1975 Minutes .J ~ '" '"" ,:77 January 8, 1975 The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to ord r by Councilman George Brown at 7:30PM. On a motion by Sokolik and by Sickles, Councilman Brown was elected Mayor Pro-tam. Roll call found Councilman Brown, Webb, Sickles, and'Soko ik present.', ," Others attending.. the meeting were Paul Turner, Engineer' Stevens, Archi- tect Ralph Provencal, and Attorney Ted Schultz. ' ': I " Minutes of the December meeting were" 'read "and the roll ca 1 was" corrected to read Webb instead of Sickles. Moved by Sokolik and secon ed by' Sickl:~~ to be', admpted as corr'ected. Also corrected by elimination was he fOllowing paragraph: "On a-motion by Brown, seconded by \vebb, Res~lUi.'b:t,on No.13 was u~an,~ously aPPI;ovede' On a motion by Sickles and sec'on~ed'by'Sokolik'the follo 'ng'vo~chers were J appreved for payment after 'instructing the' clerk to' bill ohn Hastie for personal calls on the Police' phonee Current Ci ty Streets Water Garbage Ci ty Hall Voucher # 2192 ... 2248 ' $6930.13 n n L3ff - 4'46 l~~~ .93' 11, It 638 - 645 l472.49 It It 410- :927.60 It. ' .. 15 - 17 20".380.22 Old Business: ~aul Turner reported that the Planning Commission approve zoning for the Communi ty Center building II' The Planning Commission also ecommended the .. repeal of the variance given to. Lloyd Reichi~e On a mati nQ by-Webb and . s~conded~,by:Sokolik, the Couqcil. will join the Planning C mmission for an on.....the-site inspection. of the setback. . The motiOn was ap roved unanimously.' ,,' ~rn~r' also brough~ r~comrne,ndations_ for amending Zon~ng:. dinance NOe 126. " , I ~ . .) ~ A'mot~on was made by $o~olik and secopded, by Webb, to al~o the University of Washipgton to t,ake the purp1us water p~p,to Se(l,ttle to, c eck on the con- d~tiop. .and ;,cost~,of ~ebuj.ldingo The m~:)'tion"passed una~o sly. ,,~rJ 1~:""",'J:; ",:') ,,' .'~. '. ',' ..~ .\l t;) ~~ The C1erk'was instructed to get more information by the Water Superintendent ~loyd Stocker. Ralph Provencal. presented his proposal for a Building Ins ection Department, ~neluding .cost, ~ffI\initiating .and ,fees for". operating.,' ,It: was, moved, by Sokolik and ~econd~d by Sickles_ to table ,for fur~her study.' Moti npassed unanimously. flares requested New Business: ". Itc was moved by Webb and seconged by Sickles and passed"u animously that the Town provide adequate parking facilities adjacent to the roposed CQ.~unity Center- when', ,and if n~eded0 The environmentalO impact s.aused by mo~ng th~ ' Community C ter btrll~itrig: fht6 ':, Yelmti~s discussed. It was decided to use the form prdvi ed by ThUrston County'for 'preliminary application. Attorney SCh~lltz requested a recess up.til January 22,' to repare recommendations for codification of Yelm O~dinances0 II ~n a motion by Webb' and seconded by Sokolik; the meeting as recessed until January 22; 197" 'at T:3~ 'P~. "'Mot~,o~' p8.,ssed.. unaniin.~usl~.: ~ January 22, 1975 Continuation of the January Meeting was called to mrder b Mayor Coates at 7:30 PM. Present were"M~yor.,Coates, Councilmen Webb, Sick es, and Brown. Other visitors were Fd Stevens, Engineer, Attorneys Ted,-Sc ul~z and Kip Stiltz, and Godfrey Maurin. ' Engineer stevens spoke about proposed 'plans on of streets for future reference. On a motion by Brown and seconded by We b, Engineer Stevens was authorized to go ahead with the plari.. :. .Motion I carried " naniniously. On the recommendation of Attorney Schultz, a motion was ma e by Webb and seconded by Sickles to purchase a 12 volume set of the 1974 Revised Code of Washington Law Books. Motion passed unanimously. ''''" ,j . ~' i'?:e ,,' Resolution, No. .133" ,c,oncerning, the en~ro1'J!tl.eftta1 impayt of a .Mu1t~~ '~ervice Center in Ye1m was reaq and on '~mot~on by Brow~ and seconded by Webb, was adopted as r~ad.. . Carried unanimously.. ,A proposed gambling ordinance was discusse~.ap~ tabled ~~il all Council members are present. . ,. ~ It was moved by Webb and seconded by Sickles to adopt Ordinance No. 177, an Ordinance standardizing penalties' for vi01ations of ordinances of the Town of Yelm and repealing the following: Section 48 of prdinance 4; Section 3. of OrdinanQce 18 J Section 3 of Ordi- nance 661 Sec~ion 2 of, Ordin~nce 73; Section 3 of Ordinance 83; Section 9 of Ordinance 86; Section 4 of Ordinance 87,; Section 9 of Ordinance 89. Section 8 of Ordinance 90; Section 4 of Ordinance, 95; section 10 of Ordinance 96; Section 7 of Ordinance '97; Section 18 of Ordinance 106; Bection 7 of Ordinance 114; Section 11 of Ordinance 115; Section 6 of Orpinance 122; Section 3 of Ordinance 148; and Section 19 of Ordinance 173. Motion passed unan~muslY$ Motion was made by Sickles'and seconded by Webb to adQpt~Ordinance No. 178, anoOrdinance relating ,to innoculation of dogs for the purpose of rabies imMunization and repealing .ordinance No. 63; amending Ordin~e Nh 90. Carried unanimously <&' , , ' It was moved by Brown 'and seconded by Webb to adopt 'Ordinance 179, an Ordinan~e regul~ting the manner in,wpich compa~ies ~sing or. opera~i~g pipes, conduits or electrical ,lines, shall" construct, alter or repair' the same. Motio~passed unanimously. " 0 . It was moved by Webb and seoo nded by Sickles to adopt Ordinance No. 180, an Ordinance repealing certainQ ordinances of. the Town: of Y;elm;~' to:;.oWi t : ., Ordinance No.1, Ordinance No.2,' Ordinance 'No." 3, Ordinance No. '8, Ord- inance No.9, Ordinance No. 17, Ordinance Noo 19, Ordinance No. 25J Ordi- nance No. 32, Grdinance No. 35, Ordinance'No. 36, Ordinance No. 37, Ordi- nance No. 38, Ordinance No. 39, Ordinance No. '50, 'Ordinance'No. 54, Ordi- nance No", 56, Ordinance No. 58, Ordinance No. 59, Ordinance No. 67, Ordi- nance No. 77, Ordinance No. 101, andOrdilla.noe NOe 116., Passed unanimously., .Motion was made by Brown and seconded by Sickles to adopt .Ordinance No. 181,an Ordinance relating to motor vehicles,regul~ting traffic and tra~e1 thereof and their incidents upon the street, avenues, alleys and public highways of the" Town of Ye1m; providing for vehicle equipment 'and ~evices and the inspection thereof; limiting and restricting certain useE? of the public. highways of the Town; prescribing the powers and duties of pease officers and other persons ~n relation thereto; defining offences; 'providing penalties; repealing certain ordinances relating to the,subject of this ordinance; and declaring an emergency. Motion passed unanimously. Motion was made by Brown and seconded by Webb to help move the belongings of Jan'Loutzenhiser stored in the "Hendricks House" when'permission is obtained to demolish the house. Motion carried unanimously., ' , " T-MO 'canopy was 'discussed and upon a motion by Brpwn and seconded by Webb, the Council acted to grant T-MO p~rmission to build a wood canopy with metal posts to conform with the plans presented to the Council. Passed unanimously. The Clerk was iI:lstructed to. study the need \ for : :~\' census ~ L&oyd Reichel setbacks were discussed and a1~ agreed to table the matter until th~ prople.m can be resolved by more, thorough means. There being no further business,. it was moved by Sickles and seconded by Brown t,o adjoun at" 10:00 PM. Motion passed un~mmous1yo ' - ~/t;4' , . ~~4-' VI /~ Lor~1 B. Coates, Mayor ~ . I ,/ .1 ". . " ~~~ Roger de, Clerk-Treasurer 0 - o o O',~.