01/10/1996 Minutes Agenda Item/ Motion # 2. 96-001 3 . 96-002 CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY '10, 1996 1.' Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the 'flag salute. Council present: Don 'Miller, Martha Parsons, velma I Curry', Amos Lawton, and Bob Gallagher. Guests: Scott Dudley, Rainier City Council; Debra Del~ell, Skillings Connolly; Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News and Jay and Jan-Tribitt. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunn?m,' Ken Garmann and Agnes Bennick. Councilmembers Parsons and Curry were ~worn in for a new term. Agenda MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes - 12/13/95 MOTION BY MAR~HA PARSONS, APPROVING THE DECEMBER 13 I CARRIED. SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON 1995 MINUTES, AS PRINTED. 4. Vouchers 96-003 ,MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA, CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHER 19090 FOR $5,308.00 AND #19092-1922,5 FQR $386,190.14. TOTAL AMOUNT, APPROVED $391,498.14. CARRIED. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96 1/10/96 5. Public Comment/Questions - Mayor Wolf introduced Scott Dudley, Rainier Councilmember. Cbuncilmember Miller arrived and was sworn in for a new term. 6. ,New Business: a. Annexation Petition, Mountain View Road - Shelly Badger explained that this was a single owner annexation of approximately 4.69 acres. As the annexation reques~ is for less than 10 acres and under $1 million in value the annexation should be eligible for a waiver from the Boundary Re'view Board. Staff ,recommendation is for approval of the annexation request. PAGE 1 96-004 96-005 96-006 96-007 YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96 1/10/96 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE TRIBITT ANNEXATION PETITION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON .MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD. CARRIED. 7 . Old Business: a. Council Liaison Appointments. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER REAPPOINTING COUNCILMEMBER PARSONS AS MAYOR PRO-TEM FOR AN INDEFINITE LENGTH OF. TIME. CARRIED. ABSTENTION: MARTHA PARSONS. Mayor Wolf suggested that to best use Council and staff time, Councilmembers. schedule appointment times with Department Heads for regular meetings. b. Surplus '89 Ford Tempo MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING REQUEST TO SURPLUS '89 FORD T~MPO. CARRIED. 8. Reports: a. Library - November/December Report Mayor Wolf requested that Councilmembers attend the 1/23/96 Library Meeting at Yelm High School at 7:00 pm. b. Planning - The sign ordinance subcommittee has submitted a draft to the Planning Commission. Some revisions to the draft were recommended by the Commission. A revised Planning Department Update is available. Councilmember Lawton and Mayor Wolf praised Cathie Carlson's professionalism and ability to work with the community and Planning Commission. c. Parks - The 1/8/96 meeting was c;ancel.led.. The Public Works Department was commended for the great job they did on the Christmas Lights at the water tower. d. Police - Chief Dunnam requested approval of a bid "submitted by Capitol Chevrolet. The-bid is within the parameters of the budget. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING CAPITOL CHEVROLET'S BID FOR THE LEASE PURCHASE OF A 1996 POLICE VEHICLE. CARRIED. PAGE .2 A drawing of a new YPD police patch was shown to Councilmembers. Council consensus was to approve changing to the new patch. Chief Dunnam reported on the mock accreditation. He feels they will have no problems passing the accreditation inspection in March. Yelm's .08 DWI Ordinance has been struck down by the courts. The issue will come up in the legislature again this year. Staff will begin preparation on an amendment. Mayor Wolf requested that Councilmembers review the report on work needed at the Public Safe,ty, Building. Mayor Wolf also requested that the building official check out the situation as soon as possible and report back to the Mayor concerning any immediate hazards. 96-008 Approval was requested for the '96 Jail Contract. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE '96 JAIL CONTRACT. CARRIED. e. Public Works - Ken Ga'rmann reported on projects: Berry Valley Estates, a 21 unit subdivision; prairie Vista on Burnett Rd, 65 units; a waterline extension to increase fire flow capacity; correcting drainage problems on Cullens, Rdi and remodeling project. Debra Delzell, Skillings Connolly gave an update on the Water Reuse Project. g. Court - November and December stats were available. Councilmember Lawton reported that the original deadline for computer data input is not attainablel and an extension was requested. As the payment is coming out of approved budget funds no approval is necessary h. Water Reuse ~ Senate Bill 6149. Mayor Wolf brought Council up to date on the current status of bills. Shelly Badger reported that a lobbyist was hired in December to track progress on funding related bills. Kathleen Collins and Jackie White, both former AWC employees, have been hired for 3 months at a cost of $12,660.00. They are 'monitoring and advising of any changes. The feedback has been positive. Councilmembe'rs were reques~ed to attend hearings, if at all possible.A Senate Hearing is scheduled for 8 am tomorrow. i. Financial ~ Hope to close out end of year in 14-21 days " YElM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96 1/10/96 PAGE 3 j. Mayor - The post office is searching for land for a new facility between Burnett Rd~ and Four Corners and to a depth of four blocks. Funding for the proj ect funding has already been approved. Other items reported on: Christmas Pot Luck, Nisqually River Council, Mayors' Forum, Meetings with CAO, Tom Skillings, and Lobbyists; Blood Drive; Chamber State of the City Speaker; Friends of the Libr~ry and Historic Society Meeting; and Transportation policy Board & TRPC. Representatives are needed to attend: Heart Association Research Tour, UW, 2/14; Water Access Meeting at Thurston Co., 1/13; and Pacific NW Rail Corridor Meeting. k. Council Councilmember Gallagher attended the Transportation Policy Board Meeting. Discussion topic: possible scenarios to fund the Transportation Plan. Councilmember Miller - IT and CAPCOM meetings Legislative Action Consider attending. meeting. Conference Discussion February 7 at the next and 8 . Council "9. Correspondence reviewed included a request Southworth Elementary School for Guest Readers. from 10." Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. 1(4) Jij,9f1rd. Kaehryn M. Wolf, MayoF Attest: ~hYL Bennick, City Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96 1/10/96 PAGE 4