05/08/1996 Minutes Agenda Item/ Motion # . 2. 96-067 3 . 96-068 4. 96-069 96-070 96-071 96.-072 CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1996 1. Mayor Kathryn Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. I Council present: Velma CurrYI Martha Parsorsl Amos Lawtonl Bob Gallagherl and Don Miller. Guests: Bi~l Trull, Bill/s Towing; Kristina LordI Nisqually Valley Newsll Ruth Jacobsonl Dean Hooper and Kristin Blalackl Yelm Librar~; Mary and Roger Dean, ~ntercity Transit; Jay and Jan Tribibt and Emma Jean LeMoine. Agenda MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS AMENDED BY THE ADDITION OF 7. b . 2 and 9. j . CARRIED. Minutes - 4/24/96 Worksession & Regular Meeting \ MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING I . THE WORKSESSION AND REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 24, 1996' AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 5. a. Bid Award I Staff Car MQTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA ~ARSONS AWARDING . THE BID FOR A CITY STAFF CAR TO LOWEST BIDDER BOONE FORD @ $18,175.32. CARRIED. \ b. Vouchers MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA \CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 19640-19735, TOTALLING $164,472.29. CARRIED. I a. Public Hearing ~ Mayor Wolf opened a public hearing on (ANX8165) the Tribitt Annexation located at 9244 Mt. View Rd. at 7:37 pm. No comments/questions raised. MJyor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:38 pm. I b. Ordinance No. 577 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 577, (ANX8165). CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions - none 7. New Business: a. Resolution No. 346 - Mayor Wolf explained that this is a housekeeping item formalizing existing policy a\llowing payment to elected officials if over 4 unpaid meetings are attended during the month. \ MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING . . I RESOLUTION NO. 346 WITH THE ADDITION OF THE WORD UNPAID BETWEEN THE WORDS FOUR AND MEETINGS IN PARAGRAPH 4, LINE 3. CARRIED.. b. (1) Tree Removal Request. Mayor Wolf read a letter from Yelm Veterinary Hospital requesting removal 'Of a tree located along Yelm Avenue near YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\5-8-96.MIN PAGE 1 96-073 9'6 - 074 1 ) Mt. View Road~ A postscript added to the ]etter questioned removal of a trash container in the same gen~ral area. Staff reported that the trash can had been' removed following several fires being set in it. 8. Mayor Wolf explained that removal of trees along YelmAve. re~uires City Council action. Possible solptions discussed included involving the Library Fundraising effort, a possible tree replacement program, and of the danger \posed by some of the trees during windstorms. City staff will evaluat~ the condition/health of trees along Yelm Ave. a~d report back to Council. . I . b. (~). Bill Trull expressed concern about a tree located along Yelm Ave. in front of his business and dhe potential for damage if the tree is uprooted in a storm. \ I Kristin Blalack expressed concern over removli.ng trees. Mayor Wolf explained that the evaluation would idrntify potential problems, and that trees determined to be a threat and removed could be replaced with new trees. I c. IT Letter of Support. I Mayor Wolf read a letter to be sent to Senators Gorton and Murray and Representatives Smith and Tate supporting funding to replace IT buses. Council consensus was that the letters of support should be sent. Copies were I\distributed' for signatures. . Old Business: I a. Emergency Facility Acquisition proj ecti. Mayor Wolf explained that this topic was discussed at dhe last meeting and that Thurston County 'was seeking suppo:rt of the plan before moving forward. \ Council discussed the value and need for the new facility, the expected lncrease in costs to the City, andj benefits to be derived from the project by all concerned. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY THAT THE MAYOR SIGN THE SUPPORT DOCUMENT. CARRIED. 1 b . Executive Session - Mayor Wolf aCknOWledg~d that the Ci ty had received CouncilmemberGallagher's lette~ of resignation effective 5/31/96. She then explained that Cquncil was going into Executive Session for approximately 15 m~nutes to review the applications received for this Council posi tion. The meeting was closed at 8:12 pm.. Mayor Wolf reopened the regular session at 8:Q6 pm. \ MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON NOMINATING . ADAM RIVAS TO THE COUNCIL VACANCY CREATED BY BOB GALLAGHER'S RESIGNATION. CARRIED. I I I c. Gang Enforcement. Task Force Proposal \ - Mayor Wolf explained that this letter is a follow-up to ~uestions about the program proposed by the Thurston Co. Pro~ecutor. Chief Dunnam indicated that this issue had been di$cussed by area police chiefs and their consensus was that this is a good solution. He expects additional discussion among police YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\5-8-96.MIN PAGE 2 chiefs on this issue in the future. 