10/11/1996 Special Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING, OCTOBER 11, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Iteml Motion No. The meeting was called to order at 4: 15 p. m. by Mayor Kathy Wolf. Mayor Wolf led everyone in the Flag Salute. City Council Members present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Adam Rivas, and Mayor Kathy Wolf. City Council Members absent: Velma Curry, and Amos Lawton. Guests: Dan Fisher, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Dana Spivey. 1. New Business - Voucher #20286 Mayor Wolf stated that an authorization is needed to pay voucher #20286 in the amount of $200. The money is to be sent in with an application for a Shoreline Permit to Thurston County Development Services on Monday October 14. Don Miller asked what exactly is the permit for? Shelly Badner stated the permit is for the repair to the sewer outfall. 96-157 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO I AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHER #20286, IN THE AMOUNT OF $200 FOR A SHORELINE PERMIT. CARRIED. 1. New Business - A. Children's Day Proclamation Mayor Wolf stated that she would like authorization from City Council to make a proclamation to declare a certain day as Children's Day. (The annual Children's Day is sponsored by TOGETHER and the U. C. B. 0.) Mayor Wolf stated that Glenn Dunnam suggested that there should be a Children's Pet Parade with more children involved. There was further discussion about the pet parade. Mavor Wolf stated that she will have Glenn Dunnam talk with Cindy Ce,cil about having a pet parade with the annual Children's Day. Yelm City Council, special meeting October 11 , 1996 Page 1 96-158 96-159 96-160 B. Authorization to sign contract with W. E. & B. Ltd. Mayor Wolf asked for authorization to sign the contract with W.E. & B., Ltd., , for the infrastructure improvements for the Krislen Apartments. (Senior Center type apartment complex, U. C. B. O. is the sponsor, the City is the lead agency, so a signature from the Mayor is needed.) Shelly Badqer stated that the City is the lead agency on the infrastructure, the water - to include the water and sewer line extension to the site, the frontage improvements along the site, the paving on-site and stormwater etc.. The .City has received their third block grant for this project in the amount of $500,000. The U.C.B.O. is the lead agency on putting the buildings up. All that is needed is the authorization for the Mayor to sign the contract with W.E. & B., Ltd., in the amount of $261,836.00. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER THE AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH W.E. & B., LTD., FOR THE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE KRISLEN APARTMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Old Business - A. Acceptance of Completion, and B. Authorization to Release Retainage to Marscot Construction for the U.C.B.O. Community Center Expansion Project. There was little discussion about both items A & B. Shelly Badqer explained everything has been completed that needs to be, and everything is in order. Don Miller asked if all inspections have been completed? Shellv said yes. Mayor Wolf stated before any motions were made, that the State Auditor suggested that each motion made should be stated outloud in full context, rather than "so moved." MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS THE ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION ON THE U.C.B.O. COMMUNITY CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THE AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE RETAINAGE TO MARSCOT CONSTRUCTION FOR THE U.C.BO. COMMUNITY CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. YeJm City Council, special meeting October 11 , 1996 Page 2 2. Old Business - C. Authorization to remove 5 hazardous trees identified in Sound Urban Forestry Inventory and Evaluation. Mayor Wolf explained the situation, stating that the City does have an ordinance which says that no trees can be cut down without the approval from the city counci I. Martha Parsons asked if the trees being removed will be replaced? Mayor Wolf stated that the money has been allocated by the Chamber of Commerce to replace these five trees being removed. 96-161 MOTION BY, MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER THE AUTHORIZATION TO REMOVE FIVE HAZARDOUS TREES IDENTIFIED IN SOUND URBAN FORESTRY INVENTORY AND EVALUATION AND BE REPLACED WITH LIKE HAWTHORN TREES. There was more discussion about the City of Yelm becoming a "Tree City." Shelly Badqer stated that Cathie Carlson will have a sample ordinance at the October 23rd city council meeting, which is the first step and establishes a "Tree Board." 96-162 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO ADJOURN MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, jJ~~ Dana Spivey for Agnes Bennick, City Clerk 11~) )1)..Jt o-d Kafhryn M Wolf, Mayor P Yelm City Council, special meeting October 11, 1996 Page 3