12/10/1997 Minutes 'CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 10,1997. 1. Mayor Kathryn Wolf opened the meeting at 7: 3 0 pm. All present joined in the flag sal ute. Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Adam Rivas. Guests: Donna Porter, Dominic Rivas, Bill Trull, Lori Rooner, Ed Hussan, Glen..Cunningham and .Myranda Smith. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, .Glenn Dunnam and Brian Asmus, and Agnes Bennick. Mayor Wolf explained that the ne'xt order of business would be administering the oath of office for newly elected and reelected positions. Existing terms expire on December 31 and new terms begin January 1. Councilmember Amos LaWton administered the oath of office to Mayor Wolf, and Councilmembers Rivas and Curry, and Glen Cunningham. . 2. Agenda approval . 97-230 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIvAS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS ,PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. 97 -231 Minutes Approval MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY Al\10S LAWTON THAT THE 'NOVEMBER 25, 1997 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED TO INCLUDE THE WORD REPORT ADDED TO ITEM 12, a, 4. CARRIED. 97-232 M9T10N BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVlNG BUDGET WORK SESSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 4,13, AND 18. CARRIED. 4. V oucher Approval 97-233 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 7319-7429, TOTALING $270,587.42. CARRIED. 5. 97-234 Payroll Approval - Preliminary December 1997 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE DECEMBER 1997 PRELIMINARY PAYROLL. CARRIED. Amended by motion 98-04 on 1/14/98. Increase Councilmember Rivas' pay to $200 for this month only to catch up an underpayment. Yelm City Council ab \mso \cc. 97\ 12-1 Omn Page, 1 6. Public Comment/Questions - None 7. Public Hearing - ANX-978205-YL, Yelm Ave. and Morris Rd. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:39 pm and stated the time, place, date, and purpose for the hearing. No objections were voiced to any participants. Shelly Badger gave the staff report explaining that the .annexation had been before Council at prior meetings presenting various annexation area options, and that tonight the issue would be open to receive public comment. Options include approval with staff directed to forward the annexation onto the Thurston Co. Boundary Review Board. This would be an exempt annexation because it is under ten acres. Mayor Wolf called for Public comments. Donna Porter or Roy questioned if there would be enough room at the site proposed for an AMPM Mini Mart. Badger responded that the City has been working with the owners and that although it is challenging site, they are able to meet all requirements at this time: The main . entrance will most likely be on Bald Hills Road with a 507 driveway located as far as possible from the comer. a. Mayor Wolf read into the record written testimony from Danny and Melanie Snapp favoring the annexation Mayor Wolf called for Council comments. Councilmember Rivas expressed his concern that the annexation was not in the best interests of the City. To Council's question, Badger responded that the zoning was C-2 (Commercial). Councimember Curry requested clarification of Councilmember Rivas' comment. Rivas responded . that the first appearance of this proposal showed a larger annexation area that included commercial and residential property that will be annexed at some point and that this seemed an appropriate time for that to occur. The size of the annexation area has been reduced to a point that it is now too small to be beneficial to the City. He also felt that it was the proponents responsibility to bring in the required 60%. Being no additional testimony, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:45 pm. 97-235 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING ANNEXATION 978205- YL FOR FORWARDING TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. OPPOSED: COUNCILMEMBER RIVAS. Shelly Badger added that the site plan review would not be accepted until after the annexation comes back before Council for final adoption. 8. Public Hearing - 1998 Final Budget (Continued from 11/25/97). Mayor Wolf reopened the public hearing, continued from November 25, at 7:47 pm and explained the reason for the hearing. Shelly Badger presented an overview of the sections included in the 1998 Budget Booklet. She explained that the first page is the ordinance adopting the budget. Yelm City Council ab\mso\cc.97\12-10mn Page 2 Appendix 1 presents an overview of the funds and an explanation of the transfers into and out of funds. Budget approval is at the fund level. Appendix IT includes the same salary schedule used in 1997 and shows actual 1998 salaries for all employees except law enforcement officers as the guild agreement is still under negotiation. Appendix III gives an overview of the employee benefit package. Following the appendices, the line item detail information is provided. The 1998 total budget is $15.4 million which includes $9.6 million for the Water Reuse Fund and $1 million for utility funds. The $1.9 million general fund includes $280,000 in transfers to support other funds. Badger expressed her thanks to the staff and department heads for their work in getting the budget ready for distribution. Mayor Wolf called for comment. There was no public comment. Additional questions concerned increased funding for the Senior Center and UCBO and the amount budgeted for EDC. Being no additional comment Mayor Wolf closed the hearing at 7 :52 pm. 97-236 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING ORDINANCE 610 ADOPTING THE 1998 CITY OF YELM BUDGET. CARRIED. 9. . New Business: a. Ordinance. 612 - Interfund Loan form Current to CDBG. Agnes Bennick explained that a loan was necessary to balance the fund for the end of the year. The negative balance is the result of a check being cut and held ready for release to the UCBO as soon as the reimbursement check is received from DCTED. Councilmember Miller asked if it was expected to take six month for the DCTED check to arrive. Bennick responded that it wasn't expected to take that long, but that the six month time frame was used in the ordinance to avoid the possibility of having to do another ordinance. 