10/16/1999 Special Minutes CITY OF YELM , CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES ) , NOVEM~ER 16, 1999 , YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS' 1. , . Mayor Wolfcalled the special meeting to order at 4: 15 p.m. Council: Don Miller, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Staff Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Ken Garmann 'and Annette Laughlin. . Guests: Jim Nelson; Martin. Nelson & Co.; Cynthia Weed, Preston Gates and John ,Thompson.' CouncilmemberParsons arrived late. 2. Ordinance No. 678~LID Bonds. Shelly Badger gave a staff report. Introduced Jim Nelson. . Nelson informed'Gouncil.that he was here to provide the financing for the bonds. He also explained the rates and market bonds and covered the ' , . pt,lrchase contract. . Cynthia Weed' covered the interest rate bonds for the local i:mprove~~nt district, explaining that the actual bonds would be printed' up and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk.' ' ' '1~9-194 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS; SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS , . APPROVING ORDINANCE NO'. 678, LID BONDS. ' CARRIED. 3. Adjourn: 4:.32 p.m. i(~/ Jt?. W4 KathrynM. Wolf, Mayor, Attest: , 'J. 41//1& . yJ~<iL . V' . Annette L. Laughlin, FOR:' , .' AgneS P. Bennick; City Clerk Yelm 'City Council Minutes ~City Council/cc.9.9/11116/99specmin.doc