04/14/1999 Minutes CITY OFYELM . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , APRIL 14, 1999, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS " " " " " 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7: 3 0 pm. All present joined" in the flag salute. Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Guests: Steve Hillmer, Nisqually Valley News; Mich~el Welter, Thurston County Parks, Frank Kirkbride, AKI Landscaping Architects and Rocky Birkland, Yelm Community Schools. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Gatmann, Brian Asmus and Agnes Bennick. " 2. Agenda Approval. " 99:-61 " MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED"BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. 99-62 4. 99-63 . 5. 99-64 6. 7. Minutes Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE MARCH 24, 1999 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval. . ' MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING' PAYMENT OF CHECKS 10531-10622, TOTALING $1,182,055.27." CARRIED. "Payroll Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE FINAL MARCH 1999 PAYROLL, CHECKS 2437-2516, TOTALING $104,626.35. CARRIED. " Public Comment. None Michael Welter, Thurston County Parks and Recreation and Frank Kirkbride, AKI Landscaping Architects - Update Trails/Timberland Bank Access. Michael We1ter gave an overview of the project to date explaining that his department is working with City staff and Timberland Bank to develop a plan, that incorporates ideas from all three " places and that is acceptable to all. The draft plan presented showed the access and trailhead at its maximum potential. Amenities include additional parking, a plaza, pavilion, kiosk, interpretive signage, ,picnic areas and walkways. The final plan would " incorporate ideas generated by the public. While funding is not available to build the plan shown, the county is willing to combine Pioneer Bank pennitproceeds along with "grant funds and some existing capital into the trail from Yelm to Rainier and trailhead project. . Council questioned what benefit the City would realize from the Timberland Bank . access revision. The change proposed would close the existing exit from the city hali Yelm City Council Minutes city council\cc.99\4-14-99min Page 1 99-65 8.. a. 99-66 b. . 99-67 front parking lot and funnel vehicles to the new bank access/egress. In the process the City would lose one parking slot. Questions concerning the cost and scope of frontage improvements made necessary by the driveway closing were also raised. Addressing parking needs for the established trailhead was also critical. Councilmember Rivas stated that he would like m.ore so he could see what the City would actually receiv~ from Timberland and the county; then a decision could be made. Weltet explained that that would happen, but that this is still very preliminary. Shelly added that what would be built for the access was clear. Included would be the actual access, the landscaping in the front, some frontage improvements, and a pedestrian pathway between city haIt and the bank, and storm drainage improvements. Additionally, the permit fee and $100,000 would be committed to providing whatever trailhead amenities the mo~ies would buy. Councilmember Miller questioned maintenance responsibilities at build out. Welter responded that the county would have. responsibility to do some maintenance, but that there were many ameniti'es on the trailhead that wer~n't part of the county's vision or plan abd that should be divided via . I an agreement.. ' When asked what' staff heeded from council tonight, Badger responded that a there was no official proposk.l/ordinance/special use permit to be approved, but that staff needs direction so they dan continue working with the bank and county on the councirs comfort level on the access, because it does involve the City's property. Should staff move forward on ~he construction approval for the access? Councilmember Parsons added that she couldn't see how the trailhead could move forward until the access issue was settled. Councilmember Cunningham requested infqrmation on the length 'and width of the' improvements and added that removal of the holly tree would be beneficial. Discussion continued concerning the tree. Identified was the need to know what the cost would be to the City for the access changes. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING STAFF TO WORK WITH THE APPLICANT TOWARDS APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR THE ACCESS. CARRIED. Opposed:Councilmember Rivas. Abstained: Councilmember Curry. New Business. ' TCI Resolution 384. Agnes Bennick explained that the existing franchise extension expired and that as the City recently imposed a six month moratorium while a telecommunications ~rdinance is developed, staff s' recommendation is that the existing franchise be 'extended again rather than trying to work out the details of a new franchise agreemenfprior to completion of the telecommunications ordinance. MOTION BY ADAM 'RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM' APPROVING RESOLUTION 384 EXTENDING THETCI FRANCHISE THROUGH 4/1412000. CARRIED. Ordinance No 648, ANX~99-8226-YL, Canal and Rhoton Roads. Shelly Badger explained that this, annexation was approved by council and forwarded to the Thurston County Boundary Review Board and has been returned with their approval. Passage of this ordinance is the council's final step in the annexation process. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING. ORDINAN~E NO. 648 (ANX-98-8226- YL) AND ANNEXING PROPERTY AT ,Yelm City Council Minutes city council\cc.99\4-14-99min Page 2 CANAL AND RHOTON ROADS. CARRIED. c. Arbor Month Proclamation. Mayor Wolf requested and received council concurrence to sign an Arbor Month Proclamation. 9. Old Business: a. Gateway Committee Update. Mayor Wolf explained that the committee has not met and requested approval to remove the item from the agenda until a later date. 99-68 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO REMOVE THE GATEWAY COMMITTEE UPDATE FROM THE AGENDA. CARRIED. b. Well #3 Contract Award. Ken Gannann explained that rebid on the Well #3 Pump House resulted in seven bids being submitted. Staff recommend approval of the low bid~ submitted by Wood &, Sons for $59,269.20. The second and third place bids were from Livingston Construction at $60,912.00 and Aaron Construction at $76,982.40; 99-69 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AWARDING THE , $59,269.20 WeLL NO. THREE PUMP HOUSE CONTRACT TO WOOD AND SON. CARRIED. 10. Reports: a. Library - A written report was provided. b. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on attending the Easthaven Villa opening,;EDC; a Rail Advisory Committee meeting; meeting with a public relations firm and local business; Mayors' Forum; EDC Luncheon; Lacey Arbor Day Celebration, Yelin received a pink magnolia tree from Lacey; Nisqually Tribe Gaming Commission meeting; Friends of the Library Proclamation presentation, the framed proclamation hangs by the door; Chamber of Commerce meeting, to deliver the State of the City Address; YCS Key Communicator meeting; and meetings with the City Administrator. She thanked Councilmembers for attending Chamber and yeS meetings. Upcoming: City Pot Luck, Tuesday, April 20 and Chamber event. c. Council. It was noted that Mayor Wolf covered the meetings attended in her report. d. Financial Report. Councilmember Curry reported that she was available if anyone had any questions. e., ,'Park/Park Use Requests. Councilmember Parsons announced that Prairie Days is moving back to City Park to meet needs for power, etc. 99.. 70 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PARK USE REQUESTS FOR A CHILD CARE CENTER PLA YDA Y AND ,A FAMILY GATHERING. CARRIED. 11. Executive Sessiop. At 9:07 Mayor Wolf closed the meeting and announced that council' would go to executive session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss possible litigation. Yelm City Coun~il Minutes city council\cc.99\4- L4-99min Page 3 Mayor Wolf reopened the meeting at 9:20 pm. 99-71 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING UP TO $400 FOR LEGAL EXPENSES IF NECESSARY. CARRIED. 1 12. Correspondence was reviewed. I 13., Adjourn: 9:23 pm. I ~ .: , . 'jJJrd . Kat ryn ~MaYOr ..~ Attest: t-, If) I:? '- . ;/'/Jh4 'j// '\at/;V2UL~,.L- P. Bennick, City Clerk Ye1m City Council Minutes . city council\cc.99\4-14-99min . . Page 4