12/08/1999 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINuTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1999,7:30 E.M. YELM ,CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS L . Call to Order: Mayor 'Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.lll'. All present joined i~ the flag salute. ., . Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Guests: Rocky Birkland, Pen")' Shea and BernIe Chaplin, SeA; Tom Skillings, Skillings' Connolly; Alexander Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie, and Seth Truscott, NVN. Staff: . Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann; Cathie Carlson, Brian Asmus andAgnes Bennick.: . a. Councilmember Parsons administered the Oath of Office New Councilmember John G. Thompson and ReelectedCouncilmember Donald R. Miller for terms effective January' 1,2000. 2, Consent Agenda Items a. Agenda b~ Minutes: November 16 and'23, 1999 as corrected. c. Vouchers' 11908-11985, totaling $856,688.95 d. Payroll: Final November 1999 payroll checks #3088-3178 and December , 1999 Preliminary PayrolL 99-102 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS. APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. 3. PublicComment/Questions - None 4. Y-2/Y-3 COlTidor Recommendation.Project engineers Perry Shea and BeInie Chaplin providedc,tn overview of steps taken in the early 1990s asses~ing traffic needs and identifying solutions and strategies to deal with projected traffic increases over the next 20 years. A . . matrix of written and verbal comments received. was reviewed and speCific areas generating questions .identified on a project mapO. Mayor Wolf ~sked Sandy Mackie, city attorney, to identify options available. Mackie . explained that Council always had the option to withhold action, but that not taking action. . would he inconsistent with the Growth Management Act (state mandat~d), the Yelm . ~nuisportation Plan, the Yehn Comprehensive Plan, and the Y elm~ Thurston County Joint . Comprehensive Plan. In response to Council's 'questions and concerns, Mackie explained.that Council could adopt the resolution and remain actively involved by having the meeting minutes reflect that intent Council consensus is that they wish to receive frequent updates and reports on the proiectand that they intend to be a~tively involved in the proiect as it moves fOlWard. ' Y {(1m City Cmll1cil December 8; 1999 Minutes ab\mso \cc. 9~\ 12 -8- 99min Page 1 99-103 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVINa'RESOLUTION NO. 391 ADOPTING THE PREFERRED Y2/Y3 ALTERNATE. 5. Public Hearing - 2000 Budget Continued frOlTI 11/23/99 Mayor Wolf opened the 'publichearing at 7:30 and announced the time, place and purpose of the public hearing. No objections were stated. Shelly Badger reported that the budget is completed and balanced including a new salalY schedule for the police department. Being no additional comnH~nt,Mayor Wolf closed the hearing at 7:33 p.m. a.. Ordinance 679 - 2000 Budget Ad?ption 99-104 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM ADOPTING ORDINANCE 679~ THE .YEAR 2000 BUDGET. CARRIED. .6. New Business: . a: Resolution 392 - Clarifying Resolution 380 related to Sewer Connection Fees.. . Cathie Carlson explained that this Resolution identifies properties qualifying for the $2,480 sewer hook-up fee under original '94 sewer capacity. the resolution also establishes a two-year maximum length of time during which the rate applies. An exception was noted, the fee would expire sooner if the land use approval expired. To meet debt obligations an annual 2.8 percentil1crease is also planned beginning in . 1/1/2001. . . . -. . . . 99-105'. MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM; SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 380 RELATED TO SEWER CONNECTION FEES. CARRIED. b. . Ordinance No. 684- Reclaimed Water Use Ordinance and Agreement. ~om. Skillings explained that as no model ordinance was available, this combines portions of Yelm's Water Ordinance and reclaimed water standards. The Ordinance establishes rates and regulations, a user agreement process, and encourages the use ofteclaimed water to . replace potable water for certain specific applications. User agreements w6uld be brought . to the Council for approval. 