period: number of ar:rest, miles travelled, gallons of gas used, current expense on maintenance of cars, foreseeable expenditures of $20.00 or more. MaY9r Coates expressed her ,disapproval of this motion~ stating that it is a~duplication and a time~consuming effort, as the, Police Chief current~y keeps ve~ thorough records. Councilman Brown raised objection to, and questioned the ,use of YEim Police and vehicles ~or securi typatrol on the school groUnd area. He stated that in his opiniqn, ~e. school should try to find other mean.s ' of securing this seryice but not at the expense of the Town of .Yelm., . , The Council stated i ~ wished to compensate John Jloaana at the rate .of' , ..$5.00 per month for the use ot'his property directlY' behind the Town Hall for vehicle parking.. The clerk was instructed to secure fi,Dm Mr. Rosano a designation,in wri~ing" of ,th~, ar'ea we are ..to use. "': I Motion was maite by B;r:own, an?~econded by Nelson to apprgJe the preliminary plat of \vE:!st End Ad~tion cont~i'1gent upon recommendation the Town Planning Commission, also to Qhangesas set forth as contained in Engineer'Byr~e's letter dated 'Septemb~r' 8" 197~. ' " ,. Councilman Brown suggested that, C9ief of Police Hastie present.' in typed , f9~'. the':report that was read at 'the August 9, 1972 councilm~eting.., Mr. Lou Cochrane exp~essed the wish to deed to the ToWn of Yelm, roads in the Solberg Seconq Addition, on property presently .owned jointly py him and his associat~s. Council members stated they wished to consUlt with Engineer Byrne b,~for~ giving a definite answer. The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Brown and seconded by Sok:i>lld.k at 11=50 P.M. ~f~ t' a B. Coat'es, Mayor , I 14 October 11" 1972 !he regular meeting of the Town Oouncil waS called to order at 7 :00" P .l\!. by Mayor Lara. Be Goates. Gouiicilmen - present were Richard SOkoliK, Roger Nelson, Doyle Galla.gher, Arn01d' Drogseth and. George' Brotmo Others pre.... sent were Attorneys Ted Schultz arid, Kip Stil tz, l-1rs. Roberta Longmire, 'Ed Koeppen, Dallas Edwards:, Don Miller, David Dawson and Chief of Police. John Hastie. . . '; Councilman Brown stated that he disagreed ~ith paragraph #15 of the<>minutes of September '13tho On a motion., by Brown, seconded by Sokolik, it wasITw1JTloved , that the following statement be a correction as this was what he intended 0 too say,. "Councilman. Brown recommended'that the Town of Yelm confer with'the school. in regard to the night patrol " . Both Mayor Coates and Town' Ci;l!kk . ~: Martyr insisted the pfeYiouB minu~es had been recorded verbatim. . The foll'ewi.ng vouchers were examined and approved on a motion by Drogseth': and seconded by Gallagher: Current Atlantic HichfieldOil Co. Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. UeS. Leasing Corporation O.J. Martyr Mobil Oil Co. Mobil Oil Co. Washington State Retirem~t sy~tem Vern H. Bolinder Company Yelm National Auto Parts Washington Physicians Service Yebn Telephone Co. YelmcTelephone Co. Puget Power Nisqually Valley News Washington Natural Gas Pickett Drug Rentex Services Corp. Eblpl oym~nt Security Dept. ,J ~..' ~ ' . 1.30 28.80 24.32 10.48 95.73 1.21 50.00 50.00" 50.72 55.35 51..23 35.17 " 41.31 5.69 31.04 3.12 8.82 1.64 . . o Water ,? ' Gubser Bulldozing Co. Capi tal Controls puget Power Western Utilities Supply Co. Tan Ferguson 39.38, 1,~2~40 ~ 106,.16' 68.54, 1,011.68 ' Streets Mobil, Oil COG puget Power 2&50 126.70 Garbage Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. Rosano Electric Center 32.64 10.00 Arterial streets Atlantic ftichfield Oil Co. Lakeside Industries Thurston County Rd. Distric.t # 2 28.24 27 .93 4,942081 M'otion was made by Gallagher, seconded by Brown and passed" that when re- .0"': vision is made on 'Vlater Ordinances, the water deposit be raised from $15.00 :bo $20.QO. . . There was no response to the ~ublished announcement of the Public Hearing on the preliminary plat of West ~d Addition. Communication from the Yelm School was read regarding the problem of students parking cars off c~pus on city streets during school hours. They hoped the Town Council would consider establishing limited time parking wi-thin a radius . of the high school. The letter took the opportunity to personally thank Marshal Jahn Hastie for his cooperation and effort regarding parking and traffic problems in their 'area. .