06/12/1996 Minutes Agenda Item! Motion # CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1996 1. Mayor Pro-Tern Parsons called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. 96-0B6 2. 96-087 3 . 96-088 4 . 96-089 Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, Don Miller, and Adam Rivas. Guest~: Joe Huddleston, Lyla Eide, Yelm Historic Society and Kristina Lord, NiSqUalli Valley News. a.Mayor Pro Tern Parsons explained that a nEtw Councilmember may not be sworn in until the resignation oB the, tndividual being replaced has become effective. A motion was requested. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON NOMINATING ADAM RIVAS TO COMPLETE THE TERM LEFT VACANT BY BOB GALLAGHER'S RESIGNATION. CARRIED. b. Mayor Pro-Tern Parsons administered the Okth of Office to Councilmember Adam Rivas. Agenda MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes - 5/22/96 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE MAY 22, 1996 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. a. Vouchers MOTION BY' AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA ICURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 19748-19856, TOTALLING .$282,651.39. CARRIED. 5. Vacant. 6. Public Comment/Questions - None 7. New Business: a. Yelm Historic Society - Lyla Eide explained that the Historic Society is ready to begin fund ~aising to build a museum on property donated by Roberta LongmirJ. Mayor Pro-Tem . Parsons presented a $100 donation from RUbY[EdwardS for the museum fund. Ms. Eide then expressed the need to demon trate Ci ty and citizen support for a museum when applying ff1r funding. She requested that Council co.nsider committing rvenue generated from Hotel/Motel taxes for museum funding. Mayor Pro-Tern Parsons explained that Rew's ~imit the use of this revenue and that Councilmember Curry haP. made a similar funding request on behalf of the Parks Advis~rYBoard. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6-12-96.MIN PAGE 1 ~. .. .. i I Joe Huddleston added that h,e had been contact:p by the Friends of the Library and that they supported the miseum effort and didn,' t feel. it woulS conflict with librar~y fund raising efforts. Councilmember Miller asked how much money was being requested. Mayor Pro-Tern Parsons responded thl t this is month to month revenue. Agnes Bennick added thaF it is in the neighborhood of $250 p/m. The reserve figure currently in the fund was estimated at $8,500. 96-090 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VEUMA CURRY THAT I HOTEL/MOTEL TAX .RESOURCES BE SPLIT 50/50 BErEN THE MUSEUM AND PARK. CARRIED. Council was thanked by Lyla Eide and written verification was requested. b. FFA Certificate of Appreciation. Coullcil recommended that the local FFA be sent a certificate thlanking them for their participation and support in community events. 8. Old Business: a. ,Yelm Avenue Trees - Mayor Pro-Tern parson~ explained that a letter had been received requesting removal of a tree by the Yelm Veterinarian Clinic. Staff has been waiting to hear from a forester concerning the health of this tre~ and one located by Bill's Towing. Ken Garmann reported tha . Perry Shea, an engineer wi th S. Chamberlain & Associates ,I had following evaluation, recommended that the tree at the Vet Clinic be removed as it created a site obstruction to safe access to Yelm Avenue. 96-091 Discussion followed concerning disposal of he tree at the Vet. Clinic. The price quoted ($625) does not include cleanup or hauling. Councilmember Miller asked if it was possible to donate it to the Library Building Fund in some way. Suggested was firewood. Kristin Blalack believed! that this was possible, but requested that contact be made w~th Dean Hooper. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA bURRY APPROVING REMOVAL OF THE TREE AT THE YELM VET CLINIC. CARRIED. Mayor Pro-Tern Parsons announced that a petition had been received voicing concern about cutting trees She explained that City ordinances prohibit the removal of rees along Yelm Ave. without Council approval and that any dtcision would be based on safety and tree condition issues. j b. Ord. 579 - Establishing Sr. Accounting Clerk Position and Combining Clerk and Treasurer. I 96-092 Councilmember Lawton expressed concern that ob descriptions had not be given to Councilmembers for revie . MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TABLING THIS ITEM. CARRIED. 9 . Reports: a. Library - Kristin Blalack discussed gr wth, the annual Summer Reading Program and district circulat on ranking. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6-12-96.MIN .PAGE 2 b. Planning - No report. At the last meetin. it was decided that meetings will be reduced to one per mon h ~o be held on the third Monday of each month. c. Police - Chief Dunnam showed the Accredi ation Plaque to Councilmembers. d. Public Works - Councilmember Miller re 6rted .that the water leaks have been repaired. An updat on water line extension progress was included in the writt n report. e. Court - To be provided at the next meet ng. f. Water Reuse - Mayor Wolf and Shelly made a presentation today at the AWC Conference in Kennewick. g. Financial - Councilmember Curry announ edthat reports will be given at the second meeting of the m nth. h. Parks - Four Park Use Requests were 96-093 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CUR Y THAT PARK USE REQUESTS FOR YELM TELEPHONE CO, 6/27/96; 6/28/96, PARENT & CHILD TOGETHERNESS; 8/6/96, YELM PD NIGHT UTi AND 6/22 & 6/23, KIWANIS SEATTLE TO PORTLAND BIKE RUN. CARRIED. i. Mayor. Activities/meeting reI?orted on incJuded: Heartwalk; SPSCC, Expansion meeting; Memorial Day speech, Yelm Cemetery; Harold Robertson, TRPC; Bob Galla her's Good-bye; Washington Transportation Policy Institute at PLU; EDC Awards, Yelm Telephone Co. named Small Business of the Year; Governor's Mansion; Capital Medical Center Board; Shelly, regular meeting and for AWC presentation; T PC; and Mayors' Forum. j . Council Councilmember Curry attended the Jail Advisory Committee that she had Councilmember Miller reported on attendingt e Law & Justice .Committee meeting, IT Board meeting in YaMima, and an IT meeting tonight. He announced a public worklshop to be held on 6/20/96 from 6:30-9:00 pm to discuss IT Se vice Priorities to 2020. A video "Imagine Shelton" dealing with their lanning process under the GMA was viewed. Comments liken d it to Yelm's Visioni.ng Process. 10. Correspondence: An overview of Viacom's proposed rate i,ncrea e was provided. Agnes Bennick reported that Diane Lachel will attend the next YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6-12-96.MIN . PAGE 3 meeting to address blocked Seattle sporting vents. At this time we also plan to do a formal thank you for preparing Water Reuse videos. Council requested that the vi eo be played at that time. ) Everyone was invited to see the new bench installed as part of the Nate Henderson memorial grove. 11. Adjourn: 8:30 pm. 1J;ft-t:Jduv /)/. 12 -<2~4 ~ Martha M. Parsons: Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6/2 -96.MIN PAGE 4