08/25/1999 Minutes ;; . CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES : AUGUST 25, 1999, 7:30 P.M. YELMCITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All presentjoinoo in the flag salute. 2. 99-140 3. 99-141 4. 99-142 S. 99-143 Council present: Don Mill~r, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. ' , Guests: John Thompson, Tom Skillings, Cindy Cecil and YCS staff, and Tim Ransom. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Stephanie Connors, Tim Peterson, Glen DUlll1am and Agnes Bennick. Agenda Approval. , _ . MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE - AGENDA AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE RESOLUTION 387 AS ITEM 8, b. CARRIED. Minutes Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE MINUTES OFAUGUST'11, 1999 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. V oucher Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 11282 - 11324,TOT ALING $145,754.20. CARRIED. Payroll Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE AUGUST PRELIMINARY PAYROLL. CARRIED.. Public Comment/Questions. None 6. 7. Public Hearing - Community Development Block Grant Application: Mayor W olfopened the - hearing at 7 :34 p.m. and announced the time, date, place and reason for the hearing. There were no objections to participants voiced. Shelly Badger gave an overview ofthe staff report. When the City doesn't have a suitable project to submit for the annual CDBG, the right to' submit an' application may be opened to community non-profit groups. A request for proposals, inviting community groups to apply for the opportUnity to submit an application .under the City's name, was published. The maximum amount available is $750,000 and the application must meet specific, criteria including principally benefiting low-income persons. Categories were identified and audience members were asked to assist by nominating projects that would ben~fit the comniunity. -Projects included: HOUSING: For young parents ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Shortline RR development COMMUNITY FACILITIES: Youth Center, Senior Center, Library PUBLIC FACILITIES: COMPREHENSIVE: Yehn City Council Minutes Ci ty council! cc,99!1 ~ 1 ~99 1 Cindy Cecil, Director Yelm Community Services (UCBO) spoke briefly about community needs and last year's near success when applying far this grant. The praject, which facuses an yauth and cammunity needs, has been expandoo to. include a gym, programs far yauth, - childcaie.facility, a secand kitchen,'and affice space.' Cecil introduced Y CS staff members and valunteers and spake briefly abaut the role each plays in variaus agency programs. ' , Being no. additianal comment, Mayar WaIf clased the public hearing at 7:48' p.m. 99-144 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ALLOWING tHE UCBO/yELM COMMUNOITY SERVICES TO APPLY FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. CARRIED. 8. New Business: a. Ordinance No.. 671, Amending Ordinance 646 (12/98). This ardinance change~ the fee structure far vehicles impaunded when drivers are faund to. be driving with a suspended/revaked license. The fee changes from a daily $8 fee to. a flat $50. 99-145 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM ADOPTING , ORDINANCE 671 SETTING IMPOUND FEES FOR DRIVING 'WITH LICENSE SUSPENDED IMPOUNDS AT $50. CARRIED. b. Resolution 387. Shelly Badger explained that this resolution sets a public hearing date on the final assessment roll far LacalImpravement District No.. 1. Due to legal natice advertising requirements, the hearing must be scheduled far either September 27 ar 29. As two. cauncil members were gaing to. be gane far the September 22 meeting, it was suggested that that Cauncil meeting be maved to. September 29. ' 99-146 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER THAT THE SEPTEMBER 22 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BE MOVED TO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. CARRIED. ' 99-147 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESO~UTION 387 SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1999 , FOR LID #1. CARRIED. ' 9. Old Business: a. Starm Water Operatian & Maintenance Wark Sessian. Ken Garmann presented a slide shaw highlighting water pallutian cause and effect cantributars. The pragram identified specific preventian and clean':,up strategies that can be implemented to. protect waterWays and ,graundwater. Tim Ransam, Puget Saund Water Quality Autharity (PSWQA) alSo. addressed Cauncil. PSWQA is asking lacal governments to. take'~ active rale in protecting water, including the adaptian af ardinances. Garmann indicated that he wauld present a Starm Water Operatian & Maintenance Ordinance at the next meeting. b. TelecammunicatiansOrdinances (From 7/28/99). Shelly Badger gave an overview of the history af the ardinances and pravided Cauncil with the,option of going over the changes line by line or summarizing the changes. CaUncil cansensus was that an overview was acceptable.' Ordinance 666 - Tawers and Facilities. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 666 PERTAINING TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWERS AND FACILITIES. CARRIED. .< . 1) 99-148 2) , 99-149 , Ordinance 668 - Franchises Public Rights af Ways. The franchise cantract term is ten years. ' MOTION BY MARTHA P AROSNS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 668 PERTAINING TO TEL~COMMUNICA TIONS FRANCHISES. Yelm City Council Minutes City council/cc,99/l-1-99 2 10. a. 1) 2) 3) 99-150 4) . 99-151 11. 99-152 12. 13. CARRIED. 3) Water Report Extension Request. Agnes Bennick requested an exteIision to 1D/13/99. Council.. consensus supported the extension. Reports: City Council Liaison Reports City Hall- Councilmember Curry, a written report was provided. Court - Councilmember Curry,. a written report was provided. Public Works - Councilmember Miller, a written report was provided. Stephanie Connors presented the Public Works Yard Proposal. . Council was requested to approve a $75,000 expenditure from the ,Mooicipal Building Fund: for fencing, utility and site work. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM. RIVAS APPROVING AN EXPENDITURE OF $75,000 FROM THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING FUND FOR FENCING AND UTILITY AND SITE WORK AT THE PUBLIC .WORKS YARD. CARRIED. Park/Park Use Requests - Councihnember Parsons. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECNDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING ONE PARK USE'REQUEST. CARRIED. 5). 6) b.. . Police - Councihneri1ber CUmllngham, a written report was provided. Planning - Councilmember Cunningham reported thatthe meeting had been cancelled. . . Mayor - Mayor WolfrepOl:ted on attending interviews for an office position vacancy, meetings with the city administrator and police chief, receipt of ~ temporary permit and that reclaimed water was going to the Cochrane Park. . c. Toni Skillings updated Council on the Reuse Project which is nearing completion and still undet: budget. Badger added that mowers and other items could be purchased with. any unused funding. . Council -'- Councilmember Curry attended the Senior Center Board Meeting. Executive Session. Mayor Wolf closed the meeting at 9:05 p.m. and announced that Council would be going to executive session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss the purchase of real estate/rights. Mayor Wolf reopened the meeting at 9:24 p.m. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AUTHORIZING TOM SKILLING AND SHELLY BADGER TO PROCEED WITH NEGOTIATIONS OF REAL EST A TE AS DISCUSSED IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSr'ON. CARRIED. Correspondence was reviewed including additional 1-695 information. AdjoUrn: 9:30 p.m. ~)lrud' . Ka M.' 01r, Mayor -tf Attest: . a/?i1A p vV/t(lluJf . Agqts' P. Bennick, City Clerk v --..-- v Yelm City Council Minutes City council/cc.99/1-1-99 3