\ \\ .' 15 I .... 8mi th t s Auto, Inc. made a written request for ass:lstance fr()M ~he -,fOwn of Yelm regarding the -recently installed control ,box 'and guide pole., These' were installed by the, state intthe middle of-the sidewaJ.~,area and Will, be a hinderancein'thelr future plans to grade and pave the are,a. . The clerk was instructed to, refer the mat tar to the Highway Department ~~:;;~,. l'e: A ~ummary}of rEicommenQation~ l:1~s been received .~ran the Sta.te Auditors office ,pertaining to the 1971 examination. 'l'h.e Town attorneys asked tha t w~~rcomply with the following as sta tad":' 1. Interest 'payments be'made on the transfer loan due the Fire Equipment Cumulative R~serve Fund frani the ltlater Fund. . 20 Wage and Salary schedules including sick leave and vacation allawance be clearly. ~~efined b~., the Council. J. Town tsauditing officer be, ~ppo~nted by ordinance. 4., a. The bond register for the 1966 v-later Revenue Bonds be posted up-to-date. b. The Consumers' Deposit Ledger be ~econciled to the ca.sh balance of the fund & ' 5. Payment for amounts received for 'Eraffic Safety Education assessments amounting t~ $270.00 for the period Januar.yl, 1971 to May 6, 1971 ~e made to the State Treasurer. Ona motion by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik, the Town of Ye1m set its Tax Levy for 1973' on property valuation 0'1.. $2,473,427 @ 7." mills for a total of $18,5,0.00 by a City Ordinance t/:' 135 in accordance with RCW 84.$2.020. '"I" ,. ~ ' Mr. Dallas 'Edwards brought the: subject of street surfa.cing in 'his West, End ':Addition before the Council. He brought to t~eir att~ntion the. fact that, ,it was not,at the time ()f his "Notice of Proposed Annexation It in 1971, 'one of the requirements that he must c'omplete the road sUrface ' before acceptance. On a motion by Gallagher, secon~ed by Drogseth and passed, this requirement was waived, s~ject to verification of the law by the Town Attorney G Disoussion was held on ~he possibility of two council meetings each month- no final decision was reached. . Councilmen, questioned- by w~,t authori ty th~ salary of David Dawson was raisedtrom, $525.00 per month to $575..00. :the answer was that it was a verbal understanding only. as nathing could be found in the minutes or in the ordinances indicating any salary schedule for him. It was suggested' that in allprobability'it was unlawful to increase any w~ges in excess or 5%. The Clerk-Treasurer stated that he had alsO' been hired in the same manner and would not continue unless he received the increases as agreed verballys On advice of the Town Attorney, Mayor Coates was instructed to appoint tw coun:eilmen, who along with the Clerk would prepare a Wage and Salary Schedule to include vacation and 0 sick benefits which should be' presented at" t~e next council meeting. . I 7he subject of house and business numbering was brought up. It was brought to the attention of the'Couricil that Mrs. Roberta Longmire has assigned ail Town property a number on her own and given the clerks office this information complete ,with map. She has gone to' a great deal af work, thinking that some time the Town would wish. to adopt a numbering system. ' It was generally .g~eed that the idea was good and that a vote would be taken at the next council meeting on the s,ystem. ' On a motion' by Drogseth "and seoo nded by Sokolik a business license was approved for' William B. McCluskey to operate. the "Raven Bureau af Investi- gation and ~search;.u ' 16 Attorneys Schultz and Stiltz reported that the representative' of ~ook Publishing Co. has been unable to attend our council meeting in'regard to the codification of our ordinances, but that a meeting will 'be se~ up for a future date. ' , , The clerk was instructed to contact the E.H. H~bert Distributing' Co. and to advise them to proceed with the necessary legal procedure regarding their annexation request. '!bere being nofllrther business, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Nelson and seconded by Dr&gseth at 11 :35 P.M. ff 4/ , ,', ~J~ \ 'c;,~;z;;;; Coates, Mayor o ~(A:h C_/'/i! t?