1976 Minutes ;'-,-.{ :1'1 \ I . 95. December 10, 1975 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Ye1m wa called to order b,y Mayor Coates at 7 :30 P .H. Roll call found the followi g Councilmen present: Webb, Brown, Southworth, Lawton and Drogsetho Others pre ant were Attorney " Schultz, Engineer Stav,:ens, Rex Purdy, Mrso RObbins, Odie . yler, Roberta Longmire, Bill'Isom, John Peugh, Nancy. Snyder and Don l{iller. prove the minutes of . ~A matt on was made by =Webb and seconded by Southworth the Nbvember meeting as writteno Mo~ion garried. I Motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Drogseth to approve the following vouchers for payment: . Current 'Iou # 2144- 2801 $9,995.'26 Water tt " 751- 763 2,161.33 City streets It ft 547- 548 205..41 Garbage If u 446- 452 1,594.36 Councilman Lawton reported on the purchase of garbage can for the streets. A motion was made by Brown and se<<nded. by Southworth to p rchase cans and lids not to exceed $200.00. Motion carried. The Clerk presented changes in the budget recommended at he Pub1~c Budget HeariI\g. Purdy made requests for minor changes in the Po ice budget. After these changes were written into the budget; a motion was ade by Lawton and seconded by \-Jebb to approve Budget Ordinance .# 196. Mot on carried, with Webb, Southworth, Brown and Lawton voting yes, and Drogse h voting no. Mayor Coates brought to the attention of the Council, a h 1e in the parking lot' of the new city hall., Engineer Stevens recommended t e clerk contact Architect Ralph Provencal to determine whQse responsibili y it was to take steps to ,correct it. Lawton< reported it was time to, trim the Ha"tvthorne trees. The Clerk was instructed to get bids. I, " Southworth reported ordering chairs for the Councilmen as instructed to by the Council at their November meeting. . :J \' 'MaDs~all Purdy asked the Council to write a letter to the County commissioners protesting the excessive charge for 'prmsoner support in 1 76. Attorney Scnultz s~ggest~d representatives of Yelm and other Thurston Coun Cities attend a Commissioners meeting and state their objections inpe~so 0 A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Southworth to accept the bid' of Youngts Service for cleaning the City Hall for 6. Motion carriedo h 512 .patrons sign- ies sponsored by the ear 1976 on December , Phyllis Ledington Don Miller was Nancy Snyder 'reported circulation for November at 1817, w' lng p~t library materials. She also reported other acti . Library. The Ye1m'Library Board elected offffi:cers for the 8th. Kay Gifford was elected chairman for the second yea 'was eiected vice-chairman, Bernice Mc!lnud- secretary"an appointed publicity chairperson. Mayor Coates announced a meeting to be held requested by and Representatives Ericson ~ndIEhlers, of all elected an of the cities in their district~ The meeting will be-hos Yelm and I~ayor Rous'ch of Roy and will be held in the Yelm 5th, ,.at 7 :)0 P.M. ate Senator Bottiger appointed officials d by Mayor Coates of ity Hall on January "I Brown made a motion, seconded by Lawton to invite the ., January Council meetingo Motion carriedo There being no further business, the motion was made by Webb to adjourn at 11:30 P.M. Motion Attest :; . ,""_"~;>' C?, ./J '01'7"";'" ..,,' ~, v ~ // /,P"-~ ~ Roger- Eide, . erk- Treasurer 96, January ~~l 1979 ~ ' The regular meeting of the Ccuncil of the Town of Yelm was called to, or~~r at 7:30 PM. Roll call found the following CoUncilmen p~esent-George Brown; Evelyn Southworth, Ron Lawton, Har~ey Webb and Arnold Drogseth. Visitors w~re, Ted Schultz, Engineer md stevens, M3rslial Rex Purdy, Mr. Jua~and Nielson of the School Board, John Richards, Murray Kenton, Glen Nutter, Bill Isom, D.R. & Marilyn Bekeman, Bill Flyg, Har~ Southworth, Roberta Longmire, .Mr~. Ed. Rossa, Betty Jones, Ray & Nancy Sutherland, Quentin & lv1ariori Nels'on, Mr. & Mrs. Lontz, and Don Miller. It was moved by Webb and seconded by Drogseth to adopt the minutes of the previous 0' " meeting. Motion carried. A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Lawton ~o approve the following vouchers for paymento Passed Unanimously; Current Water . street Garbagei~~~ ~ VOll # 2802 764 549 453 - 2861 778 550 $8,799.43 3,.514.98 1,094.25 1,083.50 The following bids were read for trimming the Hawthorne trees: Gonzal~s Tree Service .... $1,295.00, Ken Bates $860.00, Don Bushnell.... $10.00 per tree. The Council referred the bids to Ron Lawton f~r a more detailed description of service rendered. D.R. B~kemans asked permission .of the Council to operate a Recreation Center in his building on Ye1m Ave. The Council granted permission. . Don l~iller gave the Library Report, Circulation for ,the month of December 'was 1730, with 412 persons using the library" A letter from the Humane Society was nead, stating the charges for animal contrQl for 'the year 1976 had, been increa:sed to $1,090" 00 for the l;Cown of Ye1m. The Council instructed the Clerk to write a letter to the Humane Society advi~ing .them the Ye1m budget only allows $700~OO for their services for the coming year. A motion was. made by Brown and secomaed by Southworth directing the Marshal to erect 2 Hour Parking signs on Edwards st. ,from Ye1m Ave. to Stevens, and on Jeffer~ son between Edwards and Raiillroad. Motion carried. o Ordinance # 197, uAN ORDINANCE adopting a codification of existing ordinances of the Town of Ye1m. as th~ official code of the Town ofYelm passed the first reading. A motion by Webb and seconded by Drogseth set the public hearing date for Ordinance 11197 on February 11, 1976. Carried" . A motion was made by Brown, and seconded QY Webb to pay Patrick J. Byrne 8:. A~scciates the hourly rate, with the total not to exceed $1,000000, for preparing and presenting grant applicatio~s to the necessary agencieso Motion passed unanimauslyo ' A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Southworth to authorize Mayor, Coates to sign addindums to Patrick J. Byrne and Associates contract to acknowledge changing the firm's name. Carried. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Lawton to authorize the ~ayor to sign application for a HUD grant in the amount of $96,667.00. Motion carried with four ayes, and Drogseth abstaining. On a moti:on by Brown and seconded by .Lawton, the Council determined. to purchase "'Lots 9 & l(), Block 3, McKenzies Second Addition to the Town of Yelm, according tothe Plat thereof recorded in the office of the Thurston County Auditor and .known as the "Fisk! 'Property" 0" for the price of $9,600.00 with Referendum 29 funds only. Passed unanimously. Motion was made by .Lawton and (s,econded by Southworth to have the City Attorney and Engineer draft a letter to be "submitted to Yelm -Schaal District, advising that entity that the Town of Yelm wishes to submit a response to the invitation to comment on a draft en~ronmental impact statement prepared in connection with the proposed new high school, but that a detailed. response cannot be submitted until after the Town of Yelm Council meeting on February 11, 1976. . Passed Unanimouslyo I Brown moved and Southworth seconded a motion to pay Patrick J. Hyrne and Assoce the , $1,000.00 due for the School Water StudYi Carried. I I I~ 1- i" 97 A motion was made by Webb to allow Marshal Purdy to suppleme t the salary of one more patrolman for a total of $90.00 pe~ month for six m nths. The $60.00 per month to include fringe benefits. The motion was ~edon ed by Lawton-and passed unanimously~ ' ( r ( ~e 'Council approved the use of tags for the garbage cans as recommended by Rural Garb,age Service.. Roberta Longmire said she had someone to wreck the "Fisk obtain permission from the Council. The Council dec~ded possession and then t:ake appropriate action. " . The f~ooding of YeL~ Creek was discussed. Bill 1som suggest . The fisheries Department tor help with cle~ning the creek. to write a letter to ask f.or help. . The Ye1m School Representatives discussed the water system t site with the Council and City Engineer. Questions were rai Sutherland about fire flow and requirements. The School Engi ~stimated the school requirements and the City Engineer was meet them. e It if they could it until they,- had the Council contact e Clerk was instructed the new high school d by Mr. Nelson and eer and Architect re the City could There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned 'at 11:30 P.M. on a motion by Webb and seconded by Drogseth. Attest: /i>'~::' ~>~, .,)' {.."O'\' "cj?,<,::,,~_...,. C... ~ .....-4 "'~ . ,.<"" ..... ~. ~. Roger .Eide, Clerk-Treasurer 198 !~i ..~ -- > 'j February 11, 19:06 The regmlar meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by r<1ayor Coates at 7:30 PM. Roll call found the following Councilmen present: Brow~, Webb, Lawton, and Drogsetho Visitors were Attorney Ted SChultz, Engineer. Ed Stevens, Roberta Longmire, Dennis HeCarty, Mary Meyer, Qu~nton Nelson, 'Wayne Glassburn, Nancy Snyder, Julie Sarkissian and Don Miller. A motion was made by Brown and seconded py Webb to adopt the minutes of the January meeting. Motion carried. Drogseth moved and Webb seconded the motion to pay the 1pl1owing vouchers. Motion carried: o Current Water City Streets Garbage Vou.# 2862 - 2907 779 - 788 551 - 554 454 $6,271.90 1,578.71 201.22 , 1,127.,25 A motion was made by Brown and seconded by I~ogseth to accept a bill of sale from the Puget Sound Land and Development Company, Inc. of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Washington, for the water system loca.ted at Kingsvie'w Division 3 in the Town of Yelm~ Motion passed unanimously. After reconsidering the bids for tree trimming, a motion was made by Lawton and ,seconded by Drogseth to accept the bid of $820.00 submitted by Don Bushnellt Hotion carried; ,On a motion by \..