99-106 MOTION BY.GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE 684 THE RECLAIMED WATER USE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ,c. '. Ydm/Teamsters Local #378 Contract for Yelm Police. Shelly Badger explained that the contract runs through the end of2002 with an opening in 2001 for discussion of medical insurance-when the existing plan is dissolved. Shelly.and Brian were thanked for the' work on the contract. . 99-1'07 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN THE POLICE UNION CONTRACT. > . tARRIED. d. Ordinance 686 -1999 Year-End Budget Amendments. Agnes Bennick explained tha,t this is a~ annual year-end housekeeping process required by the auditor. Yelm City Council . December 8,1999 Minutes Page 2 ab\mso\cc.99\12-8-99min . I I " , 99-108 MOTION 'BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM ADOP1JNG ORDINANCE 686 AMENDING THE 1999 BUDGET. CARRIED. e. Resolution 394 - Employee Insurance Cap. Mayor Wolf noted that this insurance cap increase from $309 to $325 was discussed during the budget workshop meetings. ,~' I 99-109 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION NO.394 INCREASING THE EMPLOYEE INSURANCE CAp TO $325.00 PER MONTH. CARRIED. 7. Old Business: , ' , - a., Resolution No. 393 - Engineer's Acceptance of Rec1aimed WaterProject Contracts: Tom Skillings explaine"d that this process is required by Rural Development and accepts work contracted with Venture, Construction, Olalla Hills, and Rodalie complete as' pel~ contracts. .' ! 99-110 MOTION BY GLE~. CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 393 ACCEPTING RECLAIMED WATER PROJECT CONTRACTS. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 685-Issuance of$3,857,000 in Sewer Revenue Bonds to the U.S.A. Dept. of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service. Shelly Badger explained that staff has been working to complete this process by the end of the year and take advantage of the 3.250/0 financing. This timing will save the City $40,000 per year iri interest fOt. the bond repayment telm. .,99-111 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO 685 FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SEWER REVENUE BONDS. CARRIED. ,." , , , " ' c. - Devdopment Fees/Manufactured Home Communities Report. Cathie Carlson reported that research 'in ,this area found that fees are comparable although a developer selling a " home would generally recovers his. capital investment in one lump. sum, while a Manufactured Home' Community would experience a longer repay~nent period. ,Carlson will provide the infOtmation to local real estate people.-, ' d. BNSF Rail Line Appraisal Contract A ward to David Evans & Associates, Inc. Not to- - Exceed $12,500. Ken Garmann explained that the contract is to perfonn a right-of-way andimprovementsappniisal along the Burlington Northern Line. The appraisal will 'meet federal requirements. ' 99-112 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM AWARDING THE BNSF ,RAILE LINE APPRAISAL CONTRACT NOT TO EXCEED $12,500 TO DA VII) EVANS & ASSOCIATES. . CARRIED. ,8.' Reports: a. . Library - A written report was provided. , Yelm City COlUlCil December 8, 1999 Minutes ab\mso\cc. 99\12- 8-99min Page 3 . , , , , , b. Mayor's Report - Mayor \Volf reviewed councillhlison and meeting assignments for 2000. - .' , ,Response has been received from IT concerning service options.Councilmembers Parso~s and Rivas will attend Jon Halvo'rson's retirement in Lacey. A representative 'will ' also attend Bob Jacobs's retirement on the 1"31h. Mayor W?lf requested that 'Councilmembers contact legislators concelning funding for Municipal Research and' Services. A large amount ofMRSC's funding was eliminated by 1695 and their services are essential to many cities, including Yelm. A Determination of Non-Significance notice hasbeen published for Lasco's emissions control installation. , c. Council R~pOl~ - Councilmember Pa;sons indicateq th~t IT woJld be voting tonight on' area service cuts. Coun~ilme~ber Cunningham announced the Chamber of Comme~ce Breakfast meeting' , and spoke about the success of Christmas in the Park. d. .Financial'~ Councilmember Curry reported that the November '99 end of inonth Statelnentshave been completed and that finances are as expected. ' COlTespondencewas pl;ovided. 9. 'f}:djou'rn: 9} 7 p.llL,' . ~/1rItd4 Kat lyn M.. O1f, Mayor , Attest: ,(J/hv; j/ -v5 klLAi-{hX _ A /',' es ,P. Bennick, City Clerk, Yelm City Council December 8, 1999 Minutes ab\mso\cc.99\ 12-8-99min Page 4 '