~,' ;'l! , , , ,I I ,I ~\ } . !' RESOLUTION' NO. 133 , .' --j ~ 7.9 in the establishment which will involte s present situs in f the Town of 1e1m be acquired by the WHEREAS, the Town of Yelm is contemplating participation of a Multi-Service Community Center for the greater Ye1m are the relocation of a three story colonialodesign house from i Olympia, Washington to property within the corporate limits which'i-s in part now owned by the Town of Yelm and in part t Town by gift and part possibly by purchase; and WHEREAS, it is contemplated that the proposed Multi-Ser 'ce Community Center will provide facilities for several various public service e tities.and institutions which are identified on the statement annexed hereto marked fEKhibit A"; and WHEREAS, the Town of Ye1m has made application for assi tance in funding the proposedoMulti-Service Community Center project pursuant to he provisions of ~ashingtori State Referendum No. 29;, and WHEREAS,. a site plan for the :proposed Multi-Service C is annexed herebo marked ltExhibi t Bit; and Center project WHEREAS, the contemplated site for the proposed Muf.ti....S rvice Community Center is a 'presently undeveloped tract in the Town residential-c ercial zone adjacent to the Town Park thus no additional zoning or variances will be required; and WHEREAS, the site for the proposed Multi-Service Corom ty Center is a grassed area which has no lakes, streams or pools on, running throug or nearby it and is substantially devoid of wildlife, thus essentially no wildli e nor the habitat therefor will be disturbed; and WHEREAS, the site for the proposed Multi~Service Commun ty Center project has ~been approved by the Town Engineer with respect to soil, comp sition, drainage and other areasoof coneern to good development and a topographic 1 map prepared by the Town Engineer is annexed hereto"marked "Exhibit C~t; and WHEREAS it is contempla~ted that as a part of the 'proje t the established Center will be attractively landscaped and will provide adeq ate parking.facilities with good access ways to eXisting city streets; and WHEREAS, the contemplated st~ucture for the proposed Mu ti-Service Community Center will be equipped with a fire sprinkler system, will h ve sufficient designated .exi4ts and ramps to accomodate wheel chairs, and additional ire and other safety measures~are incorporated in the', plan therefor and WHEREAS the Town Council has duly~considered the factor fully reviewed and considered all aspects of .the proposed Center project, cited above and has tiQServiceCommuhity NOW, THEREFORE', BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TO OF YELM, that the Council of the Town of Yelm by ,these presents finds the prop sed Multi-Service Community Center for, the greater Yelm area to be situated wi bin the corporate limits of the Town of Yelm is not a major action and-,will no significantly affect the quality of the environment. . ADOPTED THIS 8th day of January 1975. Attest.:: ,..s;~''') ~ /';:':;'~'~A ( '. Town lerk / 80 February 13, 1975 The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Lora B. Coates a '':It 7 :30 PM.. . Councilmen present were Evelyn Southworth, Harveyvlebb, George",Brown, and Richard Sokolik. Others present were Engineer 'Ed Stevens, Attorney Ted ~chultz, Ron Lawton, and Pat and' Jim Forrester. ' Minutes of the January meeting were approved on a motion by Brown and seconded by Webb. The following vouchers were approved for payment on a motion by S9kolik and seconded by Southworth: Current Street Water Garbage Town Hill Construction #2250 - 2294 447 - 461 646... 653 Wll 18 $ 4,728.20 1,659.72 1,461.40 939.70 13,862.78 o The Clerk was instrugted to refer the matter of a new fire hydran~ behind the new 'City Hall to Architect Ra~ph Provencal and the Council will abide' by his decision It, Ron Lawton discussed the general plans for furnishing and landscaping the ne~, City Hall 'and Library. A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Southworlth. to call for bids for the furniture and fixtures. Motion carrted unanimously. Engineer Ed Stevens presented the~results of the Monumentation SurveY$ It was moved by Brown and seconded:by Webb to accept the monumentation and file it: with 'Ihurston County. Attorney Schultz brought an easement for widening the southwest corner of Yelm Ave. and First Street. Upon a motion by Brown a~d seconded by Webb and passed unan- imously, it w~ll be presented to the property owners for signature. The street oiling program was discussed. It was decided to nave a recommendation .ready for the next meeting. John Casavant made a formal request for water service to his development on the Old.McKenna Highway. The 60uncil ruled the matter should be referred to the City Engineer for f~rther study. o Jim Forrester asked that the tax rate on theprop'osed gambling ordinance in re- lation to punch boards and pull tabs, be lowered.; After researching this section of the Ordinance, it was debe~ined by Attorney: Schultz that it could not be changed from the rate set by the County. It. was moved by Brown and seconded. by Sokolik to adopt Ordinanc~ # 182, "An Ordi- nance relating to gambling, 'providing for, and levying, a tax upon the income derived from the conduct of certain activities; providing for the necessary administrative procedures for the collection and 'enforcement of such a tax; providing penalties . for failure to: ,timely pay the tax; and .providing for the effective date of this ordinance. Mation passed unanimously. A motion was made by Sokolik and seconded by Webb, and passed unanimously to authorize the Town AttorneycandEngineer to determine the ownership of property ,the water line to Yelm Views is on, and to pay the costs incurred by the Title Company. The Pre-Engineering Contract and Loan between the Town and D.S.H.S. was discussed at length. It was decided to adjourn the meeting till Februa~ 26, 1975 so the Council members would have more time to study the Contract before a decision was made. Motion was made by Brown and seconded by Sokolik to adjourn until February 0 26, 1975. i-j February 26, 1975 The continued meeting of the Council> of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Lora B. Coates at 7:30 PM. Councilmen present were George Brown, Arno~i Drogseth, Harvey~Webb, .and Richard Sokolik~, others present were Engineer Ed Stevens, Attorney Ted Schultz,~~chitect Ralph Provencal, and Marshal Rex Purdyo i. I: I ,;..... .. ".