09/11/1996 Minutes Agenda Item! Motion # 1. 2. 3 . 96-143 4 . 96-144 5. 96-145 6. 7. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1996 Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. As a quorum was not present at this pointl Council and audience members viewed the draft site-disk prepared through the Economic Development Committee. The disk, serves as a marketing tool to present information about Thurston County's citiesl locationl housing availability, transportationl land availabilitYl etc. 1 to prospective businesses/industries. Council present: Don Miller 1 Amos Lawtonl and Velma CurrYl Guests: Dick Rehnl LeMay, Inc.; Kristen Blalack, Yelm Librarian; Dan Fisherl Nisqually Valley News; and Maegan Allison and parents. Staff: Shelly Badgerl Tim Peterson, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Bennick. Mayor Wolf introduced Maegan Allison and praised the little girl for waking family members so all could safely escape the fire that destroyed their home. Maegan was presented with. a certificate and pin. \ Councilmember Miller arrived and the meeting continued. Agenda MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE.8/28/96 WORK SESSION AND REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Vouchers MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 20097-20173, TOTALLING $88,342.10. CARRIED. Public Comment/Questions - None New Business: a. Cancelled b. Review of Senior Utility Rate Reduction - Resolution 317 and income data was provided to Councilmembers. Council consensus was that additional infor~ation was YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\9-11-96.MIN PAGE 1 needed to be sure balance and fairness was maintained as so many citizens are in lower income brackets. c. Walter Mead - Individual did not appear. 8 . Old Business: none 96-146 Reports: a. Library Kristin Blalack reported on August activity and the successful Summer Reading Program. b. Police - Due to high maintenance costs Chief Dunnam requested permission to surplus as excess a '92 Chevrolet Caprice. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING CHIEF DUNNAM'S REQUEST TO SURPLUS A '92 CHEVROLET CAPRICE. CARRIED. c. Public Works - Councilmember Miller reported that the annual exercising (turning) of the water system's 450+ gate valves should be completed mid-month. 9 . Tim Peterson reported that 1.04 miles of roadway had been chip sealed and that sweeping will be done next week. Maintenance on STEP tanks is ongoing. d. Court - A written report of August activity was provided. e. Water Reuse - The AWC task force. to discuss water reuse will have.) it's first meeting on 9/27/96 at pierce Transit. The agenda will include discussion and brainstorming on ideas to present to the legislature. The City has been offered a Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund loan for 1997. Staff is currently working on figures to determine how much the City can afford. f. Parks - A public meeting to discuss uses to include in the Canal Rd. Park Master Plan was held at the DCBO. There was a small turnout for the 9/9/96 meeting where possible scenario's discussed included 1-2 base ball fields, 1 soccer field and a picnic area. Another public meeting will be held on October 7. Following preparation of the Master Plan the site plan will be presented to Council for adoption. Mayor Wolf added that assistance in carrying out the Park Plan may be available through the military/local service groups. The Park Advisory Board is discussing the possibility of using the smaller tree this year, due to power line difficulties encountered in placing lights on the tree YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\9-11-96.MIN PAGE 2 used last year. Also being considered is lighting the park buildings and purchasing illuminated carolers 'to place by the decorated tree. Fundraising for this expenditure is being organized. g. Mayor - Mayor Wolf read a letter of resignation from Pedro Serrano, Yelm's representative to the Council on Cultu~al Diversity & Human Rights and requested a letter be sent accepting his resignation and thanking Mr. Serrano for his service. Also requested was contact with past applicants to determine interest. The appointment of Jim Brown, Jerry Baldwin and Bob Wolf to the Yelm Historic Preservation Commission was announced. Meetings/events attended included: Port of Olympia Foreign Trade Zone Meeting; HeartWalk kickoff, as Martha is unable to attend Dana is the contact; Nisqually River Interpretative Center Meeting and Nisqually River Council combined meeting; Mayor's Forum, TRPC's Strategic Planning Session; City Picnic; Chamber of Commerce, and Transportation Policy Board; and Capital Medical Center. Thurston Regional Planning Council for work program and budget discussion, their main focus will continue to be transportation' issues and data gathering with 6%- budgeted for other things. STP funding is being used again this year to help fund the program. h. Council Councilmember Miller discussed IT's reviewing the Transportation Plan wi th TRPC and DOT, dismissal of the possibility of HOV lanes for 1-5 any time in the near future, and that 1-5 is actually serving the area as a local roadway. Transportation funding is extremely limited, allowing maintenance with little left for new roads. 10. Correspondence was reviewed. 11. Adjourn: 8:50pm. taIk /(Jf J1r,v4!= Kat ryn MrWolf, . Mayor Attest: YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\9-11-96.MIN PAGE 3