06/25/1997 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1997 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7 :30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Members present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Adam Rivas. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam, and Brian Asmus. Guests:, Dan Fisher, Nisqually Valley News, and Tom Skillings, Skillings Connolly, Glen Cunningham, and Gail Rivas. 2. Agenda. 97-105 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM 2A. CARRIED. a. Mayor Wolf announced that while attending the A WC Conference she had been surprised with the presentation of special recognition award. The award was for the Skateboard Park and had been nominated by a private citizen. She presented the award to Chief Dunnam, who expressed his thanks and added that the award really belodgs to the citizens involved in bake sales, yard, sales, and other fund raising activities. MJyor Wolf agreed but pointed out that without a chairman none of it would have happened. I 3. Minutes 97-106 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE JUNE 11, 1997 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. V oucher Approval 97-107 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 6477-6507, TOTALING $19,814.56. CARRIED. 5. Payroll Approval 97-108 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE JUNE PRELIMINARY PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions - Glen Cunningham expressed concern over the traffic situation in front of the post office, and asked if the yellow standards would be replaced on Yelm Ave? Councilmember Rivas added that left turns into the post office are creating a passing on the right situation which is both illegal and dangerous. Ken Garmann responded that he would look into the situation, ~nd added that replacement may be cost prohibitive as the post office plans to move later this year. Brian Asmus added 6/25/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc. 97\6- 25mn97 Page 1 that the road markings had just been repainted a solid yellow simulating a raised concrete barrier. 7. New Business:' a. Timberland Regional Board of Trustees Meeting - Minutes 5/28/97 Mayor Wolf explained that Timberland Library Board member Bill Lawrence was reported in the 5/28/97 minutes as saying "he would like to hear from a representative 'of Yelm in regards to funding for a new library in Yelm." Additionally, a recent newspaper article has generated a lot of comment on the situation. Mayor Wolf expressed her thought that Council may need to reassess the City's position on a library facility. City staff was requested to pull together figures concerning the City's cost, past and present~ for library services, the cost sheet was included in Council packets. In past facility planning ,work sessions, Council prioritized City needs as 1) Sewer/Water Reuse project; 2) Replacing the public works facilities; 3) Addressing City Hall space needs; 4) Police Department facilities; and 5) Identified as a want, not a need, a Library/Community Center. Councilmember Rivas asked if we needed a meeting with Timberland to let them know where we are? Mayor Wolf indicated that she had met with a Timberland group earlier in the day, and that the group felt that if the Yelm Friends of the Library were not successful in efforts to.build a new library, perhaps an additional expansion of hours of operation would be possible. Another possible but unexplored option might be an additional storage building located close to the present facility. Dan Fisher add,ed that the Rainier City Council is talking about the possibility of a library in the old school building, and that if that occurs, it could take some of the pressure off Yelm' s facility. Mayor Wolf requested Council feelings on the situation. Council consensus was that they are sympathetic to and recognize the library's needs, however, the City is providing the maximum library support possible. b. Ordinance 600 - Fireworks Agnes Bennick gave an overview of the staff report explaining that the change was requested by Chief Dunnam and incorporated recent changes made by the legislature .including expansion of the hours when fireworks could be sold and/or used. Additional information provided was a letter from Frank Jones concerning problems experienced over the 4th of July last year. The ordinance would not take effect for one year. 97-109 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANClt 600 DEALING WITH FIREWORKS. CARRIED. . 6/25/97 City Council Minutes ab \ms\cc.97\6- 25mn97 Page 2 c. Ordinance No. 602 97-110 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF A MONTHLY STIPEND IN LIEU OF MEDICAL INSURANCE TO OFFICER DENHAM. CARRIED. d. Resolution 363 - Shelly Badger explained that this is a requirement for receiving the Community Development Block Grant funding for water system improvements. She added that this resolution does not change existing Police Department Policy provisions. Councilmember Miller questioned the need for passing a resolution duplicating existing policy. Shelly Badger responded that it is a granting agency requirement. 97-111 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 363, ADOPTING AN EXCESSIVE FORCE POLICY. CARRIED. OPPOSED: COUNCILMEMBER MILLER. e. Resolution 364 - Councilmember Rivas and Miller questioned the applicability of this resolution to the project. Shelly Badger explained that this is also a granting agency requirement. 97-112 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 364, A RESIDENTIAL ANTI- DISPLACEMENT AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN. CARRIED. OPPOSED: COUNCILMEMBERS MILLER AND RIVAS. 8. Old Business: a. Ordinance 601 - Agnes Bennick gave an overview of the staff report explaining the goal of the loan is to allow the fund to move towards regular monthly transfers to debt service and loan repayment funds. Shelly Badger added that additional dollars are expected from remaining sewer construction grants. 97-113 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING ORDINANCE 601 AN INTERFUND LOAN FROM UDAG (198) TO THE SEWER FUND (412). CARRIED. ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER MILLER. b. Pratt Annexation Public Hearing Date. Shelly Badger explained that the Yelm Planning Commission would hold a public hearing and make a recommendation prior to Council's public hearing. 97-114 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JULY 23, 1997 FOR THE PRATT ANNEXATION (ANX-978191-YL). CARRIED. Mayor Wolf announced a break from 8:17 to 8:25 to allow work session preparation to be completed. 