05/22/1996 Minutes Agenda Iteml Motion # 2. 96-076 3. 96-077 4. 96-078 96-079 CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1996 1. Mayor Kathryn Wolf called the meeting to oral er at 7: 30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Bob Gallagher, and Don Miller. Guests: Johili Huddleston and Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News. Agenda MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS AMENDED BY THE DELETION OF 8 a CARRIED. Minutes- 5/8/96 Regular Meeting . · 1 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE MINUTES OF .MAY 8, 1996 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 5. a. Payroll MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE MAY 1996 PAYROLL. CARRIED. I. b. Vouchers MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS ThAWTON APPROVING I PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 19738-19744, TOTALLING $1, p82. 67. CARRIED. a. Public Hearing - Mayor Wolf announced t~e date and time and opened the public hearing on the Comp Plan Amendment and Water Plan Amendment at 7:32 pm. I City Planner Cathie Carlson explained that tfue Comp Plan may I be amended only once per year. Because Yelm and Thurston Co. have a joint plan, Thurston Co. will also Ireview proposed amendments to ensure that they meet the county's approval. Public hearings on the county and local lev~l are required with any changes final in December. . I Cathie then gave an overview of her staff report and requested a recommendation to pass onto Thurston couhty for changes affecting the four areas she identified in rxhibits and on large maps. Cathie explained that the area identified on Exhibit 1 #1 is a change due to a recent anrtexationi #2 has been rezoned from Industrial to R-6i #3, shoJn on Exhibit 2, corrects boundaries/zoning of single owner proberties split by zoning designations or urban growth boundary designation; and #4, Exhibit I, a zone ch~nge that is incorredtly depicted on the current zoning map. i b. Cathie continued by requesting council approval of text changes to the Critical Areas Resource Lands !section of Ord. 555/YMC Title 14. Proposed changes would - delete the last- sente~ce of ,14. pi8. ?30 "To the exte~d of any !jurisdiction of the Clty thls ordlnance also applles to any real property within the urban growth area of Yelm design~ted by Thurston County." and, from 14.08.060 delete tfue words "the incorporated area and urban growth area of". YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\S-22-96.MIN PAGE 1 96-080 96-081 96-082 ,96-083 Water Comp Plan - Shelly Badger requested a motion entering .the April 30, 1996, Department of Health Water System Plan approval letter into the record. i Mayor Wolf called for questions. John Huddleston questioned the amount of property at Mill Rd. and SR50i being rezoned. Cathie Carlson responded that although she did not know the exact amount, it is approximately' 3 acres. Shelly Badger added that it is the corner only. ' Being no additional questions/comments, Mayorl Wolf closed,' the public hearing at 7:47 pm. ", MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA 'PARSONS THAT THE I PLANNING DEPARTMENT'S RECOMMENDATION BE FORWARDED TO THURSTON COUNTY FOR THEIR REVIEW. CARRIED. I MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER THAT STAFF , I PREPARE A TEXT CHANGE AMENDMENT TO ORD. 555 AND TITLE 14, , I ' REFLECTING THE RECOMMENDED TEXT CHANGES. CARRIED. I MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING I THE 4/30/96 LETTER FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF H~ALTH CONCER~ING THE SW DRINKING WATER OPERATION AND ENTERING IT INTO OUR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions - none 7. New Business: a. Elected Official to represent Yelm on the Thurston Co. Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). Countilmember Lawton I agreed to attend if the meetings don'tconBlict with youth meetings. He will, advise Mayor Wolf on Friday. b.. Salary SChedule Ordinance Amendment. I Councilmember Gallagher reported that the current treasu~erfs retirement prompted meetings to consider the best diredtion to take,in restructuring the front office. The commidtee recommended combining the clerk and treasurers positions: and creating a senior accounting clerk position. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER DIRECTING STAFF TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE COMBINING THE CLERK-TREASURER POSITION AND CREATING A SENIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK POSITION. CARRIED. 8. 9. Old Business: a. Agenda deletion. 