11/12/1997 Minutes CITY' OF YELM CITY COUNCIL,MINUTES NOVEMBER 12,1997 1. Mayor Kathryn Wolf opened the meetIng at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. ~ 2. 97 -206 3. 97-207 4. 97-208 5. 97-209 6. Members present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Adam Rivas. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Ken Garman, Glenn Dunnam, Brian Asmus, Annette Laughlin, Tim Peterson, Jon Yanasak, Steve Gemmill, and Agnes Bennick. Guests: Glen Cunningham, Nancy Callihan, Rick Roberts, John Klapp, Helen Frost, Gayle Pritchett, E. Butch, EJ Curry, Jane Gerrer, Alenda Michael, Joanne Tarascio, Michelle Barlow, Timothy Persons, Naomi Robles, Catherine Flick, Keith mis, , Heather Davis, Rosie Jacobs, Mariah Wood, Tom Holthaus, James Phillabaum, Ruth Stambaugh, Lance KUrland, Lori Bergman, Gillian Pearce, Sandra Rekward, Brad Wood, Lisa Reynolds, Holly Clark, Rainer Jacobs, Bill Trull, Lori Hoover, andEd Hassan. Agenda approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA. CARRIED. Minutes approval. Regular meeting October 22, and Budget Sessions October 7, 14, , 21,28,1997. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING ,THE MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. V oucher approval. 1 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #7151-7258. CARRIED Payroll approval. MOTION BY ,MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE FINAL OCTOBER 1997 PAYROLL CHECKS #938-1017. CARRIED. Department of Ecology - Sewage Treatment Award Presented to Jon Yanasak and Steve Gemmill by Darre1 Anderson. From a prepared statement from the Director, it was stated that 325 facilities were evaluated and 22 communities, Statewide, were presented awards for exceptional Water Quality and being in compliance for 1996. 7. OAPCA and Amtech Appeal Petition'- (Exhibits I, II, III 11/12/97 CC) Presented by Nancy Callihan, representing Yelm For Clean Air. Nancy began by 11/12/97 City Council Minutes. . ab\ms\cc.97\11112mn.doc Page thanking the Mayor and City Council for allotting this time to speak. Petitions (Exh I) signed by 1,926 residents and concerned people from Yelm. Callihan questioned whether sections 9.11 (c) and 9.23 of the OAPCA regulations were being violated. A list of four demands that the group would like to see enacted were supplied in Ms. Callihan's letter (Exh II). A letter (Exh III) from the Congress of the US, Office of Technology Assessment was presented to the Council by John Klapp. 8. Public Hearing - Amendment to the 1992 Transportation Plan. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:50 pm, and announced the time, place, date, and reason for the. hearing. No objections to participants were voiced. Cathie Carlson, City Planner presented the City Council with a staff report recommending City Council to approve the Transportation Plan update. Three primary amendments were proposed. . It was agreed that an InterCity Transit letter would be provided to City Council. Don Miller stated there be changes on pg. 14, Prairie View Elementary be changed to Prairie Elementary, and pg. 10, Wildersen be changed to Wilkerson. Mayor Wolf called for any additional comments or questions. Being none, the public hearing was closed at 8:03 pm. 97-210 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO APPROVE THE TRANSPORTATION PLAN INCLUDING THE THREE AMENDMENTS. CARRIED. 9. Public Hearing - 1998 Revenue Sources Ordinance 608-1998 Property Tax Rate Increase Ordinance Resolution 368-1998 Property Tax Rate Increase Resolution Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 8:04 pm, and announced the time, place, date, and reason for the hearing. Mayor Wolf then asked that this public hearing be continued at the November 25th City Council meeting with more research from staff, to reassess our situation for adjustment. It was also stated the our City is exempt from some Referendum 47 requirements because we are under 10,000 people. Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:05 pm. 97-211 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING: 1998 REVENUE SOURCES ON NOVEMBER 25, 1997. '10. Public Comment/Questions Mayor Wolf stated that there could be five speakers at no more than three minutes each. EJ Curry stated that Mill Rd could become a hazard, due to the width of the road, being able to handle the school buses, fire trucks, and new residents. Mayor Wolf stated that these comments would be passed on tothe School, Fire Department and Police Chief. Additional comments on the OAPCA situation were made by Helen Frost, Rick . 11/12/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\11112mn.doc Page 2 Robertson, Alenda Michael and Gayle Pritchett. Mayor Wolf stated that the environmental review was turned over to the proper authorities for due process. 11. Old Business a. ANX-8201YL and ANX-8200YL, Morris Road. Cathie Carlson presented City Council with a staff report, dated November 4, 1997, including background and exhibits demonstrating both separate and combined consolidations, with a staff recommendation to consolidate the above referenced annexation boundaries (Exhibit N) which would include Bald Hill/Morris Rd right-of-way and Morris Rd realignment. Adam Rivas questioned whether this decision would be most beneficial to the City. Cathie Carlson state that Exhibit N would satisfy the most people. It was also stated that the Council could deny the request. Adam Rivas opted for this choice. 97-212 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON TO VOID ANX- 8201 YL AND ANX-8200YL WITH A REASSIGNMENT OF BOUNDARY AS PER EXHIBIT IV. CARRIED. OPPOSED COUNCILMEMBER ADAM RIVAS. 12. New Business a. Ordinance No. 609 Repealing and ReplaCing the Current Lodging Tax Ordinance. Agnes Bennick stated that we would create a new Ordinance to bring us in compliance with the new law. 97-213 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 609 REPEALING AND REPLACING THE CURRENT LODGING TAX ORDINANCE. CARRIED. , ' b. Resolution 369 - 1998 CDBG. Shelly Badger stated this was to authorize Mayor Wolf to sign the Community Development Block Grant. 97-214 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING RESOLUTION 369 - 1998 CDBG. CARRIED. 13. Reports a. Library - Written report. b. Mayor's - Meetings attended: EDC/Port, YMC accelerated reading, EDC Board, Budget, Building Inspector interviews, Camp Sonshine V{sit, Mayor's Forum, Hearing Examiner, TRPC. It was also stated that there would be a 4: 15 pm, budget meeting on Thursday, November 13, and another meeting Tuesday, November 18, following the 4:00 pm, Holiday Greetings message. : c. Council - Velma Curry stated, meetings attended were Park's Advisory Board and the Jail Meeting. 11/12/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\11/12mn.doc Page 3 14. Executive Session- At 8:43 pm, Mayor Wolf, closed regular meeting stating that Council would go into Executive. Session for approximately 20 minutes to consider the acquisition of real estate issues. At 9:50 pm, Mayor Wolf reopened the regular meeting. 97-215 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TO AUTHORIZE KEN GARMANN TO DISCUSS AND INVESTIGATE A FORMATION OF A PRIV ATE COALITION TO CONSIDER A REAL ESTATE PURCHASE. CARRIED. 97~216 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO AUTHORIZE KEN GARMANN, WITH THE CITY OF YELM, TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATION WITH AND INDIVIDUAL ON A 7.63 ACRE PARCEL FOR FUTURE PUBLIC WORKS YARD. CARRIED. 15. Correspondence was included in packets for review. 16. Adjourn: 9:20 pm.' ~/??J.WcIJ Kat n M. 01f, Mayor fZ:!:/J-' Authenticated: 11/12/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\11/12mn.doc Page 4.