10/09/1996 Minutes " Agenda Item! Motion # 1. 10. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1996 Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Members Present: Velma Curry, and Martha Parsons. Absent: Don Miller, Amos Lawton, and Adam Rivas. Staff: Shelly Badger Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Bennick. As no business could be accomplished due to the lack of a quorum the meeting was advanced to the report section. Reports a.. Chief Dunnam reported that he is continuing to work with Buckley towards a jail agreement. He expects to have additional j ail services and prisoner transport information for the next meeting. . b. Public Works - a written report was provided c. Water Reuse - Shelly Badger reported that the first state-wide meeting had been held at Pierce Transit. Another meeting is scheduled for late October. Planned strategy includes putting together facts on why funding must cannot be limited to loans only. d. Mayor Wolf reported on attending the Heartwalk, Dana stepped in to organize the event due to Councilmember Parsons absence. The Chamber and school also had teams. Other items included: Festival of Waters, Economic Development Council, meeting with Shelly and the lobbyists, Thurston Regional Planning Council, Mayor's Forum, Audit entrance interview, Chamber, and Nisqually River Interpretative Center. A seedling coming from Wenatchee will pass through Yelm. Yelm's Tree Month proclamation will be presented to accompany the tree to Olympia. A maple tree will be presented to Lacey to thank them for including Yelm In their Arbor Day celebration. Staff was requested to let Tim Peterson know that the FFA has a pine seedling to be planted. Mayor's Correspondence Items included: McChord AFB re flight training route input request, Net Work Newsletter, City Classified, Air Quality, puget Sound Air Quality Newsletter, and TRPC Profile. YELM CITY COUNCIL I ab\cc.96\lO-9-96.MIN PAGE 1 ,L.;, :. I e. Council Councilmember Parsons mentioned the Ferns/Yelm Sister Ci ty exchange wi th Dan Kavanaugh. Mayor Wolf des6ribed the exchange and how special it was. f. Court - A written court report was provided. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. Mayor Wolf explained that vouchers would approved at the next regular meeting by resolution as the bills would have to be paid prior to that time. Agnes Bennick reported that Donna McCann's Girl Scout Troop is looking for projects for Make A Difference Day, October 26, and requested suggestions for proj ects. Suggested was repainting/staining the bench in front of city hall. Tim Peterson will be contacted to arrange to have the bench sanded prior to painting. 12. Adjourn: 8:15 pm 1(~)Jn,~4 Kathryn.M-:- Wolf, Mayor Attest: ~~~ Agne;s P. {J../J~L Bennick, City Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\lO-9-96.MIN PAGE 2