09/08/1999 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MlNUTES SEPTEMBER 8,1999,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. . Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m. All present joined in the flag salute Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam . Rivas Guests: Mike Petit, Jo1m Thompson, Tim Ransom, and Seth Truscott Staff: Shelly Badger, Stephanie Connors, Ken Garmann, Tim Peterson, Brian Asmus, Ray Bourgeois and Agnes Bennick. 2. 99-153 3. 99-154 4. 99-155 5. 99-156 6. 7. a. . 99-157 b. c. 99-158 Agenda Approval. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY~ SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS' APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. . Minutes Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM . APPROVING THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 25, 1999 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval. . . MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 11359 -11417, TOTALING $435,900.19. CARRIED. . Payroll Approval. .' MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE FINAL AUGUST 1999 PAYROLL. CARRIED. Public Comment/Questions. None New Business: Ordinance No. 672 Amending Budget Ordinance No. 641. A staff report was provided.. Mayor Wolf explained that this is a housekeeping issue to distribute costs asso~iated with staffmg the Tree Advisory Board to the Tree Fund. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO; 672 AMENDING THE 1999 BUDGET BY DISTRIBUTING TREE ADVISORY BOARD ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS TO THE TREE BOARD. FUND. CARRIED. Budget Calendar - Councilmembers were pro'vided With a calendar showing budget work session meetings planned, budget process deadlines and moved/changed regular meeting dates. . Acti~n Will be requested at the next meeting to fmalize the plan and approve date changes. Buckley Jail Service Contract Authorization. Brian Asmus explained that the only change in the new contract is a $3.00 increase in the daily rate charged . MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF AND THE POLICE CHIEF TO SIGN A NEW JAIL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF BUCKLEY. CARRIED. Yehn City Council MiilUtes' City council/cc.99/9-8-99 1 " a. Old Business: Water Resource Inventory Area Agreement Authorization. Shelly ~adger explained the changes to the agreement including a change on page 2, Section 1.2, "agree to form and 'maintain"; Section 4.2, accoinmodating and providing for an expanded group to pllticipate; Page 5, identifying the Nisqually Indian Tribe as lead agency; and Section 3.0, providing for group approval of project budgets. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN THE WATER RESOURCE INVENTORY AREA AGREEMENT. CARRIED 8. 99-159 b. Public Wprks Yard Work Session - Stephanie Connors and Shelly Badger presented infonnation on Phase I project work to date, including utility planning, fencing and building specifications. A proposal for construction elements and fmancing was presented. The facility as shown, includes administrative offices, conference and training rooms, rest rooms, open bays, tool/equipment storage areas, and archive space to serve all city departments. Council consensus was that staff should proceed with preparing project figures for the year 2000 budget. c. Storm Water Operations and Maintenance Work Session. Ken Gannann presented an overview of the findings, need and purpose of the proposed draft S tonnwater Maintenance Ordinance and Storrhwater Management Ordinance. Discussion followed concerning responsibility and enforcement of the maintenance ordinance and recovery of costs incurred by the City while providing these services. The two ordinances are expected to be ready for , Council adoption at the next meeting. .' 'd. Y-2N-3 Hearing Date. Two suggested dates'were proposed. Council selected Wednesday, October 20, as the date for the Y -2N -3 public hearing. The location selected for the hearing is the Y ~lm High School ,Cafeteria. 9. Reports: a. A written library report was provided. , b. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on positive response to the changes at Cochrane Park. A letter was received from a citizen concerned about impact fees charged by the City. Staffwill " provide a cost comparison at the first Ip-eeting in October. Other activities included interviews and the Mayors' Forum. Mayor Wolf thanked Shelly, Dana, Ken and Tim for their help with , the Mayors' Forum. c. Council- Cqprlcilmember Miller reported that the CAPCOM budget has been adopted and that Yelm will see a significant increase in next year's rates based on heavy use of the system by Yelm Police Department. Councilmember Rivas asked that anyone available attend the Thurston COtulty Transportation Funding meeting schedulro for October 21, the meeting will focus on area needs and financing. Ken Gannann added that there is some interest in the possibility of establishing a funding ,mechanism for transportation funding that will provide support to projects in other jurisdictions as' a means of demo'nstrating partnering and obtaining extra points in the granting process. , Brian Asmus reported that the move to Mobile Data Terminals should reduce the amount of time CAP COM spends in providing infonnation to Yehn officers, and also save officer time and increase safety as the data terminals will reduce the waiting time for want and warrant requests. , Yelm City Council Minutes City council/cc.99/9-8-99 .2 d. Financial Report - Councilmember Cuny indicated that a copy of the August end of the month ;. report was provided and that everything looked fine. Ray Bourgeois addressed Council and updated them on. the sitUations he encountered in Kosovo and the reasons for his early return. 10.' . Executive Session - Mayor Wolf closed the meeting at 9:12 p.m. and announced that Council would go into Executive Session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss a personnel matter. 99-160 Mayor Wolf reopened the meeting at 9:45 p.m. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING REINSTATEMENT OF OFFICER BOURGEOIS ON OCTOBER 1, 1999 AND HONORING AN IMPLIED FOUR-MONTH CONTRACT WITH A PROVISIONAL OFFICER. CARRIED. 11. CorresPQndence. Correspondence was reviewed. ' 12. Adjourn 9:46 p.m. ~Jl11dl! Kath'tyn M. W 'f, Mayor, . ~ Yelm CitY Council Minutes City council/cc.99/9-8-99o 3.