07/14/1999 Minutes 1. 2.. 99-102 3. 99-103 4. 99-104 5. .99~105 6. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES . JULY,14, 1999,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All prcsentjoinoo inthetlag salute. Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, and Glen Cunningham. Absent: Adam Rivas. Gu~sts: Tom Skillings, Skillings Connolly;Keri Bragg and Mr. Hewitt; CitizenslLibrary . . GroiIp; LYnn Kolilis, Zella Matthews and Prairie Pionrers, Lions' Club. . Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Gannann, Glen Dunnam and Agnes Bennick' 'Lynn Kolilis, Yelm Lions, explained thatth.e Prairie Pioneers program is replacing the princesses program. Th,e Prairie Days' Pioneers responsibility will last only through the end of' schedule!1 events. 1999 Prairie Pioneers are: Sara Cole, Erik Kenezuroft: Rebekah Riches, and Shawn Siebolt. .' Agenda Approval. '. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECQNDED ~Y MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE, AGENQAWITH THE RESCHEDULINq OF 'THE STORM WATER OPERATION & MAINTENANCE WORK SESSION TABLED TO AUGUST 25. . CARRIED. Minutes Approyal. MOTION BY MARTHA pARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE }v1INUTES OF JUNE 23, 1999 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval. . MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, S~CONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING . ,PAYMENT OF CH,ECKS 11013,.11100,~9TALING $382,364.78. CARRIED. . . Payroll Approval. . MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN c;UNNINGHAM APPROVING THE FINAL JUNE 1999 PAYROLL., CARRIED. Public Comment/Questions. 1l<.en Bragg, identified himself as an Olympia resident, and introducoo pon Hewitt. Both are concerned with Timberland's library financing polices. Bragg indicated that Timberland has been working on a needs assessment for the last year and a-half, and that the last priority on that assessment is for the Yelm Library with a proposal Timberland share of $15,000. . Timberland has never built a library in Thurston County, even though itis one of the district's'. most populated areas. The most recent library built by Timberland ism BeIfair. The $3 million cost was paid 100% by Timberland. Bragg 'pointed out that since we all pay the'same. tax rate, either directly or through contract, it's only fair that Timberland stop building libraries il1 unincorporated areas or build libraries in incorporated areas as well. as .unincorporated areas. . . Bragg explained that Timberland has the means to do this, and that their position would have .been strengthened ifthey had supported legislation introduced in the last session that would' extend their authority to is'sue bonds from six years (preSetlt au~ority) to twenty years. Bragg i' felt that the Board is not 'responsiveJo the general public, so outside help is needed through a . resolution trom government bodies to let them know that there is a way to supply libraries for everybody'without vQted bonds: . . Yelm City Council Minutes 1 City council/cc.99/7-14.-99 '. Mr.' Bragg indicated that the Olympia Chamber of Commerce has approved three conditions urging: '1) Timberland to reverse current policy of paying for construction only in unincorporated areas, 2) the election of Timberland trustees, and 3) support of increasing the debt service limit period from six to twenty years. Bragg requested a council resolution requesting Timberland Trustees to consider these points. Timberland's current practices places an unfair burden on cities by requiring cities to'build libraries while providing only $11 per/sq./ft. towards construction costs in incorporated areas. After attending meetings Bragg felt that Timberland's position is that they don't want to go into debt, even though everyone else goes into debt for capital projects. Timberland receives $3 million 'per year in timber revenue, and another $10. million from property taxes that increases along with increasing property values., Thurston Cmmty is the only member county that could support it's own library system. Mayor Wolf asked if Timberland was still in the process of revamping policies? Bragg responded that they had completed their needs assessment arid will probably Come up with some kind of square footage adjustment. Mayor Wolf requested that council study the information provided by Mr. Bragg. Discussion followed concerning the process for selection of trustees, and trustees unresponsiveness to recent public sentiment conceming pOTIlographic materials on the internet. . Mayor Wolf thanked Mr. Bragg. Mr. Hewitt spoke in support of Mr. Bragg's position and also praised Yelm Middle School students for their enthusiastic support of the Red Cross' Penny Drive , Following additional discussion, Mayor Wolf requested that Councilmember Curry bring this issue to the Y elin- Timberland Library Board '.s next meeting fortheir recommendation. C;:ouncilmember Miller was asked to pursue the issue with Representative AlexandeI; and Commissioners Oberquell and.O'Sullivan. Councilmember Cunningham will continue his . ,fnvolvement. A report back to full council was scheduled tor August 11. 7. Work Session - S.torin Water Operation & Maintenance. Moved to August 25. 8. New Business: a. Ordinance 665 - Yelm Library Advisory Board. Shelly Badger explained that the City has no policy ordinance for the Yelm Library Advisory ,Board. Badger worked with Kristin Blalack, community librarian, on an ordinance setting down the functions and duties of the board. The ordinance reflects current board practices. Councilmember Miller questioned the boards tie to Timberland. 