6/25/97 City Council Minutes ab \ms\cc. 97\6- 25mn97 Page 3 9. (8:25 pm) Work Session - Dealing with real property, negotiations concerning grants, loans and LIDs related to the Water Reuse Project. Shelly Badger reviewed progress in the goal to raise $9.1 million for the Water Reuse Project. The City has successfully gathered commitments of $3,400,000 in grants and $4,700,000 in loans. Meetings with Tom Skillings and Sandy Mackie to develop a private funding component to raise the remaining $1 million have been held. Shelly explained that tonight, Council would be reviewing funding recommendations for consideration and approval prior to discussion with Yelm developers. Other information provided was that completion of the project will require an addition $3 million for lines, and that a $1 contingency fund is included. Shelly Badger explained that the project included upgrading the sewer plant treatment capacity from 300,000 gallons per day to 1 million gpd. The initial water reuse component -was directed at utilization in the SW Yelm area, however, the presentation offers alternatives refocusing utilization to a Yelm "core" area, with planned considerations for development in the S W Yelm area. Tom Skillings presented conceptual ideas on possible locations for rapid infiltration basins to be used for gradual groundwater recharge. Basins, located in various areas, - would consist of ' three individual sand lined ponds. Water would fill the first pond of the first basin, then be diverted to fill the first pond of each of the other basins. When the first pond in each basin is filled, water would be routed into the second pond of the first basin, and so on. Additional storage/uses include a 650,000 gallon tower that could be located in the Industrial area to meet water demand and improve fire flow, a constructed wetlands and infiltration basin at Yelm High School, and City irrigation needs at Cochrane, Yelm, and the Canal Rd. parks. Other possible uses include a poplar/cotton wood plantation. Tom Skillings and Shelly Badger distributed economic analysis and cost projection information, explaining that the material is based on estimates, and emphasi?:ed that they had been very cautious in projecting population increases in developing the information. Twenty year population projections were based on 50% of Comprehensive Plan figures, and used a 1997 population of2036 (already exceeded) and a 2016 population of 6133. Estimates at year 2016 show sewer plant treatment of 588,756 gallons per day, annual plant operating costs of$I,506,450, and combined hookup and service fees of $1,941,661. Growth was distributed estimating infilling in existing service areas at 258 units (14 per year) and generating $3,000 revenue per year; 750 units (38 per year) in a LID service area, generating $5,300 per year, including $2,300 ply in LID assessments; and 710 units (36 per year) in new service areas generating $6,200 per year, including $3,200 for new hook-up fees. The cost structure anticipates a maximum monthly sewer charges of$36.00. Discussion continued on the individual strengths of two proposed LID scenarios. One identifies specific contiguous areas within the City and exempts existing single-family homes 6/25/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\6-25mn97 Page 4 on property not likely to redevelop. The alternative would identify pods of property most likely to develop and form LIDs to senie the pods. To allow construction of new sewer facilities to begin before the end of the year a proposed schedule, including meetings with key property owners to explore LID op#ons, was presented. . 97-115 . MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PROCEED IN EXPLORING THE LID CONCEPTS AND PROPOSALS. CARRIED. 10. Reports: , a. . Council Liaison 1) City Hall - Councilmember Parsons reported on a new edition of the newsletter that" includes a customer service survey, "and participation in the Community Youth Services Program. 2) Court ..: Councilmember Lawton reported that he had spoken with Hanni Lilly. and that everything was going smoothly. 3) Public Works - Councilmember Miller gave an overview of the written report and updated Council on progress in resolving right-of-way issues that are stalling the Five Comers Project. Councihnember Miller also reported that the recent Y-2 TAC meeting resulted in dropping plans 5,6, and 7, as they did not meetstatep goals. A. newsletter will be prepared explaining the rationale for dropping the options. The remaining options are close to the original 1991 plan. Mayor VI olf expressed her thanks to Fiona Reeves and the Nisqually Valley News for allowing the City to respond to questions raised by a concerned citizen in a letter to the editor. Councilmember Rivas commended Hilltop Construction for the manner in which they performed .work on Creek Street. ' 4) Police- Brian Asmus reported that 585 incidents, generating 273 police cases were generated between 6/1/97-6/25/97, and on training Yelm's officers paiticipated in during the month. A detailed account was provided in the Police Report. Additional items reported included the Seattle to Portland Bike Run -- riders moved through.the City with few problems-- and office assistant interviews. b. ParklPark Use Requests: " .97-116 . MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS. LAWTON APPROVING A PARK USE REQUEST FOR THE JULY 12, ALLYHS . CLASS REUNION. CARRIED. c. Mayor's Report: Mayor Wolf reported on meetings attended including: a meeting in Eatonville, a meeting with a citizen, a meeting with library representatives, a meeting with the CAO. Two receptions were also attended one for retiring Civil" S~rvice Commissioner Harry Hutnik, and the other for Vern Prell, w~o has began 6/25/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc. 97\6- 25mn97 Page 5 working for the City in a retraining program a year ago. Mayor Wolf thanked Councilmembers Parsons and Curry for attending an EDC function and Councilmember Curry for attending the Nisqually River Council meeting. 11. Correspondence reviewed included the 1998 Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority assessment of$744. Additional Item: Shelly Badger reported that a float committee formed to plan for the Prairie Days parade held their first meeting. She and updated Council on suggestions for participation 12. Adjourn: 10:00 K!~~l~t~4 Attest: 6/25/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\6-25mn97 Page 6