[ebb and seconded by Lawton, the Council adopted Ordinance # 197: It AN ORDINANCE adopting a codification of existing ordinances of the Town of Yelm as the officlal code of the Town of YelIp.o" Passed unanimously. Comments from the To~n Engineers, Byrne-Stevens & Associates, on the draft environ- mental impact statement of the propqsed new high school were read and discussed. Lawton moved and Brown seconded the motion to accept the Engineer's report a&i: the Town's official comment of the draft statement, with copies to be sent to the Ye1m School District # 2, Thurston County Regional. Planning Commission, State ,D3pt. of Eco~ogy, Thurston County Commissioners, state Dept. of Public Instruction, state Dept~ of "i":' . Economic Development, and State Dept. of Community DevelopmentlJ Motion carried, with Lawton, Brown, and Webb voting yes and Drogseth abstaining. Ms. Julie Sarkissian of the state Health Information Office di~c~ssed the state Law on smoking in Public placeso Nancy Snyder, librarian, reported the library circulation continues to grow with 745 people checking out books and other library materials, almost double the participation of January 19750 Ms. Snyder also reports many other activities during January. The Library Board will have their next meeting March 8th~ Board meetings are open to the 'public. Mayor Coates read a letter from Sternoff Metals Corp. stating they wouid like a permit to operate a business in the former Hill Packing Plant. The function of the plant would be to recycle aluminum residues, removing dirt and ending with aluminum bearingconcentrateso The Council discussed the possibility of poib1ution. The Clerk was instructed to invite representitives of Sterno!f Metals to the adjourned meeting to be held February 18, 1976 to discuss their business. Permission was granted the Clerk to purchase a typewriter, stand, and vacuum cleaner. Total cost not to exceed $400.00. The Council adjourned the meeting at 12:30 10M., to be reconviened February 18, 1976 at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall at Yelm, Washington. [J\ : i , February 18,' 1976 The adjourned meeting of the Town of Yelm was called to order by the Clerk. A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded byLawtbri~ to elect George Brown, IVlayor pro-tem. Motion carried. Roll call found the following present, Mayor pro-tern Brown, Lawton, Webb, and Drog$eth.. Other visitors were Irving Sternoff and George Dietz of the Sternoff Metals Corp., Gilienn Douglas, Mary J. King, Ma~ Hodge, Clara ~eber, W~lford L. Bedford, Jane Grimmett, Clelan'E. Grimmett, Odie Kyler, Charles Kyler, Lena McFarland, :James W. Nichols, Jim Harding, Leona Condo, Ed Stevens, Roberta. Longmire, and Hal Ti'iolf . . 99 :George Dietz explained the process used in extracting alum residues of aluminum plants. Residues will be shipped in crushed and smelted to'extract pure metal. Answering ques an~ audience, Mr. Dietz ,assured the people the firm would Air Pollution Control standards, employ 4 to.6 people to s 10 to 12 when:in full producti0no The firm will use land of the waste from their plant. num from the y rail and truck, ions from the Council omply with ,Olympia' art and hopefully ill for "disposing I A motion was made by ,webb and seconded by Drogseth to pure ase"Lots 9 & 10, Block 3, McKenzies Second Addition to the Town of Yelm for $9,600.00, with $3,000.00 from the Cumulative Reserve Fund for Gener.al Munocipal PurpQses, and $6,600.00 from the Current Fund, and in connection wit said purchase, the sum of $3,850.60 be transferred from the Fire gquipmen Reserve Fund. :pursuant to an interfund loan to be repaid with interest a the rate of ~% per annum. Motion carried by unanimous votem OdaLe,Kyler asked the Council to take a.ction to accept the ept. of Social and He~ilith,Services Grant for $167,300.00 for moving the "1ngb. Housell so that the U.S".B.O. can go ahead with the project. After some discus 0 on', the Council decided to table the matter until the regular March meeting. ThereJb~ing no further business, by Webb :to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. seconded Attest: .L~~~ Roge "de, lerk-Treasurer, I March 10, 1976 "l~e regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was aIled to order by Mayor Coates at 7 ;30 PM With the following councilmen prese t: Webb, Southworth, Brown, Drogseth, and Lawton. Others present were Attorney ed Schultz, Engineer Pat Byrne, Regional Director for the Dept. of Commerce and onomic Development Melvin Henderson, William N. Leonard - DSHS Capital Program , Robert Heath, Odie Kyler, La Verne Haye s, Dorothy Grime s, Mary King, Glen o~glas JI of U ~ C.B. O. , Ester Nutter-Senior Citizens, Quenton Nelson, Marion NelEon williamL. Isom, Harry Southworth, Godfrey Maurin, Karl Powel1- Boy Scouts, on Miller, William Valdez, Lois arlddSam Stewart, Roberta Longmire and Mike Etlw rds. ~I A'motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton to all following vouchers. The motion was passed unanimously. Current Vou # 2908 2965 Water 788 801 Garbage 456 ',' Streets 463 the February On a motion by Webb and seconded by Southworth, the minutes meeting w~re ~proved as written. payment of the 471 $15,'11.04 T, 41.80 1, 49.~5 1, 45.81 in the The Clerk reported that Pacific Sand and Gravel will repair parking lot. Councilman :Lawton reported the tree trimming had started and he will report to the Council as progress is made. A letter from the Thurston County Commissioners ~sked the To request for a reduction in the gama~ng .rate charged for 'PUnc tabs. The Council decided to abide by the rates set by the 's opinion of a boards and pull omrnissionerse (' , ,100 \ I A letter from the Thurston County Humane Society was read, the Society stating the raise in service fees was necessary to maintain a minimal service. The Mayor appointed DVDgseth and Brown to a~tend a meeting Apr~l 13, 1976 at the Olympia City Hall to discuss alternatives to the animal control problems. Aomotion was made by South- worth and seconded by Drogseth, ~nstructing the Clerk to pay the 1st Quarter animalv control 'fees as billed by the H~~ane Societyo Motion carried. Nancy Snyder's library report showed c~culation of 1857, with 591 patrons signing gut materiale She also reported a,Valentine Party and other activi~i~~';f~r the month of Februaryo o Glen Douglas talked on the activities of t~e Crisis Clinic. He tcld~of training sessions during the day on April 3, and 4" also evening sessions April 5,6~" and 1 tl Mr. Douglas asked the Town Council to turn action money over to the U.C.B.O. Mr. Schultz, Town Attorney, statedcthat such action was illegal~ A motion was "made byvJebb tp adopt Ordinance # 198, "AN ORDINANCE amending: Town of Yelm Ordinance No 0 196 and the Town of Yelm~udget for the Calendar Year 1976 adopted. thereby", Motion was seconded by Dr'ogseth and passed unanimously & ~ c < c Mayor Coates int~oduced Mel Henderson of the Economic ,Assitance Authority of the Washington State, Department of Commerce and,Econmmic Development.Nro Henderson stated he had reviewed an application, filed ,with his agency, from the Town of Ye1m. for grants and loans 'totaling $127,500.000 During his presentation,'Mr. Henderson indicated that if the new high school is erected on the site 'presently selected, and the industrial integrity of that area eroded, an Economic Assistance Authority grant might be jeopardized. Mr. Henderson also pointed out that the site selected for the new high school is situated in an ~rea which has historically been considered an , industrial site and that it i~ a part of an area designated as an industrial site in ' the "Bonneville Study", a state-"tdde studY",of industrial sites conduated a few years backbpy Bonneville Power Administration. Town Engineer, Pat Byrne, stated to the Council that the new high school site was in an area designated for industrial uses in the current Thurston County Land Use Plan and that ie was contemplated that this area would be developed !orilhrldu:strial uses in the Comprehensive Wa. ter Plan 'pre- viously prepared by his office and approved by the Town Council. Hr" Byrne also 0' -',', refereadthe Council to the matters of conce~n developed by his department in response to the Environmental Impact As'sessment prepared by the Ye1m School District :# 2. These mat~ers were discussed at the Februar,y. 