99-106 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM ADOPTING ORDINANCE (j65ESTABLISHING THE YELM LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD AND POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. CARRIED b~ Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Shelly Badger explained that each year the . City must determine if it has an eligible project to submit for a Community Development Block Gran{ If the City doesn't have a project, the City advertises a Request for Proposals trom other groups with projects that will benefit primarily low-moderate income people. The City doesn't have a.qualifying project to' submit. '.. \ 99-107 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECOND~D BY DON MIlLER THAT THE COMM.UNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION PROCESS BE OPENED TO EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITY WHO QUALIFIES. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes City councillce.9917 -14-99 2 I c. West Yelm A venue Consultant Selection.' Ken Ganmlnn reported that the City has secured $330,000 towards West Y elm Avenue Safety Improvements. The total project cost is , estimated at.$800,OOO. The improvements, running from 1st to Solberg will convert West Yelm Ave. to an Urban Arterial with a 12-foot center left turn lane, two 12-foot driving lanes, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and landscaping. An accident schematic was provided showing 86 accidents in that area over a three-year period. Garmarin explained that a consultant would be selected via a streamlined process using responses submitted to a Statement for Qualifications for general engineering services. a year and a-half ago. Approval is requested for the design portion, estimated to take 6-8 months, at a cost of $140,000. ' 99-108:, MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS AUTHORIZING STAFF TO BEGIN THE SELECTION PROCESS FOR A CONSUL TANTFOR PROJECT' ,: DESIGN FOR WEST YELM AVENUE SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS. CARRIED. d. ' '. FCAAP Grant - Yelm Creek Consultant Selection. Ken Garmann requested authorization to begin the selection process for a consultant to include working study data into the Yelm Creek Flood Management Plan under the FCAAP Grant. This project wou).d use the same selection . process at the W. Yelm Ave: project. Council expressed concern over hearing a proposal being considered by Commissioner O'Sullivan to solve flooding in the Lake Lawrence area by diverting excess into Yelm Creek. 99-109 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE YELM FCAAP GRANT APPLICATION TO SELECT A CONSULT ANT. CARRIED. Councilmembers Curry and Parsons had no objection to adding another agenda item. e. Washington Criminal Justice Training COlnmission Tac Training Officer. Chief Dupnam ."reported that Officer Adam Wood has requested Council approval to apply fora special assignment to the Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission as a Tac Officer. If s~lected to fill this position, Officer Wood would begin a leave of absence, for up to three years, with his salary paid by the state.' A provisional officer would fill the vacancy created" , . until Officer Wood completed his assignment and returned. This would not result in art officer shortage. ' Co~ncil consensus supported Officer Wood's pursuit of advancement. Chief Dmmam will write the recommendation. 9. . Old Business: None 10. Reports:' a. Library -Mayor Wolf reported on the library being very busy. b. Mayor' - Mayor Wolf reported on attending the A WC Conference, EDC, Telecommunications Work Session and Capital Medical Board meeting. Other meetings included meeting with' Keven Graves, NVN, the McKnoWns, and staff. Councilmember Miller asked about the city' accepting 'credit cards payments? ~ Correspondence was received requesting a W orId Aid's Day Proclamation resolving that December 1, 1999 is a day for citizens to learn ways in which HIV am be transmitted. Mayor Wolfrequested Council approval. 99-110 " MOTION BY MARTHA P ARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING A' WORLD AID'S DAY PROCLAMATION~ CARRIED. OPPOSED: COUNCILMEMBER MILLER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER CUNNINGHAM. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes City council/cc.9917 -14-99 3 Mayor Wolf announced that the City will have a flatbed truck in the Prairie Day's Parade and asked Councilmembers to ride on the truck. Shelly Badger will check with staff. Mayor ,Wolf reported that she had seen anobitmlry for Oddie Kyler, who served on'the COUll_cil at one time. The City will send a note. Funeral times were available. The Historical Society's book Yelm 1850-1950 is avail,able for sale. Proceeds go towards building a museum. '. c. Council-:- Councilmember Cunningham attended a CTP meeting, they are in the process of establishing rules for how funds will be spent. Councilmember Cuny .at;tenrled a regional jail bri efing. Chief Dunnam added that commissioners are looking at a 4th proposal for a Law and Justice Center that would include a j ail, court, prosecutors andjudges all in one unit. State law would not allow it to be located in south county. ' d. .'Fmancial- June 1999 Overview. Councilmember Curry reported that copies of the fund overview and the Cash.& InvestIllents Comparison for the past year were included. Everything looks positive. ' e. Park,s/Park, Use Requests 99-111 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING TWO PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. 11. Mayor Wolf closed the meeting at 8:56 and announced that Council \yould go to executive session to discuss the purchase of real estate/rights. The session is expected to last 20 minutes. Mayor Wolfreopened the meeting at 9:45 p.m. 99-112 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM THAT SHELLY , .BADGERPROCEEp WITH NEGOTIATIONS AS DISCUSSED DURING THE ,EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. 99-113 'MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THAT SKILLiNGS AND CONNOLLY BE AUTHORIZED TO INVESTIGATE THE CITY'S WATER OUTPUT DISCREPANCY FOR ALL THREE WELLS. CARRIED. 12~ Correspondence ~as reviewed including ~akewood's attempt to annex Ft. Le,^:is. 13. Adjourn: 9:48 p.m. . ~ Jr1 kid/- Ka n M. W If, Mayor ' Attest: . tJ/J0A yJ0J/Wif Agn~P. Bennick, City Clerk - "-- Y ehn City Council Minutes 9ity council/cc,9917 -14-99 4