02/10/1999 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRlJARY 10, 1999 1. Mayor Pro-TemMartha Parsons called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. , 99-21 3. ' 99...22 4. 99-23 5. .99-24 6~ 7. . 8. a. 99- 2S b. 'Present: Velma Cuny, Glen Cunningham, Adam Rivas and Martha Parsons. Mayor Wolf was excused and Don Miller was representing the city at a school board retirement and was expected to arrive later. Guests: David Thompson and Stacey Cranshaw-:-Lewis, Preston Gates & Ellis and James Nelson, Martin Nelson & Co. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Brian Asmus and Agnes Bennick., Agenda Approva~ MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIV AS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED~ Minutes Approval' MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROViNG THE JANUARY 27, 1999 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval . MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 10204-10277, TOTALING $815,003.00. CARRIED. Payroll Approval MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF THE FINAL JANUARY PAYROLL CHECKS 2260- ~348, TOTALING $128,717.27. CARRIED., Public Comment/Questions - None New Business -None Old Business Ordinance No. 654 David Thompson, Preston 'Gates & Ellis explained the difference between a Utility Local Improvement District and a Local Improvement District. Minor changes were made to the ordinance in the second line of Section 1, 'following Washington, where the phrase "creating a local improvement district fund" was removed and the phrase "and related improvements known as Yelm's Wastewater Reuse Proj~ct" was inserted~City staff will make the correction. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE 654 CONCERNING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT,' ' CARRIED. Ordinance 655 Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) Jim Nelson, Martin Nelson &Co. introduced himself and distributed copies of a bond Yem City Council Minutes mso\city cOunCil\cc.99\2-10-99min.doc Page 1 99- 26 9. a. b. d. 99-27 " e., 10. 11. , ' , , Purchase Contract and explained Martin Nelson & Company's position as 'purchaser ' of the Bond Anticipation Notes and the need for passage of an ordinance authorizing, issuance of the Notes intended to provide interim financing for a local improvement district. The principal amount of the BAN is $1.5 million and it will carty a 4% interest rate. ,The BAN will be converted to long-term bonds at a future date. David' Thompson added that a requirement of the ordinance is to establish a Guaranty Fund for receipt of 10% of the total $2 million repayment cost. MOTION, BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS ADOPTING ORDINACE 655 FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BOND ANTICIP A TIQN NOTES. CARRIED. c. IT Rate Increase Endorsement - Council consensus supported Councilmember Parsons providing endorsement of the upcoming bond issue. c. Reports Library - A written report for January ,1999 was provided. Mayor Pro-Tern Parsons reported that s~e had attended the Mayors' Forum and fpun,d, it to be interesting., Council.;... Councilmember Cunningham inquired about the status of the CDBG Youth Center Application. Shelly Badger explained that that the application was duein F ebIilary and that it would be awhile before we heard anything. Park/Park Use Requests Shelly Badger reported'that Thurston County Parks and Recreation had received grant funding to pave the railroad bed from Yelm to Tenino. They hope to have ,the paving completed by summer. , ' Five Park Use requests were submitted. . MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING, FIVE PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. Financial 'Report - The January 1999 report was provided. Future packets will include a 2-year bank balance statement. f. Councilmember Miller amved at 7:55 p.m. Mayor Pro- Tem Parsons pointedout that 1999 Budget Appendix II replacement pages had been mailed in packets. ' , Correspondence was reviewed. Adjourn: 8:00 p.m. 1%. ~. ~ ~~4~ /ZIr, / ~~ Martha M'. Parsons, Mayor Pro- Tem Attest: 1 " yV,,/ 13 ., / ," " " /)(.,0 ' " t.-)VJ1,t.Q: t. A es P. Bennick, City Clerk . <l Yelm City Council Minutes m.sQ\city 'oouncil\cc.99\2-1 0-99min.doc Page 2