-~h-- ' ,__ O,J: Martyr~-t;lerfk/iTreasurer , 7 / '/ " ~ V , " November 8, 1972 ,The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Lora 'B. Coates.' Councilmen present were Richard Sokolik, Arnold Drogseth and George Brown. Others present were Mr. Kinsley of Book :p~blishing 0' '"', Company, Attorneys Kip Stiltz and Ted Schultz" Mrs. Roberta Longmire, 'Dallas Edwards, Robert Landbn,Lou Cochrane and Chuck Donaldsone" f1inutes of October 11th meeting were approved on a motion by Drogseth and _ seconded by Sokolik. The following vouchers were approved for :pJayment, motion made by Brown and seconded by Nelson: . ,~-- Current Nisqually Valley Nevls Pickett Drugs Mobil Oil Co. Rentex Services CorpQration Washington Physicians Services . PugetPower Ye1m National Auto Parts Wolf's Shoprite Patrick Byrne & Associates U.S.' Leasing Corporation O.J. Martyr Washington Natural Gas Co. Yelm Telephone Co. $ 12.89 2.72 96.61 13.2.3 55.35 46.61 1.58 5.92 115.00 24&32 9.81 u5.94 16.32 Arterial streets Standard Oil Company 35.67 o Garbage Nisqually Valley News Ye1Jn Garage Mobil Oil Corporation John Rosano ' 78.ot 39.33 23.56 5.00 Street 'Ye1m Garage Yelm Hardware D & H Mobil Service Puget POwer Patrick Byrne & Associates 56.24 3.70 17 .86 126.70 17.00 , .A., I'. .J _ I oIiU':_"J I "Gr,W: I ,""?' '.~ 17 1flater -Nisqually Valley News steam Supply & Rubber Company ,Pennwalt Corporation Yelm Garage A & I Lumber ~ompany Puget Power Western Utili ties Supply Co. Yelm Hardware Capital Controls Company $ 78.01 17.44 43.80 27..67 2.06 92.46 11.31 88.98 1,562.40 Mr. Edwards and M~. Landon expressed their qesire to bring the approval of the ~est End Addition Plat to c~pletion,:~, They ~re awaiting the signature of the Town Engineer and they assert that they have ~ken all necessary steps toward that end. Attorneys stiltz arid Schultz said they would confer with Engineer Byrne tomorrow and ,do their best to reselve the matter. On a motion by Drdgseth, and seconded by Brown and passed, the City Clerk- Treasurer will be appointed City Auditing Officen by City Ordinance. Under discussion was a wage and salary schedule for City employeese Attorney Schul1!z suggested we table the matter until the December meeting. Atothat time we wQuld have on hand, schequles from some of the sl:1r:r.ounding cities . This will enable. us to study th~m, giving us a better indic~tion of 'the prevailing~ wages and benefits being paid in the~ea for similar positions. Councilmen decmded they no longer wished to cont~nue signing blank vouchers in advance for the usual end of the month payments suc~ as payroll, withholding deposits, social security and etc. It was moved by SOkolik, seconded by Brown arid passed, that a voucher authorizing each following payment be sigh- ed by three members of the Council prior to the issuanc'eof each and .every warrant thereof for the month of November at a date before the end of the month with p8lfments not to exceed the following amounts: o,~. Martyr Charle s Barnard Jolin Hastie Jol1n Dones Thqrnas Marcus Ann Zembas Datid Dawson Donald Dawson , jonathan.Bellows Loid Stocker Milton Johnson Ph: Co. Cr,. Union ~ . Co~oriial Ins. Co. Batik of Olympia '$600\300 65.00 800.00 600.00 300.00 250 ;.JO 100.00 250.00 400.00 450.00 140.00 57 .00 18.00 250.00 '\ On the recoImru;ndation of Engineer Byrne, a motion was made by Sokolik, , seconded by B~own and passed, that the Town accept the roads Mr. Louis Cochrane wish,~s to deed to the Town of Yelm as stated in minutes of September 13th~meeting. Mr.. Cochrane was asked to furnish a de~~iption of the roads to be deeded. ^ ' i ' Approval was&iven for issuing a business license to Yelm Home Improvement and . Janitorial Se~vice. The clerk was "instructed to inform the City Attorney by letter which recommendations made by the s~ate Auditors Office have been compl~ed with to date. Mr. Kinsley, .representing Book Publishing Company, explained in detail, the pro.... ceedure and steps to be taken in codification of an ormmnance book. After noting the size of:the Yelm Ordinance book, he stated that the initial cost would be closer to $1, 7~0.OO than $3,000.00 as previously quoted. Mayor Coates and the city' attorneys, and Councilmen were of the opinion, that the money would be well' spent for theyalue received. A motion was made by Brown, ,seconded by Drogseth and passed, th~t we take this matter unaer consideration. The imp~ementation of a house ~umbering system was discussed and on a motion by Nelson, seconded by Brown and passed, the Town will post a notice in the local papero~ our intention to place this 5,Ystem in effect. Mayor Coates s~ated she had been contacted by the Weyerhaeuser Companye 'They requested pe~ssion to install a microwave transceiver on the Town water tower as 'part of a communication system operation for this are'a. There were no objections to 'the request. 