11/25/1997 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 1997 1. Mayor Kathryn Wolf opened the meeting at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Members present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, and Adam Rivas. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Ken Garman, and Annette Laughlin. Guests: Glen Cunningham, Nancy Callihan, Rick Roberts, Helen Frost, Kelly Peterson, and Jim & Dorothy Brown. 2. Agenda approval with additions, 2. a. and 5. a. 97 -217. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH ADDITIONS, 2a-ADMINISERING OATH OF OFFICE TO ADAM RIVAS AND 5a-HEARTW ALK. CARRIED. a. Oath of Office - Adam Rivas. 3. Minutes approval. November 12, 1997. 97-218 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. V oucher approval. 97-219 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #7273-7307. CARRIED 5. Payroll approval. 97-220 MOTION BY VEL~CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS . APPROVING THE ~N~VEMBER 1997 PAYROLL CHECKS TOTALING $101,172.52. CARRIED. a. HeartWalk- Awards were presented by Martha Parsons to Adam Rivas, Shelly Badger, John Thompson, Glen Blando, EJ Curry, Kathy Wolf- Top Walker, and Ken Garmann- Second Walker. . 6. Public Comment/Questions Mayor Wolf stated that there could be 5 speakers for 3 minutes each. Kelly Peterson addressed Council as to why there was no response to the requests in 11/25/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\11/25mn.doc Page 1 Nancy Callihan's (Yelm for Clean Air) letter, presented at 11/12/97 Council meeting. Mayor Wolf stated that they had prepared a letter to present to Ms. Callihan. Council read the prepared letter and authorized Mayor Wolf and Shelly Badger to sign. 97-221 . MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO AUTHORIZE MA YOR WOLF AND SHELL Y BADGER TO SIGN LETTER TO NANCY CALLIHAN-YELM FOR CLEAN AIR- IN RESPONSE TO HER REQUESTS IN A LETTER PRESENTED TO COUNCIL ON 11/12/97. 7. Mill Circle Estates Final Plat Approval. Staff Report was given by Cathie Carlson. Staff recommends approval of project. 97-222 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO APPROVE MILL CIRCLE ESTATES FINAL PLAT AS FORWARDED BY PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED.. 8. Mill Park Place Final Plat Approval. Cathie Carlson presented Council with a Staff Report, recommending approval of project. 97-223 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO APPROVE MILL PARK PLACE FINAL PLAT AS FORWARDED BY PLANNING COMMISSION. 9. Public Hearing - 1998 Revenue Sources Continued from 11/12/97. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 8:08 pm, and announced the time, place, date, and reason for the hearing. No objections to' participants were voiced. Mayor Wolf asked for comment or questions. Shelly Badger explained that on the second page of the Ordinance the rate per thousand was to go down from 2.769 to 2.557. Shelly Badger also explained that the Tax Certification was to authorize Mayor Wolf to sign for the amount of$383,456 for the calendar year 1998. It was also explained by Shelly Badger the reason for having these three steps was due to the passage of Referendum 47. With no additional comments ,or questions, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at . 8:12 pm. 97-224 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 608-AD VALOREM TAXES FOR 1998. CARRIED. 97-225 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 368. CARRIED. 97-226 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS to APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN PROPERTY TAX CERTIFICATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $383,456. CARRIED. 10. Public Hearing - 1998 Final Budget. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 8: 13 pm, and announced the time, place, date, and reason for the hearing. She also stated 11/25/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\11125mn.doc Page 2 that she would like to continue the public hearing until 12/10/97 . Shelly Badger presented Council and public with a Staff Report, highlighting the 1998 Final Budget and recommending continuation at the December 10, 1997, City Council meeting. With no further comments or questions, the public hearing was closed at 8 :26 pm. 11. Old Business a. LID Formation Update. Shelly Badger stated that on October 22, 1997 a thirty day prot~st period was started'and ended on November 21, 1997 with no protest. This declares the Ordinance Final, and staff recommends authorization to proceed with process. 97-227 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PROCEED WITH ACCEPTING AND PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS FOR NEW CAPACITY OF LID. 12. Reports a. Council Liaison Reports 1. City Hall - Martha Parsons reported that drop:-box has not been installed yet, a new postage meter and been purchased and is in use, dog-license-by-mail will be available in our December Newsletter. The Planning Commission will hold a second public hearing to finalize amendments to the Zoning and Road Standards. Also, a sub- committee, appointed by the Mayor, has been selected to work on the Sign Codes. 2. Court - a written report was provided. 