97-237 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 612 AN INTERFUND LOAN FROM CURRENT (001) TO CDBG (197). CARRIED. b. Ordinance 613 - Interfund Loan from UDAG to Sewer. Agnes Bennick explained that Reuse costs resulted in a shortfall to the Sewer Fund. The costs will be covered by EP A funding. Weare not able to put a definite date when we will Jeceive the money. 97-238 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING ORDINANCE 613 AN INTERFUND LOAN FROM UDAG (198) TO SEWER (412). CARRIED. Yelm City Council ab\mso\cc.97\12-10mn Page 3 c. Ordinance 614 - 1997 Budget Amendment. Agnes Bennick explained that a budget amendment is done annually to bring into balance budgeted and actual expenditures. 97-239 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING ORDINANCE 614 THE 1997 BUDGET AMENDMENT. CARRIED. 10; Old Business: a. Ordinance No. 611 - Amendment to the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County. Shelly Badger explained that amendments to the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County are permitted only once per year. This ordinance adopts the 6 year and 20 year street programs by reference. The ordinance includes Transportation Plan amendments including and adoption of the six year transportation plan revenue and expenditures and incorporating 1996 population and employment projections, and evaluates transportation needs for the next 20 year planning period. Also included are amendments to the Capital Facilities Plan that adopt a six year financial plan for 1996-2001. 97-240 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING ORDINANCE 611 AMENDING THE YELM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND JOINT PLAN WITH THURSTON COUNTY. CARRIED. b. Arts Commission Preliminary Information - Agnes Bennick reported that contact with Eatonville, Raymond, Olympia and Tacoma found Arts Commissions only in the larger two cities. Budgeted amounts for the combined Arts/Culture/Heritage Commissions ran between $108,000 - $636,000 and included full time staffing plus . . administrative expenses. Additional cities could be contacted if more information is needed. Following discussion Council consensus was that the City is very fortunate to have so many talented individuals in our community, but that the City lacks the staffing and funding necessary to support a commission. 11. a. Library Report - Kristin Blalack provided a written report for November and . explained some upcoming programs sponsored by the library including an adult reading program from January - March. b. Mayors Report - Correspondence included: 1) A letter from International Institute of Municipal Clerks announcing that Agnes Bennick has been awarded the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk. Agnes was congratulated and thanked Mayor Wolf, Council, and Shelly Badger for their support in this process. Yelm City Council ab\mso\cc.97\12-10mn Page 4 2) Copies of the City's insurance "report card" showing the City with an A rating and qualifying for zero deductible insurance. Mayor Wolf commended City staff for their efforts in achieving this rating. 3) 'Name change from. the Nisqually Clinic to the Yelm Family Medicine. 3) Upcoming Welcome to City Hall training offered by A WC on January 22 in Fife. 4) Information concerning a symposium on water reuse in February in Florida. It was recommended that Shelly Badger attend and. council approval was reque~ted. Funding in the Water Reuse Budget will cover the costs. Badger added that it is not a technical but a policy conference and .would . provide good information. 97-241 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING SHELLY BADGER'S TRAVEL TO THE FEBRUARY WATER REUSE SYMPOSIUM IN FLORIDA. CARRIED. Mayor Wolf reminded everyone that a farewell reception will be held for outgoing Councilmember Leonard "Amos" Lawton at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, January 14. . 1) Council liaison appointments were announced. 2) The 1998 meeting calendar was provided. c. Council Report - Councilmembers Parsons and Curry discussed the successful Christmas in the Park. Mayor Wolf commented that City Park had never looked lovelier and praised the job done by public works staff. Shelly Badger added that the event had been well attended and over 2,000 hot dogs had been served. d. Financial Report - Agnes Bennick gave an overview of November activity and pointed 'out that three funds ending the month with negative balances. had been balanced. e. Police Report - Chief Dunnam requested authorization to enter into a lease-3 year lease - purchase agreement for two 1998 police cars. The low bid of $21,779.28 came from South Sound Ford. Chief Dunnam will get the paperwork to Agnes. 97-242' MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING A THREE YEAR LEASE-PURCHASE FOR TWO 1998 POLICE VEHICLES AT A COST OF $21,779.28 FROM SOUTH SOUND FORD. CARRIED. Approval was also sought to sell the current DARE vehicle at state surplus and use whatever money is generated from the sale to purchase a replacement vehicle. 97~243MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LA WTON TO WHEEL AND DEAL AND SELL THE CURRENT DARE VEHICLE AND REPLACE IT WITH ANOTHER PURCHASED WITH THE PROCEEDS FROM THAT SALE. CARillffiD. ,', Chief Dunnam announced Police Commander Brian Asmus has become a regional Yelm City Council ab\mso\cc.97\1 2-1 Omn Page 5 trainer. Councilmembers were invited to participate in a firearms training simulation. .Each YPD officer will spend approximately 1/2 hour in the simulator. Neighboring law enforcement agencies have been invited to participate in the training. f. The November written court report was provided. 12. Executive Session- At 8:52 pm Mayor Wolf announced that Council would be going into Executive Session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss the possible acquisition of real estate. Mayor Wolf reopened the regular meeting at 9:08 pm. 97-244 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS AUTHORIZING KEN GARMAN TO HIRE AN APPRAISER TO LOOK INTO A. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION. CARRIED. 13. Correspondence was reviewed. 14. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. '?f~~) In, tJ4~ . KatHryn M. W f, Mayor . . Authenticated . /l'f P0' bJvq UL P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council ab\mso\cc.97\1 2-1 Omn Page 6