03/13/1996 Minutes Agenda Item/ Motion # 2. 96-037 3 . 96-038 4. 96-039 ';t': CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES . WEDNESDAY, .MARCH 13, 1996 1. Mayor Kathryn Wolf called the meeting to order a~ 7:30 pm. All present ,joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, and Bob Gallagher. Absent: Don Miller. Guests: Jeff McVickers and Up With People members; Bill. Trull, Bill's Towing; Tom Skillings, Skillings Connolly, Harold Robertson and Shuming Yan, Thurston Regional Planning Council; Sally Toteff, Thurston County Health Department; and Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam, and Agnes Bennick. Agenda MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes - 2/28/96 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING. THE FEBRUARY 28, 1996 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Vouchers: #19368 - 19481 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 19368-19481, TOTALLING $276,110.93. CARRIED. 5. Up With People - Jeff McVickers two young women cast members who explained that Up With People would be' in the area to perform at Yelm High School on Saturday, April 6 at 7:30. They are looking for host homes for group members during their stay and can be contacted at Key Bank. " 6. Harold Robertson, Thurston Regional Planni,ng Council, introduced Shuming Yan, TRPC's new Senior Transportation Planner. Mr. Yan spoke briefly about' his experience in other parts of the country and said he 'looked forward to working with Yelm's staff and elected officials. 7. I Sally Toteff, Thurston County Health Department - Ms. Toteff explained the background of the project and work accomplished under the Moderate Risk Waste Plan. The plan covers residential and commercial producers of hazardous waste with volume levels below 220 pounds per month. Yelm entered into an interlocal agreement with Thurston Co. for these services in 1991. At that time strategy established included an examination of the plan after five years. That review process is beginning and jurisdictions are being asked to indicate YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\3-13-96.MIN PAGE 1 96-040 whether or not they want to continue participat{ng as partners in the plan or to be responsible for their own plan. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY EXPRESSING INTENT TO CONTINUE YELM'S PARTNERSHIP IN THURSTON COUNTY'S MODERATE RISK WASTE PLAN. CARRIED. 8 . Tom Skillings, Skillings Connolly Update Water Reuse Project. Mr. Skillings identified the individual project contracts as: A. Treatment Plant; B. Water Lines; C. Storage Tank; and D. Constructed Wetlands. A diagram of treatment plant changes was displayed and Mr. Skillings explained the steps involved in the process from entry of waste water into the sequence batch reactor, then to lagoon treatment, mixing unit, sand filteis and disinfection chamber and finally to the storage tanks. The project is being planned and built to accommodate future expansion. proj ect requirements include redundancy at all treatment phases. In case of a failure experienced at any step of the process a like method/equipment will be available for replacement. The redundancy requirement adds a considerable amount to the cost of the project. 9. Public Comment - none 10. 96-041 New Business,: a. Ordinance #575 - request from Lilly for increased impress/change their own till to work from. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED ORDINANCE #575 INCREASING THE CHANGE/IMPREST FUND. CARRIED. Court Administrator Hanni funds to allow each clerk BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING YELM MUNICIPAL COURT 11. Old Business: a. Signatures for February '96 Payroll Approval Form payment was approved at the 2/28/96 meeting, Motion #96-030. b. Towing Agreement - Chief Dunnam reported that according to the WAC ,any towing company can respond to a state call, but the first vehicle sent must be a towing vehicle. In Yelm, we generally stipulate the type of vehicle desired, but have no requirement to do so. Chief Dunnam continued by stating that if a tow operator is licensed, they can go anywhere in the state. Yelm has no legal requirement to go to bids for a towing contract. Mayor Wolf thanked Councilmember Parsons, Shelly Badger and 'Chief Dunnam for looking into the situation and stated that the towing contract with Bill's Towing stands. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\3-13-96.MIN PAGE 2 c. Thermostats - Shelly Badge'r reported that inquiry into the possibility of using a timer to control thermostats eliminated that as an option. A recent air quality test resulted in a recommendation that the city change to programmable thermostats and possibly upgrade the fresh air intake grill. The staff recommendation is to install the thermostats now. Although not budgeted, money can be found to cover this expense. 96-042 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF TWO THERMOSTATS AND, POSSIBLE UPGRADE OF THE FRESH AIR INTAKE GRILL ,IN THE CITY HALL BUILDING. CARRIED. 12. Reports: a. Library - Kristin Blalack reported on usa~e increases, the VITA and Outreach Programs, and quil ts currently on display in the library. b. Planning - A public hearing on Design Guidelines has been continued and the Sign Code has been scheduled for Council consideration at the 3/27 meeting. Mayor Wolf read a letter evaluating the 'condition of the public safety building and explained the need to gather facts on anticipated costs of maintaining and repairing the city's buildings. She requested City Council work sessions at 6 pm, prior to regular council sessions on April 10 and 24. Council concurred. 96-042 c. Parks - Councilmember Curry reported on three parks use requests. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PARK USE REQUESTS FOR THE LION'S CLUB EASTER EGG HUNT ON 4/7/96, PASTOR TAYLOR'S REQUEST FOR AN ANNIVERSARY' PICNIC AND CELEBRATION ON 6/9/96. AND THE OLYMPIA YMCA'S REQUEST FOR SKATING AND PICNIC ON 7/16 AND/OR 6/17/96 WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE USE OF THE SKATEBOARD PARK WOULD NOT BE LIMITED TO USE BY THEIR GROUP ONLY. CARRIED. d. Police - Chief Dunnam reported on DARE graduations, the upcoming accreditation, potential costs of the Becca Bill, 'and the planned first ever in ranks inspection of officers and vehicles. Also reported was that Yelm was the first city to receive FEMA reimbursement for flood damages. Thanks was expressed, to the participating departments for their efforts. e. Public Works - Ken Garmann reported on recent activity including: planting of hawthorne trees" applications for a part-time position, Berry Valley Road improvements, and the need for matching funds to accu~ulate points when applying for grants. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\3-13-96.MIN PAGE 3 j, 96-043 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO COMMIT FUNDS FOR USE AS A MATCH ON THE FIVE CORNERS ROAD IMPROVEMENT GRANT APPLICATION UP TO THE EXPECTED MITIGATION AMOUNT. CARRIED. f. Court Shelly Badger reported that the court administrator was not able to give an estimated completion date for computer input at this time. g. Water Reuse - Shelly Badger reported that the legislative session had ended without passage of a capital budget. 'Council was asked to consider continuing the contract with Kathleen Collins and Jackie White between now and the next meeting when it will be an agenda item for discussion. h. Financial - Councilmember Gallagher reported that the court overtime line item is over by $566. Unemployment Insurance is also over the expected budget amounts and should be watched. i. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on attending several meetings incl uding: Thurston Regional Planning Council, DARE graduations, Nisqually River Interpretative Center, Mayors' Forum" and TRPC Transportation Planning Board. Councilmember's were asked to consider attending the Yelm Scholarship Committee Auction on 3/23 . Members of the committee working on Gene Borge's Retirement Party were commended. j . Council, - none k. Historic'- Agnes Bennick reviewed the staff report 'from the Historic Preservation Commission public hearing on the Brown House (Yelm Prairie Dental) and the Commission's recommendation of approval of placing the property on Yelm's Historic Register. .96-044 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE BROWN HOUSE FOR' INCLUSION ON THE YELM HISTORIC REGISTER. CARRIED. '13. Correspondence was reviewed. 14. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 pm. tr:x-h-JwrJ In, Jt4 Kathryn M. Wolf, May~r Attest: a;Jy; ;J r<tJ.1/;vICf.&'L Agne$ P. Bennick, City Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\3-13-96.MIN PAGE 4