10/14/1998 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 1998 1. . Mayar WaIf called the lneeting to. arder at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the f1ag salute. 2. 98-172 3. 98-173 4. 98-174 5. 98-175 6. Present: Dan Miller, Martha Parsans, Velma Curry, and Glen Cunningham. Cauncilniember Riv~s was excused. Guests: Steve Craig, Gateway Praject; Myranda Yun, Nisqually Valley News; Patty Kinney, Olympian; and Leanard Mier. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Brian Asmus and Agnes Bennick. . Agenda Appraval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY .APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Minutes Appraval. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE SEPTEMBER 23 AND OCTOBER 6, 1998 MINUTES AS . PRINTED. CARRIED. V aucher Appraval MOTION.BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 9550-9664 TOTALING $566,999.71. CARRIED. Payrall Appraval MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE FINAL SEPTEMBER 1998 P A YR~LL CHECKS 1906-1988, TOTALING $97,670.95. CARRIED. Public Camment Steve Craig expressed his desire to. make Cauncil aware af prablems caused by truck traffic thru tawn that pases a danger to. pedestrians as well as to. structures. . Craig stated that a t~ck heading to. the Industrial area and turning aff Y elm Ave. anta First St. eras sed the sidewalk ripped the awning fabric and damaged the awning framework an the frant af the building. He nated that trucks rautinely lun aver the curbs thraughaut the City, and in particular at the First 81. intersectian. Discussian followed cancerning passible action to. help prevent this prablem. MayarW a1f requested that Ken Garmann follaw up with DOT an this matter. Ken reported that he was meeting with DOT and wauld bring the matter up. Leonard Mier expressed his concern that the police chief had illegally listed the Yelm City Council Mso/cc.98/10-14 Page 1 Yelm Police Department's phone number in the Election Pamphlet for informat,ion , opposing the upcoming statewide Marijuana Initiative. Mier emphasized that using public offices for a campaign is in violation of state statutes. Mier asked if there was some punishment or disciplinary action planned for this violation. Mier objected to ' his tax dollars being used for his (police chief's) political agenda. 'Mierclaimed that he knew of people that had called that number and spoken with ,the police chief after indicating intent 'to pledge money. Mayor' Wolf responded that this should not have happened, however, she believes It was a legitimate error and that calls are being referred to the c.orrect number. Councilmember Miller added that he believed it was a mistake and that if the Public Disclosure Commission doesn't see any violation then he doesn't either. Councilmember Parsons added that it has been turned over to the proper people to make a determination. Councilmember Curry agreed that a mistake had been made, but that it had been 'turned over to the proper agency. Mayor Wolf added that she questioned the police chief concerning phone calls and discussion of contributions and he responded that that did not happen. So it becomes a matter of one person's word against another's, and that if he (Mr. Mier) could bring in pro~f it would be a different matter. Mr. Mier agreed that they were at an impasse and Mayor Wolf explained that he had followed the COlTect process " and thanked him for his concern. 7. a~ Gateway Design Selection Update - Steve Craig reported that 343 votes had resulted from school contact and a Nisqually Valley News ad with drawings of each proposeq gateway design. The next step ,would be preparing construction drawings and a materials list, and that he would expect some donated materials for the project. WSDOT has also indicated that they could help out with materials and personnel and equipment forthe installation. He requested approval to move forward with the project. , . Mayo'r Wolf responded that she had some reservations and expressed concern that most of the votes' came from the students that may not even be Yelm residents. She was also concerned about the comments received. Councilmember Miller asked if staff had contacted the insurance company to determine liability. DiscussIon. continued about possible difficulties associated with the gateway concept. Mayor Wol(felt that additional input was needed and suggested posting the drawings in' visible places, or having the boy scouts go door to door. Councilniember Curry added that this project should represent the people inside the City, as they would be responsible for upkeep. Ken Gamlann asked if Council would like staff to take the issue up with DOT on Monday to get some opinions from their office and to check out insurance issues. Shelly Badger suggested using the next edition of the newsletter to reach Yelm 'residents. Staff will '[ollow up. 8. New Business: Yelm City Council Mso(cc~98(1O-14 Page 2 ~ . a. Tree Board - Cochrane Park Tree Removal. Shelly Badger explained that as part of the Cochrane Park Water Reuse Project some existing trees need to be removed. The Park and Tree Advisory Boards are in agreement and the Yelm Tree Advisory Board requests Council approval of the removal of some trees - "as deemed necessary for the construction of the park." 98-176 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM THAT TREES NEEDING TO BE REMOVED FOR THE PROJECT BE WHACKED. . CARRIED. b. Ordinance 632 - Amending Ord 628 (6/98) Loan Payment Extension. 'Agnes Bennick explained that as funds from Dept. of Ecology to r~pay the interfund loan have not arrived it is necessary to extend the loan repayment date. Councilmember Parsons asked why it is taking so long. Shelly Badger explained the Dept. of Ecology did a final closeout audit of the original sewer project but that they.haye a couple more questions. . 98-177 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING ORDINANCE 632 AMENDINGORD. 628.A LOAN PAYMENT EXTENSION. CARRIED. c. . PD '99 Vehicle Purchase -.Mayor Wolfremindedeveryone that this had been mentioned at the Budget Work Session, and that the order is contingent upon budget. approval. ' . '98-178. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING ORDERING A 1999 POLICE VEHICLE CONTINGENT UPON BUDGET APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE. CARRIED. 9. Reports: a. Library - Mayor Wolf read a letter from the Y elm - Timberland Library Board. thanki~g the City for the financial contribution for the recent library remodel, and reporting that patron and staff response has been overwhelmingly positive. She . then read a letter from the Thurston County Taxpayers Association indicating that they have signed a resolution urging the county commissioners in ~ll five counties served by Timberland Regional Library and the TRL Board of Trustees, to seek legislation to allow Timberland to issue general obligation bonds for terms up to 20 years. The association feels that the Timberland Library System needs a long-term operating and financial plan. Current legislation does not allow Timberland to enter into,financing agreements of more than six years. b. Council- CounCilmember Miller 'reported on attending a Save the Salmon meeting and a Water Reuse meeting. He explained a possible county program that would' c911ect annual fees from homeowners for both' water and sewer systems, and provide funding t6 the homeowner if corrective action is needed for either system. He also disagreed with the premise that the county depends on groundwater from rainfall, and feels that we are actually tapping underground rivers., Mayor Waif pointed out that a proposed $13 annual fee earlier this year was not well received. Yelm City Council Mso/cc,98/l 0-14 Page 3 . . c. Mayor - Mayor W o~f read a Voice of Democracy Proclamation and requested Councils approval to sign the proclamation. She reported on attending meetings with the. city administrator, chief of police, budget meetings, mayors, and Bosses' Day hinch. Other correspondence and announcements were shared. 98-179 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING A VOICE OF DEMOCRACY PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. d. . Financial Report - Councilmember Curry indicated that the monthly and quarterly cash and investments comparison reports were provided. 10. Executive Session - Mayor Woif announced that Council would go into an Executive Session expected to last longer than 20 minutes to discuss collective bargaining matters. The meeting was closed 8:29 pm. . The regular meeting was reopened at 9:29 pm 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Adjourn: 9:30 pIn. ~ a/4 . ./ '. / . Ka hryn M. WOl&YOr . Authenticated: /;lfLlJ ;fJ 0bh/YlLL. Ag . es P. Bennick, City Clerk . Yelm City Council Mso/cc.98/10~14 Page 4