02/12/1997 Minutes CITY OF YELM crty COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1997 1. Mayor Pro- Tern Parsons called the meeting to order at 7: 3 0 pm. All present joined in' the flag salute. a. Edward "Smitty" Smith was thanked for creating a badges for city staff. He was presented with a special "Button Maker Extraordinare" certificate. . Members Present: '. Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Don Miller, and Adam Rivas. Amos Lawton and Mayor Wolf were absent. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam, and Ague's Bennick. Guests: Dick Rehn, LeMay Inc., Eric Anderson, and Dan Fisher, Nisqually Valley . News. 2. Agenda 97-21 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. Minutes 97-22 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE JANUARY 22, 1997 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. V ouchets 97..23 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECK 5760- 5889, TOTALLING $210,988.72. CARRIED. 5 Payroll ~7-24 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING PAYMENT OF THE FINAL JANUARY 1997 PAYROLL AND CHECK #161-250, TOTALLING $115,510.86. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions - none 7. Vista View Subdivision (Burnett Road). Ken Garmann showed a video of the subdivision with fencing, curbs, sidewalks and other improvements in place. Staff recommended approval of the final plat with conditions identified in the Staff Report of February 10, 1997. Approval would allow one building permit to be issued while waiting plat signatures and recording. 97-25 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE VISTA VIEW SUBDIVISION AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. 1/22/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\2-12mn97 Page 1 8. New Business: a. Economic Development Council 1997 Service Contract. 97-26 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING A $3,000 CONTRACT WITH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FOR SERVICES IN 1997. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 596 -Garage Sales. The amended ordina~ce moves the permit . application process to the Police Department and removes the fee that was formerly charged. 97-27 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 596 CONCERNING GARAGE SALES. CARRIED. c. Fire District Contract - 1 st Reading. Shelly Badger explained the change in payment calculation and shared information for pre-fire planning. The contract will be voted on by the Fire Commissioners on February 20. A decision will be scheduled on the next agenda. 9. Old Business: a. Medic 1 Contract - The contract was reviewed at the 1/22/97 meeting. The contract calls for payment of$37,500 for 1997 services. 97-28 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE 1997 MEDIC 1 CONTRACT. CARRIED. b. Ordinance 597 - Material was reviewed at the 1/22/97 meeting. The ordinance streamlines the project review process as required by ESHB 1724. 97-29 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 597. CARRIED. c. Hazard Mitigation Grant - Chief Dunnam reported that a different processes exist for damage repair and for mitigation of problems that caused (and will continue to cause) damage. The City will be applying for funds to mitigate the problems that contribute to Yelm Creek flooding. FEMA will be meeting with. citizens in two weeks to discuss individual damage claims. 10. Reports: a. Library - Kristin Blalack reported that growth in the number of library patrons has increased at all libraries in Thurston County, and that the libraries in smaller jurisdictions are experiencing the most growth. The January librarian's report was included. Mayor Pro- T em Parsons announced the reappointment of Pam Bachmeir to the Library Board, and added that correspondence was received from LeRoy Bendien, Yelm Library Board requesting the City's support of efforts to build a new library facility in Yelm. She expressed that the City will continue to support the library to the greatest extent possible. b. Police - Chief Dunnam reported on recent vehicle prowls and stolen vehicles. The juvenile offenders involved have been apprehended 1/22/97 City Council Minutes ab\rns\cc.97\2-12mn97 Page 2 c. Public Works - Councilmember Miller reported on'water and street projects . underway at this time. Public Works staff has completed first aid certification. Bids have been opened for the Yelm Ave.-Bald Hills Rd. Improvements: Staff is checking references of bidders and will bring a recommendation to Council at the next meeting. d. Water Reuse - Councilmember Rivas explained that copies of the-A WC Fact Sheet and Water Reuse Bill (1817), which will go before the Legislature, were provided as handouts. e. Mayor's - Mayor Prq- Tern Parsons reported on the 1/27 IT Interjurisdictional Conference to review the composition of the governing board. It was decided that the board will continue to be comprised of 6 elected officials and 3 citizen representatives. An appreciation ceremony recognized Councilmember Miller for four years of service. New officers were elected. On 2/7/96 Tumwater hosted the Mayors' Forum. Linda Hoffman reviewed the Jail Advisory Committee's progress and Mary Dean, Community Youth Services, spoke of plans to have young people available for work experience during the summer. f. Council - Councilmember Curry reported on attending a two day seminar sponsored by J2 Knight. The twelve panelists represented science, theology, and academics. She felt the seminar was interesting and has videos if anyone wouldlike to see them. Councilmember Miller reported on attending the Law and Justice meeting. A fact finding project is underway at this time and results will be available in approximately two weeks. Discussion followed on the new holding facility which is not expected to provide additional space, but to ease current overcrowding. . g; Park Use Requests. It was noted that special cleanup provisions would be required to use a horse drawn buggy for the wedding. 97-30 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING PARK USE REQUESTS FOR SPRING FEST , KIWANIS CAR SHOW & SHINE AND TH:E BLOCKER WEDDING. CARRIED. h. Correspondence was reviewed. 11. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. . ~.~ Jlr'4~ Ka M. olf, Mayor 1/22/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\2-12mn97 Page 3 Authenticated: /) . /) !( ()Jlf4 ;u 0 L~z- Agn& P. Bennick, City Clerk- Treasurer 1/22/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\2-12mn97 Page 4