01/08/1997 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MlNUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8,1997 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Members Present: Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton and Adam Rivas. Don Miller arrived at 8:20 pm. Staff: Shelly Badger, Tim Peterson, Ken Garmann, Gleml Dunnam, Jerry Prock, and Agnes Bennick. Guests: Glenn Blando, David Keenan, Perry Shea, S. Chamberlain & Associates, and Dan Fisher, Nisqually Valley News. Prairie Creek/Woodfield homeowners: Leonard and Renate LeDuc, Terri Wilson, Sandra Moores, Terry Shew, Teresa and Rick Roberts, Joseph Estacio, Michael Roth, Richard Schuch, Lynn Jepsen, William Miller, John Davis, Stuart Conley, and David Gayvert. 2. Agenda 97 -01 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. Minutes 97-02 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE DECEMBER 11, 1996 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. Vouchers 97-03 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING CHECKS. 5602-5714, TOTALLING $277,043.97, AND INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF A MANUAL CHECK FROM 197 (CDBG) FOR $32,207.70. CARRIED. 5 Payroll 97 -04 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING DECEMBER PAYROLL WARRANTS 10208-10231 AND CHECKS 102-160, TOTALLING $94,856.73. CARRIED. 6. Emergency Ordinance No. 595 - Shelly Badger explained that the City received a grant from FEMA, following the February 1996 flooding, to complete a flood analysis. Because the City can't require flood proofing measures during.construction on lots outside the existing flood plain, the City is taking action through this ordinance. The proposed interim ordinance will permit the City to require builders to raise the elevation of new construction and/or substantial improvements one foot above the highest flood levels. The emergency ordinance would be effective immediately upon approval. .Attached Exhibits A, Woodfield Subdivision, B, Prairie Creek and C, . individual lots, identify the areas controlled by this ordinance. Since the February floods the City has requested that construction in these areas include flood proofing. This ordinance will mandate the flood proofing in the designated areas. 1/8/97 City COlUlcil Minutes ab\ms\cc.97 Page 1 Mayor Wolf requested Shelly Badger to explain City requirements. She responded that as FEMA has never done an in-field flood analysis. Beg~nning in 1993 the City began requiring developers to submit a flood plain delineation to determine past flood levels and high water marks. A buffer was then added, before the lots were formed and construction permitted. 97-05 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 595 RELATING TO INTERIM FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION MEASURES. CARRIED. 7. Public Comment/Questions Questions concerning retention ponds, redesigning storm drains, decreased resale value of homes in areas that have flooded, creek overflow problems, foundations built below the water table, rumors of routine flooding of Yelm Creek, assistance with flood proofing, what can be done for immediate protection?, degree of slope/safety of re"tention pond banks, 1st Street bridge (acting as a dam), builder/realtor disclosure responsibility, setting priorities placing people before fish, possible storm sewer system, and the unanimous feeling of helplessness. Mayor Wolf responded that never in the 40 years she has lived in Yelm, has she seen the Creek go over to the extent it did during the recent flooding. She questioned the normal amount of rainfall for the area. Ken Garmann responded that normal is 35 inches, but we had received 55 and 47 inches of rain respectively the past two years. Ken Garmann indicated that Yelm Creek will be checked downstream to see if there are . trees, etc. that might be hoiding water back. He added that the 3 ft. difference in elevation between Crystal Springs St. and 103rd adds to the problem. The City received approval to dredge the creek in 1995, but work was halted by the Dept. of Ecology when a trout was caught by children fishing in the creek. Chief Dunnam gave a report of a meeting with Thurston County Emergency Management. Paperwork must be turned into the county Thursday. The president has not yet declared a disaster, but it is believed he will do so. Road damage in Thurston County alone, will amount to enough to meet the necessary dollar requirement for damage to " public facilities. He added that FEMA could authorize water control dikes and that he believes we will get answers. Chief Dunnam stated'that within 10 days of receipt of paperwork, FEMA teams would be in the area to begin a damage assessment. He volunteered to get answers to any specific questions. The amount of damage to private residences/businesses is unknown and all homeowners present were encouraged to call Thurston Co. Emergency Management and report any damage to their residences. A phone number was provided. 