01/13/1999 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 1999 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30.pm. Bradley Silvius, Webelo Pack 267, led the flag salute. Present: Don Miller, :Mlartha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam 'Rivas; Guests: Gaye N~wby, M.J. Mitzrier, Rocky Birkhmd, Thurston County Commissioner Judy Wi1son, Thurston Regional Planning Council :fxecutive Director Harold Robertson, Yelm Librarian Kristin Blalack and Nisqually Valley News Reporter Steve Hillmer. Also present were the following members of Cub Scout Den 4, Webe1o's Pack 267: Timothy Klontz, Billy McMullan, Christopher Michealis, Cary Moon, Jayden Ramalh9, Bradley Silvu~, Justin Welch and Karl Zigler, an,d leaders Brenda Silvius and Brenda Zigler. 2. Agenda Approval , 99-1 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS , APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. Minutes 99-2 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 9, 1999 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. Voucher Approval 99~3 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 10000 - 10114 (VOID 10004) TOTALING $1,002,779.72. CARRIED. 5. Payroll Approval 99-4 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONPED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE FINAL DECEMBER 1998 PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions. Cub Scouts Karl Zigler, Cary Moon, Justin Welch, BradleySilvius and, Billy McMullan questioned Mayor Wolf concerning reasons to seek office, segregatlon, decision-making, job responsibilities and population. 7. Thurston Regional Planning Council. Thurston County'Commissioner and TRPC ' Chairman Judy Wilson r~portedon TRPC activity in 1998. Projects included: adoption of a new regional transportation plan, joining with Economic Development Council, region-wide i!lfrastructure financing planning and water resources. ' Harold Robertson, TRPC Executive Director, reported on transportation issues in,eluding rail transportation. TRPC will allocate a portion of surface transportation planning money to Yelm' s project. Additional funding may be available for freight rail transit. Future issues include consideration of road , 'financing through a voter approved gas tax and a possible county established $15 motor vehicle license fee. The road tax has not passed anywhere in the state. Before people will vote for additional taxes, they must be convinced that road funds, are spent well, and understand the limits on how those monies can be spent. Y elm City Council Minutes Page 1 mso\city council\cc.99\1-13-99min.doc " ,Parking management is another issue having a major influence on people driving alone. A good consistent region-wide approach is necessary to reduce the number single occupant vehicles trips. Robertson announced that the Profile is now available on TRPC's Web Site at TRPC.org. 8. Public Hearing - Nisqually Estates Assessment Reimbursement Contracts. Mayor" Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:47 pm and announced the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing. No objections to participants or conflicts were voiced. Mayor Wolf called for a staff report. Ken Garmann explained that the Water and Sewer Latecomers Agreement'would allow the developer, Harr Family Homes, to recover some of the costs incurred for water and sewer system improvements. Under the agreements, the City would' 'accept ownership of the improvements and responsibility for collecting a pro rata share of the costs from future system(s) users. The agreement runs for 15 years, and 10% of the collected fees would be retained by the City to cover administrative costs. Fees are calculated on an area (per square Joot) and frontage assessment. The floor was opened for comment/questions. Being no comments or questions, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:53 pm. ' 99-5 MOTION BY ADAM' RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 649 THE NISQUALL Y ESTATES SEWER LATECOMERS AGREEMENT. CARRIED. 99-6 MOTION BY ADAM RIV AS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 650 THE NISQUALL Y ESTATESW ATER LATECOMERS AGREEMENT. CARRIED. 9. Public Hearing - Annexation Petition ANX988226YL, Cowles, 13 acres, ~oton/Canal. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:55 pm and announced the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing. No objections to participants or conflicts were voiced. Mayor Wolf called for a staff report. Cathie Carlson explained that this is the 2nd step in the annexation process. Council reviewed the Notice of Intent to Annex in November and the Thurston County Assessor has 'established the value to the properties. The current request , is for approval of the annexation in content and authorization to forward the annexation to the Thurston County Boundary Review Board. The floor was opened for comment/questions. M.l Mitzner, 8155 Canal Rd., Yelm, stated her objection to having her parcel of property included in the annexation. Ms. Mitzner did not want to connect to.municipal water and sewer or t6 garbage service, and wishes to continue to raise livestock on her property. Council "discussion provided information that Ms. Mitzner would not be required to connect to city utilities unless her system failed, and that the livestock use 90uld b~ grandfathered in as part of the process. Problems created by omitting the parcel include road maintenance, and police coverage. Ms. Mitzner still wished to be 'excluded ,from the'annexation. Being no additional questions/comments, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:07 pm. , , Yelm City Council Minutes mso\city council\cc.99\1-13-99min.doc Page 2 99-7 10. 99-"8 11. a. 99-9 b. 99-10 c. MOTION BY DON MILLER,' SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE ANNEXATION PETITION AS' PREPARED AND INSTRUCTING STAFF TO FORWARD THE PETITION TO THE THURSTON COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. OPPOSED: MARTHA PARSONS AND VELMA CURRY. Final Plat SUB-98-8228- YL, Nisqually Estates, Phase I, Division I and II. Cathie ,Carlson explained that council had approved the plat in 1995 with various conditions attached. With the exception of two items all conditions have been addressed. The first of the two conditions still in question is fencing for a , pedestrian easement. Original requirements called for a 6- ft. wooden fence. Because of safety concerns a 4-ft. chain link fence was substituted. The second, item was a request to delay. plapting of trees at entrances and around the stormwater facilities until later in the year to improve survival rates. 'Also requested is an arrangement to plant remaining trees as lots are, developed. The developer has submitted a Letter ~f Credit and Assigned Savings. ,No building permits beyond the first 5 for model homes will be issued until'planter strip and storm water facilities trees are planted. Coun9il discussed the fencing and tree planting issues. MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY , APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT THE FENCE HEIGHT BE INCREASED FROM FOUR TO SIX FOOT. CARRIED. New Business: , Ordinance 651 Master Plan Permit Process. Shelly Badger explained that this ordinance is applicable to master plan projects and will require that the developer provide and maintain a reasonable balance in an account to cover expenditures for engineering, consultant and legal costs. . MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING OR1)INANCE NO. 651 MASTER PLAN PERMIT PROCESS. CARRIED: Recommended Bid Acceptance Cochrane Park Reuse Project - Tom Skillings reported that 9 bids had been opened. Rodarte Construction submitted the low bid of $650,000. Of the seven items included in the bid, all but item #6 were . recommended for acceptance. The acceptance would be subject to review and approval by Rural Development and Dept. of Ecology. . MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ACCEPTING THE BID SUBMITTED BY RODARTE CONSTRUCTION FOR THE COCHRANE PARK REUSE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND' DEP ARTMENT AND OMITTING BID ITEM NUMBER SIX. CARRIED. Memorandum of Understanding-Community Contribution Committee. Shelly Badger explained that when the Red Wind Casino was approved, the Nisqually Tribe entered into a compact with the state of Washington Gambling Commission. The compact requires that a committee be established to decide how to distribute . the 2% of the net wins they have been collecting: Distribution will be to impacted jurisdictions or agencies. The committee will consist of a representative and one alternate from the Tribal Council, the Tribal Gaming Commission, Yelm, Thurston County, and the State Gambling Commission. Glenn, Brian and Shelly have attended meetings. Mayor Wolf and an alternate will represent Yelm on the Yelm City Council Minutes . mso\city council\cc.99\1-13-99min.doc , Page 3 99~11 n. a. 99-12 b. 99-13 , c. committee. Staff requested 'approval for Mayor Wolf to sign the Memorandllm of Understanding. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY~ SECONDED GLEN CUNNINGHAM BY AuTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN THE COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION MEMORANDUM OFUNDERST ANDING BETWEEN YELM,' THE NISQUALL Y TRIBE, THURSTON COUNTY, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON GAMBLING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Old Business: Public Works Safety Building Remodel Bid. Mayor Wolf explained that.the , remodel is also to perform repairs caused by the ice storm that damaged the roof of the building. The small works roster was used to obtain bids. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS AWARDING THE BID FOR THE REPAIR/REMODEL OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING TO RANDY PAIGEN. CARRIED. ,. Agreement between the City ofYelm and General Teainster$ Local #378 (Yelm , Police Officers). Council may approve and authorize the mayor to sign the contract and direct staff to prepare a 1999 budget amendment to the salt;lry schedule, or defer any action until the January 28 meeting. The goal is to have the retroactive pay and new salary for the officers at the end of January. Mayor Wolf expressed appreciation to Howard Strickler, City staff and the Police Department , representative working on the agreement. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR SIGN, THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND GENERAL TEAMSTERS LOCAL #378 (YELM POLICE OFFICERS) AND DIRECTING STAFF TO PREP ARE A BUDGET AMENDMENT ORDINANCE TO THE 1999 BUDGET SALARY SCHEDULE. CARRIED. Y-2/Y-3 Update. Ken Garmann provided copies of handouts mailed to people with property in the area of the proposed roadway; A public meeting on the preferred alternative will be held on Tuesday, January 26, from 5:30-7:00pm at the Yelm' High School Cafeteria. 12. Reports: a. Library - Kristin Blalack announced the new Adult Reading Club' and that the library will soon be open from 1-5 of!. Sundays during the school year. A written report for December 1998 was also provided. b. Mayor's Report: Mayor Wolf requested that Councilmember Parsons attend the Feb. 5, Mayors' Forum at Tumwater. She announced that Gibran, assistant planner has resigned effective at the end of the month to accept a full-time position in Redmond, and distributed Public Disclosure Reports for councilmembers to complete. Meetings attended included a retirement program for Thurston Co. Commissioner Dick Nichols and a Chamber mt;eting.. Mayor W ~lf requested that Don Miller attend Jerrilee Peterson'5 retirement 6n 2/1 0, and requested that anyone else unable to attend that evening's council meeting contact staff. . Mayor Wolf announced that commemorative items are being ordered for Yelm' s , 75th Anniversary in December. A request will go to the YPAC to include the celebration with Christmas in the. Park on December 4. She will also contact the Yelm City Council Minutes mso\city council\cc.99\1-13-99min.doc Page 4 Chamber to participate in the anniversary celebration. Joe Williams and Glen Cunningham have been selected as members of the Railroad Advisory Committee; staff will be ken Garmann. One position remains to be filled. c. , Council Report - Councilmember Parsons requested that Councilmember Cuny attend an IT program on ParaTransit and Dial-A-Lift programs at the Senior " Center on 1/28 from 8:30~9:30 am. Councilmember Cunningham reported on an application for a $9,999 W ASPC grant for mobile data t.erminals. Council consensus favored the grant application. ' And on upcoming EVOC training. ' 99-14 Approval was requested to attend, an Exploitation of Children Workshop in, Virginia in March. A grant has been received to cover most costs. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS' APPROVING ATTENDANCE BY CHIEF DUNNAM AT THE EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN WORKSHOP IN VIRGINIA. CARRIED. Councilmember Miller reported on the new CAP COM facility. Coupcilmember Rivas reported on attending Y2K training put on by 'A WC. He recommended that the City form an executive committee immediately to begin developing goals and then a steering committee to include various groups that effect the city, i.e. schools, etc. Mayor Wolf appointed Councilmember Rivas as Chairman of the committee. Councilmember Rivas requested the library's assistance in gathering information. d. Councilmember Curry presented the December 1998 monthly report and the End of Year and Quarter Reports. e. Parks Advisory,Committee - Councilmember Parsons reported that Steve Craig had approached the YP AC with a suggestion that south county groups work together to advance the Rails to Trails plan. Craig believes federal funding is available. Discussion' continued on trying to complete existing projects and possible access cha!lges between city hall and the corner property. 13 . ." , Correspondence was reviewed including the '99 Legislative Conference Announcementand a letter from Gaye Newby who also requested a list of desirable trees. ' 14. Adjourn: ' 10: 10 pm . 7J#Aff0v..gAd~ Martha M. Parsons, Mayor Pro- Tern Authenticated: Yelm City Council Minutes mso\city council\cc.99\1-13-99min.doc Page 5