01/14/1998 Minutes CITY, OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 14,1998 1.. Mayor Kathryn Wolf opened the meeting at 7 :30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. 98-01 ' 3. 98-02 4. 98-03 5. 98-04 b. 98-05 6. Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham, and Adam Rivas. Guests: Bemardean Broadous, Jim Forrester, Myranda Yun, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Gannann, Brian Asmus, Cathie Carlson, and Agnes Bennick., a. Agenda Approval. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM 2A. CARRIED. Chief Dunnam introduced new patrol officer Jeff Wilkinson. Jeff completed the Reserve Academy as a Yelm Reserve Officer and has been working for the Muckleshoot Police Dept. for the past two years. Minutes Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE DECEMBER 10, 1997 MINUTES AS PROVIDED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 7474-7587, TOTALING $147,842.05. CARRIED. a. Payroll Approval. Amendment Motion #97-0234 of 12/10/97. Agnes Bennick explained the need to increase the payment amount from $150 to $200 for December only t'o catch up a November underpayment. MOTION BY MARTHA P A~SONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY, APPROVING A CORRECTION TO THE PRELIMINARY PAYROLL APPROVED IN MOTION 97-234. CARRIED. Final December Payroll 1998 Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE FINAL DECEMBER 1998P A YROLL. CARRIED~ Public Comment/Questions. Kristen Blalack, Yelm Librarian, gave an update of the CDBG grant application process and the challenges faced in meeting the threshold requirements. The City Council Minutes , mso\cc.98\1-14mn.doc Page 1 application has been combined with a Community Youth Services proposal to meet grant requirements. The library is still being contacted by other agencies interested in joining the project. Mayor Wolf complemented Kristin on the job she has done. . Mayor Wolf recognized Bernardean Broadous, Thurston Co. Prosecutor, in the audience. 7. CDBG Water Grant - Engineering Services Contract. Ken Garmann requested Council authorization for Mayor Wolf to execute a contract with the consultant for water system improvements including corrosion control, pipe upgrades, and fire flow improvements at a cost of$159,641.00. 98-06 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS, AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE CDBG GRANT. . CARRIED. 8. Water Reuse Bid Opening - Status Update. Tom Skillings reviewed the results of the bid opening. Eight bids were submitted by the closing time. The low bid of $7,027,186.32 (tax included) was submitted by Venture Construction. Mr. Skillings recommended awarding . a contract to Venture Construction for the base bid work which includes Alternates #A-l, Treatment Plant Wetlands,' and Alternate #5, (F-I), Sludge Removal from the pond 2 drain down. Mr. Skillings explained that he was not recommending at this time the award of Alternate 2, the reclaimed water distribution system, or Alternate 3, Cochrane Park constructed wetlands (maybe next year) because he felt that significant savings could he realized by rebidding these areas separately. No recommendation was being made on Alternate 4, a sludge pump truck, at this time. Mr. Skillings hopes the contractor will hold the bid amount for 70 days. 98-07 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS, AWARDING THE BASE BID AND ALTERNATES #A, A-I, B, F-I OR F-2 TO VENTURE CONSTRUCTION. CARRIED. 9. . Old Business: a. Update on Cullens Road Realignment. Cathie Carlson provided a staff report and a diagram of the proposed realignment. The proposed alignment requires the dedication of land to the City for the eventual extension of Coates Street. Cathie requested Council input on the proposa1. Council concurred with the realignment . diagram that accomplishes a true intersection and facilitates future roadway connections to Killion Road. b. Ordinance No. 615 - Replacing Attachment "A" of Ordinance 601. Agnes Bennick explained that.this change is to the repayment schedule for an Interfund Loan made last year between UDAG (198) and Sewer (412). The change would result in a significant savings in interest payments. City Council Minutes mso\cc.98\1-14mn.doc Page 2 '1 98-08 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE 615 AND REPLACING ATTACHMENT "A" OF ORDINANCE 601. CARRIED. 10. Reports: a. Mayor - Mayor Wolf pointed out replacement badges for Council and reported on attending two meetings with Shelly, a visit from some Ft. Stevens Elementary School students, the bid opening, and Chamber meeting. She announced that local dancers from the' Yelm Dance Shoppe have been selected to perform in Disneyland in March andthat a birthday party for Arnold Drogseth is being planned for January 30 from 2-4 pm, at Emanuel Lutheran Church. b. Council- Councilmember Parsons reported on the IT Authority meeting and member changes., Councilmember Miller reported on attending a CAPCOM meeting where a five year budget was adopted, and the upcoming move was discussed and problems with the proposed new tower. Councilmember Cunningham reported on the Transportation Policy Board discussion concerned wording to be included the plan to go before the Thurston Co. Commissioners. Councilinember Rivas reported on the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting. A second meeting was set this month, and no decision was made on infrastructure goals. 11. Executive Session, - to discuss a possible real estate transaction. Mayor Wolf , announced that the Executive Session would last approximately 15 minutes and closed the regular meeting at 8:20 pm. The meeting was reopened at 8:37 pm. 98-09 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER 'APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN THE CONTRACT. CARRIED. 12. Correspondence was'reviewed. 13 . Work session. 14. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. and a work session on Zoning Code Amendments and Road Standards began. t;~ 111. drd Katliryn M. ~ olf, Mayor (I icated: /?lu f! 0J/iv1zciL . Bennick,' City Clerk City Council Minutes mso\cc.98\1-14mn.doc Page 3