04/22/1998 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 22, 1998 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7: 30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. . Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Guests: Mary and Glenn Blando, Bev and Mike Malan, John Huddleston, Randy Paigen, Jim Kitchen, Dennis Su, Brian Matthews, Patty Kinney, and Myranda Yun. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Jon Yanasak and Agnes Bennick. 2. . Agenda Approval. 98-61 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. . Minutes Approval. 98-62 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE MINUTES OF APRIL 8, 1998, AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. 4. Voucher Approval. 98-63 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA pARSONS APPROVING. PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 8098-8151, TOTALING $36,437.34. CARRIED. 5. Payroll Approval. 98-64 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE APRIL 1998, PRELIMINARY PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. National Scholarship Month Proclamation. Mayor Wolf read the proclamation and requested City Council approval. 98-65 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AfPROVING A PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING MAY 1998 As NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP MONTH. CARRIED. 7. Public Comment/Questions. None. 8. John Huddleston - Construction and Permitting Costs. John Huddleston addressed Council explaining that increasing costs of permitting and construction are pushing new home costs above the price range most people consider when moving to Yelm. Mr. Huddleston indicated that sales prices are actually decreasing in this area and that the average sale price of homes in '97 was $121,000 while in '98 the average sale price has dropped to $110,000. Huddleston felt this is partly due to a restrictive sign ordinance that doesn't permit . placing signs directing interested parties to available homes. He also felt that a marketing strategy was needed, and requested that City representatives establish a group of builders, developers, etc. to discuss the relevant issues and seek solutions that will improve the situation and create a more favorable marketplace for new home sales. Yelm City Council cc.98\4-22mn.cloc Page 1 \ . I 1 Councilmember Miller asked if Huddleston felt the City's fees are too high? Huddleston responded "not necessarily, but changes have resulted in increased costs." Shelly Badger added that the increased fees have finally allowed the City to establish facilities capital funds to purchase water rights and to plan for infrastructure improvements made necessary because of growth. Mayor Wolf asked if Huddleston felt standards are too high? Huddleston responded that the market attracts people who can afford the product. Mike Malan added that he can't attract buyers for higher cost homes, those over $130,000. And that Yelm can't compete with Lacey IOlympia for that market range. Councilmember Rivas expressed his feelings that City officials are interested in working together for the community, and would like to see a group get together to identify problems and work towards solutions. The group would however, have to work towards being productive, and not become a gripe session. Councimember Cunningham expressed his willingness to serve on a committee. Discussion continued concerning current standards, and creating a means to market the community. Shelly Badger will set up a time for Councilmembers Cunningham and Rivas to meet with John Huddleston, Randy Paigen, Jim Kitchen Glenn Blando, Mike Mal,,:n, and Dennis Suo 9.. Reuse UpdateNideo. Brian Matthews gave a brief overview of the project, which is approximately 13% complete. Jon Yanasak, who is taping project activity for the City, showed a video recording construction activity at two-week intervals for the past six weeks. 10. New Business: a. Labor Relations Services Contract with Cabot Dow Associates. Mayor Wolf requested approval to enter into a contract with Cabot Dow to serve as the City's consultant for negotiations, mediations and binding arbitration in establishing new labor agreements with unions representing City employees. 98-66 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH CABOT now ASSOCIATES FOR LABOR RELATIONS SERVICES. CARRIED. 11. Reports: a. City Council Liaison Reports: 1. City Hall - Councilmember Curry indicated that a written report was provided including information on Spring Clean-Up, and an unusual "bug" found in the Clearwood area. Agnes reminded everyone of the potluck planned for Tuesday. 2. Court - Councilmember Curry reported that she had spent the morning observing the court in action. She feels we have a very good judge. A written report for April was provided. Yelm City Council cc.98\4-22mn.doc Page 2 3. Public Works - Councilmember Millerindicated that a written report was provided. The corrosion control study began this week. Discussion continued on how the process works. 