03/11/1998 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH'll, 1998 1. Mayor Wolf opened the meeting at 7 :30 pm. all present joined in the flag salute. Present: Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham, and Adam Rivas. Excused: Don Miller. Guests: Bemardean Broadous, Thurston Co. Prosecutor, and Myranda Yun, Nisqually Valley News.. Staff: Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Brian Asmus; and Agnes Bennick. 2. Agenda Approval. 98-34 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. 3. Minutes Approval. . 98-35 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. 4. Voucher Approval. 98-36 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 7858-7931, TOTALING $101,124.36. CARRIED. .5; Payroll Approval - Final February '98 Payroll. 98-37 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE FINAL FEBRUARY '98 PAYROLL CHECKS 1282-1363, TOTALING $93,689.37. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions - None 7. BemardeanBroadous, Thurston Co. Prosecutor reported on the results of the Juvenile Diversion Program. The program goal is to bring young offenders before a community accountability board comprised of local volunteers within 12 days of arrest. Review. of recidivism rates within 180 days showed a substantial drop in felony repeats. Misdemeanor re-offenses however, . showed only a'small decrease. Analysis. of the misdemeanor data contributed to development of a new program. The "Choices" program devel9ped for sixth grade students is designed to teach them how to make smart choices and avoid the consequences of criminal behavior. The program focuses on accountability for actions and educates students about criminal law and the consequences of criminal behavior. Yelm's Mill Pond was the first schools to participate in the program. Mayor Wolf thanked Ms. Broadous for taking the time to explain the programs and results in detail. . 8. Old Business: a) Revision to Proposed Annexation boundary (ANX978208YL) West/Middle Rd. Cathie Carlson . explained that two of the properties included in the annexation lie within two different sections, and that the boundary should be revised to either include or exclude the two effected properties. Yelm City Council cc.98\3-llmn.doc Page 1 Staff recommended the. revision proposed in Exhibit II, ANX978208YL Revised Annexation Boundary. 98-38 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED ~Y VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE REVISED ANNEXATION BOUNDARY AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT II. CARRIED. 9.. New Business: a) 1998 Economic Development Council Services Contract. Shelly Badger reported that the 1998 contract was similar to past contracts. The work plan presented an overview of specific goals for the current year. Council discussed actual benefits provided to Yelm as a participant to the benefits provided to other jurisdictions. The Contract fee for 1998 is $3,000, the same as the past years contract. 98-39 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS AUTHORIZING THE MA YOR TO SIGNA CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WITH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. CARRIED: b) Proposed Amendments to Yelm's Concurrency Ordinance No. 580 (YMCI5.40). Cathie Carlson gave an overview of the proposed changes outlined in her March 5, 1998 Staff Report. Issues identified since passage of the original ordinance include consideration of the installment fee payment, and a formula for calculating credits for projects that create a significant economic benefit to the community. The proposal presented to Council recommen~ed: 1. An update to Table 'I that merges projects and creates a generalized category allowing Transportation Facility Charges to be used on intersection improvements at the time of need. 2. Implementing a payment schedule that would include interest on any TFC balance paid after occupancy. 3. Approval of a formula for determining TFC credits. 4. Including language authorizing the purchase of available right-of- way for the Y-3.corridor. Followingdiscussion Council requested preparation of a revision incorporating changes creating a generalized category of intersection/realignment improvements; a Y-3 right-of-way purchase authorization; a payment schedule for use only if the project doesn't require immediate improvements; requiring TFC payment to begin at the time the building permit is issued; and the TFC credit formula. 10. Reports: a) Library 1) The librarian's written report for 2/98 was included in packets. 2) 2.. Mayor Wolf reviewed the options contained in a letter from the Friends of the Library. Option One, which was not recommended by the Friends of the Library, was an expansion to the present library; Option Two, which was recommended, is to notify Timberland that the present . library space is required by the City and request that Timberland seek a suitable site adjacent to . city boundaries and budget for construction within the next 2-3 years. Mayor Wolf expressed concern that if the recommended option was implemented, the City would be left.with no library. Shelly Badger added that Timberland has hired an space planner to evaluate existing space and recommend changes. Payment for the changes are being discussed and there will probably be some costs to the City for adding a door. Mayor Wolf pointed out that while the City is cramped for space, we are.adjusting. She added that the size of the current library is adequate for the City's citizens.. The problem is that 8,000 cards are issued to this library. But that it is not really the responsibility of the 2400 people in the City to provide the library for those 8,000 people. . Yelm City Council cc.98\3-11mn.doc. Page 2 '" t. .. Discussion followed with a request for statistics on the number of City residents using the library. Shelly :eadger indicated that she had that information. Councilmember Cunningham volunteered to look into the situation. b) Mayor's Report: - Mayor Wolf reported on attending the Clean Air meeting, Water Reus.e . ground breaking, Rail Road meeting, meeting with the City Administrator, Thurston Regional Planning Council, Mayors' Forum, and Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Wolf thanked Velma Curry for representing her at the Masonic Hall Yelm Historic Register Site recognition. She thanked Councilmembers for attending the Chamber meeting for the State of the City presentation, and invited all to attend the raising of the Irish flag at 8:30 Friday morning. c) Councilmember Curry will be attending a court session. Councilmember Cunningham reported that the sale of impounded vehicles is working well in our community.. d) Park Use Requests - Staff was requested to check and be sure there was no conflict for the 7/19/98 request. 98-40 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING ALL FOUR PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. 11. Executive Session - Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting at 9: 16 and Council went into executive session to discuss a possible reaJ estate acquisition for approximately 20 minutes. Mayor Wolf reopened the regular session at 9:35 pm. 98-41 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT THAT WOULD INCLUDE A REAL ESTATE PURCHASE. CARRIED. 12. Correspondence reviewed included a proposed $1.49 monthly rate increase forTCI beginning on June 1, 1998. Council was advised that the existing Hazardous Waste Plan has been outgrown and that a "Draft" plan update was available for review and comment.. Sally Toteff will be at the next meeting to make a presentation. 13. Adjourn: 9:37 pm. .~~ ll7.tJdf- Ka hryn M. Wolf, MaYOr. n. Authenticated: . ~;ZttJ y?~,--. Agn P.' Bennick, City Clerk-Treasurer Yelm City Council cc.98\3-11mn.doc Page 3