1/8/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97 Page 2 "" Councilman Rivas added that the City must answer to powers above us, especially where the creek is concerned. The creek is a designated waterway and the law prohibits the City from arbitrarily working in the creek. The City is also limited by funding but wants to do as much as possible to help with the situation. The interim ordinance just passed will attempt to control building until the FEMA study is completed. Perry Shea, Project Engineer for the 1 st Street Improvement Project, explained we are experiencing different weather events than in the past. Yelm Creek flows were originally calculated to allow 10 times the usual flo'Ys. Ken Garmann added that the ground is saturated due the heavy snow melt and rainfall and that ground water is percolating to the surface in many areas. Councihnember Rivas explained that the City hopes to discourage building permits and that he believes builders will probably not want to tie up money in a structure that may sit empty for a long period. On matters of disclosure residents were advised to contact their attorneys. Ken Garmann and Chief Dunnam will visit the area and meet with property owners tomorrow. Ken Garmann addressed the storm water sewer system, he explained that such a system would be prohibitively expensive and that the existing system is designed to hold rainfall, treat the water, then recharge the aquifer. Neither system would accommodate a weather event resulting in what would normally be a 6 month rainfall accumulation occurring in a 24 hour period. He also indicated he would be looking at the slope of retention pond banks. Mayor Wolf thanked the speakers and indicated the City's commitment to assist them as possible. 8. Public Hearing: Water Rate Increase - Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 8:55 pm, and stated the date, time, and place and reason for the public hearing. No conflict or objections to participants were voiced. Ken Garmann gave the staff report. He explained that during the budget process a shortfall of approximately $12,000 was identified. The state requires the water fund to be self-supporting an increase is needed to circumvent that shortfall. Additionally, a reserve fund is needed to meet future needs. Capital improvement needed include water tank repair, waterline extensions, waterline . loops to increase fire flow, Dept. of Health requirements for a backflow prevention program, and replacement of old/failing lines. If approved as proposed in Ordinance 593, water consumption would increase $.20 per 100 cubic feet for all customers, plus a ready for service or base rate increase of $1 per month for customers within the City and $2 per month for customers outside the City. Rate increase information was included in the City newsletter, and a public hearing notice published notice with little comment generated. 1/8/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97 Page 3 Being no additional comment Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 9:02 pm. 97 -06 MOTION BY DON MILLER SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 593 INCREASING WATER SERVICE RATES. CARRIED. 9. New Business: a. South Puget Sound Foreign Trade Zone Agreement - Shelly Badger explained that the City had been working towards this since 1994. Approval would accept the 1997 budget.and the charter for the SPSFTZ. Yelm's share is $2,037.20 which has been included in the City's Budget. Approval was recommended. 97-07 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO ENTER INTO AND SIGN AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, INCLUDING A 1997 BUDGET AND A CHARTER, FOR THE SOUTH PUGET SOUND FOREIGN TRADE ZONE. CARRIED. b. Five Comers Project Update, Perry Shea, Engineer, S. Chamberlain, showed slides of the project and explained changes. As planned, the existing Morris Rd. connection will dead-end, with a new connection to Bald Hills Road approximately 200' south of the current connection. The SR507 incline will be reduced and Creek S1. will be raised. The plans also include a stone planter box. The contract has been put to bid, with the bid opening scheduled for January 24, 1997. The contract requires that both lanes of SR507 remain open during the construction and off peak hour construction has been authorized. This should reduce the impact to motorists as much as possible. c. Resolution No. 355 - This resolution declared a state of emergency during the recent flooding event. 