-: ~ : I 8,'f Mr. stevens reviewed the proposed Preconstruction Engineering ,oan,and Contract between the Town and D.S.H.S.. There was some doubt pressed by the A~torney as to the legal debt limit of the Town. He was . structed by the Council to reaegch the possibility of the loan putting th Town in debt beyond the ,legal limit and reporting to "the Council on Februa y 27, ,19}~. The possibility of the Yelm School District putting an antenn on the water tower was discussed. Ib was decided that the School Radio Man shou d supply more in~ formation . It was moved by Brown and seconded by Webb that the town have Mil,t John~o~ and Don Barnard go over the st~eets to determine which will requi e oiling so the County can be,asked to do the work. Marshal Purdy presented estimates of $~50 to $600 for repair f the Polfce car damaged ona 'Railroad crossing. It was moved by Webb and sec nded by Sokol~k' to purchase a state Patrol' Ca~, not to exceed $l,OOO~~O. Mot. on passed unani~ ' mously. ' Elevations for the curbs and ~idewalks around the new Cit~ Ha 1 were brought to the attention of the Council by Ralph Provencalo Upon 'a m tion by Brown and seconded'by Drogseth, the bid of $178.00 submitted by Byr<s and Associates was accepted. Passeq unanimously. A motion was made by D~ogseth and seconded by Sokolik to gran the Triune Corp. a thirty day extension on thei~ contract. Motion carried. Motiod was made and carried to adjourn the m~eting 'until Febr ary 27, 1975.' February 27,1975 The continued mee~ing of the Council of the Town~of Yelm was aIled to order by Mayor Lora'B. ~oates at 7:)0 PMe Roll call found Gouncilm n Browri, SOkolik, o ~ W~~b, an~ .P~ogseth-present. Also present was Yelm Engineer Ed stevens. Water rates and the up-gra~ing of, the water system was discus' ed at length. Upon a motion by Brown and seconded by Webb, Ordinance No. 183, itA Ordinance r~latin3g to' the municipal water supply system of the Irown of Ye1m, Was ington establishing new water - service rates and amending Ordinance No. 166." M~t on was adopted un- animously. It was moved by Brown and seconded by Webb to adopt Ordinance No. 184, "An Ordinance ~ofthe Town ofoYelm, Waspington, authorizing the bor.rqwing of the sum of $25,220~ interest free, 'from the :state of Washington Department of Sac al and Health Services pursuant .to Chapter 43.83B of the Revised Code of Washington Referendum 27) for the 'purpose of providing funds to pay t~e costs of preconstructio engineering acti vi ties ,related to improvement of the Town water ~ystem; authorizing he execution of an agreement-and associated documents on behalf of the town in c nnaction with said loan; 'providing for the' repayment of said loan from revenues erived from the operation of the Town water system. and creating a special fu d for such revenues and the payment :therefrom. It. Motion passed unanimously It' - l. Moved by Brown and seconded by Drogseth to sign an agreement etween the Town of Ye1m and Patrick J. Byrne and Assoc. relating to offer and accepta ce agreement for pre- construction engineering. Passed unanimously. It was moved by Brown and seconded by Webb to authorize Mayor Coates to sign Waiver and Acceptance Request' dated Februa~ 27, 1975, directed to teState of Washington He,~ Project N9.' 277410272. Passed unanimously. It was moved by Drogseth and seconded by Brown to adjourn PM. Pa'ssed. ./Z~?~b Roger Eide Clerk 82, March 12, 1975 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to 'order at 7:30 P.M. by Councilman George Browno On a motion by Sokolik and secpnded by 'Webb, Brown was elected Mayor Pro-tern. Roll Call found the follvwing Councilmen present: George Brown, Harvey Webb, Evelyn Southworth, Dick Sokolik, and Arnold Drogseth. Also present were Attorney Ted Schultz, Engi~eer Ed Ste~ens, Gerald Schmidtke, Dave Saunders and W.B.. Byrns. o A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Drogseth and passed unanimously that the Clerk pay the following vouchers f Current #2295 - 2343 $11,774.08 Water 654 ai 662 3,897-.61 Street 463 471 1,345081 ' .J-~ Garbage 412 .... 413 1,130.87 Town Hall Const. 19 20 11,653.70 A request for permission ,to install an ~ntenaa on the water tower was presented by Gerald Schmidtke, representing,the Yelm School District. Dave 'Saunders of the Motorola Corp., discuss~d the m~chanics of the proposed antenna, explaining that permission was needed from the 'FCC and FAA to install it. On a motion by Drog- seth and seconded by 'Webb, 'permission was granted contingent upon a letter re-' lieving the Town of Yelm of all liability connected with the construction, dis- mant~ing, or repair of the antenna. The matter of students parking on Edwards Street was brought to Mr. Schmidtke's attention. He indicated that he would bring it before the School Board fo~ action. It was moved by Drogsth and seconded by Webb to give permission to Mr. Robert Mock to use the Park for his Circus. It was suggested by Sokolik that he pay a clean.... up deposit. Passed Unanimously. Engineer Ed Stevens presented a prospectus of the Street Oiling Program for i975. A contract for the om1ing was signed with Thurston County. 'He also had the Monumentation Map which will be kept on record in the City Hall for future refer- ence. o -It was moved by Webb and "'seconded by Dnugseth to authorize Councilman Br.own to approve consultants hired by the Engineer for pre-construction tests and research~ M~mum limits of compensation paid such consultants ahall be those set forth in the Engineering agreement between the Town of Yelm and Patrick J. Byrne & Assoc. o Motion passed unanimously. ' A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Southworth instructing the Clerk to write a letter to Ted Masumoto, 5000 Capital ' Blvd. 98504, Employment SecurJty Department asking them to open an Office in Yelm. Motion pass~d. ' A motion by Webb and seconded by Sokolik ~tated: When the Town" acquires title 'to lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Block 3, McKenzie's 2nd, the Town will lease the'property to the UCBO for 99 years~pon such-terms and conditions as are Mutually agreed upon by the Town Attorney. " ~ Motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Sokolik ~hat the record show the furniture bids were opened and referred to the Building Committee for study and recommendation. Carried. It was moved by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik to adjourn at ld:15'P.M, Motion 0 caz:ried. . , Y /J ''J . 