10. Reports: a.Planning - Transportation Mitigation fIDr the New Post Office. Shelly Badger explained that this i~ an information only item. The plan described gives the post office the option of using an alternative to submitting the required Transportation ' Impact Analysis. Thisdlternative was developed so costs would be available for use! when bidding on the project. , , b. Regional Jail Advisory Committee - Councilmember Curry provided Status Reports. Shelly Badger outlinbd the structure of the committees. I c. Liaison Reports ' , . 1) Councilmember Parsons reported on changles suggested by Barb Christensen and Shari Gemmill resulting in a savings of both time and money. '96 Spring Clean-Up was not as well YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\S-22-96.MIN PAGE 2 J attended as in the past. Participants ~ncluded Dennis Walla6e, Yelm High School FFA along with four fFA members, the Chamber of Commerce, Beth Smith, all the pu1:Dlic works' guys I and Dana and Agnes. I 2) Court - Shelly Badger reported that she ~ad spent time in the court learning about the new computer systiem. The program appears to be beneficial for the City and I will, when the backlog has been entered, place a hold on licenses renewal for a variety of reasons. i Court Administrator Hanni Lilly proj ected the workload to continue until the end of July/August. As the! budgeted amount planned for computer input has been exceeded, Court Administrator Hanni Lilly proposed reduction~ in other court line items to cover the overage. i Shelly pointed out that although, the cost of input has exceeded the expectation, the overall cost isl still a bargain as the computer terminals, printer and software were provided by Office of the Administrator of the Courts ~t no cost to the City. I 3) Public Works - Tim Peterson reported that the cost of removing trees would be less than expected and that actual costs would be available at the next meeting. Tim also indicated that he could not provide information concerni~g the safety/soundness of the trees at this time. Council requested that information on the hea]th of the trees, safety issues and right-of-way location be prbvided for their consideration. I 4) Police - Councilmember Parsons reported that the Chief is in Kenniwick for the WASPC Conference and ttlat Donna McCann and Brian Asmus would join him tomorrow Ito receive the accreditation plaque. The latest AWC Pool Line has an article by the Chief on the accreditation process. 5) Reuse - Councilmember Gallagher reported that Mayor Wolf and Shelly will make a reuse presentation at the AWC Conference during the "Good Ideasll segment. Sbelly added that we are hoping for dollars to update the tre~tment plant and that she had attended a Water Reuse Workshon in Seattle and ~ ' was glad to see the enthusiasm and support for reuse as a way for small cities to solve water problems witfu small projects' that are not cos~ prohibitiV~. State .fun~ingliS the key. 'd. 'Mayor - Meetlngs/events/lnformatlon lncluded: Chamber of Commerce, with the new Port Director; Extension School, speaker; McKenna Elementary School careerl Day, speaker; Nisqually River Council at Pack Forest; Nisqually Land Trust - River Float in July; Festival of Waters, iti Yelm City Park again, permanent reservation for last sundav in September; ,Meetings - (1) Adam Rivas, (2) Shelly Badgerf; Tenino Splash Bash; EDC, Olympia. e. Council - Councilmember Curry reported on attending Park Advisory Board, Friends of the Library and Historic Society meetings. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\5-22-96.MIN PAGE 3 I Councilmember Miller attended Law and Justice and Yelm Community Schools presentation on interventiorh. and children at risk. He will be attending IT meetings in Y~kima for 4 days next week. . I f. Parks - Councilmember Curry reported thJt (1) The PAC is. interested in having a high school student dn the board but wanted Council approval. Council consensus[ supported this proposal. I . (2) The 3 responses for a landscape archite~t were reviewed by the PAC with their recommendation for selection being Robert W. Droll. 96-84 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE I PARKS ADVISORY BOARD'S RECO:MMENDATION OF ROBERT W. DROLL, I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, TO PROVIDE SERVICES FOR THE CANAL ROAD PARK. CARRIED. (3) Park Use Request 96-85 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING CITY PARK USE BY THE GIRL SCOUTS ON 6/2/96. CARRIED. 10. Correspondence wa~ reviewed. -t. 11. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm; K'ir~/!Jf ~~ Attest: Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\S-22-96.MIN PAGE 4