4. Park/Park Use Requests 98-67 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PARK USE REQUESTS FOR A GRADUATION PARTY ON 5/9/98, AND PRIAIRE DAYS. CARRIED. Councilmember Parsons reported that at the Yelm Parks Advisory Board meeting discussion included Cochran Park bids. The returned bids were too high, and members considered what items might be removed to lower bids. Councilmember Parsons then referred to today's newspaper article concerning a BMX bike facility using the railroad bed between Y elm Ave. and Mosman, that was discussed at the YPAB meeting. Parsons indicated that Mike Welter, Thurston Co. Parks & Recreation, seems to be in agreement, and that Chief Dunnam has indicated that he would be in charge if this concept were developed into a project. The YP AB was looking for Council approval to proceed investigation the concepts potential. Councilmember Parsons indicated that anything done would be on a temporary basis to . be used only until the railroad bed is developed as part of the Rails to Trails system. . Mayor Wolf added that from what she read in the paper today, Mike Welter said that no formal request had been made and that no approval had been given at this time. Councilmember Parsons agreed that formal approval would not be requested without Council approval to move forward. Mayor Wolf indicated that local young people approached Council a few years ago about a BMX project, and that the group was asked to come back with a plan. At that time, a group of youths, interested in a skateboard park were planning and fundraising to help build the skateboard park. Discussion continued concerning landscaping, track configuration, and alternate . locations. Councilmember Rivas requested something tangible so Council could read and understand what they are dealing with. Shelly Badger added that Chief Dunnam . was looking for Council authorization to do a study similar to the one prepared for the skateboard park. The study would include options, cost, liability, who would do what, etc. The study would probably be ready for Council review in September. Councilmember Rivas requested that the issue be cancelled until the next meeting when Chief Dunnam could brief Council. Council agreed to table the issue to May 13. 5. Police - Councilmember Cunningham reported that the police department had a pretty active month including drug arrests and 15 individuals sent to jail. Twelve of the arrests were for felony warrants issued out of the area. A written report provided to Council included training information and statistics by type. Council questioned the high number of assists to other agencies, and why Yelm officers are reporting 25-30% of their time spent assisting other departments? Other questions from Council were why Yelm responds to calls county calls when the Thurston County Sheriff is already there, and is Yelm assisting, for example, the State Patrol on calls they (WSP) should be doing Yelm City Council cc.98\4-22mn.doc Page 3 anyway? Councilmember Cunningham responded that Chief Dunnam indicated that the assists are a trade off. He will follow up with on the questions and report back to Council. 6. Planning - Councilmember Cunningham reported that the meeting had been cancelled. 7. Water Reuse - Councilmember Rivas indicated that he had nothing to add to the earlier presentation. b. Library Report - Shelly Badger explained that as approved at the last meeting, she has been working with the library on a reconfiguration recommendation suggested by a space efficiency planner on contract with Timberland. Recommended changes that would be paid for by the City include a new entry door, sidewalk changes for ADA accessibility, and a light fixture. The estimated cost of these changes is $2500-$3500. As an unbudgeted project the cost would have to be absorbed by the Capital Reserve Account. Timberland would pay for the remaining interior changes including moving communication lines and work areas, and new shelving. Items discussed included the possibility of the Friends of the Library contributing to costs, the effect reduced shelving has on the selection of materials available for readers, . and evaluating the condition of existing carpeting for possible replacement during the changes. Council requested that Shelly Badger continue the assessment and proceed with the project. If over $3,500 it should come back to Council for additional consideration. A written Librarian's report for March was provided. Kristen Blalack, Yelm Librarian reported that the Yelm library ranks #7 for usage among the 20+ libraries in the system. Mayor Wolf read a Proclamation recognizing the contributions made by the Friends of the Library groups. 98-68 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE FRIENDS OF LIBRARY GROUPS. CARRIED. c. Mayor's Report - Mayor Wolf reported on attending the following: Arbor Day program at Lacey, EDC Council Luncheon, Yelm Arbor Day program, National Youth Service Day recognition, meeting with Shelly, attended the court as an observer, and Secretary's Day Luncheon. ./ Announcements: Thurston Co. Town Hall meeting on 4/23, Partners for Children and Youth, EDC Business nominations, A WC Convention and Chamber Auction. d. Council Report. Councimember Miller attended the Arbor Day program and reported the park looks well maintained. Councilmember Curry reported on attending the Senior Center Board meeting. e. Financial Report - Councilmember Curry reported that the end of the month and end of the quarter reports had been mailed to Councilmembers. Yelm City Council cc.98\4-22mn.doc Page 4 Shelly Badger reported that Reuse project funding had been deposited in an investment account. . f. Recycling Update -:- Agnes Bennick reported that the City has been contacted concerning the possibility of a monthly recycling buy back program. The Yelm Telephone Co. is agreeable to having their parking lot used for this purpose on weekends. However, since the initial contact, the company has indicated a desire to do this during the week. Dick Rhen, LeMay, Inc., will contact the recycling agency to see if they can provide the service on the weekends. 12. Correspondence was reviewed. 13. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm. Y{~?ntJ4 Kathryn M. . olf, Mayor Authenticated af'-' yJ...6 b~~'t:- Agn . Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council cc.98\4-22mn.doc Page 5