97-08 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 355 DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. CARRIED. d. Resolution No 356 - Agent Authorization 97-09 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AUTHORIZING SHELLY BADGER TO ACT AS THE CITY'S AGENT TO RECEIVE EMERGENCYIDISASTER ASSISTANCE FUNDS. CARRlED. 10. Old Business a. Ordinance No. 594 - Budget Amendment 97 -10 MOTION BY ADAM mv AS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 594 AMENDING THE 1997 BUDGET BY INCREASING THE SALARY OF ONE EMPLOYEES BY $100 PER MONTH IN LIEU OF MEDICAL INSURANCE. CARRIED. 1/8/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97 Page 4 . , ' " , b. , ' Sign Code Evaluation- At a past meeting Council had referred a request to change the sp~cial eventlbanne.r restrictions of the Sign Code to the Plat;lIling Coinmission. Council was provided with a staff report and Planning 'Commission recommendation th~t the. sign ordinance not be changed. 97-'11 MOTION BY, AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS THAT THE SIGN CODE NOT BE CHANGED. 'CARRIED. 4 YES ,VOTES. , .COUNCILMEMBER MILLER OPPOSED. ' ' , 11: . Reports:.. a:' Library - Kristin Blalack provided a ,written report on December activity~ b..' Police- Chief Dunnam reported 9,881 calls (4!195 cases) a 1,508 call increase for 1995's'8;373 calls. . ., . . Due tovehicle mai,ntenance problems he is researching a possible contract with 'Thurston County or Yelm..community Schools for vehicle maintenance/repairs. . :' Because of p~oblems with the, current copy machine, he requested Council to ~echtre the ,machine as surplus. At this point he plans to trade-in th~ existing copier and rent a ,machine. , , . . Chief I?unnam reported that Officer Stacy Denham has returned t6 regular duty and that a review has been completed by the Washington State PatroL ' 97-12 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON DECLARING' THE'YELM POLICE'D~PARTMENT COPY MACHINE AS EXCESS. ',CARRIED. c. Public Works - no report. . d. Water Reuse"" Shelly Badger reported that work is progressing on putting together ' a legislative proposal, in: the form of a bill or resolution. Funding will.~e requested for 4 or 5 pilot proJects. Other communities have given a verbal commitment to help with this appro~ch,which'is also being supported by A we. e. : Mayor - Mayor Wolf compliment the efforts of~hePub1icWorks and Police Dep~rtment staffmembers. for the work done during the emergency. Donna McCann, Yelm Police Dept., was. commended for returning after the regular work day to provide clerical support.. . 'Mayor Wolf reported a' goo'a attendance for both Christmas parties and 'expre$sed thanks to Dana Spivey for the excellent job she does organizing City get-together~. , 1/8/97 'City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97 Page 5 . , . . . l . . A letter from John Ridgway, "Let'.s Pool Together" requestedstaffirivolvement on a . . . ~u1ti-jurisdictionC\1 effort to plan a pool. Chief Dunnam and Denise Hendrickson, Yelm. P?rks Advisory Board, will attend. I . \ . . Councilmembers, were reminded of the upcoming Legislative Action Conference on 2/1 ~ 'and 2/20. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Shelly; Othercorresppndence: . Together Annual Report, A WC City News, one city's estimates showing the cost of providing services per residential unit' at $1,554 and actual amount of taxes collected at' $208.00 . . . . . . . - . . f C?uncil: Councilmember Lawton spoke in ~upport 'of a plan to help senIor . citizens with disposal of branches and storm debris. Dan Fisher, Nisqtially Valley News, agreed to publicize information. Coucilmember Lawton will contact the FF A and local scout troops for volunteer help getting the items to the curbside. One phone number will. pe listed to v?lunteer,ask for assistance, or order pick-up.- '. . 12. Conespondetlce was reviewed. - _ . 13. _ Th~ meeting adjourned at 10:15 pm. . . .. ~) 2f1 1//4- Ka hryn M. . .01f, ayor. Authenticated: ). - . / .. .\fi . . '. k '. . \ . I ,.,4':b ,g', fA 01ltJ yJ - Lt/J/httCL . A~s P. Bennick, City Clerk-treasurer 1/8/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97 Page 6 .