11/23/1999 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 23, 1999,7:30 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ' 1. Mayor Wolf call~d the meeting to order at 7:30 p.~. 'All pr~sentjoined iri,the flag salute. Council: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Velma Curry absent. Staff: Brian Asmus, Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann and Annette Laughlin. . , Guests: John Thompson, Bill Newcomer, Jean James,Jim Forrester, Mike& Bev Malan, Ben Harper and Don Carney. ' 2., CONSENT AGENDA. a. 'Agenda: with addition of 9. d Executive Session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss : collective bargaining issues. ' b. 'Minutes: ,November 10 Regular and November 9 Budget Work Session c. Vouchers: #11840-11901, Totaling $76,607.13 d. P~yroll: Preliminary November 1999 , 99-195 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA P ARSONS.APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WITH THE ADDITION TO THE AGENDA OF 9.d. EXECUTIVE SESSION. .: 3. Public comment/Questions - None 4. Public He~ring'-'- Year 2000 Final Budget. ,Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:33 p.m., announcing the date, time~ place and purpose of the public hearing. No objections to participants ' were voiced. Shelly Badger informed Council that staff was much closer to completing the Budget and asked for' the Final Budget Public Hearing to be continued to the December 8th Council Meeting. An overview of the highlights was given; topics covered were General Fund Revenues and Expenditures, Grants, Water Fund,SeweriReuse Fund; Stonnwater Program and Yelm Creek ' Rehabilitation Study. ' , With no comment or questions from the public OI-council, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing, ' . at 7:45 p.m. 99-196' MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING - YEAR 2000 FINAL BUDGET TO THE DECEMBER 8TH MEETING. CARRIED. 5. Public Hearing -,Proposed Sewer Rate Increase for Year 2000. May'or Wolf opened the public" " hearing at 7:45 p.m. announcing the date, time, place and purpose of the public hearing. No objections to participants were voiced. ' . , Shelly Badger gave a staff report 'explaining that residents were informed last year, when rates were raised, that an',annual evaluation proves that the monthly sewer fee must. be raised from ' . , $32.50 to $35.00 to cover the cost of operation and maintenance of the Sewer Treatment Plant. The city is bringing on a new debt service and is required to adjust the rates and fees to provide' repayment of the loan. , ~ Ye,1nl City Council Minutes City Councillcc.99/11/23/99 f ,I \" Jeail James made it known that when the sewer was first installed; different information was ' given to her than what action was now taking place. She asked if the raise in the sewer rates was to repay the loan? Shelly Badger, again stated that the increase in rates and fees were for the operation and maintenance of the sewer/reuse and to repay the 40 year loan. Ben Harpef referred to an article stating other city's sewer fees were much lower than Y elm's. . Mayor Wolf responded that the article was referring to the LOTI fees and that in addition to the LOTI'fees, each'City placed a local sewer fee on the charge, which in turn equaled Yelm's sewer fees. Mayor Wolf also stated that the City really had no choice in the matter. We are required to have a-self-supporting sewer/reuse progranl. . With no further discussion, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. 99-197 MOTION BY ADAM RIV AS~ SECONDED BY MARTHA P ASONS APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 683, SEWER RATE INCREASE FOR YEAR 2000. CARRIED. 6. Public Hearing - Proposed Stormwater Program A. Ordinance No. 680, Stormwater Management. Mayor Wolf opened the 'public hearing at 7:56p.m. announcing the date, time, place and purpose of the public hearing. No objections to participants were voiced. Ken Garmann gave a staff report, which recqmmended that council approve the Storm water program. Garmann covered the sections and sub-sections of the proposed .ordinance, which included DOE's established minimum requirements for the management of Storm water. , Don Carney inquired about new developments being required to install proper drainage and ponds, etc.? Ken Garmann stated that yes; new developments were required to install prope~ Stormwater drainage. It was noted that the Edwards Street project also had proper drainage installed and is in use. Shelly Badger informed that the City was not proposing a complete change, but merely to apply the best option to each project. " Mike Malan questioned the amount that would be collected from the Stormwater program and also wondered if Homeowners would be double charged, Homeowners associ(\ti,on and then again by the City? G arm ann stated that it is very likely that the City would take ovet~are of ponds, swails etc. . , , ~i:$ , .~ Ben Harper questioned the incompletion of the Safeway Stormwater drainage. Garmann stated that theSafeway project was intentionally held for completion due to the Yelm Avenue East project, to be completed as one. With discussion completed, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:13 p.m. 99-198 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 680, STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT. CARRIED. GLEN CUNNINGHAM, OPPOSED. B. Ordinance No 681, StormwaterMaintenance. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 8: 15 p.m. announcing the date, time, place and purpose of the public hearing. No objections to participants were voiCed. Ken Garmann covered the topics of the written proposed ordinance. No comment from the public or council. Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8: 17 p.m. 99-199 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 68'1 BE APPROVED. CARRIED. GLEN CUNNINGHAM OPPOSED. ,Yehn CityC6uncil Minutes City Council/cc.99/1l/23/99 2 " c'. . Ordinance No. 682; Stormwater Utility. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 8: 17 ,p.m. announcing the date, time~ place and pUlpose of the public hearing. No objections to ' participants were voiced. ' Ken Garmann'covered highlights of the ordinance inCluding, Definitioris,'Guidelines, Utility , fund, Utility charge, Service rates and Senior/Low-Income adjustments. John Thompson inquired about the projection of a short fall and how the City was going to cov~r? Thompson wanted to make sure that the City was not going to raises rates next year to 'comp'ensate. Garmann replied that the Street fund would compensate. ' With no further dis~ussion, Mayor-Wolf closed the public hearing af8:22 p.m. 99-200. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM!RIV AS APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 682, STORMWATER UTILTIY. CARRIED. GLEN Cl)NNIN9HAM OPPOSED. ' 6. New Business: A. Parks & Recreation Plan, Resolution 390. Cathie Carlson started out by thanking KPI and Yelni Parks Advisory Board for their time and effort. 'A written staff report was provided and Carlson reviewed the Needs, Goals and Objectives and a 6-year plan. CounCilniember Miller inquired about the relation of Thurston County Parks. Carlson st~ted that there was, no relation. With no further comment, Mayor Wolf asked council for their input. '99~20 1 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING RESOLUTION 390, PARKS & RECREATION PLAN. CARRIED. ,7. . Old Business: A. Update on Development Fee Schedule. Cathie Carlson stated that the situation had been discussed with Sandy Mackie. Mackie strongly suggested that the City not wait until Developers'sell'a house to collect fees. This process would he considered holding a lien on that propertY. It was, however, suggested that it be possible to delay the water and , ,sewer fees until time of need, a delay of 30-90 days. After much discussion between the public and staff, on which fees and how long they be delayed,Collncil inquired about the benefit to the City of-delaying the fees, how much . " staff time in tracking paperwork, and what benefit to the developers of delaying the fees? , Staff reported that water and sewer fees on residential permits is the most sUQstantial. 'Mike Malan pointed out that developers of housing developments differ from those developers of manufactured home parks. Houses are built and then sold, whereas parks are purchased and developed by the owner. Mayor Wolf asked staff to please inquire about the requirements of hook-up fees for manufactured home parks, and report back to council. ' 9. a.' City Council Liaison Reports 1)" City Hall ::- Mayor Wolf reported that Councilmember Cuny was absent, no written' report, Agnes was on vacation until the 1 st of December and that Annette's taking minutes was much appreciated. '2) Court ~ A written report was provided. 3) : Public Works - A written report was provided. C(;mncilmember Rivas inquired about the fencingproject? Councilmember informed we were waiting on the Engineer and that the entire property will be fenced. ' , Yehn City Council Minutes City Councillcc.99(11/23/99 3 I 4) . Park Use Request - Councilmember Parsons announced that on September 9, 2000, YHS . would like to hold a 1950's class reunion from lI.a.m. until dusk for 100+ people. .99-202 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO APPROVE THE PARK USE REQUEST FOR SEPTEMBER 9,2000, YHS 1950's CLASS REUNION FROM 11 am - DUSK FOR 100+ PEOPLE. CARRIED. Councilmember Parsons also included an announcement about Christmas in the Park on December 4, 1999. ,,' . 5) Police -A' written report was provided. 6) Planning ~ Councilmember Cunningham reported that the Planning meeting had been cancelled. He also stated that the temporary permit for the placement of the recycle bins at the Yelm High School would expire in December. It was mentioned that the arrangement was working and suggested that the temporary permit be extended until further notice. 99-203 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNIN.GHAM, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO APPROVE EXTENSION OF THE TEMPORARY PERMIT FOR PLACEMENT OF RECYCLE BINS AT YELM HIGH SCHOOL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. CARRIED. ,b. Mayor- Monthly meeting with Shelly Badger, meeting with Chief Dunnam, update on correspondence regarding the Lasher letter/Latecoiner's 'Agreement, letter was produced with signaturesprQving agreell1ent between Lasher and City. Liaison appointments for next year's assignments, Council will request three choices for liaison , and three choices for meetings. Announcement of assignment will take place at the December 8th meeting. .' ,.' Olympic Pipeline meeting will take place in Fife on December 9th, Ken Garin ann will make '.arrangements for attendees. " ' , Timberland Regional Library sent a corrected mnount of Revenue letter and apologized for the miscalculation of figures. !, ' " .' W ellness Works Program was inquired about by Councilmember Miller. Mayor Wolf informed , Council that if there was an interest inreceiving these available grants to please contact Dana Spivey for more information. c. Council- Councilmel11~er Parsons stated that Mayor.Elliot,Rainier, would be appointed. .' represen~ative for IT committee.' . ,d. Mayor Wolf closed the meeting and Council went into Executive Session at 9 p.m. tor approximately ~6'minutes to discuss collectiv,e bargaining issues. Mayor Wolf reopened the regular session at 9:30 p~m. No action was taken. . . . 10. Correspondence was reviewed. . .'1 i. Adjourn at 9:31 p.m. . (4) 7;1 1A/4 "K~thryn,M. Wolf, Mayor Attest: . . . Annette' L La~ghli. R:... . Agnes P. Bennick, City Clerk . Y elm City Collncil Minutes City Councillcc.99/11/23/99 4