10/23/1996 Minutes Agenda Item/ Motion # 1. 2. 96-164 3 . 96-165 4. 96-166 96-167 5. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, 'OCTOBER 23, 1996 Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Members Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawtonl and Adam Rivas. Absent: Velma Curry. Guests: Fran and Jerry McCarthYI Sleepy Hollow; Sue Gore, Berry Valley Estates; Jim Weidinger 1 TCFD #2 i Dan Fisher, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmannl Brian Asmus, and Agnes Bennick. Agenda MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 'Minutes MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE SEPT. 25 AND OCT. 9 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, THE OCT. 11 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES, AND THE OCT. 15, 1996 BUDGET WORK SESSION MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. a. Payroll - October 1996 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF THE OCTOBER 1996 PAYROLL. CARRIED. b. Vouchers - 10/23/96 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 20290-20291, TOTALLING $1,530.00. CARRIED. Public Hearing - 1997 Community Development Block Grant Program. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:35 pm to consider Community Needs Assessments for the 197 CDBG application. Shelly Badger gave a program overview explaining that CDBG dollars are federal funds from BUD that are distributed throughout the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (DCTED) . Funds may be used for housing 1 economic development 1 community facilities, public facilities or comprehensive uses. All programs must principally benefit persons of low-moderate income. Yelm qualifies for funds as 63% of its population meets low income qualifications. Mayor Wolf .opened the floor for comment. Jerry McCarthy - suggested a performing arts center. He stated Yelm has a great deal of raw talent and it would be wonderful to have a center to showcase that talent. Mayor Wolf - spoke of library facility needs. Shelly Badger - reported that the City had applied for funding in the past for water system improvements that would increase fire flow and provide corrosion control. ~ELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\lO-23-96.MIN PAGE 1 Jim Weidinqer (Fire District #2) asked if water improvements would add new hydrants and adapters. Ken Garmann stated that fire flow. and chlorine contact improvements would be included .in the plan. He was unsure abo~t the addition of adapters, but offered to check. Jerry McCarthy. questioned the need for corrosion control. Shelly Badger explained the low pH situation and action planned. Mayor Wolf added that we have submitted a plan are waiting Health Department Approval. Suggested: Community Facilities: Performing ,Arts Center, and LibrarYi Public Facilities: Water Upgrades, Fire Flow Improvements, and Chlorine Contact 96-168 Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:50 pm. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING WATER UPGRADES AND IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE 1997 CDBG APPLICATION. CARRIED. 6. Berry Valley Estates Final Plat Approval. Ken Garmann reported that the conditions on the final plat checklist had been completed and recommended final plat approval with signature conditions. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE BERRY VALLEY ESTATES FINAL PLAT WITH THE REQUIREMENT THAT THURSTON CO. ASSESSOR, COUNTY TREASURER AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S SIGNATURES BE OBTAINED AND THAT COUNTY ASSESSOR REVIEW BE COMPLETED. CARRIED. 96-169 7. Public Comment - none 8 . New Business: a. Jerry and Fran McCarthy, Sleepy Hollow. Jerry McCarthy explained that his business was located in Nisqually Plaza and that visibility from the roadway is a problem because the buildings are set back, and it has become worse since Burger King was built. The business was supplied with professionally produced banners for mattress sales but was told by the City that they could be used only for "special events" consisting of 14 day periods, four times per year. Revenue tracking by the McCarthy.' s showed a definite increases and decreases in sales corresponding wi th times the banners were hung. A change to the sign ordinance was requested. ' Councilmember Rivas explained the process by the Planning Commission in evaluating and revising the Sign Ordinance. And the Commission's attempt to avoid an appearance found in areas with strip development. Shelly Badger added that the Chamber of Commerce also discussed this signage. They didn't want to totally YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\~O-23-96.MIN PAGE 2 96-170 96-171 96-172 9. 