18 Meeting was' adg,QU1!8ed at 11:50 P .M,. on a motion by Nelson and seconded by Brogseth. P dJ~' R~.rJ ~ ~C#~~ Lo~a Be, Coa~es, Mayor G~~~' .' ,. (~.I' /~,' -,..-~ ,/, '-;-------. // '''''-. ~ j L/Q"o. Martyr" (JSrk.... Treasurer /' // ..... o December 13, 1972 The regular meeting of the City ,Council was called to order wi th Mayor Lora B. Coates presiding. Councilmen present were Drogseth, Gallagher; Br.own and Sokolik. Qthers prese~t were Hrs. Roberta Longmire., Hrs. \v11son Niss Viola Travis, J.1r. Flannigan, Mr. Lambert, Dr. Kenneth Arnold., Engineer Byrne and Attorneys Schultz and Stiltz. Minutes of the November 8th. meeting were approved bn a motion by Gallagher and seconded by Drogseth. The following bills were ordered paId on a motion 'by BroWn, seconded by' Sokolik .. CU RRENT Washington State Retirement System Bob t S' Tavern . Pickett Drugs Rentex Services Corpe, Thurston-Mason Health District Nisqually News a "J. 1-1artyr Puget Power U.S.Leasing Corp. Washington Natural Gas Dept. of Labor & Industries Yelm Telephone Co. Pemco Electr.onics Thurston County Sheriff Washington Physicians Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. Yelrn Telephone }1osman Agency Mobil o.il Co.; $184.25 l,G.GO 1.00 8.82 71 e 43 13.22 ,12..53 53.50 24..32 49.36 7.04 24.33 c , 158.:00 16.00 55.35 46.,20 39.62 10.00 320.67 , ' ~ 68.00 28.14 68.60 76.75 63.69 79.55 36.88 19.45 ~29. 71 25.. 26 19..24 10.71 :. 5..00 " , . . : I 34.35 25..25 . -. ~; , . 126.70 27.0.5 o WA~mt -----Patrick Byrne & Associates . Nisqually News Measurement Controls Puget Power Rosano!!'1.ectric Pacific Water Works Western Utilities fiARBAGE Yelm Garage Yelm Nat~onal Au:to Parts Nisqually News Mobil Oil Co", Atlantic Richfield John Rosano 0'''-,'. .<.' . CITY STREETS A & I Builders Supply Nisqually News Puget Pow~r :t-1obll Oil Coo, C ....,,\..-. ~~ . :..... ".)~.,;t~ . ~':.t _':.'.) ':1. 19 I Miss Viola': 'Travis ex;resse~:>her desire to operate. a Christian toffee ;'Shop in the former Algiers hestaurant locatione She suggested. that it would be a meeting place for both young and old to meet and still be in a reli'gious atmosphere., The Mayor and CoUncilmen voiced' their approval and support and instructed the c~erk to iss~e her a business license wit~out feet~ Mre Flannigan and Mr.- Lambert, representing ItKingsview" development , which is owned and. being. developed by Puget Sound Land & Development Compariy, Inc. made a request for water service to their development. After8a general discussion, it was suggested that the City Attorney and Engineer would inform the develppers by letter of the terms and conditions whereby the City would extend water services to UKingsviewu. ' ~ ;:: (t, 'k ),. Motion was made by councilman ,Brown and seconded by 6allagherand; so moved, to retain J.filton Johnson through the year 1973 as an advisor ~@lbheh,St:Gl\ett;s\J~~ . I and \riater departments. Dr.~:enneth Arnold related the difficulty he has encountered in his efforts to obtain a permit to move a modular building into Yelm in which he wishes to operate a dental practice 0 Mayor ,Coates and the council aBsured Dr. Arnold they wished to welcome him to the city and would do all in their power to prevent further delays. Hen was informed that if his building does not meet code standards ~ he could then make application for a n Condi tional Use Permi tit as an alternative. EngineerB,yrne was authorized to review in detail the contract between Joe Agosto and the City of Yelm relating to city water service to Nisqually Plaza Developmente 'The clerk reported that refunds had been received from the Internal- Revenue Service totaling $824.09. This amount represents refunds covering the years 1970 and 1971 for Unemployment Tax. Federal Revenue Sharing