429 03-08 STREET TIP CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NO. 429 AMENDED SIX-YEAR STREET PLAN 2003-2008 WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.77.010, the City of Yelm has adopted a Comprehensive Six-Year Transportation Program for the City; and WHEREAS, by Resolution duly açlopted by the City Council of the City of Yelm, the said comprehensive Six-Year Transportation Program has been revised and extended from time to time; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the Yelm Comprehensive Six-Year Transportation Program as presently revised and extended, should be further amended as provided in the document annexed hereto in order to 'accommodate recent changes in circumstances which were not anticipated when the Program was last revised and extended. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Yelm that the Comprehensive Six-Year Transportation Program for the ensuing six years be, and the same is hereby amended as provided in the document annexed hereto which is by this reference thereto incorporated herein as though fully set forth herein; and RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be filed by the City Clerk with the Director of Transportation of the State of Washington. . APP~OV~Jj) this 14th day of August 2002. ~ .. : ~ . .; .---^. /(.~ / Adar¡. RivÍs, tJlayor ATTEST: -- !hk~ yJ0f/~¡¡ljL Agn~ P. Bennick, City Clerk APPROVED: August 14th, 2002 ab\mso\resol\413-6yr .doc ~, Page 1 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program "II Washington State Department of Transportation Agency: Yelm From 2003 to 2008 Co. No.: 34 Co. Name: Thurston Co. Hearing Date: 8/14/2002 Adoption Date: 8/14/2002 City No.: 1495 MPO/RTPO: NON/TRPC Amend Date: Resolution No.: 429 Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded B. Bridge No. ë .c III Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only A. Federal Aid No. - CD ~;¡- œ 'C CD (Local Agency) ãi ~(¡) en c 0 U) c::: c. Project Title CDT ~ CD U co Federal Funding ~~ - ..J .r: RIW .¡:: .c ~a. ca .Q E D. Street/Road Name or Number 15.~ - ¡ ª D.. Phase Federal Federal State Required U) 1:) 4th §u ~::J .§ {!. :5 Start State Local Total Envir. Date a..z E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road CD Fund Cost by Fund Thru u. .~ Funds Funds Funds 1st 2nd 3rd Type F. Describe Work to be Done D.. (mmldd/yyyy) Code Phase Code 6th (MM/YY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 06 1 03 S .20 G PE 7/1/2002 STP(R) 74 SCP 1 121 86 861 CE 103rd Avenue Improvements C RW 1/1/2003 STP(R) I I 1101 110 110 I Yes P CN 4/1/2003 STP(R) 62 SCP 4801 201 562 5621 103rd Avenue T from: West Road to: Creek Street W 03/01/03 Widen roadway to urban standards. Totals 136 480 142 758 758 00 2 07 S 0.00 0 CN I 1/1/2003 SCP 601 601 301 301 City wide roadway resurfacing from: to: Re-surface with chip seal Totals 60 60 30 30 06 3 01 P 3.0 G PE I 2/1/2003 STP{C) I 8001 8001 4001 4001 EA SR510 to SR507 (Y-3 Corridor) C P T from: to: W 2/01/03 Engineering and ROW acquisition Totals 800 800 400 400 07 4 03 P .210 G PE 4/1/2003 SCP 601 151 75 751 I Stevens Avenue Improvements C RW 8/1/2003 SCP 451 51 50 501 I Yes P CN 8/1/2003 STP{S) 400 I 1201 501 570 I 5701 Stevens Avenue T from: First Street to: 400 ft east of Fourth W 12/01/03 Widen roadway and improve to neighborhood collector standards. Totals Construct new segment to neighborhood collector standards. 400 225 70 695 125 570 Report Date: August 1, 2002 Supersedes previous editions 3 Washington State Department of Transportation Page 2 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Agency: Yelm From 2003 to 2008 Co. No.: 34 Co. Name: Thurston Co. Hearing Date: 8/14/2002 Adoption Date: 8/14/2002 City No.: 1495 MPO/RTPO: NONITRPC Amend Date: Resolution No.: 429 Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded - .c en Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. c ~'i' '5 -! ( ) ñš ~CD en c 0 en (Local Agency) ~j c. Project Title CD- ~ CD CJ as Federal Funding .¡:: .c ë;& 1å ..I .c RIW .2 E D. Street/Road Name or Number a.~ - ~ ~ a.. Phase Federal Federal Required §o L...:J en ts State 4th .5 :;::I State Local Total Envir. c..z E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road ~ ( ) Start Fund Cost by Fund Date LL "ê' 1st 2nd 3rd Thru F. Describe Work to be Done (mmlddlyyyy) Code Phase Code Funds Funds Funds 6th Type (MMIYY) a.