9 . Reports: a. . Library Kristin Blalack announced that circulation continues to increase, up 19% over April of l~st year; success of the Spring Story time series; a librar1IY tour, with a scavenger hunt; National Library Week, April 14-20; and other programs. 96-075 Letter of Support - Mayor Wolf explained that she had received a request from Friends of the Yelm Library President Ruth Jacobson concerning City support when applring for grants. Dean Hooper explained the need for figures to respond to questions from granting sources on local cbmmunity funding levels. I A draft response letter was read by Mayor %lf. Suggested changes to the letter were the addition pf a qualifying statement "at this time" in the explanation of why the City is not in a position to support a bond. AISp. added was the wording "possibly" to qualify the estimated amount of construction related fees the City might be rble to waive. Mayor Wolf added that it is best to be realistic about the City's financial situation. And that City's allowable level of indebtedness and its'ability to repay debt ar~ very different. Ruth Jacobson expressed that it is important ~o respond in the letter to what th~ Cit~ can dO: I.. Dean Hooper provlded lnformatlon on the number of llbrary cardholders, expected growth in the number of library users, items provided by Timberland, and results I of fundraising efforts to date. Although the fundraising ~roject has been successful, he indicated that broad commun~ty support with matching dollars will be necessary to construdt a new library. b. Planning - Shelly Badger reported that sbme progress has been made by the attorney on the Home Occupation Zoning Code Revision. He hopes to have a draft to Council for review at a one of the June meetings. I c. Police Chief Dunnam explained that several City vehicles would be taken to state auction! and requested approval to surplus one more. I MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING STAFF'S REQUEST TO SURPLUS A 1984 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON. CARRIED. Other items: Matt Rompa, formerly a reserve wIith Olympia, has been hired as Yelm's newest officer; initi~l investigation into the possibility of entering into al fuel purchase agreement with the school district is favorable, Councilmember Miller will meet with the school for furthe~ discussion; an AWC grant has ,been received for an officer to attend Emergency Vehicle Operator Class (EVOC). YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc. 96\5-8-96 .MIN ' d. Public Works - A Water System Report with recommendations was provided. Kristina Lord was commended for the "National Water Week" article in the Nisqually Valley News. Other I ! PAGE 3 items: water system leak repair continues; preparation has been completed on Yelm Ave. swales and wildflowers planted; Design Guidelines are at the Planning Cobmission public hearing stage, to Council next; Counc~lmember Miller questioned planning for time and financial r~sources for the maintenance of common areas deeded to the City. Staff responded that this is a cost of growth thdt is considered when plans are under review, and that many mbre miles of streets, etc. will be added. I A copy of a letter concerning on-street parking that is being sent to residents of various developments tvas provided to Council. I e. Court Report - April figures were prCDvided. Shelly Badger indicated that she had met with the cou~t administrator and they will meet again on Friday to diSCUSS] computer input. At this point the thought is that perhaps the court is trying to be too thorough and enter cases from too far back. f. Reuse - Right now we are in a holding pittern until May 20 while waiting to hear about possible fundihg to cover 2/3 of the cost of building phase'I and II. I '. . g. Financial - Councilmember Gallagher repJr~ed that while :r~:: ~~~ea~t:~e~~:~.exceeded expenditure prOjectionS. mo~t h. Mayor Mayor Wolf read Bob Gallagher's letter of resignation. Staff was asked to prepare a IJtter supporting a Scenic Highway Grant application for tHe brewhouse in Tumwater. Meetings: National Youth Servicbs Awards; Arts Council, Olympia Chamber Orchestra, Lobbyist1s, EDC, Chamber Auction, PD interviews, TRPC, Mayors' Forum, job description meeting, and Transportation Policy Board. i. Council - Councilmember Miller reported on IT proposed route change hearings. He believes that IT seems to be moving towards the conclusion that using the same stahdards for urban and rural ridership is probably not appropridte, and that a change in service levels based on this premise might damage the public's trust. Councilmember Curry indicated that she would have a progress report on the Jail Advisory Committee's prog~less at the next meeting. 10. Correspondence was reviewed. 11. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm. JrJ.Jt M. Wolf, Ma Clerk' YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\5-8-96.MIN PAGE 4