in the amount of $6,861.00 has been received, covering the period of January 1, to June )0, 1972.. Because of the late hour' the meeting was recessed. I Meeting was resumed December 20th at 7:30 P.M. Brdinance #131 approving and adopting the 1973 Budget was read. At the public hearing no citizen had appeared for or against the budget. On a motion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth it was passed and ordered published. Motion carried unanimously. The following schedule was adopted by the Yelm city Council for the calendar year 1973: I -SICK L.EAVE: Sick le~ve will be accumulated at the rate of (!:a) one half day per month, ~ith a maximum of (30) thirty days allowed. This is not to be applied to annual or vacation leave. Utility Superintendant (C) $600.00 January 1 - June 30. (D) 629.00 July 1 - December 3141 Utility.Helper (C) 500 .00 January 1 - December 31. Chief of Police: CD) 800.00 January 1 CD December 31. Deputy 1:, (D) 600.00 January 1 ... December 31. Deputy 2: (D) 500.00 January 1 - December 31. c' Cl erk-Treasurer,: (C) 600.00 . January 1 - June 30. (D) 685&00 July 1 - December 31. General Supervi~or $140.00 Montno Deputy Clerk 3.00 Hr. Part-Time Labor, 3.00 Hr. PAID VACATIONS : Aft~r one year (1) of employment, (1) one week of vacation , is allowed, and.after (2) two years'of employment, (2) two weeks of vacation is al19wed, after (lQ) ten years, (3) three weeks would be the established,rule. ' HOLIDAYS: The folloWing are paiq holidays: New Years, Christmas, Mem?r?-al Day, July Fourthl Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Veterans Day., . The above sick leave, paid vacations and holidays as stated are to be allowed for all permanent employees of the Town of YelIn. '20, :.) - '..: ..: t .. , "\ Ordinance #138 relating to fiscal,man@gement and establishing a 'Cumulative Reserve Fund for Fire Protection PUFPoses for the Town of Ye1m was read and approved on a "motion by Drogseth, seconded by Gallaghero Rotion carried unanimously_ Ordinance # 139, relating to Federal Revenue ~haring Funds and 'establishing a Federal Revenue, Sharing Trust Fund for the Town of Ye1m was read and ~ appr~ved on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Gallagher, Motion carried unanimouslYe Ordinance #140, relating to fiscal manggement and establishing a cumulative Reserve Fund for Park Improvement Purposes for the To:wn of Ye1m was, read and approved on a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Brown. Motion carried .0' . , unanimously. Ordinance #141, relating to fiscal managem~,nt,and estabJ..ishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for Several Purposes for the AOwn of Ye1m was read and approved on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Gallagher. Motion carried unanimo~sly. Ordinance #142, relating to fiscailmanagement and establishing a Contingency Fund for the Town of 1e1m was read and approved on a motion by Gallaghe~, seconded by Drogseth. Motion carried unanimously., ' The meeting adjourned at 10:)0 P.M. on a motion by Sokolik .and seconded by Gallagher. ~, ~ u~) .rl' }; _ ~v , 1/' ~V\,y, . -toY )~Ih #' ,'X~V:l\~ ~~~,flJ\' . . I~~I (--~; ')<,/ ~ '- tJ6. M~Yr~Clerk-Treasurtmr, v Otfj; c{~p (/~ Lora B.. C<aa.tes, Mayor .... 0.' , ' January 10, 1f)73 In the absenee of the Mayor, on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by sokolik, Councilman George Brown was elected Mayor-Protem. Other Councilmen 'pres'ent were Drogseth, Nelson and Sokolik. Also present were Mrs. Roberta Longmire, Vern Miller and Attorney Stiltz. ' Minutes Qf the December meeting were 'approved on a motion by Sokolik, seconded by Drogseth. ' On a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Nelson, the fo~lowing bills were ordered paid: Current: Yelm Telephone O.J. Martyr Western, Auto Thurston County Reg~ona1 Planning Thurston Countt Fire District Timberland Regional Library Association of Washington cities- Thurston - Mason Health Dist. Fristoe, T~lor &.Schultz Mosman Age:p.cy Washington Nat~~,Gas Nisqually News U.S. Leasing Corporation Rentex Services Corp. Wolf's Pickett Drug puget Power' V.N. Sandavol Lomi ta Tag Co.. r $81.64 8.96 4.25 221.00 979.05 582.$0 71072'- 97 0 SO 255.,00 455.00 86.65 46.,61 24..32 8..82 24.91 9.08 51 .,48 45.00 6.67 o