'II, 1976 Council meetings Mr. Byrne also noted' that in the Ye1m Comprehel1:sive' 'Water Plan a supplemental well site was planned for the area selected for the new school sitee After further discussion on this matter, a motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Webb, that the Town of Ye1m go on record as recognizing the need for a new high school and favoring the construction of such a facility, but opposing th~ selection'of a site for that facility within the Yelm Industrial area and further directing the Mayor to forward a letter to the Washington state Board,of Eduaat~on advising them or this position taken by the T~n Council and reasons thereforeo M9tion was adopted by a unanimous " vo'teo of the Council. ' Mr. Leonard of the DSHS Bapita1 Programs spoke ~bout the Referendum 29 grant for funds to establish a Community Center in Ye1m. He explained the City would need 25% matching f~ds for the 'projecto Moving the Ingham House will 'provide the Town's 25%' for the house and. other in-kind service~. Mr. Leonard also stated there was no expiration date for the grant, but the Town' would be obligated m operate the facility for 1.5 years if the Ingham House is moved or '2.5 years if the Town elects to build a new building. Mr. Heath of' the UCBO Board presented a short resume of UCBO ppograms and finances. A,motion by Brown to appoint a commit~ee of Qdie Kyler, George Brown, Pat Byrne, Bob Heath ana Harvey Webb to gather information regarding expenses and income O~, ,for the Center SO the Council could determine if they'will go ahead with the project, was seconded by Webb and carried. Engi.neer Byrne read an environmental assessment of the proposed water project in the Town of Ye1m. A motion by SouthworthQto authorize the Mayor to sign a notice that 'the 'Council has determined the proposed water facility improvement pro0ect will not have a significant L~pact on the environment, was seconded by W'ebb and passed unanimously 0 ,Engineer Byrne read ,an environmental assessment of the proposed water siorage,facilitYe On a motion by Lawton and seconded by Webb, the Mayor was authorized to sign an application for Referendum 27 funds in the amount of $91,235000, and notice declaring the project will have no significant' enVironmental impact. Motion carried. ,101 Attorney Schultz discussed a Civil Service Commission for he Town of Yelmo He told of requirements for members and their duties aspr scribed by law. After some discussion, the Council decid~d to study the ma ter furthero There being no further business the CouncilQ adJourned at 1 :30 PM on a motion by Webb and seconded by Southworth. . 0 I Attest: " ~~e:~ Roge.f Eide~ Clerk....Treasurer. April +4" 1976 I The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was alled to order by Mayor Coates at 7;30PM. R~ll call ,found the following Coun iimen present, South- worth, Brown 1 Webb, Drogseth, and Lawton. Also present wer the Town Attorney, Ted Schultz and Engineers Ed stevens and Pat Byrne. Visitors i cluded Ralph Provencal, Mary King, Oddie Kyler, LaVonne Hayes, Dorothy Grimes, Dora RObinson, Rosalie Johnson, Pam Allison, Clellam Grimmett, James Nichols, Clara Weber, T~lfred Bradfor~, Henry Chambers, Hal Wolf, Manley Goodwin, Tom Ledington, TerryLo b~rdo, Nancy Snyder, Bobby Cullens,.Tropie Short, Connie Pedega, Frank Smith, Ba bara Fisher, Don Miller, and Dennis McCarty. Ron'Lawton reported on the tree trimming.. The CouncilJfelt the cleanup job was not satisfactory and instructed the Cle~k to hold Mr. Bushnell'~ check until the work was completed. the minutes of the A motion was made by Brown and seconded March meeting. Motion carried. . On a motio~ by Southworth and seconded by Drogseth, the approved for payment. Motion carried. * vouchers were A report by Ralph Provencal, comparing the cost ofe a new fac'lity Vs. the Ingham house for a community center, ~as read. Mr. Provencal concluded hat the relocating and re}qovati,on d' the Ingham house would produce the most value or the dollar 'spent by the Town of Yelm. After discussion by the Council, a'motion wa made by Brown and seconde( by Webb, authorizing May~r Coates to enter into a contract hehalf of the Town with the architectural firm o~ Bennett, Johnson, Slenes, and Smi to prepare specs for re~ocating and renovating the Ingham house, and to appoint co:m."'Tlittee to assist the architect. Hayor Coates appointed the follcwing: ~'iike wards, Oddie Kyler, Ha~ve~ W~bb, .Hal Wblf, Bar~ara Fisher, 'and Lora B. Coateso Motion assed unanimously. ,. . ", ,~ Connciiman Southworth moved the City Hall be used for City onsored activities only. -~e motion was seconded by Webb and carr~ed. I"', J t~ Nancy Snyder presented the Library report with a total of 57 patrons signing out 2478 items during the month of March. Also reported wwre te different classes visit- ing the library. The"next meeting of the Yelm Library Board is scheduled for Monday, . May 10, and"Js open to the publico A mo~ion to have the Engineer check the platt of Kingsview City, was made by Webb and seconded by Brown and passeg. 4 and bill the Evelyn Southworth told of receiving complaints concerning th trees on the corner of 3rd-and Jefferson, which are blmcking the vision of motor sts. The Council felt the trees should be trimmed if they are on the Town right-of way. "1 * Current #2966 3022' $8~355.78 Water 802 813 1,728063 Garbage 457 458 1,120.71 Street 559 11563 1,494.21 Community Sv. Cr. 31 400.00 r 110'2 It was moved by Brown and seconded by Drogseth, to ~ccept the Washington state Dept. of Economic .Development, Economic Assistance Authority offer of financial aid consist- . ing of a' loan in the a.rnmunt of $63,750.00, repayable in 20 years at 5% interest and a grant in the amount of $63,750.00. Motion carried. It was moved by Brown and seconded by Southworth, to authorize Byrne-Stevens and Associates to negotiate options from James Enlow and P~chard Baker for water tank and access thereto, the price af said options not to exceed $100900 eachq Motion carried. o It, was moved by Brown and seconded by Southworth to authorize Byrne-Stevens and Associates to contact Mr. Terry Thompson, bond consultant, for the purpose of negotiating funding of approximately $41,000.00 for the balance of the water system improvement 'project. Passed Unanimously. A motion was' made by Webb and seconded by Lawton to adopt Ordinance # 199, U'Al\I ORDINk.tlJCE establishing a classified civil s~rvice- for all full paid policemsa of the Town of Ye1m, and creating a Civil Service Commission.'" Motion carried. There being no further 'business, the Council adjourned on a motion by Southworth and seconded by ~'/ebb at 11:,00 P~Mo . ~o:f~ Attest: -~ ~~/- c!?~R' Rog~ Eide; Clerk-Treasurer May~12, 1976 o o The meguiag meeting of the Council of the Town of Ye1m was called to order by Mayor CoaiBes at 7=30 PM with the following Councilmen present: Brown, Webb, South~vorth, Lawton, and Drogsetho Also present were~~ttorney'Ted Schu~tz, Engineer Ed Stevens, 14arshal Rex Purdy ,Librarian Nancy Snyaier, Frank Smith of Architectural Firm of BJSS, f- Robert Cecil, Roberta Longmire, Oddie Kyler, LaVonne Hayes.) Mary l1eyer, Bareara Fisher, I . ~ 'Harry Southworth, Jon Peugh, and Don Miller. A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Southworth to approve the minlltes of the April meetin$. Motion carried. Current Water Garbage City Streets by Webb to approv~ the Vou # 3023 3077 814 824 459 461 564568 : 0 follmving vouchers for payment: $13,247..28 5,011.13 1,107.70 346.54 A motion was made The motion was seconded by Southworth' and passed unanimously. .I After some discussion, the recently purchased "Fisk Rouse" was deemed unfit 'for repair and given to Jon Peugh for removal. .Mr. Peugh agreed to have the hause rem0ved by the first of June, 1976. '0 The Yelm house nUlllbering plan was discussed"by the Councilo The attorney was in- ,structed to prepare an ordinance when the Clerk finished the project. Nancy Snyder, Librarian, read the library report. Ms Snyder's report showed 594 patrons signing out 2158 pieces of librar.y material. MSe Snyder also reported other activities of the library. A letter complaining about the open burning was read by-Hayor Coates and'e$iscussed by the Council. It was determined, that the burning was being done in violation of City Ordinance # 8012.070. The Council instructed Marshal Purdy to notify this person and advise him of the penalty for violation of the 9rdinance. A motion was made by Webb and~ seconded by Lawton to instruct Don Barnard t'o repair the Rest Rooms in the Park. Pass~d unanimously. , I I. I. 103 Mr. Smith, from the form of Bennett, JOhnson, Slenes & Smith, AIA, showed the Council plans for remodeling the !tlngham Housen for' a Mul ti-S rvice Center and presented a sqhedule of work for theprojec~. - Councilman Webb moved the Council approve the preliminary pIa and moving the !ngham House as presented and that Mr. Smith p drawings for phase 1 and 2 as presented in the invitation to seconded by Drogseth and passed witl1 Brown, Southworth, Webb yes, and Lawton voting nnoH. A motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Webb to co~mi the Town of yelm] to the UIngham Houseu with the cost not to ,exceed the $167,30 000 grant from Referendum 29 f~ds from the DSHS. The motion carried with W' bb, Southworth, Drogseth and Lawton voting nyesft and Brown casting a ttnottl\{'ot " s for the basement oceed ~wi th working ido The motion was' nd Drogseth voting It was moved by Webb and seconded by Drogseth for the'Town to acquire a Limited Liability Title Policy for Lots 7,8,9,10, of block 3 of HcKen ie's first- Additon to tne Town of ,..telm. Passed Unanimously. . '" A motion was made by Webb authorizing Mayor Coates to enter i to a standard ~orm agreement between the Town of Ye1m and Benett, Slenes,Johnson and Smith for ~he 5UM of $13,500.00 for the services described thereino The mo ion was seconded by Drogseth and adopted by a unanimous vote of the 'Counc;il. Upon a motion by Brown and seconded by Webb, the Council adop ed Ordinance # 200, u AN ORDINAi"'iCE of the Town 9f Yelm, 1{ashington authorizing the acceptance of a grant in the sUm of $63,750~OO from the state of Washington EcOilUbmi Ass~stance Authority; authorizing the borrowlng of the sum of $63,750.00 at an inte est rate of five per- cent (5~)per annum from the State of Washington Economic Ass. stance Authority, authorizing .the Mayor and Town Clerk to execute such document as are reasonably necessary to effect the aforesaid, loans; creating a special f d to provide for re- payment of the aforesaid loan; and establishing a schedule fo the repayment of ~aid loan from revenue derived from the operation of the Town wate systemtt. Passed Un... animously. It vias moved by Brown and seconded by Webb to authorize Engine r Ed Stevens to negotiate with Kinnear for a well site, price not to eMceed $2 100.00. Passed unanimously. Councilman Lawton moved as follows: 1.. Th~t