9tP/Ul--';(!) (,~15; Maror I g~ ~~~ Town CIeri( m' ~.3- April \9, 1975 -' The regular meeting of the 6buncil of the, Town of Yelm wa called to order by Mayor Coates at 7 ::30 P,.Mo Present were Councilmen Sok Iik, ~ebb, Drog- , se~,Brown and Councilwoman Southworth. Also present we e Robert Longmire, W.B. Byrns, Ron Lawton, Ed stevens, Engineer, and Ted Sch Itz, Attorn~Ye The motion was made a~Webb and seconded by Southworth to approve the minutes of the previOUS meeting~ }I It,", was move'd by Drogseth presented for payment; Current Water Street Garbage Town Hall Const. and seconded by Sokolik the vouchers #2344-2385 663- 673 472- 4B8 412- 413 21- 23 Bids for the Town Hall furniture were brought before the ouncil by Roberta Longmire. On a,motion by Sokolik and seconded by Webb th recommendation of the committee to purchase surplus furnishings from the Ba k of Olympia con- sisting of 2 desks and 6 chairs at a price of $300.eO plu tax as well as from B & 0 Interiors 1 desk, SO stacking chairs, 2 tables 2 filing cabinets, 1 judge's chair at a price of $1,681;OS'plus tax and from the Flory Construction Co. Library shelving at a price of $1,710..58, was accepte . The motion passed unanimously. Motion was made by Brown and seconded by Drogseth that th recommendations of the Planning Commission amending Zoning Ordinance # 126; e returned to that body for further study of Ord:inance # 126 as amended by 0 dinances 147 and 150, and that they then set up a public heQring on their ecommended amend- ments, and after such a, hearing, their recommendations be referred back to the Town Council for action. Motion passed unanimously. ,I Motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Drogseth to rescind variance on set~backs, issued to Lloyd Reichel on December 11, 197. Webb, Southworth, 'Drogseth and Sokolik cast yes votes, Brown opposede Ted Schultz presented Ordinance # 185, ItAn Ordinance rela ing. to short sub- divisions and short plats; establishing regulations and p ocedures for the . s~bmission and approval ther~cf; and prescribing standard for the design, layout and development the~~e~f' providing for the adminis~ration and enforce- ment thereof." It was moved by Sokolik and seconded by S uthworth to adopt Ordinance # 18509 Motion passed unanimouslYe " On a motion by Southworth and seconded by Webb, Resolutio # 134 was adopted\) Motion carried unanimously. " I A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik to xtend the Yelm Water system~by constr~ction of a ten inch main pursuant ~o p~a s by the Town~Engineer, extend1ng appro~mately 400 feet easterly on Canal Road; rom the intersection of Canal 'RoaAi and 'Crystal Springs Roado A portion thereo j ~qui valent to the . cost of construction of a 6 inch water main at the sames"te" presently esti- mated to be $3,200.00, to be borne by abhttingpropertyo ners within the corporate limits of the Town of Yelm purs~t to an agree ent in the form approved by the Town Attorney and the Town EngineerePas ed unanimously. It was moved by Webb and seconded by Sokolik to allow Ron Lawton to proceed with lanescaping according to plans presented; cost to be approximately $4~0.oo. Motion passed unanimously. ' The Clerk was i~structed to contact Ralph Provencal to ascert~n th~ require- ments of WISHA in the new City Hall. The Clerk was instructed to get bids on cleaning o~~the ne Motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Webb to adop Motion was passed unanimously. _ \ Moved by Webb and seconded by Sokolik ~ at 11 :1$ MAYOR # 135. Motion carried. ~e~ 'To Clerk" j-, ~ 8 If. RESOLUTION No. '134 WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Yelm has heretoforepass~d Ordinance '0 No. 185 entitled ffTOWfl of Ye1m Snort Plat Ordinance It ; and WHEREAS, said Ordinance 'is required pursuant to laws of trie State" of Washington; and WHEREAS, the effective administration of said Ordinance requires information concerning the segregation of properties wi&hin the Town of ~~; ~ o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town of Ye1m hereby respect... fully requests that the Thurston County Assessor noti~ the Town of Ye1m' Engineer of all divisions or segregations of properties within the corporate limits of the Town of Ye1m whether or not contained within a short p1at~ but not contained within a regul.r Pla~ d t!4:: Mayor Attest: " ~. cP d? ~ Z ..-?' ?/" T ~lerk Passed: Approved ': RESOLUTION NO. 135. WHEREAS, in order to best serve the citizenry, Municipal Government must be operated w~th efficiency and in an ord~rly fashion; and WHEREAS, the efficiency and order with which Government carries out its 'pnh&ic functions could not exist without records and procedures; and WHEREAS, the keepers of the ree.ords are those' who work with these pro- \ cedures each day, the MUnicipal 'Clerks' of our cities, town and villages; and WHEREAS, they strive constantly. to improve the administration of affairs of the office consistant with applicable laws and through sound management practices to produce continued progress and so fulfill their respoBsibiiities to the community, NOW, THEREFORE,' we, as Mayor and Council of the Totm of Yelm do hereby appeal to Senator Henry Jackson and to Congressman Don Honker to assist us in expressing our appreciation to all Municipal Clerks in this Congressional District by working with Senator Rnssell Long in the United States Senate; and Congressmen M.Gladwell Butler and G;"Whitehurst in the House of Representatives to have the President of the United states agn a Resolution observing the second week in,May as'Munici~al C1erktsWeek in the presence of Mr. KennethLybolt~ Presmdent of the Intern~~ionaI Institute of Municipal Clerks and James Ro Bienvenu, International Chairman of the Municipal Clerk~ Week Committee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused ~he Seal of' the Town of Yelm to be affixed this 10th day of April, 1975. '-/ LJ' fJ ~ JJ{~)';:; . Mayor ' o (SEAL) o Attest:. t~~e~A City Cle~ ' April 22, 1975 85 'The 'Special ~eeting of the Town Co~ncil of the Town of Ye1m was called to Qrder. by Maypr Coates at 7;30 P.M. Roll call found the follG~ng Council members present, Rich rd Sokolik, George Brown, Evelyn Southworth, Arnold Drogseth and Hariv& Webb. Visitors present were John Cullens, Charles 'LeMoine, Fran Brock, Eu ene Judy and Harold Brezicha of the Ye1m School Board~ Dr. Glen Nutter, Superintendant of Schools,'Ed Stevens and Pat Byrne, Town Engineers. I The feasability of the Town of Ye1m furnishing water for t e proposed new High School was discussed ,at length. Many avenues were ex lored- fire flow, insurance rates, and financing (grants and bonds). Dro Nutt~r felt ~t was a necessa~ and legitimate expense District to have a study made to determine' the cost of sup the various sites under consideration to determine the mos He recommended that the study be made by the Engineers for as they are thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the To f the School lying water to economical plan. the Town of ~elm nt,s water system. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned I' 'I t 9:00 P.M. '86 May 14, 1975 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7=30 PM. Roll call found Councilmen Webb, Drogseth, South- worth and Brown 'present. Visitors present ~ere Marian ,and Quentmn Nel~on, Pat Byrne, Ed Stevens, Dr. Glen Nutter and Attorney Ted Schultz. It Was moved by Webb and seconded by Southworth that the April minutes be approved as read. Motion carried. ' " ~ A motion was made by Web~ and secondea by Southworth to approve the vouchers presented for payment. Motion carried.. Current. Water City Streets Garbage Town Hall Canst. Vou # 2387 .. 