3. Public Works - Ken Garmann updated, by stating that the PW Secretary position has been closed and applications being reviewed. Building Official position has been re-opened and approximately 170 announcements were mailed to other jurisdictions. . Yelm Creek clean-up is going well. The North end, from Crystal Springs, has been cleaned. All culverts were cleared. Mayor Wolf suggested sending Thank - Y ou letters to those who were involved. 4. Police - It was reported that a moti~n to authorize Bid Procedures for 1998 Police Vehicles was needed. Shelly Badger stated that with the bid procedure, time will be saved. A Written report was also provided. 97-228 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO AUTHORIZE BID PROCEDURE FOR 1998 POLICE VEHICLES. CARRIED. 5. Parks - Velma Curry announced Christmas in the Park would take place December 6, 1997, with the parade starting at noon, and the Grand Marshal would be Jan Loutzenhiser. b. Mayor's - Meetings attended: Economic Development, 11/18- Budget, Chamber, Tel greetings taping, last Budget, NRC, regular Executive with Shelly Badger, Heartwalk meeting with Martha Parsons. c. Council - Thank you letter from Lorene Rang, Yelm Middle School, for DARE involvement with 7th grade football. A written Liaison and Meeting A~signment 11/25/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\11/25mn.doc Page 3 .' . , . report was discussed and Council was asked to select 1998 assignments and meetings. d. Water Reuse - Adam Rivas reported that we were to go to bid on 11/21/97, and a plaque was presented by Dept. of Ecology, and open bids will be 1/9/98. e. Financial - Velma Curry stated that there was a written report. 13. Y-2 Project Worksession Perry Shea, SCA Engineering, along with staff:'Ken Garmann, Cathie Carlson, and Shelly Badger, were on hand to give a Y-2 project update and discuss the expansion of the project scope to include a study of the Y-3 corridor. The study identified 13 project goals, with the first goal to reduce traffic congestion on Yelm Avenue. Preferred alternatives have been studied since early 1997 and a preferred option is ready for environmental documentation. Based on the environmental scoping and technical studies conducted to date, a concern was raised (after the August Open House) by Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), that neither the construction ofY-2 or the Y-3 corridors would independently satisfy the purpose of the project, to reduce current and future 'congestion (SR 510/507 traffic) on Yelm Avenue to a reasonable level where these facilities would not need to be widened. 'According the FHWA (in a letter dated November 13,1997), '"since one corridor is dependent upon the other to achieve the purpose and goals, even though the construction phase of the project could or would be phased, under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) provision, the entire project (Y-2 and '1-3) must be analyzed to determine the environmental impacts of the total undertaking." Perry explained that because the Y-2 and Y-3 corridors are planned to be future state highways, it is critical that the WSDOT and FHW A's concerns be addressed and that the environmental and engineering studies be consistent with NEPA.' Perry went on to explain that if the City council chose to expand the project scope to include the Y-3 corridor, that a supplemental contract would be drafted by SCA Engineering for Council review and consideration. Approximately 500/0 of the project budget has been spent to date and the Y-3 corridor study could be completed to the same level as the Y -2 study with the remaining budget. If this option were approved, the completed product would be a full corridor study of both Y -2 and Y - 3 with a preferred alternative for each. Then the City would need to seek funds from Thurston Regional Planning Council (federal funds), WSDOT or other available sources to complete the necessary environmental documentation on the Y-2/Y-3 corridors. Because Thurston Regional Planning Council approved the $185,000 grant which funded the Y-2 study, Perry, Ken and Bob Holcomb (WSDOT) briefed the Thurston Regional Technical Advisory (staff) Committee on November 6 on the status of the Y- 2 project and the need to include the Y-3 corridor study to meet NEPA requirements. The Committee will brief the Transportation Policy Board ( a sub-group of elected officials of Thurston Regional Planning council) in December and hopefully they will concur with the need to evahmte both Y-2 and Y-3. ,There may be a need to also brief the Thurston Regional Planning Council depending on the Policy Board's direction. 11/25/97 City Council Minutes ab\ins\cc.97\l1l25mn.doc Page 4 97-229 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS BASED ON TRANSPORTATION POLICY BOARD (TPB) AND THURSTON REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL (TRPC) APPROVAL (IF DEEMED NECESSARY) THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZES THE CONSULTANT, seA ENGINEERING, TO PREPARE A SUPPLEMENT CONTRACT TO EXPAND THE PROJECT SCOPE TO INCLUDE THE Y-3 CORRIDOR TO SATISFY FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION'S (FHWA) REQUIREMENT IN ADDRESSING ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS. CARRIED. 14. Correspondence was reviewed, included was discussion of Yelm Cove Apartments increase of rent. 15. . Adjourn: 10:02 pm. ~J?r1,tJ4 Ka n M. off', Mayor Authenticated: ~u y!) 0J/Mltl,( AfWes P. Benruck, CIty Clerk 1 1125/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\11/25mn.doc Page 5