the I-fayor and Town Clerk be authorized and direct...d to execute, on behalf of the Town, the nOffer and Acceptance Agreementtr (Project # 77602403) between the State of Washington, Department of Social and HeAlth Services nd the Town of Ye1m covering a grant by the:aaid Department of Social and Health S~rvices to the Town of Yelm pursuant to Cha:ptero43~83 B of the H.evised Code of washin~ton in the net SlIDl of $62,732.00 after cancellation of the remaini~g obligations of he Town to the Depart- ment of Social and Health Services under DSHS loan number ,2773 8094 (Comprehensive Water Plan Loan) and DSHS loan number 277410272 (Preconstructi n Engineering.Loan)J 2., That the Town Attorney be instructed. to deliver the e ecuted Bffer and Acceptance Agreement to the Department of Social and Health Se vices together with a letter advising of the Town's understanding that DSHSLoan Num)er 277308094 and DSHS Loan, Number 277410272 would be deemed satisfied upon acceptanc of the said grant; and 3. That upon receipt of confirmation ot the satisfaction f the aforesaid out- standing loans, the .special .fund 0 f the Town known as the "'Ie Preconstruction Engineering'Loan Redemption .L'undtr established for repayment of siad loans pursuant to Ordinance Number -184, be abolished. The motion was seconded by Brown and adopted' by a unanimous vo e of the Council. A motion was ,made by Webb and seconded by Brown to exercise th the property of James and Eva Enlow for $1,375.00 and Richard amount of $1,800.00 and directing the Attorney to prepare doc effect.the eonveyance. Motion carried. options to purchase Joann Baker in the ents necessary to Law~on moved and Brown seconded a motion to authorize the Town Engineer to advertise the invitation for bids on a steel water tank as presented. Pa sed unanimously. ~.1arshal Purdy WlS granted permission to put Robert Cecir on" the $60eOO per month upon a motion, by Webb and seconded by Southwo A motion by Webb and seoonded by Drogseth, authorized Marshal patches for the Police Depabtment. Carried. The Meeting was adjourned until May 18, 1976~at 7=30 PM. ayroll for 6 months at h. dy to purchase arm 104 The adjourned meeting of the 1e1m Council was called to order by Mayor Coa~~s at 7:30 PM, Roll call found the following Councilmen present, Brown, Southworth, Lawton and ;1'l[ebb. Visitors present were, Frank Smith of JJSS, architects, Odmie Kyler, LaVonne Hayes, Clara Webber, ~lill Bedford, Don Miller, Ted 'Schultz and IvIikeEdwards. Mr. Smith presented planssfor the moving of the ttlnghamHo.use" and explained the bid specifications. r A motion was made by Brown and- seconded by Lawton approving the resi'dent!al fire permit applications. Motion carried" There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM on Southworth and seconded by Lawton and passed unanimously. ~a~~ a'motion by Attest: Rage o Juih~ 9, 1976 The regular meeting was called to order by Hayor Coates at 7 :30Plv1. Roll call found the following Concilmen present, Webb, Drogseth and Southworth~Visitors present were Oddie Kyler, Harry Southworth, Roberta Longmire, Don Miller, Ed stevens, Frank Smith qnd Ted SchultZe A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Southworth to adopt the minut~s of the May Meeting. Motion carried. A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Southworth to approve the following vouchers for payment: Current: Vau # 3078 .... 3126 $6,694.00 Water " 827 .... 843 5,062.18 Garbage n 462 .... 464 l,2hl~94 City Streets n 569 - 571 222&93 Community Serv"Center 33 - 31 3 ;532 (193 Frank Smith of Bennett, Johnson, Slenes & Smi th, Architects, reported there were no. _ bids received for moving the Ulngham House". Attorney Schultz explainedtthat the Council 0 could negotiate with a contractor for moving the house. The Counc~~ and Mayor authorized. Mr. Smith to carryon the negotiations. 0 A motion by Drogseth acknowledged the city accepted a gifft of lots 7 & ~, Block 3, McKenzies Second Addition to the Town of Yelm, from the Blake estate, subject to a lm&n of. unpaid real estate taxes for the year of 1976 and further moved to approve payment of taxes in amount of $19.20. The motion was seconded by SouthvJorth and passed unanimously. Ed Stevens reporteti the following Bids~for a 500,000 gallon water tank and recommended the Council accept the bid of Reliable Steel Fabricators: Reliable Steel Fabricators $71,238.00 P.o. Box 9 Ol~npia, Washington 105 Pacific Tank,& ~bnstruction Corp., Tigard, Ore.' $74 500.00 ,Steel structures, ruc. Box 1398 Eugene', Orggon 77 987.00 Weil Contracting Service, Inc. 2332 S.E. 122 Ave. Portland, Oregon 83 75(i.OO I t ;.. Pi tsburg-Del-10ine stee Co II 14042 N.E. 8th . : Bellevue, Washington U.S. Tank and Construction Co., Inco P.O. Box 434- Tualatin, Ore. 83 760.00 87 282.00 A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Southworth Reliaole Steel Fabricatbrs and award the contract to as the low bidder. Passed unanimously. cept the bid of bIe Steel Fabricators Engineer Stevens presented an agreement with Burlington N rthern Railroad granting to the Town of Yelm, permission, to construct and maintain an 8 inch pipe line across the right of way at Rhoton Road, calling for payment of $75.00 , for. the first five years and $25.00 for'subsequent five y ars of 'contract. A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Webb.to aut orize the Mayor and Clert to sign the contract. Motion passed unanimouslyo A motion was made by Southworth for 'the Town of Yelrn to a quire the property of James & Eva Enlow, subject to 1m en of the deed of trust a d authorize the Mayor and Clerk to signa Request for Partial Reconveyance and ay $100.00 therefore. The motion was duly seconded by Drogseth and passed by a nanimousvote. . . A request by Sam stewart, Chairman of the Bmcentennial to be held July), 1976 was granted. The meeting was adjonrned at 10 :15 P .M,o Southworth. - . t Ordinance #' 201, ction 2 of Town of Ye1m of $63,750.00 from the repayment of the the same. Carried. I A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Drogseth to ado o rr~ ORDINANCE of the 'fown of Yelm, Washington, amending S Ordinance No. 200, pertaini,ng to the borrowing of the sum state ofvJashington ,Economic Assistanc.e._,A,uthority for the $63,750.00 loan and authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to si parade sethand seconded by Attest: ~r-C.-/~ Roger Eid , Clerk-Treasurer June 30, 19.76 'I The Special Meeting of the Council of the' Town ofYe~, was called to order by Mayor Coates at 1:30 PM. with the followipg Councilmen pre~s nt, Southworth, Brown, Webb and Drogseth. Visitors included Frank Smith of J33..J..S.. 0, Oddie Kyler, Lavonne Hayes, ~ob Heath and Ted Schultz. OMr. Smith brought the Council up 'to date on the neg~tiatipn moving,the "Ingham House". He presented bids by two cgntra Bremerton, Wa. $55,000.00, and CoW. Englemann Construction with the low bid of $55,000000 submitted by Burley & Sons, "some discussion by the 6ouncil, a motion ~as made by Webb a and the Town Clerk, Roger Eide, to sign a contract, on beha Burley & ?ons, House Moving Contractors, contingent on: 1 - The State of Washington General Administration gra ting an extension of time for remoVing the house form it~ present locat on restDring the land.' ~thcontractors for tors, Burley & Sons, Lacey, Wa. $210,134.00 , f Bremerton, W'a. After thorizing Mayor Coates f, of the fown, with 106. " 2 - All arrangements can be 'effected and approvals obtained from the varmous public and private utilities whose facilities would be affected by the mov,; from the law enforcement agencies that would be invomved in the move, and from -the private property owners wtiose property would be affected by the move, all at a cost to the Town of Yelm not to exceed $35,000&00; and, 3 .... That $167,300000 of Referendu.rn 29 funds would st.il1 be available to the 'rown of Yelm on the basis of r~Vised plans necessitated by the increased costs of of the move in order that the project could be completed with those funds. The motion was seconded by Drogseth and passed by a unanimous vote of the GOl.mcil. 0- I.t .was .moved by Drogseth and seconded by t~j'ebb, to waive the $1,0000'-00 bid bond required by the Town of the Contractor. Motion passed unanimouslyo It was moved by Southworth and' secQnded by Webb to adjourn at 5 :'10 P.M. Notion carried 0 Hayor Attest :. /~:-/ ~) /:;7~'~ L~ ~~ge~ Etae, Clerk-Treasurer July 14, 1976 ".~' The regulan meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Council- man George Brown. First order of business was a motion by webb to appoint George. Brown as Mayor Pro TempD~eo The motion was seconded by Lawton and passed unanL~ouslyo Roll can found the following Councilmen present: Webb, Southworth, and Lawton. Visitors- present were John Carpenter, Charles Carpenter, Cddie Kyler, Rex Purdy, Robert Cecil, Charles Cowell.,:I':Don Miller and Ted Schultz. o A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Southworth vouch~rs for 'payment: General Water Garbage City streets to approve the follwwing Voucher # 3~27 - 3180 # 844 - 857 #" 465"- 469 #' 572 - 580 $10,299089 2, 516 co 93 1,606.15 1,441.32 1'1otion carriedo The subject of trees on the Southwest corner of 3rd and Jefferson, creating a traffic hazard, was brought before the vouncilo Attorney Schultz. suggested the City determine if the trees are on street right-of-way, and if they are, the street crew should trim . them to eliminate the problemo to John Carpenter reported the Council a problem of inadequate lighting in the rear of the Chief's Tavern and recommended the Town have the existing street light moved one, pole easterly in the alley. Marshal Purdy concurred, and a committee consisting of Webb, Brown, and Lawton investigated. 