2435 674 .. 678 489 .. 498 416 24.. 28 $5,581.66 475.10 1,816..74 953.,70 2,250.58 o A ~motion was made by Webb and seconded by Brown to accept the bid of Hardy & Sons Cl~aning Service. Motion passed unanimouslYe Plans for the dedication of the new City Hall were discussed with all persons reporting favorablyo Pat Byrne reported on the study made for the Yelm Schoo~ District e~ploring many possibilities for supplying water such as fire flow, cost of insurance, water lines, and the different methods availabl~for financing. Dr. Nutter expressed appreciation of the School District for the professional way the study was 'made'and presented. He also commended the Council for their cooperation. Pat Byrne also presented a map of the proposed water mai~ routes that will connect the 'proposed new water storage facility with the Industrial area of Ye1m. A letter of resignation from Councilman Richard Sokolik was read. Mr. Sokolik's letter read as follows,: "To the Honorable Mayor and Council: As of June first' '0''', I no longer will be residing within the Town of Yelm, SO I therefore respectfully submit my resignation from the Council. It has been a pleasure working with the Mayor and Council for the bettennent of Yelm and I wish you success for the future 'plans of the community. .Respectfully, Richard Sokolik..tt It was moved by Webb and seconded by Brown to accept the resignation of Richard Sokolik with regret. Motion carried. Motion was made by Brown and seconded by Soillh~worth to appoint Ron Lawton to fill ) the Council position vacated by the resignation of Sokolik. Motion passed unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to obtain information concerning the convention of the, Assoeiation of Washington Cities. Quentmn Nelson reviewed plans of the Bicennennial Wagon Tramn. He requested per- mission to use the~i~ Park to prepare lunch for the people traveli~g with the Wagon Train. Upon a motion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth, permission was granted .to let the Centennial Wag?n Train use the City Park. Motion carried. The City Engineer Was instructed to write to the State Department of Highways requesting the relocation of the signal light pole on the southwest corner of Yelm Ave. & 1st Street. It was moved by Drogseth and seconded by Brown to enter into an agreement with the State of Washington for misceilaneous engineering services as pro~by the Sta te Department of Highways. o It was moved by Southworth and seconded by Brown to adopt forms to be used in the application for gambling permits. Motion carried. Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Southworth to approve application forms for short plats. Motion carried unanimously. Upon a motion by Southworth and seconded .by Webb, the meeting was adjourned until May 28, 1975 at 1:30 PM.. :1 Ii 'I" !I ~. '- May 28, 197.5 87 " The adjourned meeting of the Town Council was called to orde ~y Mayor Coates at 7;30 P.M. Roll call found, the following Councilmen>prese t; Brown, Webb, Southworth. Also 'present were Judge Charles Barna:rld and Ron IdLawton. ' First order of business was to administer the oath of office to newly appointed Councilman, Ron Lawton by ~udge Barnard. It was moved by Webb and seconded by Brown to grant Judge Ba nards request of an extension 'phone in his office. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to make a preliminary report on the census to compare with the State of Washington estimates. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Webb that the Cit grade and gravel the alley and lots behi~d the old City Hall. Motion carried Councilman Brown also reported progress on the razing of the "Hendricks 'BldgU in the same al~ey. Mayor Coates reported on tSe progress of the Bicentennial co. ittee and that plans for the Wagon Train lunch in Yebn on June 20, were mo "'ng along. A report fr~ Timberland librarian, Nancy Snyder was read. he ~eportedthat many activities were planned for the library for this summer She also requested the Council to consider the lack of storage in the library a d to take steps to correct it. There being no further business, thereowas a motion by Webb tocrljourn at 8.:30 P.M. Motion carried. .~~~~ Roger Eid , Clerk-Treasurer seconded 88- June 11, 1975 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7 :30 PM" Roll caill found the following Councilmen present, Southworth, Lawton, Webb, Brown and Drogseth., Others present included Lena McFarland and Ann Rinke of the Senior Citizens Center, Roberta Longmire of the Planning Board, Burt Barron and Art O'Neal of the Regional Planning Board, and Attorney, Ted Sch~ltz. It was moved b~dWebb and seconded by Brown to adopt the minutes of the May meeting as read. 0: -' Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton to approve the following vouchers for payment: Current Vou #' 2436 -2492 Water 679 - 686 Garbage 417 ~ street .499 - 510 Town Hall Canst. 29 $9,.272.20 821.14 979.40 2,066.55 8,566095 Approval of vouchers for Washington Natural Gas, who estimated their bill too high, and Byrnes & Associates, where the Council felt some adjustment was necessary, was withheld~ Mr. Q1Neal spoke on ~he advantages of Regional Planning for the City with more help in planning for tqe small cities. The Council said they would consider the proposal and then reply. Lena McFarland asked the Council if there was s~me way low income Senior Citizens could get special water & garbage rates. She ~eported there were some water companies that were giving rate reductions in cases where the utility bills were working a hard- ship. The Council agreed to study the matter to determine what co~ld be done. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Drogseth to adopt Ordinance No. 186, "AN ORDINANCE amending Town of Yelm Ordinance NOe 176 and the Town of Yelm Budget for the calendar year 1975 adopted thereby." Motion passed. Councilman Bvown discussed the proposed changes in planning Ordinances No. 126 and 150~ Roberta Longmire reported the Planning Board had not yet held their public hearing. o There being no further business,the Meeting was adjourned at 10:20 PM ana motion by Webb and seconded by Drogseth. ~ g r!);) Lo~a B. Coates, Mayor . Attest: ~'4/~./!;~,J; ~r Ei9€, City Clerk fll. !}- ":-...s.; :f~ I ~I July 9, 1975 89 The regula'r meeting ot the Council of the Town 0 f Ye1m wa ,.called to order by -Mayor Coates at 7 :30 PH on July 9, 1975. Rdll call found the following Councilmen present, Southwo th, Webb, Lawton, Brown and Drogseth. Visitors included Attorney Ted Schult , Engineer Ed stevens, Marshal Rex Purdy, Patrolman Garth Jones, state Trooper Ja k Regester, Don Miller, Lena McFarland, Helen Sulliyan Roberta L~ngmire, Theo Kirs en, Pat & Jim Forrester. It was moved by Drogseth and seconded by Webb to approve t ~ meeting. Motion carried. of the June Motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Webb to approve ' ayment of the following vouchers. Motion carried. Curren t fl Water City Street Garbage Town Hall $5,961.39 6,546.10 1,403.60 1,361.51 2a.06 #2493 - ,2535 #' 687. . 