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 07 5 03 P .360 G PE 2/6/2004 SCP 531 171 70 701 West Road Improvements C RW 1/1/2005 SCP 371 131 50 I 50 P CN 2/6/2005 SCP 3201 1101 430 I 430 T from: 4th Street to: 103rd Avenue W Widen east side to commercial collector standards and portions of west side to match built section. Totals 410 140 550 70 480 07 6 03 P .190 G PE I 1/1/2005 SCP 221 81 301 301 Mosman StreetlSR 507 Re-alignment C CN 1/1/2006 SCP 1651 551 220 220 P T from: SR 507 to: Railroad Street W Re-align rdwy, repair shldrs, pave, drainage, partial walks, lighting Totals 187 63 250 250 07 7 03 P .230 G PE I 2/6/2004 SCP 401 101 501 501 Mosman Street Improvements C CN 2/112004 SCP 2601 901 350 3501 P Mosman Street T from: SR 507 to: 2nd Street W Widen roadway to neighborhood collector standards Totals 300 100 400 400 06 8 03 P .30 G AL I 9/112006 STP(E) I OTHER I 8101 2101 10201 1020 Yelm Ave. West Improvements C P Yelm Ave. T from: Solberg Street to: First Street W Widen roadway to urban arterial standards Totals 810 210 1020 1020 Report Date: August 1, 2002 Supersedes previous editions ~ f· Page 3 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ~II Washington State Department 0 Transportation Agency: Yelm From 2003 to 2008 Co. No.: 34 Co. Name: Thurston Co. Hearing Date: 8/14/2002 Adoption Date: 8/14/2002 City No.: 1495 MPO/RTPO: NONITRPC Amend Date: Resolution No.: 429 Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded - .c rn Expenditure Schedule A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. c Fund Source Information Projects Only ~íñ 1i CD CD " (Local Agency) ëU ~Q) rn c 0 (I) c: rn c. Project Title CDëD ::J ~ (.) m Federal Funding .Q rn 'r:: .c ~a. ãi .c RIW õ.!9 .Q E D. Street/Road Name or Number a~ - Š ~ a. Phase Federal Federal State Required §o L..;:] en Õ 4th .Ë ~ :cs State Local Total Envir. a..Z E. Beginning MP or road . Ending MP or road :) CD Start Fund Cost by Fund Date LL .e- 1st 2nd 3rd Thru (mmldd/yyyy) Code Phase Code Funds Funds Funds Type (MM/YY) F. Describe Work to be Done a. 6th 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 06 9 01 P 1.5 G PE I 2/112006 STP(C) 4001 OTHER I 400 400 EA SR 507/Five Corners Connector (Y-2 Corridor) C P T from: to: W N/A Engineering and ROW acquisition Totals 400 400 400 07 10 03 P .35 G AL I 1/1/2006 SCP 5001 2001 7001 275 Solberg Street/Mosman Street Improvements C T P from: State Route 507 to: State Route 510 W Widen roadway to neighborhood collector standards Totals 500 200 700 275 07 11 03 P .550 T ALl 1/1/2006 SCP 2971 331 3301 330 NP Road Improvements W from: Rhoton Road to: Canal Road Widen roadway, railroad crossing, new intersection alignment & lighting T ctals 297 33 330 330 09 12 03 P .180 C AL I 1/112007 SCP 1751 25\ 2001 200 Second Street Improvements G P Second Street T from: Yelm Avenue to: Mosman Ave. W Improve to Commercial Collector standards. Totals 175 25 200 200 Report Date: August 1, 2002 Supersedes previous editions ~ Page 4 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ." Washington State Department of Transportation Agency: Yelm From 2003 to 2008 Co. No.: 34 Co. Name: Thurston Co. Hearing Date: 8/14/2002 Adoption Date: 8/14/2002 City No.: 1495 MPO/RTPO: NONITRPC Amend Date: Resolution No.: 429 Project Identification Project Costs In Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded B. Bridge No. - .c fI) Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule Projects Only A. Federal Aid No. e œ CD CD_ 'a en (Local Agency) ñi ~Q) E..!!. fI) e 0 U) t: en c. Project Title CD CD :J ~ 0 ca Federal Funding - RIW :6.; .¡:: .c ~a. ca .c .Q E D. Street/Road Name or Number &~ û) ¡ ~ a.. Phase Federal Federal State Required §u L..::J .§ ~ :w ts State Local Total 4th Envir. u. c..z E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road ::J en Start Fund Cost by Fund 1st 2nd 3rd Thru Date '[ (mm/ddlyyyy) Code Phase Code Funds Funds Funds Type (MM/YY) F. Describe Work to be Done a.. 6th 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 07 13 03 P .740 C AL 1/1/2007 SCP 3511 391 390 390 Rhoton Road Improvements G T W from: First St. to: Canal Road Widen roadway, drainage, lighting, resurfacing Totals 351 39 390 390 06 14 04 P 0.00 G AL I 1/1/2007 scpl 1751 751 2501 250 Yelm Ave W./Killion Rd. Intersection 12 C P 01 T from: to: W Widen roadway, safety improvements, re-alignment Totals 175 75 250 250 06 15 04 P 0.00 G CN I 1/1/2007 SCP 1751 751 2501 250 Yelm Ave. W/93rd Ave. Intersection 12 C P 01 T from: to: W Widen roadway, safety improvements, re-alignment Totals 175 75 250 250 07 16 04 P 1.00 G AL I 1/1/2007 SCP 9001 1001 10001 1000 Mill Road 06 C P SR 507 to 109th Street 07 T from: SR 507 to: City limits 12 W Align, pave, drainage, sidewalks, lighting Totals 900 100 1000 1000 l Grand Totals for Yelm 1736 4985 1332 8053 1313 1470 730 4115 Report Date: August 1 J 2002 Supersedes previous editions