'rhe committee recommended the light be moved and a motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Webb instructing the Clerk to contact Puget Powero Motion carried. Oddie Kyler reported on the progress of' the moving of' the Ingham House. . She reported that permits are being obtained anci the agencies affected were being contactedo The contractor and P.N.W.B. and Puget Power are covering the route to make estimates of cost for removing wires. O' -Marshal Purdy reported he had been contacted by citizens of Lawrence Lake West, re- questing police patrol in their areao Attorney Schultz felt it was not legal' _for the police department to patrol outside the Incorporatedlimits of the Towno Purdy also 'presented charts showing the increase in Police Depar~nt work load~ A letter was read by the glerk from the Lions Club requesting permissi~n to use the , streets and park for Prairie Days, July 24 thru July 31,1976. The also asked permission to construct horseshoe pits in the Park. A motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Lawton, authorizing the Lions Club to use the Park and streets and C"bnstruct horseshoe pits. Motion carried. 107 ~lans and a request for 90 deep w~,ll rectifier on 3rd ,$.taieet" bet,. Jefferson by Washington ,Natural das were presented. After discus a motion was made by Webb to approve the project subject to compl specified in a letter from the !own ~ngineer dated July 8, 1976. seconded by SouthwC?rth and passed by"a unanimous vote of the Coun en ,-Yelm Ave. and ion by the Council, ance with conditions The moti on was duly" il. ' A motion was made by Webb and seocnded by .Southworth to adopt Ord nance #202, "AN ORDINM~CE of the TQwn'of Ye1m providing guidelines for implementa ion of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)u. Hotion arried by a unanimous vo e. a . . I 1e1m Branch of the Timberline: library re~port by Nancy Snyder show d an increase in circulation for the month of !une with 571 patrons signing out 25~2 pieces of library materialse On a motion ~ Webb and seconded by Lawton a,t 10 :15 P ..1\11) Attest: , ~-~~ ~~ v ,;- Roger Eide, Clerk-Treasur~r July 28, 1976 The Speci~,l Neeting for ,the purpose of discussing moving of the " ngham House" was called to order at. 9:00 AM with Councilman Southworth, DDogseth, 3rown and ":ebb present., Visitors were Oddie Kyler, LaVonne Hayes, Frank Smith, Scott ~~e son, Ted Schultz and l'1er Ie Curry. I Mayor Coates read a letter fr'om Puget Power listing power line.? involved in the moving of the Ingham Hause. Puget Power made est mates of $95,000.00 with house in ~one part with roof, $47,000000 in one part without. oaf and $21,000.00 in two parts without roof. Mr. $mith of B.J.S.S. passed out papers showing estimates by Paci Cities of Olympia, Tumwater, Lacey and Thurston County. Other co Cablevision, Thurston County Road District, state Highway Dept. sented costs of moving and remodeling. Northwest Bell, were Nationwide Smith also pre- '\ After some discussion the Council decided th~ would need a bette estimate from Pacific Northwest Bell, the state Hight"lay I:epartment, and Ye1m Te .ephone, because the estimates exceeded the funds available to move th~ House. A motion was made by Arnold Drogseth and seconded by Southworth t I adjourn the meeting till 9:00 A.~., Aggast 4,1976 so the Council could have firmer e.timates from Ye1m Telephone, P.NGE., and the state Highway Department., Motion carr-ed. ~ Attestt:Lora B. Coates, ~~-~~ Roger Eide, Clerk~Treasurer ;1 108 August 4, 1976 'The Agjourned t-1eeting of the, Council of th~ TOW!! of "Yelrn was called to. order by George Brown after a motion by Webb and seconded by Drogseth to appoint him Mayo~r Protempore in the absence of Mayor,Coateso Hayor Pro" tempore ,Brown c'a.lled the meeting to order at 9 :00 AM, with the "foll?wing Councilmen present: Webb, Southworth, DDogsetho Vrsitorspresent were Ted Schultz, Fra~k Smith, Oddi~ Kyler, and Lavonne Haye~~ Estimates read were as follows:" Ye1m TelephoneH-$7 ,000pOO~ Pacific Northwe$t Bell 0-,' -$15',000..00, and none from the Sta~e Highway Dept. After 'considering thes.e estimates ,the Council determined the cost of moving the Ingham House ~as"more than the Town' has ,funds for. The 'Council dfuscussed some, alternatives for~f:inancing the project. A Committee of Southworth, Brown 'and Drogseth was appointed" >'t/6' investigate.. There bei-gg no' further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10 :30AM on a m~tion", ~y Drogs"eth and seconded by Webb. :lIo ,\it" ,-)tAl iUh~ George Brown, ., N:ayor Pro Tempo re Attest: .f; 1 t4.? ~~ Cler k-Treas,up.1elS August ll~ 1~76' o o The" Regular Meetingiof the Council of the Town of 'Yelm was called to order by Mayor, Coates at 7:)0 PM with the following" Councilmen present: Webb, Sputhworth, Brown" < :z;,awton, and Drogsethe Visitor~ p'resent were: Ted Schultz, Ed Stevens, Nancy Snyder and Don Barnard. A~~m6ti6n was made to adopt the minutes of the July lU, 28, and August 4 meetings. Motion mad.e by so~tpworthand seconded by Drogseth was passed unanimously. A motion was '"m:ade byW'ebb and se~onded by Drogseth payment: ~ Current Vou # 3181 - 3227 city Streets 581 - 581 Water." ,8.58 - 863 Garbage 470473 to allow the following vouchers for $6,133.44 1,478.82 310.44 1,541882 Motion carried. Ted 'Schulti presented an Escrow Agreement between the Town of Yelm and Reli~ble Str:3el Fabricators wherein the Town would deposit the retained percentage of the water tank contract in the Olympia Br$nch of the Seattle Trust and Savings Bank. Amotion by Brown" and seconded by Drogseth to authorize the Mayor, to sign the agreement and attach a'list of app~vved investments was passed unanimously. Nancy Snyder, Librarian, reported Libra~ circulation at 2216, with 514 patron 0 signatures. Ms.Snyder also reported other activities, participation in th,e Prairie .. Days Parade, and Pre....School story and Fun Time" The Board of Directors of the fi va county Timberland Library system will,:meet in Yelm, Thursday, August 19, for their month)y meeting with the public invited. After reviewing 'the <t:St of reIo/eating and renovating the "Ingham House" a motion was made by Brown to abandon 'all plans for moving the house and to pursue other alternatives for a Community Centgr with the possible use of Referendum 29 funds. The motion Was seconded' br Drogseth and passed by a unanimous vo'te of' the Council" , , Engineer Ed Stevensdfsplayed plans for the next 'phase' of the water improvement program. A ~otion was made by Lawton and seconded ~y Drogseth autr~rizing the Engineer toadvertiee for ~ds. Motion carried. ;' ( / 109 .: t ,\ . ':~ 'I An option to purchase and a permit for exploratory well drilling as received fram Harsco Qorp. and discussed by the'Council. Lawton moved and Brow seconded a motion to authori~e the Mayor ana Clerk to sign the option and per.mit~ otion carried. Webb mov:ed and Dorgseth seconded a motion to authorize the Town gin~er to advertise for bids for drilling an exploratory well and constructing a pump ouse on the property described in Harsco t s opt~'on. Motion carri'ed. . Town Engineer ,Ed STevens read' a letter' from Yelm School District 2 requestirig the Town Engineer to preparep~ans for,the ext~nsion of the water sys em to deliver 1000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per',squar~, inch at the site of th new high school on 'Highway 510', west of Ye1m:. Afterv discu'ssihg the request, a motio,was made by Brown and seconded by Webb to authorize the expenditure of up to $4,000 00 for the employment of Town Engineer, ByrBiieStevens & Associates to prepare designpl's,t specifications and such other engineering documents a.s ',are necessary ~o extend the w ter system to the pro":' posed site of the neW Yelm High School pfQvided that prior to co .encement of such engineering services, Ye1m School District # 2 shall deposit the s of $4,000.00 in the general furid of the 'I'ow of Yelm to cover the cost"of such serne s and in the event the cost of such services are less than $4,000.00 taB difference betw en such sum and the cost 'to the Town of such services shall be refunded to Yelm School Dis rict # 2, and furhher directing the' Town ~ttorney to advise YelJp. School District of the foregoing action by letter. Motion carried.' . '" . ;. .... . , " . I Based on the engirieers recommendation, a motion was made by Brown to make the intersechtmnn of Jr.d and "Jefferson a 4 way stop~ The motion was sectsnded by We band pa.ssed. locating the westerly animously. A motion bY'Lawton requesting the Engiae~r to estimate the cos't 0 ri,ght-of-way,,, line on 3rdStreet was seconded by Brown and passed . .~ ~ . I ~he house riumbering ordinance was 6iscu$sed with two alternatives coordinating the n~bers with Thurston County grid 'system or have an independent s stem. Extending Thurston County numbers to include th~ Town would resu~t in the c, anging of some of the street natl!e,s ':in YelIn. 'The Council felt, they would like to poll t e residents before deciding which option to pursue. A letter from Rural Garb'age 'Service indicated that th~:tJ8 would be no raise in their garbage rates for the next year of the contract. The Council agr ed to exercise the , aut~matic rEinewal ~lause in the contract with Rural Garbage Servi ~. o PM10n amotion by There ,being' ~no further business, the meeting was adjourned at Lawton and seconded by Drogseth. t!~' Lora Be Attest: R~~k-C~/? I .;. '110' Sep~mber 8, ~976 "I .,.; .~~ The meeting was ,called' 't.o orqer 'by ''!