692. 511; - " 519 418 - 423 Const. 29 Lena McFarland of the Senior Citizens Center askedo ,the Cou cil to consider a reduced water rate for Senior Gitizens that have less than poverty leveil: income. ?The Council agreed to study the 'problem and report to Mrs. McFarland. Ed. stevens read a letter written to Baker Engineering cone rning the Flood Plain Map sent by them for verification. He also explained the chool Water Study billing. After some discussion by the Council, it was dec'ded to have the Clerk adjust the bill and Stevens would negotiate with the schoo. Mr. Stevens also sp'oke briefly on the status of the Pre'-Construction Engine ring, explaining the progress on town and well site acquisitione It was moved by Drogseth and seconded by 'Webb to adjust By ne and Associates billing HRH to pay all except the School Study. t Theo Kirsten requested an' estimated $60.00 for paint for t e front of the Fire Hall, with the Firemen furnish~ng labor. On a. ,motion by D ogseth and seconded by Webb the Town agreed to furnish the paint. J;L'otion carri do Marshal Purdy quoted from Washington State Laws concerning the penalty for alter- ing traffic tickets. Trooper Regester spoke on the accura y of breathalizer tests, explaining they have been used since the early 1950's.. He recommended the Town purchase their own if possible.. Councilman Brown urged the Council to consider rejoining t Commission. After discussion by the Council, it~was decid before taking any action. The Clerk asked the Council about a more positive front fo connections are ma~eG The Council instructed him -to submi to the City Engineers for an estimated Cost. Regional Planning to review the benefits charge when new proposed hook~p Jim For~ester asked about garbage cans for the street. RoLawton volunteered to obtain information on cost, etc. Th~re being no further business, the @eeting was adjourned at lOj15 PM on a motion by Southworth and sgconded by ~ebb. Attest: . g~c~ Roger Eide/'Clerk Treasurer 90. A:ugUat:..l~, 1975 The regular Council meeting of the Town of Ye1m was called to order by Mayor Lora B. Coates at 7:30 PM. Councilmen present were Brown, Southworth, Webb, Lawton and Drogseth~ Visitors included OdieKyler, Barbara Sweeney, Thelma Green, Tom Huff, Mr & Mrs Gordon Lontz, Attorney Ted Schultz, Ann Zembas, Dieter Hutnik, Kay Gifford, Nancy Snyder, Nancy Marchand, Rod Coates, Engineer Ed Stevens, W'.B. Byrn, Roberta Longmire, Don' Barnard, Lena HcFarland, and Don I'1iller. On a motlon by Brown and seconded by La~ton, the minutes'of th~ July meeting were admpted as read" It was moved by 'Webb and seconde~ by Drogseth to approve the Vouchers presented for payment with the exception of the bill'submitted b~ Patrick J. Byrna& ASSOC0 for the Yelm School Water Study. Motion passed. .0 Current # 2536 - 2594 Water 693 - 701 Street 520 - 530 Garbage 424 428 Town Hall Const.30 & 2555 $8,662.,81 1,277036 565..98 1,351.15 1,102,,45 Lena McFarland requested a water rate reduction for low-income Senior Citizens" Councilman Brown moved that the Attorney draft an Ordinance~ ronending the Water Rate Ordinance allowing an $1.50 per month reduction in the minimum charge for households where residents are over 62 years of age and have an annp.al income of less than $3,600.00. The motion was seconded by. Drogseth and passed unanimously. c . Ron Lawton was unable to contact pe.mple to supply" garbage cans for the street, will report next month. ~ Dieter Hutnik asked the Council to ponstruct speed bumps on the Kingsview cul-de-saci The Council referred~the problem to Brown and Drogseth of the street Committee for study. Mayor Coates read a letter from DSHS commending Don Barnard on completion of their recommended Water Certification C?urse. The Mayor then presented Barnard with his Certificate. Kay Gifford, Yelm, Library Committee Chairman, introduced librarian Nancy Snyder.. who gave a report on library'activities for July. Ms. Snyder's report included circulation of 2492 books and 606 signatures of library users. o 'Mayor Coates appointed Councilmen Drogseth and Brown to study the request from the Bank of Olympia for on-str~et parking near their building. It was moved by Drogseth and seconded by Southworth to adopt Ordinance # 187, an ordinance providing for the definitions applicable ge~erally to ordinances of the Town of Yelm Washington, and providing for ,rules of construction ~nn the o~dinances of the Town of Ye1m, Washington. Motion was made by Webb and seconded by Drogseth to adopt Ordinance # 188,.an ordinance granting a right of entry to authorized town.officials for ~he inspection of buildings and premises for the enforcement of the provisions of the 'I'own of Yelmpordinances.. . It was moved by Southworth and seconded by W'ebb to ad@pt Ordinance # 189, an ordinance relating to Town offices, vesting in the Mayor t:qe duty and authority to appoint Town Officers, repealing Ordinance No. 22, and amending Ordinance 53ct Motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Southworth to adopt Ordin~nce # 190, an ordinance amending Town of Yelm Ordinances No. 176 and No. 186 and the fown of Yelm budget for the calendar year 1975 adopted and amended thereby. It was moved by Webb and seconded by Southworth to adopt Ordinance # 191, an ordinance relating to public peace, morals and welfare, amending Ordinance No.4, repealing Ordinance No. 73, prohibiting certain acts, and declaring an emergency. 0....-:: ,;' !IJ Engineer' Ed Stevens presented plans for the water line extension on the Crystal Springs and Canal Road. Moved by Brown and seconded by Lawton to accept the proposal and in- stall as presented. Stevens also asked the Council to optain appraisals for land for a water storage facility and ac6e~s thereto. ~I. ~~ , .,.. ~ I :1 l~- 91 Brown moved to put a front footage charge.of $4.50 per ft. on new hookups. After discussion, the motion) lost for lack of~a second. The 1Jlayor appointed J:3rown and Webb to meet with the City Engineerdand Attorney to determine the best cours~. Odie Kyler asked the Council for a letter that would-explain hat obligation the City would assume for the upkeep of the'Community Center uilding that is to be moved to YelIn. She explained, the Department of Social Health Services would like to be assured the building will hot be. allowed to eteriG:bateo Attorney Schultz agreed to draft a letter for the Mayor's si. ature. A letter from Rural Garbage Service was read, asking for appr val of an increase of some, of their rates. Mayor Coates appointed Drogseth and awton to study the proposed rate it:lcreases. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned 0 a motion by Drogseth and seco~ded by Webb. "j Attest"; ~~e4;eJ, Roger ~de, Clerk- Treasurer' September 10, 1915 The regular meeting of Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order at 1 :30 PM by Mayer Lera B. Coates. Rell.wcall found the followin~ Ceuncilmen present~ Brown, Sou hwerth, Webb, Lawton, and Drogseth. Also present were Attorney Kip Stiltz, Enginee Ed Stevens, Tam Huff, ,and approximately 60 other visit,Qrs. The first order ef'business was administering the Oath ef Off, ce to. newly appointed Municipal Judge, Tom Huff, by Reger Eide, Clerk. On,a,metion by Webb and seconded by Dregseth the vouchers, wi hthe exceptien of Patrie J. Byrne & Assoc. "Schoel Water Study", were approved or lpa~ent. Current # 2595 - 2653 $9;784.14 , Water ,102 - 118 2,8oo~ 11 City Street 532 - 541 1,493.81 Garbage 430 - 435 1,440.27 Arterial St. #27 4,021.12 ,Brown reported a "Children Playing" sign was erected Oil 93rd eurt but the Committee did not reconunend,speed bumps. Lawton reperted en prices for g~rbage receptic1es to. b~ place; a1eng the street. He f~~t tha~ the prices were too h~gh and the City sheuld leok f r an alternative. The revised garbage, rate increase from Rural Garbage Service' as read and discussed. Upon a 'motion by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton, Ordinance N . 192, "An Ordinance relating to public health and sanitationj prescribing certain rates to. be charged for the collectien and disposal ef waste material; amending T wn Ordinance, No., 173; a!1d declaring an emergency!' was adopted~ ' 92 Drogseth reportedr. the special committee to study "On street parking for the Bank of Olympia," recommepded that on street parking shou14 not be allowed because it created a traffic hazam. " v Ed stevens reported ohf~the staking of the water line on Crystal Springs and Canal Road for' W. Be Byrns.a He also brought. copies of the water line, tank and well site easement descriptions for the Town of Yelm and Town Attorn,y. A proposed Ordinance allowing a reduced'water rate for Senior Citizens was presented by Attorney Stiltz. The Council decided to make adjustments in the O~dinance before adopting it. Q . " , ordinance No. 193, 'lAn Ordinance relating to the pub+ic peace, health, safety and general welfare; amending Town of Yelm Or4i~ance No. 4 by repealing Section. 5 thereof; and amending Town of Yelm urdinance No.95 by repealing ~~ct~on.9 thereof and adding a new Section 4 thereto," was r~ad and on a motion bY,Dr<;>gseth and seconded by Southworth was adopted. __ . It was moved by Brown and seconded by Lawton to rejoin the Thurston County Regional Planning Commission. Motion was carried. Under new business, Nancy Snyder reported library circulation at 1844, with 457 pat~ons.using Library material for the month of August. Rex Purdy ind7i:bDQ\uced Carole McEachern of the Police Department, who in turn i~troduced Jim Williams of A.W.C. and Ed Neal of H.U.D. Mr. Neal spoke on Federal,Grants, explain~ng~eligibility requirements, types of projects funded,etc. The Council instDucted Ms. McEachern and Purdy to investigate further and apply f~r grants the Town.is eligible for. . Quentin Nelson, President of the Yelm Businessman's Association, read the results of a canvas of 32 of the 41 businesses. inYelm. The q~est10naire revealed the o,pinion business people have of. the.'Yelm Police DepartlJ1:Snt, with 17 indicating satisfaction, 12 dissatisfied, a~d 3 with no opinion. Jim Forrester read a statement signed by 282 people of Yelm and the surrounding 0 community expressing a lack of confidence in the administration of the P~lice Department. After discussing the statement and receiving opinions from the .~ audience, Mayor Coates th~ked the people for their interest in the Town Police Department and Administration. . The~e. being no further business, the meeting adjoun~ed at l~:OO P.M. 0,,--/ /} ~/) . /' L/ /11 . ~-?~"""'''' ./ /J..A h/ /:. &< /0 oj' C~ ~ lAA-/ ;C/ L tt~..../'__t!<) Lo.ra B.. Coates, l~ayor Attest: .:,~e~o R~er de, Ci ty Glerk . (0 n ~ 93 October 8, 1975 .1 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Ye1m was c lIed to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Lora B. Coates. Rol.l call found cthe following, c~y.n ilmen present: Brown, Lawton, Webb and Drogseth. Also present were Engineer Ed st vens, Attorney Ted Schultz, Architect Ralph Provencal, 'Connie Turner and Librar, an Nancy Snyder. The minutes of the previous meeting were read' and approved 0 a motion by Webb and 'seconded 'by Drogseth. ' A motion by 'Webb and seconded by B~own to approve the follo "ng vouchers was passed~ Current Water Ci ty Stre'ets ' Garbage '~ Arterial 'Streets , Ii 2654 ~ 2700 720... 13~ 542 543 436... 441 27 28 $ 4,874.34 , 16, 732~ 78 224.38' 1,380.98 4,184.18 A plaque engraved with the names of the Mayor, Council and ,ate of dedication of the City'Hall, was presented to the City by Ralph Proven 11. The plaque is a gift ,from Architect Ralph Provencal, the law firm of, Fris oe, Taylor & Schultz, and the 'Triume Corporation, Contractors. The clerk was ins' ructed by the' Mayor and' Coun~il to write letters of appreciatione , , ' The Clerk reported receiving a phone call from Pat Byrne as ing that the Council resolve the "School Water Study" bills After some- discussi n, it was determined to have the Attorney write the Yelm School District a le.tte requesting they pay the amourit in full. Ed <Stevens reporte~ on the progress of the Preconstruction gineering,work being done for the Town, ,.,explaining routes for mains to t he indus rial area, progress in obtaining easements, and other phases being completed. I, Nancy Snyder reported total circulation foor the month of Se tember was 1674, with 402 individuals checking' out library materials. She also r ported on ma~ other 'progr.ams ,and activities held by the library:. Connie Turner complained of constant littering by the High chool students; stating that she had cleaned bottles and paper frv0m the streets man times. She asked the City to provide litter cans and to keep them emptied. Ron awton reported that he and Street Superintendent Don Barnard, had discussedpossib e solutions 'to the problem. It was suggested th~t High School Shop Students b asked to make litter recepticles to be 'placed on the street. A motion was maae by Brown ~nd seconded by Webb to allow tw parking spaces on ,the South side or 1e1m Aveo between the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and First street. Lawton said he felt parking in this area wou d create a traffic hazard. The motion carried with three yes votes and Lawton voting no. It wa&'moved by Drogseth and secanded Lawton to adopt Ordin nce # 194, "AN ORDINAl\fCE determining the estimated amount ,of revenues to be raised b 'ad valorem taxes for the Town of Ye1m for the fiscal year 1976; fixing the &noun of ad valorem taxes to be levied for the 'Town 'of Ye1m for the fiscal year 1976; an declaring an emergencYett Motion carried~ 'I It was moved by Brown and seconded by Drogseth to adopt Ord nance # 195, "AN ORDINANCE relating to the municipal water supply system of the, Town 0 Ye1m; providing for,a reduction in the charges for water service to certain senio citizens; and amending Town of 'Yelm Ordinance # l66~ Passed. Ted Schultz asked the Council to consider raising his retai er to $450900 'per month. Upon a motion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth, it was agr ad to lnclude the raise in the 1976 budget., MO,tion passed. , " Mayor Coates appointed Lawton and Drogseth to a committee t study sa~a~,i,,~$'of'eity,.. employees. " , There being' notJur~~e_r bU'siness, there was a motion by Drog and seconded by Webb to adJourn th~ ,~ee~~n.g, ~,~ 11 :30 PM,. l\iotton ,~~a~riede: " /? ' ',' ',., :;7t?, .,' ,. //7 / If' '~ ( . . /? ,,/./ L ~ ' ,r...