96-173 96-174 10. eliminate banners, but felt that some limitations were necessary. Councilmember Lawton expressed that the Planning Commission had spent a considerable amount of time on the Sign Ordinance. Mayor Wolf suggested sending the matter back to the Planning Commission for consideration of the McCarthy's request. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT JERRY AND FRAN MCCARTHY OF SLEEPY HOLLOW BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO REVIEW THEIR SITUATION CONCERNING SPECIAL EVENTS SIGNS AND SEE IF THE PLANNING COMMISSION CAN RECOMMEND A SOLUTION. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 586 - Tree Advisory Board. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 586 CREATING A TREE ADVISORY BOARD. CARRIED. c. Ordinance No. 585 - Park Annexation MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 585 ANNEXING THE CANAL ROAD PARK PROPERTY. CARRIED. d. Mayor Wolf announced a vacancy on the State Council on Aging. e. TCl Holiday Videotape 1st choice was 4: 15, Tuesday, November 19, 2nd choice 4: 15, Thursday, November 21. f. Budget Work Sessions - As two work sessions were cancelled, additional work sessions are needed. Dates selected were Tuesday, 10/29, 11/5, 11/13, 11/19. All meetings to start at 4:15 pm. Old Business: a. Resolution #350 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING RESOLUTION 350 AND THE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 20185~20285, TOTALLING $83,504.35 WHICH WERE PREPARED FOR APPROVAL AT THE OCTOBER 13, 1996 MEETING. CARRIED. b. September Payroll Warrants MOTION BY DON MILLER, , SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF SEPTEMBER PAYROLL VOUCHERS #9947-10031, TOTALLING $87,920.34. CARRIED. Reports: a.. Library - A written report was provided. b. Planning - Shelly Badger reported that work had been completed on the Berry Valley Estates project, and that new project updates would be available soon. c. Liaison Reports 1) City Hall - Councilmember Parsons reported on audit YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\lO-23-~6.MIN PAGE 3 96-175 96-176 11. 12. progress and the cooperative support of staff. Utility billing: a large number of utility customers are not receiving their monthly bills. Staff is looking at ways to work alleviate this' problem and may recommend a billing dat'e change in the future. Delinquencies are running at approximately 9% for 1,000 accounts. 2) Court - No report 3) Public Works - Councilmember Miller reported that a watermain is being replaced on Jefferson St., and that sewer outfall repairs had been completed. Ken G9-rmann added that Smitty had passed the test to become a certified Corrosion control Specialist. 4) Brian Asmus reported that ,Chief Dunnam was In Spokane until Tuesday. Sergeant Asmus updated Council on jail situation and 'contracts from both Buckley and Lewis County. Council consensus was that either Buckley or Lewis County facilities could be used until a contract is signed. To reduce the amount of time speBt out of town while transporting prisoners, Lacey's CSO program has been worked into YPD job descriptions and policy manual. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER PROGRAM FOR PRISONER TRANSPORT FOR THE REMAINDER OF 1996. CARRIED. 5) Water Reuse;- Councilmember Rivas reported that he and Shelly would pe attending the AWC Regional meeting in Kelso tomorrow. ; d. Financial - Agnes Bennick reported that the City's finances meet expectations for this point in the year. e. Park - Shelly Badger reported that the layout and phasing has been selected and will be ready for Council on November 26,. f. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on meetings attended including: 10/11 Special Council meeting, w\ CAO, Candidates Forum, Bossesi Day Lunch, and Nisqually River Council and Interpretative Center meetings. A letter was received from Everett requesting Yel~'s support for a bill requesting legislative action for specific support of skateboard parks. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER THAT YELM SUPPORT THE CITY OF EVERETT'S BILL TO AMEND STATE STATUTES ON LIABILITY FOR RECREATIONAL USES, SPECIFICALLY SKATEBOARD USES. CARRIED. g. Council - Councilmember Miller reported on attending ,IT meetings in Anaheim and Port Angeles. Alternative fuel sources including use of natural gas, electric, and diesel diluted with water. Correspondence was reviewed. Adjourn: 9~25 pm . ~~ !l1,Jf,4 KatHryn M. Wolf, Mayo~ Attest: YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\10-23-96.MIN PAGE 4