-1ayor Cdates at 7 :30. PM.. Roll .Call fciundthe following Councilmen present: Brown, Webb, Lawton; Southworth and Drogseth. Visttors included Bill Miller and Larry OiJos of the Thurston County Parks and Recreation Dept., Jeff Green ~ Daily Olympian, Paul Turner, Bill 150m, Fred Van Camp - Teamsters Union, Lyle Nygren, Rex Purdy, Bill "Trull and Bill TrullJr.. - Bill's Towing, Bob & Cindy Cecil" Jim Lyley ... Tenino Police Dept.," Carol Barnes, Ecf stevens, George Cowles., Don Miller; Ted Schultz, Jon Bellows, Glen Nutter ~ Yeim School.Dist., and Charles Cowell~ , I A motion was made by~ebb and seconded by Southworth to approve the minutes of the August 11., 1976 meeting as written.. Motion carried. o . . On a motion by Webb and seconded by Drogseth the following vouchers ~ere approved for . payment: Current Vou # 3228 .." 3283 Water 864 814 Garbage 474 ~ 481 C1 ty Streets 588 59~''f > Motionpaased by'a unanimous vote of the Co~ncil. After discus~ing the house numbering program and citizen input, a motion was made by Webb and seconded'by Drogseth to number the ho~ses independent of Thurston.CountYe Motion carri~de ' Bill ~ller spoke briefly on the histo~ of the Thurston County Parks and Recreation Dept. Larry".Otos then showed slides of park sites and explained future programs. They' expl~ined the":special levy proposed by the Park Dept., stating that if it passed, the Yelm sh~re could' possibly bi' used for matching funds to provide a cOlTununitycenter. \ $11,023.84 1,025.22 . 1,733.43 2,207eel Mayor Coates appointed Councilmen Lawton, Brown and Drogseth to the salary committee. . ~ Webb moved and Southworth seconded a motion to place Bill',s Towing on the .Mar,shall's list for. a sha~e of towing authorized by the Police Dept. MotiQncarried. . Rex Purdy asked the Council to consider a new Police car, explaining that the present car was unsafe. to drive in its present'.echanical condition. The Council discussed -0"".' leasing or purchase of a new car. La,wtbn moved and Brown seconded amotion to advertise forbiqs for leasing or purchase of a.new car. Webb, Brown, Lawton and Southworth voted yes with DDogseth abs~aining.. Lyle ~gren submitted a claim for damages to his camper caused by the trees over- hanging Yelm Ave. between Railroad and Edwards Streets. A motio~ was made by Brown and seconded by Webb to acknowledge receipt of the claim for da~agesand submit it to the Towniinsurance agent with ~he information that Ye1m Ave9 is a state highway. Motioncarriede - ,~. Mayor Coates read an application for certificfition of the Automotive and Special Services Union Local No. 641, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeur.s,. Warehousemen and Helpers of America as.thebargaining agen. of the Police Department. The matter of the Police officers joining the union was discussed 'by the Council and Mr. Fred Van Camp or Local 461e No action will be taken until a meeting of the Public Employment Relations Cormnission and the rXown Council.. ',. . Dr. Glen Nutter of the Ye1m School District explained that it was illegal to extend the credit of the School District and they cannot pay a cost until it is incurred. Brown moved to rescind the requirement that:: the School deposit funds with the Town Clerk to cover an engineers estimate of the cost. of water to the Horsak site, and to enter into a contract with the School District to prepare specifications and documen~s for a water line to the high school. site on Highway 510~ westerly of'Yelm. The motion was duly seconded by Lawton and passed by a 'un~nimous vote of the Council. ' Water rates~~6r fire protection were discussed by the ~ouncil. Engineer stevens recommended there be no 'charge for water used for fire'bydrants or springkler systems, bllttthat tJ;le Town would not incur any cost of such systems on 'prmvate property. The Council accepted the recommendation of Stevens. The Libra~ report presented by Nancy Snyder indicat~d circulation in August of 2633, with 550 patrons signing out library materials. Ms. Snyder also r~'Ported new library hours effective August 31, 1976. The library will now be open from 12:00 .... 5:00, Tuesday, Wedne$day,. and Thursday, from 6:00 .... 8:00 on Tuesday evenings, and. from 12:00 - 3:00 on Saturda.y. o ~- ':'l. .... '\. [I '~ I I " ," ";ti+: ,~-" . i.;:"!" 1 : 111 Ed stevens read results ~f the bids' opened August 3rd" 1976 and recommended t,hat ~helow bid or $151,881~22 for the pipeline and tank site const uction submitted by W'.B.DaVis Co. of Ol~ia be, accepted. ,A motion' was' made tiy Brown and 'seconded by Drogseth to award t:he contract ,to W.B. Davis'Co., contingent upon' the approval of the Department of Social and Health Servicesf' The motion wa passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. ~ Drogseth "moved to authorize Mayor Coates to sign a Certific,ate . f Right-of-Way pro- -viding' property and easements for the pipe line and water tank onstruction. ' The ~otion " was ~ seconded by Southworth and passed unanimously. , . A motion by'Brown and seconded by Lawton, authorizing the Mayor Clerk 'and Town' At.~o:r.ney to sign Suppl~ental Agreement No.2, fixing engin~ers fees for 1-:- Oon- 'struction Engineering, 2- Construction Documentation, ,)- Constr otion Staking~,and 4- Construction Inspection of all water system improvements lis ed in Department of Social and Health Services grant # 271602403. Passed unanimous y. : Motion was made by Brown and seconded by DrC?gseth, to authorize Byrne...ste~ens.& Assoc. to return bid bonds and write letters to bidders thanking them or partic1pat~ng in the bidding, also to inform 'W.B. Davis Co. of the Gouncil actio awarding the. bid to r.them.Motion carried. There being no further bhsMess, the meeting"was adjourned seconded by Southworth. by Webb and Attest: .~.C~ R0ger Be, Cierk~Treasurer .;., ....}.. October 13, 1976 The regular mee,ting was called to oreier by Mayor Coates at 7 :30 M with the following Councilmen present, Webb, .Southworth, Brown. and Lawton. Visi,tor present included 'William L. Isom, Harry Southworth, Nancy Marc~ana, Davi~i. C. Mohe ley, Jim Prince, -Harold Hab<son, Charles Donaldson, Don Redmond, Mike Cleland, -,Dwight J. aron, Jim Cowell, Jon Bellows, Carole J.' Barnes, Rex L., Purdy, Harry Hutnik, Fred Van amp, Frank Wit~" Samuel . J.Durant, R.G.Geeil, Ted Schultz, Ed Stevens, Jeff Green, Clare ce"Moir, He~an Triplett, Don Miller, Helen Triplett, Charles Carpenter, John Carpenter~ Iv! rj Carmichael, Tom Led- better, James Witto '.~ ' A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Lawton to approve the inutes of the 'September meeting~ Motion carried. Hoti on - was: .made by Southworth al?-d seconded by :Webb to approve the vouchers for payment. with the.except~n of one submitted by Phil Brodsky for $28.32 for on pair of pantse Motion carried. '* see ~elow . ;, L A petition for annexation of a parcel of land bounded py West, Ro d and Old McKenna Highway on the north, Cre~k Road on the East a~d State Highway 507 on th southerly side, was presented by Connie Halstead, Richard al1d Bonnie Littlejohn, and obert and Katherine Wolf wborepresent the owners of' not less '~han 10% of the assessed va ation of the property' to be annexed. ' The Town will require the area to be annexed to ssume their share of bonded indebtedness, and directed the planning commission to pre re a zoning 'plan for the proposed annexation area and furnish it to the proponents to bec taches to the petition. Motion made by Webb and seconded by Southworth. . * Current VOll It 3284 3332 S~e~s ~8 600 Water 815 - 886 ~rbap ~2 ~5 '. .Comni'Uni tySv \9 Cente~ 38 > . , ., , . Ahe,YelmPlanning Commission reported on action taken in their meting of Dct.13,1976. This action~recommended a lot size variance. to permit Clarence M'ir to bUild on part of lots 7 & 8, Hl,tack ,13, McKenzies 1st Addition to "Yelm. After dis ussion" a. motion was made by w;ebb to acc~pt, the recommendation of the Plan1h~ng Commission d allow the lot size 'variance to Mr:., 'lioir $ The motion was ~econd.edby Lawton and. pas eO. by a unanimous vote of the Bouncile A~;~~9n, ~as..a~so taken to" inform Mro' Shippentower t at his conditional use 112, i 'r; permit had expired and that the Town will require him to rem?ve'~he mobil home allowed by the permit. The 1ibra~ report was submitted oy Nancy Snyder, stating a total of 462 patrons signed out 2259 books and other Library materials in September. other activities incl~de School Class visits, a trip to Montesano, Trustees dinner in Che~alis, and a meeting,with the Rainier Senior Citizens. ' ,. . Mayor Coates opened a bid for a police car pe~~} ~ubmitted by Capitol Chevrolet. A lease bid of 36 months at 199.80 With a resid~al of $400~OO ~r a sale bid o~ $6,070.61 with $300.00 trade-in allowance for the 1912 Dodge Polara was read. Mayor'Coates appointed '.0'.. Brown and W~bb to a committee to stddY the bid and make a recommendation to the Council. l' .. 'r _ 0 .. Marshall Purdy asked the Council to replace a "Stop" sign at the intersection of Rhoton Road and Railway Road with a "Yield" sign. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Webb instructingthe Marshal to change the sign~ Carried. Ed Stevens presented a Water System Improvement Project Financial Analysis to the Council. The analysis included the 1974 estimates, the basic contract amounts and an alternate plan. On a motion by Brown and seconded by Lawtod" the Council accepted theal~ernate plan. The ,motion was passed by a unanimous vote ,of the Council. ~ 0 A motion was made by Sowbhworth and seconded by Brown authorizing Ted Schultz to meet with a bonding agen. to prepare a water revenl1e bonde Motion " carried. A committee consisting of Brown and Lawton was appointed by the Mayor to study water rates, to recommend an increase, if necessary, to cover the cost of the bond. The Mayor asked that stevens act as an adviser to the Committee. Stevens read the results of the well bids with K.ncey Hardware of Olympia' the apparent low bidder. stevens recommended the Council accept-~he bid of Kincey Hardwareo Lawton moved ,the Town award the contract to Kincey Hardware contingent on approval of the,State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services. The motion was duly'secdnded by i Southworth and passed by a unanimous vo~e of the Council. ~t~:;~e~r~o:m ~:ss;::~ ~~dW:~~:::.Hie,a; ~::~:::t~~~~::~: ;~~e;~~~~e;ear O~ . to meet with Stevens and outline a six year plan for the Council's approvalo Mayor C:oates announced the unanimous vote of the Police Patrolmen to join the Union and asked for ~omments ,from the visitors. Fred Van Camp of Local,# 461 presented draft # 1 to the Council for their consideration and asked that they sign a contract by Jan. 1, 1977. Ted Schultz explained that the Town could enter into a contract with Thurston bountt for poll~eprotectione S~eriff Redmond presented a brouchure outlin~ng th7 ~eryices performed ,by the Sheriff's office. Redmond also explained the district concept oper~ted by his office. Ted Schultz explained the Title I Public Works Program and the possibi~ity of, getting matching funds for the Community Center. After some discussion, the CoUncil agreed to ask , Thurston Regional Planning to assist in the preparing of an ~pplication. Councilman Lawton moved to authorize a change order in the W.B. Davis contract to pave a road over the easement granted by Thomas & Roberta Longmire and Jan Loutzenhiser, provided that uan Loutzenhiser agrees to pay for the additional costs incurred by the Town and Longmires grant a new easement with conditions agreed upon by them and the Town ~nd rescind , the old easement. Tnemption was seconded by Webb and passed with a una.nimous vote of the Council. . A letter was read from Ralph Provencal r~questing:"pel-mission of the',:Town to, use the Town Hall plans for a city hall and police building ~n Rainier, Wash. Provencal explahed that there would be some modification of the plan's. 'llie Council felt ~he request was valid .0' and should be granted. ' . A letter was read 'rom Mary 'Wagner" Chairman of the Homec'oming parade, requesting a parade permit. Webb moved and Southworth seconded a motion to grant the re~est pro... Vided the parade was he.ld at the time and over the route prescribed in the letter. Motion carried. ~ A bill was submitted by Charles EooAnderson and Assoc. for a ;,land appraisal in December 1974. After di;.scu~sing the account, a motion was made by Brown and seconded by Southworth instruct- , ing,:th~" Clerk to inform Anderson and Assoc. tl?e bill will not be honored by the Council because the expenditure ~as not aUthO~iZed ,by th Council O~dg:ted for. Motion Carried. WLlv'. H JvXI Lara B. Coates, M~or Attest:, '< ~";,, f#~ /~'r;.e;~'~:/T . ,rl ~6ger Eide, Cler~-Treasurer I .1 "I '/ \ I 113 I, ~; : ~l November 10, 1976 The regular meeting of the Council of the ffown of Ye1m was c lled to order by Mayor Coates at 7:)0 PM with the following Councilmen present: Web, Southworth, Lawton, '.Brown and Drogseth. Visitors included R.G. Cecil, Orval Kin, Shirley Ranger, Harold Hobson, John Carpenter, Margret Carmichael, Charles naldson, Vickie Thompson, Robert K. Thompson, Terry Wood, Mrs. Sharon K. Wood, William . Trull, Dennis McCarty, William Isom, Na.ncy Snyder, Rex Purdy, Carol J. Purdy; Mark Hungerford, Barbara Durant Samuel Durant, Michelle O~Neal, Jeff Green, Fred VanCa~p, Ro ert, Jansen, Marlin~Stillin Don'Miller, Ted Schultz, Ed Stevens, ..Barbara Williams, Carol A."Rice, LaVonne Hayes, R0Gert-,d'~-.H'eath',. Glen Douglas,' and Dr. Ggen Nutter. - 0 . - A motion was made by Webb and seconded ''by Drogseth to appr6v' the minutes of the October 8th meeting~ M~t~on carried. A motion was made by Drog~eth to 'allow the folloWing voucher CUrrent Vou. #' 3333- 33.~5 $ 5,944e97 Water 887- 896 70,002.64 Garbage 486- 490 1,814.55, Cit~ Street 609- 616 1,501.57 The motion was duly seconded by Southworth and passed by a u animous vote of the Counci' After discussion of a letter and draft received from Mr. 'Bus ". of the - Animal Control Committee, a motion was made by Drogsetn and 'seconded by Law on to refuse participation by the Town in the Animal Control prog:r:am of.the Committee. .Motion carried. , " the Councilman Brown re'ported a meeting scheduled for November. 1 , between' Engineer and Street Committee to formulate a Six Year Street Plan and sho Id have such a plan for the December Council mee~ingo Parking on Edwards Street was discussed. The problem of too many cars~as brought to the attention 0;( the Councilo Brown moved to limit parking n aiwards from Yelm Ave. to Mosman, to two hours between 8 and 5. The motion was sec nded by Southworth and adopted by the Council. Bob Heath explained'the deterioration of the ceiling in the T .C.B.O.,bu~lding and asked the Town to repair it. Mayor Coates appointed 'Webbran Laliton to: a committee to investigate and report to the Council. ,Brown made a motion to advise Hal Wolf that the Town does that they are the responsibility of the property owners. Southworth and passed unanimously. N:Jmcy Snyder, -Librarian, reported 418 patrons signed out 191 different library ma,terialsduring October., Ms. Snyder also reported the Fami Film Night has been discontinue~ till further Rotice. The library also 'sponsore a Hallow~en program October 30th with approximately 30 children taking part. put in sidewalks, and motion was seconded by Marshal Rex Purdy requested 2 dispatchers at $300.00 'per mon I, also a $50.00'raiae for Charles Cowell, Whe money was made available by the resi ation of Jon Bellows. After Some discussio~ by the Council, a motion was made by L ton and seconded by' Webb, 'to allow the expenditure. Motion carried unanimously. Marshal Purdy- also asked the Council for a decision on wheth the Town will di.sband the Police Department and contract for service with Thurston ounty. Several visitors spoke on the importance of the Town maintaining their own Po .ce Dept. Ron Lawton stated that he had been pr~senteq with a petition concerning his matter, but'did not present it to the Council. The Mayor.appointed Ron Lawton, nold, Drogseth and the Town Attorney on a commfttee, to mtiet' with Mr. VanCamp of the. nion to begin negotiation: on the salary schedule. ' Ed Stevens showed the Council plans for the water line enenson'to the new High School site. ~he Council felt the plan was acceptable if the scqool was satified with the same. Mayor Coates appointed Brown to work with the Engine~r to negotiate eas~ments along the proposed route. stevens also-presented a bill for part of the work completed and asked the T~wn to present it to the School Southworth moved to accept the recommendation of the Blanning Cammissio~ to grant- a variance to Marlin Stillings to move a trailer onto Lot 4, 'lock 17, McKenzie's 1st Addition. The motion was seconded by Brown and unan~ous y adopted. Councilman Drogseth'moved to ~ccept the Planning Commission's zoning recommendation for the proposed annexation. ")'lbe motion was seconded by Webb and passed unanimously. "Brown moved and Webb seconded a mot~on to adjourn the Novembe~ ~Oth meeting until 114 November 24th at 7 :30 PM in the Council Chambers at the City Hall in Ye1m, ,~.Ja. Motion passed. November 24, 1976 The adjourned meeting of.the Council of. Yelm was called to order at '7:,)0 Pm by Mayor Coates wi th~:;the following Councilmen present: Southworth) Webb'- Lawton" Brown and Drogseth. The following visitors signed the register, Marty Fprtin, Michelle O'Neal, .0..... Bill O'Neal, Dorothy Hobson, Harold HObsen, R.G.Cecil, Dave Humphrey, Sally Reed, . Charles Donaldson, William Isom, Robert Jansen, Fred Van Camp, .Marlin Stillings, Don Barnard, Cy Grimes, John Carpenter, Don Miller, Sam 1urant, Barbara Durant, Carol Purdy, Rex Purdy, Charles Cowel!" Dennis McCarty, Oraval.King, Ed S~evens and Ted Schultze ' Ted Schultz reported on the meetings of the negoti:atin'g comniittee, consisting of Lawton, Drogseth and himself, and Fred Van 'Camp of the Union Local #461. Meetings were held November 16 & 24th. Points negotiated .were discussed With the Council and Ted Schultz was instructed to prepare a contract for consideration by the Council and L9cal # 461. Ted Schultz read a proposed water contract with Yelm School District # 2e Lawton moved to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the contract for a water extension to the site of the new high school (Horsak Site)_ The motion was seconded by Drogseth and passed by a unanimous' vote of the Council. Ed Stevens reported that the well driller is at 115 ft., with a dry hole. :A1'ter a meeting of the Geologist, Stevens, ByrnepBrown, it was' decided that water would- be found at 200 to 230 feet. Lawton moved to approve a change order 'in the contract with K~ncw to continue,..i! necessary, to a depth of 230 feet. The motion' was duly seconded ' by Brown and"passed with a 'unanimous vote of the Council. Marlin Stillings~asked to speak: to the COuncil ~egardlng the water ~~he ,easement through .'tthe Longmire and Loutzenhiser propertiesa . Mr. Stillings advised the Council that he owned property adjacent to and westerly of the Longmire propertyOand that he objected to the '0- water lip.e easement '?