~/f .L4 Lora. B. oates, I'1ayor ',' ~' , 'L ATXES T : ~~c::.~~ \~ J"#/ / ~,;-- , . ,.' /' -~' '" ~..e..-. Roger Erde, erk-Treasurer \ 94 November 12, 1975 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelmwas called to order at 7:30P.M. by Mayot Lora B. Voates. Roll Call found ~he follpwing councilmen present: Brownt Webb, Southworth, Drogseth, and L~wton. Also presen,t were Nancy Snyder and Bernice McCloud of the timberland Library, Roberta LongrTl;ire," Bonnie Wiseman, Gary Long, Ted Schultz, and Don Miller. . Minutes of the October meeting were approved as written on a motion by 'VJebb and seconded by Brown. It was moved by 'Webb for payment: Current: Garbage Water Street and seconded by Lawton to approve the following vouchers o ~ # 2701 ~# 442 : II 739 ~ # 544 - 2743 445 751 546 $5,090.04 1,463.23 3,359099 230.33 Mayor Coates appointed Evelyn Southworth as Chairman of a cOmmittee to purchase chairs for ~he Councilmen in the Council Chambers. " , \ , Councilman Lawton brought the possipility of the Ye1m School connecting.to the Town water system to the atten"tion of the Council. May'or Coates appointed Ron Lawton chairman of a cbmmittee to meet with representatives of the Yelm School to consider possible 'problems. other members of the committee are Eli Stevens and George Brown. Attention was drawn to a program available tor,obtainin~ trees for ,the City streets. After same discussion, it was concluded that the City could not afford to plant more trees due to the high cost of spraying and pruning. The Clerk was instruc~ed to purchase signs for the City Hall corridor. Mrot Verne Eke, director for C.A.A.P.Ao; Inc. presented plans for a proposed Performing Arts Center to ba located near the Black Lake exit on the West side of OlympiaG The Council ipstructed the Cierk to write a letter of endorsement for the project. o The 197~ Budget was discussed briefly with the Councilmen supplied with copies for further study. Th~ey will present their views at the public meeting on' December 1, 1975. Nancy Snyder reported Library Circulcation for the month of October 01975 in .the amount of 2002, patrons signing the register numbered 624. Ms. Snyder also reported eleven classes from the School visiting the library, a family film n:j.ght, spinning ,wheel, demonstration and a Hallow~en part!" Attorpey Ted Schultz presented easements for the signatures of Tom ~ongmire, Jan Loutzenhiser, and Mac Brown allowing access for water lines in accordance with the preconstruction engineering contract and comprehensive plan. There being no'further business, Councilman Drogseth and seconded the meeting was adjourned .on a motion by bY,Web~ 10:00 P.M. Xl//{_' 1 Lora'B. Coates, Atte",st: ~q,?~Z~ Roger Eider, C erk-Treasurer o ~ ~ , 't' '~J ,.,' '~\ t\1 \ I , 95 December 10, 1975 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm. wa qy Mayor Coates at 7 :30 P ..M. Roll call found the followi Webb, Brown, Southworth" Lawton and Drogsetho Others pre Schultz, Engineer stey:ens, Rex Purdy, Mrso Robbins, Odie Bill'I'som, John Peugh, Nancy, Snyder and Don Hiller. ~A mot~on was made by"Webb and seconded by Southworth the Nbvember meeting as wri tten. Mo~ion Harried. called to order Councilmen present: nt were Attorney ler, Roberta Longmire, the minutes of I Motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Drogseth vouchers for payment:, Current Vou # 2744 - 2801 $9,995:26 Water II n 751- 763 2,161.33 City streets It n 547- 548 205.41 Ga.rbage It n 446- 452 1,594.36 the following Councilman Lawton reported on the purchase of garbage can for the streets. A motion was made by Brown and se<<nded, by Southworth to p rchase cans and lids not to exceed $200.00. Motion carried. .The Clerk presented changes in the budget recommended at e Public Budget Hearing.' Purdy made requests for minor changes in the Po . ce budget'o After these' 'changes were written into :the budget; a motion was ade by Lawton and seconded by \~ebb to approve Budget Ordinance ,# 196. Mot. on carried, with Webb, 'Southworth, Brown and Lawton voting yes, and Drogse voting no. ~ Mayor Coates brought to the attention of the Council, a h Ie in the parking lot of the new city hall., Engineer Stevens reco~~ended t e clerk contact Architect Ralph Provencal to determine whQse responsibili it was to take steps to ,correct it., Lawto~reported it was time to, trim the Hawthorne trees. The Clerk was instructed to get bids. I . Southworth reported ordering chairs for the Councilmen as instructed to by the Council at their November meetinge . Manshall Purdy asked the Council to write a letter to the County Commissioners protesting the excessive charge forprmsoner support in 1 76e Attorney Schultz suggested representatives of Yelm and other Thurston COUll Cities attend a .commissioners meeting and state their objections inpe!eso 0 A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Southwor~h to accept the, bid of Young's Service for cleaning the City Hall for 6. Motion carried. h 512 'patrons sign- ies sponsored by the ear 1976 on December , Phyllis Ledington Don Miller was Nancy Snyder reported circulation for November at 1817, w' ing put library materials. She also reported other acti . Library. The Ye1m Library Board elected off~eers for the ,:8th. Kay Gifford was elected chairman for the second yea . 'was eiected vice-chairman, Bernice McDJraud- secretary, ~ an appointed publicity chairpersono Mayor Coates announced a meeting to be held requested by and Representatives Ericson ~ndIEhlers, of all elected an of the cities in their district~ The meeting will be.hos Yelm and f-1ayor Rou6ch of Roy and will be held in the Ye1m 5t!l" .at 7 :30 P.M. ate Senator Bottiger appointed officials d by Mayor Coates of ity Hall on January 'I Brown made a motion, seconded by Lawton to <"January Council meetingo I.!J.otion carriedo There being'no further business, the motion was made by,Webb to adjourn at 11=30 P.M. Motion carried. 1 Board to the gseth and, seconded Attest :~ "," , /.~,>,,~::-;>I " ~ · c?, . /;//,"f'-~-C ~ Roger' Eide, , erk- Treasurer