-Jbeing located in the. manner done with westerly boundary of that' '.. easement being five 'feet easterly of the quarter section line which is the boundary line separating his property from. the Longmire propertyo Mr. Stillings stated that he felt '. such practice was not in the best intereitof the Town, because it might have the effect of placing ,control of.future connections to the water line in the hands of private property owners if private easements are required to reach the public water line easement. Mr. Stillings also advised the Council he was appearing on behalf of Jan Loutzenhiser who now resides in San Francisco, to determine the'posi~ion of the Council 'on replacing the private road in the water line easement area.' Mr.Stillings stated that lVlrs.Loutzenhiser gave the, Town an easement for the water line running across ner pr?perty (about 660') after it was represented to her that the road would be replaced and improved from Third Street to her property line, and in right. of 'the cbst of that iinprovement" which she 'understood was being made in .consideration for ~the grant of an easement by the Longmires, she believes that the road down to her home should also be replaced and improved in the same manner. Engineer Stevens estimated the tost of replacing the road the additional length would be approximately " $1342.00. Councilman Brown stated that he believed the road had been hard"surfaced at one time by 'Thurston County. After some(:~:c!li:scussion, no action was taken and the matter was deferred until the next meetingo 0 . . Them being nq further business, the meeting was adjourned. o " ':Att~st.: ~~~ ~ger ide, Clerk-Treasurer '.1'.....-..- 4 J<.... 1. ' -"I -. ...;... ..... I' 115 December' 8, 1976. The regular meeting of the Council of the To~r,1;, ~f.>Yelm was ca -led to order by Mayor Coates at 1:30 PM with the following Councilmen'present: Brow, Drogseth, and Lawtone. Visitors included Ted Schultz, Ed stevens, Bob Jacobson, Will am Isom, Nancy Snyder, MichelleOINeal, Cindy Beery, Robert Jansen, Fred Van Camp~ chie McLean, Larry Falle, Robert Cecil, Roberta Longmire, Glen Nutter, Don Miller, Rex dy, Carol Purdy, and Ivlargret ',Carmi'chael. - c A motion was made by Lawton to allow the following jouchers: . Current 3376 3423 10,148.95 Water 899 - 912 45,420.06 . City st~eet 617 625 2,057.54 Q~r~age 491 - 498 1,699.95 The motionwaa seconded by Brown and passed by a unanimous vo e of the Council. Nancy Snyder, Librarian, reported circulation of 2343 and 502 patrons signing out library materials. Ms. Snyder Also rioted other activities of ,the Library..., A motion was made by Drogseth' and seconded by Lawton approvin and confirming the ?-ppointment of Ann Zembas as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. The mot on was passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. Archie McLean spoke briefiy on the proposed water revenue bon. Because the final dollar amou~t was not known, he suggested the Council wait un il the Dec~ 28th meeting for his resolution and proposal. . Lawton moved and Brown seconded a motion authorizing AttoDney Schultz to draw .a contract between the Town and Local 461 of the Teamsters Union to be p esented to the Council on Dec. 28, 1916. Motion carried. Engineer Ed Stevens asked the Council for some direction in r surfacing the easement are for Loutzenhiser and Longmire., After discussion, a motion wa made by.Brown to re- surface a minimum of 10 feet wide, with asphalt, from enginee station 46+00 to 55+15 as describ~d on sheet 4 of 11 of the Water System Improvement Project for the Town of Yelm, prepared by Byrne-Stevens and Associates, and dated Jun 1975, and authorize.the ,Mayor to sign a change order to accomplish the foregoing. Th motion died for lack of a second. A motion was ~ade by Drogseth to resurface with a minimum of Station 52+60 to 55+15 on the Loutzenhiser easement, as descr Water System Improv~ment Proi9,ect prepared by Byrne-Stevens &' ~:rcvided JanLoutzenhiser will bear the difference in the cos rock-and direct the Mayor or C1erkto contact Mrs. Loutzenhis seconded by Lawton and passed by a unanimous vote of the Coun o feet wide a~phalt from , bed on sheet 4 of 11 of th ssociates dated June 1915; over 2 inches of crushed Th~ motion was duly Engineer Stevens presented bid results for Yelm Well Pumps an Pumphouse # 2 with Kincy Hardwa;re the apparent. low bidder at $36,.914.6ge Bid,s f a diesel mot~br were also listed with Pacific. 'Diesel Co. low with a bid of $7,551. \) Both bids were under the Engineer's estimate. Stevens recommended no action be ta n until the well is . complete;. . , A motion was made by Brown and seconded by'Drogseth to accept Bill of Sale foX' the / water and street facilitie~inKingsview di~sion 4 as soon a it is'in the form approved by Attorney Schultz and Byrne-Stevens & Assoce Passe by unanimous vote. was made by Lawton A motion to authortze the .Mayor and Clerk to execute a contrac~ with Yelm SChOOl. Dist. #'2 to extend the water main to the site of the new high scho ~ (Horsak site), "fh~t the form of the agreement pnesented to the Council, providing. hat W.B. Davis ConstructU C09" will accept . payment wi thin 45 days after billing the Town f Yelm for the work done on that project. In the event such an agreement cannot be rea hed with the contractor, the contract between the Town of Yelm and School District # 2~>ill be changed'~o con- form with existing payment schedule with the contractor and pr vide that the agreement in the fbrm~hen presented is approved for execution by Yelm S hool District # 2. The motion was ,seconded!bY Brown and passed by a unanimous vote of: the Council. . . ' Amotion was made by Brown and seconded by'Lawton to adopt Ord nance It 203 l.tAN ORDINANCE determining the -estimated amount to be raised by aci, valorem ta es for. the Town of ;,Yelm for -the fiscal year 1971 ; fixing the' 'amount' of ad valorem taxe to -be i~vied for the Town of Yelm for th~.' fiscal year 1917; and declaring, an emerge cyft. Carried.' , , ; .,' '. , r, ' Drogsethmade, and Brown seconded a motion to' adopt Ordinance 204 UAN ORDINANCE re- lati?g to the expenditure of municipal funds; providing for'th appropriation and trans~ fer of funds; amending Town of Yelm Ordinanc~ fI'198, and the T wri budget for the '116 calendeh year 1976 adopted thereby; an~ de'claring an emergency. Motion carried by al unanimo~s vote 0 On a' motion by Lawton and seconded by Drogseth the Town adopted Ordinance # 205 "AN ORD INANCE 'of the Town of Yelm relating to the munfcipal water supply system of the Town, 'providing new definitions, establishing new water service rates,~and amending Town' of Yelm Ordinance No. 166, as amended by Town of Yelm Ollidinance No. 183, and chapter 13.04 of the Yelm Hunicipal Code.1I Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Co'Uncill!) Lawton submitted a dentist bill for Jon Bellows for damage to teeth in the line of duty. The Clerk stated ~e had contacted Washington Physicians'and the Department of Retirement Sy;stem,LEFF Division and that ,!vir. Bellows was not covered by either.. A motio,n wa's made by Lawton ..and seconded by Drogseth regog- nizing the statement as a claim against the Town and instructing ~e Clerk to refer to the Town Insurance Carrier. Motion passed.. \[]-:'~~,: .ii i: Amotion was made by Drogsthand seconded by Lawton to adjourn the meeting till December 28, 1976 at 7 :)0 PH. Motion passed. December 28, 1976 0 The adjourned ,meetin5 W~S .called to order by Mayor Coates at 7;30 PM with the following Council-mea present: Brown, Webb, Lawton, and Drogseth" Visitors present were Ted Schultz, Fred Van Camp, Rex Purdy, Carol Purdy, Michelle O'Neal, Ciddy Berry. On a motion by Lawton and seconded by Brow~, the Council adopted Ordinance #206, "AN ORDINANCE approving and'adopting the Town of" Yelm Budget for the calendar year 19773" Motion carried with a unanimous vote of the Council. A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Lawton to pay vouchers presented by the Clerk" Motion carried. A motion was made by Lawton to pay Thomas & Roberta Longmire $450.00 for an ease- ment and .to provide posts'and ~eflectors to de fiRe the right-of-way line of the east side of the easement. 11otion was seconded by Brown and passed with a un- animous vote of the Council. 0', , ~. ;. . The Phlice contract with the Union was reviewed by the Council. Drcgseth moved and Lawton seconded a motion authorizing the Mayor ~d Clerk to execute the contract as read" Motion carried. Lawton moved ~o pay dental expenses incurred by Jon Bellows wh~le in the line of duty on the Police Department. The motion was seconded by -.nrogse-th---ana--passede A. motion was made by Brown to refund the money JanLoutzenhiser paid 'for paving the road .'over the easement !-1rs..Loutzenhiser gr~"nted to the 'rown" After discussion by the Council, ~he ~otion died for lack of a second. I A motion by Brown to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute, on behalf of the Town, a contract wi th Ye~, .Schpol District # 2 substantially in the form of the agreement redrafted by the School Distr.ict~Attorney, John Binns, and presented to the meeting, provided that the Town Clerk shall have first received conditional delivery of the rights-of-way easements over the Horsak and Longmire properties. Motion was seconded by Drogseth~~nd passed by a una~ous vote of the Council.' -: It was moved by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton., to reject all bids received. for' a Police car and instruct the Clerk to return ~ll bid bonds. -Motion passed.. . Motion was made by Webb and seconded by Lawton to accept a petition concerning 0 uncertain boundaries and sighed by not less than five emectors of the Town. '!he ,.J} motion "also directed the, Mayor to write a letter to the Thurston County Commissioners requesting them to make the boundaries definite and certain. MQ~ion passed and car~iedG Moved by ~awton, seconded by Drogseth to adjourn Attest: g a~:~PM. f. Carried. I) (~,?J Coates, Mayor ~. , ~ c~-L ~ oger ide, Cle~k-Treasurer